Step by step drawing of a kitten. An easy way to learn how to draw a pet cat with a pencil step by step

Step by step drawing of a kitten. An easy way to learn how to draw a pet cat with a pencil step by step

Continuing the topic of four-legged friends, this lesson will be about how to draw a kitten in stages. In the last lesson, we looked at the leopard as a representative of the feline. You can draw a kitten just as quickly and easily. Easy 5 steps.

Let's start studying.

How to draw a kitten with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's outline the approximate placement of the kitten on a piece of paper. You can even mark the approximate working area with lines. Draw a shape for the head. It resembles a hexagon shape. It is not worth making a round one, since our cat is woolen and leather is not visible. Divide it in the center with a vertical line.

Step two. Draw a shape for the torso. It can be rectangular or in the shape of a cylinder, whichever is more convenient for you. On top of the head we will make two lines, at the level of which the kitten's ears will be located. Draw a horizontal line in the center, which will indicate the level at which the eyes will be located later.

Such a drawing should not be difficult even for novice artists.

Step three. We draw the nose and mouth. Let's also make a triangular shape for the ears. Mark with lines the place where the kitten's legs will be located.

Step four. Draw round eyes like Pokemon Pikachu. The kitten stands sideways and only two legs are fully visible. Let's draw shapes for them. We'll do the other two later. Let's add a ponytail.

Step five. Let's roughly outline where the other two legs of the kitten will be placed. Draw two lines and a chin on the head.

Write your thoughts about this lesson, and also show your drawn kittens. If you don't show your drawing, any criticism is not accepted =)

Lesson how to draw a kitten with a pencil prepared

TrustNo1 Especially for DayFan.

How to draw a cat? This question may arise not only for novice artists or children, but also for people who are very fond of these animals. Especially often it can be owners who want to capture their or their favorites not just in a photo, but in a drawing.

To draw a cat with a pencil for beginners, you need to do it in stages. The same applies if the child wants to draw the animal. Step by step drawing is a technique that will allow you to depict anything you want. With it, you can easily, puma, or stone. By the way, these and other materials are available or will soon appear on the site. If you don't want to miss it, subscribe to updates .

How to draw a cat for kids

Cats are a popular character in many cartoons, children's books, comics. Therefore, these animals are familiar to children almost from their very birth. It is not surprising that a child, when he is learning to draw, will want to portray a cat or a cat.

To draw a cat step by step with a pencil for children, we will use simple shapes. Here are some reasons why we will do this:

  1. A rough wireframe allows you to pre-determine the position of an object in a drawing.
  2. Supporting shapes help with proportions.
  3. The number of fixes is decreasing.
  4. Help build perspective, etc.

These and other advantages of phased drawing greatly increase the artist's chances of successfully completing his drawing.


Since we are talking about how to draw a cat in stages for children, we will depict it in a "cartoon" style. It will allow the animal to "play" with standard proportions and anatomy. A child, and even more so a baby, does not need to know these subtleties. Of course, over time, he will receive this knowledge. But for now, the very process of drawing should bring him pleasure.

So, around the middle of the sheet, draw a circle. On top of it, draw an oval, elongated horizontally. In this case, the lower side of the figure should slightly cover the circle at the top. Pay attention to the aspect ratio of the elements. Also, divide the oval into two halves by drawing a curved line roughly in the middle.

Thus, we got a groundwork for the head and body of the cat. Now let's draw the ears for our character. To do this, draw two curved lines from the oval as shown in the image below. Note that in this case you need to erase with the eraser the lines that were under the ears of the animal.


The next thing we need to draw is the animal's face. Since we have chosen the "cartoon" style, we will give the cat a certain playfulness and playfulness. To do this, leave one eye open and the other closed. The latter will be depicted using a convex arc to the top. Below, between the eyes, draw a triangle with rounded edges and two arcs that come out of the bottom corner of the figure. So we got to fall.

Let's add some details. Add highlights to the inside of the open eye to make the pupil more vivid. You can read more about drawing an eye in our article about . Although it discusses the depiction of human eyes, this knowledge can also come in handy when drawing animals. At the same stage, draw several short tendrils and a tongue.

Paws and limbs

The next thing we will depict is the limbs and body of the animal. To depict the cat's left front paw in relation to us, draw two curved lines as shown. Notice that a small line is drawn at the bottom - the torso. Since our character has his tongue sticking out, we will bring the front paw to him. Thus, the drawing will look like the cat is washing.

Draw the other front leg in a different way. Find the middle of the circle horizontally and, stepping back slightly from the right edge, draw a curved line downward. Step back from the line and drag another in the same direction. As a result, the ends of the lines should connect. Also, draw another line from the head of the animal, indicating the body of the animal.

From the short and long lines drawn, draw the hind legs of the character. To make this more believable, observe your pet, if any. Otherwise, look for pictures of sitting cats on the internet. Fortunately, such pictures and photos simply flooded the worldwide network.

The final stage

For the final step of how to draw a cat in stages with a pencil for children, paint over the pupil of the cat and depict the tail. The latter in our case will be on the left in relation to the side of the viewer.

Erase all the auxiliary lines and work on the outline of the drawing if it is uneven or too thick in some places. Alternatively, you can color the animal using paints, felt-tip pens, or crayons. We recommend using the latest tools, as in case of defects and mistakes, they can be erased with an eraser, leaving the drawing unharmed. The same cannot be done with paints or markers.

Cats are not able to climb down from a tree or other object upside down. This is due to the device of the animal's claws, which are able to hold it in only one direction. Therefore, the animals have to go down, backing away.

How to draw a cat for a beginner

To draw a cat with a pencil for beginners, we will also use a phased drawing of individual parts. Also, this time we will be using a more realistic style. Of course, at first, for novice artists, the character will still not look realistic enough, but with time and experience such skill will surely come.

Before starting work, you need to determine the following positions:

  • what position the animal will be in;
  • what character the beast will have;
  • age and gender;
  • dimensions, etc.

These and other factors will directly affect the character you end up with. In the previous case, for example, we used the "cartoon" style, but we still understand that on paper it turned out more like a kitten than an adult.

Supporting figures

First, let's draw a large oval and a circle on top. We will use them to designate the body and head of the animal, respectively. Pay attention to their positions and sizes. This is important, as it determines whether your drawing is realistic enough. Also, do not forget that this is just a rough draft that will serve as a support for you. There is no need for an eraser at this stage. Of course, if you draw with a pencil.

Now let's work on the circle. Draw one horizontal and one vertical lines that will intersect, dividing the shape into 4 parts. Please note that they are by no means even. Draw them by hand without using a ruler.

Above the tops of the divided circle, draw some kind of triangles, the lower sides of which will be concave. With these shapes we will mark the ears of our animal. Draw a smaller circle inside the large circle. To find the correct position, refer to the previously drawn lines. Divide this circle into 4 parts as well.

At the final stage of preparing the frame for our drawing, we will depict the front legs. For this we use several ovals of different sizes. Partly for the sake of the correct effect from the picture, partly out of slyness, we will hide one of the legs under the body. So we will have to draw less and not really care about making the limbs look alike.

Many novice artists who are just trying their hand at depicting a human face are often faced with the problem of not the sameness of eyes and other character traits. In this case, some of them go for tricks and add additional elements to them (glasses, bandages, scars, long bangs, etc.). This method is justified in certain cases. However, its constant use will slow down the development of the artist.

Working on details

Now that the wireframe for our character is ready, let's start working on other details:

  • muzzle;
  • wool;
  • paws;
  • Colour.

The last of the elements is optional when it comes to drawing a cat with a pencil step by step for beginners. However, a color drawing tends to evoke more associations with reality than a black and white image. Although it all depends on the skill of the person who is working on the picture.

So, let's draw a face. Or rather, the eyes and nose of the animal. To do this, use the two reference lines that you drew before. Since we are drawing our character with perspective in mind, the eyes will be slightly different in size. In reality, cats have three eye shapes:

  1. Slanting.
  2. Round.
  3. Almond-shaped.

We will use the first and most common type. In the future, when you want to draw a cat step by step yourself, you can choose any other shape, especially if the animal is an acting character of a cartoon or fairy tale. We have no purpose to portray him as such.

The cat's nose, as in the previous version, is drawn in the form of a triangle with rounded corners. Note its position relative to the centerlines of the head.

Now adjust the shape of the eyes and nose. From the latter, draw two curved lines that will indicate the cat's mouth. At an equidistant distance from the nose, set several points for the mustache. They do not have to be exactly nine pieces, as in our picture. Put as much as you want, but don't overdo it.

As you noticed, at the same stage you need to work on the character's coat. Note that we are not just tracing the wireframe, but we are building a path around it or next to it. Please note that cats can be with smooth hair that lies on the body, or fluffy, in which every hair strives to jump out. There are also bald cats, but we will not draw them. At least not this time.

Since we want to draw a cat in stages for beginners, to depict the paw closest to us using a few simple lines. Our cat is calm in this case. She has no cause for alarm or concern. Therefore, she does not need to draw claws.

Pay attention to the ears of the animal as well. In front of them there is a characteristic fluff that covers part of the auricle.

The final stage

At the final stage, we will pay attention to the small details of the cat: the mustache and eyebrows. Rather, the likeness of a mustache and eyebrows. Also, be sure to erase all reference lines and wireframes. Otherwise, they will spoil the whole effect. If you drew a cat in stages with a pen, then you should shade all the places in stages.

If you were drawing with a pencil, then use an eraser. You can also colorize the resulting image. But, again, this is completely optional. As a result, you will have a completely realistic cat.

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Puss in boots from a favorite fairy tale or a favorite domestic cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures, drawn with a pencil or paints, can be a good decoration for a child's room. But to be right draw a cat, let's first learn how to draw such a cat in stages with a pencil. If you get this drawing of a cat, you can try drawing your favorite cat or kitten.

1. Let's start drawing a cat with simple outlines

To draw a cat more accurately, it is better to learn to do it in stages, making simple outlines in the first steps. Start by drawing a circle for the head, and add another circle just below for the torso, a little larger. Then draw another circle at the very bottom of the drawing. To immediately see that this is a drawing of a cat, you need to draw two lines of the front paws.

2. Draw the outlines of the paws and ears

So that you do not "get confused" at this step, first draw the outlines of the legs, and then the ears. It is not difficult at all, and now you see that it remains only to draw the line of the back and we can say that the drawing of the cat has "appeared".

3. Drawing of a cat. General outline

Begin this drawing step by drawing the head. Draw a small circle for the cat's face and extend the outline of the back to the hind leg. Now all that remains is to draw the outlines of the front paws, and move on to the next step.

4. Detailing the drawing

This stage is not difficult, but as always it requires attention. Begin by carefully removing all unnecessary lines. Now you just have to draw the cat's face in detail. Draw the bottom oval and two symmetrical arches for the eyes. And also draw a mouth and a nose inside the contour of the muzzle, you can in the form of the letter "X".

5. The drawing is almost complete

Now that you're almost done draw a cat, add a few more details. It is quite easy to draw two more "arcs" for the eyes, only now in a mirror image. The pupils of the cat are narrow, like slits, and only when it gets dark do the slits open. That is why the cat can easily distinguish objects in the dark. Draw two lines of the nose from the eyes, and all that remains is to draw the claws on the paws. By the way, do you know how many claws a cat has on its front legs? No, not five, but four. But on the hind leg there are five.
Always start with what you think is easier to do. Probably, drawing the ears is not difficult at all, only two lines and the ears are drawn. What else is easy to draw with a cat? Of course, a cat's whiskers, so draw them. The most difficult thing is to draw the eyes, you need not to be mistaken with the size, make sure that they are on the same line and the same. In addition, you need to make "highlights" in the eyes so that the cat looks like a real one, but this is already at the last step, when you will paint the cat.

6. How to draw a cat with a simple pencil

Now that you've completely finished draw a cat, add some shadows in the picture. Shadows will add volume to the picture, and the cat will look more realistic and attractive. To prevent the cat from looking lonely in the picture, you can draw several objects next to it, for example, "put" it on the windowsill.

7. The drawing of the cat was made on a graphic tablet

I made this drawing on a graphic tablet, nevertheless, the cat turned out to be of an indefinite color, but this is the kind of cat that lives in my house. You can make the coloring of the cat in the color you like best, or just shade the drawing with only a simple soft pencil.

If you have a cat at home, then you know that outwardly the cat is different from the cat. She is smaller than a cat, her muzzle is small, and not such a brazen look. Something like this picture taken on a graphics tablet.

Tigers belong to the cat family, more precisely felines, and before drawing it try draw a cat... The cat has the same body structure and even the gait is very reminiscent of tiger's grace. And sometimes a mustachioed cat's face, exactly like a tiger, with the same predatory and contemptuous look.

The lion is one of the largest carnivores in the feline family. Drawing it is not easy, if only because we rarely see a lion, and although the cat looks like a lion, it is still not a lion. The picture of a lion from the first drawing lesson may not work, then take a closer look at your cat first and draw it first. Then it will be easier for you to complete the drawing of a lion.

In this lesson we will learn how to draw a rabbit. In some ways, he also looks like a cat, although of course there are many differences. But if you managed to draw a cat correctly in stages, then it will be easier for you to draw a rabbit.

A kitten is more difficult to draw than an adult cat, since a kitten cannot be made to sit still for even a minute. Therefore, drawn pictures of kittens "from nature" are quite rare. The only way to draw a kitten, and a cat too, is only asleep.

Already painted +12 I want to draw +12 Thank you + 222

In this lesson, we will show you how to correctly and beautifully draw a kitten with a pencil step by step. We have prepared 12 step-by-step photo video lessons for you. We are sure that thanks to our tutorials you will 100% draw a kitten with your own hands.

How to draw a cute kitten with a pencil step by step for beginners

  • Step 1

    In order to draw it correctly, you need to figure out what it is made of. What, from what, what are our kittens made of? .. Naturally, from the head, carcass, legs (4 pcs.) And tail. All forms are very simple: the body and front legs resemble sausages, the hind legs are sausages with lentils attached to the upper, the head is a flattened ball, the ears are rounded triangles.

  • Step 2

    Now we connect the parts together. Naturally, we do not stupidly apply one to the other - this is not a Soviet teddy bear of that manufacture! And the kitten's paws are not nailed. They need to be increased. Imagine that you are sculpting it from plasticine - you make a body, a foot, and then press it into the body with the upper part and lubricate the junction with your finger. So it is here. The transition from the body to the legs should be smooth, do not forget that the kitten still has to walk and jump on them! If the muzzle is half-turned, then the far ear needs to be turned: it will become Narrower, and the inside of the ear will hardly be visible.
    To make the picture look more lively: do not draw with straight lines! Also, don't draw the entire object with one simple arc. Look at the near front foot: it is not straight, not concave or arched, it bends in both directions!

  • Step 3

    Now we add eyes and a nose. We draw them in the lower part of the head, leaving the kitten more room for the brains (brains will be useful to him in life). We draw the eyes almost on the same level with the nose, in fact, the inner corners of the eyes and the lower corner of the nose form an obtuse triangle. Do not forget that the head is not round, but spherical. That is, it is three-dimensional, so even at the slightest turn there will be slight distortions.

  • Step 4

    Draw the pupils following the Caracal tutorial. Gently guide the nose, eyes, outline the eyebrows and mouth (this way you can make the muzzle more expressive).

  • Step 5

    Now the contour and features of the faces .. muzzle! ready. But he shouldn't be bald! This is not a Sphynx, this is an ordinary kitten. You need to make it woolen. Therefore, before drawing the fur, I wipe the clear dark outline of the kitten. Well, I paint the eyes, I like to do it. Dark on top, light arc below, white glare above.

  • Step 6

    Now you can make the outline woolen. We draw in place of the old contour of the hair. Draw the ponytail carefully. Many people like to immediately draw a broom, the shoby was more magnificent and more beautiful. In fact, a thin, tapering tail looks much more touching!

  • Step 7

    The tedious part is shading the kitten with hairs. At the same time, we make sure that the hairs grow in the right direction, do not continue each other and do not merge. You can make a few stripes on the tail and leave a white breast.

  • Step 8

    Woolen but flat. As if covered in texture. Ugly. Volume needs to be added! We add it along the edges of the legs, body, head, with neat semicircular strokes. We hatch from edge to middle in an arc! Select the arched stripes. The far foot should be made darker than the near one. Also, you can put shadows on the paws above the toes and above the triangular nose. We paint over the ears in the depths.

  • Step 9

    Now, it's already beautiful! Now we strengthen all the shadows, because there are still few of them. If you get a very dark place somewhere, lighten it with a nag. And along the edges we add random thin hairs to liven up the picture. Do not forget about mustaches: they grow on the muzzle near the nose, on the eyebrows and in the ears. Well, we need to put it on the surface, then a shadow will come to our aid, if there is no time or desire to come up with something else

  • Step 10

    From the same simple shapes, combining them, bending, you can make up various poses. It's okay if the sketches are sloppy, you can always draw 5 pieces, select the most successful one and redraw it for a clean copy.

Video: how to draw a face with a pencil

How to draw two kittens with a pencil step by step

How to draw a sleeping kitten

How easy it is to draw a lying kitten

  • Step 1

    In the first stage, we determine the position of the cat's head and its shape. The shape of the head in cats ranges from a round head like a Persian cat to an elongated and angular head like a Siamese. Draw the skeleton of our cat from the head to the tip of the tail. On average, the body length of a cat without a tail is 60 cm, and the length of the tail is 25-35 cm. So, approximately, we estimated that a third of our line is a cat's tail.

  • Step 2

    We draw an oval at the fold of the line, which will designate the animal's chest. We also draw a circle on the line of the skeleton, denoting the hip part of the hind leg with it. On the "future face" of the cat, with a thin, barely noticeable line, we denote a cross, which in the future will help us draw eyes, mouth and nose.

  • Step 3

    We draw three legs. Those that we will see. We won't see the fourth behind the cat's body. On the cross, we will draw beady eyes, a heart-shaped nose and a mouth with a downward bend, as shown in the figure.

  • Step 4

    The most difficult and responsible one. We breathed in and held our breath: it is necessary to carefully draw the body and tail with a smooth line, starting from the head. In this case, you need to carefully go around the skeleton in the part of the tail and go around the legs. Hurray, exhaled!

  • Step 5

    Well, now you can turn on your imagination: we draw our cat's ears and fluffy fur on the chest. On the "face" we outline the eyes, nose, highlight the mouth brighter.

  • Step 6

    We continue to fantasize. Add fur on the back, give a more regular shape to the tail. We carefully draw the ears.

  • Step 7

    The cat's motto: "Whiskers, paws and tail - these are my documents." Paws and tail are already there. So mustache!

  • Step 8

    Well, now you know how to draw a Lying Kitten with a pencil step by step!

Video: how to draw a lying black kitten

How to draw a playing kitten

How to easily draw a kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a kitten on a tree

How to draw a cartoon kitten with a pencil step by step

How to draw a little kitten with a simple pencil

Video: draw a kitten while sitting with a pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten using a pencil

Video: draw a fluffy kitten with a simple pencil

How to draw a fluffy kitten with colored pencils

  • Step 1

    Draw a sketch

  • Step 2

    We take blue and paint over the eyes, black pupils. Pink paint over the nose.

  • Step 3

    Paint over the eyes with dark blue and white, and burgundy for the nose.

  • Step 4

    We begin to hatch the muzzle with gray and yellow. We take a pen that does not write and draw in the place where the antennae should be, then when we completely paint over the hair, the antennae will be realistic and they will not be painted over.

  • Step 5

    Paint over the wool with light brown.

  • Step 6

    Take a dark brown color and continue shading the fur, paint over the ears with pink and yellow.

  • Step 7

    Using the pen in the ear, draw the wool in different directions, paint over with gray and dark brown.

  • Step 8

    We continue to draw white wool with a pen, then paint over with white.

  • Step 9

    We shade the wool with gray and light brown.

  • Step 10

    Add a little yellow and brown.

  • Step 11

    Add dark brown

  • Step 12

    Start shading with black and add some blue to the white wool.

How to draw a cute kitten with colored pencils

Video: how to draw a realistic kitten

Now we have a lesson in drawing a cute little kitten, or how to draw a sleeping, fluffy, white, cute kitten with a pencil step by step.

Here is our original.

We need to determine the direction of the head, so draw a circle and guidelines to show the middle of the head and the location of the eyes. We divide each half of the straight line (where the eyes should be located) into three parts. And with one more small straight line on the guide (central), we show the location of the nose. We do all this by barely pressing on the pencil, so that later these lines can be easily erased.

Draw the shape of the kitten's head.

Draw the body of the kitten. I start to draw the back, then the position of the paw under the head of the kitten, the tail and the thigh.

Now we erase the contours and make an imitation of wool with short lines of different lengths and directions, apply shadows on and around the nose, a little around the eyes.

We also do with the back, tail, additionally making shadows on the muzzles and under the head. I applied lines on my head, which I then blend and erase partly with an eraser, they will not be visible. I will do the same with other sites.

At this stage, I still decided to sharpen a soft pencil and made the contours of the fur bold, darkened the ear areas. Since this drawing is not for an exhibition, you can use your finger for shading (although this is not recommended, because traces remain and the drawing looks dirty), but for a draft version you can. Look at the original, now it is important to convey the shadows, catch where they are. So, let's start with the area near the head (we'll figure it out later), the shadow is on the paw and on the body, do shading and shade. There are transitions, you can additionally apply hatching to create darker areas, and for lighter ones, use an eraser. Our tail is dark and the area at the junction of the leg and tail (I hope you understand where this is) also has a dark shade, and the thigh itself is light from above, light falls on it. Therefore, we hatch just above the tail on the thigh and rub, grabbing the entire thigh. We take an eraser and erase with the edge, where there should be a light area, and also a little lower, as you do the strokes, and use the eraser to make it look like wool. If you open a larger picture, you will see them. In general, the principle is the same as we or. Then, with a pencil, darken the area of ​​the junction of the tail and paw. Don't forget about the butt area, it is also darkened. Now the head. Blend the lines, erase the shadows from the frontal area, a little under the eyes. Apply more additional shadows on the nose, muzzle, mouth, highlight the eyebrows. Here is such a simple approach to drawing, refer to the original photo, if you want, make the kitten even more detailed, look at the shadows. I settled on this option, a minimum of time spent and an acceptable result. Now we know how to draw a kitten.