Postage retro postcards Happy New Year. Postcards

Postage retro postcards Happy New Year.  Postcards
Postage retro postcards Happy New Year. Postcards

Old postcards for the New Year, so cheerful and kind, with a retro touch, have become very fashionable in our time.

Nowadays you will surprise few people with a shiny animation, but old New Year's cards immediately evoke nostalgia and touch us to the core.

Do you want to evoke in a loved one, born in the Soviet Union, memories of a happy childhood?

Send him a Soviet postcard on the New Year's holiday, writing down your most cherished wishes.

Scanned and retouched versions of such postcards can be sent over the Internet via any messenger or e-mail in unlimited quantities.

Here you can download free Soviet New Year's cards.

And you can sign them by adding on your own

Happy viewing!

A bit of history ...

There is some controversy over the appearance of the first Soviet greeting cards.

Some sources claim that they were first published for the New, 1942. According to another version, in December 1944 from the countries of Europe liberated from fascism, soldiers began to send their relatives hitherto unprecedented colorful foreign New Year cards, and the party leadership decided that it was necessary to organize the production of their own, "ideologically consistent" products.

Be that as it may, but the mass production of New Year's cards began only in the 50s.

The first Soviet New Year's cards depicted happy mothers with children and the Kremlin towers, later they were joined by Father Frost and Snegurochka.

And after a while, the industry produced a wide range of postcards that were pleasing to the eye in the windows of newsstands filled with traditionally discreet printed matter.

And although the print quality and the brightness of the colors of Soviet postcards were inferior to imported ones, these shortcomings were atoned for by the originality of the subjects and the high professionalism of the artists.

The true heyday of the Soviet New Year postcard came in the 60s. The number of plots has increased: such motives as space exploration, the struggle for peace appear.

Winter landscapes were crowned with wishes: "May the New Year bring good luck in sports!"

Postcards of past years reflected the trends of the times, achievements, changing direction from year to year.

One thing remained unchanged: the warm and soulful atmosphere created by these wonderful postcards.

Soviet-era New Year cards to this day continue to warm the hearts of people, recalling the bygone days and the festive, magical smell of New Year's tangerines.

Old Happy New Year cards are more than just a piece of history. These postcards delighted Soviet people for many years, in the happiest moments of their lives.

Fir-trees, cones, happy smiles of forest characters and the snow-white beard of Santa Claus - all these are integral attributes of New Year's Soviet greeting cards.

They were bought in advance in pieces of 30 and sent by mail to different cities. Our mothers and grandmothers knew the authors of the pictures and hunted for postcards with illustrations by V. Zarubin or V. Chetverikov and kept them in shoe boxes for years.

They gave the feeling of the coming magical New Year holiday. Today old postcards are festive samples of Soviet design and just pleasant memories from childhood.

And after a while, the industry produced a wide range of postcards that were pleasing to the eye in the windows of newsstands filled with traditionally discreet printed matter.

And although the print quality and the brightness of the colors of Soviet postcards were inferior to imported ones, these shortcomings were atoned for by the originality of the subjects and the high professionalism of the artists.

The true heyday of the Soviet New Year postcard came in the 60s. The number of plots has increased: such motives as space exploration, the struggle for peace appear. Winter landscapes were crowned with wishes: "May the New Year bring success in sports!"

A variegated variety of styles and techniques reigned in the creation of postcards. Although, of course, it could not do without interweaving the content of newspaper editorials into the New Year theme.
As the well-known collector Yevgeny Ivanov jokingly remarks, on the postcards, “Soviet Santa Claus is actively involved in the social and industrial life of the Soviet people: he is a railway worker on the BAM, flies into space, melts metal, works on computers, delivers mail, etc.

His hands are constantly busy with business - perhaps that is why Santa Claus carries a bag of gifts much less often ... ”. By the way, the book by E. Ivanov "New Year and Christmas in Postcards", which seriously analyzes the plots of postcards from the point of view of their special symbolism, proves that there is much more meaning in an ordinary postcard than it might seem at first glance ...

1966 year

1968 year

1970 year

1971 year

1972 year

1973 year

1977 year

1979 year

1980 year

1981 year

1984 year

I bring to your attention a selection of postcards "HAPPY NEW YEAR!" 50-60s.
My favorite is the postcard of the artist L. Aristov, where belated passers-by hurry home. I always look at it with such pleasure!

Be careful, there are already 54 scans under the cut!

("Soviet artist", artists Y. Prytkov, T. Sazonova)

("Izogiz", 196o, artist Y. Prytkov, T. Sazonova)

("Leningrad Artist", 1957, artists N. Stroganova, M. Alekseev)

("Soviet Artist", 1958, artist V.Andrievich)

("Izogiz", 1959, artist N. Antokolskaya)

V. Arbekov, G. Renkov)

("Izogiz", 1961, artists V. Arbekov, G. Renkov)

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1966, artist L. Aristov)

Bears behaved modestly, decently,
Were polite, studied well,
That is why im forest Santa Claus
I gladly brought a Christmas tree as a gift

A. Bazhenov, poetry M. Rutter)

At the edge, under a pine tree,
The forest telegraph knocks,
Bunnies are sending telegrams:
"Happy New Year, dad, mom!"

("Izogiz", 1957, artist A. Bazhenov, poetry M. Rutter)

("Izogiz", 1957, artist S. Byalkovskaya)

S. Byalkovskaya)

("Izogiz", 1957, artist S. Byalkovskaya)

(Map factory "Riga", 1957, artist E.Pikk)

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1965, artist E. Pozdnev)

("Izogiz", 1955, artist V. Govorkov)

("Izogiz", 1960, artist N. Golts)

("Izogiz", 1956, artist V. Gorodetsky)

("Leningrad Artist", 1957, artist M. Grigoriev)

("Rosglavkniga. Philately", 1962, artist E. Gundobin)

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1954, artist E. Gundobin)

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1964, artist D. Denisov)

("Soviet Artist", 1963, artist I. Znamensky)

I. Znamensky

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1961, artist I. Znamensky)

(Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, 1959, artist I. Znamensky)

("Izogiz", 1956, artist I. Znamensky)

("Soviet Artist", 1961, artist K. Zotov)

New Year! New Year!
Start a round dance!
It's me, Snowman,
Not a beginner at the rink,
I invite everyone to the ice
For a merry round dance!

("Izogiz", 1963, artist K. Zotov, poetry Y. Postnikova)

V. Ivanov)

("Izogiz", 1957, artist I.Kominarets)

("Izogiz", 1956, artist K. Lebedev)

("Soviet Artist", 1960, artist K. Lebedev)

("Artist of the RSFSR", 1967, artist V. Lebedev)

("The state of the art of the imaginative art and the music of the URSR", 1957, artist V. Melnichenko)

("Soviet Artist", 1962, artist K. Rotov)

S. Rusakov)

("Izogiz", 1962, artist S. Rusakov)

("Izogiz", 1953, artist L. Rybchenkova)

("Izogiz", 1954, artist L. Rybchenkova)

("Izogiz", 1958, artist A. Sazonov)

("Izogiz", 1956, artists Y. Severin, V. Chernukha)