Why didn't Hitler wash? Why did Hitler hate Jews? Woe from mind

Why didn't Hitler wash?  Why did Hitler hate Jews?  Woe from mind
Why didn't Hitler wash? Why did Hitler hate Jews? Woe from mind

Anti-Semitism is a shameful phenomenon. Actually, any oppression, and especially the physical destruction of people based on nationality, is criminal, especially if it is initiated by the government and carried out on a national scale. History knows cases of mass genocide against representatives of different nations. Hundreds of thousands of Armenians were killed by the Turks at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Not everyone knows how brutally Japanese soldiers dealt with the Chinese during the occupation of Nanjing and Singapore in the late 30s. Mass executions were carried out during the war by the allies of Nazi Germany, the Croatian Ustasha. By historical standards, recently, in 1994, terrible purges on ethnic grounds (Hutus killed Tutsis) shocked Rwanda.

But there is a people who were subjected to the most severe ethnic persecution in the twentieth century, called the Holocaust. Modern Germans cannot unambiguously explain why their grandfathers, who grew up under the influence of Goebbels’ propaganda, exterminated the Jews. It is possible that the ancestors themselves would not have found a clear argumentation for their actions, but in the thirties and forties, in most cases everything was clear and understandable to them.

Woe from mind?

When asked why Jews were exterminated in different countries (and this happened not only in Germany in the twentieth century, but also in other countries at different times), one can most often hear the answer from representatives of this people: “Out of envy!” This version of the assessment of tragic events has its own logic and truth. The Jewish people gave humanity many geniuses who shone in science, art, and other areas of human civilization. The ability to adapt, a traditionally active position, an active character, subtle and ironic humor, innate musicality, enterprise and other absolutely positive qualities are characteristic of the nation that gave the world Einstein, Oistrakh, Marx, Botvinnik... Yes, you can list for a long time who else. But, apparently, it’s not just a matter of envy of outstanding mental abilities. After all, not all Jews are Einsteins. There are simpler people among them. The sign of real wisdom is not its constant demonstration, but something else. For example, the ability to provide yourself with a friendly environment. Such that no one would even think of offending representatives of this people. And not out of fear, but out of respect. Or even love.

Revolutionary money grab

People of different nationalities strive for power and wealth. Anyone who truly wants to taste these attributes of earthly paradise looks for ways to achieve his goal and sometimes finds them. Then other people (who can be conventionally called envious people) have a desire to redistribute goods, in other words, to take away values ​​from the rich and appropriate them or, in extreme cases, divide them equally (or in a fraternal way, this is when the eldest has more). During pogroms and revolutions, successful owners of fortunes of different nationalities, from Zulu kings to Ukrainian top government officials, come under analysis. But why were the Jews exterminated first in almost all cases of mass robbery? Maybe they have more money?

Aliens and xenophobes

For historical reasons, from ancient times until the mid-twentieth century, Jews did not have their own state. They had to settle in different countries, kingdoms, states and move to new places in search of a better life. Some of the Jews were able to assimilate, joining the indigenous ethnic group and dissolving into it without a trace. But the core of the nation still retained its identity, religion, language and other characteristics that define national characteristics. This in itself is a miracle, because xenophobia to one degree or another is inherent in almost all indigenous ethnic groups. Otherness causes rejection and hostility, and these, in turn, make life very difficult.

Knowing that a common enemy could be the best reason to unite a nation, Hitler exterminated the Jews. Technically it was simple, they were easy to recognize, they go to synagogues, keep kosher and the Sabbath, dress differently and sometimes even speak with an accent. Moreover, at the time the Nazis came to power, Jews did not have the ability to effectively resist violence, representing an almost ideal ethnically isolated and helpless victim. The desire for self-isolation, which determined the survival of the nation, once again worked as a bait for pogromists.

"My Struggle" by Hitler

Did the Germans know about Auschwitz and Buchenwald?

After the defeat of Nazism, many Germans claimed that they knew nothing about concentration camps, ghettos, high-efficiency crematorium ovens and giant ditches filled with human bodies. They also did not know about soap, and candles made from human fat, and other cases of “useful disposal” of remains. Some of their neighbors simply disappeared somewhere, and the authorities did not reach them with information about the atrocities committed in the occupied territories. The desire to disclaim responsibility for war crimes among ordinary Wehrmacht soldiers and officers is understandable; they pointed to the SS troops, who were primarily engaged in punitive operations. But there was also Kristallnacht in 1938, during which not only stormtroopers in brown shirts acted, but also ordinary people. Representatives of the sentimental, talented and hardworking German people with sweet rapture destroyed the property of their recent friends and neighbors, and they themselves were beaten and humiliated. So why did the Germans exterminate the Jews, what were the reasons for the sudden outbreak of fierce hatred? Were there any reasons?

Jews of the Weimar Republic

To understand the reasons why the Germans, their recent neighbors and friends, exterminated the Jews, one should immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the Weimar Republic. Many historical studies have been written about this period, and those who do not want to read scientific tomes have the opportunity to learn about it from the novels of the great writer E.M. Remarque. The country suffers from unbearable indemnities imposed by the Entente countries that won the Great War. Poverty borders on hunger, while the souls of its citizens are increasingly possessed by various vices caused by forced idleness and the desire to somehow brighten up their drab, miserable life. But there are also successful people, businessmen, bankers, speculators. Entrepreneurship, due to centuries of nomadic life, is in the blood of Jews. It was they who became the backbone of the business elite of the Weimar Republic, which existed from 1919. There were, of course, poor Jews, artisans, working craftsmen, musicians and poets, artists and sculptors, and they made up the majority of the people. They basically became victims of the Holocaust, the rich managed to escape, they had money for tickets.

The Holocaust reached its peak during World War II. “Death factories”, Majdanek and Auschwitz, immediately began operating on the territory of occupied Poland. But the flywheel of mass murder based on nationality gained special momentum after the Wehrmacht’s invasion of the USSR.

There were many Jews in the Leninist Politburo of the Bolshevik Party, they even made up the majority. By 1941, large-scale purges took place in the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, as a result of which the national composition of the Kremlin leadership underwent significant changes. But at the lower (as they say, “local”) levels and in the bodies of the NKVD, the Bolshevik Jews still maintained quantitative dominance. Many of them had experience of the Civil War, their services to the Soviet government were assessed as indisputable, they participated in other large-scale Bolshevik projects. Is it worth asking why Hitler exterminated Jews and commissars in the occupied Soviet territories in the first place? For the Nazis, these two concepts were almost identical and eventually merged into a single definition of “liquid commissar.”

Vaccine against anti-Semitism

National hostility was gradually instilled. Racial theory began to dominate almost immediately after the Nazis came to power. Chronicle footage of ritual sacrifices appeared on cinema screens, during which rabbis killed cows by cutting their throats with a sharp knife. and women can be very beautiful, but Nazi propagandists were not interested in such things. For propaganda videos and posters, “walking manuals for anti-Semites” were specially selected, with faces expressing brutal cruelty and stupidity. This is how the Germans became anti-Semitic.

After the Victory, the commandant's offices of the victorious countries pursued a policy of denazification, in all four occupation zones: Soviet, American, French and British. Residents of the defeated Reich were actually forced (under the threat of being deprived of food rations) to watch revealing documentaries. This measure was aimed at leveling the consequences of twelve years of brainwashing of the deceived Germans.

Same like that!

Talking about geopolitics, preaching the ideals of racial superiority of the Aryans and calling for the destruction of nations, the Fuhrer nevertheless remained, paradoxically, an ordinary person who suffered from a number of psychological complexes. One of them was the question of one's own nationality. Understanding why Hitler exterminated the Jews is difficult, but one clue may be the origins of his father, Alois Schicklgruber. The father of the future Fuhrer received the infamous surname only after an official declaration of paternity, certified by three witnesses and made by Johann Georg Hitler in 1867 for reasons of inheritance.

Alois himself was married three times, and there is a version that one of his children from a previous marriage tried to blackmail the “leader of the German people” with information about the half-Jewish origin of their common father. This hypothesis has a number of inconsistencies, but due to the chronological remoteness it cannot be completely excluded. But it can explain some of the subtleties of the sick psyche of the possessed Fuhrer. After all, an anti-Semitic Jew is not such a rare occurrence. And Hitler’s appearance does not at all correspond to the racial standards adopted in the Third Reich. He was not a tall, blue-eyed, blond man.

Occult and other reasons

It is possible to try to explain why Hitler exterminated the Jews from the standpoint of the ethical and philosophical basis that he provided for the process of physical extermination of millions of people. The Fuhrer was fond of occult theories, and his favorite authors were Guido von List and In general, the version of the origin of the Aryans and ancient Germans turned out to be quite confused and contradictory, but with regard to the Jews, the policy was based on the mystical assumption that they, identified by Hitler as a separate race, supposedly represent danger to all humanity, threatening it with complete destruction.

It is difficult to imagine that an entire nation could be drawn into some kind of global conspiracy. With a multimillion-dollar population, someone would definitely spill the beans about the inhumane plan, in which everyone from the shoemaker Rabinovich to Professor Geller participates. There is no logical answer to the question of why the Nazis exterminated Jews.

Wars are committed when people refuse to think for themselves, relying on their leaders, and without a doubt, and sometimes with pleasure, carry out someone else's evil will. Unfortunately, similar phenomena still occur today...

Let's look at why the genocide of the Jewish people occurred during World War II. This question has always aroused people's interest. For what reasons specifically the Jews, what could they do so terrible that they would be exterminated en masse? Many people still do not understand why the Jews were exterminated. After all, they are exactly the same people and have the right to life. In order to understand this issue, let's turn to history.

What is genocide

This concept is relatively new, but it has its place in human history. Genocide is a crime directed against people differing in nationality, religion or race. The word “genocide” was first used by the Polish lawyer Rafael Lemkin. He mentioned it in his writings, in which he described the massacres of Jews. After this, lawyers began to use this term at the trial in Nuremberg, where the issue of war criminals was resolved.

Holocaust in Germany

Before Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany, about half a million Jews lived on its territory. They, just like the Germans, had equal rights. Jews took an active part in the life of their country and did a lot for its prosperity. Why were the Jews destroyed if they had the same right to exist?

Everything changed dramatically with the arrival of Hitler. He had a plan related to the Jewish people, and gradually he began to implement it. The main goal of the plan was to separate the Jews from German society. Hitler wanted to blame the Jews for causing problems in the country, and to present these people in a less than favorable light. At first they tried to evict Jews from Germany and deprive them of citizenship. To achieve this, people were fired from their jobs and their property was taken away. But it didn’t come down to murder. Then there were periods of calm, and the Jews believed that everything they had experienced was in the past.

During the Olympic Games in Germany, all anti-Semitic signs disappeared. Hitler had to show the world that in his country everyone lived in peace and friendship and honored their leader. Everything returned to normal; after the end of the Olympics, Jews began to leave the country en masse. The whole world treated the tragedy of the Jews only with regret and did not try to extend a friendly helping hand. Everyone was confident that the Jews would cope with their problems on their own.

But Hitler decided that there were still many Jews left in the country, and this problem needed to be solved somehow. The policy towards them has changed dramatically. All Jews over 6 years of age were required to wear a distinctive badge in the form of a yellow star. They also had to hang a star at the entrance to their houses and apartments. Jews were prohibited from appearing in shopping centers and near administrative buildings. Their winter clothes were taken away and sent to the front. They were given only one hour a day to buy food. And later they were prohibited from buying milk, cheese and other necessary products. Everything was done to ensure that they had no chance of survival.

In September 1942, the eviction of Jews from the German capital began. Jews were sent to the East, where they were used as labor. Death camps began to be built in the country. And the purpose of their creation was the destruction of Jews and people of other nationalities. The Nazis took all measures to destroy the Jews forever and prevent the continuation of their family. They were brutally abused, after which they were killed and even their remains were burned. Only because Hitler imagined himself to be God, who has the right to decide the fate of people. He believed that such a nation had no right to exist and they must be destroyed.

The other day I was thinking, wasn’t it because of Wolf Messing that Hitler began to hate Jews?

Messing made his famous statement about Hitler during a public appearance in Warsaw in 1937. This was said in front of a large crowd of people. And he said literally the following: “If Hitler turns to the East, he will die!”

The Fuhrer was immediately informed about the prediction of Messing, a famous medium whose advice was listened to by Einstein, Freud, and Pilsudski. Superstitious Hitler summoned his astrologer Eric Hanussen, who told the Fuhrer about his meeting with Messing and that the Jew was not a charlatan. Eric and Wolf ran into each other once on tour. The two psychics tried to probe each other's thoughts and separated. But Ganussen felt that he had lost this duel. Hitler was furious. He declared Wolf Messing his personal enemy and placed a reward of 210 thousand German marks on his head. At that time it was a fortune.

Of course, there can be many reasons for this hatred. Among them is a meeting with a Jewish prostitute, who “awarded” the Fuhrer with syphilis, the untreated of which leads to madness and rabies. And hatred for some kind of power over Germany in the form of ownership of the majority of banks, factories, factories and shops. Fear of the Jews, associated with the struggle for power with the communists, who consisted mainly of Jews. And the idea that the hatred of the believing Fuhrer was provoked by the alleged murder of Christ. The theory of the "inferior race" and so on. But it seems to me that Wolf Messing was not the least of the reasons for hatred of Jews.

In fact, Hitler’s grandfather was a Jew. A check of Hitler's ancestry by his personal lawyer Hans Frank revealed that Hitler's grandmother became pregnant while working as a servant in a Jewish home in Graz. And in general, there is a lot of Jewish stuff in him, ranging from megalomania))))))) (no offense, I have a calm attitude towards Jews, but in some of them this can be seen))))))) and ending with ideology. In general, Jews financed Hitler and helped him come to power. And his comrades in the Nazi party were mixed with Jewish blood.

Maybe he just wanted to be the only Jew?))))))


And his companions...
And saratniki () him
1 errors found in the text.
S-O-warriors, the army is the root, and co-workers, friends in business.
Don't take disgusting topics. Everyone knows this, but they don’t touch it so it doesn’t stink.

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Somehow, without you, I’ll decide what topics I should cover in my diary, okay? Only if you don’t mind, of course!)))))))))))))
And thanks for the correction! You will have a lot of work to do to correct the liveinternet diaries! You will not be left idle!)))))))))))))))))

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in a letter dated August 15, 1871, from one of the prominent leaders of the American Freemasons, Albert Pike, to his Illuminati colleague, Giuseppe Mazzini, which outlined the plans of the world behind the scenes to establish a “New World Order” through three world wars. The First World War, according to this plan, was envisaged against tsarism in order to overthrow it and establish in Russia a power dependent on the world behind the scenes. The next step was the Second World War, which, as A. Pike pointed out, should take place through manipulation by German nationalists and political Zionists, which should lead to a general split, and then serve to expand the sphere of Russian domination and create the state of Israel in Palestine. The most interesting thing is that at that time political Zionism as such, much less as an organized, structured force, did not yet exist. The World Zionist Organization was created only a quarter of a century after this letter - in 1896.

Very interesting reasoning
But I personally think that Hitler was playing to the public; all these gestures were too artificial and implausible, as if he had memorized them in front of the mirror.
He knew what he was doing and carried out the orders of the Jews who promoted him.
You tell me why he killed 10 million Jews.
Well, firstly, this figure is clearly overestimated, experts say about 2 million.
Secondly, ordinary Jews were killed and the richest left unmolested. This says that for the so-called elite, which includes not only Jews, nationality does not matter, they are ready to kill anyone to achieve their goal.
And the main goal was to give the dollar the value of a world currency, which it did not have before the Second World War.
For this reason, the Tsar was destroyed; the ruble was then the most valuable currency.
Remember when the American reserve fund was formed, printing dollars and managed by Rockefeller, Rothschild, Morgan and Warburg, all of them from German Jews. It was formed in 1914.
But Trotsky was caught with a suitcase of dollars when he was transferred from America before the revolution and was released on orders from above.
The revolution in Russia happened already in 1917
All this is not just a coincidence.
And now about Hitler, have you seen his corpse?
We were told that they found a certain burnt corpse with a bullet through the head, this was supposedly Hitler.
There is evidence that Hitler lived quietly in South America and died of natural causes.
The second goal of World War II was the creation of Israel.
Without this war, the elite did not have a trump card for the genocide of Jews and the UN puppet organization formed after the war immediately supported this idea. Thousands of Polestinians were thrown out of their homes and Jews took their place.
We were all just scammed once again.

There are at least two versions of why Hitler did not like (to put it mildly) Jews. One of the versions is the opinion of historians who studied his personality. Experts who can honestly examine Adolf's life provide an objective, outside perspective. The second version is the opinion of Hitler himself, who outlined the reasons for his hatred in the book “My Struggle.” In it, Hitler describes in detail the many factors that provoked this attitude.

Hitler's biographer Joachim Fest believes that Adolf's hatred of everything manifested itself in his childhood. Hitler's comrades claimed that he constantly entered into conflicts and experienced hostility for no reason. The raging anger found an outlet by focusing on anti-Semitism.

Why Adolf Hitler looked at Jews with hatred:

  • Uncleanliness and untidiness. According to the Fuhrer's personal observations, Jews do not like to wash. They do this very rarely, so they are easily distinguished from other people by their unpleasant smell. If we take into account the constant untidiness in clothing, then the prejudiced attitude towards Jews on the part of neat people becomes understandable. From early childhood, Adolf was taught to take personal hygiene responsibly. For him, all those who ignored cleanliness and neatness became factors of irritation.
  • Moral filth. Hitler devoted a lot of time to studying the activities of Jews in various spheres of life. The conclusion was clear: all these people are involved in one or another “unclean” affairs. In his book, the Fuhrer compares unpleasant nationality to worms or nasty maggots in an abscess. The activity was culturally equivalent to the plague. The worst thing is that their worldview spread with enormous speed and was not treated with anything, penetrating into every corner of consciousness. The constant thirst for profit was mixed with the absence of moral restrictions on the way to achieving the desired result.

  • Split personality. The strangest thing is that on one issue Jews could express completely opposite thoughts. The answer depended on the circumstances and the surrounding environment. Such two-facedness could cause extremely negative emotions. Even in historical terms, many negative aspects arose. For example, the leaders of Social Democracy belonging to a given nationality showed hatred towards their own nationality. Such behavior dishonors the history of the country and its great leaders. For Hitler, such a situation was absolutely unacceptable. Leaders reflect their people, so the chosen path of development casts a dark shadow on all representatives of this nationality.
  • Fight against Germany. It was the Jews who ensured that neutral states became participants in the anti-German coalition. It was created even before the World War. It is difficult to say whether Jews really had a hand in these events. What purpose could they pursue in this way? The destruction of the German patriotic intelligentsia would lead to the complete subjugation of Germany, after which the whole world would open up. At least that's what Adolf thought. That's why he decided to get involved in politics. This was the only way to save the country from the interference of the cunning people.
  • A resourceful and rich mind. Hitler quite rightly considered Jews to be very smart people. Their intellectual properties have been developed over thousands of years. Honing the skills of politics and trade was absorbed literally with mother's milk. It is not for nothing that among Jews the family is passed on through the female line. They say that a smart person learns not from his own mistakes, but from others. Most often, Jews did this, carefully observing what was happening around them. The resourcefulness of this nationality aroused a mixture of admiration and hatred in the Fuhrer. How could they act so low with their global capabilities?
  • The spread of syphilis in the country. The Jews, who penetrated into the area of ​​even sexual life, promoted commercial marriages without feelings. Accordingly, they allowed the satisfaction of love instincts elsewhere. This approach to intimate relationships led to the rapid spread of venereal disease. Why did Hitler not like Jews in their debauchery? Where there is room for dirt, the future of the country cannot be built. Sick people can infect completely healthy neighbors! Therefore, it is easier to “remove” the possible source of problems at the root.

    Which version is more objective: the revelations of the person himself or an outside view? Everyone decides for themselves. Most experts agree that the cause of hatred is an obvious mental disorder. There are no shortcomings that make it worth killing tens of millions of people. Moreover, it was not only Jews who suffered.

    Persecution of Jews

    Also played a role attitude towards Jews in society. The fact is that they represented not only a national, but also a religious minority:

    1. Forced to wander around the world, people did not have their own homeland.
    2. In the new lands, thanks to their intelligence and perseverance, Jews often occupied leading positions and lived quite prosperously.
    3. Certain areas were completely occupied by Jews; representatives of other nationalities survived from them one way or another.
    4. In a sense, the first migrants in history deprived the natives of their “living space.”
    5. This was especially noticeable during the crisis years, when inflation, unemployment and poverty occurred.
    6. But at the same time it was necessary to blame someone else for their troubles.
    7. The first ghettos for Jews appeared in Italy in the Middle Ages.