Why this play is a game of folklorists. The concept of folklore, types and classification

Why this play is a game of folklorists. The concept of folklore, types and classification

Answer left by: Guest

8.beringia 9.barvochronology 10.grain

Answer left by: Guest

Belkin's Tales ”are conceived as a parody of the canons of romantic literature. Pushkin takes common plot romantic clichés and "turns" them over. The conflict in The Stationary Caretaker is deliberately banal. The soldier drives into the permanent courtyard, seduces the station superintendent's daughter and takes her with him. According to all the canons of romantic literature, history must certainly end tragically. Pushkin follows this tragedy almost to the very end, whipping up the tragedy. But at the very end it turns out that Dunya is happy, she has children and a loving husband. In "The Young Lady-Peasant", another common plot is taken - the enmity of two families. The situation is escalated, but then it is also resolved in a completely non-romantic way - everything turns out to be the best possible. In Belkin's Tales, real life and common sense are contrasted with the romantic view of reality. Pushkin ridicules the "romantic inclinations" of his heroes, opposes them with a normal life, in which there is joy, pleasant everyday little things, and "rich possessions" and "connections", which is not so little for a normal, full-fledged life

Answer left by: Guest

The work "The Snow Queen" is a fairy tale because, in fairy tales, the characteristic element is poetic fiction, and the main thing is fantastic. A fairy tale does not have to be reliable. The action in it can be transferred anywhere. The storyteller himself creates a world with his own rules, where he takes the reader. Basically, fantastic faces are depicted in fairy tales, or real phenomena that are presented in fantastic consecration. There is also a moralization, propaganda. justice, kindness, truth.
Now let's compare the work "The Snow Queen" with the signs that we wrote.
The tale is not reliable (we do not know if there was a boy who was stolen by the Snow Queen, and now he has ice instead of a heart), the action is transferred as the author wants. The storyteller created the world with his own rules (with good characters who helped the girl (Gerda seems to be), and with negative characters who do not dispose to the girl). In this work there is a fantastic face - the snow queen, well, and real situations that are presented in a fantastic light (robbery of a carriage by robbers).
And of course, moralizing when they defeat the snow queen, the moral is as follows: you need to be good, lovingly treat your loved ones, etc.
We conclude: the work "The Snow Queen" is a fairy tale.

Answer left by: Guest

the dawn does not burn with fire;
it (dawn) spreads with a gentle blush;
the night was growing;
the darkness poured.
The sun - not fiery, not incandescent, as during a sultry drought, not dull-purple, as before a storm, but bright and welcomingly radiant - peacefully rises under a narrow and long cloud, shines freshly and plunges into its purple fog.
Around noon, a multitude of high, round clouds usually appear, golden gray with delicate white edges.
playing rays;
a mighty luminary rises merrily and majestically;
whirlwinds-whirlpools walk along the roads through arable land;
I was immediately seized by an unpleasant, motionless dampness;
the night was approaching.

Barin... Kupchinushka, is there any horse to sell?

Tax farmer... Yes, yes.

Lead Horse. Barin drives Horse around the hut, watching how he runs, looks in the teeth, pokes his sides, makes him jump over the stick and thinks of buying.

Barin... How much do you want for a horse?

Tax farmer.

One hundred rubles in money Forty Magpies Salty ... ... ... Forty Anbars Frozen cockroaches Arshin of oil, Three skeins of sour milk,Mikhalka Tamitsyna nose,Our Kozharikha's tail.


I'll find a hundred rubles in my pocket,And forty magpies Salty ……… Forty anbars Dry cockroaches Will you seek, lay people?

Everything... We will exact, we will exact.

The master gives the money and takes the Horse.

The whole company leaves for another party, which are bypassed by three or four in the evening.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did folklorists call this play-game a satirical drama?

2. Describe the main characters of the show, their appearance, characters.

3. Try to get involved in the game: play the role of "fofans" and come up with comic accusations against one of the participants in the game. It can be any student in your class: after all, the essence of the game is to include familiar participants with familiar problems to all.

1. Decide which play is more of a stage performance or a game.

Children's folklore

From an early age you get to know the works of children's folklore. These are rhymes, teasers, tales, horror stories, family stories and much more.

Children's folklore - works of oral folk art created by and for children.

From children's family stories

Origin of the surname

We have old documents in our family. Among them is a document from which we know that at the beginning of the nineteenth century my ancestors lived in the Smolensk province in a village called Rakity, and were peasants. The village was so called because it was located in a place where there were many small rivers and ponds, along the banks of which there were a lot of beautiful trees, which were called rakits. In these trees, branches bend down to the very water, forming a dense green wall. All the inhabitants of the village had the same surname - Rakitin - after the name of the village. Therefore, they did not call each other by last name, but called only by their first names. Lazy people were called only by name - Proshka, Afonka, etc., and hardworking people and old people were called respectfully by name and patronymic. And everyone always knew who they were talking about.

Children's antics

Previously, there were almost no buttons, and those that were sold were very expensive. The grandmother took nickels, sheathed them with fabric, and sewed on instead of buttons. And my mother and her sister tore off these "buttons", took out the patch and went to the cinema with them.

Questions and tasks

1. Why did mom tell her daughter about this way of getting money for movie tickets?

2. Think about funny experiences with grandparents in your family.

Early in the morning, in the evening,At noon, at dawnBaba rode on horseback in a painted carriage.

Folk art, which originated in ancient times, is the historical basis of the entire world artistic culture, a source of national artistic traditions, an exponent of national consciousness. Some researchers also refer to folk art as all types of non-professional art (amateur art, including folk theaters).

Term Folklore was first introduced into scientific use in the year english scientist William Thoms.

Literally translated Folk-lore means: folk wisdom, folk knowledge. At first, this term was used to designate only the subject of science itself, but sometimes they began to call it the scientific discipline that studies this material; however, then the latter began to be called folkloristics. In addition to the term "folklore" in the scientific use of different countries, there are other terms: German - Volkskunde, in a narrower sense of the word - Volksdichtung; French - Traditions populaires... In the XIX century. in Russia, the term "folk literature" or "folk poetry", which was interpreted somewhat broadly, prevailed.

The artistic and historical significance of folklore has been deeply revealed A. M. Gorky, whose statements are of leading importance in the development of the main problems of folklore. In his report at the First Congress Soviet Writers Gorky said:

« I again draw your attention, comrades, to the fact that the most profound and brilliant, artistically perfect types of heroes are created by folklore, the oral creativity of the working people. The perfection of images such as Hercules , Prometheus , Mikula Selyaninovich , Svyatogor, then - doctor Faust, Vasilisa the Wise, an ironic lucky man Ivan the Fool and finally - Parsley, conquering the doctor, priest, policeman, devil and even death - all these are images in the creation of which rationality and intuition, thought and feeling were harmoniously combined. Such a combination is possible only with the direct participation of the creator in the work of creativity of reality, in the struggle for the renewal of life."(M. Gorky, Soviet Literature, report at the I All-Union Congress of Soviet Writers, Moscow, 1935, p. 12).

Folklore is poetic creativity that grows on the basis of the labor activity of mankind, reflecting the experience of millennia. Folklore, being ancient writing literature and passed from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation, is the most valuable source for learning the history of everyone the people, at whatever stage of social development he is.

Poetic folklore cannot be viewed in isolation from other manifestations of spiritual culture. Oral folk poetry is closely related to the areas of folk performing arts ( facial expressions , gesture , dramatic action - when performing not only the so-called "folk drama" and dramatized rituals - wedding , funeral , agricultural , round dances and games, but also when telling epics, fairy tales, when performing songs), choreographic art (folk dances, dances, round dances), musical and vocal art. Consequently, folklore includes some sections of such disciplines as theater studies , choreography, musicology (a section of it called "musical ethnography" or "musical folklore"). However, folklore cannot be studied without help linguistics without learning that dialect, the dialect in which these oral-poetic works are created. However, folklore is primarily a part of literary criticism, and folklore is a part of verbal art. Folklore, like written fiction, is a verbal figurative knowledge, a reflection public reality. But the creation of folklore by the masses, the conditions for the existence of folklore, the nature of artistic creativity in the pre-capitalist period, when a significant part of the old folklore that has come down to us, determined the well-known features of folklore in comparison with written fiction. The collective origin in folklore, the anonymity of most folklore monuments, the significant role of tradition in folklore - all this leaves its mark on folklore and determines the well-known features of its study.

Folklore in the USSR

Folklore quickly fills any niche left by print media. In particular, in the USSR, due to censorship, short ditties and anecdotes with sharp political and / or sexual content and / or profanity were especially perfected. Nowadays, anecdotes have become available in writing; this could lead to a slight decrease in their acuteness and the loss of some elements of folklore.

Folklore in the Russian Revolution

Notes (edit)

see also

sources of information

  • http://www.awd.ru/mat.htm (Russian mat)

Links to scientific literature

  • Berezkin Yu. E. Areal distribution of folklore and mythological motives// History and Mathematics: Analysis and Modeling of Socio-Historical Processes / Ed. Malkov S.Yu., Grinin L.E. , A.V. Korotaev M .: "KomKniga", 2007.S. 205-232.
  • Borev Yu.B. History of the Soviet state in legends and anecdotes M., "Ripol", 1995 ISBN 5-87907-056-5
  • Zhirmunsky V.M. Folklore of the West and the East. Comparative Historical Sketches Publisher: "Editorial URSS" 2006, 464 pp. ISBN 5-8360-0136-7 ISBN 5-8360-0536-2
  • A. V. Kostina Youth culture and folklore // Electronic journal "

Barin is a drama created by the people and called satirical. The basis for the appearance of this drama was the Christmastide and the Christmas feast of the Horse and the Bull. The popularity of this play-play lies in the fact that everyone can stage it, so we in the class played the heroes of folklore creativity, where there was a proud, arrogant master, and a cunning appraiser, and a fashionable Panya. We also had the Supplicant, who humiliated himself in front of the Barin, and an amazing audience, who watched with amazement everything that was happening. The game turned out wonderful, but Barin's drama itself came to us in a slightly distorted anti-bar orientation, although in other versions, probably, the play felt and revealed a more acute social problem.

Why was the play Barin called a satirical drama?

Most likely it was called satirical, because here the heroes of the play, the people-peasants who played the roles, wanted to laugh at their fellow villagers. They scoffed at the shortcomings of their neighbors, at those disputes, and even quarrels that you want or don't want, but arose in the life of the peasants, but the game just helped to peacefully solve the problem.