A long-term plan for visual activity in the younger group. Long-term planning in the II junior group in application and modeling according to T.S.

A long-term plan for visual activity in the younger group. Long-term planning in the II junior group in application and modeling according to T.S.

Elena Khalevina
A long-term plan for visual activity for the younger group. Part 1

Long-term planning for visual activity for the younger group for September.

Type of activity and title of the lesson.

Lesson objectives.

Communication with other activities.

Where to find.

1 Object sculpting "My cheerful ringing ball". Modeling of rounded objects, synchronization of movements of both hands: rolling out the form with circular movements of the palms. Hand development. Outdoor ball games. Examining different balls. Lykova

2 Drawing "My cheerful ringing ball". Drawing circular two-color objects: creating contour drawings, closing a line into a ring, and coloring that repeats the outlines of the drawn shape. Ball exercises.

Ball inspection. Lykov p. 18.

3 Application with drawing elements "Air balls, obedient to the breeze." Creation of applicative pictures: rhythmic unfolding of ready-made shapes (of the same size, but different in color) and neatly gluing them onto a colored background. Development of a sense of form and rhythm. Outdoor games with balls.

Round dance game "Bubble".

Reading a poem in Shipunova "Balloons". Lykov str. 20.

4 Drawing "Multicolored balls" Drawing oval objects: creating contour drawings, closing lines in a ring and coloring, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure. Supplementing the image with pencil drawings (strings). Entertainment with balloons.

Finger game "Ball". Lykova

5 Application "Apple with a leaf". Creation of subject applicative pictures from 2-3 elements: composing compositions from ready-made (dissimilar) elements against the background and alternately gluing parts. Examining the illustrations "Fruit".

Inspection of fruit mules. Lykova

6 Drawing "An apple with a leaf and a worm". Drawing objects, consisting of 2-3 parts of different shapes. Working out the technique of painting with gouache paints. Development of a sense of color and shape. Did. Guess the taste game

Comparison of apple and pear. Lykova

7 "Berry on a platter" sculpting Creation of a plastic composition from one large object (plate) and 5-10 small (berries). Obtaining a spherical shape using different techniques: circular movements of the palms (for a plate) and fingers (for berries). Examining illustrations depicting berries.

Game "Edible - inedible". Lykova

8 Drawing with cotton swabs “Berry by berry (on the bushes). Creation of a rhythmic composition. A combination of fine techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries - with cotton swabs. Did. exercise "Berry by berry" (alternation in color, size). Lykova

Long-term planning for visual activities for the younger group for October.

9 Modeling "Let's treat new friends with pancakes". Foster good relations with your new acquaintances. Learn to transform the round shape of a ball into a disk by flattening the ball with your fingers. Dramatization of the song "Ladushki". Volchkova

10 Drawing "We are going to get acquainted with". Foster friendliness, a desire to get to know other children. Learn to draw with fists, fingers, palms. Excursion to the younger group.

Entertainment in the music hall. Volchkova

11 Drawing "Leaves are falling, falling." Drawing autumn leaves using the “wetting” technique with warm colors (red, yellow, orange) on a blue background (sky). Development of a sense of color and rhythm. Observation of seasonal phenomena.

Games with autumn leaves. Lykova

12 Application "Leaf fall". Creation of an applicative composition from ready-made forms (leaves) of different colors on a blue background. Mastering the technique of tear-off applique (tearing strips of paper into small pieces). Admiring leaf fall.

Drawing up bouquets from autumn leaves. Lykova

13 Drawing “What kind of apple? It is full of ripe juice. " Continue to foster interest in visual arts. Exercise in drawing and painting a round shape, focusing on works of art (I. Repin "Apples"). Examining illustrations of fruits.


14 Modeling "Canning fruits". Consolidate ideas about harvesting fruits for the winter. Improve the ability to roll plasticine between la-dones in a circular motion. Learn the techniques of indentation, pulling back to obtain the required shape. Did. game "Edible - inedible". Volchkova

15 Modeling "Turnip in the garden". Modeling the turnip in a certain sequence: rolling the ball, flattening, pulling the tail, attaching the leaves. Creation on a block of plasticine (garden bed). Reading p. n. with. "Turnip".

Did. game "Wonderful bag".

16 Application "A big turnip has grown - a big one." Gluing the finished form (turnip) and adding self-prepared elements (leaves). Mastering the technique of cut-off applique. Examining vegetables.

Did. game "Guess the taste". Lykova

Long-term planning for visual activity for the younger group for November.

17 Modeling "Mushrooms on a tree stump".

Creation of a collective composition of mushrooms. Mushroom molding from 3 parts (leg, cap, clearing). Strong and neat connection of parts.

A conversation about mushrooms.

Examining images of mushrooms.

18 Application with drawing elements "Mushroom meadow".

Making a forest clearing by the cut-off applique method. An image of mushrooms, contrasting in size.

Clarification of the idea of ​​the structure of mushrooms (stem and cap, search for analogies (umbrella, children's sandbox, table lamp).

19 Modeling and application "Lamba" (based on the fairy tale-crumb by V. Krotov). Sculpting of fantasy creatures based on a literary image. Development of figurative thinking, creative imagination. Reading fairy tales and viewing illustrations.

Experimenting with plastic materials. Lykova

20 Drawing "Hut of three bears". To acquaint with the illustration by Y. Vasnetsov for the fairy tale "Three Bears". Learn to draw a hut using expressive means (color, shape). Reading the fairy tale "Three Bears" and looking at illustrations. Volchkova

21 Modeling "Forest Shop". Modeling of the heroes of the poem - forest animals - in a combined way (according to the presentation). Drawing up a collective composition. Acquaintance with small plastic - wooden and ceramic sculptures. Lykova

22 Sculpting "Cup for fresh milk to feed the cubs". Develop a caring attitude towards animals. Learn to sculpt a cup from a round shape by pressing in plasticine, to smooth the surface. Examining illustrations depicting pets.


23 Decorative drawing "Striped towels for animals." Draw patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Development of a sense of rhythm (alternation in a pattern of 2-3 colors or different lines). Examination of objects of arts and crafts (rugs, towels, napkins). Lykova

24 Application "A crested hen came out, with her yellow chickens." To cultivate a caring attitude towards birds, to develop an idea, to teach using the application of parts (circles) to make chickens. To consolidate knowledge about the rules of gluing. Examining illustrations of poultry.

Did. the game "Flies - does not fly". Volchkova

Long-term planning for visual activities for the younger group for December.

25 Modeling "Soft feet, but there are scratches in the feet". To foster love for animals, to evoke a desire to convey their characteristic features in modeling, to consolidate the ability to tightly connect parts by smearing one to the other. Examining illustrations depicting pets.


26 Drawing "Let's change the water in the aquarium." To interest in solid painting the plane of a sheet of paper by applying sweeping strokes; to acquaint with aquarium fish. Observation of aquarium fish. Volchkova

27 Decorative drawing "Blizzard - zaviryukha". Drawing chaotic patterns using wet technique. Liberation of the drawing hand; free drawing of curved lines. Development of a sense of color (perception and creation of different shades of blue). Conversation about winter natural phenomena (frost, blizzard, snowfall).

Examination of lace products. Lykova

28 Application "Bus for animals". To consolidate the ability to depict objects from ready-made forms, to convey their structure. Hold the scissors correctly and cut the narrow strip of paper (windows) straight. Exercise in the gluing technique. Monitoring of passing vehicles. Examination of illustrations depicting transport. Volchkova

29 Modeling from salted dough "New Year's toys". Modeling toys (1-2 parts for a Christmas tree). A combination of different sculpting techniques; rolling out rounded shapes, joining parts, flattening, pinching, indentation. Conversation about the upcoming holiday.

Family work: Carry out culinary experiences with dough at home with parents. Lykova

30 Drawing "Serpentine is dancing". Free drawing of lines of different colors and different configurations. Self-selection of a sheet of paper for the background. Liberation of the drawing hand. Development of a sense of color and shape. Examination of postcards and calendars with the image of the New Year tree.

Under. serpentine game. Lykova

31 Drawing "Festive Christmas tree". Drawing and decorating a fluffy elegant Christmas tree. Mastering form and color as a means of figurative expressiveness. Understanding the relationship of the shape, size and proportions of the depicted object. Conversation about the forest and conifers.

Guessing riddles. Lykova

32 Application with drawing elements "Festive Christmas tree". Creating an image of a Christmas tree from 3-5 ready-made forms; decorating the Christmas tree with colored "toys" and "garlands". Experimenting with art. tools and materials. Reading poetry and learning songs about the Christmas tree.

Geometric mosaic "Fold the herringbone". Lykova

Planning in the II junior group in application and modeling according to T.S. Komarova with elements of I.A. Lykova

Komarova T.S. Classes on visual activity in the second junior group of the kindergarten. Lecture notes. - M .: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2009 .-- 96 p.

Lykova I.A. Visual activity in kindergarten: planning, class notes, guidelines. Younger group. - M .: "KARAPUZ - DIDAKTIKA", 2008. - 144 p.

Lesson topic : Acquaintance with plasticine

Software content: To give children the idea that plasticine is soft and can be sculpted from it, pinched off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to put plasticine and molded parts only on the board, carefully use plasticine.

Komarova T.S.P. 13


Lesson topic : My cheerful, ringing ball

Software content: Arouse children's interest in sculpting as an activity that allows you to create three-dimensional images (like real ones, with which you can play). Form the ability to roll the ball in circular motions of the palms, etc.

Lykova I.A. eighteen


Lesson topic : The turnip has grown big - very large

Software content: The turnip has grown - large - very large

Learn to create an image of a turnip using the cut-off applique technique. Arouse the desire to work as a group, so that you get a big - big turnip. Develop a sense of form, fine motor skills.

Lykova I.A. 36


Lesson topic : Leaf fall

Software content: Creation of an applicative composition from ready-made forms (leaves) of different colors, to develop a sense of orientation on a piece of paper.

Lykova I.A. 44



Lesson topic : Bagels for pussy

Software content: Continue to acquaint with the material, learn to roll the stick into a ring (connect the ends, pressing them tightly together). Strengthen the ability to roll plasticine with direct movements, use the material carefully.

Komarova T.S.P. 17


Lesson topic : Mushrooms in the meadow

Software content: Creation of a collective composition of mushrooms in a constructive way of two or three parts (a leg, a cap, a clearing). Show techniques for modeling a mushroom cap: rolling a ball and flattening it into a gingerbread or disk shape. Foster curiosity and accuracy.

Lykova I.A. 46


Lesson topic : Transport

Software content: Composing a composition of three elements of different sizes (two wheels, machine template) for gluing. Develop a sense of shape and color.

Lykova I.A. 122


Lesson topic : Cook - preparations for the winter

Software content:

Fix with the children the name of the vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes). Continue to teach sticking techniques within a certain shape (bank) without going beyond, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm.

Komarova T.S.P. 15



Lesson topic : Squirrel nuts

Software content: Review the names of wild animals with the children. To consolidate knowledge about the shape of various objects. Exercise in sculpting objects of a round shape by rolling the plasticine in a circular motion.

Komarova T.S.P. 22


Lesson topic : Baby rattle

Software content: Teach children to sculpt an object from two parts: a ball and a stick, connect the parts, pressing tightly, to each other. Exercise in rolling plasticine with straight and circular movements of the palms.

Komarova T.S.P. 24


Lesson topic : Flower with leaf

Software content: Creation of subject applicative pictures from 2-3 elements (a flower and two leaves). Composition of ready-made (dissimilar) elements on the background and alternate gluing of parts.

Lykova I.A. 26


Lesson topic : Rain, rain!

Software content: Applicative image of a cloud: gluing ready-made forms on the background, gluing torn pieces of paper with a second layer. Drawing rain with colored pencils.

Lykova I.A. 52


Lesson topic : Applique on the strip. Balls and cubes

Software content: Introduce a new shape - a square. Teach: compare a circle and a square; stick figures, alternating them. Clarify knowledge of colors (red, yellow, blue, green)

T.S.Komarova p. 62



Lesson topic : Tangerines and oranges

Software content: To consolidate the ability to sculpt objects of a round shape, rolling the plasticine in a circular motion of the palms. Learn to transfer different sizes of objects.

Komarova T.S.P. 27


Lesson topic : Beautiful napkin

Software content: Teach children to create a pattern on square paper, placing large circles of one color in the corners and in the middle, and small circles of a different color in the middle of the sides. Develop compositional skills, color perception, aesthetic feelings.

Komarova T.S.P. 28


Lesson topic : Christmas toys

Software content: Modeling Christmas tree decorations from salt dough. Show the variety of shapes of toys: rounded (apple, ball, tangerine), cone-shaped (cone, icicle, carrot). Arouse the desire to decorate the Christmas tree with homemade toys.

Lykova I.A. 70


Lesson topic : Snowman

Software content: Strengthen the knowledge of children about the round shape, about the difference in size of objects. Learn to compose an image from parts, correctly positioning.

Exercise in neat gluing.

Komarova T.S.P. 29



Lesson topic : snowman

Software content: Teach children to sculpt objects consisting of two balls; to consolidate the ability to bring the product to the desired image with the help of additional material; develop speech and thinking.

Kaldina. No. 15.


Lesson topic : Bowls of the three bears

Software content: Teach children to flatten a ball rolled out of clay between their palms and make a depression with a finger in the middle of the flattened ball; develop speech and thinking.

Kaldina. No. 11.


Lesson topic : Gingerbread man on the window

Software content: Creation of the image of a kolobok: pasting the finished shape and painting the details with a felt-tip pen. Develop compositional skills, a sense of color and shape.

Lykova I.A. 86



Lesson topic : Ooty, ducks!

Software content: To acquaint children with the sculptural method of modeling. Learn to draw as much material from the entire piece of plasticine as is needed to model the bird's head and tail. Develop a sense of form and proportion.

Lykova I.A. 130


Lesson topic : Stream and boat

Software content: Teach children to compose an image of a boat from ready-made shapes (trapezoids and triangles of different sizes) and draw a stream according to the idea.

To form the ability to freely place parts, to glue them neatly. Develop a sense of form, color and composition.

Lykova I.A. 122


Lesson topic : Pyramid

Software content:

Teach children to depict an object consisting of several parts, arrange the parts in a certain sequence in decreasing order of size.

Consolidate knowledge of colors. Develop color perception.

Komarova T.S.P. 25


Lesson topic : Big and small birds at the feeder

Software content: Continue to form in children a desire to transfer images of birds in modeling, correctly conveying the shape of parts of the body, head, tail; to consolidate the techniques of modeling; develop the ability to talk about what was blinded; foster creativity, initiative, independence; develop imagination.

Komarov. No. 59.



Lesson topic : Bayu-bye, go to sleep

Software content: To teach children to sculpt images of sleeping toys in the style of "Pelenashek": a trunk-cylinder (column) or a head - a ball, etc. Show the possibility of creating compositions in small cradle boxes. To foster a sense of form, composition, fine motor skills.

Lykova I.A. 94


Lesson topic : Beautiful flower

Software content: Teach children to compose an image in parts. Foster the desire to make a beautiful thing for a gift. Develop aesthetic perception.

Komarova T.S.P. 34


Lesson topic : Beautiful handkerchief

Software content: Learn to make a pattern on a piece of square paper, placing small squares and triangles in a certain order. Develop spatial representations: in the middle, in the corners, at the bottom, etc. Clarify the name of the figures.

Develop a sense of color, composition, aesthetic perception. Foster initiative.

Komarova T.S.P. 38


Lesson topic : House

Software content: Learn to compose an image from several parts, observing a certain sequence, correctly position it on the sheet. Strengthen knowledge of figures (square, rectangle, triangle).

Komarova T.S.P. 47


Lesson topic : Teddy bear

Software content: Exercise children in the image of objects consisting of round parts of different sizes; to work out the ability to fasten parts of an object, pressing them tightly to each other.

Komarov. No. 70



Lesson topic : Festive treat for dolls

Software content: Learn to select from the impressions received, what can be depicted in modeling. Exercise in the correct techniques for working with plasticine. Develop imagination.

Komarova T.S.P. 43


Lesson topic : Chicks in the nest

Software content: Arouse interest in the creation of the composition "Chicks in the nest". Teach children to sculpt a nest in a sculptural way: roll out a ball, flatten it into a disk, press in, pinch. Develop a sense of form and composition.

Lykova I.A. p. 128


Lesson topic : Chickens in the meadow

Software content: Learn to compose a composition of several objects, freely placing them on a sheet; depict an object from several parts. Continue

Practice the skills of neat gluing.

Komarova T.S.P. 45


Lesson topic : Tumbler is dancing

Software content: Learn to create the image of a toy in a characteristic movement ("the tumbler is dancing"). Show a way to transmit motion through a change in position (mixing parts to convey the slope). Arouse interest in the "Revitalization" of the applicative image, the search for pictorial and expressive means.

Lykova I.A. 116



Lesson topic : Bowls of three bears

Software content: Teach children to sculpt bowls of different sizes, using the technique of rolling plasticine in circular movements, teach them to flatten and pull the edges up. Strengthen the ability to sculpt neatly.

Komarova T.S.P. 41


Lesson topic : Bridge

Software content: Arouse interest in modeling a bridge of 3-4 "logs" and creating a spring composition (brook, bridge, flowers). Learn to align plasticine parts (log posts) along the length, cut off the excess with a stack. Develop a sense of form and size (length, ability to composition).

Lykova I.A. 124


Lesson topic : Buds and leaves

Software content: Mastering graphic and expressive means to convey the transformation of an image: drawing a branch with buds and sticking leaves. Cultivate an interest in nature and the display of impressions in visual activities.

Lykova I.A. 126


Lesson topic : "Dandelion is wearing a yellow sarafan ..."

Software content: Arouse interest in creating an expressive image of a fluffy dandelion using the cut-off applique technique. Clarify children's ideas about the appearance of a dandelion and show the possibility of depicting yellow and white flowers. Develop a sense of color and shape, fine motor skills. To cultivate aesthetic emotions, artistic taste.

Lykova I.A. 144

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1 CALENDAR-THEME PLANNING Educational area "Artistic and aesthetic development" Second junior group PARTIAL PROGRAM of artistic and aesthetic development of children 2-7 years old in art "COLORED PADS" Author I.А. Lykova, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences

2 September Subject subject "My cheerful, ringing ball" "My friend is a cheerful ball" Balloons Multi-colored balls Apple with a leaf of rounded objects. Synchronization of movements of both hands: rolling out the form in a circular motion of the palms. Development of the hand. round two-color objects: creating contour drawings, closing a line into a ring and coloring that repeats the outlines of the drawn figure. Creation of applicative pictures: rhythmic unfolding of ready-made shapes (of the same size, but different in color) and neatly gluing them onto a colored background. Development of a sense of form and rhythm. oval objects: creating contour drawings, closing a line into a ring and coloring that repeats the outlines of the drawn figure. Supplementing the image with pencil drawings (threads on balls). Creation of subject applicative pictures from 2-3 elements (an apple and 1-2 leaves): composing a composition of ready-made (dissimilar) elements on the background and alternately gluing parts Apple with a leaf and a worm Berries on a plate of objects consisting of 2-3 parts of different shapes ... Working out technique with gouache paints. Development of a sense of color and shape. Creation of a plastic composition from one large object (plate) and 5-10 small (berries). Getting a spherical shape using different techniques: circular motions of palms (for a plate) and fingers (for berries) with cotton swabs Berry by berry (on bushes) Creation of a rhythmic composition. A combination of fine techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries with cotton swabs. 32

October 3 A month from clay (salt dough, plasticine) applications Turnip on a garden bed A large, large, large turnip has grown Myshkanorushka A mouse and a turnip Turnip “leaves fall, fall” in a certain sequence: rolling the ball, flattening, stretching the tail, attaching the leaves. Creation of compositions on a block of plasticine (garden bed). Gluing the finished form (turnip) and adding self-prepared elements (leaves). Mastering the technique of cut-off applique. cone-shaped and creating a mouse image: sharpening the muzzle, using additional materials (for the ears of seeds, for the tail of strings, for the eyes of beads or beads). Creating a simple composition: sticking weed (a strip of paper torn with a fringe), drawing a large turnip and a small mouse, drawing a tail with a colored pencil. autumn leaves with warm flowers (red, yellow, orange) on a blue background (sky). Development of a sense of color and rhythm Fall of leaves Creation of an applicative composition from ready-made forms (leaves) of different colors on a blue background. Mastering the technique of breaking application (tearing strips of paper into small pieces) Mushrooms on a stump Creation of a collective composition of mushrooms. mushrooms from 3 parts (leg, cap, clearing). Firm and neat connection of parts Mushroom clearing Making a forest clearing by the method of cut-off applique. An image of mushrooms, contrasting in size. 48

4 November Month with cotton swabs and decorative applique Grad, hail! Rain, rain! Lamba (based on the fairy tale-crumb by V. Krotov) Firefly (based on the poem by V. Shipunova) Centipede Image of a cloud and hail with cotton buds with a change in the frequency of spot placement (specks on a cloud are close to each other, hail in the sky is more rare, with gaps) ... Applicative image of a cloud: gluing ready-made forms on the background, gluing torn pieces of paper with a second layer. rain with colored pencils. fantasy creatures based on a literary image. Development of figurative thinking, creative imagination. Acquaintance with the phenomenon of contrast. a firefly (on presentation) on black or dark blue paper. Development of imagination. Creation of expressive images based on the poem: rolling out elongated cylinders (sausages, columns) with straight palms and reshaping, bending, twisting on elongated sheets of paper A centipede in a store has complex-shaped images based on wavy lines. Coordination of the proportions of the background (sheet of paper) and the conceived image Forest shop of heroes of the poem of forest animals in a combined way (according to the presentation). Drawing up a collective decorative composition Striped towels for forest animals of patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Development of a sense of rhythm (alternation in a pattern of 2-3 colors or different lines). 64

5 December A month of decorative salt dough Vyugazavirukha Magic snowflakes New Year's toys Serpentine dances of chaotic patterns in a wet technique. Liberation of the drawing hand: free drawing of curved lines. Development of a sense of color (perception and creation of different shades of blue). Isolation and designation of a blue tint. Gluing six-rayed snowflakes from three strips of paper, taking into account the original shape (circle, hexagon), finishing the patterns with felt-tip pens or paints (at the choice of children). Modeling toys (2-3 parts) for the New Year tree. A combination of different sculpting techniques: rolling out rounded shapes, joining parts, flattening, pinching, indentation. Free drawing of lines of different colors (red, blue, yellow, green) and various configurations (wavy, spiral, with loops and their combination). Self-selection of a sheet of paper for the background (format, size, size). Liberation of the drawing hand. Development of a sense of color and shape An elegant Christmas tree and decoration of a fluffy elegant Christmas tree. Mastering form and color as a means of figurative expressiveness. Understanding the relationship of the shape, size and proportions of the depicted object. Week festive Festive tree. Creating an image of a New Year tree from 3-5 ready-made shapes (triangles, trapezoids); decorating the tree with colored "toys" and "garlands" (by the method of sticking and poking). Experimenting with art tools (brushes of different sizes, cotton swabs, stamps) and materials. 76

6 January A festive week from salted or butter dough "I bake, bake, bake" Experimenting Bagels pinching the edge. Development of a sense of form, fine motor skills. Gluing of ready-made forms of rings of different sizes in accordance with the idea ("stringing" bagels-bagels on a bundle). Circular glue application. Education of accuracy, confidence, independence. Rolling of cylinders (sausages) of different thickness and length with a ring closure. Decoration of molded products (sprinkling with semolina, poppy seeds, piercing holes with a pencil, plastic fork or toothpick). Development of eyes and fine motor skills. circles, contrasting in size (diameter). Self-selection of a brush: with a wide nap for bagels, with a narrow nap for bagels Gingerbread man on the window Creating the image of a bun: pasting the finished shape and painting the details with felt-tip pens. Window decoration drawing curtains, gluing decorative elements on shutters The gingerbread man rolled along the path according to the plot of the fairy tale "Gingerbread man". Creation of the image of a kolobok based on a circle or oval, a looping track based on a wavy line with loops. Independent use of such expressive means as line, shape, color. 88

7 February Month according to the concept of the plot of candy wrappers plot (collective composition) In a certain kingdom Beyond the blue seas, behind the high mountains of Bayu-bai, fall asleep Patchwork quilt Robin Bobin Drum Robin Little rudder (ladder) Big wash (handkerchiefs and towels) Moidodyr based on fairy tales. Independent choice of theme, images of fairy-tale characters and means of artistic and figurative expressiveness. Development of imagination. Creation of images of the fabulous attributes of the blue sea and high mountains. Mastering the technique of tear-off applique: tearing paper into pieces and strips, creasing, gluing in accordance with the plan. Modeling images of sleeping creatures. toys or animals in the style of swaddling clothes: the body of an ovoid (egg), the head is a ball. Arrangement of compositions in small boxes. Creating an image of a patchwork quilt from beautiful candy wrappers: sticking candy wrappers on a base (2x2 or 3x3) and compiling a collective composition from individual works. Mastering the concept of "part and whole". Creation of a comic composition based on a literary work. separate images by design (apples, cookies, nuts, pebbles, etc.) and laying them out on a common basis (belly or Robin Bobbin's table). Ladder imaging: gluing pre-formed paper strips. Completion of the plot according to your intention. items of square and rectangular shape. Creation of a composition based on a linear pattern (clothes are dried on a string). Creation of funny compositions: gluing ready-made figures on a colored background, drawing "dirty" spots on them, painting "containers" for bathing (basin, bath, puddle, stream)

8 March A month of breaking applique Bouquet of flowers Flower for mommy Icicles imaginary Icicles crybaby Cheerful tumbler Creating beautiful compositions: choosing and gluing a vase (made of textured paper) and making a bouquet of paper flowers. Development of a sense of color and shape. Preparation of paintings as a gift for mothers for a holiday. Mastering the tulip vase technique. Independent choice of paint color, brush size and paper size. Mastering the method of sculpting objects in the shape of a cone. Modeling icicles of different lengths and thicknesses. The search for techniques to enhance the expressiveness of images: flattening, twisting, stretching, twisting, molding. Creates images in the shape of an elongated triangle. A combination of fine techniques: cut-off applique, drawing with paints and pencils. Fostering interest in drawing. figurines, consisting of parts of the same shape, but of different sizes. Development of a sense of form and proportion. Dividing plasticine into parts using a stack (mastering an artistic instrument) Tumbler dancing Image of a tumbler in motion (in an inclined position). A combination of materials and methods of creating an image. Development of a sense of form and rhythm. The sun walks in the sky. Drawing up an image of the sun from a large circle and 7-10 rays (stripes, triangles, trapezoids, circles, curls at the choice of children). Development of a sense of form and rhythm Sun, sun, scatter the rings! Independent choice of materials and means of artistic expression to create the image of a folklore sun. 120

9 April Design and application month Brook and boat Bridge (based on the poem by V. Shipunova) Buds and leaves Chicks in the nest Uchi-uchi! Ladybug Flags are so different Composing a composition from several elements of different shapes (a stream and boats). Development of a sense of form and composition. Modeling a bridge of 3-4 "logs" selected in length (the excess is cut off with a stack). Creation of a composition from a stream and a bridge. Mastering graphic and expressive means to convey the transformation of an image: drawing a branch with buds and sticking leaves. Nest modeling: rolling the ball, flattening into a disk, pressing, pinching. chicks by the size of the nest. Playing on the composition (worms in beaks). Fostering interest in modeling. birds in the style of a folk toy: rolling a ball (or ovoid), pulling off a piece of material for the head, pinching a tail, pulling a beak. Fostering interest in the knowledge of nature. an expressive, emotional image of the "sun" beetle (ladybug), based on a green leaf cut out by a teacher. Development of a sense of color and shape. Drawing up a linear composition of flags alternating in color and / or shape. Decoration of flags with decorative elements. Development of a sense of form and rhythm I hold a flag in my hand of flags of different shapes (rectangular, pentagonal, semicircular). Development of a sense of form and color. 136

10 May Month week festive relief Filimonov toys Painted toys Acquaintance with Filimonov toys. Examination, examination, comparison, playing with different figures (cockerel, hen, bear, fox, lady, etc.). figurines in the style and motives of folk plastics. Fostering interest in folk arts and crafts. Development of "spectator" culture and artistic taste. Continuation of acquaintance with Filimonov's toy. Decoration of silhouettes of figures with mastered decorative elements. Drawing thin straight lines with a brush, applying colored spots using the “wetting” technique. Fostering interest in folk arts and crafts. Development of "spectator" culture and artistic taste. Chickens and dandelions Creation of a monochrome composition on a colored background. chickens and dandelions in unconventional ways (with fingers, cotton swabs, a cloth). Creation of conditions for experimenting with art materials. Fostering interest in nature and the reflection of ideas (imperfections) in the available visual activity breakaway "A dandelion wears a yellow sarafan" Creation of expressive images of meadow flowers of yellow and white dandelions using the cut-off applique technique. Development of fine motor skills, synchronization of movements of both hands. 144

Perspective thematic plan of educational situations in visual activity in the 2nd junior group. 1st quarter. Type Name of the lesson Purpose of the activity lesson 1. Object drawing / gouache /

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 12"

Contents Target section. Explanatory note 3 Age characteristics ... 4 Tasks of artistic and creative development of children 3-4 years old. 5 Curriculum. 6 Calendar training schedule .. 6 Content section.

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Calendar thematic planning on the subject "Visual activity" for 2017-2018 academic year. year (33 hours). n / a Date Topic name Formated representations 1. 1 Holding a pencil in hand. Pencil,

Additional general educational general developmental program "Skillful hands" Program focus: socio-pedagogical Age of students: 3-5 years Implementation period: months Author-compiler of the program:


О к September Month Week, date Topic of the week Topic GCD Program tasks Material, equipment 0.09-09.09.09-6.09 9.09-.09 6.09-0.09 My city Building a fence Forming children's interest in modeling; acquaintance

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Schedule of classes for the paid educational service "Skillful hands" 2018-2019. DAYS OF THE WEEK 1 SUBGROUP 2 SUBGROUP VENUE Tuesday 15.30-15.45 (15min) 16.15-16.30 (15min) group room

Prepared by: N.I. Bauer Kim Yu.L. Visual activity Drawing Modeling / applique Drawing of individual objects Subject Decorative Drawing of individual objects: Tasks in the first junior group:

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1 Explanatory note The program of additional education "Young Artist" is a general cultural modified program of artistic and aesthetic orientation. The program is based on

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Explanatory note Explanatory note Normative basis for the development of a work program: this program was developed on the basis of: Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 No.

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Long-term plan for application (preparatory group) Methodological literature: 1. Lykova I.А. "Visual activity in kindergarten" (preparatory group) 2. Lykova I.А. "Fine

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P / n Educational topic of the week 1. Goodbye, summer! Hello kindergarten! Long-term planning for modeling in the first junior group Topic of the lesson Educational tasks Materials and equipment Literature

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P / n Names of sections and topics 1. Making a postcard "Day of Knowledge" 2 Application "Autumn pattern" Calendar-thematic plan Labor Number of activities Hours I quarter 3 Modeling "In the garden" with plasticine.


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Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 97 of the combined type" "Plasticinography in kindergarten. Types of plasticinography ". / consultation for parents / Prepared by the educator.

Library "Programs of education and training in kindergarten" under the general editorship of M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.
Komarova Tamara Semyonovna- Head of the Department of Aesthetic Education, Moscow State University for the Humanities. M.A. Sholokhova, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Full Member of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, Full Member of the International Pedagogical Academy, Full Member of the Academy of Security, Defense and Law Enforcement Problems. The author of numerous works on various issues of preschool pedagogy, the history of pedagogy, aesthetic education, the development of children's creativity and artistic and creative abilities, continuity in the upbringing and teaching of preschool and primary school children, the founder and head of a scientific school. Under the leadership of T.S. Komarova defended more than 90 candidate and doctoral dissertations.


Visual activity, including drawing, modeling and applique work, is of great importance for the all-round development of preschoolers. She attracts children, pleases them with the opportunity to independently create something beautiful. And this requires the accumulation and expansion of the child's personal experience, received by him directly through the senses; successful mastering of drawing, modeling and application. It is necessary to start familiarizing children with visual activity in a preschool institution from 2-3 years old.
This manual is addressed to educators working according to the "Program of education and training in kindergarten" edited by M. A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova, for organizing and conducting art classes in the second junior group.
The book includes a program for visual activity for the second junior group, planning work for the year and outlines of classes in drawing, modeling and application. Classes are arranged in the order in which they should be taught. This does not mean, however, that educators must blindly follow the order of the classes suggested in the book. Changing the sequence of classes - may be dictated by the characteristics of the group (for example, children were brought up in a preschool institution from the first junior group), regional characteristics, the need to narrow the gap between two classes that are interrelated in content, etc.
The lessons presented in the manual are developed on the basis of the following provisions.
Visual activity is a part of all educational and educational work in a preschool educational institution and is interconnected with all its directions. Of particular importance for the upbringing and development of a child is the connection between drawing, modeling and application lessons with play. A versatile connection increases the interest of children in both visual activities and play. In this case, it is necessary to use various forms of communication: the creation of images and products for the game ("a beautiful napkin in a doll's corner", "a treat for animal toys", etc.); the use of game methods and techniques; the use of game and surprise moments, situations ("blind friends to the bear", etc.); drawing, modeling, application of objects for games, on the themes of games ("How we played the outdoor game" Hunters and Hares "(" Sparrows and a Cat ")", etc.).
For the development of children's creativity, it is necessary to create an aesthetic developmental environment, gradually involving children in this process, causing them joy, pleasure from the cozy, beautiful environment of the group, play corners; to include in the design of the group individual and collective drawings, applications created by children. The aesthetic design of classes is of great importance; successful selection of materials for classes, convenient and rational placement; the benevolent attitude of teachers to each child, the emotionally positive atmosphere of the lesson; respectful attitude of adults to children's drawings, modeling, applications.
The development of any abilities of children is based on the experience of direct cognition of objects and phenomena. It is necessary to develop all types of perception, to include in the process of mastering the shape and size of objects and their parts alternate movements along the contour of the hands of both hands (or fingers) so that the image of hand movement is fixed and on the basis of it the child can create images. This experience should be constantly enriched and developed, forming figurative ideas about already familiar objects.
In order to develop the freedom of creative solutions in children, it is necessary to teach them the formative movements, hand movements, which are important for creating images of objects of various shapes - at first simple, and then more complex. This will allow children to depict a variety of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. The better the child masters the formative movements in the second junior group, the easier and freer he will create images of any objects, showing creativity, in the future. It is known that any purposeful movement can be made on the basis of existing ideas about it. The concept of hand movement is formed in the process of visual and kinesthetic (motor-tactile) perception. The shaping movements of the hand in drawing and sculpting are different: the spatial properties of the objects depicted in the drawing are conveyed by the contour line, and in sculpting - by mass, volume. Hand movements when drawing differ in nature (pressure, range, duration), therefore we consider each type of visual activity included in the pedagogical process separately. At the same time, all types of visual activity should be interconnected, because in each of them children reflect objects and phenomena of the surrounding life, games and toys, images of fairy tales, nursery rhymes, riddles, songs, etc. Mastering the shaping movements provides children with freedom of creativity, removes the need for the teacher to constantly show ways of depicting, allows you to activate the experience of the children (“As you traced the shape with your fingers, you will draw”).
The creation of images in drawing, modeling and application, as well as the formation of creativity are based on the development of the same mental processes (perception, imagery, thinking, imagination, attention, memory, manual skill), which also develop in the process of visual activity, if the teacher remembers the need for their development.
In all classes, it is necessary to develop the activity, independence and creativity of children. They should be encouraged to remember what they saw interesting around them, what they liked; teach to compare objects; to ask, activating the experience of the children, what similar things they have already drawn, sculpted, how they did it; call the child to show the others how one or another object can be portrayed.
Each lesson should end with a collective review of all the images created by the children. It is important that children see the overall result of the lesson, hear the teacher's assessment of their work, actively participate in the conversation available to them, the assessment of the expressive images of objects, phenomena; so that every child sees his work among the work of other children. In the process of evaluating the images created by children, it is important to draw their attention to the most interesting of them, to evoke positive emotions. This helps to increase their interest in visual arts.
When working with children of the second junior group, educators should take into account the personal experience of each child and the entire group as a whole. The characteristics of each group can be determined by the age of the children (there may be slightly older children in one group; children living in the same neighborhood or in different ones; a group may consist of children who have moved into it from the first younger group). Educators are faced with the task of comprehending the characteristics of their group and adjusting the work on visual activity in accordance with this, complicating the tasks in cases where the group consists of children who were brought up in the first younger group or of children who are, for the most part, 2–4 months older ... Complications can consist in the use of a wider range of materials (the inclusion of more paints, bold pastels, sanguine), an increase in the number of images (not one Christmas tree, doll, etc., but several), etc.
In the lecture notes presented in this manual, the following headings are highlighted.
Software content. This heading indicates which learning and development tasks are solved in the lesson.
Methodology for conducting the lesson. In this part, the methodology of conducting the lesson, setting a visual task for children and a gradual direction towards obtaining a result is consistently revealed.
Materials. This section lists all the visuals and handouts needed to create images.
Connection with other occupations and activities. This part of the synopsis reveals the possible relationship of the lesson with different sections of educational work, with games and other activities. Establishing a relationship and its implementation will allow children to diversify knowledge of objects and phenomena, enrich their experience.
In the abstracts of some lessons, we offer options for a particular topic, type of activity. This gives teachers the opportunity to understand that the same visual problems can be solved on different thematic content and in the future to be creative in the choice of subjects for classes.
In the second junior group, 1 drawing lesson, 1 modeling lesson and once every two weeks 1 lesson in application are held weekly. In total, 10 lessons are held per month (4 for drawing, 4 for modeling and 2 for application). There are 9 academic months in an academic year, and therefore about 90 lessons. In a number of months, 4.5 weeks (if there are 31 days in a month), and if one lesson is added this month, the teacher can take it from the lesson options included in the notes or choose a lesson at his own discretion.
We hope that this book will help teachers of preschool educational institutions in organizing work on teaching drawing, modeling and application of children 3-4 years old, in the development of their creativity.

Fine Arts Program

Develop aesthetic perception; to draw the attention of children to the beauty of the surrounding objects (toys), objects of nature (plants, animals), to evoke a feeling of joy. To form an interest in doing visual activities. To teach to depict simple objects and phenomena in drawing, modeling, application, conveying their expressiveness.
Include in the process of examining an object the movements of both hands on the object, grasping it with your hands, tracing the object along the contour with one hand, then with the other hand, following their action with your gaze.
To develop the ability to see the beauty of color in objects of nature, children's clothes, pictures, folk toys (Dymkovo, Filimonov toys, nesting dolls).
Cause a positive emotional response to the beauty of nature, works of art (book illustrations, handicrafts, household items, clothing).
Learn to create both individual and collective compositions in drawings, modeling, applications.


Offer children to convey in drawings the beauty of the surrounding objects and nature (blue sky with white clouds; colorful leaves falling to the ground; snowflakes falling to the ground, etc.).
Continue to teach how to hold a pencil, felt-tip pen, brush correctly, without straining your muscles or squeezing your fingers tightly; achieve free movement of the hand with a pencil and brush in the process of drawing. Learn to draw paint on a brush: gently dip it with all the nap into a jar of paint, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar with a light touch of the nap, rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color. Train to dry the washed brush on a soft cloth or paper towel.
Reinforce the knowledge of the names of colors (red, blue, green, yellow, white, black), introduce the shades (pink, blue, gray). To draw the attention of children to the selection of a color that matches the depicted object.
To involve children in decorative activities: to teach them to decorate with Dymkovo patterns silhouettes of toys (bird, goat, horse, etc.), and objects (saucer, mittens) cut out by the teacher.
To teach the rhythmic drawing of lines, strokes, spots, strokes (leaves fall from the trees, it is raining, "snow is spinning, the whole street is white", "rain, rain, drip, drip, drip ...", etc.).
Learn to depict simple objects, draw straight lines (short, long) in different directions, cross them (stripes, ribbons, paths, a fence, a checkered handkerchief, etc.). Lead children to the image of objects of different shapes (round, rectangular) and objects consisting of a combination of different shapes and lines (tumbler, snowman, chicken, trolley, trailer, etc.).
To form the ability to create simple plot compositions, repeating the image of one object (Christmas trees on our site, tumblers walking) or depicting various objects, insects, etc. (bugs and worms crawl in the grass; the bun rolls along the path, etc.). Teach children to place images throughout the sheet.


Generate interest in sculpting. To consolidate ideas about the properties of clay, plasticine, plastic mass and modeling methods.
Learn to roll the lumps in straight and circular movements, connect the ends of the resulting stick, flatten the ball, crushing it with the palms of both hands.
Encourage children to decorate sculpted objects using a sharpened wand.
Learn to create objects, consisting of 2-3 parts, connecting them by pressing to each other.
Strengthen the ability to accurately use clay, put lumps and sculpted objects on the board.
Teach children to sculpt simple objects consisting of several parts (tumbler, chicken, pyramid, etc.). Offer to combine sculpted figures into collective compositions (tumblers lead a round dance, apples are on a plate, etc.). Cause joy from the perception of the result of common work.


Introduce children to the art of applique, to form interest in this type of activity. Learn to pre-lay on a sheet of paper in a certain sequence ready-made parts of different shapes, sizes, colors, and then stick the resulting image on the paper.
Learn to carefully use glue: spread it with a brush with a thin layer on the back of the figure to be pasted (on a specially prepared oilcloth); apply the side smeared with glue to a sheet of paper and press firmly with a napkin.
Encourage children to enjoy the resulting image. Form the skills of accurate work.
Learn to create in applications on paper of various shapes (square, rosette, etc.) object and decorative compositions from geometric shapes and natural materials, repeating and alternating them in shape and color. Develop a sense of rhythm.

By the end of the year, children may
Show emotional responsiveness when perceiving illustrations, works of folk arts and crafts, toys, objects and natural phenomena; rejoice in the individual and collective work they have created.
In drawing
Know and name the materials with which to paint; colors defined by the program; folk toys (nesting dolls, Dymkovo toys).
To depict individual objects, simple in composition and uncomplicated in content plots.
Choose colors that match the objects depicted.
Use pencils, markers, brushes and paints correctly.
In modeling
Know the properties of plastic materials (clay, plasticine, plastic mass); understand what objects can be sculpted from them.
Separate small lumps from a large piece of clay, roll them out with straight and circular movements of the palms.
Sculpt various objects, consisting of 1-3 parts, using a variety of sculpting techniques.
In applique
Create images of objects from ready-made shapes.
Decorate paper blanks of different shapes.
Select colors that match the depicted objects, and at your own will; use materials carefully.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year


Lesson 1. Drawing "Acquaintance with pencil and paper"
Software content. Teach children to draw with pencils. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly, guide it along the paper, without pressing too hard on the paper and not squeezing it hard in your fingers. Draw the attention of children to the traces left by a pencil on paper; offer to run your fingers along the drawn lines and configurations. Learn to see the similarity of strokes with objects. Develop a desire to paint.

Lesson 2. Modeling "Acquaintance with clay, plasticine"
Software content. To give children the idea that clay is soft, you can sculpt from it, you can pinch off small lumps from a large lump. Learn to put clay and sculpted items only on the board, work carefully. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Lesson 3. Drawing "It is raining"
Software content. To teach children to convey impressions of the surrounding life in a drawing, to see an image of a phenomenon in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw short strokes and lines, hold the pencil correctly. Develop a desire to paint.

Lesson 4. Modeling "Sticks" ("Sweets")
Software content. Teach children to pinch off small lumps of clay, roll them between palms in straight movements. Learn to work carefully, put finished products on the board. Develop a desire to sculpt.

Lesson 5. Application "Big and small balls"
Software content. Teach children to choose large and small round objects. To consolidate ideas about objects of a round shape, their differences in size. Learn to carefully stick images.

Lesson 6. Drawing "Tie colored strings to the balls"
Software content. Teach children to hold a pencil correctly; draw straight lines from top to bottom; lead the lines inseparably, together. Develop aesthetic perception. Learn to see the image of an object in the lines.

Lesson 7. Modeling "Various colored crayons" ("Bread straw")
Software content. Exercise in sculpting sticks by rolling clay with straight palms. Learn to work carefully with clay, plasticine; put sculpted items and excess clay on the board. To develop a desire to sculpt, to rejoice at what has been created.

Lesson 8. Drawing "Beautiful ladders"(Option "Beautiful striped rug")
Software content. Teach children to draw lines from top to bottom; carry them straight without stopping. Learn to draw paint on a brush, dip it with all the nap in the paint; remove the excess drop by touching the edge of the jar with a pile; rinse the brush in water, dry it with a light touch on a cloth to pick up paint of a different color. Continue introducing flowers. Develop aesthetic perception.

Lesson 9. Modeling "Bagels" ("Bagels")
Software content. Continue to acquaint children with clay, teach how to roll a clay stick into a ring (connect the ends, pressing them tightly together). Strengthen the ability to roll clay with straight movements, sculpt neatly. Develop imaginative perception. Encourage children to enjoy the images they receive.

Lesson 10. Application "Balls are rolling on the track"(Option "Vegetables (fruits) are on a round tray")
Software content. To acquaint children with round objects. Encourage you to trace the shape along the contour with the fingers of one and the other hand, calling it (round ball (apple, tangerine, etc.)). Learn the techniques of gluing (spread glue on the back of the part, take a little glue on the brush, work on an oilcloth, press the image to the paper with a napkin and the whole palm).


Lesson 11. Drawing "Multicolored carpet of leaves"
Software content. Develop aesthetic perception, form figurative representations. Teach children to hold the brush correctly, dip it into the paint with all the nap, remove the extra drop on the edge of the jar. Learn to draw leaves by applying a brush nap to paper.

Lesson 12. Drawing "Colored balls"
Software content. Teach children to draw continuous lines in a circular motion, without lifting the pencil (felt-tip pen) from the paper; hold the pencil correctly; use pencils of different colors in the drawing process. To draw the attention of children to the beauty of colorful images.

Lesson 13. Application "Large and small apples on a plate"
Software content. Teach children to stick round objects. To consolidate ideas about the difference in size of objects. Reinforce the correct gluing techniques (take a little glue on a brush and apply it to the entire surface of the mold).

Lesson 14. Drawing "Rings"("Multicolored soap bubbles")
Software content. Teach children to hold a pencil correctly, to convey a rounded shape in the drawing. Practice a circular motion of the hand. Learn to use pencils of different colors in the drawing process. Develop color perception. Consolidate knowledge of colors. Arouse a feeling of joy from the contemplation of multi-colored drawings.

Lesson 15. Modeling "Kolobok"
Software content. Arouse in children a desire to create images of fairy-tale characters in sculpting. Strengthen the ability to sculpt rounded objects by rolling clay between the palms in a circular motion. Strengthen the ability to accurately work with clay. Learn to draw some details (eyes, mouth) on the sculpted image with a stick.

Lesson 16. Drawing "Blow Up, Bubble ..."
Software content. Teach children to convey images of outdoor games in a drawing. Strengthen the ability to draw objects of a round shape of different sizes. To develop the ability to paint with paints, to hold the brush correctly. Consolidate knowledge of colors. Develop imagery, imagination.

Lesson 17. Modeling "Gift to your beloved puppy (kitten)"
Software content. Form imaginative perception and imaginative representations, develop imagination. Teach children to use previously acquired skills in modeling. To cultivate a kind attitude towards animals, a desire to do something good for them.

Lesson 18. Application "Berries and apples are on a platter"
Software content. Strengthen children's knowledge about the shape of objects. Learn to distinguish objects by size. Exercise in careful use of glue, use of a napkin for neat gluing. Learn to freely arrange images on paper.

Lesson 19. Modeling by design
Software content. Strengthen the ability of children to transfer images of familiar objects in sculpting. Learn to independently determine what they want to blind; bring the plan to the end. To cultivate the ability and desire to enjoy your work.

Lesson 20. Drawing by design
Software content. Teach children to independently conceive the content of the picture. To consolidate the previously learned skills in drawing with paints. Foster a desire to look at drawings and enjoy them. Develop color perception, creativity.


Lesson 21. Drawing "Beautiful balloons (balls)"
Software content. Teach children to draw round objects. Learn how to hold a pencil correctly, use pencils of different colors in the drawing process. Develop an interest in drawing. Arouse a positive emotional attitude towards the created images.

Lesson 22. Application "Colorful lights in the houses"
Software content. Teach children to paste images of a round shape, clarify the name of the shape. Learn to alternate circles by color. Exercise in neat gluing. Reinforce knowledge of colors (red, yellow, green, blue).

Lesson 23. Modeling "Pretzels"
Software content. Strengthen the technique of rolling clay with straight palms. Teach children to roll the resulting sausage in different ways. To form the ability to examine works, to highlight similarities and differences, to notice the variety of created images.

Lesson 24. Drawing "Multicolored wheels"("Colorful hoops")
Software content. Learn to draw objects of a round shape with a continuous continuous movement of the brush. Strengthen the ability to wash the brush, blot the pile of the washed brush on a cloth (napkin). Develop color perception. Consolidate knowledge of colors. Teach children to look at finished works; to highlight even beautiful rings.

Lesson 25. Application on the strip "Balls and Cubes"

Baby, bubble, baby, baby, child, baby, baby, baby, bug, baby, baby, baby, baby, butuz, baby, pot-bellied little thing, youngsters Dictionary of Russian synonyms. toddler see child 1 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. A practical guide ... Synonym dictionary

KARAPUZ, toddler (short and belly) husband. toddler is a contemptuously stocky fat man, toddler, shorty, karandysh. | Insect Hister. Small, small, short-legged and dense. Crawl, squat or hide, huddle behind what, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

KARAPUZ, toddler, husband. (colloquial joke fam.). 1. Affectionate designation of a small child. 2. Fat and short man (joking). Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

KARAPUZ, ah, husband. (colloquial joke). A fat, plump kid. | decrease. caress. little toddler, ah, husband. Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

CARAPUZ- This is how small children were once called only by the Turkic-speaking representatives of some of the many title terms of the Odessa nation, including the Gagauz. Over time, K. (literally "round and thick like watermelons") began to appear not only in ... ... Big semi-explanatory dictionary of the Odessa language

Small fat man (short, belly) Cf. Seryozha smokes ... I can imagine this toddler with a cigarette! How old is he? Seven years. A.P. Chekhov. At dusk. Houses. Wed Grisha, a little seven-year-old toddler, was standing near the kitchen door, listening and ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

toddler- The origin is unclear. Usually construed as borrowing. from Turkic. lang., where karpuz "watermelon" pers. harbuza "melon" (literally "donkey cucumber": har "donkey", buza "cucumber"). See watermelon. Toaddy in this case literally means “(round and thick) like ... ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language

toddler- Etymology offers two options for the formation of this word. The first assumes that in the original version this word had the form of Korotopuz from short and belly, and the modern pronunciation and spelling is associated with the development of akanya. According to the second option ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language Krylov

toddler- KARAPUZ, a, m Shuttle .. The same as the kid (usually fat and plump). Adults were touched by how this one and a half year old toddler babbled in his own language, only he could understand ... (Ch. Aitmatov) ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

Coropuz, toddler, also in the meaning. bug. According to Sobolevsky (RFV 70, 79), this word is absent in the present. dial. and old. names, in connection with which he considers it as a transformation of the French. crapoussin little toddler, close to the belly (so ... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

The little one is a small fat man ("short", "belly"). Wed Seryozha smokes ... I can imagine myself with this little kid eating a cigarette! How old is he? "Seven years". A.P. Chekhov. In the twilight. Houses. Wed Grisha, a small seven-year-old toddler, was standing near ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)