The attitude towards the people is war and peace. An essay on the theme The image of the common people in the novel "War and Peace

The attitude towards the people is war and peace. An essay on the theme The image of the common people in the novel "War and Peace

Leo Tolstoy's novel was created in the 1860s. This time became in Russia the period of the highest activity of the peasant masses, the rise of the social movement.

The central theme of the literature of the 60s of the XIX century was the theme of the people. To consider it, as well as to highlight many major problems of our time, the writer turned to the historical past: the events of 1805-1807 and the war of 1812.

Researchers of Tolstoy's work disagree on what he meant by the word "people": peasants, the nation as a whole, merchants, philistines, patriotic patriarchal nobility. Of course, all these layers are included in Tolstoy's understanding of the word "people", but only when they are the bearers of morality. Everything that is immoral is excluded by Tolstoy from the concept of "people."

With his work, the writer asserted the decisive role of the masses in history. In his opinion, the role of an outstanding personality in the development of society is negligible. No matter how brilliant a person is, he cannot, at will, direct the movement of history, dictate his will to it, dispose of the actions of a huge mass of people living a spontaneous, swarm life. History is created by people, masses, people, and not by a person who has risen above the people and has taken upon himself the right to predict the direction of events at his own will.

Tolstoy divides life into an upward current and a downward, centrifugal and centripetal. Kutuzov, to whom the natural course of world events in its national-historical limits is open, is the embodiment of the centripetal, ascending forces of history. The writer emphasizes the moral height of Kutuzov, since this hero is associated with a mass of ordinary people by common goals and actions, love for the homeland. He receives his strength from the people, experiences the same feelings as the people.

The writer also focuses on the merits of Kutuzov as a commander, whose activities were invariably directed towards one goal of national importance: “It is difficult to imagine a goal more worthy and more in line with the will of the whole people”. Tolstoy emphasizes the purposefulness of all Kutuzov's actions, the concentration of all forces on the task that faced the entire Russian people in the course of history. An exponent of national patriotic feelings, Kutuzov also becomes the guiding force of popular resistance, raises the spirit of the troops he commands.

Tolstoy portrays Kutuzov as a national hero who achieved independence and freedom only in alliance with the people and the nation as a whole. In the novel, the personality of the great commander is contrasted with the personality of the great conqueror Napoleon. The writer exposes the ideal of unlimited freedom that leads to the cult of a strong and proud personality.

So, the author sees the significance of a great personality in the feeling of the ongoing history as the will of providence. Great people like Kutuzov, who have a moral sense, their experience, intelligence and consciousness, guess the requirements of historical necessity.

“The thought of the people” is also expressed in the images of many representatives of the noble class. The path of ideological and moral growth leads positive heroes to rapprochement with the people. Heroes are tested by the Patriotic War. The independence of private life from the political game of the leaders emphasizes the inextricable connection of the heroes with the life of the people. The vitality of each of the characters is tested by the "thought of the people."

She helps Pierre Bezukhov to discover and show his best qualities; The soldiers call Andrei Bolkonsky “our prince”; Natasha Rostova gets carts for the wounded; Marya Bolkonskaya rejects Mademoiselle Bourienne's offer to remain in Napoleon's power.

The closeness to the people is most clearly manifested in the image of Natasha, in which the Russian national character is originally laid. In the scene after the hunt, Natasha enjoys listening to the play and singing of her uncle, who “sang as the people sing,” and then she dances “The Lady”. And everyone around her is amazed at her ability to understand everything that was in every Russian person: "Where, how, when she sucked into herself from this Russian air that she breathed - this decanter, brought up by an emigrant Frenchwoman, this spirit?"

If Natasha is completely characteristic of the features of the Russian character, then in Prince Andrei the Russian principle is interrupted by the Napoleonic idea; however, it is precisely the peculiarities of the Russian character that help him understand all the deceit and hypocrisy of Napoleon, his idol.

Pierre finds himself in the peasant world, and the life of the villagers leads him to serious thoughts.

The hero realizes his equality with the people, even recognizes the superiority of these people. The more he learns the essence and strength of the people, the more he admires them. The strength of the people lies in its simplicity and naturalness.

According to Tolstoy, patriotism is a property of the soul of any Russian person, and in this respect the difference between Andrei Bolkonsky and any soldier of his regiment is insignificant. War forces everyone to act and act in ways that cannot be avoided. People do not act by order, but obeying an inner feeling, a sense of the significance of the moment. Tolstoy writes that they united in their aspirations and actions when they felt the danger hanging over the entire society.

The novel shows the greatness and simplicity of a swarm's life, when everyone does his part of the common cause, and a person is driven not by instinct, but precisely by the laws of social life, as Tolstoy understands them. And such a swarm, or world, does not consist of an impersonal mass, but of separate individuals who do not lose their individuality in merging with the swarm. This is the merchant Ferapontov, who burns his house so that it does not fall to the enemy, and Moscow residents, who leave the capital simply for the reason that it is impossible to live in it under Bonaparte, even if no danger threatens. The peasants Karp and Vlas, who do not give hay to the French, and the Moscow lady who left Moscow with her little arapki and pugs in June, on the grounds that “she is not a servant to Bonaparte,” become participants in the swarm life. All these people are active participants in the folk, swarm life.

So, people for Tolstoy are a complex phenomenon. The writer did not consider the common people an easily controlled mass, as he understood them much deeper. In the work, where “people's thought” is in the foreground, a variety of manifestations of the national character are depicted.

Captain Tushin is close to the people, in whose image “small and great”, “modest and heroic” are combined.

The theme of the people's war sounds in the image of Tikhon Shcherbaty. This hero is definitely useful in guerrilla warfare; cruel and ruthless to enemies, this character is natural, but Tolstoy is not very sympathetic. The image of this character is ambiguous, just as the image of Platon Karataev is ambiguous.

Upon meeting and meeting Platon Karataev, Pierre is struck by the warmth, good nature, comfort, calmness emanating from this person. It is perceived almost symbolically, as something round, warm and smelling of bread. Karataev is characterized by an amazing adaptability to circumstances, the ability to "settle down" in any circumstances.

The behavior of Platon Karataev unconsciously expresses the true wisdom of the folk, peasant philosophy of life, over the comprehension of which the main characters of the epic are tormented. This hero expounds his reasoning in a parable-like form. This, for example, is the legend of an innocently convicted merchant who suffers “for his own sins and for human sins,” the meaning of which is that you have to humble yourself and love life, even when you suffer.

And yet, unlike Tikhon Shcherbaty, Karataev is hardly capable of decisive action; his goodness leads to passivity. He is opposed in the novel by Bogucharov's peasants, who rose up in revolt and spoke out for their interests.

Along with the truth of the nationality, Tolstoy also shows pseudo-people, a fake for it. This is reflected in the images of Rostopchin and Speransky - specific historical figures who, although they try to take on the right to speak on behalf of the people, have nothing to do with them.

In the work, the artistic narration itself is at times interrupted by historical and philosophical digressions, in style close to journalism. The pathos of Tolstoy's philosophical digressions is directed against the liberal-bourgeois military historians and writers. According to the writer, "the world denies war." So, on the reception of the antithesis, a description of the dam, which Russian soldiers see during the retreat after Austerlitz, is constructed - ruined and ugly. In peacetime, she was buried in greenery, was neat and rebuilt.

So, in the work of Tolstoy, the question of the moral responsibility of a person before history is especially acute.

So, in Tolstoy's novel War and Peace, people from the people come closest to spiritual unity, since it is the people, according to the writer, who are the bearers of spiritual values. Heroes who embody “people's thought” are in a constant search for truth, and, consequently, in development. In spiritual unity, the writer sees the way to overcome the contradictions of contemporary life. The War of 1812 was a real historical event where the idea of ​​spiritual unity came true.

1867 year. L. M. Tolstoy finished work on the epoch-making novel of his work "". The author noted that in War and Peace he “loved popular thought,” poeticizing the simplicity, kindness and morality of a Russian person. This "popular thought" reveals, depicting the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. It is no coincidence that L. Tolstoy describes the war of 1812 only on the territory of Russia. The historian and realist artist L. Tolstoy showed that the Patriotic War of 1812 was a just war. In defense, the Russians raised "the stick of the people's war, which punished the French until the invasion was stopped." The war radically changed the life of the entire Russian people.

The author introduces in the novel there are many images of men, Soldiers, whose thoughts, considerations in the aggregate constitute the people's attitude to the world. The irresistible strength of the Russian people is fully felt in the heroism and patriotism of the inhabitants of Moscow, forced to abandon their hometown, their treasure, but not conquered in their souls; the peasants refuse to sell food and hay to the enemies, and form partisan detachments. L. Tolstoy portrayed Tushin and Timokhin as real heroes, steadfast and firm in fulfilling their military duties. More expressively, the theme of the elements of the people is revealed in the depiction of partisan war. Tolstoy creates a vivid image of the partisan Tikhon Shcherbatov, who voluntarily joined Denisov's detachment and was "the most useful person in the detachment." - a generalized image of the Russian peasant. In the novel, he appears on those pages where Pierre's being held captive is depicted. A meeting with Karataev changes a lot in Pierre's attitude to life. Deep folk wisdom seems to be concentrated in the image of Plato. This wisdom is calm, sane, without tricks and cruelty. From her, Pierre changes, begins to feel life in a new way, renews his soul.

Hatred of the enemy to the same extent, representatives of all strata of Russian society felt, and patriotism and closeness to the people are most inherent in Tolstoy's favorite heroes -,. The simple Russian woman Vasilisa, the merchant Feropontov, and the family of Count Rostov feel united in their desire to help the country. The spiritual strength that the Russian people showed in the Patriotic War of 1812 is the very strength that supported the activity as a talented Russian and military leader. He was elected commander-in-chief "against the will of the sovereign and in accordance with the will of the people." That is why, according to Tolstoy, he was able to fulfill his great historical mission, since each person is worth something not by himself, but only when he is a part of his people. Thanks to unity, high patriotic enthusiasm and moral strength, the Russian people won the war.

"The thought of the people"- the main idea of ​​the novel "War and Peace". Tolstoy knew that the simple life of people, with its "personal" destinies, vicissitudes, joy, constituted the fate and history of the country. “I tried to write the history of the people,” said Tolstoy, the people in the broadest sense of the word. Therefore, "people's thought" plays a huge role for the author, asserts the place of the people as a decisive force in history.

June 26 2010

The people in "War and Peace" are Tikhon Shcherbaty, Tushin and Timokhin, Pierre Bezukhoye and, Nikolai Rostov and. The Kuragins and Drubetskoy belong to the historical people. The people in War and Peace are not only morally healthy and positive. For the author of a historical epic dedicated to the Patriotic era with Napoleon, the concept of "people" included a complex and contradictory unity, heterogeneous both morally and socially. Over the course of Tolstoy's life, many of his concepts changed dramatically. Including the concept of "people". Perhaps this change in Tolstoy's understanding of what a parod is, and the character and direction of Tolstoy's special and historically significant path was expressed in the most vivid way.

In the 80s, after the crisis he went through and the transition to the position of the defender of peasant interests, only for the "working people", only for the working classes will he recognize the right to be called a people. Then the concepts of "man" and "master" will become for him deeply opposite in their social and moral meaning and value. In "War and Peace" this is not yet and could not be. It could not be due to the peculiarities of the historical material of the work, and due to the peculiarities of Tolstoy's worldview of that time. It is worth noting that in "The Landowner's Morning", written in the 50s, Tolstoy calls the peasants not a people, as he will do from the 80s, but a "class of the people." The people in "War and Peace" - as it should be with the historical people - are many-sided and multidimensional. On the pages of Tolstoy's novel, people of different characters and different social positions collide, meet and part, disperse and converge, love and hate, live and die. These are landowners and peasants, officers and soldiers, merchants and burghers, etc. However, Tolstoy devotes most of all attention and space to depicting people belonging to the nobility. This is explained not only by the fact that, as Tolstoy himself admits, the nobles, their way of life, manners, their deeds and thoughts were better known to him. This is also justified by purely objective circumstances: the action of Tolstoy's historical novel takes place at a time when it was the nobility who was the main conscious participant in the historical process and therefore, not only in Tolstoy's view, but also in reality, in reality, was in the foreground of events. Let us recall that the era that Tolstoy portrayed in the novel was attributed by V.I.Lenin to the noble period in the development of the Russian revolutionary movement.

The fact that Tolstoy treats the nobility with special attention does not at all mean that Tolstoy, the author of War and Peace, treats different people from among the nobility in the same way. To Tolstoy, some of the heroes are clearly sympathetic, sweet, mentally close, and for the reader this immediately becomes noticeable. Other heroes to Tolstoy are alien and unpleasant, and this is also felt by the reader immediately and in the most direct way. Affects the author's "purity of moral feeling", which has an organic ability to infect in the artistic sense. As in his earlier works, so in War and Peace, Tolstoy is never morally indifferent to his heroes. Like Pierre Bezukhov, he constantly asks questions: “What's wrong? What well? What should I love, what should I hate? " These are the most fundamental questions of Tolstoy's artistic worldview. For him, these are the most fundamental questions of history, of all human illumination and reproduction of history.

1867 year. L. M. Tolstoy finished work on the epoch-making novel of his work "War and Peace". The author noted that in War and Peace, he “loved popular thought,” poeticizing the simplicity, kindness and morality of a Russian person. L. Tolstoy reveals this “popular thought” by depicting the events of the Patriotic War of 1812. It is no coincidence that L. Tolstoy describes the war of 1812 only on the territory of Russia. The historian and realist artist L. Tolstoy showed that the Patriotic War of 1812 was a just war. Defending, the Russians raised a "club

A popular war that punished the French until the invasion was ended. ” The war radically changed the life of the entire Russian people.

The author introduces into the novel many images of men, Soldiers, whose thoughts and considerations together make up the people's worldview. The irresistible strength of the Russian people is fully felt in the heroism and patriotism of the inhabitants of Moscow, forced to abandon their hometown, their treasure, but not conquered in their souls; the peasants refuse to sell food and hay to the enemies, and form partisan detachments. Real heroes, steadfast and firm in execution

L. Tolstoy showed his military duties in the images of Tushin and Timokhin. More expressively, the theme of the elements of the people is revealed in the depiction of partisan war. Tolstoy creates a vivid image of the partisan Tikhon Shcherbatov, who voluntarily joined Denisov's detachment and was "the most useful person in the detachment." Platon Karataev is a generalized image of the Russian peasant. In the novel, he appears on those pages where Pierre's being held captive is depicted. A meeting with Karataev changes a lot in relation to

Pierre to life. Deep folk wisdom seems to be concentrated in the image of Plato. This wisdom is calm, sane, without tricks and cruelty. From her, Pierre changes, begins to feel life in a new way, renews his soul.

Hatred of the enemy was equally felt by representatives of all strata of Russian society, and patriotism and closeness to the people are most inherent in Tolstoy's favorite heroes - Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, Natasha Rostova. The simple Russian woman Vasilisa, the merchant Feropontov, and the family of Count Rostov feel united in their desire to help the country. The spiritual strength that the Russian people displayed in the Patriotic War of 1812 is the very strength that supported Kutuzov's activities as a talented Russian and military leader. He was elected commander-in-chief “against the will of the sovereign and in agreement. with the will of the people ”. That is why, according to Tolstoy, Kutuzov was able to fulfill his great historical mission, since each person is worth something not by himself, but only when he is a part of his people. Thanks to unity, high patriotic enthusiasm and moral strength, the Russian people won the war.

“People's Thought” is the main idea of ​​the novel “War and Peace”. Tolstoy knew that the simple life of people, with its "personal" destinies, vicissitudes, joy, constituted the fate and history of the country. “I tried to write the history of the people,” said Tolstoy, the people in the broadest sense of the word. Therefore, "people's thought" plays a huge role for the author, asserts the place of the people as a decisive force in history.

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3 4 INTRODUCTION There are two sides of life in every person: personal life, which is the more free, the more abstract its interests, and spontaneous, swarm life, where a person inevitably uses the laws prescribed to him. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace". “This is a new talent and, it seems, reliable,” this is how N.A. Nekrasov. I.S. Turgenev noted that the first place among writers belongs to Tolstoy by right, that soon "he alone will be known in Russia." N.G. Chernyshevsky, reviewing the writer's first collections, defined the essence of his artistic discoveries in two terms: "dialectics of the soul" and "purity of moral feeling." For Tolstoy, the instrument for the study of mental life, the microscope of psychological analysis became the main one among other artistic means. An unprecedented keen interest in mental life is of fundamental importance for Tolstoy the artist. In this way, the writer opens in his heroes the possibility of change, development, internal renewal, confrontation with the environment. The ideas of the revival of man, people, humanity constitute the pathos of Tolstoy's work. Starting from his early stories, the writer deeply and comprehensively explored the capabilities of the human person, its ability for spiritual growth, familiarization with the lofty goals of human existence. In 1860, Tolstoy begins to write the novel The Decembrists, conceived as the story of a Decembrist returning from exile. It was this novel that served as the beginning for the creation of War and Peace. The Decembrist theme at the early stage of the work determined the composition of the planned monumental work about the almost half-century history of Russian society.

4 5 The writer's desire to explore the depths of historical and personal life was reflected in the work on the great epic. In search of the origins of the Decembrist movement, Tolstoy inevitably came to the era of the Patriotic War, which formed the future noble revolutionaries. The writer retained admiration for the heroism and sacrifice of the "best people" of the early 19th century for the rest of his life. In the early 60s, important changes took place in his worldview. Tolstoy recognizes the decisive role of the people in the historical process. The pathos of "War and Peace" in the affirmation of the "thought of the people." The author's deep, albeit peculiar democratism determined the angle of view necessary for an epic in assessing all persons and events on the basis of the "people's opinion." Work on the novel "War and Peace" lasted 7 years (from 1863 to 1869). Tolstoy begins his romance in 1805. He intended to lead the heroes through the historical events of 1805, 1807, 1812, 1825 and finish it in 1856. That is, the novel had to cover a long historical period. However, in the process of work, the writer gradually narrowed the chronological framework and thus came to the creation of a new work. In this book, the most important images of historical events and a deep analysis of human souls have merged. The relevance of this work lies in the need to consider the character of the Russian people, which manifests itself with equal force in peaceful, everyday life and in large, landmark historical events, during military failures and at moments of highest glory, in order to understand our people using these vivid examples and artistic images and the country in which you and I have the honor to live. The purpose of this work "The theme of the people in the novel" War and Peace "is a detailed consideration of the artistic originality and meaning of the theme of the people in the novel" War and Peace "as well as the significance of this topic for L.N. Tolstoy as a novelist.

5 6 In connection with this goal, we will define the tasks: 1. Consider the genre and structural features of the novel "War and Peace"; 2. Show the true and false patriotism shown by Leo Tolstoy in the novel; 3. Reveal the significance of the novel "war and peace" in world literature and research historiography. The range of problems studied is enclosed in a chronological framework from 1805 to 1820, but has gone beyond the personal fate of the heroes and examines the grandiose epic picture of Russian life at the beginning of the 19th century.

6 7 1. GENRE PROPERTIES AND STRUCTURAL FEATURES OF THE NOVEL WAR AND PEACE Tolstoy started writing the novel War and Peace in October 1863, and finished it by December 1869. The writer devoted more than six years to incessant and exceptional work, daily work, painfully joyous, requiring from him the utmost exertion of spiritual and physical strength. The advent of War and Peace was truly the greatest event in the development of world literature. Tolstoy's epic showed that the peculiarities of the national-historical development of the Russian people, its historical past give the genius writer the opportunity to create gigantic epic compositions like Homer's Iliad. War and Peace also testified to the high level and depth of realistic skill achieved by Russian literature in just some thirty years after Pushkin. Until now, disputes about how to understand the second half of the familiar title, that is, what is the meaning of the word peace, do not stop. This word is used in its double meaning: first, it denotes the ordinary, non-military life of people, their fate in the period between wars, in peaceful conditions of life; secondly, the world denotes a community of people based on close similarity or complete unity of their national or social feelings, aspirations, interests. But be that as it may, the title War and Peace contains the idea of ​​national, universal human unity, brotherhood of people in the name of opposing war as evil, the idea of ​​denying enmity between people and nations. War and Peace is not a romance in the conventional sense of the term. Tolstoy is cramped within the definite boundaries of the novel. Narration in

7 8 War and Peace went beyond the novel form and approached the epic as the highest form of epic storytelling. The epic gives an image of the people in difficult periods for its existence, when great tragic or heroic events shake and set in motion the whole society, country, nation. Sharpening his thought somewhat, Belinsky said that the hero of the epic is life itself, and not a person. The genre originality and structural feature of War and Peace is that this work combined the features and qualities of the novel and the epic in their organic fusion, fusion. It is an epic novel or an epic novel, that is, both a novel and an epic at the same time. Tolstoy depicts private and public life, puts forward the problem of the fate of man and Russian society, the state, the Russian nation, all of Russia at a crucial moment in their historical life. Tolstoy tried to write the history of the people, painted a picture of the life of the people in its military and everyday manifestations. In an effort to capture everything that he knew and felt, Tolstoy gave in War and Peace, as it were, a code of life, manners, spiritual culture, beliefs and ideals of the people in the dramatic period of its history in the days of the Patriotic War of 1812. Both in historical science and in fiction of those years, the topic of national Russian history was widely discussed, with keen interest aroused by the question of the role of the masses and the individual in history. Tolstoy's merit as the author of the epic novel is that he was the first to reveal so deeply and so convincingly brightly illuminated the great role of the masses in the historical events of the beginning of the 19th century, in the life of the Russian state and society, in the spiritual life of the Russian nation. The understanding of the people as a decisive force in the battle with external enemies gave Tolstoy the right to make the people the true hero of his epic. He was convinced that the reason for our celebration was not accidental, but lay in the essence of the character of the Russian people and troops.

8 9 Tolstoy himself attached great importance to the philosophy of history that had developed in him, developed in War and Peace. These thoughts are the fruit of all the mental work of my life and constitute an inseparable part of that world outlook, which (God only knows!) By what labor and suffering developed in me and gave me perfect calmness and happiness, Tolstoy wrote about the philosophical and historical chapters of War and Peace. The basis of this outlook was the idea that the course of the historical life of mankind is governed by incomprehensible laws, the action of which is as inexorable as the action of the laws of nature. History develops independently of the will and aspirations of individuals. A person sets himself certain goals, towards the achievement of which he directs his activities. It seems to him that he is free both in setting goals and in his actions. In fact, he is not only not free, but his actions, as a rule, do not lead to the results he strives for. A historical process independent of their individual goals and aspirations is formed from the activities of many people. It was clear to Tolstoy, in particular, that the masses of the people are the decisive force in great historical events. This understanding of the role of the masses in history is the subjective basis of the broad epic depiction of the historical past that War and Peace provides. It also made it easier for Tolstoy to artistically recreate the image of the masses themselves when depicting their participation in the war. In his descriptions of the war, Tolstoy focuses on the deep national characteristics of the Russian people, the inflexibility of its will in the face of the most terrible invasion, patriotism, and the readiness to die but not submit to the conqueror. At the same time, Tolstoy presents us with detailed images (of Alexander, Napoleon, Kutuzov and others) of historical figures of this era. Moreover, it was the image of Kutuzov that gave

9 10 Tolstoy's opportunity to practically visibly reveal the national character of the Patriotic War of 1812. The Great Patriotic War and the confidence placed in him by the people and the army make Kutuzov a great historical figure. This deep and correct thought guided Tolstoy in creating the image of Kutuzov in War and Peace. Tolstoy sees the greatness of Kutuzov, the commander, first of all, in the unity of his spirit with the spirit of the people and the army, in his understanding of the national character of the war of 1812 and in the fact that he embodies the features of the Russian national character. In creating the image of the old field marshal, Tolstoy undoubtedly took into account Pushkin's characteristics: Kutuzov alone was clothed with a people's power of attorney, which he so wonderfully justified! As a focus, he concentrates in himself those moods that were inherent in the old prince Bolkonsky, and prince Andrei, and Timokhin, and Denisov, and nameless soldiers. A deep connection with his homeland, with everything Russian was the source of his strength as a commander, as a historical figure. Only then the personality fully manifests itself and leaves a trace in history, when it is organically connected with the people, when everything that the people lives on in a given historical period is concentrated and then revealed in it, such a conclusion can be drawn from considering the image of Kutuzov. Kutuzov, as a representative of the people's war, opposes in the novel Napoleon the arrogant and cruel conqueror, whose actions in the depiction of Tolstoy are not only not justified by either history or the needs of the French people, but also contradict the moral ideal of mankind. In the depiction of Tolstoy, Napoleon is an executioner of peoples, a man without convictions, habits, without traditions, without a name, not even a Frenchman, that is, without a sense of homeland, for whom France was the same means in achieving world domination like other peoples and states.

10 11 Tolstovsky Napoleon is a gambler, an over-the-top adventurer, whom history, in the person of the Russian people, has cruelly and deservedly taught him a lesson. In his philosophical digressions and chapters, Tolstoy more than once repeats the idea that historical events occur only because they should occur, and that the more we try to reasonably explain historical phenomena, the more incomprehensible they become to us. To explain the phenomena of history, it is necessary to penetrate into the essence of the connection between a person and an event, and for this it is necessary to know the history of all, without one exception, all people taking part in the event, for all people spontaneously participate in the socio-historical process and, therefore, unconsciously create history. And since it is not possible to do this, then one has to admit fatalism in history. So, there are two sides of life in every person: personal life, which is all the freer, the more abstract its interests, and spontaneous, swarm life, where a person inevitably fulfills the laws prescribed to him. In other words: A person consciously lives for himself, but serves as an unconscious instrument to achieve historical, universal human goals. This is how Tolstoy defines the boundaries of human freedom and independence, the area of ​​his conscious activity and the area of ​​necessity, in which the will of providence rules. This leads to a solution to the question of the role of the individual in history. The general formula, often repeated in different ways by the author of War and Peace, sounds like this: ... one has only to delve into the essence of each historical event, that is, the activities of the entire mass of people who participated in the event, in order to make sure that the will of the historical hero is not only not guides the actions of the masses, but she herself is constantly guided ... The role of an outstanding personality in history is insignificant. No matter how brilliant a person is, he cannot, at will, direct the movement of history, dictate his will to her, predetermine the movement of history and

11 12 to dispose of the actions of a huge mass of people living a spontaneous, swarm life. History is created by people, masses, people, and not by a person who has risen above the people and has taken upon himself the right to predict the direction of events at his own discretion. Tolstoy writes: Fatalism for a person is the same nonsense as arbitrariness in historical events. It does not follow from this that Tolstoy completely denied any role of man in history and that he reduced it to zero. He recognizes for every person the right and even the obligation to act within the boundaries of the possible, to deliberately intervene in ongoing historical events. One of the people who, using every moment of freedom, not only directly participates in events, but is also gifted with the ability, instinct and intelligence to penetrate the course of events and grasp, comprehend their general meaning, who is one with the people, deserves the name of a truly great man, genius personality. There are only a few of them. Kutuzov belongs to them, and Napoleon is his antipode.

12 13 2. CONTRADICTIONS OF TRUE AND FALSE PATRIOTISM IN THE NOVEL "WAR AND PEACE" The main theme of the novel "War and Peace" is the depiction of the feat of the Russian people in the Patriotic War of 1812. The author speaks in his novel both about the faithful sons of the fatherland and about false patriots who think only of their own selfish goals. Tolstoy uses the technique of antithesis to depict both the events and the heroes of the novel. Let's follow the events of the novel. In the first volume, he talks about the war with Napoleon, where Russia (an ally of Austria and Prussia) was defeated. There is a war going on. In Austria, General Mark is defeated at Ulm. The Austrian army surrendered. The threat of defeat hung over the Russian army. And then Kutuzov decided to send Bagration with four thousand soldiers through the rugged Bohemian mountains to meet the French. Bagration had to quickly make a difficult transition and detain the forty-thousandth French army until the arrival of Kutuzov. His detachment had to accomplish a great feat to save the Russian army. Thus, the author brings the reader to the depiction of the first great battle. In this battle, as always, Dolokhov is daring and fearless. Dolokhov's courage is manifested in the battle, where "he killed one Frenchman point-blank, the first to take the surrendered officer by the collar." But after that he goes to the regimental commander and reports on his "trophies": "Please remember, your excellency!" Then he untied the handkerchief, tugged at it and showed caked blood: "Wound with a bayonet, I stayed at the front. Remember, your excellency." Everywhere, always, he remembers, first of all, about himself, only about himself, everything that he does, does for himself. We are not surprised by Zherkov's behavior either. When, in the midst of the battle, Bagration sent him with an important order to the general of the left flank, he did not go forward, where he could hear

13 14 shooting, and began to look for the general aside from the battle. Due to an unspoken order, the French cut off the Russian hussars, many were killed and wounded. There are many such officers. They are not cowards, but they do not know how to forget themselves, their careers and personal interests for the sake of a common cause. But the Russian army consisted not only of such officers. In the chapters depicting the Battle of Shengraben, we meet the true heroes. Here he sits, the hero of this battle, the hero of this "case", small, thin and dirty, sitting barefoot, taking off his boots. This is an artillery officer Tushin. “With big, smart and kind eyes he looks at the chiefs who have entered and tries to joke:“ The soldiers say that they are more agile when they take off their shoes, and he is embarrassed, feeling that the joke has failed. ”Tolstoy does everything to make Captain Tushin appear before us in the most unheroic form But it was this funny man who was the hero of the day. Prince Andrey will rightly say about him: “The success of the day we owe most of all to the action of this battery and the heroic staunchness of Captain Tushin with the company.” The second hero of the Battle of Shengraben is Timokhin. the very minute when the soldiers succumbed to panic and ran. Everything seemed to be lost. But at that moment the French, advancing on ours, suddenly ran back ... and Russian riflemen appeared in the forest. It was Timokhin's company. And only thanks to Timokhin, the Russians had the opportunity to return and collect battalions. Courage is varied. There are many people unrestrainedly brave in battle, but lost in everyday life. In the war of 1812, when each soldier fought for his m, for relatives and friends, for the Motherland, the awareness of danger "multiplied" strength. The further Napoleon advanced into the interior of Russia, the more the strength of the Russian army grew, the more the French army weakened, turning into a gathering of thieves and marauders. Only the will of the people, only popular patriotism, the "spirit of the army" makes the army invincible. This conclusion is made by Tolstoy in his immortal epic novel War and Peace.

14 15 3. PATRIOTISM OF THE RUSSIAN PEOPLE IN THE PATRIOTIC WAR OF 1812 So the novel "War and Peace" in genre is an epic novel, since Tolstoy shows us historical events that cover a large period of time (the action of the novel begins in 1805, and ends in 1821, in the epilogue), more than 200 characters act in the novel, there are real historical personalities (Kutuzov, Napoleon, Alexander I, Speransky, Rostopchin, Bagration and many others), all social strata of Russia of that time are shown: high society, noble aristocracy , the provincial nobility, the army, the peasantry, even the merchants (remember the merchant Ferapontov, who sets fire to his house so that the enemy does not get it). An important theme of the novel is the theme of the feat of the Russian people (regardless of social belonging) in the war of 1812. It was a just people's war of the Russian people against the Napoleonic procession. An army of half a million, led by a major commander, fell with all its might on the Russian land, hoping to conquer this country in a short time. The Russian people rose up to defend their native land. A feeling of patriotism swept over the army, the people and the best part of the nobility. The people exterminated the French by all legal and illegal means. Circles and partisan detachments were created, destroying French military units. The best qualities of the Russian people were manifested in that war. The whole army, experiencing an extraordinary patriotic upsurge, was full of faith in victory. Preparing for the Battle of Borodino, the soldiers wore clean shirts and did not drink vodka. It was a sacred moment for them. Historians believe that Napoleon won the Battle of Borodino. But the "battle won" did not bring him the desired results. The people threw away their property and

15 16 went away from the enemy. Food supplies were destroyed so that the enemy would not get it. There were hundreds of partisan detachments. They were big and small, peasant and landlord. One detachment, led by a sexton, took several hundred prisoners prisoner in a month. There was the elder Vasilisa, who killed hundreds of Frenchmen. There was a poet-hussar Denis Davydov - the commander of a large, actively operating partisan detachment. Kutuzov M.I. proved to be a true commander of the people's war. he is the spokesman for the spirit of the people. This is what Prince Andrei Bolkonsky thinks of him before the Battle of Borodino: "He will not have anything of his own. He will not invent anything, he will not undertake anything, but he will listen to everything, remember everything, put everything in its place, he will not interfere with anything useful and nothing harmful. He understands that there is something more significant than his will ... And the main thing why you believe him is that he is Russian ... "All Kutuzov's behavior indicates that his attempts to understand the events active, correctly calculated, deeply thought out. Kutuzov knew that the Russian people would win, because he perfectly understood the superiority of the Russian army over the French. Creating his novel "War and Peace", Leo Tolstoy could not ignore the theme of Russian patriotism. Tolstoy portrayed the heroic past of Russia exceptionally truthfully, showed the people and their decisive role in the Patriotic War of 1812. For the first time in the history of Russian literature, the Russian commander Kutuzov is truly depicted. Depicting the war of 1805, Tolstoy paints different pictures of hostilities and various types of its participants. But this war was fought outside of Russia, its meaning and goals were incomprehensible and alien to the Russian people. The war of 1812 is a different matter. Tolstoy draws it differently. He portrays this war as a people's war, just, which was waged against enemies who encroached on the country's independence.

16 17 4. THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NOVEL “WAR AND PEACE” IN WORLD LITERATURE There are great poems, great creations of worldwide significance, eternal songs bequeathed from century to century; there is no educated person who does not know them, did not read them, did not live them ... wrote A. I. Herzen. War and Peace are among these great creations. This is the most monumental creation of Tolstoy, which took a very special place in his work, in the history of Russian and world literature, in the development of the artistic culture of all mankind. War and peace are the pinnacle of Tolstoy's epic work. This eternal book laid the foundation for the all-European fame of the writer, brought him almost world recognition as a genius writer-realist. The happiness of a person is in love for everyone, and at the same time he understands that there can be no such love on earth. Prince Andrew had to either abandon these views, or die. In the first versions of the novel, he remained alive. But then Tolstoy's philosophy would die. For the writer, his worldview was dearer than the hero, so he stressed many times that the one who interferes in the course of events and, with the help of reason, tries to change them, is insignificant. The greatness and happiness of a person is different. Let us turn to the description of Pierre's inner state: “The expression of the eyes was firm, calm and alertly ready, such as never before had Pierre's gaze. Now he found the truth that he was looking for in Freemasonry, in secular life, in wine, in self-sacrifice, in romantic love for Natasha. He searched for her with the help of thought and, like Prince Andrew, came to the conclusion about the powerlessness of thought, about the hopelessness of the search for happiness "by means of thought." In what has Pierre found happiness now? "Satisfaction of needs, good food, cleanliness, freedom seemed to Pierre perfect happiness."

17 18 A thought that tries to lift a person above his immediate needs only brings confusion and uncertainty into his soul. A person is not called to do more than that which concerns him personally. Tolstoy says that a person must determine the boundaries of his freedom. And he wants to show that the freedom of man is not outside of him, but in himself. Feeling inner freedom, becoming indifferent to the outer flow of life, Pierre is in an unusually joyful mood, the mood of a person who has finally discovered the truth. The role of the people in the war of 1812 is another main theme of the novel. According to Tolstoy, the fate of the war is decided not by the conquerors, not by the battles, but by the hostility of the population towards the army of the conquerors, the unwillingness to obey it. The people are the main force that determined the fate of the war. Tolstoy welcomes the people's war. Words, unusual for his style, appear: "majestic power", "blessing to that people." The writer praises the "club of the people's war", considers the partisan movement an expression of the people's just hatred of the enemy. "War and Peace" is a novel about life and death, about the recalcitrant power of vitality inherent in man. Tolstoy reveals that special state of mind when a person, as it were, gets off the ground and sees more than in everyday, everyday life. Let us recall those experiences that Natasha experiences after breaking up with Prince Andrey. She is alienated from the everyday world, but love brings her back to life. "Love woke up, and life woke up," writes Tolstoy. This is not the kind of love that Prince Andrey has learned, it is earthly love. The writer has always dreamed of harmony, that people, loving themselves, love others. And Natasha is closest to this ideal. She knows how to enjoy life, knows how to understand and alleviate the suffering of others. The author shows this state of the heroine as follows: “Under the seemingly impenetrable layer of silt that covered her soul, thin

18 19 tender young needles of grass, which should have taken root and so cover the grief that crushed it with their life shoots that it will soon be invisible and imperceptible. " Tolstoy paints the "special" love of Natasha and Pierre. Bezukhov hardly recognized Rostov, but when she smiled, he was seized by a long-forgotten happiness. Pierre is struck by the appearance of the present Natasha: "It was impossible to recognize her, because on this face, in whose eyes a hidden smile of the joy of life always shone, now there was not even a shadow of a smile, there were only eyes, attentive, kind and sadly questioning." This sadness is not only due to personal losses: Natasha's face reflected all the sorrows of people who have experienced so much over the past year. She not only understands her grief, but also knows how to penetrate the suffering of another person, to understand them. Natasha listened to Pierre's story about his adventures, catching the still unspoken word on the fly, and directly brought it into her open heart. Only a person whose heart is open to other people, a person in whom living life is beating, can listen in this way. Now in the finale, after the epic and tragic chapters, a lyric song of love sounds. From this theme of love of two people for each other, the theme of love of life grows. The main crime against life is war. But the war is over, the suffering that it brought is a thing of the past. The wounds are healed. At the end of the novel, the writer asserts the right of people to love, to happiness, to life. War and Peace is based on Tolstoy's world outlook. This is the belief in the eternity of the people, in the eternity of life, hatred of wars, the conviction of the necessity of persistent search for truth, aversion to the cult of the individual, the glorification of pure love, contempt for individualism, a call for the unity of people. Tolstoy's novel was hailed as a masterpiece of world literature. G. Flaubert expressed his admiration in one of his letters to Turgenev (January 1880): “This is a first-rate thing! What an artist and what a psychologist! Two

19 The first 20 volumes are amazing. Yes, it's strong, very strong! " D. Galsworthy called "War and Peace" "the best novel that has ever been written." R. Rolland wrote about how, as a very young man, a student, he read Tolstoy's novel: this “work, like life, has no beginning or end. It is life itself in its eternal movement. " According to this book, the whole world studied and is studying Russia. The artistic laws discovered by the great writer still constitute an indisputable model. "War and Peace" is the result of Tolstoy's moral and philosophical searches, his aspirations to find the truth and meaning of life. This work contains a particle of his immortal soul.

20 21 CONCLUSION War and Peace was conceived as a novel about a Decembrist returning from an amnesty in 1856. But the more Tolstoy worked with archival materials, the more he realized that it was impossible to write this novel without telling both about the uprising itself and about the war of 1812. So the idea of ​​the novel was gradually transformed, and Tolstoy created a grandiose epic. "War and Peace" is a story about the heroic deed of the people, about the victory of their spirit in the war of 1812. Later, speaking about the novel, Tolstoy wrote that the main idea of ​​the novel is "popular thought." It consists not only and not so much in the depiction of the people themselves, their way of life, life, but in the fact that each positive hero of the novel ultimately connects his fate with the fate of the nation. In the second part of the epilogue, Tolstoy says that until now all history has been written as the history of individuals, usually tyrants, monarchs, and no one has ever thought about what is the driving force of history. Tolstoy believed that this is the so-called "swarm principle", the spirit and will of not one person, but the nation as a whole, and how strong the spirit and will of the people are, the more probable are certain historical events. Thus, Tolstoy explains victory in the Patriotic War by the fact that two wills collided: the will of the French soldiers and the will of the entire Russian people. This war was just for the Russians, they fought for their Motherland, so their spirit and will to win turned out to be stronger than the French spirit and will. Therefore, Russia's victory over France was predetermined. So the relevance of this work consisted in the need to consider the character of the Russian people, in order to understand our people and the country in which you and I have the honor to live with these vivid examples and artistic images. I think that I managed to achieve this in my work "The theme of the people in the novel" War and Peace ". After all, the war of 1812

21 22 became a borderline, a test of all positive characters in the novel: for Prince Andrey, who feels an extraordinary rise before the Battle of Borodino, faith in victory; for Pierre Bezukhov, all of whose thoughts are aimed at helping the expulsion of the invaders - he even develops a plan to assassinate Napoleon; for Natasha, who gave the carts to the wounded, because it was impossible not to give them up, it was shameful and disgusting not to give them up; for Petya Rostov, who takes part in the hostilities of a partisan detachment and dies in a battle with the enemy; for Denisov, Dolokhov, even Anatol Kuragin. All these people, having discarded everything personal, become a single whole, participate in the formation of the will to win. Exploring the material for writing the work, I realized that the will to win is especially clearly manifested in the mass scenes: in the scene of the surrender of Smolensk (remember the merchant Ferapontov, who, succumbing to some unknown, inner strength, orders all his goods to be distributed to the soldiers, and what cannot be endured - set on fire); in the scene of preparation for the Battle of Borodino (the soldiers put on white shirts, as if preparing for the last battle), in the scene of the battle between the partisans and the French. In general, the theme of guerrilla warfare occupies a special place in the novel. Tolstoy emphasizes that the war of 1812 was indeed a popular war, because the people themselves rose to fight the invaders. The detachments of the elder Vasilisa Kozhina and Denis Davydov were already operating, and the heroes of the novel, Vasily Denisov and Dolokhov, were creating their own detachments. Tolstoy calls a cruel, not life-and-death war "the cudgel of the people's war": nothing, rose, fell and nails the French until the entire invasion was killed. "

22 23 It seems to me that, unfortunately, the prospect of this research will never run out. Only epochs, peoples, personalities and heroes will change. Because any war should be considered a people's war. there will definitely be a defending side that will be involved in the war only because of the protection of its people. And there will always be wars

23 24 References. 1. Ermilov V. Tolstoy the artist and the novel "War and Peace". M., "Soviet Writer", Kogan P.S. Essays on the history of contemporary Russian literature in two volumes, vol. 2, M., Tolstoy L.N. Complete collection of works, vol. L.N. Tolstoy in Russian criticism. M., Goslitizdat, Matyleva T. About the world significance of Tolstoy. M., "Soviet writer". 6. Plekhanov G.V. Art and Literature. M., Goslitizdat, 1948.

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Napoleon's invasion On June 24, 1812, a dangerous and powerful enemy invaded Russia, the army of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Our troops were more than twice as numerous as the French. Napoleon

THE THEME OF THE COLLISION OF THE CHRISTIAN WORLD VIEW AND REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS IN THE "INTOLERANCE" OF Y. TRIFONOV B.Sh. Baimusaeva, Sh.D. Zhumabaeva South Kazakhstan State University named after M.Auezova Shymkent, Kazakhstan

2017 marks the 205th anniversary of the Patriotic War of 1812. It was a great test for our people and one of the most glorious pages in Russia. “The twelfth year is a folk epic, the memory of which

The path to Victory in posters The Great Patriotic War is a time of the greatest difficulties and the greatest unity of the multinational people who stood up to defend their native land from the fascist invaders. The call "All

Read Dostoevsky, love Dostoevsky. Dedicated to the 195th anniversary of the birth of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

Work plan: 1. Quiz: The Patriotic War of 1812 and its historical significance. 2. Show jumping of drawings on the theme "The Patriotic War of 1812". 3. Game journey "Faithful sons of the Fatherland". 4. Calendar

Essay on the theme of the artistic features of Pushkin's novel Eugene Onegin Pushkin's lyrical digressions from the novel Eugene Onegin about creativity, about love in the life of a poet. Love for Realism and Fidelity

Problems of the novel An epic novel is not an ordinary literary work - it is an artistic presentation of a certain philosophy of life. 1) The writer tries to understand the laws that govern the world.

Municipal Budgetary Institution of Culture "Centralized Library System of Yelets" Children's Library-Branch 2 Field of Glory Borodino Virtual exhibition for the 205th anniversary of the Battle of Borodino Exhibition

Person of the number: Andrei Bolkonsky Je ne connais dans la vie que maux bien réels: c "est le remord et la maladie. Il n" est de bien que l "absence de ces maux. Contents Prince Andrei on the World Wide Web

Wars are sacred pages Many books have been written about the Great Patriotic War - poems, poems, stories, stories, novels. The literature about the war is special. It reflects the greatness of our soldiers and officers,

Among Russian poets M. Yu. Lermontov occupies a special place. Lermontov's poetic world is the element of a powerful human spirit that rejects the vulgar pettiness of everyday life. Special, Lermontov, element

Review of books on the anniversary of the war The Great Patriotic War moves away from year to year. The participants in the war leave, carrying away their meager stories. Modern youth sees war in biographical series, foreign films,