Open a sewing production from scratch. How to open a sewing workshop or mini-studio from scratch: a detailed business plan

Open a sewing production from scratch.  How to open a sewing workshop or mini-studio from scratch: a detailed business plan
Open a sewing production from scratch. How to open a sewing workshop or mini-studio from scratch: a detailed business plan

How to organize a sewing business - a detailed production business plan, we determine the profitability of opening + 7 sections of the business plan + 4 potential risks.

Opening costs: from 610,000 rubles.
Payback period: 12-18 months.

Before you think about how to open a sewing production, you need to understand that there is nothing to do without the necessary knowledge in this area.

The fact is that many experienced tailors are moving from working from home to opening a private workshop, and the competition increases significantly every year.

Small ateliers should not be taken into account as competitors, since they do not sew on such a scale, but only to order.

When opening a sewing business, it is worth choosing a certain direction in which to work, something relevant.

If the scope of the work performed is scattered, then the quality of the manufactured products may decrease.

In order for the business to be relevant enough, you can work in the following areas:

  • sewing children's clothes (children's clothes are always more expensive than adults, and they have to be bought much more often, since children grow up quickly);
  • sewing products from fur and leather (you can sell much more expensive than the cost price);
  • sewing costumes for marriage ceremonies;
  • sewing outerwear (coats, raincoats, jackets);
  • sports paraphernalia (tailoring of personalized tracksuits, tailoring of team uniforms).

Detailed business plan for garment production

First of all, you need to draw up a sensible business plan for the garment production in order not to miss important points of the organization and to outline the sequence of actions.

For example, if you order from another city, you will only have to pay for delivery.

But if from another country, then also the import tax.

Required employees

The main means of activity of this production are employees.

In order to sew high-quality products, you need experience and knowledge, and even better a diploma on obtaining this specialty.

In order to save money, you can hire several employees with extensive experience, and appoint them as senior.

Others may be less experienced, but learn as they go.

This should not affect product quality in any way.

To motivate employees to work more productively, and seamstresses of the first category to assist the training of less experienced ones, in addition to the rate, it is possible to pay a percentage of profit (if the plan for a month is fulfilled).

Calculation of personnel costs:

How to find clients in the sewing business?

As mentioned above, many clients in the sewing business cannot be found without advertising.

However, it does not say anything about the enterprise as well as a job well done.

Therefore, you always need to monitor the quality.

It is necessary to search for clients long before work begins.

The sooner the execution of orders begins, the sooner the business will pay off and start making a profit.

This is done before hiring people, purchasing equipment and renting premises.

Start with small deliveries, scale your business as you demand and conquer new markets for product sales.

Keep track of the quality of the manufactured goods, provide better conditions than competitors.

This will help to earn a name in the market, thereby firmly gaining a foothold in the clothing industry.

Sales of products

Another important fact is the sale of products, after all. the larger the supply of goods, the greater the profit.

Nowadays, more and more people go shopping on the Internet.

Taking advantage of this, you need to make your own website or sell products using.

If the business is only growing and there is no boutique of its own, then you can open a point on the market.

You can also agree on the supply of goods to stores, thereby expanding the range of sales outlets.

The store, in turn, will profit from the price increase for the product.

Calculation of advertising costs

General calculation of the cost of starting a sewing business

Cost-effectiveness of opening a sewing production

The payback period for the sewing business will be at least a year or a year and a half.

It takes time for a business to develop.

Time to establish wholesale distribution, the speed of production, perhaps even expand its scale.

With all this, the business has a good, even high profitability, which is 60% (of course, provided that the business flourishes).

It is also worth considering the scale of production: a small workshop will pay off faster, but a larger enterprise will bring more profit.

A young woman entrepreneur shares her experience of opening and running a sewing business in the video:

Possible risks when starting a sewing business

In any business, there are a number of factors that can make it unprofitable, and maybe even unprofitable.

  • A long payback period can lead to a shortage of funds.
  • The absence of clients will lead to work at a loss.
  • Lack of skilled workers in the market.
  • The cost of materials, when ordering overseas, will fluctuate with the currency.

To sewing business brought a decent income and quickly paid off, all possible risks should be eliminated in advance.

Or, at least, prepare to minimize negative consequences.

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In this material:

The sewing business, the business plan of which must take into account the market situation, is aimed at sewing various clothes and not only. First of all, it is necessary to find a demand that can satisfy such production, otherwise the enterprise will be idle. To open a sewing production, you need to draw up a business plan for a sewing workshop or factory, in which you will have to take into account a lot of little things.

What does it take to open a factory?

Before drawing up a plan for a garment factory, you need to take into account that the following steps will have to be taken to implement the project:

  • determine the direction;
  • monitor the market in this direction and calculate future income and expenses;
  • choose a workshop;
  • hire competent specialists;
  • purchase equipment for the enterprise;
  • calculate profitability;
  • to carry out organizational work on sales;
  • place an advertisement for a product;
  • to form the technology of the future enterprise;
  • work out legal issues;
  • carry out the organization of accounting, choose a room for a warehouse;
  • resolve issues with the transportation of goods.

The wrong direction will be difficult to promote. Look around the market, determine the price positions for the clothes you want to produce. Only the factory whose production is in demand will bring income. Determining demand requires careful monitoring. It would be a mistake to start production, guided by their own ideas about demand and pricing in the market.

After the direction of production has been chosen, you need to find a room in which the workshop will be located. It is best to consider not the central areas, but those located at some distance from the center. The premises located there will have a low rental price. The main thing is that the workshop is equipped with water supply, heating and electricity.

When choosing qualified employees, you need to buy equipment for the workshop at the same time. You can buy used equipment. First of all, you need to purchase fabrics and accessories. Be guided by the price-quality ratio. You do not need to buy the cheapest fabrics, because the final products will be of low quality, which means that the demand for them will be low. Conduct a bulk purchase, which will reduce the price of the material.

A project cannot do without a qualified technologist who can calculate profitability, perform organizational work on sales and advertising. Please note that only a well-built enterprise technology will allow the enterprise to generate income and reduce costs.

The project will require the organization of warehouse accounting and accounting, without which it is impossible to know how things are progressing in the sewing business. If the project needs transportation, it will have to be created. However, these are additional costs that need to be included in the sewing business plan.

Production requires the following equipment:

  • printers;
  • special equipment;
  • ironing tables and steam generators;
  • equipment for washing linen;
  • automated clothing design system;
  • embroidery machines;
  • cutting and flooring equipment.

Opening of a sewing workshop

If you have experience working with various fabrics, you have the necessary patterns and experience in design, you can organize and open your own sewing workshop by registering an individual enterprise. To translate ideas into reality, you need to create a business plan for a sewing workshop.

You can start your business only after you decide on the tastes, financial capabilities and age categories of buyers.

You can organize mass production, which will have average prices for products and will be calculated for regional buyers. Or, for example, it will be an enterprise with only expensive products. All these factors are needed to draw up a new project.

It is necessary to decide what the enterprise will produce: cheap products or fashionable and high-quality clothes at average prices. Of course, you can make expensive clothes, become a fashion designer and instill good taste in your customers. But access to this market is not easy.

First of all, you need to choose fabrics, colors, negotiate with suppliers and store owners. Consider the following costs to set up a sewing business:

  • for the purchase of materials;
  • to hire qualified workers;
  • for the purchase of special equipment.

The quality of goods depends mainly on the equipment, because no professional employee can sew good products on a cheap sewing machine.

When planning your own sewing production, keep in mind that to open your own workshop, which is capable of producing 20-50 units of products per day, you need to spend 1.1 million rubles. And if the new project of sewing production is a workshop producing 150-200 units per day, it will take about 10 million rubles. That is, the initial investment for the opening of such enterprises will require considerable. In the first case, investments are paid off in 2.5-3 years, and in the second - in 1.5-2 years.

Choosing a direction for the future sewing enterprise

Above, it was pointed out to careful preparation before starting production. From the directions of sewing, you can consider:

  • overalls (work, uniform);
  • outerwear;
  • products made of suede, leather, fur (you need the necessary equipment);
  • interior items (bedspreads, pillows, curtains);
  • small and children's clothing.

Focus on seasonal sales. For example, before the school year it is good to organize the production of school clothes. Take into account tenders, participation in which can provide good orders for a long time, thereby greatly increasing the profitability of the enterprise. It is not bad to conclude contracts with fitness centers for which a line of sportswear can be produced, since similar imported ones cost 2-3 times more.

Order a business plan

no matter Auto Jewelry and accessories Hotels Children's franchises Home business Online stores IT and Internet Cafes and restaurants Inexpensive franchises Shoes Training and education Clothing Leisure and entertainment Food Gifts Manufacturing Miscellaneous Retail trade Sports, health and beauty Construction Home goods Health products Business services (b2b) Public services Financial services

Investments: from 1,000,000 rubles.

Mr.Doors company manufactures custom-made cabinet and built-in furniture. Mr.Doors company was founded in 1996 and began its activity with the production of sliding wardrobes. The company is growing and constantly developing, offering the market new products based on the latest trends in world furniture fashion. A wide range of materials and components allows you to create furniture for almost any living area - hallways, children's rooms, living rooms, ...

Investments: 900,000 - 1,320,000 rubles.

The chain of atelier for urgent repair of clothes "Nimble weaver". A well-known trade mark registered in 2005 is represented on the service market in the following cities: St. Petersburg, Moscow, Rostov-on-Don, Yekaterinburg, Pskov, Lipetsk, Omsk, Voronezh, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Samara. The network of enterprises includes more than 35 ateliers (data as of January 2011). Description of the franchise

Investments: 300,000 - 700,000 rubles.

A network of departments for the sale of chocolates and handmade figures of our own production. Couverture chocolate atelier was created in 2006 with the support of the famous Belgian chocolate house "Buri". We bring to you the traditions and unique experience of Belgian chocolate masters. The uniqueness of our business lies in the manual production of exclusive sweets and chocolate products. We make all products ...

Investments: 980,000 - 2,000,000 rubles.

ELISIR is an Italian brand of designer fashion accessories decorated with Swarovski crystals. For the products we use designer leather from leading Italian ateliers and limited collections of Swarovski crystal elements, made exclusively for ELISIR. The company has 2 formats of trade assortment: - for shopping centers of the "medium +" and "premium" class - for shopping centers of the class "medium" and "economy". Both formats have proven themselves successfully ...

Investments: from 169,000 rubles.

Master Skoroshey is a federal chain of ateliers that offers minor repair and fitting services. Such services are in stable demand at any time, but now, when the population is trying to save money and limit consumption, they become especially relevant. Atelier "Master Skoroshey" renders the following services: - repair of textile, - knitwear, leather and fur products; - shortening of skirts, ...

Investments: 1,500,000 - 7,500,000 rubles.

Attention to detail, reasonable pedantry, emphasis on comfort and quality of clothing - the German tailor Albert Ritter knew what his customers value most. Italian fabrics, unique patterns and German technology turned a small atelier into a small factory, which by the middle of the last century turned into a company for the production of menswear. Years have passed. Today, like 120 years ...

Investments: 3,000,000 - 4,000,000 rubles.

The Giovanni Botticelli brand has been known in Europe since 1958. The successful development of the brand begins with the production of fashionable men's ties. It was thanks to this elegant accessory that the first buyers were able to learn about the excellent European quality from Giovanni Botticelli. In a short time, the Giovanni Botticelli brand is gaining popularity and a decision is made to expand the range. The choice fell on another element of men's clothing, which ...

How to start a sewing production? This can seem like a very tempting and interesting activity. But, in fact, this is a rather complicated, time-consuming and multi-stage process.

By opening your own garment production, you will join the light industry of your country. And in this industry there are many enterprises that produce the widest range of sewing products, from underwear and bed linen to workwear.

If you feel the makings of a good organizer and are not devoid of creativity, then most likely the sewing business is the business that you need to take seriously.

Opening your own sewing production, now when more and more consumers want to dress tastefully and even chic, is a very promising business.

The profitability of this type of business is also high because fashion has a constant tendency to constantly change and the demand for new models, styles and colors will never dry up.

Mind Map: Open a sewing production.

Regardless of what kind of production you have planned for yourself, whether it is a small elite atelier aimed at the production of expensive, piece clothing, or it will be a full-scale garment production for the production of the widest range of textile products, you still cannot do without drawing up a detailed business. plan.

We analyze the market before opening a sewing production

Like any other business, a sewing production should not be opened until a regional market has been calculated, where it is planned to sell the company's finished products. Do not think that detailed market analysis is a simple matter. In fact, it will require a lot of strength and effort from you.

But believe that the efforts will pay off handsomely in the future. Before cutting the blue ribbon at the doorstep of your enterprise, you must find out which garment products in your region are in short supply, determine those goods that are offered to the buyer in an obvious excess, determine which textile products are clearly overpriced and which clearly do not correspond balance between quality and asking price tags.

Conduct the analysis thoroughly, scrupulously, visiting as many different outlets as possible.

The knowledge gained from the analysis of the regional market for garments will help you when negotiating with customers and distributors of your products. You will be able to confidently offer them goods that are in short supply, or goods that will have a competitive price.

Finding distribution channels for your future garment production

When you're done with that, start looking for good marketing channels for your finished product. Their list may include businesses and organizations that need your products, entrepreneurs from clothing markets, curtain and textile stores, clothing stores.

When negotiating with your potential retailers, be sure to listen to their opinion on the pricing and quality of products requested by buyers. Do not be dismissive of their opinion. As a rule, these are experienced salespeople and they will be able to give you a lot of useful tips.

After such negotiations, you will already decide exactly what you will sew and to what extent you will do it.
In the event that you have no experience in this area or you do not have a certain education, find an assistant who will calculate for you the cost of producing a unit of finished product. The production of a particular product model should be started only after carefully weighing all the pros and cons and conducting a thorough study of the estimated costs and incomes.

Believe that if you are going to open a sewing production, then without drawing up a detailed business plan, your project may be doomed to fiasco.

Open a sewing production: decide on the equipment

A small enterprise with a finished product output of 20-50 models per day will require you to spend 15-18 thousand dollars. It is clear that the more you want to make products, the more you will have to spend. The amount of 150-200 thousand North American dollars invested in the business will allow us to have production with the release of 180-200 finished products per work shift of 8 hours.

It is clear that there are intermediate options and the above sums of money are very approximate.

Do not forget that a large production process will require large purchases of production equipment.

Practice has shown that large sewing enterprises have a narrow specialization, producing, for example, only shirts, or coats, overalls or hats. Often, a narrow specialization will require you to use special sewing equipment. Among them, most likely, there will be ironing and steaming machines and cutting knives.

But, they are not the main mechanisms in the highly specialized sewing industry. You will never do without automatic and semi-automatic special sewing machines, which belong to the category of very expensive equipment. Before you start buying them, you must decide how many of them you need and what operations can be performed with their help. It is also important to determine how you will arrange them in the rental space.
In the event that you are having difficulty with this, then before opening a sewing production, order a project from experienced technologists.

For example, in order to open a small garment production with up to 10 employees, you will need the following equipment:

  • Universal single-needle sewing machines (for sewing garments) -8 pieces. You can buy inexpensive and quite acceptable quality Chinese or Korean cars;
  • Loop semiautomatic device for making a straight loop (better imported) -1 piece;
  • Overcasting machines (overlocks) -2 pieces. It is better to take one 3-thread and one 5-thread (for simultaneous sewing and overcasting);
  • Semi-automatic button-1 piece, (sometimes you can do without it).

In the event that you have planned to produce suits and coats, then you cannot do without purchasing an eyelet buttonhole machine for making curly loops with eyes.

It is more expedient to carry out equipment for opening a small sewing production with the help of purchases of used equipment.

The cost difference between used machines and new equipment is quite significant. So, new cars for a small workshop will cost 15 thousand "green", while, the same cars, on which someone has already worked, will cost 5 thousand of the same "green".

Do not forget that it will be impossible to give a presentable presentation of the finished product if you do not expose it to steaming and ironing. So, get ready for the costs of purchasing an ironing table and a set of iron, steam generator and vacuum pump.

It is impossible to cut blanks without a cutting table and a knife. Select the type of knife (with a vertical or circular knife) depending on the volume of fabrics to be cut.

Also, it is rational to install interoperation tables in the aisles between the machines. Now you understand how much you need to take into account and not forget to organize a profitable garment production.

Make a competent, clear and detailed business plan when preparing open a sewing production, and then, you will avoid mistakes and accurately calculate the amount of required investments.

Motivation when opening a sewing production

Let me ask you the next question to understand why some people have a lot of clients, while others have few. Let's start with this simple question:

In your opinion, what motivation affects people more, negative or positive? What motivates you more?

Consider an example of positive motivation. If you have many clients, you will start earning a lot, achieve some definite big goal of your own, for example, build a house by the sea, buy a new car, educate children, and travel the world.
Or negative motivation. There will be few clients, you will lose money, you will be limited in income, etc.
What do you feel moves you forward more, positive or negative motivation?
Which do you prefer: pulling a nail out of your leg or eating your favorite, beautiful, delicious cake, that's what you will do first?
Either you take out the nail first, fill the wound with brilliant green, iodine, and then, when it is over, go back to the cake, or eat the cake right away, then pull out the nail.

Most will pull the nail first, you will immediately have KIPPR, you will become a person with a very short incubation period, instant, within a second you will make a vital decision, and believe me, you will not have time for the cake.
This example very clearly demonstrates the speed of decision making under the influence of various types of motivation. If you have strong negative motivation, then you make decisions faster and move much faster in attracting customers.
Positive motivation in the form of a cake, yes, for some people this will also be motivation, but at the same time the movement is slow and reluctant

Let's return from all these allegories, after all to sewing, to quickly attracting a large number of clients.
What Happened in Express Coaching to Create Customer Streams?
I selected and 23 applications 10 people and 9 people out of 10 made a jump in their income and in the number of clients. How did it work for 9 out of 10 people?

It worked out very simply - negative motivation. The conditions for coaching were as follows, people paid about $ 90 for coaching, money for coaching was not returned if the participant did not take coaching, and at the end of each lesson, homework was given. A person who did not do his homework was not allowed to the next lesson, he all dropped out of coaching. Yes, it was tough, there were no sweet cakes, there was such a topic that if you did not do your homework, you are not allowed to the next lesson, and you poured your $ 90 down the pipe. From the third lesson, most people have already returned their $ 90. As a result, people received 120 units of orders or 5 times increased the number of customers. Do you think they recaptured their $ 90? Yes, 10 and a hundred times they recaptured them. They had a very simple alternative, either you work, and you work in a rather tough regime, or you quit coaching, no money is returned to you, we say goodbye forever. It was this kind of negative motivation that worked effectively.

Negative motivation is extremely important in the sewing business, and not only in the sewing business. Is this an unpleasant thing, negative motivation? Yes. Does it hurt? Yes, it happens, like from a nail driven into the leg, but I assure you, it allows you to act much faster and more efficiently.

How many people who read this will do something to increase their customer base percentage? Units will do it. Why waste time if you don't apply knowledge?

That impulse, that emotional charge that I tried to convey to you, it goes out pretty quickly. Because we live in a society, and society influences us from various sides. Of course, I am very glad that I am passing on some positive, some groundwork, but, unfortunately, according to the “80 to 20” rule, the overwhelming majority will not make a decisive leap in increasing the number of clients and income.

Remember one more thought that I am trying to convey to you: negative motivation is extremely important for you personally.

Garment manufacturing is a lucrative business. How to start a sewing business. Equipment for the sewing workshop.

You can start your own small business with one sewing machine and a free room in the apartment. All you need to get started is to learn sewing, purchase an industrial sewing machine, if you have orders, you are guaranteed earnings.


But by competently organizing the sewing business and sales market, you can earn good money.

Equipment for starting a sewing business.

Of course, you can open a sewing business right in your apartment, and this will be enough not to work for your uncle, but in order to make a good profit, over time, having gained enough experience and your own clients, you can open your own sewing workshop.

Depending on what type of product you plan to sew, you will need to select the required set of sewing equipment, the standard set of equipment for the sewing workshop includes:

Industrial sewing machines, the most popular are models from such manufacturers - Juki, Minerva, Shunfa, Golden Wheel, Typical. (cost about $ 1000, used $ 300 - $ 500).

Circular cutting knife ($ 100).

Industrial ironing board with heating, steam generator and iron (600 $).

Industrial overlock ($ 500).

One-needle loop semiautomatic device (2000 $).

Button machine ($ 900).

How to start a sewing business. What is profitable to sew and where to start.

For a beginner entrepreneur who wants to start a sewing business, the best option would be to start with sewing clothes for newborns - discharge kits, bedding sets for a crib, diapers, undershirts, romper suits, caps, socks, etc. And also with clothes for older children. ...

Why is it better to start with baby clothes? As practice shows, this is the most popular product at the moment, the purchase of clothes for a child is always in the first place with parents, who trust domestic manufacturers of children's clothing made from natural fabrics more than imported synthetics.

Usually, each sewing workshop specializes in the narrow production of certain types of textiles:

  • Clothes for kids.
  • Clothes for women.
  • Prom dresses, wedding dresses.
  • Curtains, curtains, lambrequins.
  • Linens.
  • Overalls.
  • Clothes for pregnant women.
  • Dancing clothes.
  • Bags.
  • Car seat covers.

Each manufacturer chooses the type of product for which there are orders and a stable sales market.

The next step in organizing the sewing business will be the search for suppliers of materials - fabrics, accessories. There are a lot of suppliers at the moment, you can freely find them on the Internet and study offers for their products. Here, everyone chooses for himself the most suitable prices and quality of the material, as well as the terms of cooperation.

Sales of products of the sewing workshop.

The most common mistake of start-up entrepreneurs who open a sewing workshop is not having an established market for their products. A person invests money in equipment, materials, rental of premises, as a result, most of the products are in the warehouse and no one buys them. As a result, you have to take loans to pay rent, utility bills, salaries to employees, as a result, debts only grow and the shop has to be closed.

In this business, there is a basic rule - the sale of goods must be ahead of production.

Therefore, before opening a sewing workshop, you should first take care of selling your products. The experience of entrepreneurs leading the sewing business for more than one year shows that you can start a successful business in your apartment with one sewing machine. Working to order, a clientele of its own gradually appears, and having already gained the proper experience, you can accurately determine the need of buyers for a particular product. As orders grow, you can already think about expanding your production to the level of a sewing workshop.

It has always been believed that sewing is a promising and profitable business, therefore, it makes sense to consider an approximate sewing business plan... The most important thing is the correct customer orientation and the choice of specifics. This business idea involves a large field of activity, and, remarkably, there is an opportunity for growth. For example, by opening a small tailoring workshop, you can after a while organize the production of your own line.

Today, when buying things, the client focuses on quality. People who have a high income can buy clothes of world brands, which cost a lot of money. However, most of the population is forced to purchase inexpensive goods from foreign manufacturers. As a rule, such clothes do not always match the sizes, the patterns are simple, and the sewing is sloppy. As a result, in recent years, domestic production is very popular.

Sewing business plan

Where to start sewing production

First, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of the market in the field of garment production in the region where it is planned to open your own business in the future. It is worth paying attention to competitors, what specificity of services they offer. Maybe there are directions that have not yet been touched upon. The type of work performed and the range is extremely wide:

Sewing small and children's clothing;
Clothing repair;
tailoring of clothes to order;
sewing workwear (uniforms);
tailoring of outerwear;
sewing interior items (pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.);
sewing products from suede, leather.

Of course, this is not a complete list of works that a sewing workshop is able to carry out. In addition, in practice, it often occurs when several types of services are combined.

Customer orientation

The consumer can be divided into groups, based on purchasing power. If you are targeting high net worth customers, you need to meet high requirements in order to reach a certain level of sales. It is necessary to track fashion trends. Also take into account that the buyer will pay attention to the quality of the fabric, perfect fit, tailoring, etc. Sewing production of this level has its own advantage. This is a good income that wealthy clients will provide.

The most important thing is to maintain the ratio of quality and price. Inexpensive items are not difficult to acquire. But high-quality, and even at an acceptable cost - this is already problematic. Each buyer will demand perfect tailoring, make claims to the material. How well the seams are processed, how neatly the stitches are made.

In this case, the garment manufacturing business plan should be designed to make tailoring affordable, but a good income should be provided.

Production design

To organize a sewing production, you need to register a business, or a legal entity. face. To issue an emergency, you need to prepare a number of documents:

Identification code;
registration card;
state duty receipt;

To register a garment production as a legal entity. the person needs the following documents:

Enterprise charter;
a certificate that certifies the registration of a business entity. This document is issued by the regional executive committee;
assigned identification code.

It will take 2 months and about $ 100 to complete all the documents.

Premises for sewing production

Sewing business plan should include the question of the selection of premises. If small volume production is planned, then there are 2 options.

1. Small premises are rented;
2. Personnel are hired who will make tailoring to order at home. In this case, you will not have to spend money on rent, but it is worth considering that transport costs will increase several times. It is necessary to deliver the work to your homes, and then pick up the finished product.

If a large-scale sewing production is planned, you will definitely need to rent large areas to accommodate several workshops. In this case, rent will be the main expense. It is desirable that the premises do not require major repairs, and the power grid has 380 V voltage.


The selection of equipment should be based on the scale of production and its specifics. The most operations are performed on multipurpose machines. For a mini workshop, 7 pieces are enough. In addition, you will need overcasting machines, buttonhole and button semiautomatic devices. Also, equipment for heat and moisture treatment is required.


The quality of the products depends on the employees, which will affect your profit. Well-regulated machines practically do not give rise to scrap, which is why recruiting is so important. The best option is when the employees already have sufficient experience. If a small-scale sewing production is planned, 25 people are enough. They must be divided into 2 brigades, which will include:

Seamstresses - 7 people;
heat and wet processing workers - 2 people.

In addition, you will need specialists who will monitor and ensure the operation of the entire enterprise:

cutters - 2 people;


The main one-time item of expenses is the purchase of equipment. Monthly costs:

Purchase of fittings and materials;
rental of premises;
communal payments;
staff salaries.

To start a small workshop, which will produce from 25 to 60 units of goods, 15 thousand dollars will be required. The venture, which will build about 200 models every day, has an initial investment of $ 150,000.

Approximate business plan for a sewing production will help to bring this business idea to life.