Open a museum as a business. How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations

Open a museum as a business.  How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations
Open a museum as a business. How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations

A museum is a special institution that stores monuments and objects that have their own unique history. Any museum begins with a collection, and the more original it is, the greater the interest in it. The main museum tasks include constant monitoring and analysis of the work of a particular museum. Modern museum technologies include several components:

  • Museum exhibitions require a special approach to themselves, because they must be properly organized and planned.
  • Equipment for storing exhibits.
  • Museum climate. At low humidity or too high humidity, exhibits are deformed and their value is lost. All necessary hardware must be installed to prevent this.
  • Museum showcases.
  • Restoration equipment.
  • Keepers.
  • A concept is a document that will show the uniqueness of a given institution at the present stage. It consists of three main points: modernization, innovation and preservation of our own traditions.

To create a new museum, it is necessary, first of all, to specifically identify its purpose, the further development of activities will depend on it. You can combine several assignments, for example, tell the story of your city in a club of like-minded people. Then you need to choose a room where certain exhibitions will be held, it is better if it is a very crowded place, you can save on advertising. An important factor is the choice of working personnel (for the good functioning of the museum, at least four employees are needed). It is necessary to competently organize excursions in order to interest a larger number of people, and they began to bring their acquaintances here. But, one cannot do with excursions, interest in them quickly disappears, it is necessary to hold creative evenings, meetings of like-minded people and various cultural events.

No museum can exist without constant funding. Therefore, it is necessary to find a rich like-minded person to solve this problem. It is necessary to prove the importance of this institution for the benefit of society and then things will go up, increasing profits. To create a museum that will constantly have visitors, you need to have a lot of experience in this area, otherwise a complete fiasco awaits it. This should be done by masters who know how to organize everything correctly and bypass competitors. A competent trend in the development of a modern museum is the creation of internal and near-museum structures that create a single space. People who have visited the institution should receive a cultural common development.

The museum is one of the types of entertainment business and an approach is also required to open it. Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of starting a business, the key success factors, as well as the financial performance of the business (cost structure and profitability). Let's analyze the choice of the form of organization of a legal entity for opening a museum. In this article, we will consider how to open a museum from scratch.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a museum

The main target audience of the museum: children, students and youth under 30. There are many subspecies of the museum, targeted at its visitors. Let's take a look at the key advantages and disadvantages of starting a business.

Advantages disadvantages
Ease of opening High rents for premises in the city center
Doesn't require a lot of staff Having expert knowledge in compiling a collection
A unique collection increases competitiveness and attractiveness for the target audience Uneven distribution of visitors, most visitors are on weekends, on weekdays from 19: 00-22: 00

Many famous museums began their existence with private collections, for example: the Tretyakov Art Gallery, the Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines in Moscow, the Museum of Retro Cars, etc. The museum can be created as a commercial organization with the aim of generating profit and its own financial support. If the museum assumes its functioning at the expense of external funding, donations and contributions of participants, then the museum is registered as an NPO (non-profit association).

How to open a private museum from scratch: business registration, taxation

To register with the tax office of a private individual, an individual entrepreneur or LLC is created. The table below analyzes the main advantages, as well as the required list of documents for each of the forms of business. When registering according to OKVED, choose the main activity:

92.52- "Activities of museums and the protection of historical sites and buildings"

Business organization form Benefits of using Registration documents
SP ( individual entrepreneur) Used to open a small narrow-theme museum (80-100m²). Number of staff 1-2
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles);
  • a certified statement by a notary in the form No. Р21001;
  • application for the transition to the simplified tax system (otherwise it will be OSNO by default);
  • a copy of all pages of the passport.
OOO ( limited liability company) Used for opening a large museum (> 100m²), attracting additional funding, scaling, capital construction
  • application form No. Р11001;
  • LLC charter;
  • the decision to open an LLC or protocol in the presence of several founders (partners);
  • a receipt for payment of the state duty (4000 rubles);
  • copies of the founders' passports certified by a notary;
  • application for the transition to the simplified tax system.

According to the law, the authorized capital of an LLC cannot be less than 10,000 rubles!

The optimal choice of the taxation system for the museum will be the simplified taxation system (STS) with the accrual of tax on income with an interest rate of 6% (provided that more than 70% of income is generated by museum activities!).

In addition, the activities of museums are classified as preferential types and for them reduced interest rates on insurance premiums in the Pension Fund, FSS and MHIF are 26%, while for other types of activities 34%.

How to open a museum from scratch?

This video describes in detail how to open a private museum using the example of the experience of Natalia Potapova, co-founder of the Museum of Entertaining Sciences "Experimentanium": what are the main difficulties in the opening process, how to do it without state support, etc.

Location and premises for the museum

A museum often requires large spaces and rooms from 300 to 1000 m². Large premises increase rents and business fixed costs. Especially rental costs are reflected in large cities: Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, where in the city center the cost of 1m² starts from 10,000 rubles. The difficulty of opening a museum in the center makes it compete with business objects, offices with high rents. Therefore, museums are often opened in former industrial facilities: power plants (Tate Modern gallery in London), a winery (Winzavod museum in Moscow). If the premises are small up to 300m², then it will be economically more profitable to buy a premise, with large areas it is more profitable to rent.

Since museums belong to entertainment establishments, the location should be in places of recreation for residents or visits to tourists. An important feature when choosing the location of the museum is its pedestrian accessibility, the closer it is to places of rest and a busy crowd of people, the more it will be able to attract more visitors. Park areas are perfect, for example, Gorky Park in Moscow, where the husbands of contemporary art "Garage" and the Central House of Artists (CHA) are located nearby, next to VDNKh there is the Cosmonautics Museum, and next to the Moscow Planetarium Zoo. Most of the cultural sites are located in the city center (more than 80% of museums in Moscow are located within the boulevard ring) and in close proximity to each other, which creates a cultural and entertainment cluster.

If you do not have the original premises, then you can make exhibitions of exhibits in the premises of other museums. To do this, you need to agree on the presentation of your collection and its advertising.

Museum staff

The main staff of the museum: an expert who keeps track of newly arriving exhibits, a guide, an accountant, a content manager who supports and fills the site. If the collection is aimed at foreign tourists, then the role of a guide who speaks English, German or Chinese is important. It should be noted that the museum's exhibits are accounted for in the accounting department as fixed assets and are not subject to depreciation.

There are many interesting museums and collections, we have brought you 5 interesting museums.

  1. International UFO Museum and Research Center (Roswell, New Mexico, USA) - was founded in 1991 and is a collection of photographs and UFO sightings. It is aimed at fans, science fiction writers and esoteric lovers.
  2. The Star Wars Museum is a museum for fans and fans of the cult Star Wars movie.
  3. "Museum of Soviet Arcade Machines" - for everyone born in the USSR and feeling nostalgic for that time.
  4. "Museum of Bad Art" (USA, Massachusetts) - collected from exhibits that are not prohibited from being shown in other museums.
  5. "Museum of Boxing" - aimed at amateurs and professionals of boxing, opened in the Sports Palace of Jean-Claude Boutier in Sannois.

You can see that the success of the museum was due to its narrow focus on a specific target group: science fiction writers, fans of the Star Wars movie, athletes, residents of the USSR, etc. It is important to take a sufficiently large target group when creating your museum, this will ensure a constant flow of visitors.

Private museum costs

Initial investment costs for the opening of a private museum ~ 1,200,000 rubles. (furniture ~ 200,000 rubles, ~ shelving 100,000 rubles, showcases ~ 100,000 rubles, decoration and repair of the premises ~ 400,000 rubles, supply and exhaust ventilation ~ 500,000 rubles).

The greatest expenses of the museum for the compilation / purchase of copies of the collection!

Key fixed costs after the opening of the museum: rental of premises, including utilities, salaries, costs of maintaining the collection, promotion and advertising on the Internet, operating costs of the printing house and other insurance costs with the FIU, FSS and MHIF. The main costs are for renting premises, therefore, in order to reduce costs, it is recommended to use: industrial facilities, basements, semi-basements in the city center. It is also recommended to create a reserve fund for payment of key costs (rent and salaries of employees) for one year in advance, this will allow to function even with unfavorable market changes and losses.

Business financial performance

The main time for visiting the museum is in the evening (19: 00-22: 00) on weekdays and weekends. This creates an uneven cash flow. The average bill to museums is 300-700 rubles, you can attract various discounts, promotions and bonuses for students and young people in the daytime. The payback period for a private museum is 1.5-3 years. The monthly revenue of the museum is ~ 500,000 rubles, net profit less fixed costs ~ 100,000 rubles.

Assessment of business attractiveness by website magazine

Business profitability

(3.0 out of 5)

Business attractiveness


Payback of the project

(3.0 out of 5)
Ease of business creation

(3.8 out of 5)
Opening a private museum as a business will be successful only if you focus on a specific target audience (Star Wars fans, athletes, boxers, born in the USSR, etc.) and a clear understanding of what they might be interested in and what excites them in the collection being created. The second important aspect is the location of the museum; it is recommended that it be located in the center of the city in places where people and tourists congregate. The payback period for initial costs is ~ 1.5-3 years, depending on the size of the target audience.

Many people associate the concept of a museum with empty halls, grandmothers caretakers, paintings hung on the walls and budgetary funding. These views are in some way associated with the old approaches to museums, when their content was completely taken over by the state. However, these days, a small private museum can be an example of a great low-budget business for aspiring entrepreneurs.

Of course, the creation of a museum as a business will only be profitable in those cities where there are large flows of tourists and city guests. The creation of a museum in such tourist centers is not a very difficult business, which can bring its creators not only good money, but also a lot of pleasure from participating in an interesting business.

For example, in many small cities located along the Golden Ring of Russia, there are a huge number of private museums, which are actively visited not only by Russian tourists, but also by foreign travelers. The very names of such museums serve as excellent advertising and attract visitors: the iron museum, the museum of cunning and ingenuity, the mouse museum, the chocolate museum, and so on.

What does it take to create a museum?

First of all, this is the premises. It is advisable to place the museum in its own premises, since rent, especially at first, will not be repaid by income from ticket sales. Private museums do not have to be housed in large, spacious rooms, as is customary in large cities.

Specialized and ethnographic museums are of particular interest to visitors.

Therefore, the placement of a private museum is possible simply in a village house or in several large rooms of a former private apartment. The expositions of private museums, as a rule, are not very large. Placing the exposition in a small space allows you to make the exhibition eventful, and the excursions are rather short, which increases turnover and income.

Antiques, private collections of objects from different eras, photographs, posters are of great interest among tourists.

Oddly enough, even museums devoted to the very recent, Soviet period, the history of the city or local customs are popular. It is enough to travel to the nearest villages, collecting old, often unnecessary things from the population, or to purchase a collection of some collector to lay the foundation of the exposition.

So, for example, in the museum of cunning and ingenuity, various everyday things are collected, which demonstrate the remarkable ingenuity of the Russian people, used in everyday life for a variety of reasons. There is a device for fishing, and various kitchen utensils, and tools for agricultural work.

In the chocolate museum, wrappers of various types of chocolate and chocolates, old photographs, advertising samples can be displayed. All this arouses the interest of visitors and serves as a wonderful advertisement for excursions.

The cost of setting up a private museum can be minimal, especially if the owner of at least a small collection is involved in this business. It is very important when creating an exposition of a private museum to show a sense of humor in order to make the excursion lively and interesting.

Correct selection of museum curators and tour guides is also important.

At first, the owner of the museum himself can act as a guide, but, as a rule, in order to increase the duration of the work, you have to hire a staff.

Ticket revenues can be supplemented by revenues from the sale of various souvenirs.

Therefore, in a private museum, it is necessary to immediately provide for a room where souvenirs will be sold. In small private museums, the sale of souvenirs can be organized at the entrance, where souvenirs become, as it were, part of the exposition.

Location plays an important role in the museum's profitability.

The most profitable are museums located near the most visited places in the city center, near the parking of tourist buses.

Initial costs for the creation of a private museum may be limited by the cost of repairs and equipment of the premises. At the same time, for example, when placing an exposition in a village hut, such costs can be minimized. However, advertising costs cannot be avoided for a museum. It is necessary to produce and place signs, banners, direction signs to the museum, brochures and colorful booklets about the exposition.

The cost of an entrance ticket can range from 50 to 250 rubles. A visit to the museum, even with one bus excursion, can bring an income of at least 10 thousand rubles.

However, it should be taken into account that current expenses for the maintenance and protection of the museum, staff salaries, constant advertising can reduce the profitability of a private museum to zero.

Therefore, it is highly desirable, when creating a business on the basis of a private museum, to act pragmatically and systematically from the very beginning. How to do this will help you, which you can order on our website.


Think about what you are going to create a museum for. The form of your further activities will depend on the goal. Perhaps you want to tell your fellow countrymen and guests of your city about your values, show them interesting exhibits, tell the history of your places. Maybe you intend to create a club of like-minded people in the future. By the way, these two goals can be combined. There is nothing wrong with making money - but then it should be a unique museum.

Decide who will work for your museum. There are small private museums, where the owner is both the director and the chief curator, and the guide, and the curator of exhibitions. Existence is possible for a while. But the moment will inevitably come when you need to share responsibilities. The museum should have four to five employees. The chief curator must keep track of the exhibits, know what needs to be restored, what needs to be purchased to replenish the exposition. You may need both an accountant and a cleaning lady. It is unlikely that you can do all this on your own. It is very good if your family members can help you.

Decide how you will organize. The school and municipal museum has certain opening hours. In a private museum located in an apartment or country house, the system of work may be different. Excursions must be arranged in advance by phone with a guide. This is especially important if the museum is not located on the main street, and tourists come from afar and need to visit them.


It's better if you can find a permanent source of funding. Even at first, while you still do not have your own staff, you will need to keep the premises in order and replenish funds. If there is a businessman whose interests coincide with yours, this will be ideal.

It is very useful to prove the necessity of opening a museum to the head of the cultural department. If this works out, you can get a premise on a preferential lease in any of the municipal buildings.

Helpful advice

When setting up a non-profit museum in your school, take care of the preparation of tour guides. You will have to conduct classes with your history teacher. A senior pupil can be a curator of exhibitions, and even a chief curator.

A municipal museum needs a whole set of constituent documents. It is usually found in the culture department.

Related article

If you have collected a collection that may be of historical value or interest for other people, you can start your own business, show the world your hobby, find like-minded people, in a word, organize a museum. This business is troublesome, but interesting and promising.


But for the successful development and functioning of this business, it is not enough just the availability of material. Here you will need to perform a number of procedures similar to those that are required when opening any company. That is, you have to think about funding sources, personnel, the location of the museum and a lot.

So, if the issue is resolved with the exhibits, then the next step is to think about the premises. Of course, it is best if it is owned, rather than leased, because leasing is a fickle business, besides, rising prices for renting buildings can negatively affect the development of your business. If you do not have the financial ability to buy the premises yourself, then think about finding a sponsor, perhaps it will be a large one that owns the building and is willing to host yours. Also try to rent the building from the municipal government on more affordable terms.

Now think about staffing. Minimum - an accountant, an employee who will monitor the state of the exhibits, a computer technician. Who will promote the website of your museum on the network, a tour guide (if possible with knowledge of a foreign language) and a cleaning lady.

Of course, in order for the museum to function successfully and make a profit, it must constantly, the exhibits must be replenished.
There are many examples of such original private museums, for example, the Bob Riddell Phone Museum, the Marikin Shoes Museum, Leila's Hair Museum and many others. This is how people were able to make their business out of their hobby.

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Many people are into collecting. For some, the childhood interest in collecting does not fade with age. If you can boast of a collection of items that may be of interest to other people and you have a desire to replenish it with new items and tell others about your hobby, opening your own museum will help in this, will allow you to find like-minded people and even make money with your hobby.


To open a museum, you need to solve almost the same problems as when opening a Firm.

Come up with an idea, preferably a competitive one, find permanent sources

Funding, placement in a walkable place, recruit professional staff, etc.


Any private museum starts with an interest in collecting. After There are enough exhibits in the collection to display it for all to see, it stands clearly Determine the motivation, it will largely determine the future museum policy. Want to Do you Open Museum to showcase your collection, or to find

Like-minded people and create an interest club, or you want to make money (a rare case, Example - Vodka Museum).


The next step is the premises. “It is advisable to acquire the premises as property, so Calmer, - says Dmitry Shneerson, director of the private Museum of the History of Photography. - The main disadvantage of the rented premises is the ever-creeping upward rental rates. " There is Another way is to look for a sponsor, such as a large business or institution, that could Place a museum in your building, or try to get premises for a cultural institution from Municipal authorities on preferential lease terms. So, the departmental museum became The museum “Anna Akhmatova. Silver Age "in Avtovo, and Several museums have leased municipal premises, including the Gramophone Museum And phonographs of Vladimir Deryabkin.


Even a small museum should have at least 5 Employees. Second The man after the director - Conditionally - the main keeper. He must understand the Foundations, keep records, know where what The item is located, when and what exhibits should be restored, etc. Often it also performs Function The curator of exhibitions and decides which exhibits can be offered for the exhibition. You will also have to provide for the position of an accountant and a cleaner, you may need and conservation of exhibits, a computer technician for maintenance of equipment And the maintenance of the website, as well as a tour guide, preferably with knowledge of a foreign language.


If the museum operates in its own premises, then among the main monthly expenses - Salary, utility bills, restoration, site content, printing - leaflets,

Posters, brochures. The costs of purchasing exhibits from a private museum are not standardized. Even It is impossible to predict in advance how much it will be possible to purchase a new item.

Some exhibits can be obtained for free: donors like that their item will be Be in the museum.

It is considered unsafe to disseminate the value of the collection among private museum workers. “As soon as we start talking about how much it costs, people will decide what we get We sell gifts and sell for a lot of money, - considers Dmitriy Schneerson. - Therefore, in our museum There are no paid ones at all Services ... We do not sell tickets, books, photographs, Cameras in We do not rent out the lease, otherwise suspicions will immediately begin that this is a shop, a cover for a serious Commercial structure ". The income of museums consists of admission fees and Excursions . Charitable donations, less often grants for projects. To earn and achieve Payback, you can rent premises, for example, for presentations, Special events.


In addition to the design of the permanent exhibition, it makes sense to hold temporary exhibitions from our own funds and in cooperation with other collectors or artists. This is a good informational occasion: the announcements of exhibitions get into the posters of the media, which increases the flow of visitors. Thus, the Museum of the History of Photography holds exhibitions of Russian and foreign photographers, the private Museum of Dolls holds exhibitions from private collections. The non-state Nabokov Museum also hosts concerts, lectures, and plays.

Dmitry Shneerson, Director of the Museum of the History of Photography and Chairman of the Board of the Era Fund for Effective Asset Management, opened his museum out of a great love of photography.

$ 2-5 thousand - monthly costs of maintaining a private museum in its own premises, excluding purchases of exhibits.

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