Consecrate an apartment after a person's death. How to properly consecrate an apartment - with the help of a priest or on your own

Consecrate an apartment after a person's death.  How to properly consecrate an apartment - with the help of a priest or on your own
Consecrate an apartment after a person's death. How to properly consecrate an apartment - with the help of a priest or on your own

In Orthodoxy, Christians call consecration the rites according to which the church introduces into the life of a person his temple and personal life. So that through all these rituals the blessing of God may descend on a person's life.

The consecration of a dwelling, a car, or something else is evidence of our trust in the Lord and our belief that what happens to us happens only with the permission of God and for good.

Do I need to consecrate my apartment (house)?

The main question is whether you want to consecrate the place where you live or not. Each person decides this according to his or her spiritual desire. A person himself chooses with whom to live - with God or with his enemy. If you want to consecrate your home, you must understand that sanctification will not save you from everyday and family problems.

  • Consecration is intended to set people in the right direction so that the family lives according to the Christian commandments. And if you decide to consecrate the place where you live, it means that this is your confirmation that you want to live according to the laws of God, in a Christian way. After all, a consecrated dwelling is considered almost like a temple. And people who live in consecrated houses must adhere to God's laws and live in a spiritual way. It is very important.

The rite of passage also helps to get rid of negative energy in your home. This is especially true if you have purchased another home and you do not know what kind of people lived there and what was happening there. Were these people believers, did they sanctify their homes, did they adhere to spiritual rules.

Rules and superstitions

To consecrate the dwelling, you need to call the priest... Always remember that the consecration of a dwelling is a common prayer of the family and the priest that people should live holy in this dwelling, adhere to Christian rituals: prayer, visiting a temple, etc.

You can consecrate your apartment at any time and any day, when it is convenient for you and the priest. There are different beliefs that you cannot consecrate the place where you live during fasting. This is not true. This rite can be performed at any of the posts, and during Great Lent too.

It is also said that during "critical days" a woman cannot be present in the temple or perform any Christian ceremony. This is also not true. During menstruation, a woman cannot only two things: accept the anointing or rite of passage... All other rituals are permitted.

During the rite of consecration, all female residents of the house must cover their heads with a headscarf according to the statutes of the Orthodox Church. Men, on the other hand, should be bareheaded.

Any apartment (house) is consecrated once for the entire time... The only thing is that you can periodically clean your home with burning candles or sprinkling with holy water with prayers. Since in our life there are still quarrels in the family, and some kind of excitement, anxiety, tears, stress, all this accumulates negative energy. And so that there is no stagnation and a large accumulation of this energy, you can from time to time do a "cleaning" at home.

It is recommended to regularly maintain spiritual energetic purity in your home by sprinkling all its rooms with holy water crosswise with the recitation of a holy prayer. This is usually done by women. At the same time, it is necessary to open doors and windows so that as you sprinkle holy water on your home and read prayers at this time, all the bad energy will leave your home.

What do you need to conduct a ceremony of consecration of your home?

It is important that your home is clean.... And since after the consecration of the house a new stage of life begins, then this life must be started cleanly, without old sins and dirt.

You must choose a place where you can put a small table, covered with either a clean, never used tablecloth or towel, or any piece of new cloth, on which the priest will lay out everything necessary for the ceremony. Beforehand, you need to purchase four stickers with the image of an Orthodox cross, intended for consecration, and 4 small candles in the church. You will also need holy water, if you do not have a home, you can also take it from the temple. You will also need a little vegetable oil or oil from the lamp (holy oil), (preferably the icon of the Savior) and the Gospel.

First of all, you need to explain to all your relatives living in this house, the essence of what will happen, set them up for reverence.

Father will invite you to pray with him. Pray and be baptized.

Rules for conducting the rite of consecration

The ceremony of consecrating your home conducted by the priest in a special church order, which contains various prayers calling upon the blessing of God to your house (apartment) and the people living in it.

The priest applies stickers with the image of an Orthodox cross on the walls above the entrance and in each of the rooms so that one cross is formed, which means covering and a solid fence, deliverance, preservation of the home by the power of the cross from all evil, misfortune, from all enemies, both visible and invisible ...

After the priest proclaims "Blessed be our God ..." and the reading of the initial prayers, the reading of the ninety psalm begins. Then the troparion is read. Next, the priest says a prayer for the consecration of the oil, with this oil the stickers with the image of crosses on the walls will be anointed. Having consecrated this oil, the priest will sprinkle the entire dwelling, every room, absolutely all rooms with holy water. Subsequently, the priest anoints with oil on 4 sides of the wall of the house (apartment), where the images of the cross were pasted. The anointing of these crosses is the most important part of the ordinance of the consecration of the dwelling. The crosses depicted on the walls correspond to the 4 cardinal points, these Orthodox crosses are the spiritual guardians of the apartment (house).

These crosses must be preserved even then, when various repairs will be made in the apartment: changing the wallpaper, painting the walls, etc. These images with a cross will need to be carefully peeled off and, after the repair is completed, glued to the very place where the priest glued them. Then the priest will sprinkle the people living in this house with holy water and give each of those present to kiss the pectoral cross. First, the cross is kissed by men, then by women. After reading the Gospel, the priest will incense the whole house (but not always). Eating is not only purely symbolic. Censing is a real cleansing action.

The rite of consecration of your house (apartment) is not repeated again. God has already blessed this house. If people want to receive the blessing of the dwelling again, it will show your lack of faith, it is not worthy of God. The duration of the consecration ceremony lasts about 30 minutes.

It is advisable for all Orthodox Christians to consecrate the place where you live, even if not everyone who lives in your house believes in God. You can conduct this ceremony in secret so that unbelieving relatives do not know it.

What do you need to consecrate an apartment yourself?

There are times in life when it is impossible to invite a priest to conduct a ceremony due to some unforeseen circumstances. Therefore, the church can allow consecrate the dwelling yourself... So how do you sanctify an apartment yourself? First of all, you need to get a blessing from the priest in the church. As for the rite of consecration itself, it is proposed to do this on Sunday. Then we need to make a little effort and knowledge to carry out this ceremony on our own. There are several ways to perform this ritual.

Method number 1

Many people are always interested in the question of how you can still consecrate your apartment on your own with the help of church candles? This ritual is recommended to be performed on the next Thursday. Buy a few candles at the church in advance: Three candles for and 2-3 candles for your home. When you put candles in front of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the church, you must put the sign of the cross on yourself and read the prayer: “Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

And then, when you return home, you need to light 1 candle by heart, take it in your right hand and walk clockwise, starting from the front door, in all corners of the rooms with prayer. Not forgetting to baptize the corners and walls of the rooms.

  • Such a ritual must be performed three times, on Thursdays, with a mandatory preliminary trip to the church every Thursday in order to enlist the blessing of St. Nicholas to perform the rite on their own.

Method number 2

There is also a rite of consecration of the home with holy water, which we can do on our own. This ritual should be performed on Sunday. To prepare for this ritual, on Saturday you need to put all the rooms of the house in order and stock up on holy water. On the day of consecration, pour holy water into any container you like, dip three fingers in holy water, folded as if you are about to put the sign of the cross on yourself. After that, start sprinkling your home with these folded fingers, dipping them in holy water each time.

  • It is necessary to start sprinkling the house from the red corner with the icons (and even if you do not have them), you always need to move in the direction of the sun (i.e. clockwise), go through all the rooms in turn until you return to the starting point. During the entire sprinkling of the house, you must read the prayers that you know by heart. The most important, of course, is "...".
  • All of these rituals, which you can do yourself, can be performed as many times a year as you wish.

Question number 419

How to sanctify your home yourself?

Tamara Obrazumova, Daugavpils, Latvia

Hello, dear Oleg.

Could you give a practical guide on how to properly sanctify your apartment, house, workplace, candles, etc. When you light a candle, should it burn out to the end? If you extinguish the candle, can it be re-lit?

Father Oleg Molenko's answer:

Hello Tamara!

Only a true Orthodox priest can consecrate a dwelling with full consecration. If such is not available or is absent due to the circumstances of the derogation, then any faithful can consecrate their dwelling and things, incl. candles, sprinkling with holy Epiphany (Epiphany water). At the same time, for the consecration of the house, you can read the prayer "May God rise ...", Psalm 90 and "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water into flight, may every crafty demonic act be turned, amen."

You can also read the following prayer: “Lord ...

You can consecrate your home absolutely free of charge one of the coming Thursdays.

Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen."

Come back.

I clean the corner, I clean the floor, I clean the ceiling and walls. I drive demons, I drive envy. I burn sickness, illness and misfortune with a candle. Amen."

You can write this short prayer on a piece of paper, holding it in one hand, and with the other hand baptize the corners of the apartment, the room itself and the walls.
Do this for 3 Thursdays in a row, remembering to go to the Orthodox Church these days and ask Nicholas ...

Many of us very rarely resort to the help of religion in difficult situations, but when things take a serious turn, and there is no one else to hope for, we think of God. The priests say that the very fact of conversion is already a good step, no matter when it is taken. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with asking for help from higher powers. One of the manifestations of protecting yourself and your family through prayer is the consecration of your home. According to all the rules, only a priest can do this, but if for some reason his visit is impossible, then you can find out how to consecrate an apartment, house, even an office and production premises yourself.

In order to consecrate a house, one must have holy water collected on the night of Epiphany. It is necessary to sprinkle it on the house, all its rooms, all corners, windows, doors. At this time, the prayer "May God rise again" is read, then the 90th psalm is read, and at the end it is said "In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the holy Spirit." And the confessors also say that nothing ...

How to consecrate an apartment on your own? Of course, this issue becomes relevant after moving from one place of residence to another and in the case when the family has acquired housing in a new building. For what reasons does the above need arise? There are a lot of them: for example, the past owners of the living space were quarrelsome people and constantly quarreled, it is possible that they had a lot of sinful vices. That is why, after moving to the purchased apartments, the new owners may feel worse, lose strength, or become depressed. What could this mean? Only that the apartment is charged with negative energy due to regular scandals, abuse, swearing, assault, which were previously here. What to do in this case? Only one thing remains: with the help of a holy prayer, cleanse the room from "filth." However, this ritual should be performed by a priest, but there are times when it is not possible to invite a representative of the church to perform the ritual….

LEGINYa Master (1780) 5 years ago

You need a church candle, for this you do not need to take expensive ones, an average size and cheap one will be enough, they work best. Cleansing always starts from the front door. Be sure to read a prayer during the entire cleansing, I use Our Father. And so you stand facing the front door, baptize the door, you need to baptize in a mirror image, that is, from left to right. Then you move clockwise, which means to the right. Pass the candle along all the walls, corners, lead the candle along all the back streets. Cross the doorways on both sides at the entrance and exit, cross the windows as well. In those places where the candle smokes and cracks, you need to clean it until all this disappears. Moving to the right, you need to go around the entire apartment, every room in the house. Mirrors also need to be baptized. In general, mirrors in the house need to be regularly washed with water, this removes from them all the negativity that they absorb into themselves. When you go around the whole house, you will return to ...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself with holy water and candles Posted by: Site administrator | 02/15/2014

How to consecrate an apartment

Orthodox Christians and righteous people believe in the evil designs of their ill-wishers.
As practice shows, not everyone understands that negative information is able to concentrate inside the closed space of his own apartment.
If you feel unwell and sick, then try to consecrate your home with holy water and candles on your own.
Of course, you can invite Father, who, for an appropriate fee, will carry out the act of consecrating the apartment, reading the necessary prayers without hindrance.
But you will have to pay for this, and the clergy today ... are very busy.

In order to consecrate your apartment on your own, you will have to exactly follow the following instructions:

1). You go to the church shop and buy candles. I recommend for a start to put 3 candles to the icon of Jesus Christ, exactly the same number to the Image ...

It is impossible to insure yourself against trouble, and you don’t need to do this, so as not to live in eternal fear afterwards. Sometimes, as it seems, nothing happened, however, at home something is clearly "wrong" and every day this feeling is heating up. If you remain an inactive observer, you will soon have to take part in the negative outcome of the accumulation of unfavorable energy. There are ways to solve this problem and dispel the negativity of the apartment, one of them is consecration. A reasonable question arises: how to consecrate an apartment on your own? Fortunately, this article answers that question.

When is lighting needed?

A room does not always need church lighting and energy purification. But, as practice shows, if you are reading this article, then in most cases your house needs to be consecrated. To be sure, it is better to check the list of signs that clearly indicate inappropriate energy at home:

Dishes break frequently. Households have become more frequent ...

How to consecrate an apartment yourself?

There are times when a person, being in his home, feels uncomfortable and unhappy. Sometimes people complain that they sense the presence of some kind of spirits and beings. In this case, in order to restore the normal energy background, it is recommended to properly consecrate the house or apartment, since holy water destroys all negativity and scares away evil spirits. To do this, it is not necessary to invite a priest, since the ritual can be performed independently.

How to sanctify an apartment yourself with candles?

“Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen".

Buy some candles home. When you come home, light a candle and walk around the house, going to all corners. This should be done clockwise. Consecrate the apartment correctly ...

To consecrate your home is to let the holy spirit into your home and protect it from evil spirits, negative information that acquaintances and friends can bring even inadvertently. It is believed that in consecrated dwellings they get sick less, quarrel, and harmony reigns between relatives. It can be quite expensive to invite a priest from church, not everyone can afford it. Therefore, we will tell you how to consecrate an apartment yourself.

Start by visiting a church where you purchase at least 6 candles. Place three of them near Christ the Savior, the Mother of God and Nicholas the Wonderworker (you can put the Blessed Old Lady Matrona). Ask them for their blessings for the ceremony. Take the remaining candles home.

If you come to any church holiday - do not forget to get some water! If this is not possible, holy water can always be purchased at the church shop.

When you cross the threshold of a house or apartment, take off your outerwear. As for the headdress, women should leave it ....

How to bless an apartment with candles and holy water on your own Author: Site administrator | 12.06.2014

From this article you will learn how to bless an apartment yourself with candles and holy water.
This question worries many ordinary people.
Orthodox Christians are accustomed to the fact that the apartment is consecrated only by the minister of the Temple, and not by a worldly person.
In fact, you can consecrate your home absolutely free of charge one of the coming Thursdays.

To do this, go to the Church and buy several candles for the house and 3 for the Orthodox image of Nicholas the Ugodnik.
Putting 3 candles on him, cross yourself and say these prayer lines:

Miracle worker Nikolai, bless me to cleanse the apartment and drive out the demonic power from it. May it be so. Amen.

Come back.

When you come home, light one candle and walk with it to all corners of your apartment, without exception, while reading the prayer for consecration, which I inherited:

I clean the corner ...

So the New Year holidays have come to an end. Tomorrow is Baptism. And although outside my window it is not at all Epiphany weather - there are puddles on the asphalt from the night rain, it means that on

outside freezing temperatures - for me Epiphany remains one of the most mysterious and mysterious holidays. On this day, the Universe opens the veil and we can find out our future, solve seemingly insoluble problems, get answers to our questions.

If anyone does not know, Epiphany as a holiday is established in honor of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River. The very ritual of baptism implies repentance, deliverance from sins. And although Jesus had nothing to repent of, he, showing humility, received the Baptism from John and thereby sanctified the watery nature. Since then, on the day of Epiphany, all the world's waters, the waters of the entire Earth - from a small stream to the oceans - become saints on this day. This also applies to tap water. You don't have to go to church to get holy water….

Of course, the consecration of the apartment is a matter for the priest, therefore, if you want to consecrate your apartment and cleanse it of demons, you must come to the Church and agree with the abbot so that the clergy will come to your home and consecrate your home. But, if you do not have any opportunity to invite a priest, then God is allowed to consecrate your home on your own. The priest Nikadim answers how to illuminate his apartment with the help of holy water. to learn HOW THE HOLY WATER IS MAKED?


1: Holy water.
2: Container for holy water.
3: Bible or excerpts from it.
4: Oil.
5: Church Candle.
6: Neck cross.
7: Holy water brush.
8: Crayon.
9: Compass.
10: Censer.
11: Incense.


How to sprinkle with holy water correctly?

Each of us, to the best of his ability and ability, tries to maintain cleanliness in the home and neatness in clothes in everyday life. And there are some especially neat people who are zealous in maintaining cleanliness and order. And how concerned such a person is if, for some reason, this order and cleanliness is violated.

Likewise, a person accustomed to keeping an eye on the purity of his heart and the neatness of his soul cannot live without repentance. Such a person awaits and longs for the next confession, like a parched earth awaits life-giving moisture. Imagine for a moment a person who has not washed off bodily dirt all his life! So the soul requires ablution, and what would have happened if there had not been the Sacrament of Repentance, this healing and cleansing "second Baptism"! When taking care of your home, do not forget to take care of your soul!

If you are going to sprinkle the dwelling, then before that you need to clean up the house, wash all the floors, wipe the dust, ...

If a given thing is not used sinfully, it can be sanctified, but if it is sinful, then it is not necessary.

O. Valentin Mordasov

Church rites

The Slavic word “rite” itself means “dress”, “clothing” (you can recall, for example, the verb “to dress”). Beauty, solemnity, variety of church rituals attract many people. But the Orthodox Church, in the words of St. John of Kronstadt, does not occupy anyone and does not engage in idle spectacles. Visible actions have invisible, but completely real and effective content. The Church believes (and this belief is confirmed by two thousand years of experience) that all the rituals performed by her have a certain sanctifying, that is, beneficial, renewing and strengthening effect on a person. This is the act of God's grace.

Conventionally, all ceremonies are divided into three types:

1. Liturgical ceremonies - sacred rites performed during church services: anointing with oil, the great consecration of water, carrying the holy shroud into the Great ...

Orthodox Christians elevate the rite of consecration of their home to the category of obligatory sacraments. The symbolism of this action is that the room will be protected from demonic forces, you become closer to the church and the blessing of God. Most often, Christians consecrate a new home or after major repairs. The priest in the church very often recommends to consecrate an apartment if seriously ill people, small children, a family on the verge of breaking off relations live in it.

According to Christian canons, a priest should be involved in the consecration of a dwelling. If you have such an opportunity, I would advise you to invite the priest from the temple. As a rule, priests go home with their necessary attributes: a censer, oils, an icon lamp, candles, holy water. But, just in case, you can buy candles in the nearest icon store. Also keep holy water close at hand. Blessing of water is performed once a year at the Epiphany of the Lord. On this day, it is taken from any source, mainly in an ice-hole. You can also type ...

In the process of moving into new housing (whether it is a barely commissioned apartment in a new building or a typical one-room / two-bed room in long-built buildings, already belonging to the secondary real estate market), the question inevitably arises: what rituals should be performed to energetically balance this space and adjust it " for yourself "? There are many ways and techniques belonging to different traditions today, but the ideal option, from which it is worth starting to activate the positive forces of space, is the cleaning of the apartment with a candle.

General principles of cleaning living space with fire

The use of candles in the energy ennobling of a house or apartment is a completely new invention, historically dating back to the times when people performed complex rituals when laying the foundation of a house, when moving into it and settling in it. They believed that they needed to carry around the perimeter of the house a cleansing agent (be it fire or water) that would eliminate everything potentially ...

A special Christian ceremony that calls upon God's blessing for life is called sanctification. It is based on the desire to produce all one's hopes and aspirations, acts and deeds for the glory of God, in accordance with the canons and principles of Christianity as a religion. After the rite of consecration of the apartment, there is no access of negative energy and evil forces to the house.

This ritual does not add additional qualities to the apartment - it sets the residents up for a correct life. After all, God once said that the family for each person is a small church and work, and all work is a place of work in the name of God's glory.

Preparing for the ritual

Consecration of the apartment must be carried out by a priest. The church has a negative attitude to the independent conduct of the ceremony.

Prepare for the ritual in advance:

  • The room should be freshly cleaned, the floors and - especially - all reflective surfaces should be cleaned: mirrors, monitor and TV screens, glass;
  • If possible, it is required to complete the repair work or to suspend it;
  • You need to purchase 4 small candles and 4 stickers with a cross in the church shop;
  • Prepare a small table where the priest can put a cup of Holy water, a glass of oil, a prayer book or prayer book;
  • Women should keep in mind that in the presence of a clergyman, they will need to cover their heads with a scarf. It is purchased in advance, the less bright the fabric, the better. Black is unacceptable outside of mourning.

You need to know how to prepare yourself for the consecration of the apartment. It is advisable to learn a pre-agreed prayer in order to also participate in the rite. Free an hour, warn others not to disturb, turn off all phones.

During prayer, you cannot communicate with those present. If there are any questions for the priest, they are asked either before the Holy Action, or after. The ceremony cannot be interrupted. It is advisable to tune in to the ritual in advance, to pray especially carefully in the evening.

Sometimes the question is asked, is it necessary to take communion, go to confession? The consecration of an apartment by a priest is usually resorted to by those who, not only on the eve of the ritual, think about actions with God's blessing. Truly believing Christians pray every day, and fast and receive communion for special reasons - at the time provided for this.

When consecrating a dwelling, it is necessary to take into account - when the ceremony is over, the priest should be invited to the table - to have lunch or at least drink tea. Preparing for the fact that you have to set the festive table is required in advance. The priest in the apartment symbolizes the image of Christ and his presence brings grace into the home.

How is the ceremony

Before inviting a clergyman, you need to know not only how to prepare your apartment for consecration, but also what the ceremony itself consists of.

The ritual takes about an hour. The priest walks through the room in a certain sequence, sprinkling the walls and corners with Holy water from all sides of the world, reading a prayer. Prayer calls for only God-pleasing, good deeds in the room.

A clergyman can refuse to perform the rite at any time. This could be due to:

  • indoor dirt;
  • Godly images on the walls;
  • understanding that they are not going to be engaged in God-pleasing deeds in this room;
  • someone said that before the summoning of the priest, a similar ritual had already been performed by the wise men or some sorcerers.

In the latter case, in order to drive out the evil forces, you will have to carry out a completely different ceremony - a stronger one, with serious preliminary preparation.

Is it possible to consecrate the apartment yourself

In special cases - if it is impossible to invite a priest - the church allows the rite of consecration of the apartment to be carried out independently. But before carrying out the ritual, you must definitely visit the church and ask for the Blessing from the Father, as well as bless the candle in advance and take care of the availability of oil and Holy water.

But even after the blessing received, the rite cannot be considered a full-fledged consecration - it will only be a cleansing.

Such a ritual must be urgently carried out if major quarrels constantly arise in the house, family members are constantly ill, luck has turned away.

After cleansing, carried out independently, it is still recommended to invite a priest.

What needs to be prepared for the consecration of an apartment on your own?

  • Be sure to install an icon with a lamp in the apartment;
  • Households should not quarrel among themselves for about a week, utter swear words;
  • Cleaning is carried out as carefully as if a clergyman was invited;
  • All masks, amulets are removed from the walls, figurines brought from different countries or donated "for good luck", "for money" and so on are removed.

A candle is placed in front of the icon, it is lit, and Holy water is poured into a clean bowl.

Then they put on absolutely clean clothes, dip 3 fingers of their right hand into a bowl of Holy water, and walk around the apartment clockwise. During the walk, water is sprayed - trying to get on all objects, and reading a prayer. At the consecration of the apartment, it is customary to say the 90th psalm - it is traditionally read by Christians, expelling evil spirits - or the prayer that the father advises.

One of the most effective recitatives is the Our Father prayer - every true Christian believer should know it by heart.

What to do after the ritual?

Real Christians will do everything so that after the consecration of the apartment by the invited priest, it retains its Holiness and purity as long as possible.

Indoors, it is advisable not to use foul language, drink or smoke. Children should not be allowed to “play” with objects participating in the sacrament. Some believe that it is permissible for sinless babies to touch all the Holy objects, but this is far from the case. Children should know from childhood what can and cannot be done.

Consecrated water and oil must be stored carefully, not splashed during games. These substances in the future will help to quickly recover from possible diseases, remove the negative energy of the evil eye, caused without special intent.

Consecration of a dwelling is a ceremony designed to win God's blessing on everyone living in it. The apartment itself, unlike water or an icon, does not become a saint, and everything that happens in it depends only on the will and faith of its temporary inhabitants.

To perform the ceremony, it is not necessary to know how to consecrate an apartment yourself; it is enough to contact the nearest church or parish. You should first prepare: carefully remove the candles, the icon with the face of our Savior, if there is no one in the house, and, possibly, the stickers with the image of the cross. The latter are needed rather for the aesthetic (drawing a cross by hand, you can display it not as beautifully as it will be printed in a printing house) than for the sacred side of the ceremony. All of these items are readily available at any church store.

One should not think that the richer the image, the stronger the Grace, here one can trace the dependence only on the degree of churching of the living and the strength of their faith, hope and love - the three main Christian benefactors. Thinking about how to consecrate an apartment, you should abandon thoughts of prestige and other vain motives. However, it is not a sin if the icon is beautiful.

Some people have a fear in their hearts that inviting a priest will be costly. It is false, since there are no established rates in the Russian Orthodox Church. The amounts, usually called candlesticks, are indicative, this information is intended rather in order not to introduce the parishioners into unnecessary spending. More often, another problem arises: people are thinking about how to consecrate a wealthier apartment in order to impress the invited guests.

If, contrary to expectations, there is a priest who will insist on a specific amount, then information about that will certainly interest the Patriarchate, not in the most favorable light for him.

So, an Orthodox Christian should think, rather, about how to consecrate an apartment, and not at all about the money side of the issue.

Pagan amulets, savage masks, and other attributes of religions alien to our people are completely unacceptable in a consecrated dwelling.

It is also necessary to prepare a "workplace" for the clergyman, it's simple - you just need a table.

When discussing with loved ones how to consecrate an apartment, the day before, you should tune in to the upcoming celebration, rejoice in it and not allow angry thoughts, and even more so actions.

It will be great if the inhabitants of the dwelling familiarize themselves with the procedure of the ceremony in advance, so that awkward situations do not arise during it. So, you need to know that a blessing is requested from the priest, as well as how it is done, and that after receiving it, you need to kiss his right hand, and after the completion of the prayer service, the cross.

Of course, there is no need to memorize all the prayers, but "Our Father", "The Symbol of Faith" and "Theotokos" everyone who considers himself Orthodox is obliged to know, as well as what words should be used to cross himself.

Stickers or hand-made images of the cross are applied to the walls above the entrance and in the corners of each room, after which they are anointed with oil.

The whole furnishings are sprinkled on which you should not rush to wipe them off immediately. Therefore, if there are objects that are afraid of direct exposure to moisture, it is better to remove them so that thoughts about them do not distract from the sacred meaning of the prayer service.

In the open press, there are many tips on how to consecrate an apartment with a candle by placing many icons in it. By themselves, such actions are not sinful, but they cannot replace the consecration of the dwelling.

God bless you!

The Orthodox Church calls sanctification the rituals by which religion divinely enters the life of a person. The main task of such rituals is the condescension of God's grace on the fate of those who have become their participants. When a Christian seeks to sanctify a dwelling, this indicates that a person is ready to trust in the Almighty and believe in providence that occurs according to Heavenly will.

Preparation for the ceremony

At the heart of every church prayer is the desire to spiritualize the activity of this or that person. The Christian asks God to direct things in a true direction that benefits not only the individual, but also those around him. Through the rite of consecration, Orthodox believers receive a divine blessing that helps to create a world filled with love around them.

The rite of consecration of housing protects from dark energy

Consecration is a ritual through which the Church enters the personal or church life of a Christian. The ceremony brings protection from dark energy, instilling in the hearts of people a feeling of closeness to the Lord.

It is customary to carry out this ritual after moving to a new home or when repairs have been completed. The ceremony is allowed to be done independently, but for the first time it is better to entrust it to the holy father. The tradition of consecration has existed since ancient times, when Christianity was just beginning to spread throughout the world. Jesus' followers knew that holy water is an attribute that can protect the home and personal space from the interference of impure matters.

The priests are endowed with special rights that allow them to be consecrated. A layman just needs to contact the nearest church and discuss with the holy fathers the time of the ceremony.

Before inviting a clergyman to the house, you must perform the following actions:

  • The home must be in perfect order.
  • It is necessary to throw away the unnecessary and useless that takes up space in the house.
  • The apartment must have an iconostasis, as well as an icon lamp or several candles.
  • The Holy Father, who has come to perform the ritual, needs to make room for his church attributes.
  • The consecration ritual takes about one hour, the movements of the priest can be observed from the side. The most important thing is not to distract him from his work.

Rite of consecration

Without divine blessing and the help of the Creator, nothing truly valuable and truthful will happen in a person's life. The ROC consecrates dwellings in the same way as it is done in churches.


If it is not possible to invite the holy father, the ritual can be performed in person. But before that, you must visit the temple and receive a blessing, without which the ceremony will not be valid. To carry out, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book with the most important texts. Holy literature is acquired only in churches, in other places it is not.

To carry out the rite of consecration, you will need icons, church candles and a prayer book

Before, during and after the ritual, a Christian must adhere to the following rules:

  1. When reading a prayer, one should mentally turn to the Almighty, the Mother of God, Christ, Guardian Angels or other saints. Thinking about empty and meaningless can damage the performance of the ritual. You should concentrate your consciousness on God and clearly pronounce each word of the prayer, seeing in these actions the true meaning.
  2. The way of life of the believer should approach the spiritual. Negative energy should be removed from oneself and one's own environment, the manifestation of bad emotions attracts troubles of varying degrees to the house. Attending the temple is a prerequisite for a Christian seeking to get rid of the invasion of passions.
  3. A person must show sincere faith in the Lord and forget about selfishness. He needs to learn to give love to everyone, even the enemy, and to be able to rejoice at the achievements of others. A person needs to keep the sacred commandments and distance himself from bad thoughts.

Compliance with these rules allows you to carry out the ritual at the level of the priest. The process of consecration itself contains some peculiarities.

  • A bowl with holy water brought from the church is in his left hand, while a Christian sprinkles drops on the walls of the house with his right.
  • It is customary to start the ceremony from the corner on the east side, the movement is clockwise.
  • The most famous "Our Father" is suitable as the main prayer. In addition, the ceremony can be supplemented with others: "May God rise again" and Psalm 90.
  • Consecration is allowed on any day except Friday.
Important! Apartments in which they were engaged in debauchery, drunkenness, cursing and fighting, the church calls unclean. It is these dwellings that should be consecrated in the first place, because such houses are shrouded in negative energy and are the repository of dirty demons. People in such conditions experience constant troubles, face big problems, and there is no peace in their souls.

The meaning of the rite of consecration

This ritual is a full-fledged protection from the calamities provoked by lust and unbelief. Consecration of the house blesses the people living in it for righteous deeds, and also protects from the attacks of all evil. The ritual encourages people not to be separated from Heavenly Father and to direct their lives in the direction of justice and the law of God.

Life and well-being is highly dependent on the surrounding nature and spiritual environment. The indicator of the religiosity of the people affects the state and behavior of people. Moral order deteriorates as a result of the fact that a person loses faith in the Lord and moves away from Him, exchanging eternal life for the fleeting pleasures of the flesh.

After the disobedience of the first people, sickness, suffering and death entered the originally pure world. The rituals of consecration are caused by the need of nature itself and the need of humanity. The Church lends a helping hand in the matter of spiritual healing and cleansing from defilement and corrupting sins.

Nowadays, it is extremely important to carry out such rituals, because the devil dominates the air that permeates space. The apartments are full of negative information from TV, radio and the press. Impure power attracts lost souls, promising pleasure, but deceiving and bestowing only disappointment. Countless legions of demons penetrate into houses through the subtle worlds, bringing aggression, anger, revenge and other passions.

Important! The Church grants true believers the grace that delivers from the destructive activity of impure energy.

It is necessary to understand that divine energy emanating from icons, holy water, relics and other church attributes bestows strength only on those who really deserve it by a righteous life. Otherwise, no rituals will help, they do not act as talismans and are useless for the wicked and bigots.

Consecration does not work if the apartment is run by empty and idle thoughts about the pleasures of the flesh. The depraved and blasphemous person personally renounces God and His help, remaining at the mercy of false prejudices and big trouble.

Video about prayers for the consecration of the apartment