Society as a complex system.

Society as a complex system.

Cultural globalization is the convergence of business and consumer
culture between different countries of the world and the growth of international communication. WITH
on the one hand, this leads to the popularization of certain species
national culture around the world. On the other hand, popular
international cultural phenomena can crowd out national or
turn them into international ones.

We believe that in the culture of each individual country in the first place
you need to create something unique. For example, in production never
play on similarities with a more successful brand, because it is not
rational. By creating a new concept, creators are more likely to succeed.
We will tell you about some of the consequences of cultural globalization, which,
in our opinion, they destroy culture as a whole.

So the first consequence: Imposition of a uniform consumption standard.

Scientists and critics believe that at the moment in the world there is a single standard
consumption is the culture of America. The so-called process
"Americanization" dates back to the second half of the twentieth century, when in
The United States had just opened large companies, now known for
all over the world.

Second: Creation of obstacles for the development of domestic production.

On the example of Russia, this clearly shows that music, films and
literature plays by the rules of trendsetters. By creating
"good Hollywood action" or "quality western music
product ", nobody reaches that level. An attempt to copy creates
overcrowding of identical images, making them more and more boring.

The third consequence: Ignoring the economic and cultural-historical
the specifics of the development of different countries.

Some countries, especially poor ones, stop developing altogether.
on their own, since their culture is often overwhelmed by culture more
developed and rich country. For example, road construction or reform
education, introduced by a foreign country, destroys the culture of the country, in
which such changes are made.

And finally, the fourth: The loss of any specific features of national

Because of hasty attempts to accelerate the progress of globalization of culture, people
waste their self-esteem. The West offers surrogates for its
subcultures or add people to unrealizable dreams of a “beautiful
life ", forcing entire peoples with a long history to abandon
their culture in favor of someone else's.

"A people without national identity - there is manure on which
other nations grow. "
Original Russian Text © P.A. Stolypin

Thank you for your attention: 3
Presentation is prepared by:
Lapin Yaroslav,
Antonov Stanislav,
Reshetnikov Bogdan,
Evgeniya Brus,
Alexandra Pavlevskaya

Presentation-simulator for preparing for the Unified State Exam in Social Studies in the 2017-2018 academic year. Option 9.

Prepared by the teacher of history and social studies MOU "Secondary school with. Perekopnoe, Ershovsky District, Saratov Region "named after Hero of the Soviet Union V.I. Kireev. Ermakov Ivan Alexandrovich



Mass parties

Focused on upcoming elections, formed around multiple leaders, strict permanent membership and individual participation status are generally absent


1. Make a note of the word missing in the table.



Mass parties

Centralized, have a clear hierarchical structure, local and youth branches, conduct systematic work with voters

Focused on upcoming elections, formed around multiple leaders, strict permanent membership and individual participation status are generally absent

Types of political parties by way of organization.

Answer: personnel.




In the row below, find a concept that is generalizing to all the other concepts presented. Write down this word (phrase).

Ethnos; professional group; small group; large group; social group.

Answer: social group.




Below is a list of actions. All of them, with the exception of two, relate to the rights of a taxpayer in the Russian Federation.

  • Pay legally established taxes; 2) keep records of their income (expenses) in accordance with the established procedure; 3) receive from tax authorities free information on applicable taxes; 4) receive a timely set-off of amounts overpaid; 5) use tax benefits in the manner prescribed by law; 6) require compliance with tax secrets.

Find two terms that "fall out" of the general row, and write down the numbers under which it is indicated in the table.

Answer: 1 2.




Choose the correct judgments about the culture and its varieties and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Achievements of culture are a product of the spiritual activity of people of a certain era.
  • The content of elite culture is determined by the aspirations and needs that make up the life of the majority of the population.
  • The results of the material activities of people are embodied in the achievements of culture.
  • Folk culture works are usually anonymous.
  • Commercial gain is the goal of creating works of elite art

Answer: 1 3 4.



  • positive consequences
  • Negative consequences

Answer: AB C D D


Establish a correspondence between the manifestations and assessments of the consequences of globalization: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.


A) the imposition of a single standard of consumption

B) rapprochement of peoples and states

C) the imposition of a certain way of life

D) stimulating economic development

E) the emergence of the socio-cultural unity of mankind

Assessments of the consequences of globalization

  • positive consequences
  • Negative consequences

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 1 2 1 1


  • Questioning classmates
  • Putting a hypothesis
  • Formulation of conclusions



The student performs project work in social studies: conducts a micro-research about the cultural preferences of classmates. Find methods from the list that are appropriate for the empirical level of scientific knowledge. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Questioning classmates
  • Observing the behavior of classmates
  • Description of the appearance of classmates
  • Identifying patterns of behavior
  • Putting a hypothesis
  • Formulation of conclusions

Answer: 1 2 3.




Choose the correct judgments about the financial institutions of the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a national bank that issues money and is the center of the country's financial and credit system.
  • All financial institutions accept deposits / deposits.
  • Pension funds specialize in lending for the sale of consumer goods in installments and the issuance of consumer loans.
  • The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sets the key rate.
  • Financial institutions provide services for the transfer of funds and the provision of loans.

Answer: 1 4 5.


Examples of

E) retraining of employees

Factors of economic growth

  • intense
  • extensive

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between the examples and the factors of economic growth that they illustrate: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.

Examples of

A) construction of new enterprises

B) replacement of outdated equipment with more modern

C) an increase in the number of service personnel

E) retraining of employees

D) expansion of cultivated areas

Factors of economic growth

  • intense
  • extensive

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 1 2 1 2


  • commodity market
  • local market
  • oligopoly
  • national market
  • excess production



In the town of Z, many companies supply household chemicals to stores, including both large manufacturers and small businesses. Find the characteristics of this market in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • commodity market
  • local market
  • oligopoly
  • national market
  • excess production
  • pure (perfect) competition

Answer: 1 2 6.


4) decrease in energy prices



The chart shows the change in the supply of bananas on the market. P-product price, Q-product quantity. Which factors can cause this change?

  • increase in consumer income
  • increase in customs duties on the import of bananas
  • providing soft loans to banana sellers

4) decrease in energy prices

5) banana crop failure in producing countries

Answer: 2 5.




Choose the correct judgments about the family and its types and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Any group of people with common interests is considered a family.
  • Families of the democratic (partner) type are characterized by the interchangeability of spouses when performing household duties.
  • The family of the traditional (patriarchal) type is characterized by the economic dependence of women on men.
  • The nuclear family consists of a married couple and their children.
  • For a family of a democratic (partner) type, the assignment of all household responsibilities is characteristic.

Answer: 2 3 4.

  • Answer:

12. During the survey, citizens of country Z were asked the following questions: "Where do you usually buy clothes and shoes?"

Find in the list below the conclusions that can be drawn from the diagram, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • The share of those who buy clothes and shoes in the online store is higher among those with secondary education than among those with higher education.
  • Equal shares of respondents with secondary education buy clothes and shoes in shopping centers and specialized stores.
  • The share of those who buy clothes and footwear at the clothing markets is higher among those with secondary education than among those with higher education.
  • Among those who received higher education, the share of those who buy clothes and shoes in a shopping center is higher than the share of those who buy clothes and shoes in the clothing markets.
  • Equal shares of respondents in each group found it difficult to answer.
  • Answer: 3 4 5.




Choose the correct judgments about democracy, its core values ​​and features, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • Democracy recognizes the people as the only and supreme source of state power.
  • The hallmarks of democracy include state control over the private life of citizens.
  • State power in a democracy can be considered legitimate if its formation and existence are supported by the people in accordance with the norms.
  • Democracy recognizes the unconditional priority of the interests of the individual over the interests of the state.
  • Democracy is characterized by the dominance of the ideology of one party in the political arena.

Answer: 1 3 4.



B) money issue

C) amnesty and pardon

Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

  • only federal center
  • Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between the questions and the subjects of power of the Russian Federation, to whose jurisdiction they relate: for each element given in the first column, select the corresponding element from the second column.


A) ensuring public safety

B) money issue

C) amnesty and pardon

D) federal state property and its management

E) general issues of upbringing, education, science

Subjects of power of the Russian Federation

  • only federal center
  • federal center and subjects of the Russian Federation
  • Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

2 1 1 1 2


  • nationwide
  • democratic
  • traditional
  • authoritarian
  • regional
  • charismatic



A. was elected governor of the region Z. He pays great attention to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the development of civil society institutions. In communication, he is benevolent, open to criticism. Which of the following characterizes the type of political leadership described in this situation? Write down the numbers under which the correct specifications are indicated.

  • nationwide
  • democratic
  • traditional
  • authoritarian
  • regional
  • charismatic

Answer: 2 5.




Find in the above list the constitutional obligations of a citizen of the Russian Federation and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • caring for your minor children
  • holding meetings, rallies, demonstrations
  • preservation of historical and cultural heritage
  • appeal to public authorities
  • access to public service

Answer: 1 3.




Choose the correct judgments about family law and write down the numbers under which they appear.

  • Only children and parents are subjects of family law.
  • The objects of family law are the upbringing of children, the payment of alimony, and the management of property.
  • Family law determines the forms and procedure for placing children without parental care into a family.
  • Family law regulates personal non-property and property relations arising in the process of creating goods.
  • Each of the spouses is free to choose an occupation, profession, place of stay and residence.

Answer: 2 3 5.



State bodies

  • prosecutor's office
  • police

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E


Establish a correspondence between the functions and the government bodies that carry them out: for each item given in the first column, select the corresponding item from the second column.


A) fighting street crime

B) control over the observance of legality by all participants in public life

C) passing of a decision or judgment

D) supervision over the observance of human and civil rights and freedoms

E) resolution of legal disputes between firms

State bodies

  • prosecutor's office
  • police

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer: A B C D E

3 2 1 2 1




The organizational and legal form of the company that provides services for the repair of shoes and bags is a production cooperative. Find in the list below the features that distinguish a production cooperative from a joint stock company, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

  • It brings together several masters who are personally involved in the provision of services
  • The duty of employees to observe labor discipline
  • Receiving dividends for the year
  • Employee participation in enterprise management
  • Mandatory conclusion of an employment contract with employees
  • Distribution of profits between employees in accordance with their labor participation

Answer: 1 6.


Word list:

  • sociology

Answer: A B C D E F


Read the text below where a number of words (phrases) are missing. Select from the proposed list the words (phrases) that you want to insert in place of the gaps.

“Globalization is the subject of research in all social sciences: philosophy, ___ (A), political science, cultural studies, jurisprudence, etc. The factors of globalization include the development of transnational companies and ______ (B). Market competition has a huge impact on modern globalization processes, not only on ___ (B), but also on a global scale. The main means of competition - reducing costs, improving quality and _____ (D) goods and services - become the "engine" of globalization. On _______ (D), globalization is manifested in the strengthening of the interdependence of national economies, the intensification of international economic relations. At __ (E), globalization leads to a change in the strategy of firms' activities.

Word list:

  • macrolevel 6) assortment expansion
  • legal entity 7) mathematics
  • microlevel 8) national market
  • salary increase 9) financial group
  • sociology

Answer: A B C D E F

5 9 8 6 1 3

Part 2.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-24.

Let us now try to determine what has been achieved as a result of the action of the supply and demand mechanism. A limited number of goods available in society are distributed among their potential consumers. Who made this allocation? Any management? Committee? No, this allocation is carried out by a competitive price mechanism that acts like an auctioneer. This was "wallet distribution."

Part 2.

The question: for whom are the goods intended? - has already been partially clarified, because the goods went to those who were ready to pay for them. If you didn't have them, then you were left without wheat. If you had money votes, but you chose not to spend them on wheat, then this means that you did without it. The most urgent need for goods was satisfied if it was backed up by cash.

Part 2.

At the same time, a partial answer was given to the question: what should be produced? The increase in the market price served as a signal that prompted producers to increase the supply of wheat. At the same time, it was also a signal for human and other limited resources to flow from other areas to the wheat-producing industry.

Along the way, a partial answer was given even to the question: how to produce? For with the high price of wheat, farmers are able to buy expensive tractors and fertilizers and use less fertile land.

Part 2.

Why do we use the word "partially" everywhere here? Because the wheat market described above is just one of many markets. One must also take into account what is happening in the corn and rye markets; even more important is undoubtedly what happens in the fertilizer, labor and tractor markets. The pricing problem involves interdependent markets, not just “partial equilibrium” in a single market.

Part 2.

The careful reader does not need to be reminded once again that the competitive market presents goods to those who have money votes, and that it does so very effectively. But the distribution of monetary votes depends on what price, under conditions of competition or imperfect competition, you sell your labor and property in the market for factors of production; in addition, it largely depends on how, firstly, how lucky you are, secondly, how lucky your parents and your wife's parents were, and thirdly, what are the advantages and disadvantages of ... acquired qualifications.

(P. Samuelson)


How did the supply and demand mechanism provide an answer to the main questions of the economy? Using the text, lead the questions and briefly formulate the appropriate answers.



  • Who are the goods for? - the goods went to those who were willing to pay for them;
  • What should be produced? - goods for which the market price has risen / high;
  • How to produce? - the price of a product determines the possibility of attracting more / less expensive factors / production resources.


What two functions of competition are discussed in the text? Using social science knowledge, indicate one other not considered in the text, the function of competition.



  • two functions:

-regulation of the activities of economic entities;

-effective use of available economic resources;

2) another, not mentioned in the text, function: sanitizing.


What is the reason for the differences in wages given in the text? State any two other reasons and, drawing on the facts of public life, illustrate each of them with an example.



  • the advantages and disadvantages of the acquired qualifications;
  • - the burdensome work (for example, work in the regions of the North, in unfavorable natural conditions, is paid higher than similar work in regions with a more favorable climate);

The employee's responsibility for the end result (for example, an ordinary employee of the organization receives less for his work than the head of a large project or a top manager of the organization);

The length of the working day (for example, a part-time employee is paid less than a similar specialist in full-time employment).


The author argues that the pricing problem involves interconnected markets, not just a single market situation. Using text and social science knowledge, provide three explanations for this statement.



  • production costs are taken into account in the price of goods, and they are associated with the acquisition of resources in interconnected markets;
  • the price of the goods takes into account the situation in the financial markets, the exchange rate of the national currency, etc.
  • the price of a product takes into account the situation in the markets for complementary goods and services.


What is the meaning of social scientists in the concept of "channels of social mobility"? Drawing on the knowledge of the social science course, make two sentences: one sentence containing information about the existing channels of social mobility, and one sentence, revealing the connection between the processes of social mobility and the democratization of society.



  • The meaning of the concept: the ways (ways) by which people move from one social group to another;
  • The most important channels of social mobility are: education, the army, marriage, political, economic and professional organizations;
  • In a democratic society, there are no insurmountable social barriers for citizens, so everyone, realizing his rights and freedoms, can take a social position that suits him.


Give three examples that illustrate the exercise by citizens of political rights and freedoms. First name the right (freedom), and then give an example of its (its) implementation.



  • the right to elect and be elected to bodies of state power and local self-government (for example, citizen A. nominated himself for the election of the mayor of the city);
  • the right to conduct peacefully, without weapons, meetings, rallies, processions (for example, freedom of assembly; for example, city residents organized a rally against the clearing of the park and the construction of a shopping and entertainment center in its place;
  • the right to association (for example, citizen R. Attends meetings held by the leader of the communist party).


During the summer holidays, 17-year-old schoolboy Pavel decided to get a job as a night watchman in a kindergarten. But the employer refused to hire Pavel. Is the employer's actions lawful? Explain your answer. Name any two features of the regulation of the work of workers under 18 years of age.



  • The employer's actions are lawful;
  • The Labor Code prohibits the use of labor by persons under the age of 18 at night;
  • Two features: an employee under 18:

- is accepted for work without a probationary period;

Subject to compulsory medical examination, upon admission to work must submit a certificate of health;

-cannot work at night;

Cannot bear and move weights that exceed the maximum norms established for adolescents (for boys - 20 kg, for girls - 7 kg);

- has the right to a shortened working week.


You have to prepare a detailed answer on the topic "Scientific knowledge". Make a plan according to which you will cover this topic. The plan must contain at least three points, of which two or more are detailed in subparagraphs.



  • Scientific knowledge is one of the types of knowledge of the world.
  • The goals of scientific knowledge.
  • Features of scientific knowledge:

a) striving for objectivity;

b) A special language, including special terms, strictly defined concepts, symbols;

c) special procedures for checking the results.

4. Levels of scientific knowledge:

a) empirical knowledge;

b) theoretical knowledge.

5. Methods of scientific knowledge:

a) scientific observation;

b) description;

c) classification;

d) scientific experiment;

e) thought experiment;

f) putting forward hypotheses;

g) scientific modeling, etc.

6. System of sciences.


  • Unified State Exam. Social Studies. Typical exam options. O. A. Kotova, T. E. Lisova. Publishing House National Education. Moscow. 2018 year

4. The impact of globalization on contemporary Russian culture.

The modern world in all its diversity is one, and its parts are closely interconnected.

Globalization is the process of integration of states and peoples in different areas of activity, during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states increase.

The main reasons for globalization:

- Transition from an industrial society to an information society, to high technologies

- Use of new communication technologies: Internet, satellite TV

- The transition from an alternative choice ("either / or") to a variety of choices

- Transition from the centralization of the economy to its decentralization

- Transition from the national economy to the global

The main directions of globalization

Activities of transnational corporations

Globalization of financial markets

Globalization of migration processes

Instant movement of information

International economic integration within certain regions

Creation of international organizations in the economic and financial spheres: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, etc.

Consequences of the globalization process


1. Stimulating effect on the economy:

The emergence of an opportunity to create goods in those regions of the world where their production is cheaper;

The emergence of the possibility of selling goods where it will give the maximum benefit;

Reducing production costs;

The emergence of opportunities for further development of production;

Profit growth;

Concentration of efforts on the development of new advanced technologies;

The fruits of scientific and technological revolution can be used by countries that do not have the ability to conduct their own scientific and technical research.

2. Rapprochement of states

3. Stimulating the consideration of the interests of states and warning them against extreme actions in politics

4. The emergence of socio-cultural unity of mankind


- Imposition of a uniform consumption standard

- Creation of obstacles for the development of domestic production

- Ignoring the economic, cultural and historical specifics of the development of different countries

- The imposition of a certain way of life, often contrary to the traditions of a given society

- Formation of the idea of ​​rivalry: the most economically powerful states strive for leadership, which leads to an explosion of nationalism in economically underdeveloped countries

- Loss of some specific features of national cultures

5. "Global problems" (the term appeared in the late 1960s - a set of problems of mankind that faced him in the second half of the XX century and on the solution of which the existence of civilization depends.

6. These problems are global because:

affect all of humanity;

manifest themselves as an objective factor in the development of society;

urgently require a solution;

imply international cooperation of different countries (it is impossible to solve in one separate country);

the further fate of civilization depends on their decision.

7. Causes of global problems:

active transformative nature of human activity;

contradictions and conflicts become from local to worldwide due to the growing interdependence of humanity.

Main (priority) global problems

The problem of peace and disarmament, prevention of a new world war


Overcoming the underdevelopment of developing countries


Raw materials



Use of the World Ocean

World space exploration

All global problems are interconnected. It is impossible to solve each of them separately: humanity must solve them together, for the sake of preserving life on the planet.

The main directions of solving global problems

- Formation of a new planetary consciousness. Raising a person on the principles of humanism. Widely informing people about global problems.

- A comprehensive study of the causes and contradictions, conditions leading to the emergence and aggravation of problems

- Concentration of efforts of all countries to solve global problems. Cooperation is needed in the creation of the latest environmental technologies, a common world center for the study of global problems, a single fund of funds and resources, and the exchange of information.

- Bringing international cooperation to a new quality level

- Monitoring and control of global processes on the planet. Obtaining objective information from each country and international research is essential for forecasting and decision making.

A clear international forecasting system.

Cultural globalization is characterized by the convergence of business and consumer culture between different countries of the world and the growth of international communication. On the one hand, this leads to the popularization of certain types of national culture around the world. On the other hand, popular international cultural phenomena can supplant national ones or turn them into international ones. Many regard this as a loss of national cultural values ​​and are fighting for the revival of national culture.

Modern films are released simultaneously in many countries of the world, books are translated and become popular with readers from different countries. The ubiquity of the Internet plays a huge role in cultural globalization. In addition, international tourism is becoming more widespread every year.

The World Values ​​Survey, which analyzed 65 countries and 75% of the world's population, showed that basic cultural values ​​persist despite globalization. Moreover, traditional values ​​changed under the influence of globalization and modernization can be restored.


Globalization is often equated with Americanization, which is associated with the increased influence of the United States in the world in the second half of the 20th century. Hollywood produces most of the films for the worldwide distribution. World corporations originate in the USA: Microsoft, Intel, AMD, Coca-Cola, Apple, Procter & Gamble, Pepsi and many others. McDonald’s, due to its prevalence in the world, has become a kind of symbol of globalization. By comparing prices across countries for a BigMac sandwich from a local McDonald’s restaurant, The Economist analyzes the purchasing power of different currencies (the Big Mac Index).

Although McDonald’s often symbolizes globalization, upon closer inspection, the menus of these eateries reflect local customs and very often include a wide variety of local dishes. For example, in Hong Kong it is Shogunburger (pork teriyaki with salad on a bun with sesame seeds), in India - Makalu Tikkiburger, a vegetarian burger with potatoes, peas and spices, MacShawarma in Israel, MacArabia in Saudi Arabia, and so on. Many other international corporations, such as Coca-Cola, do the same.

However, other countries are also contributing to globalization. For example, one of the symbols of globalization - IKEA - appeared in Sweden. The popular ICQ instant messaging service was first released in Israel, and the famous IP telephony program Skype was developed by Estonian programmers.

In the modern world, there is a significant strengthening of ties between individuals, organizations and states, and the interdependence between them is growing. Humanity is developing, expanding its ties and contacts. People are more and more aware of themselves as a single community, where everyone is connected with many thousands of other people in all parts of the Earth.

The modern world in all its diversity is one, and its parts are closely interconnected.
Globalization - the process of integration of states and peoples in different areas of activity.
The main reasons for globalization: the transition from an industrial society to an information society, to high technologies; the transition from the centralization of the economy to its decentralization; the transition from the national economy to the world one; transition from an alternative choice ("either / or") to a variety of choices; the use of new communication technologies: the Internet, satellite television.

Globalization is a process during which the mutual influence and interdependence of peoples and states increases.

The main directions of globalization : activities of transnational corporations with branches around the world; globalization of financial markets; international economic integration within individual regions; creation of international organizations in the economic and financial spheres: International Monetary Fund, World Bank, World Trade Organization, etc.

The formation of a global economy gives rise to the interdependence of the economies of individual states. The success or crisis of countries is having a tangible impact around the world. Power becomes powerless in front of global processes. This prompts the unification of efforts of different countries to address socio-economic and political issues, for example, the expanding European Economic Community.
The consequences of the globalization process.


Stimulating influence on the economy: - the emergence of an opportunity to create goods in those regions of the world where their production is cheaper; - the emergence of the possibility of selling goods where it will give the maximum benefit; - reduction of production costs; - the emergence of opportunities for further development of production; - profit growth; - concentration of efforts on the development of new advanced technologies; - the fruits of scientific and technological revolution can be used by countries that are unable to conduct their own scientific and technical research;

Rapprochement of states;

Stimulating the consideration of the interests of states and warning them against extreme actions in politics;

The emergence of the socio-cultural ¬go unity of mankind.


Planting a single standard of consumption;

Creation of obstacles for the development of domestic production;

Ignoring the economic, cultural and historical specifics of the development of different countries;

The imposition of a certain way of life, often contrary to the traditions of a given society;

Formation of the idea of ​​rivalry: the most economically powerful states strive for leadership, which leads to an explosion of nationalism in economically underdeveloped countries;

Loss of some specific features of national cultures.

On the issue of the formation of a single humanity, there are the following points of view:

- The unity of mankind is only apparent. People speak thousands of languages, profess different religions, adhere to different values. The world is not at all one. It is diverse and multifaceted.

- The modern world does not leave much room for variety. People in different parts of the world eat the same foods, watch the same TV programs, read the same literature, etc. The existing differences should disappear due to the information revolution that has swept the whole world today.

- The world is one and diverse. The stronger the tendency towards unity, the more clearly the diversity of cultures, lifestyles, and social values ​​is manifested. One does not contradict the other. The unity of humanity complements its diversity.

The main factors of the unity of modern mankind and their consequences:
1) change in the means of communication - almost all corners and regions of the planet have been connected into a single information flow;

2) change in transport - the speed of movement from one part of the world to another. The world has become accessible to movement;

3) the nature of modern technology - there is a real threat of destruction of all mankind;

4) economy - production, markets have become truly global, production ties have become the basis of the unity of modern mankind;

5) global problems - their solution is possible only through the joint efforts of the entire world community.

In the modern era, humanity gains unity not only anthropological - as a biological species, but also social - uniting into an integral world social system, and cultural - because in the interchange of the achievements of different cultures, a single common human culture is formed.

Anti-globalism, its causes and manifestations.

Antiglobalism- social and political movement directed against certain aspects of the process globalization in its modern form, in particular against the dominance of global transnational corporations and trade and government organizations such as World Trade Organization (WTO).

The concept of globalization entered the scientific circulation in the 90s of the XX century. There are many concepts that explain the nature of globalization, its essence and consequences. Globalization manifests itself in all the main spheres of human society, in particular, it influences the formation of political institutions and the course of political processes at various levels. Consideration of the process of globalization is relevant, since globalization is the context of modern social development.

Against the background of globalization changes, the end of the 90s of the XX century and the beginning of the XXI century were marked by a surge in the activity of public associations called anti-globalization. These organizations defend the interests of various, and sometimes broad sections of the population. They react to manifestations, in their opinion, of social injustice in various spheres of society in the context of globalization. They put forward their demands on national governments and international organizations that influence the position of citizens. The anti-globalization movement differs from the social movements of the past and in many ways represents a new type of political actor. The groups and associations that make up it have a kind of organization. They use a relatively new tactic of social action. The movement puts forward alternatives to modern forms of social development.

For the participants in the anti-globalization movement, the issue of developing a more or less consolidated constructive position is urgent. The practice of social forums is called upon to unite the efforts of public organizations in the work on alternative socio-economic projects. The World Social Forum (WSF) has become a central event in this area.

However, it is generally accepted that anti-globalism originated in France. In June 1998, several French publications, public associations and trade unions merged into the Association for the Taxation of Financial Transactions for the Aid of Citizens, ATTAC France. The main requirement of ATTAC is the establishment of the "Tobin Tax" (a tax proposed in 1972 by Nobel laureate James Tobin). Its essence lies in the fact that 0.1% of all financial transactions are directed to fighting poverty and raising the economy of the third world countries. In addition, the organization advocates for debt relief to developing countries.