Name designation Tatiana. Church name, saints

Name designation Tatiana.  Church name, saints
Name designation Tatiana. Church name, saints

Everyone knows that the meaning of the name is directly related to the history of its origin, and therefore we will start with the history of the name Tatiana. Linguists argue that there are at least two versions of the origin of the name Tatiana, and both have sufficient grounds for themselves.

The most common theory of the origin of the name Tatiana can be called the Roman theory. According to this theory, the name Tatiana is the feminine form of the male name Tatius (lat.Tatius). This is the name of one of the famous Sabine kings - Titus Tatia. As you can understand according to this theory, the name has no special meaning.

The second version is the Greek version of the name. According to this version, the name Tatiana means "organizer" or "founder"... Some linguists believe that the name Tatiana (Greek Τατιάνα) comes from the words "tasso" τάσσω (tasso), which translates as "to set" and "to establish". Although the first theory has a larger number of supporters, do not rush to conclusions. In science, the fidelity of a theory is determined by the strength of the arguments, not the number of supporters.

The meaning of the name Tatiana for a girl

Tanya is a very emotional child since childhood. She is prone to sudden mood swings and this often confuses others. She requires constant attention and is very jealous of attention not to her. The girl's parents will have to work hard to form a mature personality with that name.

Studying for Tatiana is usually a burden. Her changeable mood makes it difficult for her to study hard. In principle, anything that requires long-term persistent work is not for Tatiana. But she loves dancing. If a girl can go to dances, then she will do it with great pleasure.

Tatiana's health is good. She rarely gets sick, and if she gets sick, she easily gets back on her feet. Its weak point can be called the digestive system. You need to be careful about what she eats.

Abbreviated name Tatiana

Tanya, Tanya, Tanyukha, Tatyanka.

Diminutive names

Tanya, Tanyushka, Tanyushka, Tanyusha, Tatianochka, Tatyanushka.

Name Tatiana in English

In English, the name Tatiana is spelled as Tatiana.

Name Tatiana for passport- TATIANA, according to the rules of machine transliteration adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Tatiana into other languages

in Arabic - تاتيانا
in Belarusian - Tazzyana
in Bulgarian - Tatiana
in Hungarian - Tatyana
in Greek - Τατιανή and Τατιάνα
in Hebrew - טטיאנה
in Spanish - Tatyana
in Italian - Tatyana
in Chinese - 塔 季 雅娜
in Korean - 타
in Latin - Tatjana
in German - Tatjana, Tanja
in Polish - Tacjana, Tacjanna
in Romanian - Tatyana
in Serbian - Tatјana
in Ukrainian - Tetyana
in French - Tatiana, Tatianna
in Finnish - Taina, Taija
in Czech - Taťána
in Japanese - タ チ ア ナ

Name Tatiana in church(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. Although it is worth recalling that it was previously common when baptizing to take for oneself an ecclesiastical name other than the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Tatiana

We have already written about Tatiana's mood changes, but this is not the only characteristic of her name. She can also be described as a selfish and self-centered person. Her inner self requires constant nourishment. If you do not pay attention to her, you can become Tatiana's worst enemy. She just demands attention to herself.

Tatiana at work is a master of being friends against someone. She constantly creates some kind of alliances to defeat rivals. She would have been born in the era of palace intrigue. An ideal fraud and swindler, but she can use her talent in a peaceful matter, for example, in the fight against competitors.

A family for Tanya is another reason to feed her self-esteem. Her husband will sing praises almost around the clock, otherwise she would not have married. Tatiana loves her children very much and she can be called a caring mother. Children will devote a lot of time. In general, with the advent of children, it changes greatly for the better.

The secret of the name Tatiana

Against the background of Tatyana's emotionality, many do not notice her ability to quickly navigate a situation. She grasps almost everything on the fly and has a good memory. This allows her to give the impression of a more professional and intelligent person.

The second secret of Tatiana can be called her intuition. She allows her to make the best use of her talents without going too far. Feels great with whom and how to behave.

Tatiana's secrets often help her out in difficult situations and brighten up her difficult character.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Capricorn.

Totem animal- Gopher.

Name color- Crimson.

Wood- Elm.

Plant- Clover.

Stone- Ruby.


The name Tatiana comes from the Roman family name, which appeared after the Sabine king attacked the Roman Empire. The so-called "Sabine war" was ended with the conclusion of "eternal peace", and in Rome itself it was then that the generic name Tatianus appeared. Women of the same clan were given the prefix Tatiana to their name.

The female name Tatiana is no longer as popular today as it was in the Soviet years, but it is still found, and quite often. But this is not surprising, because the bearers of this name are always outstanding personalities, and the name itself has a very strong energy.

Conversational options: Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tatusya

Modern English counterparts: Tatiana, Tatyana

The meaning and interpretation of the name

The meaning of the name Tatiana is such that it has a strong effect on the character of the carrier. Moreover, Tanya's character can change throughout her life. In childhood, she is an active leader, acting, unable to sit still, and later, in adolescence, stubbornness, imperiousness and despoticness are added to her features. And the adult Tanya becomes more calm, judicious, but narcissistic and emotional. In general, most of these women are unpredictable and very unusual.

It is not easy for the stronger sex with Tanyusha - despotism and imperiousness deprive men of freedom, and jealousy and love of freedom are completely confused in understanding its essence. And in general, it is always very difficult to communicate with Tanya. Whether you are her friend, brother or sister, boyfriend or husband, it does not matter, sooner or later you will surely stumble over her exorbitant ego and unpredictable nature.

Advantages and positive features: sociability, eloquence, purposefulness and assertiveness, persistence and arrogance. Tanya, this is always a respected person in society, whose opinion is respected and appreciated. And Tatyana is also very sociable, and easily make friends even where it is simply unrealistic to do so.

Tanya treats badly people with high self-esteem, inclined to deception and self-interest, to traitors and too annoying people. And Tatyana can also avoid communicating with people from lower social strata. She will never allow herself to communicate with a person who is not worthy of her ...

An interesting fact is that despite the well-known version of the origin of the name Tatiana, experts have not been able to find out exactly what the root underlying it means.

The nature of the name Tatiana

The nature of the name Tatiana is a separate, but no less complex parameter, it is on it that the whole theory of significance is based. By the way, there is practically nothing new to say, except that everything that has already been said earlier - the character is complex, promises many conflicting characteristics, endows with an exorbitant ego and narcissism. In other words, the nature of this name affects the whole essence of a girl named Tatiana completely and completely, and all this in turn affects almost all other factors, including relationships with men, career chances and much more ...

Although, in many ways, the character may be different. There is an incredibly great chance that the character of the named Tatiana girl will be formed on the basis of a whole bunch of factors, among which there is such as the season of birth.

Early childhood

In the early childhood of a girl named Tatyana, there are a lot of troubles, and the meaning of the name itself is to blame for this, which promises a lot of conflicting characteristics, and features that turn a girl named so into a conflict, unrestrained, tough and sometimes too stubborn baby.

Tanya is promised such traits as emotionality, assertiveness, persistence, importunity, talkativeness, straightforwardness, pride and selfishness. The main problem lies in the latter - she is selfish, and she will remain so until the end of her days, she does everything only for her own good, rarely thinks about others, tries not to notice other people's troubles and ignores other people's grievances, even if they are directly related to her. ...

But she is brave, which allows her to achieve in many ways what she wants - she is not ashamed to ask a person about the incomprehensible, she is not afraid to express her opinion, and with the correct development of this quality in the future she will be able to achieve a lot. And she is also emotional and sentimental, which adds softness to her - just what is clearly lacking.

She always has excellent relations with her parents, throughout her life - Tatiana values ​​her loved ones and will never give offense to a loved one.


Tatiana is a teenager, patronized by the meaning and energy of this name, is an introvert, emotional, hot-tempered, harsh, tough, but fair and straightforward, honest and principled girl. It is quite difficult to get along with such a person in one company, conflicts arise with her literally at every step, but despite this she is a welcome guest in any company. And all thanks to her sense of justice and willingness to come to the aid of any comrade, even if not close - however, you need to ask her for help, moreover, specifically, so that Tatyana feels really needed, otherwise she will not help.

And the energy of the name Tanya is able to endow such a trait as moderation in views. She will never go against the crowd in her opinion, but she will not support her, she always tries to keep away from the general opinion - even at school, because of this, she will have conflicts with her classmates, and many will even consider her a traitor.

Adult woman

Adult Tatiana, this is already a completely different person - the meaning will give her such qualities as stubbornness, persistence, aggressiveness, irascibility, arrogance, perseverance, selfishness, straightforwardness. However, astrological symbolism - the patronizing element, the sign of the zodiac, etc., will also have a strong impact. At its core, the essence of a girl named Tatyana is such that it makes an already matured woman too conflicted.

She conflicts with many, and this is a fact, but most of all with men, in whom she mostly sees only the bad. But it has responsibility, and diligence, and commitment - any business brings to the "final whistle", does not give up, does not give up, reaches the goal in ninety percent of cases. And also independent and self-confident, too, so much so that sometimes it simply surprises, but it is not so much the meaning of the name that is to blame for this, but Tatiana herself, such is her inner essence.

Interaction of Tatiana's character with the seasons

Winter - the meaning of the winter months brings more callousness and rigidity to the character of the bearer of the name Tatiana. She is responsible, honest, strong, tough, demanding, decisive and reasonable. She thoroughly thinks over her steps, is incapable of admitting her own mistakes - she considers herself the smartest. She is uncompromising, principled, has intuition and an analytical mindset.

Spring - this blooming period endows a newborn girl with tenderness, caring, understanding, the ability to communicate and have fun, a kind disposition and an optimistic attitude. It's fun with her, she is sociable and eloquent, but also cunning. Artistic and thoughtful, a little selfish, looking for benefits in her behavior. This will make an excellent lawyer or lawyer - he knows how to lie, but gracefully, beautifully, without offending anyone.

Summer - in hot summer, good-natured, docile, generous, but overly emotional ladies are born by the origin of the soul. Such from childhood are creatively developed, have vivid imagination and imagination, love to have fun. Frivolity and inability to bring things to an end will not allow you to climb the career ladder. The patroness in the summer will not defend her own opinion - the mood and behavior depend on the environment. Has exposure to people - easily accepts someone else's opinion.

Autumn is the best time for Tanya's birth (except at the end of November). Prudence, the ability to listen, communicate and analyze, integrity and straightforwardness (in moderation), dedication and practicality, reliability and responsibility, kindness and wisdom - these traits are combined in autumn babies. With age, they improve - harmony of the soul with the surrounding world is achieved.

The fate of the name Tatiana

The fate of the name Tatiana in marriage, love, relationships with guys and men, is an equally important parameter, and it's hard not to agree with this. Well, it should be said right away that such a parameter as the fate of the name Tatiana promises the bearer of this name a difficult personal life. As mentioned earlier, Tanya is an egoist, which one to look for, stubborn, stubborn, narcissistic, jealous and overly self-sufficient, and it just so happens that it is very, very difficult for a modern normal man to get along with all this.

Already in adolescence, she may have problems in her personal life - guys, potential gentlemen, of whom she has many, will quickly disagree with her, such is her fate. All this can only lead to the fact that the demands that Tatiana puts forward to men will only intensify, which will lead to even worse consequences.

But there is one good point - fate presupposes happiness with a compliant and complaisant man, and this is already worth something. In other words, Tatyana's fate is such that it implies happiness only with a representative of the stronger sex, who is a “rag” by nature. In such a union, Tanya will be happy, but as for her soulmate, she will do everything possible for her happiness. However, such a fate, like all of the above, is only a theory, nothing more ...

Love and marriage

For the most part Tatiana, these are very sensitive and sensual women who adore flattery, affection, gentleness, care and tenderness. But nevertheless, even a very gentle and attentive man will have a very difficult time in a relationship with her. She is demanding and will certainly require proof of love before agreeing to the proposal and getting married.

It is not so easy to look after such a lady. She will simultaneously find something good and something bad in everything. Even taking flowers - she will show that she is pleased, but at the same time she will definitely criticize the bouquet for its appearance, for example. Naturally, not every man can withstand this. That is why women named Tanya do not get married at an early age. Usually it comes to marriage only in early adulthood.

But, becoming a wife, Tatiana can change. Yes, her ardor will not go anywhere, and for sure she will be the leader in the family, but at the same time she will be an excellent hostess. She will always have delicious food prepared, her husband will always be dressed in washed clothes, and there is no place for disorder at all in the house. True, the husband will have to pay for this with material wealth and devotion - otherwise, nothing of the above will happen.

Tatiana as Mother

It is difficult to say what kind of mother the woman who received the name Tatiana at birth will become. But one thing is for sure - she will not turn out to be a bad mom. The only problem is that Tanya, for the most part, is very freedom-loving and independent, and they will never part with their freedom. If her personal space suffers, it will not be good for anyone - the husband needs to take this fact into account and share all responsibilities with her.

The appearance of children will most likely be planned in Tatyana's case. Even if she does not tell her husband about it, it will still be so. They will appear only when she prepares for this in all possible ways. She must be confident that she is ready materially, morally and physically. It cannot be otherwise.

The upbringing of children and their development will most likely agree to take on themselves entirely and completely, but they will quickly deflate, fizzle out, and require help from their spouse. And God forbid her husband refuses her - the consequences will be unimaginable, it may even come to a divorce. True, she definitely will not abandon her children, and will be faithful to them until the very end. She will always support them, advise on what to do, and will always be there.

Male name compatibility

The name Tatiana has the best compatibility in terms of feelings and love with such male names as Gleb, Varlaam, Dmitry, Makar, Egor, Trofim. With the guys named in this way, Tanya will feel at ease, confident, and generally good.

In marriage, luck and happiness awaits Tanya with Askold, Vladlen, Valentin, Khariton, Daniel, Vasily, Gerasim, Artem and Illarion.

But with such masculine names as Arthur, Benjamin, George, Luke, and Plato, Tatyana has no compatibility at all.

The short form of the name Tatiana. Tanya, Tanechka, Tanya, Tatusya, Tanyura, Tanya, Tanyuta, Tata, Tatulya, Tatunya, Tusya, Tasha, Tatyanka, Tanyukha.
Synonyms for the name Tatiana. Tatiana, Tatyana, Mystery, Taya, Tetyanya, Tatiana, Tanya, Tatiani.
The origin of the name Tatiana. The name Tatiana is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Tatiana, translated from the ancient Greek language, means "organizer", "founder", formed from the Greek "tatto", meaning "I set, establish, affirm." According to the next version, the name Tatiana has Latin roots. It is the feminine form of the male name Tatian, which appeared on behalf of the king Titus Tatia, therefore the name is translated as "lady from the Tatian clan."

The diminutive form of the name Tatiana - Tanya, is very popular in the West, especially in the United States, and is perceived as an independent name. And the appeal Mystery is also an independent name, which in modern times is often used as Tayana.

Saint Tatiana, who is considered the patroness of students, is especially revered in Russia. In honor of her, students have a holiday of Tatiana's Day - January 12 according to the old style, and according to the new, this date falls on January 25. It was on this day that Empress Elizabeth signed a decree establishing Moscow University. Martyr Tatiana of Rome is especially revered among Catholics.

Little Tatiana is smiling and restless. She does not lag behind others in either growth or development. From an early age, you can notice some stubbornness in the girl. She certainly wants to do everything on her own and does her job well. Tanya's things are always in perfect order.

Tatiana's school success only pleases her parents. Very often this girl graduates from school with a medal. She has very versatile interests. Tatiana can be interested in everything from cybernetics to journalism. She is always the first among the participants in school amateur performances. Already at school, Tanya manifests herself as an intelligent and self-sufficient girl. In subsequent years, these qualities only intensified.

Communication with men transforms Tatiana. One has only to appear next to a prominent gentleman, as Tanya becomes lively and flirtatious. For the opposite sex, this is a caring and gentle friend. Tatyana chooses strong men as partners, strives to defeat them.

Tatiana's willful character makes her unpredictable in various spheres of life. She conquers men for her own pleasure, and with this she flatters her pride. Tanya is very hard on someone's superiority, especially when it comes to a woman. Even close friends become enemies as soon as she feels competition from them. Tanya is ready for anything to be the most-most in the eyes of others. Striving for this, the girl does stupid things, but does not regret it. For rivals, Tatyana is an envious and insidious enemy, capable of any dastardly deeds.

Fidelity for Tatiana is a relative concept, and even when she is married, she can continue to change partners, as before. The husband and children easily fade into the background. The situation is somewhat different if the husband completely satisfies Tanya in all respects.

Tatiana is domineering and knows how to stand up for herself. She is a person of mood, but, as a rule, having achieved leadership positions, she does not change her sense of duty. Tatiana strives to think soberly in any situation, not succumbing to outside opinions. He rarely resorts to pressure, only when absolutely necessary.

Tatiana gives the impression of a very elegant and well-mannered person. She dresses well, is reserved in conversation, knows how to say pleasant things. Tanya has both a rich inner world and high self-esteem. Trying to "jump over her head", Tanya often fails, she tends to create problems for herself. However, by nature, the girl is an optimist and does not fall into depression from piled up failures.

Tanya's characteristic energy will help the girl achieve success in any area. She is persistent, able to insist on her own and pull down presumptuous subordinates. As a rule, he works as an orthopedist, personnel officer or scientific worker. Can be successful in creative professions.

Tatyana's birthday

Tatiana celebrates her name day on January 25, February 23, March 14, April 3, May 17, June 23, July 21, August 18, September 3.

Famous people named Tatiana

  • Tatiana Peltzer ((1904 - 1992) Soviet Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1972). Winner of the Stalin Prize of the third degree (1951).)
  • Tatyana Tolstaya ((born 1951) is a Russian writer, publicist and TV presenter. The most famous novel by the writer is "Kys", which received the "Triumph" prize. Works by Tatyana Tolstaya, including collections of stories "If you love - you don't love", "Okkervil River" , "Day", "Night", "Raisin", "Circle", "White Walls", translated into many languages ​​of the world. Wide popularity came to the writer in 2002, when she became a co-host of the television program "School of Scandal." In 2011 year entered the rating "One hundred most influential women in Russia", compiled by the radio station "Echo of Moscow", news agencies RIA Novosti, "Interfax" and the magazine "Ogonyok".)
  • Tatyana Tarasova ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian figure skating coach. Honored Trainer of the USSR (1975). Tarasova trained more future world and Olympic champions than any other coach in history. Until 2004, her students won in total, 41 gold medals at the World and European Championships, as well as 8 Olympic gold medals in three disciplines out of four possible (Irina Rodnina and Alexander Zaitsev (pairs - 1976 and 1980), Natalia Bestemyanova and Andrey Bukin (dancing - 1988) , Marina Klimova and Sergey Ponomarenko (dancing - 1992), Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergey Grinkov (couples - 1994), Ilya Kulik (men - 1998), Oksana Grischuk and Evgeny Platov (dancing - 1998), Alexey Yagudin (men - 2002)).)
  • Tatyana Yablonskaya ((1917 - 2005) Soviet, Ukrainian painter. People's Artist of the USSR (1982), laureate of the USSR State Prize (1979) and two Stalin Prizes of the second degree (1950, 1951).)
  • Tatyana Lioznova ((born 1924) film director, who shot "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "Three Poplars on Plyushchikha")
  • Tatyana Vasilyeva ((born 1947) maiden name - Itsykovich; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, TV presenter, People's Artist of Russia (1992))
  • Tatyana Navka ((born 1975) is a Russian figure skater who performed in ice dancing with Roman Kostomarov. This couple are Olympic champions in 2006, two-time world champions, three-time European champions, three-time Grand Prix finals and three-time Russian champions.)
  • Tatyana Vedeneeva ((born 1953) Soviet and Russian TV presenter, actress, journalist)
  • Tatiana Okunevskaya ((1914 - 2002) Soviet and Russian actress. Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1947).)
  • Tatyana Doronina ((born 1933) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, theater director. People's Artist of the USSR (1981).)
  • Tatyana Dogileva ((born 1957) Soviet and Russian actress, People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2000))
  • Tatyana Samoilova ((born 1934) Soviet actress, Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1963), People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1992). Laureate of the Jury Prize of the XI Cannes Festival "Orange Tree" as "The Most Modest and Charming Actress" (1957, for the film "They Fly cranes ").)
  • Tatyana Lavrova ((1938 - 2007) real name - Andrikanis; Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the RSFSR.)
  • Tatyana Egorova ((born 1944) Soviet and Russian theater and film actress, journalist)
  • Tatiana Beck ((1949 - 2005) Russian poetess, literary critic and literary critic. Member of the Union of Writers of the USSR (1978), Russian PEN Center, Secretary of the Union of Writers of Moscow (1991-1995).)
  • Tatyana Ustinova ((born 1968) Russian writer working in the detective genre)

Winter Tatiana- the owner of a masculine character, she is strong in spirit, courageous and responsible. Her mathematical mindset helps to calculate life moves in advance and make the right decisions in the most difficult situations.

Interesting fact! Tatyana, born in January and February, are distinguished by a softer and more docile disposition compared to December.

Spring Tatiana distinguished by a cheerful disposition, great sense of humor and rich imagination. Tatiana, born in the spring, is inclined towards the humanities, their playfulness and artistry help them to become successful actresses. Unlike the imperious "winter" Tatyans, the "spring" ones do not strive for fame and power.

Summer Tatiana good-natured, generous and emotional. These are creative people who often choose the artistic field for themselves. A significant disadvantage of summer Tatyans is their susceptibility to other people's influence.

Autumn Tatiana Is a symbiosis of "winter", "autumn" and "spring" Tatyans. Representatives of this time of year are distinguished by prudence, seriousness, prudence and practicality. At the same time, autumn Tatyans are talented, kind, wise, principled and incredibly loyal to their family.


Tatiana's mascot stones are a ruby, heliodor and a tiger's eye.


This red stone symbolizes attraction to the great and patronizes lovers, as it helps to maintain reciprocity and passion in relationships. Ruby is able to cheer up and drive away melancholy.

In addition, this stone increases the acuity of the mind, gives courage, strength and courage to its owner, inspiring great deeds. For this reason, the rulers preferred to wear jewelry with a ruby ​​symbolizing power.

But keep in mind that this stone enhances not only the positive, but also the negative qualities of its owner, therefore, it is not recommended for tough, evil and cruel people to wear it.


Wearing heliodor will provide harmony in life, soothe and protect from extraneous negative influences. Warm shades of this stone help to become wiser, bring joy and peace to life.

Interesting fact! Heliodor must be worn constantly, because this stone gets used to one owner, whom it protects, to whom it gives material well-being.

The special function of the heliodor is to protect and protect the family and children.

Tiger's Eye

This stone gets its name from its characteristic undulating ebb and shine, which is similar to the sparkle of a tiger's eyes.

The tiger's eye contributes to the rapid recovery of patients after severe illnesses.

In addition, this stone protects from dangers, damage and the evil eye, helps to make the right decisions at a crucial moment, awakening sanity in its owner.

Interesting fact! Spineless and lazy people do not get along with the tiger's eye, and therefore lose it over time.


Tatyana is patronized by red and brown colors, as well as warm shades of yellow (for more information about the effect of these colors, see the article "Influence of the sign of the zodiac and the color of the name on a person's life").





The symbol of the name Tatiana is a tower clock symbolizing accuracy and order. In addition, the watch reminds of the transience of time and the short duration of human life.


The animal mascots for Tatiana are the lynx and the gopher.


It is a symbol of enlightenment, transformation, fun and adventurism.

A person who is patronized by a Lynx is endowed with tremendous strength, while his behavior is unpredictable. Behind the feigned frivolity is a calculating and resourceful mind that helps to go through life easily and with head held high.

And remember, the lynx is famous for making sudden, fatal leaps. Therefore, people with this totem are able to instantly mobilize all their forces and inflict a crushing blow on the enemy.


The gopher symbolizes thrift, thrift and thrifty.


Tatian's talisman is a tassel.



Totem plants for Tatyan are clover, elm and blueberry.


Clover (especially four-leaf clover) is a symbol of faith, hope and love. It is believed that the four-leaf clover attracts good luck and brings happiness, not only to its owner, but also to those around him.


This tall tree with widely spread branches symbolizes longevity, strength, dignity, peace and balance.


Blueberries are a symbol of peace, love and profit.


Lead, which is a talisman-metal for Tatyans, has been used since ancient times for the manufacture of weapons, therefore it is considered a symbol of death. In addition, in Antiquity, magical properties were attributed to lead: this metal reflected negative energy.

Auspicious day

Bad day



The most favorable time of the year for Tatyan is winter.


A successful year for Tatyan is the year of the snake.

Tatyana, born this year, are insidious and cunning, but they show their negative sides only if they are in danger. In times of peace, they are beautiful, graceful, courteous and sweet. They cannot be called the soul of the company, as they prefer to remain "in the shadows".

Important years of life

The most significant years of life for Tatyana: 15 and 19, 22 and 23, 30 and 36, 43 and 49, 55.

The origin of the name Tatiana

Name translation

The name Tatiana (or Tatiana) has Greek roots and is translated as "sovereign", "set", "established".

Name history

The origin of the name is explained by two versions. According to the first, the name Tatiana comes from the ancient Greek word tatteo, meaning "the one that equips."

According to the second version, this name came from Ancient Rome and is the female version of the male name Tatian (that was the name of the Sabine king).

Forms (analogs) of the name

Common forms of the name: Tanya, Tanechka, Tanyusha, Tata, Tatusya, Tusya, Tasya.

Legend of the name Tatiana

Both Orthodox and Catholic churches on January 25 celebrate the day of the Great Martyr Tatiana of Rome - the daughter of a noble Roman who secretly converted to Christianity. For the sake of serving Christ, Tatiana abandoned worldly life and marriage, and for her commitment to the church she earned the rank of deaconess (she had the right to perform pastoral duties). During the period of the persecution of Christians, which took place under the Emperor Alexander Sever, Tatiana of Rome was seized, but even under the threat of torture she refused to offer pagan sacrifices. According to legend, after the prayers of this saint, pagan temples and statues were destroyed. In addition, she was able to tame the lion, to which she was given to be eaten.

Tatiana of Rome, who became the patroness of the Tatyans, was beheaded with her father in the 3rd century.

Today, Saint Tatiana is considered the patroness of students: for example, the decree on the founding of the first Russian university was signed by Empress Elizabeth on Tatiana's day.

The secret of the name Tatiana

Angel day (name day)

Tatyana celebrates her name day on the following dates:

January - 25th.

February - 23rd.

March - 14th.

April - 3rd number.

May - 17th number.

June - 23rd.

July - 21st.

August - 18th number.

September - 3rd number.

Famous people

Famous singers named Tatiana:

  • Tatiana Bulanova;
  • Tatiana Ovsienko.

Famous actresses named Tatiana:

  • Tatiana Vasilieva;
  • Tatiana Vedeneeva;
  • Tatiana Dogileva;
  • Tatiana Doronina;
  • Tatiana Lioznova;
  • Tatiana Samoilova.

Famous TV presenters named Tatiana:

  • Tatiana Lazareva;
  • Tatiana Pushkina.

Famous writers named Tatiana:

  • Tatiana Tolstaya;
  • Tatiana Ustinova.

Tatyana Navka is a Russian figure skater, multiple champion of Europe and the world. In addition, Navka paired with Kostomarov became the winners of the 2006 Olympic Games.

The meaning of the name Tatiana

Tatyana are powerful, purposeful and stubborn personalities, and these qualities are often hypertrophied, which can transform into despotism.

For a child

Tanya is a very emotional, but at the same time practical and principled child who knows how to defend her opinion, which can change depending on her mood.

By nature, Tatyana is a leader who tries to earn her authority not only in word, but also in deed, so often children with this name are very active in learning about the world, trying to master various areas (they attend sports sections and circles of various orientations). Tanya's downside is that she rarely brings what she started to its logical conclusion (and this applies to both circles and school).

Tanya dreams of becoming a famous actress, whose life is full of adventures and travels.

For girl

Growing up, Tanya acquires such qualities as stubbornness and imperiousness, which often reach the point of despotism. There is no question of objectivity in relation to others, because Tatiana always knows everything and everything better than anyone else, her opinion should always be authoritative.

Tatyana likes male society, but she has almost no friends, because her self-centeredness and self-confidence are repulsive.

Tanya carefully monitors her appearance, sparing no expense to buy another fashionable dress and high-heeled shoes.

Her pride and excessive emotionality often lead to the fact that her relationship with the opposite sex is not long-term.

For woman

Tatyana is very active (sometimes too much), decisive and proud, and their impulsiveness and impetuosity often lead to the fact that they get into unpleasant stories. But nothing can deprive them of their optimism and confidence that tomorrow will be better than yesterday.

It is important for Tatiana to avoid monotony, she needs new impressions and emotions that feed her with energy, so women with this name love to travel, attend various kinds of cultural and entertainment events.

Description of the name Tatiana


Tatyana does not differ in strict morality, they prefer to adjust moral principles to the situation and their mood. But Tatyan cannot be called immoral either, because they are not alien to the manifestations of sympathy, kindness, responsiveness and sincerity. At the same time, it is important to appeal to Tanya's mind, and not to her feelings. And keep in mind that she will not compromise her interests out of compassion.

One of the main qualities of Tatiana is an increased sense of duty, therefore she takes an active part in the fate of relatives and friends, in every possible way taking care of their well-being.

Tanya does not have many friends, which is due to her excessive frankness - she has a habit of speaking the truth in person, although she herself cannot stand criticism. Tatyana is not vindictive, but she is vindictive, so she does not forgive betrayal and insults.


Tatyana, due to her optimistic nature, is rarely prone to depression, but her increased emotionality is fraught with nervous breakdowns, and this can provoke stomach problems.

In general, Tanya needs to pay special attention to her daily routine and her diet, which will help avoid weight problems and prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

In addition, Tatyana is susceptible to eye and infectious diseases, so it is extremely important for them to monitor their immunity.


Tatyana is an incorrigible coquette, regardless of age. They love to flirt, but at the same time it is important for them to win their chosen one, who must be strong and courageous (Tatiana will not tolerate a henpecked person next to her). She wants to follow her man, and not drag him along, so her man should be stronger than her morally.

A man with Tatiana will have a hard time, because she is the owner, who will both hidden and clearly control her partner, trying to subdue him. But this negative quality of hers is fully covered by the warmth, love and care with which she surrounds her chosen one.


Tatiana is a good and thrifty housewife, a faithful wife and a caring mother who becomes a true friend to her children, who will understand and forgive a lot.

In marriage, such components as stability and material well-being are important for her. Tatyana rarely initiates divorce, as they try to save the family at all costs.

Tanya belongs to the category of people who prefer not to wash dirty linen in public.

A strong marriage is possible with Valery, Ivan, Oleg, Igor, Vladimir, Anatoly, Nikolai, Artem and Sergey.

Family life with Vyacheslav, Stanislav and Gennady may not work out.

Family relationships

Tatyan's family life is far from always going well, since they are trying to impose their will and lifestyle on their husband. In addition, women with this name love to make loud scandals. Therefore, Tanya's husband must have patience and prudence, otherwise a divorce cannot be avoided.

One thing can be said for sure - you will not get bored with Tatiana: she will start a rearrangement, then renovate, then organize a hiking trip or arrange a grandiose home holiday.


Tatyana are real seducers and seductresses, distinguished by their sexual relaxedness, so men flock to them like butterflies on fire.

But keep in mind that Tatyana will be able to fully reveal herself sexually only with the man she really loves.

She prefers to dominate in intimate relationships, while often forgets that pleasure should be received by both partners, and not just her.

In sex, Tatyana is aggressive, while she expects obedience and submission from her partner.

Mind (intelligence)

Tatiana has a sharp analytical mind, which is aimed at solving practical problems. She does not allow "emotion" to gain the upper hand over "rational", which helps her to confidently move up the career ladder.


Tatyana are responsible leaders who are able to properly organize the work of both small and large teams.

The bearers of this name feel most comfortable in the creative field (it is not for nothing that there are many talented singers, actresses, journalists and TV presenters among Tatyans).

For Tatyana, it is extremely important that the field of activity is not limited by strict official frameworks, but, on the contrary, presupposes a certain freedom of action. Tatians are suitable for such professions as an administrator, public figure, teacher, social worker.

In general, Tatyana are valuable workers who handle the most responsible and difficult tasks with high quality.


The bearers of the name Tatiana have a business acumen, so they can become successful "business women", moreover, they are ready to work day and night to achieve material well-being, which is of no small importance to them.

Tatyana are excellent analysts who can instantly assess the situation and find a non-standard way out of it, which is very useful when doing business.

If, to all of the above, we add Tatiana's decisiveness and ambition, then the success and prosperity of her enterprise are simply guaranteed.


Tatyana's hobbies, like her whole life, largely depend on her mood. Today she can lie on the couch all day with a book in her hands, and tomorrow she can go on a journey.

Character type

Women with the name Tatiana most often belong to sanguine people (more details about people with this type of thinking can be found in the article "The Influence of Elements, Planets and Numbers on Human Life").


Tatiana's excessive emotionality and impulsiveness can play a cruel joke on her and deprive her of friends. In addition, Tatyana consider themselves to be the center of the Universe, so only introverts by temperament who love to listen more than talk can communicate with her. In general, Tatyana, with her relaxedness and sociability, will find an approach to any person, regardless of age and status, especially if the interlocutor will not only listen to her attentively, but also admire her.


Tatiana has a very developed intuition, which she rarely listens to due to the rationality of her nature. You will not deny Tatyana and discernment (she perfectly uses this quality both at work and in relations with the opposite sex).

Horoscope named after Tatiana

Tatiana - Aries

She is an energetic, ambitious, demanding and very passionate woman, whose actions are distinguished by consistency and thoughtfulness. The self-confidence of Tatiana-Aries often leads to the fact that grandiose plans remain plans. Passion becomes the reason that Tatiana-Aries has been in search of her ideal man for a long time (not finding her ideal in another partner, she is more and more disappointed in men).

Tatiana - Taurus

She is a very patient, reliable and devoted woman with a conservative outlook on life. A lot in the life of Tatiana-Taurus is determined by habit, but she will not risk stability and tranquility for the sake of ephemeral hopes. Diligence and perseverance - these are the components thanks to which Tatiana-Taurus achieves a lot in life.

In relationships with the opposite sex, Tatyana-Taurus also prefers simplicity, clarity and stability (she does not need extra passions).

Tatiana - Gemini

Tatyana, born under the sign of Gemini, are ambivalent and rather hidden personalities who are rarely sincere with people (they say about such people "on their own mind"). Tatyana-Gemini loves to be silent more than to speak, preferring to be no different from the majority around her. She rarely takes the initiative and generally tries to avoid responsible assignments. Like all Tatyana, she cannot live without male attention, but she does not know how to understand men.

Tatiana - Cancer

This is a sophisticated, charming and vulnerable lady. She is smart and quick-witted, but extremely sensitive, so it is easy to offend her. She is not vindictive, but she will not forgive her offenders either.

Tatiana-Cancer invariably enjoys the attention of men, because she knows how not only to inflame passion in them, but also to maintain the fire of love at the proper level. In addition, she knows how to love tenderly and sincerely, which is appreciated by her chosen one.

Tatiana - Leo

This is an imposing person who is used to being the center of attention. Tatyana-Lev has been tuning in to achieve the goal for a long time, but if she gets down to business, she will certainly achieve all the planned results.

We must pay tribute to Tatyana, born under the sign of Leo, because they know how to be objective, which increases their authority at work, while at home both husband and children listen to her opinion.

Tatiana-Leo shows aggressiveness, isolation and rigidity in case of failure, therefore it is very important to encourage and reward women of this zodiac sign.

She chooses her partner for a long time, but once and for all.

Tatiana - Virgo

Curiosity, sociability and restlessness - these are the main qualities of Tatiana-Deva. She is interested in everything and always, because she should be the best in all respects (by the way, her tendency to systematize and analyze helps her in this).

With men, Tatyana-Virgo is somewhat constrained, but only until she feels that she is interesting.

Tatiana - Libra

This is a kind, sensitive, modest and talented nature, who will quickly agree with someone else's opinion (knowing that it is wrong) than will defend his own, so as not to offend another person.

Her responsibility and diligence cannot go unnoticed, but because of her modesty and lack of initiative, she often never achieves well-deserved career heights.

Tatiana-Libra loves male attention, but she does not know what to do with it, therefore she prefers men who take everything into their strong hands.

Tatiana - Scorpio

Energetic, stubborn, cheerful, principled and direct Tatiana-Scorpio will never give up her principles for anything. She is one of the disinterested people who are ready to give the last shirt to the needy, therefore, she will not tolerate prudent people in her environment.

Tatiana-Scorpio - skillfully conquers and breaks men's hearts, but she will idolize her loved one.

Tatiana - Sagittarius

She is a focused, rational and intelligent woman, all actions and thoughts of which are full of dignity, despite the fact that she behaves simply and politely with the people around her. She knows how to appreciate people, for which she is respected in any team and in any field.

Men admire such a woman, but are afraid of the strength of her character.

Tatiana - Capricorn

Tani, born under the sign of Capricorn, are calm, balanced and charming. Today they can be depressed and lie on the bed all day, and tomorrow their energy will be enough to accomplish large-scale affairs.

Tatiana-Capricorn is distinguished by such character traits as modesty, responsiveness and shyness. She will always give a helping hand, but never ask for a similar favor.

Tatiana-Capricorn is a faithful, devoted and loving partner.

Tatiana - Aquarius

This is a kind, naive and perceptive nature (often these qualities play a cruel joke with Tatyana-Aquarius, since people use her gentle nature).

She does not know how to get angry and envy, she is little interested in the material side of life, much more she is interested in the impulses of the human soul.

Tatiana-Aquarius considers men more as interlocutors, rather than sexual partners.

Tatiana - Pisces

It is easy to find a common language with the sociable Tatyana-Ryba, while the main thing is to be attentive and affectionate to her, while criticism and coercion will only push her away.

Those born under this sign of Tatiana are efficient, accurate, responsible and disciplined. They are loyal and loving wives, but on condition that their other half will reciprocate.

Compatibility of the name Tatiana with male names

Tatiana and Alexander

Tatiana and Egor

The relationship between Yegor and Tatiana is built on love and trust. Egor is a monogamous person, he will protect his soul mate, indulging all her whims. Tatyana will pay him a hundredfold, carefully keeping the hearth. The only thing that Tatyana may lack in such a relationship is tenderness and romance, because Yegor is a pragmatic nature, he is not characterized by sentimentality.

Tatiana and Vitaly

This is a strong union, in which both partners work hard to achieve their goals, they do not wait for "manna from heaven" and achieve everything themselves. Tatyana and Vitaly are serious about family ties, so they look closely at each other for a long time. Conflicts in this family are resolved through peaceful negotiations.

Tatiana and Oleg

This union can become strong if Tatyana comes to terms with the idea that Oleg will not fulfill her whims. In addition, it will be the man who will be the head of the family, which is not always pleasant to the imperious Tatyana, who herself is not averse to giving orders. Oleg and Tatiana often quarrel, which can ultimately lead to a break in relations.

Tatiana and Valery

In the relationship between Tatyana and Valery, there is both passion and tenderness, as if they were created for each other. Valery is building a house called "family" brick by brick, while Tatiana reliably covers her husband's rear, supporting him in all his endeavors. In intimate life, partners are also great for each other.

Tatiana and Yuri

This union can be lasting if Tatyana learns to be condescending to the weaknesses of her partner (Yuri is a creative nature, therefore he is characterized by mood swings and creative crises). For Yuri, Tatyana is an inspiration and a muse.

Tatiana and Anatoly

The solidity and reliability of Anatoly attracts the impulsive Tatiana. In her man, she appreciates care and support, while Anatoly is always ready to pamper his beloved. They go hand in hand towards one goal and live by common interests. Together they can move mountains.

Tatiana and Ruslan

Ruslan is very picky about his soul mate, who should be not only beautiful, but also economic. Tatiana does not always make a good housewife. Ruslan speaks directly and often sharply about Tanya's economy, which offends her. This union is rarely durable and strong.

If you looked here, then you want to know more about the meaning of the name Tatiana.

What does the name Tatiana mean?

The name Tatiana means - organizer (Greek)

The meaning of the name Tatiana for life

A woman named Tatiana was awarded a strong character, she will always stand up for herself. Can patronize the weaker, but will not tolerate competition. She will find a way to get anyone out of the way, especially when it comes to her personal life. She is prone to high self-esteem, considers herself the smartest, most beautiful, unsurpassed in love. At first, she manages to create and maintain just such an opinion about herself, but in an unpleasant situation, all her negative qualities immediately surface, and this image immediately crumbles. This is not to say that she is stupid, but due to excessive impulsivity, exaltation, she most often forgets to use her mental abilities. It is cunning, but its cunning is easily miscalculated by people who are more intelligent and capable of analytical thinking. In each such person, Tatiana sees a personal enemy. She adores male society, spends a lot of energy to look attractive, sexy. In fact, it is very moderate in physiological needs, it is again made to be sophisticated by the desire to be "the most-most", extraordinary. A woman named Tatyana is envious, can weave intrigues, is capable of unseemly actions. She gets married easily, but her husband will have a hard time with her. Tatiana loves the attention of men, will not miss the opportunity to have an affair or at least a slight flirtation on the side. If her appearance does not allow her to be always in the center of attention of men, then she is quiet and modest, but in the depths of her soul there is a tigress. She is vindictive, she can pretend that she does not remember the insult, but only in order to make it easier to take revenge later. She knows how to cook dinner, bake a birthday cake, arrange a grandiose wash, but at the same time will not tolerate her husband reading the newspaper or watching TV while she works. In family life, a woman named Tatyana is often unhappy, as she strives to lead her husband and at the same time wants a strong and courageous person to be with her. Children are a little afraid of Tatyana: she is strict and quick-tempered, she can scream for no particular reason. The name Tatyana should be given to girls carefully and not with all patronymics. It is undesirable to call those born in winter that way.

The meaning of the name Tatiana for sex

Tatiana conquers men with caring, surrounds with warmth and tenderness. A woman named Tatiana can be an excellent partner for someone who is interested in more than just sex. She has a very sensitive body, especially her chest and lower back.

The nature and fate of the name Tatiana, taking into account the middle name

Name Tatiana and patronymic ...

Tatyana Alekseevna, Tatyana Andreevna, Tatyana Artemovna, Tatyana Valentinovna, Tatyana Viktorovna, Tatyana Vitalievna, Tatyana Vladimirovna, Tatyana Evgenievna, Tatyana Ivanovna, Tatyana Ilinichna, Tatyana Mikhailovna, Tatyana Petrovna, Tatyana Sergeevna cheerful, loving, energetic, quick-tempered. Ambitious and arrogant. In everything he pursues a selfish goal, above all in life he values ​​material well-being. She makes profitable acquaintances, makes friends only with those who can be useful to her in some way. If there are simple, unremarkable people among her friends, it is only because they serve as a background for her on which she looks even brighter. Easily breaks up relationships with people who cannot be of any use to her. Tatyana has no real friends. He behaves in a completely different way with men. She tries to keep everyone by her side, the more imaginary friends she has among men, the more prestigious for her. Here, they say, what an outstanding, unsurpassed woman she is! Without the attention of men, you fall into depression. Falling for flattery and praise, often praises herself, inventing various stories in which she presents herself favorably. Tatyana should not rush to get married. A hasty decision can make her spouse unhappy; the marriage falls apart very quickly. Before she, as is often said about men, needs to "walk up". She must understand who suits her best in sex, who can tolerate her in everyday everyday life. It is better when Tatiana has the opportunity to realize herself in the professional field, then she can leave men alone. You cannot call her an ideal hostess, although here she also wants to seem the best. Stingy; if she cooks for guests, she regrets high-quality products, uses those that she does not use herself. She can leave the children with her spouse and go on vacation on an expensive ticket, without thinking that she has left her family without a penny of money. A husband with a weak character next to such Tatiana is doomed to a long, unhappy married life. A man with a strong character quickly divorces her. She has children of different sexes.

Name Tatiana and patronymic ...

Tatyana Alexandrovna, Tatyana Arkadyevna, Tatyana Borisovna, Tatyana Vadimovna, Tatyana Grigorievna, Tatyana Kirillovna, Tatyana Maksimovna, Tatyana Matveevna, Tatyana Nikitichna, Tatyana Pavlovna, Tatyana Romanovna, Tatyana Tarasovna, Tatyana Eduardova even more emotional and unbalanced, but less insidious. She is easier to communicate, you can not expect a catch from her every minute. But if someone strongly hurts her pride, she will not remain in debt. More sexy, more conceited than ambitious. She loves to be admired by men, and does not need constant, devoted girlfriends at all, it is easy to part with them. If born in summer, she can easily become addicted to alcohol, and only with great difficulty does she manage to get rid of it. Windy and frivolous in her youth, she marries early and unsuccessfully. In the second marriage, although she is not particularly happy, she calms down. Tatiana is a capricious wife, she loves to eat deliciously, although she cooks according to her mood. She loves various delicacies and sweets. Fidget, it is difficult to keep her at home. He enjoys being in a company, loves nature, animals, and travels with pleasure. She is rarely completely satisfied, always in search of something extraordinary. He considers himself unappreciated, offended by fate. She dreams of sublime love, she can start an affair on the side, but, making sure that these feelings are not the ones she is dreaming about, breaks up the relationship. The upbringing of the children of such Tatiana is most often done by her mother. She herself treats her daughters as her friends, loves them, pampers them, but does not even try to educate them. She is completely absorbed in herself, her personal problems.

Name Tatiana and patronymic ...

Tatiana Bogdanovna, Tatiana Vladislavovna, Tatiana Vyacheslavovna, Tatiana Gennadievna, Tatiana Georgievna, Tatiana Egorovna, Tatiana Konstantinovna, Tatiana Makarovna, Tatiana Robertovna, Tatiana Svyatoslavovna, Tatiana Yanovna, Tatiana Yaroslavovna optimist. She does not focus on the negative aspects of life, does not focus on failures. She is secretive with loved ones, restrained in love. Stubborn and domineering. More friends with men. Cannot stand loneliness, boredom, monotony. Her life is full of vivid feelings. Tatyana tends to idealize her beloved, which is why she is often disappointed. Her self-esteem is greatly overestimated, she is vain, proud. He does not tolerate the superiority of others, he will always find something to stand out, draw attention to himself. Public opinion is of little concern to her, but the judgment of the elect is important to her. She is in no hurry to get married, chooses her betrothed for a long time, but rarely does her family life correspond to the one she dreamed of in her youth. This Tatiana never complains about fate, diligently hides a feeling of dissatisfaction within herself, presents her family union to those around her as the happiest, praises her spouse, talks about his passionate love for her. In fact, everything is different. Only those who have long maintained friendly relations with Tatiana understand that she is unhappy. The spouse of such Tatiana would gladly leave her, but the children and family obligations do not allow him to do this. Tatyana is very jealous, and if she incriminates her husband of infidelity, in revenge she can break loose, have a lover, and then she can no longer be stopped. He can change partners without too hiding his love affairs from his spouse. Her relationship with her daughters is very complicated. She needs to give them names deliberately. The child is not compatible with Tatiana with any name.

Name Tatiana and patronymic ...

Tatyana Antonovna, Tatyana Arturovna, Tatyana Valerievna, Tatyana Germanovna, Tatyana Glebovna, Tatyana Denisovna, Tatyana Igorevna, Tatyana Leonidovna, Tatyana Lvovna, Tatyana Mironovna, Tatyana Olegovna, Tatyana Ruslanovna, Tatyana Filippovna, Etiana Filippovna a very secretive, quick-tempered, stubborn woman with a difficult character. Unbalanced, emotional, but does not like to spread on topics of personal life, relationships with men, spouse. Everything is always good in her family. Tatiana is in love, gets used to her lover very much, it is difficult to endure parting. He will not forgive treason, betrayal, he will certainly take revenge. However, she is kind and responsive. She is always ready to help her neighbor, although one should not count on a long-term relationship with her in such cases. She is tired of empty chores, her outbursts of mercy quickly pass away. It is impossible to use it for selfish purposes, it will quickly put anyone in place. She herself knows how to use advantageous acquaintances. In her personal life, she is unlucky, she is married several times. She often gives birth to boys, whom she does not know how to educate at all, and does not even try to do this. With her sons, when they grow up, she has serious problems, the boys grow up not adapted to an independent life. In sexual relations, Tatiana is not too temperamental. The material side of family life worries her most. She spends a lot of time and money on maintaining her appearance, she looks great even in old age. However, sexual partners do not stay near her for long, despite her seductive appearance.

Name Tatiana and patronymic ...

Tatyana Alanovna, Tatyana Albertovna, Tatyana Anatolyevna, Tatyana Veniaminovna, Tatyana Vladlenovna, Tatyana Dmitrievna, Tatyana Markovna, Tatyana Nikolaevna, Tatyana Rostislavovna, Tatyana Stanislavovna, Tatyana Stepanovna, Tatyana Feliksovna- man of moods. Very stubborn, stubborn. If he sets a goal for himself, he will definitely achieve it. Smart, witty. Knows how to stand up for himself. Marrying is quite successful. Tatyana's mind with such patronymics prevails over emotions. She may be unhappy with her marital status, but she behaves patiently. She is quick-tempered, but only in extreme cases gives vent to her feelings. Knows how to control himself. Very fair. There is a leader in the family, although in the first years of marriage the spouse tries to lead her, but over the years he realizes "that it is not worth suppressing her will. She is often right, and it is useful to listen to her words. Tatiana has children of different sexes, but often she has one son, who is closer to her mentally than to her father. She easily finds a common language with him, she herself is engaged in raising him. This Tatyana is a passionate nature. connection on the side. She values ​​her family and will not dare to divorce, but she will not put up with the position of a "straw widow." funny company.

Numerology named after Tatiana

Self-sacrifice is the lot of every shooter's bullet.

Kozma Prutkov

Meaning of the name Tatiana: According to one of the versions, the name Tatiana came from the name of the Sabine king Titus Tatia and in translation from Latin means "belonging to Tatia". According to another point of view, the name has ancient Greek roots and means "organizer", "founder".

Memorial days: 25.01 (Tatiana's day), 03.03.

Note. Students celebrate Tatiana's Day because it was on this day in 1755 that the Russian Empress Elizabeth signed a decree on the opening of Moscow University, the first higher educational institution in Russia.

Personality. Organizer of life.

Characteristics of the name Tatiana by letter:

T - sacrifice;

A - hard work;

T - repeat;

B - non-conflict, compliance;

I am ambition, selfishness;

N - selectivity of sympathies;

A - repeat.

What does the name Tatiana mean in numerology:

TATIANA = 2123661 = 3 (Mars).

The goal of a person's life with the name Tatiana is determined by the great Mars, the planet of heroism, stoicism, courage.

What does the name Tatyana mean in astrology:

2-1, 1-2 (Moon - Sun, Sun - Moon) - stability, health, luck;

2-3 (Moon - Mars) - the results of affairs depend on the emotional mood;

3-6 (Mars - Venus) - energetic, successful nature, generosity, openness, harmony in relations with the opposite sex. Dreaminess, reliability, passion;

6 (Venus) - the point is deepened: the search for harmony, peacefulness;

3-1 (Mars - Sun), the code line is the line of the beginning of conscious activity.

Characteristics of the name Tatiana, taking into account the analysis

Tatiana is successful in her endeavors, is law-abiding, even dogmatic, hardworking, sociable, men like her. Possesses a rare charm. You need to know her in order to love. Looks caring, but proud, independent, selfish. Canny. Pragmatic, always wants to lead. Moderate, abstaining in food, drink, hoarding. However, evil fate is not indifferent to her charm: he punishes her, as a rule, with children - they either die or are not very lucky. More often they are sons. In order to get what she wants, Tatiana does not shun funds. Fields of activity: informatics, engineering, design, sports career.

Low-level sexuality. The names of men suitable for her, taking into account the meaning of the name: Anatoly, Victor, Elijah.