Do-it-yourself charm for home and family from salt. Charms for the home: we use family charms correctly

Do-it-yourself charm for home and family from salt.  Charms for the home: we use family charms correctly
Do-it-yourself charm for home and family from salt. Charms for the home: we use family charms correctly

Our home is not just walls, floors, ceilings and a sofa with a table. This is our little fortress in which we are protected. From what? And from the penetration of robbers, and from negative energy, envy, which can invisibly penetrate. After all, we do not always know with what intentions people come to our house.

For a long time, this protection from negativity and evil was taken over by amulets. When the house is well protected from evil intentions, it is comfortable, sleeps well, and the strength spent during the day is easily restored. The correct amulet is able to protect even from unwanted guests: they will feel uncomfortable, and very soon they will leave your home.

The editors of the site have collected for you 12 amulets that you should settle in your house in order to live happily.


It has long been a Slavic amulet: it was moved only to the wedding and on the day of the funeral, as a ritual - they carried the baby around the table, kissed it before the long journey and upon returning home.


Painted, bleached - it was considered the main amulet of the family inside the house. It was at the home stove that they swore oaths, made proposals to the bride, and concluded contracts at the stove pillar. And under the stove lived the patron saint of the dwelling - the brownie.


Who does not know a flower that never fades - immortelle ? Perhaps that is why it has long been considered a talisman that symbolizes longevity. It is no coincidence that there is a popular belief that garlic, pepper, salted dough products drive away misfortune and misfortune from home.

White linen stitching is a symbol of family unity.Spikelets of rye and oats - charms of beauty. Poppy protects us from various slander.Peas, buckwheat and beans symbolize a good harvest, i.e. well-being,nut - good health.


A bag filled with corn seeds, beans, peas and seeds, red pepper (this is a long-standing symbol of passion), was hung at the entrance or placed in a prominent place - for happiness and wealth.


This talisman at the entrance to the house symbolized the feminine principle - the firmament. This amulet was capable of not only warding off, but also destroying evil with its sound.


Decorated with dried flowers, seeds, grains, ribbons, embroidery, brooms-amulet brought happiness and health to the house. The broom was considered a symbol of the brownie, so when moving to a new house, they took the old broom with them - so that the brownie would move with its owners.


Made by hand, accompanied by prayer, they protected the home and especially children from black magic, the evil eye and envy. These dolls have no faces, instead of them there is a cross. They made wedding dolls-motanks for girls-brides, motanks for babies and amulet dolls for the whole family.


Immortelle, ears of rye or wheat, dried in summer, keep the power of the sun and protect the house. They can be kept in a bouquet, or they can be wrapped in a wreath. If you place the wreath with the "forelock" up, the house will be protected from evil spirits and witches. Wreath "chub" down - to attract money.


A horseshoe found or purchased as a souvenir should be hung over the door. According to legend, evil spirits wander in a circle, and, having reached one end of the horseshoe, turns around with nothing and goes back.

By the way, if the owners of the house nail the horseshoe with the horns up, it means that they will receive help from heaven, higher powers. Horns down - protect the house from quarrels and diseases.


When a young couple gets married, a towel is lined under her feet. By tradition, it is kept away from prying eyes as a sign of consent in the family, and then passed on to their children for the wedding. People believe that if the towel brought them happiness and harmony, it will help children too.


Even if you do not believe in vampires - believe our wise ancestors. No wonder our grandmothers placed garlands of red pepper and garlic in the kitchen. They absorb negativity. And the calamus root was kept in a closet or in a chest as a protector from want and hunger.

IMPORTANT NUANCE.Pay attention to how your amulet looks like. If it is cracked or darkened, then, most likely, it took on a lot of negativity. The protection worked, but the amulet should be replaced with a new one, and the old one should be burned with prayer.

A charm for the home is not only a symbol of peace and comfort, but also a way to protect yourself from the evil eye and other people's envy. You can do such a thing with your own hands, but first of all you need to know what meaning it carries in itself. Some amulets are placed in plain sight, while others, on the contrary, should not be conspicuous, but the strength of their action does not decrease from this. There are also charms that bring good luck to the house. Consider the most popular and time-tested options.


It is believed that the found horseshoe that fell from the horse's hoof brings the greatest luck to the house, and it is important not so much to keep it, but to find it. This can be explained by the fact that the belief originated in ancient times, when any metal was much more expensive than today. Naturally, such a find was a great joy for the poor man - he could sell it or make something useful in everyday life out of it.

There are other explanations for this sign, shrouded in mystery and mystical meaning. For example, the legend about Saint Dunstan and the devil is very interesting. Once the Unclean appeared to the talented and famous blacksmith with a request to shoe his hoof, and Dunstan did not refuse him. In the process of forging, the devil got hurt and he asked the blacksmith to stop, but the Saint agreed to let him go only in exchange for an oath that the Unclean One would never enter the house in which the horseshoe hangs.

Whatever the explanation, the horseshoe is considered a favorable symbol among different peoples of the world, therefore it is not so important whether it is real or souvenir - in any case, it is a very strong amulet for the home.

How to make a horseshoe amulet

As a basis for a home amulet, you can use thick cardboard, and decorate it with burlap thread, as in the photo, or with another material.

Horseshoe amulet design

You can decorate a charm for your home with beads, ribbons, coffee beans or coins, as in the photo.


Among the Slavs, the custom of keeping a souvenir broom in the house is closely related to folklore. It is believed that the defender of the house, the brownie, helps the owners maintain order, and drives away evil spirits and envious people from the living quarters. He lives behind the stove and loves to rest on a broom.

Ideally, the broom should be made by the hands of the owner of the house, but doing everything yourself from start to finish is not necessary. You can purchase a ready-made broom and supplement it with symbols of good luck - there should be 12 of them:

  • Lapti. They can be woven from straw or thread, or found in the souvenir department. Bast shoes symbolize the warmth of the hearth and harmony in the family;
  • Coins. The symbol of material wealth is attached to a broom with ordinary glue;
  • Towel. A miniature towel symbolizes happiness;
  • Spikelets and grains, beans. All this is a symbol of fortitude, good health, prosperity in the house;
  • Garlic. It is believed that garlic scares away evil spirits from the house;
  • Rose hip. The fruits of this plant symbolize fertility. Everyone puts their own meaning in this concept: someone wants to conceive a child, and someone is waiting for a rich harvest. In any case, the rosehip will contribute to the fulfillment of exactly your desire;
  • Dry pepper pod. There are two meanings at once: masculine strength and protection from witchcraft;
  • Pumpkin or sunflower seeds. The seed symbolizes the continuation of the race. Add this element to the amulet for the house so that children grow up healthy and strong;
  • Bay leaf. Laurel symbolizes universal recognition, sympathy, respect and creative growth;
  • Nuts. Nuts are a symbol of physical endurance and longevity;
  • Bagel. Any bread product, even if it is a simple crouton, symbolizes a well-fed life;
  • Pouch. The final symbol with which the broom is decorated. Its contents will help to fulfill a secret desire, so choose from all of the above, the element that is most attractive to yourself, and place it in the bag.

Small house

A charm for a house in the shape of a house carries the same meaning as a broom. Of greater importance is not so much the base itself, but the symbols with which you fill it (the meanings are the same as in the case of the broom). The only difference is that it is appropriate to add an icon to the house. The house can be plywood, knitted, sewn from rags, and even painted.

The amulet house is not placed in a conspicuous place - it is a symbol of the hearth and protection from damage and the evil eye, which should not be seen by strangers.

Master class: How to make charms for the house with your own hands

This video tells about what amulets for the house are and how to make them with your own hands.

Video source: TV channel PM

Family charms have been used since time immemorial. They are able to drive away any negativity and prevent quarrels from destroying a happy family union.

At all times, people tried to protect themselves from all sorts of troubles by reading prayers, resorting to the help of knowledgeable people and laying out all kinds of protective gizmos around the house. Now the wisdom of our ancestors still helps to maintain harmony in the family and resist any adversity. The site experts are aware of the existence of many amulets and suggest that you choose the ones that will be optimal for your protection.

Icon-amulet for the family

Icons help people gain self-confidence and resist any negativity. You just need to decide which of the heavenly patrons will protect your home. The clergy urge young families to create their own home iconostasis, in which, in addition to the icons of Jesus Christ and the Mother of God, there will be personalized icons. You can determine your patron saint by your date of birth, as well as by the name with which you were baptized in the church. In addition, there should be an icon in the house, donated by the parents during the wedding. Such a family amulet will be able to protect you from any negativity and will not allow people with bad thoughts to harm you.

Amulet doll

This doll is made by a woman using natural materials. To create it, you need a small piece of linen or cotton fabric, hay, cotton wool or straw, bright shreds of dyed flax, hemp, linen or silk thread. The body and head are created from white fabric. The head is stuffed with a soft filler and pulled together with a thread. The torso is done in the same way. A flap is shown on the doll's head, and a sundress is swearing on the body. It must be done without a needle, only with strings or knots. The person does not sign under any circumstances in order to exclude the evil eye and damage. The doll is hung over the front door to protect family comfort.


The amulet is made from burlap with your own hands. It is placed in:

  • a pin to resist the evil eye;
  • a coin for financial abundance;
  • a few grains for prosperity;
  • dried mint leaves for harmony and comfort;
  • sunflower seeds for procreation.

After all the ingredients are folded, the bag is tied with red thread. You can hang the amulet anywhere, but it is best not far from the front door.


Our ancestors knew a lot about amulets, so in the old days it was almost impossible to find a house in which there would be no protective talisman. One of these talismans was a horseshoe. It was hung upside down to protect against any misfortune, or upside down to attract happiness.


As a talisman, you can use a regular broom. It is best to make it with your own hands, using natural materials. For a pen, you can take an ordinary stick or a paint brush, and make a pomelo from straw, rowan twigs, willow, oak and other trees with protective properties. Many housewives create a broom from the branches of the husband's and wife's patron trees. The amulet needs to be decorated with a satin ribbon of a bright color and placed wherever you want.

Charms for the home can also be purchased in the store, but they will not have the same strong protective functions. Esotericists recommend keeping several items of strength in the house that can save your family from trouble. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and do not forget to press the buttons and

03.07.2018 04:29

Conspiracies from evil people are used to protect against bad words, thoughts and actions from the outside ...

Agafya Tikhonovna will teach you how to create an insurmountable barrier for alien influences and protect yourself and loved ones from harmful forces. This purpose is served by various charms and amulets that can protect and neutralize both the usual envious glances of your neighbors and serious witchcraft attempts on your home. How to make the protection of your home impenetrable, this book will tell.

A series: Granny Agafia's advice

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company liters.

Amulets in the house, apartment

Sometimes specially charmed objects are thrown into the room, capable of transmitting negative energy to the people living in this house. In addition, even a visit to your home by an unfriendly or envious person can cause negative energy contamination of the home and thereby cause many of your failures, conflicts and illnesses. Surely you yourself could have noticed this when, after the departure of certain people, an oppressive, oppressive atmosphere remains, caused by their unusual behavior or silent presence. You need to come home with good thoughts and be picky about the people you invite into your home.

To avoid all this, it is necessary to create an insurmountable barrier for alien influences and harmful forces. This purpose is served by various charms and amulets that can protect and neutralize both the usual envious glances of your neighbors and serious witchcraft attempts on your home.

Each amulet carries a certain semantic load. For each goal, there must be its own keeper, supplied with information in the form of a plot on a piece of paper, then you will feel protected from all kinds of negative influences.

♦ Since ancient times, the red corner has been hung with ritual towels with the FIGURES of MAKOSHA, LADA AND LELI embroidered on them.

♦ THE BELL RING drives away evil spirits and cleans the surrounding space from all evil spirits. For this purpose, a bell is hung at the front door of the house, which emits a sound at the slightest movement of air. It is best when such a hand-made bell. Moreover, it does not matter what material it is made of, the main thing is that it produces a sound that is pleasant to your hearing. If dreary notes were present in it, then such a talisman is best to change.

The brownie loves the ringing of bells, if you greet the Father-mistress on his holidays with the ringing of rattles, bells, then he, in turn, will protect, preserve both the home and its owners.

♦ CHICKEN GOD - a pebble with a hole. Such stones are sometimes found on beaches, river banks, lakes anywhere in the world. Such a stone protects the house and those living in it well. The pebbles are collected together and hung over the entrance to the house or placed separately throughout the house.

♦ Fossils have been used since ancient times to protect the home. Placed on a shelf, hung on a string, they brought good luck, according to legends, and protected from the elements. Pick stones that you like and that feel good. Fossils with stars are effective.

♦ AGATE, OR MAGNET - this stone can also serve as a talisman for the protection of the house. The larger the stone, the stronger its protective properties. Since ancient times, agate has been used for magical purposes, because this stone neutralizes negative vibrations with its energy. Agates bring happiness to the house. Amulets made of stones can be folded into a specially sewn bag; for efficiency, select stones of different sizes.

♦ FIR. On New Year's Eve we perform a magical ritual associated with the protection of our homes. Spruce branches, once in your home, are able to neutralize many dark energies.

♦ HAZELNUTS strung on a dense red thread, hung around the house, will bring good luck and money, but you can't eat a single nut. A hazel stick placed in a house is also a method of magical protection.

♦ A BRANCH OF WHITE MALESTRY, attached to the ceiling, protects the house from evil spirits, and a head of garlic, on the windowsill, protects against theft.

♦ BAKING. To attract happiness to the house, it is necessary to periodically give him gifts. It is enough, for example, to bake a cake, filling the rooms with the aroma of baked goods. Put it on a dish and go around all the rooms with it. It is noticed that the smell of baked goods acts on the human body better than any antidepressants, producing hormones of happiness in it.

♦ KOSA WOVEN FROM GARLIC OR ONION. Many housewives hang it in the kitchen. However, you need to know that such a talisman attracts all the negative energy of the home, so its further use in food is impermissible.

♦ Place in a piece of white cloth CAMEN, ROSEMARY, JUNIPER, ELDERWEAR (OR WHITE MISTELA), tie a knot with white yarn and hang in the house, imagining how these plants are blocking the path of thieves.

♦ Place DRIED HERBS of rosemary, basil, dill in a piece of red or white cloth. Tie a knot with red yarn and hang it on the front door (or as close to it as possible), pronouncing the protective words and imagining as clearly as possible how they will work.

♦ Take an equal amount of DRY HERBS basil, elderberry, valerian, oregano and crush them in the palms of your hands into a powder. Place in the pouch and walk around the house clockwise from room to room, scattering the herbal powder to make it into each room. This is done to strengthen the protection of the home with herbs and will bring good luck, peace to the family and protection from thieves and ill-wishers.

♦ Broom. With its help, the hostess maintains cleanliness in the house, sweeping out negative energy along with garbage. In ancient times, there was a custom to take an old broom with you when you move to a new place of residence. It was believed that together with the broom, the brownie moved to a new dwelling. However, if trouble or some kind of misfortune happened in the house, the broom was necessarily changed to a new one. The old broom was buried in the ground to give it negative energy.

In the old days in Russia, a broom was used as a talisman against damage by a witch or a sorcerer. Earlier they even said: “If you want to know if it is true that this woman is a witch, then when she comes to you, you imperceptibly turn the broom over, put it upside down. The witch will not be able to leave the house, she will be spinning this way and that, but she will not be able to leave. " It is from there that the housewives have a custom to set brooms with a whisk up, and with a handle down. It is believed that in this way the dwelling is prevented from damage. And if the broom is overturned or upside down, it means that there was an enemy in the house, the overturned broom is his handiwork.

♦ In addition to brooms, scythes and brooms were widespread, which were also decorated. They were usually placed in the kitchen.

♦ SHOE. Take an old boot, preferably leather. Place pins, needles, nails, boot nails, scissors and pieces of broken glass tightly into the shoe. Add some herbs like rosemary, basil, fern, laurel, or white mistletoe to fill the shoe tightly. Hang it up in your attic or basement.

♦ A charm in the form of a STRAW WEB. It is made from stalks of wheat and rye, strung on a thread. Such a charm is hung in the middle of the room, or in the nursery, over the baby's bed. It is believed that he collects all the negative energy in the house. After a year, this web must be burned, and a new one should be hung in its place.

♦ A strong protective amulet will be a BOTTLE WITH PIECES OF MULTI-COLORED THREADS (use threads of all colors that you have in your house, except for black ones). Making such an amulet takes a longer time, since each thread must be placed in the bottle separately, the length of the threads should not exceed 5-7 cm. When filling the bottle with threads, say mentally or aloud: "Fire to fire, water to water, earth to earth, neither me nor you."

♦ BOTTLE WITH METAL OBJECTS. Place 200 g of small nails in a small glass bottle (a dark green glass bottle is best), which is then sealed with sealing wax or a wine stopper. Hang this bottle in the north corner of your house or in your hallway above your front door and say:

Neither near nor far,

neither high nor low,

neither deep nor wandering,

neither narrow nor wide,

no way, no way, no way, no way,

neither by the word, nor to the point, nor to the mind,

not to me, not to you, not to him.

Everything said to move,

cross, shift,

back to front, front to turn.

Black thoughts in my words to get lost!

An evil tongue to cleave to iron!

A wicked deed will never be accomplished!

Thus, you will receive an excellent "lightning rod" for neutralizing negative energy directed at you and at your home. Instead of nails, you can use pins, needles, or metal filings.

♦ IRON PRODUCTS have the ability to protect a person from the evil eye and damage. It is believed that iron is able to collect all the negative energy that can be directed at a person. It must be forged. This requirement is not accidental, and is explained by several factors. First, in the forging process, iron comes into contact with fire. Secondly, it cools in water. These two elements purify iron, making it invulnerable to witchcraft and negative energy. It is for these purposes that wrought iron bracelets and rings should be worn.

♦ The INSIDE SILVER GLASS BALL, which is commonly used to decorate the Christmas tree, is one of the most reliable amulets of protection against witchcraft attacks. In winter, the dark forces of nature are most active and capable of interfering in human affairs. Therefore, it is in the middle of winter that more serious protection from the negative manifestations surrounding us is needed.

You need to use a Christmas ball without any drawings or decorations. Store it on a windowsill all year long so it can be seen from the street, or hang it over your front door.

In order to give this amulet even more protective value, fill the inner cavity of the ball with scraps of multi-colored threads or pour dill seeds into it. Keep this ball completely clean so that its mirrored surface could reflect all negative energy directed at your home at any time. Be sure to remember that a dull or dirty ball will not only lose its effectiveness, but can also cause a reverse energy movement.

♦ PUSSY. Sew a small bag about the size of a pouch (one side of it should be blue, the other red), fill it with the following elements: a teaspoon, a walnut, a penny and a 1 kopeck coin, 10 black peppercorns, a pinch of rock salt, 2 bay leaves, an endless box of matches, 1 teaspoon each of cereals: millet, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley and whole oats. You need to tie it with green braid and hang it in a secret place in the hallway. Conduct all manipulations without interruption, silently on the day at the beginning of a new day of the full moon. After defining the amulet in a permanent place, wash your hands under running water.

♦ NEEDLE. Buy a regular sewing needle, a skein of white thread, and table salt on Friday afternoons. After making all these purchases and going home, do not greet anyone or talk to anyone. You must remain completely silent until you have completed all your witchcraft work. Arriving home, pour half a glass of cold water, dissolve three tablespoons of salt in it and cut off about a meter of white thread from the skein. Place the string in a glass of salt water and cross it three times. When the thread is wet, remove it from the water and thread it through the eye of the needle. Tie the ends of this thread with a triple knot. Then, holding the needle in your right hand, circle the tip along the entire length of the doorframe. Begin doing this from the side of the top hinge. If the loop is on the left, then move from left to right, down, right to left and then up again to the same loop. If the hinge is on the right side of the door, then guide the needle down, from right to left, then up, from left to right to the hinge. When you have finished this action, stick the needle into the upper corner of the doorframe above the hinge and cast the spell:

Needle needle, steel spear

kill all enemies and foes,

Take all the inhumans.

Do this from inside the house with the door closed. This magic is designed for about a year, after which the needle and thread should be replaced with new ones. While casting a protective spell, carefully remove them from the doorframe:

Black to black, white to white

dead to dead, and living to living.

Immediately after that, go to a deserted place and bury the needle and thread in the black earth. If you suspect that various harmful influences are constantly directed at you and your family, then replace the needle and thread more often - once a month or a week, but be sure to do this on Friday night.

♦ HORSESHOE. It should be fixed only once (the amulet does not like moving) with the ends up to retain positive energy. Thus, the house will be a full cup, and family happiness will be under reliable protection.

♦ NAILS. Drive three small nails into the door from the street side so that they form an ascending equilateral triangle with their heads (one nail at the top, two at the bottom). After that, go into the house, close the door and say:

Three nails in this door.

The first nail is to stab all enemies,

the second nail - lime all inhumans,

the third nail is to take away all unkindness.

To all my words - turn into business,

all three nails - in favor of the turnover.

This will protect your home from the invasion of evil spirits and reduce the effectiveness of black sorcery directed at your home.

♦ SALT, SPIRIT, GARLIC. Combine five parts coarse salt with three parts dried St. John's wort and one part dried and powdered garlic flowers. Stuff an old sock with this mixture. While doing this, say the cherished words:

Where they put you, there is no black power,

no evil intent, not a bad word.

Salt will take away blackness, grass will unfold evil,

the color of bad words will open, no one will know,

no one will pass, no one will wither,

nobody will die.

Three times three turns

three times three twist,

three times three from the gate.

Bury this protective amulet under the threshold of the front door of your house, repeat the conspiracy again, and then not a single dark force can penetrate your home. This witchcraft action must be performed on the full moon or in the first days after it.

♦ MIRRORS-CHARACTERS. Even in ancient times, people drew attention to the dual nature of mirrors: with one side they are turned towards us, and the other directed towards the ideal world. When you look in the mirror, every time your double appears there, with whom you need to become friends. Your double is none other than the keeper of your hearth. It's not for nothing that we hang a mirror in the hallway so that when we return to look into it in order to avoid bad news. When leaving home, be sure to look in the mirror. This is done so that the double transfers his power (and he has it), and so that you have good luck on this day, and bad luck recedes.

Mirror-amulet must be kept, handled with care, not spoil the relationship with your double, that is, you should not, looking in the mirror, speak negatively about your own image. Even if you really do not like the way you look, you should not talk about it publicly. Instead, in front of the mirror, you need to conduct auto-training sessions, that is, from time to time repeat how beautiful you are, what a good mood you are and how much others love you. Mirrors are considered reliable amulets for a reason, because they reflect negative energy. As soon as a person who has planned the worst against someone, looks in the mirror, it will immediately direct his energy to the pest. For this reason, mirrors are installed in the hallway so that any guest unwittingly falls into the mirror's field of view. After the noisy crowd of guests leaves, be sure to wipe the mirror with a damp sponge. It will wash away the negative force that could have accumulated during the guests' stay. Soak a sponge in holy or sacred water.

And yet, large mirrors that were presented to you by someone should not be recklessly trusted. It is very easy to charge such a mirror with energy, which will have a destructive effect on you. Gently wipe the surface of the mirror with spring water, spoken water, or holy water.

To determine the energy of the mirror, you need to take a lit church candle and put it in front of the mirror. If the candle does not light up or burns badly, this means only one thing: the energy of the mirror is sharply negative, it can have a destructive effect on you and your home. If you light a candle again and again, and it does not burn normally for a second, this indicates that the soul of a deceased person languishes in the mirror. It is a very common practice to distribute or sell the belongings of a deceased person. Often a person acquires a mirror, not realizing that it is a captivity for the soul of the deceased. In addition, a mirror that contains negative energy is always very cold to the touch. It is impossible to clean such a mirror even with a church candle. You need to get rid of such a mirror as quickly as possible: break it, throw it away.

♦ Knocks out the evil eye IMAGE EYE. Having hung a peacock feather in a conspicuous place, be sure that it will hold the eye of the eye-catching guest, take him away.

♦ CANDLES. Their fire has always been considered sacred. They are the ones who burn in the church. Installed in an ordinary house, they not only protect the home and its inhabitants from the clots of negative energy that may be present in the house, but also expel evil forces. To do this, with the help of a candle, they first check all the "bad" (that is, charged with negative energy) places, and then a candle is installed in this place. It is necessary to go around the room with a lighted candle around the perimeter, illuminate the corners under the ceiling. If, when checking places, the candle flame burns evenly, does not blink, this means that the place is energetically "clean". If the fire shakes, burns unevenly, is constantly ready to go out, therefore, the place is “polluted”. In no case should you put beds, armchairs, chairs, tables here.

Candles should only be from the church, that is, sanctified. It is they who have the required protective power. Firstly, the centuries-old technology of making church candles has been worked out to the smallest detail. Secondly, high-quality materials are used for their manufacture, in particular - wax. Conventional candles are made from paraffin wax, not wax. Therefore, the flame of wax candles is not only brighter, but also stronger. Wax is closer to the sun, and paraffin is closer to the ground. Hence the difference in the strength of the impact. Paraffin candles can also be used in the fight against the evil eye and spoilage. They are good at destroying traces and manifestations of black negative energy. This is especially true of traces, evidence that damage has been sent (tufts of hair, tied threads, heaps of seeds, etc.). All this should be filled with melted paraffin and set on fire. The corruption will recede.

Church candles are recognized by all healers and all healers as an excellent means to prevent the evil eye, remove damage, and protect against witchcraft.

It happens that after visiting guests, the apartment is uncomfortable, something oppresses and does not allow you to relax, there is internal tension. Apparently, someone jinxed or, even worse, sent negative energy to the house. In the evening, you need to light three candles and put them on the table in the shape of a triangle. The light must be extinguished, sit in front of the candles and watch them burn. The cleansing is completed if pleasant emotions, pacification, a desire to go to sleep come.

You can also make an amulet from a church candle, which would turn all the efforts of your enemies against them. Using black plain thread, drag the candle down to the height of your middle finger. Put this candle on John the warrior and say the following spell and bow necessarily 9 times: "John the warrior, father, you conquered the enemy regiments, conquer the heart of my enemy (name)."

♦ FABRICS. Clothes made from natural fabrics have the ability to protect their wearer from all bad things.

Linen - Linen fabric has a special strength, as it was literally grown in the fields. Flax is a very peaceful plant, and its energy is necessarily transmitted during the manufacture of fabric. It is especially good to sleep on linen bedding, which keeps the sleeping person from the penetration of negative energy. In the absence of linen bedding, linen shirts can be used. Flax is good because it can "meet" a directed energy blow, while it itself will not suffer. Even the admixtures of linen threads in the fabric have protective properties. Flax does not allow a person to drown in their own emotions. Tolerance and restraint will be a guarantee if you wear linen clothes.

Cotton - this fabric literally "grows" in the fields. During the growing period, cotton is under the sun all the time, so the solar energy was transferred to the plant, and from there to the tissue. The “sun”, enclosed in the fabric, causes a person wearing cotton clothes to feel a sense of serenity, peace, and relaxation.

Wool - This fabric is appreciated not only for its warm qualities, but also for its strong vitality. Therefore, putting on woolen products (jumpers, jackets, trousers, skirts, socks), we can be sure that our body is protected from negative energy.

Wool is also considered a talisman against various misfortunes: diseases, witchcraft, love spell. Woolen threads, which are tied on the left hand, protect from the evil eye. The hair of domestic animals (dogs, cats, sheep, goats) is widely used as a talisman. In any case, it should be a four-legged living next to the owner, and therefore its fur can be protective, protect from troubles and misfortunes. You need to collect his wool, roll it into a ball and wrap it in a paper envelope, which you tuck under the baseboards or wallpaper. You can also carry these envelopes with you in a secluded place.

♦ SKINS. The skins of domestic animals such as ram, sheep, goat are widely used as a talisman. Hunting skins of wild animals may not always keep you out of trouble. It is not always safe to keep such skins at home, because it is associated with the residual energy of the killed animal. Keeping such a skin in the bedroom is highly undesirable.

♦ NEEDLE WITH THREAD. Take a white linen thread and thread it through the eye of a copper needle. Stick the needle into the threshold with the tip to the outside, that is, from the house. Remember to spit over your left shoulder three times. These actions must be done discreetly so that your family does not guess anything. The meaning of this amulet is that a person with black thoughts, as well as everything bad that ill-wishers may wish, will surely bump into a needle and will not be able to enter your house.

♦ SALT is a product that witches and devils never eat. It is salt, acting as a talisman, that scares away evil spells. Salt is such a unique product that never spoils, does not rot, does not disappear. Thus, salt personifies eternity. Salt, as well as sugar that is kept uncovered, has the ability to absorb negative energy. Usually, in order to protect yourself and your home from the encroachments of strangers, salt is poured in small heaps (so that they cannot be seen) under the threshold. At the same time, they say the following words: "I pour salt, I take away trouble, I pour salt for my enemies, so that they would not go to my house." Malicious intruders will not be able to cross the threshold and therefore will not harm you. Salt can be put under the skirting boards in children's rooms, in the common room and certainly in the bedroom, because the bedroom is such a place through which you can harm people very easily and, most importantly, quickly. The only condition is that the salt must be poured into small bags.

In addition, “Thursday” salt was used as a talisman, which was placed in a cradle to a child to scare away evil spirits. It was tied in small bags and placed under the child's feet. It is believed that a person who has planned something bad will not be able to approach the cradle with a child and harm him.

Salt can also be slandered so that it is a talisman against the evil eye. Let the woman take the salt in a wooden salt shaker and, pouring it in her hands, utters a conspiracy: "As salt is poured in my hand, so let the trouble crumble." The salt in the salt shaker should be put in the kitchen, but it should not be eaten.

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The given introductory fragment of the book Charms for home and family happiness (A.T. Zvonareva, 2012) provided by our book partner -

Amulets are items that literally take care of you. He is without quarrels, from disease and death, bad fate, enemies, magic, curses. There are good amulets against all troubles. Many do them with their own hands, which is considered the best way to attract positive energy. The amulet of family well-being attracts positive energy... You can create them yourself or find an amulet of interest in an esoteric store. In any case, the energy of these items is very warm. She will protect you from everything dark, evil that can hang over your family.... From this day and forever - your home is the most comfortable, warm and dear. I want to get together here. This home amulet will become your talisman that can be passed on to your children and grandchildren.

Family and home protection

Different traditions and religions are different objects of power. In any case, they are useful for those who want to protect their home from all troubles. The icon is a runestone, a Slavic amulet that you make with your own hands - they everything has a positive effect on the home climate, and they will help you to save the house from all adversity and misfortune.


A variety of charms can be found in homes around the world. Most often, they are attached to religion, beliefs of a person. Practitioners are not advised to interfere with several traditions at home.- Slavic amulets, icons, figurines of Hindu gods - all this must exist separately. It's not even that you interfere with the objects of worship of different cultures and religions. You don't trust your talisman, its power.

If a person believes that the object really has powers, then he will be in a place of honor at home. If not, “for a guarantee” it is easier to put a talisman in every corner. This is not how it works, unfortunately... Your faith feeds the amulet with powers, and not vice versa. Believe it will work out.

Icons amulets

Icon "Burning Bush"

In every home of a righteous Christian, these icons should be. With them, you are not afraid of any dangers.

Protecting your home from fires, floods, wiring or gas problems. Be sure to have it at your home.

  1. Saint Nikita of Novgorod.

Helps from sorrows, protects the house from diseases. You will always be in a good mood, you will feel rested. This icon is placed in the main room of the house, where the whole family gathers. The only thing is that you cannot place it in the kitchen..

  1. John the Warrior.

The saint will help you to fence yourself off from the malicious intent of people, thieves, murderers who want to break into the house. The icon is located above the front door. No one will pass when the holy Warrior protects you.

  1. The patron saint.

Your saint's icon always will help in difficult th situation. Protects from bad thoughts, evil eye, damage, black magic.

Amulets - conspiracies

Some amulets cannot be picked up. These conspiracies are not the well-being of the house, its protection from all troubles. Your family can take part in this reading, or do it yourself. There is almost no difference... Of course, where the whole family gathers to read protective conspiracy, its strength will be greater. These conspiracies can be done by enclosing the house with a church candle. You can have a candle, an icon, holy water. All this will help drive evil out of the most hidden corners.

From black magic, curses on houses

Read once a year:

“There is a Cross on the mountain, Mother Mary was sleeping on a high rock.

She saw the suffering of Jesus Christ in a dream,

As His feet were nailed, His hands were crucified,

A crown of thorns was put on His forehead, His hot blood was shed.

Angels flew from the high Heavens, bowls were substituted under His blood.

Who will put a hand in this prayer,

He is nowhere and never will suffer torment.

The Lord will save him, take him under His arms,

He will save from trouble, protect from all evil.

He will not allow destruction, he will not allow enemies to curse.

Angels will cover him with wings, wash away any curses with holy water.

Whoever knows these words reads them three times a day,

He will not burn in fire, he will not drown in water, he will not drop a drop of his blood.

The Lord was, the Lord is, the Lord will always be!

The Lord will never forget me, the servant of God (name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen."

Family protection

You will need an icon of your saint or saint of your family... With her you need to go around the house three times, reading:

“Now I am creating a faithful and reliable stronghold for my family,

This is not a house, not a wall, but protective words.

Who will go against the servants of God (names) with evil and envy,

He will find his last refuge on the churchyard from the protective shield.

Like this candle from holy day is now in my hand,

It is so true that all our enemies are deprived of power by God.

Whoever touches us with evil and envy will turn it back a hundred times.

Now and forever, so that there is no man who would go against us,

Otherwise, to find a grave for himself.

On now and forever, these words are a faithful shield and a wall fence.

I speak, I articulate, I affirm in a word, I speak.

The word is strong, the deed is true. Amen."


Slavic symbol-amulet Rodovik in embroidery on children's clothing

A charm for a family can be made with your own hands - it's not difficult. Most often, home amulets are made from natural materials - wood, clay. The clay is then fired. Work on the tree is harder but you can master this art if you wish. Can be cut, drawn on wood, burned. An oak is suitable for a family, ash, less often birch is used.

Slavic symbol of the Family. Your whole family is Rod... One for the other, theirs for theirs. A family is strong when it knows its roots. No one can sow discord between members of the same clan. Only then no troubles are terrible... Strength is in unity.


One of the most popular solar symbols. The sign of the supreme god, the sun, justice. Scientists find Kolovrat on ancient objects... He is a symbol of the Sun and a sign of the Universe. Protects its owner from black magic, protects from love spells, diseases, induced troubles. In a difficult hour, he saves from death.

Black Sun

The symbol of the power of the Light. Another solar symbol, which was often kept at home, was carved into window and door frames. Evil often enters the house through the window, the frame must be protected by inscribing the symbol of God on it.


The Scandinavians made each family amulet on their own. It was considered an honor to protect your family by all available means. These were stone or wooden idols, tablets with runes. The amulet was respectfully kept in a conspicuous place... It was often made by the hands of the oldest member of the family.

Thor's hammer is a symbol of power, protect the gods... The Scandinavian gods were very close to people, often living in the guise of wanderers. The one who kept the hammer of Thor, carved from wood, at home, has always been marked by the blessing of the gods. There was peace in his house, respect, the cattle bred well, and children grew up strong and strong.

The serpent swallowing its tail

Ancient symbol Ouroboros native to Scandinavia... This is a sign of wisdom, courage of a warrior. He was kept at home to protect his family. Often men left home for several years on raids, while women and children were left alone. Of course, any woman knew how to hold a sword in her hand, but protecting the house is still no joke. This symbol helped... The head of the family had to carve it on the wall with his own hands.

Rune of the Family

Otal is one of the 24 runes of the elder Futhark. It carries the meaning of "home, family, home". It was often applied to household items and dishes. The rune endows them with the correct energy, keeps peace in the house, protects them from robbers.


Home and family mean a lot in Muslim culture. Evil spirits and genies dream of entering a house where the owner has not installed the necessary protection. Then they will turn his life into hell, destroy his family. To prevent this from happening, several types of amulets are installed at home. v. First of all, window frames, doors, rooms are protected. The symbols are applied to the dishes.

Knot amulets for the home

Muslim knot magic is very strong. Amazing objects are made with their own hands, intertwined, knots, tricky knots. Multi-colored materials lend an eye-catching look to this piece. But, appearance is not the main thing here. The demon will try to untangle the knots, because the demons simply hate them. He will not succeed, he will get entangled in the intricacies and forever bogged down in them, and will not harm the house. This is a subtle art that girls are taught from childhood.

Protection from evil spirits

Arabic text of Surah an-Nur

Herbs that are burned or hidden in bags serve as protection from evil spirits.... Such

items are in the house. On the one hand, incense creates a pleasant atmosphere in the house, and on the other hand, all evil, negative energy, along with burnt grass, leaves the house.

Suras "an-Nur" and "ar-Rahman" from the Koran

To protect and bless the house, its inhabitants, all property, they read the sacred suras from the Koran "An-Nur" and "Ar-Rahman"... Be sure to put bread and salt on the table. It is necessary that your whole family get together, then this day will have a special meaning. Repeat this small holiday once a year, then everything will be safe in the family. Suras can be written on canvas or parchment, placed at home. Delicious food, treats for guests, gifts are being prepared... May this be a day of joy. The more a person takes part in reading, the better.

If you decide to make a family amulet yourself, then you need to follow simple rules. They are ancient, but the masters of amulets follow them sacredly.

  1. It is impossible to start making the amulet if: sick, angry, depressed. At this time, negative energy breaks out. You can spoil the energy field of your subject, it will only bring disappointment to your home. Bad mood? Do something else, but not making a family amulet.
  2. You can make a charm with your own hands only if you know exactly its meaning. Just like that, the first one that comes across, it makes no sense to do it.
  3. You need to start work in the summer, in the period from July 22 to the end of August. At this time, the Sun is especially strong. This is important if you are making Slavic amulets. Summer is also suitable for Muslims, but Scandinavian can be done even in winter - their energy does not depend on the Sun.
  4. You need to work with new tools every time. it maybe a knife, needle, thread, scissors... Do not use those that have already been used for work.

All charms for the family should be at home, make it so that it can be placed in the living room or bedroom. Such an item cannot be hidden in the closet., for example.

What is not recommended to keep in the house

  1. The clothes in which someone died. It cannot be kept at home, it attracts the energy of death. You should not wear these clothes under any circumstances.
  2. Broken dishes. It is better not to glue broken cups and plates, but throw away... They take all the negativity with them, especially if there are often quarrels.
  3. Broken mirrors.
  4. You cannot bring reeds, coniferous branches home, plant a Christmas tree at home. You can keep live spruce only during the New Year holidays. These plants bring pain, disease, death, have a very heavy energy.
  5. Stuffed animals, horns, hooves of animals killed with their own hands. For many hunters, this is a trophy, but in reality it is part of the dead body of an animal that was killed. Such an object has an extremely destructive effect on you. These items are used in black magic to open a portal to the underworld. Why do you need this in the house, especially if small children live with you?
  6. Things from the cemetery. It sounds creepy, but it's hard to come to terms with the death of a loved one, for some it's impossible. People take flowers from the cemetery, take photographs of the grave, the monument. These are all dangerous items.... The cemetery is a resting place, where the connection between the world of spirits, the dead and our world is very strong. It is recommended to wash clothes, clean shoes, and be sure to wash your hands after visiting the cemetery. You bring on yourself particles of this energy, and it turns out to be very destructive... In a house where there are these things, there are frequent quarrels, scandals, treason. I don't want to be in the house.
  7. Flowers made from wax by hand or purchased. They cannot be kept in the house, they provoke illness, death. Such things are appropriate in a cemetery.

Get rid of objects with heavy energy, they only bring suffering into the house. A good guardian of family well-being normalizes your weather at home.