New professional standards.

New professional standards.

The beginning of the active implementation of professional standards dates back to 2012, when the Ministry of Labor developed relevant documents for many professions. Thus, their introduction into business has been going on for the fifth year already. During this time, a certain experience has been accumulated, which is useful in organizing the work of the personnel department of the enterprise in accordance with the new provisions of the regulatory documents.

Action against personnel service specialists

Occupational standards concerning the activities of employees of domestic personnel services were approved on October 6, 2015 by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 691n. Probably, in the near future, other professional rules will be approved, including for personnel officers.

  • registration of labor relations;
  • organizational development;
  • training and development of employees;
  • staff assessment.

The order of the Ministry of Labor No. 691n lists those groups of professions to which the standards will apply. Among them are workers whose specialties correspond to the following codes:

  • OKZ 3423 - specialists of personnel services and departments;
  • OKZ 1232 - heads of structural divisions, among their functions the main one is personnel management of the company;
  • OKZ 2412 - other HR specialists.

Many are interested in whether the professional standards will affect the current recruiting specialists? Despite the fact that the order of the Ministry of Labor No. 717n contains the professional standard of a recruiter, it has a rather distant relation to personnel officers, since the duties of an employee engaged in recruiting for companies usually do not include direct personnel records management.

Basic requirements for personnel officers

The main task of any professional standards is considered to be the declaration of a set of criteria for representatives of certain professions. Is no exception and professional standard for a personnel officer for 2016 year: among the main characteristics of these specialists are the set of necessary knowledge, the availability of appropriate work experience and business skills.

Based on the above criteria, a list of vacancies that can be taken by applicants without practical work experience is determined. For example, managers responsible for the following areas of activity:

  • selection of personnel vital for the company;
  • personnel records management;
  • development and vocational training of employees;
  • career growth of hired personnel;
  • wages and work rationing;
  • implementation of social programs in the company, monitoring of their implementation;
  • migration and relocation of employees.

Like any structural unit, the personnel department of the company should be headed by a manager. According to the logic of the new professional standards, an employee who has the necessary work experience in the specialty has the right to take this position:

  • more than 3 years - for heads of structural divisions;
  • more than 5 years - for heads of departments and their deputies.

In addition to professional experience, the new standards also contain requirements for the level of education required for appointment to a certain position. In particular, with a secondary vocational education in the personnel service, only ordinary managers involved in office work can work.

Personnel officers with higher education can count on the positions of line managers. For heads of departments and departments, in addition to a university diploma, sometimes training in highly specialized programs or refresher courses is required.

What are standards for: to each according to responsibilities

First of all, professional standard for personnel officer 2016 year delimits the spheres of activity of employees of such services. Now the terms of reference of each specialist are clearly regulated. Based on the content of the new documents:

  • clerical specialists are engaged in the preparation of primary, accounting, planning and organizational and personnel documents (orders, orders), as well as their registration and filing for archival storage;
  • recruiting employees collect and systematize information about the company's current need for personnel, select new employees, interact with government agencies and individuals in charge of employment issues;
  • HR managers assess the qualifications of employees, organize and carry out their certification;
  • development specialists select refresher courses, other activities that contribute to the career growth of employees;
  • managers for rationing and remuneration oversee the issues of adjusting the system of wages and incentives, the development of principles of non-material motivation;
  • social policy managers are engaged in the development and implementation of appropriate social programs, monitor the correctness of their implementation;
  • employees, whose competence includes the solution of personnel migration issues, are engaged in the transfer of employees from one structural unit of the company to another, as well as the employment of persons who do not have Russian citizenship;
  • managers organize the uninterrupted operation of the subdivision entrusted to them, control the correctness of the paperwork and their compliance with the norms of the current legislation, and also prepare internal management reporting.

When developing, he defined the qualification levels for each labor function of specialists:

  • 5th level (assumes the presence of secondary vocational education) - document flow for personnel records, their admission, relocation and dismissal;
  • Level 6 (bachelor's degree and additional specialized education) - document management, organization of certification of specialists and their conduct, organization of training and internships for company personnel, development of salary systems, bonuses and non-material motivation, development of corporate policy and control over its implementation;
  • Level 7 (Master's degree or work experience in the specialty for at least 5 years and the availability of additional vocational education) - operational and strategic personnel management, development of a motivation system, personnel planning.

Interestingly, the skill levels used in the new professional standard were developed back in 2013 and put into effect by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 148n.

Apply or not

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of May 2, 2015 states that for part of the team, the use of professional standards will become mandatory from July 1, 2016. Therefore, many organizations urgently need to start applying them to those employees whose qualification requirements are set out in domestic regulatory documents.

The company has the right to hire an applicant who does not meet professional standards if it is confident that he will satisfactorily cope with his current responsibilities. This conclusion follows from the appellate ruling of the RF Armed Forces dated 12.03.2015 No. APL15-57.

Typically, personnel officers work in normal (permitted) conditions, therefore, the law does not provide for additional restrictions regarding the level of their qualifications. Accordingly, the application of professional standards for this category of specialists is not obligatory for all firms. Find out if your employees need professional standard for a personnel officer; download its recommended as soon as possible.

Guided by professional standards, an organization can develop job descriptions for employees of its HR department. If the list of current duties of an active employee is expanded, appropriate changes may be made to his job description. Please note that the employee will have to notify them in advance: at least 2 months before they come into effect.

Do I need to strictly comply with the requirements

At the moment, there is no peremptory norm stipulating the need for the mandatory introduction of professional standards in an organization. At the same time, the possibility of payment of certain benefits, incentives, compensation, appointment to a number of positions is directly related to the application of approved professional rules.

In addition, regulations of this kind should be taken into account when developing tariff scales for remuneration in a company. This fact directly follows from the provisions of parts 8 - 9 of Art. 143 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

By introducing professional standard of a personnel officer, Ministry of Labor took care of the workers too. After studying the regulations of this document, each employee can understand to what extent he meets the requirements for a particular position. If such a need arises, a person can independently take measures aimed at improving his qualifications. For example, get additional education.

Is it possible to dismiss for non-compliance with standards

If the current employee does not fully meet the professional standards for personnel officers, it is not allowed to fire him on this basis. At present, such a norm is not provided either in the Labor Code or in the government decree itself concerning the application of these professional standards.

If the qualifications or education of your personnel officer does not meet professional standards, he should be offered to take retraining courses or additionally receive an appropriate education.

An employee who, for whatever reason, has ceased to comply with the provisions of internal regulatory documents, is permissible to be dismissed only on the basis of certification. An alternative to this option can be a transfer to another job if two conditions are met simultaneously:

  1. availability of vacant posts of appropriate qualifications;
  2. written consent of the employee who has not passed the certification.

Labor functions, skills and duties of accountants are properly fixed in the professional standard "Accountant". Until July 1, 2016, its application was mandatory only for organizations directly named in paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of Law No. 402-FZ on accounting. Until recently professional standard of an accountant - 2015, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, was used to improve the efficiency of the company's accounting department and assess the qualifications of applicants. But in the coming months, professional standards will find wider application. For what and how to use them, we will tell you in our article.


An occupational standard can be viewed as a legally approved document that brings together the requirements for the qualifications of an employee who wants to carry out any activity.

Thus, professional standard for an accountant in 2016 establishes the qualifications that the employee must possess, and also lists the labor functions performed by him in the course of his official activities.

Based on the norms of professional standards, the job responsibilities of a particular specialist can be clarified. This, in turn, determines the name of the positions and the structure of the staffing table.

Among the main purposes of using professional standards are:

  • formation of the personnel policy of the company;
  • certification of employees;
  • determination of priorities in training and retraining of personnel.

Requirements of the rules

Knowledge, experience, labor functions, skills of accountants from 07.02.2015 have been fixed by the professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1061n... This regulatory document sets out in detail not only the requirements for the level of education and qualifications of specialists, but also thoroughly describes all the duties that they are supposed to perform in accordance with the positions they hold.

What a specialist should know and be able to do

According to the standard, in order to become an ordinary accountant, you will have to study at a college or technical school with a degree in Economics and Management. In the event that there is no specialized education, when applying for a job, instead of a corresponding diploma, you can present a certificate or a certificate of completion of accounting courses. Besides, professional standard of an accountant since 2016 requires at least three years of work experience in a similar specialty: a cashier, a controller, an assistant accountant. This clarification contains a letter from the Ministry of Labor No. 14-3 / B-3.

Ordinary accountants are divided into three categories, each of which corresponds to its own scope of skills. In particular, the specialist:

  • 1 category - accepts and draws up primary documents of all types;
  • 2 categories - conducts them in accounting registers;
  • 3 categories - calculates the resulting totals, checks and balances the turnovers on the accounts.

In practice, especially in small companies, the accountant performs these actions independently: professional standard of an accountant it does not prohibit it. Therefore, in a typical job description of an ordinary employee of the accounting service, you can list the requirements for specialists of all categories.

What are expected from the chief accountant

The requests made to the chief accountant are much more varied and stricter. If you study carefully professional standard of the chief accountant, it becomes clear that to be appointed to such a position, it is necessary to have a secondary vocational or higher education. In addition, work experience in the specialty is required for more than three years out of the last five. However, you can complete specialized courses and work in the specialty for 5 of the last 7 years.

The chief accountant must perform the following 5 labor functions:

  1. keep accounting of the company, draw up accounting reports;
  2. keep tax records, draw up reports at the Federal Tax Service Inspectorate;
  3. organize internal control;
  4. prepare consolidated financial statements;
  5. carry out financial analysis, manage cash flows.

In some firms, the chief accountant combines all these functions, professional standard of the chief accountant it does not prohibit it. We also note that in many companies the functions of internal control and financial analysis are the prerogative of the CFO, and the chief accountant only prepares background information for him.

Based on the rules in force in your organization, either all labor functions, or only a part of them, can be included in the job responsibilities of the chief accountant. In small enterprises, responsibilities for maintaining personnel records are often added to this list.

The document, about which there is a lot of controversy, contains comprehensive requirements for the skills and qualifications of employees of the accounting service. They are ranked according to the level of competence, as well as the complexity of the duties performed. In accordance with the functionality and responsibility for making decisions professional standard of an accountant since 2016 identifies the following skill levels:

  • 5th level - the employee independently performs the assigned work, makes decisions within the framework of his competence;
  • 6th level - in addition to independent decision-making, the employee sets himself and other employees mandatory tasks, and is also responsible for the quality of their implementation at the level of the structural unit and the organization as a whole;
  • 7th level - a specialist makes decisions at the company level, sets strategic goals for employees of the 5th and 6th levels of responsibility, controls the process of achieving them, develops a methodology for accounting for individual operations and business processes in general. He also bears responsibility on an equal basis with the top management of the organization.

For most of the duties, an accountant needs skill level 6. The 7th level will be required to fill positions in large companies or financial holdings, which, according to the current professional standards, are classified as "Other specialists of the highest qualification level."

Requirements for chief accountants

Specialists of this level may now have two types of requirements:

  1. correspond professional standard of the chief accountant since 2016(if the company in which they work is not separately specified in the legislation);
  2. to respond to the requests presented in paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of Law No. 402-FZ on accounting (refer to chief accountants of PJSCs, banks, insurance companies, investment, pension and mutual funds, state-owned companies, and other financial organizations).

To fully comply professional standard for the chief accountant in 2016 year, you must either have a higher education and 3 years of work experience, or specialized secondary education and 5 years of work experience.

In addition to meeting the mandatory requirements, managers expect the chief accountant to master other skills. Including:

  • knowledge of specialized computer programs;
  • experience in team management;
  • knowledge of the basics of mathematical analysis.

The main aspects of the work of the accounting service

By carefully studying professional standard of an accountant, we can conclude that the basic requirements for ordinary accountants and the chief accountant do not fundamentally differ. These specialists can work with the "primary", enter information on processed documents in the consolidated accounting registers, and also check and close data on their sites. Employees of 5-7 qualification levels are obliged to independently solve the current tasks assigned to them, find and apply in their daily activities information on the rules for accounting for all kinds of business transactions, on the application of various regulatory documents.

Fundamental differences are manifested only at the level of financial and management decisions regarding the methodology of accounting for transactions and optimization of accounting procedures. According to to the professional standard of the chief accountant, since 2016 year, the main responsibility of this employee should be control over the current activities of accountants, timely correction of emerging errors, development of measures to further prevent them.

How to apply since 2016

Today, the use of professional standards is not mandatory. The Ministry of Labor stated this opinion in its letter dated December 30, 2015, No. 14-0 / B-1190. If the manager deems it necessary, he can hire accountants who do not have the relevant experience.

Many are interested in whether the employer is allowed to hire chief accountants without special education. The decision of the RF Armed Forces No. AKPI14-965 dated October 22, 2014 gave an exhaustive answer to this question. If the Law on Accounting does not contain other restrictions, the employer may invite a specialist without special education to this position. This rule does not apply to banks, financial companies, insurance companies. The requirements for the chief accountants of such organizations are much stricter and more extensive. In addition, they are regulated by other documents.

Recall that professional standard of an accountant since July 1, 2016 became mandatory. This innovation will affect only those employees whose requirements are directly defined in other regulatory documents. Such a norm is spelled out in paragraph 4 of Art. 7 of Law No. 402-FZ on accounting.

So far, it is reasonable to use the provisions of professional standards when drawing up job descriptions for employees of the company's accounting department, recruiting personnel, and conducting certification. If this document contains requirements that the applicant does not meet, the organization has the right to refuse him when hiring.

How to use it correctly when updating job descriptions

Draw up a competent and comprehensive job description will help professional standard of an accountant since 2016. Download and it is necessary to study it carefully before developing this document.

If you reflect in the job description all the requirements for qualifications, education level, work experience of an accountant, as well as draw up a list of labor functions that he must perform, the company will eliminate any disputes about what exactly the employee will do.

The job description can be executed in the form of an independent document. All personnel occupying the relevant positions are obliged to familiarize themselves with it against signature. It is possible that the job description is an appendix to the employment contract of the current employee. In this case, it is printed in duplicate, one of which is handed over to the employee, and the other is placed in his personal file.

Non-compliance with requirements

The main question that worries workers now: can I be fired for non-compliance with the professional standard? If download professional standard of an accountant and carefully study it, it turns out that the main requirements for specialists relate to the availability of the relevant experience and level of education. And the possibility of dismissal on these grounds is currently not spelled out in the Labor Code. Therefore, insufficient work experience or lack of the necessary education cannot be a reason for dismissal.

Employers did not ignore such an aspect as certification of accountants according to professional standards... As part of this procedure, the employer can find out whether the qualifications of the current employees comply with the requirements of regulatory documents and local internal company rules.

In addition, it will be useful for the employer to delineate the functions of employees of the accounting service in accordance with their qualifications and responsibilities. For this purpose, it is appropriate to include the positions of trainee accountant, site accountant, as well as senior and leading accountants in the staffing table. The responsibilities of each specialist are detailed in the job description.

Professional standard accountant since 2016 becomes a binding document. Let's try to figure out what this standard includes, how it should be applied and where it is required.

Introduction of professional standards for accountants from July 1, 2016

The system of standardizing the requirements for the profession began to be introduced in Russia several years ago, but at first the professional standards were only advisory in nature. However, since July 2016, these documents have become mandatory in many cases.

The professional standard of an accountant was approved in 2014 by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1061n. This document contains a clearly defined list of requirements that must be met by every employee holding this position:

  • the required level of qualifications that an accountant must have;
  • the main labor functions that he must perform;
  • possible job titles held by workers in this field.

It should be noted that professional standard of an accountant does not replace other legislation. In particular, the requirements of the accounting law regarding the qualifications and professional duties of employees continue to apply to the same extent. The same can be said for job qualification guides: they can still be applied to the extent that they do not contradict professional standards.

For whom is the professional standard of an accountant required from 2016?

Occupational standards are mandatory in two cases:

  1. When it is expressly provided for by law.
  2. When the occupation of a position described in the professional standard is associated with certain benefits or, on the contrary, restrictions on the part of the state.

The first case applies primarily to the professional standard adopted for accountants. At the same time, accounting legislation and regulations in the field of labor activity establish increased requirements for chief accountants (regardless of the form that the organization has).

In addition, special rules apply to accountants:

  • OJSC (excluding banks and other credit institutions);
  • insurance companies and pension funds;
  • investment funds;
  • management companies of mutual investment funds;
  • organizations issuing securities for free circulation (with the exception of credit institutions);
  • state off-budget and territorial off-budget funds.

Thus, for all employees maintaining accounting records in such organizations, professional standard of an accountant becomes mandatory from 1 July 2016.

For other organizations, the application of this standard remains voluntary. However, it should be remembered that professional standards describe the profession very well, and therefore, even in companies not included in the list, standardization can be useful. In addition, the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation, in the information dated February 10, 2016, directly recommends that the management of organizations use professional standards as guidelines when developing job descriptions, approving job titles in the staffing table, etc.

Even where a professional standard becomes mandatory, there is time to bring the work in line with it. It should be remembered that professional standards are not retroactive: if an employee already held the position of an accountant on July 1, 2016, he can continue to work - the requirements will apply only to the one who will replace him. In addition, extraordinary inspections of the state labor inspectorate in connection with the introduction of the professional standard are also not carried out, their conditions remain the same.

What qualification requirements did Order 1061n approve for the professional standard of an accountant?

In accounting work, one of the main requirements has always been the requirement regarding the level of qualifications of the employee. The professional standard, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 1061n, contains the following conditions under which an employee can take a position:

  1. Higher or secondary specialized education in the relevant profile, work experience - 5 out of the last 7 years of work in secondary education, 3 out of 5 in higher education.
  2. For a chief accountant or a similar position, it is also mandatory to undergo additional training to improve qualifications.

At the same time, work experience is required for positions related to accounting, preparation of documentation, work in the field of audit, etc.

It is impossible to fire an employee because his qualifications do not meet the requirements of the professional standard for accountants. However, if the employee has to pass certification, then the revealed discrepancy will already be the basis for transferring him to another position or (in case of refusal to transfer) dismiss.

The structure of the professional standard of an accountant

Each professional standard approved by the order of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation has a standard structure corresponding to a single template. Specifically, the professional standard developed for accountants consists of the following parts:

  1. General information. The name of the type of activity ("Accounting"), its purpose (formation of information concerning accounting objects and preparation of reports), coding according to OKZ (classifier of occupations) and OKVED (classifier of types of economic activities) are recorded here.
  2. Functional card. This section describes the general functions assigned to the accountant. The card includes 2 generalized functions: accounting and reporting. In addition, this section indicates the skill levels (5 and 6) and their codes according to the official classification.
  3. Characteristics of individual labor functions. It describes in detail each of the activities carried out by an accountant, as well as the knowledge and skills required for this.
  4. Information about the organizations that carried out the development of the professional standard. With regard to the standard of an accountant, there is only one such organization - NP IPB of Russia, Moscow.

Labor functions of an accountant according to the professional standard

Professional standard for an accountant 2016 year includes 2 generalized functions that the employee must perform. They are called generalized because they include a number of more specific ones, which are also assigned to the accountant.

According to the standard, the latter include:

  • acceptance for accounting of primary documentation on the conduct of economic activities of the organization;
  • monetary measurement of accounting objects;
  • generalization of the facts of economic activity;
  • preparation of financial statements;
  • preparation of consolidated statements;
  • internal control of accounting;
  • preparation of tax reports;
  • the financial analysis.

For each of these functions, the professional standard provides for a number of specific skills and knowledge that an accountant must have in order to perform them.

Where to download the professional standard of an accountant?

Each of the current professional standards can, if desired, be found on the Internet, and the professional standard of an accountant is no exception. You can search for the full text of this document at the following resources:

  1. On the official website of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation (in the register of approved professional standards). Unfortunately, this resource is often overloaded with requests and therefore not always available.
  2. On the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Research Institute of Labor and Social Insurance" of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation. This is also an official site where information is posted in strict accordance with current regulations.
  3. Online versions of legal reference systems.
  4. On sites intended for employees engaged in personnel work in enterprises. However, here you need to watch out so that instead of the current edition you do not get one of the discussed, but not approved projects.
  5. On sites with a legal focus. For them, the same clause applies as for personnel.

In any case, the search for the full official text will not cause any particular difficulties, since the document is in the public domain.

From July 1, employers are obliged to apply professional standards in terms of those requirements for the qualifications of employees that are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory legal acts.

Many people are worried about the question: do all accountants really have to meet the requirements from July 1, 2016? Let's hurry to reassure employees and employers.

The first ones do not need to contact certification centers in order to urgently improve their qualifications and receive a certificate. The second should not rush to train workers in accordance with the requirements of the professional standard or look for a replacement for them.

The changes do not apply to all accountants.

Is a professional standard required for all accountants?

Occupational standards are mandatory in terms of those requirements for the qualifications of workers, which are established in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, other federal laws, and other regulatory legal acts (part 1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Requirements for accountants of most LLCs and non-public joint stock companies are not established. This means that the professional standard can not be applied to them.

The Accounting Law provides for requirements exclusively for chief accountants and persons entrusted with accounting in certain economic entities. These include OJSC (except for credit institutions), insurance organizations, non-state pension funds, joint-stock investment funds, management companies of mutual investment funds, other economic entities whose securities are admitted to trading in organized auctions (except for credit institutions), governing bodies of state off-budget funds, state territorial off-budget funds.

For such accountants, the professional standard is mandatory in terms of the requirements listed in and other special federal laws (for example, in the Federal Law of 07.02.2011 N 7-FZ "On clearing, clearing activities and the central counterparty").

If the employer does not apply mandatory professional standards, he faces a fine from 30 thousand to 50 thousand rubles. ()

Are the qualification requirements changing?

Although the professional standard becomes mandatory from July 1, 2016, the qualification requirements for the length of service and education of the chief accountant and other person entrusted with accounting are already applied.

These requirements are expressed in the following: the employee must have a higher education and work experience related to accounting, drawing up accounting (financial) statements or auditing, at least three years out of the last five calendar years. If there is no higher education in accounting and auditing, such experience must be at least five years out of the last seven calendar years.

In many ways, the provisions of the professional standard and the Accounting Law duplicate each other, in particular, the requirements for work experience coincide.

Will you have to undergo training in connection with the introduction of the professional standard?

For chief accountants, the professional standard provides for the requirement to undergo a training and professional retraining program. However, it can be omitted, since it is not established by the Law on Accounting. The rest of the accounting staff do not need additional training either.

Do I need to prepare for checking the GIT after the introduction of the professional standard?

The entry into force of the professional standard is not a basis for verification. Requirements for unscheduled and planned inspection of the organization remained the same.

Will the introduction of the professional standard entail dismissal?

An employee who does not meet the requirements of the document cannot be fired, since there is no special norm in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of Labor takes a similar position.

How to apply a professional standard on a voluntary basis?

The employer has the right, taking into account the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, to use the professional standard on a voluntary basis in order to establish the requirements for the qualifications of employees.

The Ministry of Labor explained: an employer can apply a professional standard to determine the names of positions (professions, specialties), labor functions of employees, requirements for their education and work experience.

A professional standard can be useful not only when drawing up, for example, job descriptions. The employer has the right to approve this document as mandatory in the organization.

Articles defining the procedure for the development, approval and application of professional standards appeared in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and entered into force on July 1, 2016. However, even today not everyone understands what professional standards are and why they are needed (Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated 02.05.2015). We will tell you about the list of professional standards in 2019 in our consultation.

What is professional standard

A professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications that an employee needs to carry out his professional activities, including the performance of a certain labor function (Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Occupational standards can be developed by employers, professional communities, self-regulatory organizations and other non-profit organizations with the participation of educational organizations of vocational education and other interested organizations.

Occupational standards are approved by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection (clause 3, clause 16 of the Government Decree of January 22, 2013 No. 23).

Occupational standards are applied on a voluntary basis, unless their application is mandatory. So, the employer must apply the professional standard if the Labor Code, other federal laws and other regulations of the Russian Federation establish certain requirements for the qualifications of the employee (Article 195.3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, the application of professional standards is mandatory for those employers whose employees are entitled to the provision of compensation and benefits, or there are any restrictions regarding the performance of work in certain positions, professions, specialties. Indeed, in this case, the name of these positions, professions or specialties and the qualification requirements for them must comply with professional standards (paragraph 9 of article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Register of professional standards

The register of professional standards is a systematic list of them by area and type of professional activity. The Register includes professional standards approved by orders of the Ministry of Labor within 10 days after their approval by the Ministry of Justice (clause 3 of the Order of the Ministry of Labor dated 09.29.2014 No. 667n).

As of 12/20/2018, the professional standards approved by the Ministry of Labor consist of 1,173 documents for specific areas of professional activity. Among them, in particular, the following areas:

  • automotive industry;
  • healthcare;
  • education;
  • food industry;
  • Agriculture;
  • social service;
  • construction and housing and communal services;
  • physical Culture and sport;
  • electric power industry;
  • finance and economics;
  • jurisprudence;
  • architecture, engineering, geodesy, topography and design;
  • service, provision of services to the population (trade, maintenance, repair, provision of personal services, hospitality services, catering, etc.);
  • aircraft construction and others.

At the same time, certain professional standards were put into effect even before 07/01/2016. So, professional standard 01.001 "Teacher (pedagogical activity in the field of preschool, primary general, basic general, secondary general education) (educator, teacher)" was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated 18.10.2013 No. 544n and put into effect on 29.12.2013, and professional standard 03.002 "Social worker" was approved by order of the Ministry of Labor dated November 18, 2013 No. 677n and entered into force on 01/05/2014.

A complete list of approved professional standards (register), updated as they are adopted, can be found on the website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia:

In addition, any order for the approval of a professional standard can be found in the ATP "Consultant +".