A small self-presentation for the seller's questionnaire. Effective self-presentation: how to keep your attention

A small self-presentation for the seller's questionnaire.  Effective self-presentation: how to keep your attention
A small self-presentation for the seller's questionnaire. Effective self-presentation: how to keep your attention

Everyone once had to get a job. After the interview, the manager makes a decision. To be hired, you need to show yourself as a good specialist when applying for a job. How to do it?

When applying for a job, you must provide the employer with a questionnaire. Here are important rules on how to write about yourself in a questionnaire in order to convince a manager that you are the specialist he needs:

  1. Write the exact position for which you are applying, without the phrase "any position";
  2. Indicate your strengths, for example, communication skills, flexibility, tact;
  3. Work experience, record in the work book, as well as a good description from the previous place of work are very important;
  4. Let us know why you have chosen this particular company: “prestige, stability, success of the company; confidence that you will have a decent salary and the opportunity for career growth. "
  5. There shouldn't be any superfluous information;
  6. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​and computer programs will be very useful to you.

A serious, tidy look, clean shoes, an even posture, a minimum of accessories, a confident look - these are the external data that will help you present yourself favorably.

Less unnecessary words, speak briefly about yourself. Try to say only what characterizes you as an employee and specialist in the field in which you are applying.

Be sure to set your phone to silent mode. Calling during an interview is bad form.

Do not cross your arms and legs, look directly at the interlocutor, do not gesticulate much, sit quietly in a chair, otherwise you may be perceived as a secretive, unbalanced person who cannot be trusted. Serious firms avoid such people.

Show your audience that you are interested in communicating with them, but don't overdo it. All emotions must be appropriate.

After the presentation, thank those present for their attention.

Prove to the director that you are the employee he has been waiting for and that he cannot cope without you. Indicate your useful skills in this profession, provide all diplomas, crusts, certificates of completion of courses, practices in this area. Show good references from a previous employer.

Do not forget to indicate the contribution you have made to the company where you worked in the past. If you have a personal portfolio, then be sure to show it - for this occasion, you collected it. Presentation in slides works great. She demonstrates your skills in practice, and the employer sees your skill. The voice should sound even, measured, practice in advance before the performance.

With advanced self-presentation skills, you can start a career as a salesperson, and in a year you can already take the position of a store manager. An ordinary teacher goes from educator to deputy director for educational work quickly due to the fact that he knows how to behave correctly at interviews and in dialogues. It is not difficult to develop such skills in oneself, the main thing is to learn and develop.

We will give you a sample of self-presentation that you can study before going to see your boss. How to present yourself to colleagues in the office so that they will definitely like it.

Hello. My name is Igor Vladimirovich. I am a responsible person, I always fulfill my duties conscientiously. I fit perfectly into any team due to my flexibility of character. My moral principles are honesty, dignity, decency.

I am a purposeful person. I always know what I want from life, I clearly go to the goal, following the plan. I achieve my results myself, including building a career. I don't go over my head, but use only my skills and powers.

I am scrupulous about my duties, taking into account all the details and nuances. At the last job, they listened to my opinion, and I am happy to share my thoughts on possible problems, ways to eliminate them, if necessary.

I have a lot of experience behind my back in the field of sales. But I am ready to learn new things, develop further, acquire valuable knowledge, improve my skills in order to achieve more and more results and heights in my career.

I can confirm the presence of higher education in the specialty with a diploma, and the experience can be seen in the work book. I also have a positive testimonial from a previous employer.

I am a confident computer user. I know, I practice a lot of office accounting software, I am excellent in documentation. I can find an approach to each client, which makes him uniquely attractive. I learned these skills in special psychological courses and practices. I can sell any product, I can interest a person, convince him of the need for a purchase. This is because I perfectly know my business and every product.

I read a lot of different things, including professional literature, go in for sports, lead an active healthy lifestyle. I like to visit scientific exhibitions, fairs, forums of leaders. I know several foreign languages: English, French, Czech, German.

Why did I choose your company? Because I consider the company to be successful, modern and prestigious. You feel stability, and I am confident that I will receive decent wages, a full social package, that I will have the opportunity for career growth. I am very interested in your company, attracted by its activities, and I would like to contribute to its further development.

Have you noticed the kind of request that baffles most of us? "Tell us about yourself". And now we are crumpled, blushing, fidgeting in our chair, rolling our eyes ... Few people are able to make a self-presentation at a decent level. Meanwhile, here are 5 simple rules for its preparation, which the site has shared with the portal Anastasia Takhtarova-Ivanova, self-management coach, trainer of stress and energy management programs.

If we want to be noticed and appreciated, we just need to learn how to present ourselves. Self-presentation skill is a real art. But this is not a gift from above. It is quite possible to learn it. The secret is simple: a few rules and guidelines, some effort and time, and voila - you did it!

1. To draw attention... First of all, self-presentation is a story. And the story should be fun and not too long, from 3 to 5 minutes.

It is also worth remembering the principles of good storytelling - listeners need to be interested, captivated, intrigued. If appropriate, you can start the story with a suitable metaphor, something unexpected or even slightly provocative.

2. Provide basic information - concise, clear, clear... Now that you have received your attention quota, you can move on to the main block of information. It is important that it be succinct, representing the strengths of you as an individual or your project, and rather short, as the degree of listeners' attention will quickly decline. If you do not know where to start presenting yourself, for a start, you can simply make a list of your merits, and not necessarily only on the stated topic. It is always easier to choose the one you want from a large list. In addition, qualities that seem not important at first glance, upon closer examination, can help to favorably emphasize your merits.

After all, the main goal of self-presentation is to demonstrate your strengths and turn weaknesses into advantages. You may be asked tough questions, so it's best to work through your options ahead of time.

3. Communicate with the interlocutor or audience... Remember that any presentation is a sale. You sell yourself, your ideas, your personality and beliefs, your skills, your project, etc. What is the success of a good sale? That's right, in communication. Reach out to those for whom you speak. Engage them in communication.

Ask questions that can be answered “yes”. Because once they agree with you, people will tend to agree even when you offer them something else. For example, yourself as a potential employee. Use this golden rule of selling.

4. Be yourself... Audrey Hepburn, one of the most sincere actresses in Hollywood, once said: “Be yourself - sincerely, honestly and totally. No one can handle this better than you. " This also works in the case of presenting yourself. People feel insincere and, on the contrary, open up in response to your real, true feelings.

You need to present your personality, inner qualities. Let not ideal, but your "highlight" will attract sympathy of people to you. Perhaps getting into the waiting mask will help you at first. But someday it will have to be removed. And the consequences of disappointment can be quite painful.

5. Rehearse in advance... The best impromptu is a prepared speech. So prepare your presentation carefully. It is better to rehearse it several times in front of the mirror. And ideally, record it on video. So when viewing, you will be able to see yourself from the outside and evaluate more adequately.

P. S... If you are afraid

What to do in this case? Well, for starters, it's worth reminding yourself that it's okay to worry about important moments in your life. If you are afraid of public speaking, techniques of presence, for example, the so-called "poses of power", will help you a lot. If you suffer from low self-esteem, then you need to work in this direction. And this kind of work will take time.

Train yourself to think that you are good enough.... No, not perfect, but good enough already here and now. You can write this to yourself on a sticker and stick it on the mirror, refrigerator, etc. And train to feel that way. It will be difficult, so for a start, even a minute a day is quite enough.

Work with the list of your achievements. You can make it as detailed as your memory allows. Have you learned to walk and talk? Chances are yes, since you are reading this. So, we have coped with the two most difficult things in life. Here is your first victory. And most likely, there will be a lot of such victories. It's best to keep the list handy. When you feel that you are beginning to doubt yourself - re-read it.

Very often this simple action has an almost magical effect.

People often have to talk about themselves: when entering prestigious educational institutions, when applying for a job, in a friendly or informal setting, and sometimes without a specific momentary goal. Most often, self-presentation is carried out orally; less often - in the form of a cover letter or a section in the questionnaire. But in any case, before the speech, you need to write the source text - beautifully and as briefly as possible.

Creating a high-quality presentation of yourself is no more difficult than, however, it should be borne in mind that this is more creative work. The author will not only have to give answers to a number of standard questions, but also reveal his own personality, briefly describe his preferences and convince the listeners of his irresistibility. Below you will find step-by-step instructions for writing a self-presentation and a few small examples of successful work.

What is self-presentation?

As the name suggests, self-presentation (it can also be called auto-presentation) is a person's presentation of himself. The author of the presentation acts as a storyteller, hoping to make the right impression on the listener or reader.

There are no clear divisions on the temporal purpose of self-presentation. Since the narration is conducted in the first person and, in principle, does not concern the personalities of the listeners or readers, it can be oriented:

  • for one specific person- when applying for a job or personalized attempts;
  • on a few specific people- when performing from the stage or first meeting the team;
  • on virtual recipients of information- if the auto-presentation is written to create the necessary image in the future or is laid out in the public domain.

The latter is especially typical for the practice of business or informal communication on the Internet. It is much easier for a person who does not have the goal of attracting the attention of a specific individual or group to make a small presentation and place it on his pages on social networks or in the profiles of specialized sites than to send the same information to everyone.

When should you write a self-presentation?

It is impossible to list all the cases in which you may need to compose and conduct an auto-presentation. Modern life is too changeable and unpredictable, and therefore, in order not to suddenly find yourself without the right words, it makes sense to write a small universal template in advance.

Most often, self-presentation is required to be carried out:

  1. Upon admission to a prestigious educational institution... Training is especially important for adults who already have higher education. It is unlikely that the selection committee will be too strict with a presentation drawn up by a school graduate or a person who has not previously tried his hand at universities.
  2. When applying for a job... It is also a rather rare phenomenon in domestic realities, but a common phenomenon for Western countries. The more responsible (and paid) position the applicant intends to take, the more seriously you need to approach the drafting of the text. Its style will depend on the company's profile and traditions prevailing in it.
  3. When meeting a new team... Here, if the corporate ethics requires it, it will be necessary for both the manager who took up the post and the ordinary employee. Speeches in the overwhelming majority of cases are carried out orally from the department, from the stage or directly at the workplace. Both the boss and the employee should not use cold business style when communicating with other people.
  4. When looking for lenders or investors... From time to time, both a beginner and an experienced entrepreneur have to look for borrowed funds or people who are ready to invest in another project for the promise of a part of the profit in the future. that can interest future business partners or lenders is a difficult business, but quite usual. But preparing a competent auto-presentation on a letter and then submitting it effectively is a task no less important and much more non-standard. When speaking to future investors and creditors or writing to them, you should pay special attention to your past commercial successes, do not hesitate to brag: often the decision of the audience depends on the first impression.
  5. When trying to get, private or public funds. Unlike the previous situation, we are not talking about loans or investments, but about gratuitous cash injections: donations, grants or even scholarships. To get the required amount, the applicant or applicant will have to try hard, making the auto-presentation not only fascinating and informative, but also as convincing as possible.
  6. For informal communication... In the company of friends, self-presentation is unlikely to be needed: even about a newcomer to the team, the friends who brought him will tell much more eloquently than their own presentation. But when it comes to a company consisting of unfamiliar or completely unfamiliar people, it makes sense to tell a little about yourself, not getting carried away with describing success at work and in business, but focusing the audience's attention on interesting aspects of your personality. Self-presentation in an informal setting is usually carried out in the form of a speech, although if communication began on the Internet, it can also be written.
  7. When communicating in the global network... If the interaction, official or not, continues in the same virtual environment where it began, each of the participants wishing to introduce themselves should prepare a small self-presentation. As a rule, a text version is enough, but if time permits and there are technical possibilities, it would be quite reasonable to record a small informative video about yourself. The information should be in the public domain so that everyone can get acquainted with it - otherwise the author will have to constantly deal with mailings, which is not very convenient.

Another situation in which it would be nice to write an auto-presentation is the restoration of a good name. It does not matter if the person's reputation has suffered as a result of slander or his own negligent actions; what happened needs to be corrected, and the sooner the better.

Varieties of auto presentations

Before you start writing the text for the auto-presentation, you should decide on its direction, taking into account:

  • target audience;
  • the situation for which the presentation is being made;
  • number of listeners;
  • way of addressing the audience;
  • the ultimate goal.

The first two points were discussed in the previous sections. Self-presentation, no matter how specialized it may seem to the author and no matter how skillfully it is composed, must be strictly audience-oriented and fully correspond to the situation - otherwise all efforts will be wasted.

Depending on the size of the audience, all presentations are divided into:

  1. Private... Designed for one or more highly influential people. Both the text and the presentation of the presenter should be structured in such a way as to attract the attention of this particular small group. Auto-presentation may contain personal appeals, references to circumstances known to both parties or uniting them, and, if the situation permits, informal turns.
  2. Chamber... In this case, the audience size ranges from three to ten people. Auto-presentation in oral format is carried out in small rooms or offices; in writing - by targeted mailing or communication in a corporate chat. Although a well-written text may still contain personal messages to one or more listeners, you should not get carried away with them, as well as talking about common interests.
  3. Public... Designed for a wide, heterogeneous and emotionally poorly controlled audience. The speaker (or the author, if we are talking about a written auto-presentation) should not dwell on unimportant details or speak to someone from the audience - this is a waste of time. It is best to immediately turn to the facts, presenting your interests, pros, cons and requests as clearly as possible to listeners or readers.

By the way of communicating with the audience, auto-presentations can be divided into:

  • Written- drawn up on paper or in the form of an electronic document, sent to one or several potential readers;
  • Oral- a person who wants to introduce himself speaks to the public himself.

Important: although the first option is less time consuming, it is not very convenient in terms of feedback. The author of the text sent to the addressee or posted in the public domain cannot promptly answer everyone who wants to ask a question or make adjustments. Consequently, there is a high probability of missing out on a lucrative offer or losing the opportunity to respond to an obvious provocation, which ultimately will have a bad effect on the author's reputation.

According to the ultimate goal, presentations are divided into:

  • Promotional. Designed to obtain a commercial effect, material or non-material benefit. These include speaking to potential investors, lenders, donors, philanthropists and others who have the right amount of money and, perhaps, are ready to part with it. When writing a promotional presentation, if the project is financial in nature, focus on the possibility of listeners to make a profit (as part of future income or in the form of a loan returned with interest) or to perform a socially significant act (to help any fund, charitable organization or a specific needy) ... If we are talking about intangible benefits, for example, moving up the career ladder or applying for a job, you need to make it clear to listeners or readers that, having made the right choice, they will receive a competent purposeful specialist, a promising student, and so on - it all depends on the purpose of self-presentation.
  • Information... Created when it is necessary to convey to one or more readers (or listeners) important information about the personality, interests, habits or merits of the author. Typically, informational presentations are held when meeting a team or a new social group that is not directly related to receiving benefits. On the one hand, it is easier to compose them, since you do not need to focus on the commercial component of the text; on the other hand, it is more difficult, because the text is focused not on getting what you want quickly, but on establishing long-term warm relationships.

How to make a self-presentation about yourself?

Regardless of the ultimate goal, the size of the audience and its composition, the text of a correctly and beautifully written self-presentation consists of seven mandatory blocks. Their content and fullness can be varied almost without restrictions, but the compiler is strongly advised not to neglect any of the parts - otherwise the presentations will look incomplete or outright fail.

  1. The first block of any self-presentation is the introduction. Its purpose is to show readers or listeners who they will be dealing with in the next few minutes. The section should include the following data:
    • surname, name, patronymic (or just name and patronymic) of the applicant;
    • a few words of welcome;
    • a small compliment to the audience as a whole or to several listeners separately;
    • the main details of the narrator's biography: where and when he was born, studied, where he works, what he does and is interested in;
    • the purpose with which the author addresses the audience: obtaining a loan, investment, a new position, place of work, study, the intention to establish friendships, and so on.
  2. The second block is the type of activity of the person represented. Here you can develop the topic outlined in the first section, telling readers or listeners in more detail about their own professional duties and skills. It is a grave mistake to speak badly about your current or past employers, clients or customers. Even if we are talking about each of them separately, it is necessary to adhere to a benevolent or neutral tone, without entangling the audience in your life problems. Avoid focusing on the complexity, dangers of work and other negative factors: it is better to find more appropriate ways to let readers or listeners understand how responsible the speaker is. If the target audience consists of specialists, it is enough to list your job responsibilities, making it as boring as possible. If not - also list them, but providing each point with a little explanation.
  3. The third block is the education of the storyteller. Where he studied and what successes the author of self-presentation achieved at that time will be interesting even to casual listeners, not to mention employers and colleagues. It makes no sense to start the story from school: in domestic conditions, they are all practically the same, and the division into “elite” and ordinary is a simple convention. But the institute or university that gave the storyteller a higher education is already a topic worthy of attention. As before, don't focus on negative school memories. They are of little interest to listeners or readers and do not carry any semantic meaning. It would be much better to mention participation in various Olympiads, prize-winning places in sports competitions and, finally, getting a diploma with good marks. If the speaker gets a job according to the profile, it is important to talk about the successes achieved during the undergraduate practice: they are often more important than the fact of receiving a diploma.
  4. The fourth block is achievements. Here you can either summarize previously described academic and work successes, or provide additional facts. They should be interesting to the audience, but not necessarily related to professional activities. The official part ended at the third block; further, the author's acquaintance with readers or listeners continues. It is quite possible that they will enjoy the story of sports victories, participation in large creative projects, or the creation of a charity fund that they represent. Well, if these stories do not arouse interest, it does not matter, you can proceed to the next section of the auto-presentation.
  5. The fifth block is personal qualities. Continuing free communication with the audience, the narrator can acquaint her in more detail with her habits, preferences, merits, and even, if this does not harm her reputation, her shortcomings.

Advice: remembering that any self-presentation (even in an informal circle) is designed for the first acquaintance, you should not immediately devote readers or listeners to all your secrets. They are unlikely to be interested in the fact that the narrator does not like to wash the dishes or is better than anyone else in the area who knows how to iron trousers. But the really important restrictions, for example, the inability to be in touch on Fridays or go up the stairs, need to be mentioned if it is related to the topic of the presentation. As in previous cases, you should focus on the positive aspects: your creative, professional, physical or intellectual abilities, leaving aside the irrelevant for an adult. You can brag, the main thing is not to get too carried away and fantasize and give the audience really exciting details; then success is assured.

  1. The sixth block - summing up with a re-formulation of the main idea:
    • the employer should once again make it clear what a great specialist he has the opportunity to hire;
    • the admissions committee - that as a student, the storyteller, who already possesses a number of achievements, will be simply incomparable and bring the university a good reputation;
    • investors or creditors - that the business is really profitable, and if they now refuse the opportunity to invest in it, in the future such a decision will turn into lost profits and disappointments;
    • benefactors - that by agreeing to the author's request, they will do a truly good deed that will have a beneficial effect on the reputation of each of them;
    • to future buddies, friends, or an undefined (virtual) audience, that the narrator is a competent and pleasant person, trustworthy and respectful, and has nothing against a warm relationship with the team.
  2. The seventh block is the final one. The storyteller should say goodbye to the audience, thanking them with another compliment and reassuring them of their willingness to answer any questions that arise. It would be nice to conclude with your contact details (by letter) or tell where and how the listeners can communicate with the customer (when speaking orally).

Self-presentation about yourself - text samples

To get an idea of ​​the rules for composing a self-presentation, it will be useful for a novice author to familiarize yourself with three small examples: when applying for a job, communicating with investors, and meeting a mixed audience.

Example # 1

Hello! My name is Vladimir Rybakov. I would like to thank all those present here for the opportunity to tell a little about myself. It is an honor for me to speak to such a pleasant and competent audience. Let me tell you why I'm applying for the position of Senior Developer in the Modern Technology Department.

I'll start with my professional skills and responsibilities. I am an electronic engineer, work experience in my specialty - more than fifteen years; I got my first job right after graduating from university. Responsibilities - development of electronic circuits, verification of projects of subordinates, study and adaptation of foreign technologies and training of young specialists. During his work he took part in ten competitions of regional and two federal significance. I have certificates, awards and letters of thanks.

He studied successively at the technical school №23 of Karaganda and the Volodarsky University of Electronics (Nizhny Volochek). From the first year I took part in Olympiads and interuniversity sports competitions. I have a diploma with honors.

I am fond of cooking and skiing. I have a certificate of a universal pastry chef, as well as the title of master of sports in the relevant direction.

Collected, organized, confident. I have long-term planning skills. A good organizer, as evidenced by letters of recommendation from the previous place of work. The subject of my pride is the creation of a private charitable foundation "Let's help with what we can", which has been operating since 2015.

Please consider my candidacy. I assure you that in case of a positive decision, you will receive a dedicated and competent employee with organizational and production skills.

I am happy to answer all your questions. Thank you for attention; it was nice to speak in front of you.

Example No. 2

Good afternoon, gentlemen investors! My name is Andrey Vasilievich, and today I will tell you about my new project. It's nice to see familiar faces again, and to everyone with whom I have not yet had the honor of meeting, thank you very much for your attention! The topic of my speech is the production of batteries for remote controls.

Now to the point. I have been promoting energy efficient self-charging TV remote control batteries for five years now. During this time, there have been successes and minor setbacks. Nevertheless, we were able to establish production and last year received a state-recognized quality certificate.

The idea of ​​producing special batteries for remote controls came to me while studying at the Tesla Institute, more than ten years ago. This topic was the subject of my pre-diploma practice, and later - the diploma itself, which I defended with honors.

The sphere of my personal interests coincides with my professional one: it is the introduction of new energy-saving technologies into life, which in the future will make human life easier and nature cleaner.

Personal qualities also help me in the development of the project: perseverance and the ability to move forward, no matter what. I process new information around the clock and think over technological schemes to make our planet greener with you, and our common air more pleasant.

I invite you to participate in the financing of my new project, which you can familiarize yourself with by looking at the attached brochures. You will receive a guaranteed reward within six months after the start, and in the future you will be able to re-invest in business development.

Thank you sincerely for your attention. If you have any questions, ask; I will be happy to communicate with smart people.

Example No. 3

Hello everyone! My name is Alexey, and now I will be part of your team. We are still strangers, but I already feel sympathy for you and have no doubt that we will become friends. For this purpose, I will tell you a little about myself.

Currently I work at the Levkovsky Research Institute of Cardioelectronics. Prior to that, he was a practicing doctor at the Central Samara Hospital No. 1, and later taught at the Medical University of the same city.

I graduated from it in due time - with honors and several thanks from the internship. While studying, I participated in interuniversity competitions in volleyball and artistic gymnastics, as well as several Olympiads in specialty and humanitarian disciplines.

In my free time I do sports walking and knitting. I also like reading books and listening to classical music. I will not say that I have achieved noticeable success in at least one of my hobbies; they just give me pleasure.

The main quality that I value in myself is friendliness. I hope that right after the end of my short speech, you will be able to convince yourself of it.

I am sure that you and I will find common topics for conversation and will be able to enjoy communication for more than one year. Thank you very much for listening to me. If you have any questions, do not hesitate; I will be glad to talk with new acquaintances.

How to present yourself at 5 plus - video

Summing up

To make a self-presentation about yourself, you need to define its purpose and decide who it will be addressed to. The text should depend on the size of the audience, the intentions of the narrator, his professional and life experience. The presentation should be capacious, captivating, beautifully and competently written.

Any auto-presentation consists of an introductory part, the author's story about his achievements, hobbies and successes, a goal and a conclusion. A person who is often faced with the need to talk about himself is advised to draw up several universal samples in advance. In the future, they can be freely modified, adjusting to the current situation.

To answer the question “How to make a self-presentation”, first it is worth familiarizing yourself with what self-presentation is. It is a way to present yourself, your skills and abilities with the best side to the target audience. Draw attention to those qualities on your part that are more beneficial. The ability to present yourself correctly is very important, here you need to keep all your emotions and feelings under control.
You face this phenomenon every day. You often have to choose one or another style of communication, depending on the people around you. Whether it's your boss or a subordinate, a close friend or an old enemy, a loving person or a stranger on the street, all of this is in some way self-presentation. For example, even the clothes you are wearing today will be part of it.

We are individual from birth. Our "natural" self-presentation is already here. We form an image throughout our life. You can find out what kind of person is in front of you only after starting a dialogue with you. Each new interlocutor is a blank sheet that you can write about yourself from scratch.

Two types of self-presentation

  • The first option is to adapt to the environment.

It's hard enough, but doable. Let's give an example. You would like to meet an interesting, but not familiar company. Take your time talking right away.

Observe the behavior of these people. Take a closer look at their manner of communication, topics of conversation, timbre of voice, habits, gestures. All this will help you very quickly feel the interlocutors that you are not a stranger to them, the attitude towards you will improve, and trust will increase. You will only need one thing - to be able to adapt to the company, to merge with them into one whole.

But let's be honest, this method is not always effective, and in rare cases even harmful, so there should be one more in your luggage.

  • The second way is more difficult than the first one - you need to become a leader, a dominant flawless person, an undeniable authority.

Main qualities:

One of the main types of self-presentation is public. Example: you have a desire to get a new job or introduce yourself to an unfamiliar team. To make it easier to cope with the task at hand and overcome anxiety, you need to follow the following rules.

  1. Prepare the text in advance and read it several times, noting important points. Under no circumstances memorize it, otherwise it will sound artificial, there should always be a place for improvisation. The text should consist of three parts: a bright and unobtrusive greeting, the main part, where your successes and achievements will be, and a confident ending.
  2. Listen to how your speech sounds from the outside and analyze it. What is missing in it, where to change intonation. Example: Use perfect verbs to show confidence in the other person.
  3. Know your audience and be prepared for any provocative question. Even if all this audience will be combined in one person, for example, in your future boss.
    If you are a teacher and go to a couple of students, then the first lesson should be introductory, in order to find out the strengths and weaknesses of the students. The next couple will reveal the characteristics of students, where you can understand what techniques and means to use to attract their attention.
  4. Manner. Everyone will definitely pay attention to your behavior.
  5. Your gestures and facial expressions. Support your words with gestures so the audience can understand you better. Facial expressions should be friendly, then people will feel sincerity in you, smile and look into your eyes. The main thing is to be natural and open so that the listeners feel your mood and sincerity.
  6. Pay special attention to your appearance. Your outfit will serve as the first impression of you. Now one of the recognized types of clothing is a suit or a classic black dress. But do not forget that excessive formality is not always what you need. Example: Try wearing dark jeans instead of dress pants. Or replace the women's suit with an elegant blouse with a skirt. Pay attention to the little things: jewelry, briefcase and other items of clothing. All this can help you, and, maybe, and vice versa, harm you.
  7. Don't sugarcoat your personality. Everyone has known for a long time that lies always come out and you should not lie to your listeners.

Problems with composing self-presentation

Often this problem is hidden in ourselves. Various psychological trauma, internal barriers or ignorance of oneself can be strongly reflected in a conversation with an interlocutor. To do this, you need to make a self-presentation, taking into account your features, which need to be hidden or, conversely, shown, to make it as informative and exciting as possible, while at the same time in a fairly short time.

To be able to listen to other people's opinions, think over your words and actions, control the situation - these are the qualities that will help you achieve maximum effect in self-presentation.

Today, you can often hear information that self-presentation is very important: at an interview (for example, a story about yourself), in a resume, in a conversation. What is it? Useful information - next!

Self-presentation: an example of a "correct" resume

One of the most common options for presenting yourself to a loved one is writing and sending out a resume. How well it is drawn up will determine whether you will be invited for a personal conversation.

Let's start, as they say, from the stove. If the vacancy text indicates that information about yourself needs to be squeezed into 1000 characters - do so. This will show that you are at least attentive. It is clear that a resume that does not meet the requirements indicated in the announcement will not be considered (this is at best, and at worst, the candidate will be marked as frivolous and poorly intelligent).

By the way, sometimes applicants are asked to make a short This is a miniature self-presentation. An example of text that will at least look decent: “Hello! I was interested in the vacancy you announced. Over the past 5 years, I have been working in the field of active sales. I went from to. The key skills that helped me achieve this are outlined in my resume. If you are interested in productive and mutually beneficial cooperation, I will be glad to receive an invitation for a personal interview! "

Self-presentation: an example of how to conduct it in an interview

If you were invited for an interview, it means that your candidacy is of interest. Try not to spoil the experience! Think in advance about your outfit and its compliance with the direction of the company. Rehearse everything, even facial expressions! Better to spend an hour in front of the mirror to understand which smile adorns you, and which looks like a disingenuous grimace or a hungry grin.

Talk about what they are asking you about. Do not allow long lyrical digressions. Try to answer questions honestly. Do not try to be a genius by belittling the dignity of other people.

When asked to tell you briefly about yourself, remember not to start with your successes in kindergarten. The optimal time for your "solo performance" is about 5 minutes.

Self-presentation: example in conversation

Sometimes it happens that just a couple of phrases in a conversation allows you to do the best. Try to speak confidently, positively. Avoid empty interjections, do not speak too long and too softly. Give preference to energetic verbs (done, achieved, decided). For example, in a conversation with a friend who is opening a company in an area of ​​interest to you, you should say something like: “Yes, you are saying everything correctly. When I worked for Ivanov, I did what you did. But I also solved a couple of problems with my "secret" methods. This allowed us to attract ten new clients! " This construction of the phrase may well encourage you to continue a fleeting and insignificant conversation in a way that is beneficial to you.

Self-presentation: an example of what not to do

No need to try It will most likely be noticed. And not interpreted in your favor.

You should not memorize one template text and read it everywhere. Adapt to the situation. Somewhere your work experience is interesting, somewhere - business connections, and somewhere else - the ability to communicate. Ask leading questions to understand which qualities to focus on.

Don't act like a star. Even if you are an excellent specialist, arrogance and an excessive sense of self-worth can alienate a person from you if he sees that you are not interested in anyone other than yourself. But fawning, looking ingratiatingly into the eyes of the interlocutor, is not necessary.