Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip. Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip Nadezhda from home 2

Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip.  Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip Nadezhda from home 2
Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip. Nadezhda Ermakova latest news, rumors, gossip Nadezhda from home 2

The girl was born and raised in the city with the proud name of Eagle. The father left the family when she was just a baby and Nadya grew up with her mother.

In early childhood, the girl showed herself as a creative person constantly drawing, writing folding poems, even trying to write her own book!

She also danced a lot and participated in various city events. Further field of activity and profession was predetermined by the fate of Ermakov, after graduating from school, she entered the Institute of Art and Culture and after graduating, she began to be proudly referred to as "theater director".

The cherished dream of the young lady was to become a TV presenter and build a successful career, but for this I had to try myself in many roles. For example, sell clothes on the market to make money, conduct various castings with questionable agencies, and so on.

At Dom-2, Nadya also went through a casting, and already in 2007 she became one of the participants, appearing enchantingly in a clearing. She quite seriously stated that she wants to be the legal wife of Rustam Solntsev and therefore is now in a wedding dress.

She lived on the TV project Nadezhda for about four years and all her novels became vivid and memorable, like the girl herself.

For example, she met with the scandalous Alexander Gobozov, it even came to an engagement! But at the most crucial moment, Ermakova asked to think a little before taking such a serious step and the couple quarreled.

Due to the fact that they broke up for a while, Sasha cheated on Nadezhda Ermakova with Olga Sokol, and they finally broke off relations.

The next novel was a relationship with Gleb Zhemchugov, who is affectionately called Strawberry.

The man courted very beautifully, gave flowers, made constant compliments, and in the eight months of their love one could see the ups and downs of their relationship a million times.

Glebushka also invited Nadya to marry, but this time too, nothing worked out for Ermakova.

She experienced this separation very hard and fell into a depressive state. The guys on the project decided that it was better to send her outside the perimeter to her relatives, and in 2011 Nadia went home.

After leaving, she underwent rehabilitation for a long time, and after recovery she worked in different directions. Judging by the latest data, Ermakova is again related to Dom-2 - the girl got a job as a casting manager and everything seems to be fine with her.

Some rumors say that in addition to TNT, Nadia also works on the Domashny TV channel, on the air of which she is preparing a new program.

In 2013, Nadezhda Ermakova was going to marry Ramzi Dzhabiev, the guys met in Egypt. Nadezhda showed the donated ring, but after a while the wedding did not take place. After Nadia does not advertise her relationship to the public.

Like many participants in Dom2, Nadezhda Ermakova underwent plastic surgery, she corrected her nose. Photos before plastic surgery can be seen above, photos after in the gallery below.

Nadezhda Ermakova has a popular instagram, where you can see personal photos and announcements about the casting of House 2.

In the winter of 2013, news about the impending wedding of Nadezhda Ermakova, a former participant of the House 2 project, spread on the network. For a long time, the girl was looking for her prince outside the perimeter, but she never found happiness.

Couple in love

They started talking about Nadia's marriage after she posted a photo with a wedding ring on her page. She received this gift on the eve of a new goal. The girl's chosen one was Ramzi Dzhabiev. He was born in Azerbaijan.

Ermakova is only a year younger than her lover. The couple met in Egypt in the fall of 2012, where Ramsay worked as an animator. Since then, they have met.

Their relationship developed very beautifully and romantically: Dzhabiev often spoiled his beloved with flowers and gifts. Differences of opinion rarely arose between them, despite the different culture of upbringing.

For a long time, the romance of the scandalous participant of "House 2" and an animator from Egypt did not attract much attention. Only the news of the engagement aroused such intense interest.

Nadezhda and Ramsay on vacation

They say that for the sake of his beloved woman, Ramzi is even going to move to Moscow. There he will also find a suitable job for himself.

But, as we know, now 2014 is coming to an end, and the wedding never took place. What is the reason, we do not know. Yes, and the Azerbaijani with Ermakova has not been seen for a long time. Maybe he wanted to stay in the shadows, but the couple postponed the wedding. Or did they break up?

Nadezhda Ermakova is well known to regular viewers of the popular TV show "Dom-2". The girl was a rated participant in the project for several years. Here she had several vivid memorable novels with young people, which, unfortunately, did not end in legal marriage. After the blonde left the program, there are many different rumors about her. They say that Nadezhda allegedly went into business, got married, and generally left the capital forever. Let's try to figure out what is true here and what is fiction.

Life before the project

Nadezhda Ermakova was born in the city of Orel on March 5, 1984. Her childhood passed here. She was brought up by her mother, who worked as a teacher in a boarding school. It is known that Nadia has a brother Artem. It was not easy for her mother to raise two children without a husband. But she tried to give them the maximum that she could. From an early age, Nadyusha proved to be interesting. While still at school, she wrote poetry, participated in various competitions, and was engaged in dancing. Perhaps this is what brought our heroine to the Institute of Art and Culture, from which she successfully graduated with a degree in theater director. Nadia, by all means, decided to become a famous TV presenter. But in her youth, she had to change many professions. She posed as a model for artists, worked in the casting department of an advertising agency, and even traded clothes in the market in her own tent. With a height of 174 cm, the girl seriously thought about a career as a model. To this end, she attended many different castings. At one of them, organized by the TNT channel, auditions were held for the role of participants in the popular Dom-2 program. His hope has passed with success.

TV show "Dom-2"

The biography of Nadezhda Ermakova is full of interesting facts. It is worth remembering at least her bright arrival at the Dom-2 program. The girl appeared in a wedding dress and immediately declared her sympathy for one of the most rated participants - Rustam Solntsev. It was on April 25, 2007. Nadya's appearance at that time was far from ideal. Her bright red curls will probably be remembered by the regular viewers of the program. Further, the audience will watch how the girl in the literal sense of the word will turn from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

Relationships on the project

Nadezhda has been in the project for over four years. During this time, she had several memorable novels with young people. Relations with Rustam Solntsev immediately went wrong. Another bright participant undertook to look after the girl, Their relationship quickly grew into love. The young man had serious intentions. Having made a proposal to his beloved, he took the girl home, to the Caucasus, to introduce her to her parents. It seemed that the young people were doing well. But the wedding of Nadezhda Ermakova never took place. She did not immediately say "Yes" in response to Sasha's proposal, which she soon regretted. Problems began in the relations of young people. Alexandra was upset by the girl's uncertainty. Photos appeared showing his meetings with the beauties outside the perimeter. At first, Nadya, feeling her guilt in this, forgave the betrayal of her beloved. But this did not lead to anything good. The young man soon found himself in the arms of Olga Sokol. Subsequently, it was to this girl that he proposed. After Sasha, our heroine had several romances with guys, which also ended in nothing. This continued until the girl met Gleb Strawberry. This bright participant courted her very beautifully, arranged romantic dates. Their relationship lasted 8 months. During this time they had everything: tears, and abuse, and parting, and reconciliation. The young man also proposed to our heroine. True, Nadezhda did not get married this time either. The couple soon broke up.

Broken dreams

After a relationship with Gleb Klubnichka, Nadezhda Ermakova came to her senses for a long time. Her frequent breakdowns, “sobs in the closet”, depression became the reason for jokes and laughter of other project participants. His female half, considering that Nadia had already achieved everything she wanted on the TV show, decided to remove her at the next vote. It happened on July 1, 2011. The girl did not expect such a trick from her friends. With tears in her eyes, she left the TV set. Nadia did not become a famous TV presenter, as she dreamed. This role was given to another participant in the project - Olga Buzova. For several years of being on the program, the girl did not meet the only one who would take her by the hand and take her outside the gate into a beautiful fairy tale. The only consolation for her was the realization of how she had changed outwardly. Now Nadia was a blond, slender beauty, after whom all the men turned around.

Return to Moscow

Nadezhda Ermakova returned to her hometown after the project. 2014 was a happy year for her. But more on that later. She became famous in Oryol. The girl was recognized on the streets. She began to receive interesting job offers. But Moscow still beckoned to her. And Nadezhda decided to return to the capital. At first, she had a hard time there. Numerous auditions and auditions were unsuccessful. But soon our heroine was still lucky: she was invited to the role of the host of the program "Simply put" on the channel "Raz-TV". Her colleague was the well-known And after the appearance of the girl on the air, she received an offer to join the BRITELKI female singing group.

On the program "Let's get married"

The program "Simply put" is not the only one on which Nadezhda Ermakova appeared on the air. Dom-2 is a project that brought her fame. Now she is often invited to take part in a particular show. For the first time on the program "Let's Get Married" Nadia appeared in October 2011 as a bride. The girl said that she dreams of great love, strong family and children. Of the three suitors, our heroine did not choose anyone. However, she liked a friend of one of them. Going into the room to the groom, she invited the young man to go out and support her. According to rumors, she dated this guy for a while. However, this relationship did not lead to anything either. Nadya came to the Let's Get Married program again, but as a bride's friend.


Hope for happiness

Finally, our heroine found personal happiness. Fans of the TV show "Dom-2" hope that this time the blonde's wedding will take place, and her dreams will come true. Positive shifts are observed not only in the personal life of Nadezhda Ermakova, but also in her career. There was information that she received a lucrative offer from the organizers of two large metropolitan striptease clubs at once. Now Nadia will be the PR director of the following establishments: Show Girls and Golden Girls. The girl is sure that success awaits her in this field. Now she will show everything that she is capable of.

Nadezhda Ermakova was one of the brightest participants in the Dom-2 project. Even a few years after leaving her, the interest of viewers in this extraordinary girl does not fade away.

Former participant in the reality "Dom-2" Nadezhda Ermakova - a long-liver of the show, experienced several bright novels on the site. However, we can safely say that the girl's life after the project is much more successful than in the "perimeter".

Childhood and youth

Nadezhda comes from Orel, where she was born in March 1984. The name of the girl was given in honor of her grandmother. The father soon left the family, and the hardships of raising Nadia and his younger brother Artyom fell on the shoulders of the mother. Nadia's creative abilities were manifested in early childhood: she studied in a dance circle, wrote poetry, even intended to "release" a book of her own compositions.

The creative nature also influenced the further choice of education: the girl received her higher education at the Oryol Institute of Art and Culture in the direction of theater direction. However, Ermakova did not come to the theater, she was attracted by the dream of a career as a popular TV presenter. On the way to the implementation of her ambitious plans, Nadia did a lot of things: she posed for novice artists, traded clothes in a tent on the market, participated in casting of modeling agencies, since her figure and growth allowed her. So in the biography of the red-haired, freckled girl who received the nickname "Peppy", the popular program "House 2" appeared.

"House 2"

In "House 2" Nadezhda came in April 2007 and left the show in June 2011, thus entering the top ten participants who held out in reality the longest. Since the super task of the program is to gain personal happiness by the participants, Ermakova decided not to delay with this and came to the site immediately in a wedding dress, simultaneously voicing the goal of the parish - to win the heart. However, Rustam did not appreciate the girl's impulses. But another participant began to actively seek her attention, and the man's intentions turned out to be very serious.

Alexander made an offer to Nadezhda, took his beloved to the Caucasus to introduce her to her parents. But Ermakova was in no hurry to answer, and this spoiled the relationship. Gobozov switched to other participants in the TV show, became close to, and later the couple went beyond the perimeter. Nadezhda's novels with and also ended in nothing.

After Alexander, Nadezhda could not establish relations with the men of the project for a long time and made friends with Rima Pendzhieva. But women's friendship did not last long, the girls seriously quarreled and even refused to communicate with each other. The stumbling block was a man, another "tenant" of "House 2" nicknamed Strawberry. At first, Rima became interested in him, but the guy wanted to meet with Nadezhda.

The young people were together for almost a year, during which the other members witnessed beautiful courtship and romantic dates, as well as heated quarrels and curses. Ermakova received the expected marriage proposal, but on the next date the couple had a serious conversation: Nadezhda, according to rumors, tried to bewitch her lover and turned to for a service.

After that, Gleb said at the frontal place that the relationship had come to an end, and, in addition, he was tired of the jokes and "jokes" of the other participants. After breaking up with Zhemchugov, Nadya plunged into depression and sometimes behaved, to put it mildly, strange. The girl's suffering did not find understanding among those around her, they frankly laughed at Ermakova.

In the summer of 2011, the life of Nadezhda in the perimeter was complicated by a video of frivolous content that appeared on the Web, in the caption to which her name and another girl were mentioned. And although the viewers of the program soon came to the conclusion that the video had nothing to do with the participants of "House 2", Nadezhda did not feel any better. And soon the female half of the participants spoke in favor of the removal of Ermakova from the project.

Nadezhda's recognition played into her hands: Ermakova was invited to the BRITELKI group, performing in the dubstep style, to the company of Karina Kleymenova and Leysan Zakirova, but the team did not gain fame.

Despite the uncertainty of the relationship, during her stay on the TV set, Nadezhda, in her own words, experienced strong and sincere feelings. Leaving the project turned out to be a good test, which helped to identify real friends: some that were considered as such dropped out, while others, on the contrary, appeared.

Personal life

For four years of her life on the project, Nadezhda did not meet her beloved, but she changed outwardly. The girl did not hide that, like some other participants, she resorted to plastic surgery - she corrected the shape of her nose and enlarged her breasts, and besides, she turned into a blonde. Nadia shares her photo with the transformations of her appearance on Instagram.

After the show, Ermakova remained in Moscow, although she never planned to live in the capital, she worked as the editor of the official website of "House 2". After the position passed to, Nadezhda became a casting director and creative editor for reality. In addition, to some extent, she realized her dream of the role of a TV presenter - she acts in this capacity on the TV-MALL channel, on the cable Raz-TV in tandem with the show “Simply put”. According to rumors, Nadya was preparing her own program on the Domashny TV channel, but did not go on the air.

In addition, Ermakova was responsible for the creative and content of the project "House 2. News", for which she invited viewers to send photos and videos by e-mail. She promised to invite the authors of especially interesting messages to the shooting of the program.

On vacation in Egypt, Nadia met Ramzi Jabiyev, a native of Azerbaijan. On New Year's Eve 2013, the guy proposed to Ermakova and presented a ring. But this expected wedding never took place.

According to Nadezhda, she never smoked, drinks strong alcohol only in cocktails, consumes a lot of sweets, sometimes at night and sitting in bed. On weekends, the girl loves to sleep before lunch, in addition, she uses energy cocktails, although she is aware of their dangers, and does not leave the house without makeup.

Nadezhda Ermakova now

In 2017, during a casting in Novosibirsk, Nadezhda opened up that she had once left the show in very upset feelings, but found love outside the frame. Ermakova's chosen one is the sound engineer of "House 2" named Artyom. The novel developed rapidly, young people cursed, dispersed, then converged again. Nadya said that she considered it normal when people get married in the first year of a relationship, she and Artyom have been together for more than two years.

Moreover, the blonde literally "knocked out" a proposal to marry the guy: she went on vacation and gave a month to think: either they disperse or get married. Upon her return, the girl received a gift - a bouquet of flowers and a white gold ring with a diamond.

Nadia speaks of her future husband as a calm, reasonable and consistent person. Even gifts Artyom gives those that can be useful in everyday life or in life. Whereas Ermakova, by her own admission, is a man of chaos. The young people have planned a wedding for the spring of 2018 and are saving up money for an unusual celebration - something like a thematic photo session, without a toastmaster and relatives.

Member Name:

Age (birthday): 5.03.1984

City: Orel, Moscow

Education: OGIIK

Job: Casting Director House 2

Height and weight: 174 cm, 53 kg

Found an inaccuracy? Correct the profile

Read from this article:

The girl was born and raised in a city with a proud name - Eagle. The father left the family when she was just a baby and Nadya grew up with her mother.

In early childhood, the girl showed herself as a creative person - she constantly drew, wrote folding poetry, even tried to write her own book!

She also danced a lot and participated in various city events. Further field of activity and profession was predetermined by fate - Ermakova, after leaving school, entered the Institute of Art and Culture and after unlearning, she began to be proudly referred to as "theater director".

The cherished dream of the young lady was to become a TV presenter and build a successful career, but for this I had to try myself in many roles. For example, sell clothes on the market to make money, conduct various castings with questionable agencies, and so on.

Then Nadia wanted to become a model and sent her profile to different companies, but nothing came of it - Ermakova has a fairly large growth and characteristic appearance.

At Dom-2, Nadya also went through a casting, and already in 2007 she became one of the participants, enchantingly appearing in the clearing. She quite seriously stated that she wants to be the legal wife of Rustam Solntsev and therefore is now in a wedding dress.

She lived on the TV project Nadezhda for about four years and all her novels became vivid and memorable, like the girl herself.

For example, she met with a scandalous, it even came to the engagement! But at the most crucial moment, Ermakova asked to think a little before taking such a serious step and the couple quarreled.

Due to the fact that they parted for a while, Sasha cheated on Nadezhda Ermakova with Olga Sokol, and they finally broke off relations.

The next novel was a relationship with, who is affectionately called Strawberry.

The man courted very beautifully, gave flowers, made constant compliments, and in the eight months of their love one could see the ups and downs of their relationship a million times.

Gleb also invited Nadya to marry, but this time too, nothing worked out for Ermakova.

She experienced this separation very hard and fell into a depressive state. The guys on the project decided that it was better to send her outside the perimeter to her relatives and in 2011 they did it - Nadya went home.

After leaving, she underwent rehabilitation for a long time, and after recovery she worked in different directions. Judging by the latest data, Ermakova is again related to Dom-2 - the girl got a job as a casting manager and everything seems to be fine with her.

Some rumors say that in addition to TNT, Nadia also works on the Domashny TV channel, on the air of which she is preparing a new program.

In 2013, Nadezhda Ermakova was going to marry Ramzi Dzhabiev, the guys met in Egypt. Nadezhda showed the donated ring, but after a while the wedding did not take place. After Nadia does not advertise her relationship to the public.

Like many participants in Dom2, Nadezhda Ermakova underwent plastic surgery, she corrected her nose. Photos before plastic surgery can be seen above, photos after - in the gallery below.

Photo of Nadezhda

Nadezhda Ermakova has a popular instagram, where you can see personal photos and announcements about the casting of House 2.