Who does the bummer of literary heroes look like? Eternal images in the novel "bummer"

Who does the bummer of literary heroes look like? Eternal images in the novel "bummer"

As far back as I can remember, I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor. And today I have firmly decided that I will become one. I believe that a doctor is the most necessary and noble profession, doctors are angels on earth. I am ready with great dedication to help people cope with their illnesses, illnesses, and also save their lives.

I am ready to show sensitivity and humanity in relation to people, I will do my best to improve on the path that I have chosen.

My inspiration is the world's doctors who work every day for the benefit of people. And this gives me an impetus every day to learn and develop, never sit still, but only move forward.

An essay on the topic My future profession is a doctor

Medical care is the most needed occupation on the planet. People from ancient times began to study medicine. The human body has remained, not fully understood. Maybe a person can live two hundred years and keep working, or maybe a gene can be introduced into him that will deprive him of absolutely any disease.

I am very interested in medicine and the human body. My dream is to become a doctor and explore all the possibilities of the body. I want to help people. I want to extend the life of my family. The difficulties of the profession do not scare me, and good grades in biology will allow me to become the best doctor in the whole world.

Composition Why I want to become a doctor (reasoning)

Becoming a doctor is more than just making a precise diagnosis. It is not easy to prescribe effective medication. Being a doctor is talking about healing, helping patients feel strong and recovering.

My dream is to become just such a doctor, a doctor who will not be afraid, a doctor who will help people. Any illness is hard to bear, but it is easier when you know that the best doctor is treating you.
I know that medicine requires a lot of knowledge and a lot of time and effort. I know that I will have to study biology, pharmaceuticals, the structure of the body, medicines for a long time. I will have to practice a lot. It will be a difficult time, but I know that I will succeed and I can become an excellent specialist.

Our life is very fleeting, the body grows old and loses strength, something at a certain age becomes irrelevant. Therefore, I want to learn how to stop time and prolong human life. I want to invent a cure for many incurable diseases, I want to help people become happy. And people can become happy only when they are healthy.

I know that now the profession of a doctor is in great demand, but I also know that in our country, doctors are specialists who receive low wages, and must work all day long. The doctor has no days off or holidays. The doctor is always in touch and must always help his patients. I understand this and want to provide such assistance to people. And if I study well and become a competent doctor, then I will have no problems with the financial part of my life.

I understand the full responsibility of this profession and I want to develop in this direction. I hope that everything will work out for me and my efforts will be appreciated. And the benefits from my profession will be enormous.

An essay on the topic The profession of my dreams is a doctor

As far back as I can remember, I have always dreamed of becoming a doctor. And I am sure that over the years my dream will not fade away, but, on the contrary, will come true. Probably, this desire to help and heal people was passed on to me from my grandmother. Tamara Ivanovna, that's the name of my grandmother, a doctor from God. All her life she worked in a children's hospital and helped children cope with diseases. I've always thought it was wonderful to be useful and needed. Therefore, definitely, the profession of my dreams is a doctor.

When I graduate from school, I want to go to medical school. I am interested in two directions. The first is to be a pediatrician, like a grandmother, and the second is to connect your life with surgery. It may seem that these two profiles are completely different, but at the moment they are both interesting to me. As for pediatrics, what a happiness it is to save the lives and health of children. There are so many diseases in the modern world that every year become more stable and more dangerous. But thanks to doctors, people manage to overcome the disease and become healthy. I know from myself how unpleasant it is to get sick, even if you have a common cold. The head hurts, the throat is sore, runny nose, cough. At such moments, you feel overwhelmed and helpless. However, a good doctor will quickly make the correct diagnosis and alleviate the patient's condition.

About the second profile, namely surgery, I had thoughts quite recently. It seems to me very prestigious to work in a good clinic. But in addition to prestige, this is very responsible. Every day, surgeons perform many operations and help people get back on their feet. I think this profession is interesting and useful.

Maybe after finishing school I will want to choose another direction, but one thing I know for sure, that I will link my life with medicine. I want to be useful to people, help and be needed. Moreover, if the work gives pleasure, then its quality will be at its best. I will be glad to see the happy and grateful faces of people from the fact that I have cured them.

Option 5

There are a sufficient number of professions that are popular and in demand. Many are attracted by the financial benefits that come with a big salary. In my opinion, there is no more worthy occupation for a modern person than to heal people.

At all times, the profession of a doctor allowed a person to fully realize his concern for his neighbor. In this work, it is not only the end result that is attractive - a complete recovery of the patient and deliverance from his suffering. The very communication with different people, the analysis of their problems, which led to the appearance of an unpleasant pathology, will allow you to gain a lot of not only professional, but also personal experience. The ability to find a common language with representatives of different strata of society, the application of their knowledge in practical conditions make the profession of a doctor the most interesting of all existing ones.

Doctors are always needed

During economic and political crises, an intelligent medical professional will always have his legitimate piece of bread, because the doctor's "golden hands" and "bright head" will always be in demand. After all, people get sick all year round, so the doctor has no prospect of being unemployed.

Continuous improvement

Activities in the field of medicine provide for the constant improvement of the level of professional qualifications. In this work, one cannot "rest on our laurels." All kinds of certifications and scientific work will allow you to maintain flexibility of mind until old age, adopting the advanced methods of treating patients.

Famous doctors

At different times, doctors were the thinker Nikolai Copernicus, the predictor Nostradamus, the great Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov, the singer Alexander Rosenbaum, the satirist Grigory Gorin, the TV presenter Yana Rudkovskaya and many other famous personalities. Probably, this profession has such an impact on a person that his creative talent cannot remain within the narrow framework of medicine.

Give health

Giving health to a person is very honorable. Good doctors are recognized and respected in the community. It is enough to be an ordinary doctor in a small town for several years to become part of the local elite.

It's nice when you are respected and considered irreplaceable. This is how the representatives of many specialties of the medical art feel who have made breakthroughs in the fields of medicine in which they worked. Being a doctor means dedicating your whole life to finding ways to make a person happier. After all, the greatest asset of every inhabitant of the planet is good health.

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I dream of becoming a doctor. This is a very necessary and important profession. What could be more valuable than human life and more essential health? A person simply does not have the right to be a bad doctor, since it is the doctor who is entrusted with the most important and valuable thing - health.

The profession of a doctor is very difficult, but at the same time very interesting. Many represent her only on TV shows, but in life everything is completely different. A future doctor should have such qualities as: patience, understanding, respect, mercy. Patients come across different, but you need to be polite with each person.

The work of a doctor is very difficult - every day you have to make decisions on which someone's fate depends. Therefore, it is very important to become a real professional. A doctor is pride and responsibility for people's lives.

Not everyone can be a doctor. This is truly a calling. This profession is suitable for those who sincerely love people and want to help them, who know how to empathize, those who love to work. If all these qualities are combined in one person, then he has every chance of becoming a real Doctor with a capital letter.

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