Is it possible to walk a lot with a lumbar hernia? Recommendations for a sore spine: physical activity and rest

Is it possible to walk a lot with a lumbar hernia?  Recommendations for a sore spine: physical activity and rest
Is it possible to walk a lot with a lumbar hernia? Recommendations for a sore spine: physical activity and rest

Even before our era, the famous ancient physician Hippocrates took up the problem of treating scoliosis and invented a special system for correcting and stretching the spine. This system is still used in modern medicine. In Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, forced traction of the spine was practiced using special devices. But this often led to disastrous results, and as a result, spinal traction was subject to quite serious criticism from doctors of that time.

  • What you need to know
  • Horizontal underwater hood
  • Stretching the spine at home

Over time, orthopedists concluded that prolonged and strong traction is dangerous, because the stretching force affects healthy areas and has virtually no benefit for the damaged area of ​​the spine.

What you need to know

For those who want to perform the traction procedure, you need to remember a few rules, the observance of which will help protect yourself from causing additional damage.

  • Pure traction cannot be used to correct scoliosis. To do this, it is necessary to take only complex conservative treatment.
  • Spinal traction should only be performed under the supervision of an experienced doctor without self-medication. In this case, self-treatment will lead to complications.

Underwater traction

For more than half a century, vertical underwater spinal traction has been very popular in Russia. Now it is considered the most effective method in the treatment of the musculoskeletal system.
Vertical underwater traction is carried out by suspending the patient in water with subsequent fixation. Next, the load is suspended from the pelvic girdle and gradually the weight of the load increases and then decreases.

With the help of the interaction of traction and the simultaneous effect of a general bath with warm water on the patient, a therapeutic effect is exerted on the spine. All procedures can be carried out in fresh water. It is also possible to use mineral (natural or artificial) waters.
They can be:

  • chloride,
  • sodium,
  • turpentine,
  • radon,
  • hydrogen sulfide.

Underwater traction has a fairly strong effect on the lumbar spine. This is facilitated by a slight decrease in lordosis in the lumbar region, which causes an elongated position of the body in the water. Often, when stretched using this procedure, in some patients the radicular pain is dulled, or even disappears completely.

Before deciding on treatment using underwater traction, the patient should undergo a number of mandatory procedures, namely an X-ray of the spine and magnetic resonance imaging of the lumbosacral region. When going to the resort, you must take all the results with you.

Due to the fact that underwater traction does not involve strong physical stress and is a physiological technique, this allows it to be used for severe pain.

During all procedures, care must be taken to avoid sudden movements, hypothermia and heavy physical exertion. The treatment period is approximately 10 or more procedures (5 times a week). After the course of treatment, all patients should sleep on a hard bed and wear a corset.

Indications for underwater traction

Indications for underwater hood are the following diseases:

  • sciatica,
  • scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis,
  • flattening of lumbar lordosis,
  • radicular compression,
  • spondylosis deformans,
  • Ankylosing spondylitis at the initial stage.

Restrictions on the use of underwater hood

There are the following contraindications for underwater hood:

  • sequestered disc herniation, in particular compression of the cauda equina,
  • pronounced pain syndrome in the acute stage of the disease,
  • spinal circulatory disorder,
  • inflammatory spinal syndrome,
  • cicatricial adhesive epiduritis, arachnoiditis,
  • spinal fractures,
  • the patient’s weight is over 100 kg and age is over 60 years,
  • spinal tumors, certain skin diseases and much more.

Horizontal underwater hood

Underwater horizontal traction of the spine differs from vertical traction in that it is carried out using a special shield. The patient is fixed on the shield with a pelvic girdle and a cable attached to it.

The lower part of the shield with the patient’s legs is lowered into warm water, while the patient’s chest remains above the water. The load is suspended on cables and its weight increases, after which the weight of the load decreases.

Stretching the spine at home

If the doctor has prescribed spinal traction for the patient, then some procedures can be performed independently. To start doing spinal traction at home, you need to relax your back muscles. This can be done with a warm bath, which should be taken for 15 minutes. After the bath, you need a back massage using a massage roller or hands. You can also simply rub yourself with a towel.

Stretching at home is done using a couch. Its headboard should be raised by about 30 cm. Next, two fabric straps should be attached to the head of the couch. They should be one and a half meters long and they should be approximately 5-7 centimeters wide. The middle part of the straps is filled with cotton wool.

The arms are threaded into prepared straps, and traction occurs under the influence of the patient’s body weight. This procedure can be carried out for quite a long time, approximately 3-4 hours. To enhance traction, you can attach a belt with two cords to the suprapelvic part, to which a 3-4 kg load will be attached.

What's next?

Stretching is well helped by physical exercises: bending forward, half-hanging or twisting the torso.
The result that was achieved using any procedures should be secured by wearing a corset, bandage or weightlifting belt. If osteochondrosis is accompanied by pain, then it will not be possible to do without traction in a medical facility. All procedures must be accompanied by the supervision of an orthopedic surgeon. Self-medication should not be done under any circumstances, as it can cause harm.

The question of the ability to run with a herniated lumbar spine has become the subject of scientific debate since it is diagnosed in young people who are trying not to lose their positions due to the discovered disease. Proponents of physical activity argue that you can run, but only a little, in special shoes and on paths with uneven surfaces, while judiciously dosing the load. Their opponents are sure that this imposes bans on certain sports, including running.

Running with a hernia of the lumbar spine, which is continued by people with a progressive disease, confident that such exercises in any state of the body bring undoubted benefits, remains entirely their responsibility. The official point of view of modern medicine states that playing sports for a hernia is necessary, but this can only be certain types of physical activity that do not injure the spine.

Running rules

Often people, convinced that running regularly and for a long time is useful in any situation, continue their activities, not wanting to give in to the disease.

During exacerbation of the disease, physical activity is contraindicated due to severe pain. Pain occurs due to the fact that the displaced spinal segments put pressure on the nerve endings pinched as a result of the displacement, and the muscles periodically spasm in an effort to prevent this process. Nerve endings under the influence of compression and muscle tissue in an unnatural position lead to pain. But both compression and muscle spasms are the result of displacement of the vertebrae due to atrophy of the intervertebral disc, and hernial protrusion is a product of the same degenerative-dystrophic processes.

Running can lead to further misalignment of the vertebrae due to the fact that the runner's heel hits the hard surface of the treadmill. This can lead to deformation of the remaining intervertebral discs in places where they bear the greatest load. Running fans stipulate the necessary conditions under which such an injury will not occur, namely:

  • soft treadmill surface;
  • strictly dosed training time;
  • specialized shoes;
  • possible use of a fixing corset.

In any case, under all appropriate conditions, it is recommended to coordinate jogging with your doctor, dosage it in small runs, and under no circumstances start if you experience pain and do not continue if it appears during a run.

For a person with a diseased spine and a hernia between the vertebrae, which in some cases can lead to irreparable consequences and disability, regular running can become a time bomb, and a treadmill can lead to even greater damage.

The decision about the benefits or harms of running in each specific case is made depending on the nature of the hernial protrusion, its location, the stage at which it is located, and the general condition of the patient’s body.

Permissible physical activity

Any loads when diagnosing a spinal hernia can be performed only after consultation and approval from the treating doctor.

It must be remembered that each patient always has an individual clinical picture, therefore, what is useful for one may harm another.

It is also important to know that, regardless of the degree of pathology, during the period of exacerbation, all patients are strictly recommended to limit any physical activity, since an active life can contribute to the prolapse of the spinal disc, and then to even greater pinching of the nerve.

To prevent the development of pathology, as well as to cure it, some physical activity is permissible:

  • Pilates;
  • yoga;
  • light gymnastics;
  • physiotherapy;
  • Nordic walking.

How to run correctly with a spinal hernia?

According to statistics, the most common type of light physical activity is running with a herniated disc. Before you start running, you must get approval from your doctor. In addition, it is very important to prepare the body for physical activity; this is why experts recommend doing more gentle sports before running, for example, Pilates or yoga - they form and strengthen the lumbar corset.

After the doctor has allowed running, and the patient’s body has been thoroughly prepared for this sport, it is important to observe 2 more important basics:

  1. Choose the right shoes. Running is only allowed in sneakers with shock-absorbing soles; they will help avoid unpleasant consequences (bulging discs) and will help you do your favorite sport without harming your back.
  2. Choose a convenient place for jogging. The ideal place for running is a dirt road; only such a surface protects the patient from accidental displacement of the feet, as well as pinched nerve endings. Running on a paved road is not recommended if you have a lumbar disc herniation.

Nordic walking - harm or benefit?

A herniated lumbar spine is not a death sentence. With this pathology, it is necessary to lead a correct lifestyle, which will contribute to a speedy cure and prevent the development of the disease. Most patients ask doctors a very reasonable question: is walking useful for a herniated lumbar spine? In this case, doctors unanimously answer: “Yes, walking is useful. Regular walking is an integral part of a proper and healthy daily routine!”

Nordic walking, which is modern today, deserves special attention. This sport has several advantages. Firstly, Nordic walking can be practiced even by a physically unprepared person, which is especially important for older people. Secondly, Nordic walking for spinal hernia is a sport that is gentle on the body. In addition, this sport also helps to improve the general condition of the patient; of course, for this it is necessary to comply with the conditions of regular physical activity on the body.

In order for walking with a lumbar intervertebral hernia to become a therapeutic physical workout, you need to choose the right uniform:

  • Clothing for therapeutic walks must be light and as comfortable as possible; it should not restrict a person’s movements;
  • If you practice Nordic walking in the winter, it is important to take care in advance of purchasing warm and soft mittens that have an anti-slip coating;
  • Proper Nordic walking practice involves an appropriate choice of poles, which are selected individually depending on a person’s height. The ideal length of Nordic poles is the size of the equipment to the middle of the athlete's forearm.

What are the advantages of this sport and is walking useful for a herniated disc? Daily training helps:

  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • eliminating excess fat deposits in the spine, which create additional stress on the entire spinal corset;
  • normalization of blood pressure.

Nordic walking is a fairly simple sport, but during the first lessons it is important for the athlete to take care of concentration. If you have a herniated spine, it is strictly forbidden to take the courage of a professional athlete, that is, physically work at full strength.

Is jumping allowed?

A very common problem is the question: is it possible to jump with a herniated disc? Some physical movements become unacceptable in the presence of a herniated disc. Many doctors also include jumping rope. Doctors are confident that jumping rope for a herniated disc is inappropriate and not recommended. The main prohibition is based on the fact that jumping contributes to increased compression of the lower parts of the spine, which threatens serious complications for a person. In the same case, if a person, along with a herniated spine, is overweight, then he is strictly prohibited from jumping.

In addition to jumping, the following activities are prohibited:

  • weightlifting;
  • football;
  • basketball;
  • hockey;
  • professional skiing;
  • bodybuilding.

Important rules for beneficial physical activity

  1. There should be no discomfort or unpleasant physical sensations during training.
  2. During physical activity, a pleasant warmth should “spread” throughout the body, but not pain.
  3. If you have a herniated spine, it is forbidden to make amplitude and twisting movements of the body.
  4. After taking painkillers, playing sports is not allowed.

Causes of lumbar intervertebral hernia

Recently, this pathology has been found even in young people; it is associated with poor physical activity. Now everyone is trying to minimize movement and instead of a 5-minute walk to the next stop, they prefer a vehicle. Office workers and people engaged in heavy work are equally susceptible to this disease. (See also: pregnancy and lumbar disc herniation).

The main reasons for the occurrence of this pathological neoplasm include:

  1. Injuries. In this case, the patient may completely forget or even not remember any harmful effects on the spine. The protrusion may appear even several years after the injury. During this time, the main load constantly shifted to the lumbar region, and the discs became deformed over time, which led to rupture of the fibrous ring.
  2. Changes in working conditions. If a person has been constantly engaged in office sedentary work, then a sudden change in physical activity can cause protrusion. Therefore, it is important to accustom the spine gradually and move on to hard work after preparation (physical exercises, gymnastics, regular warm-ups).

  3. Congenital diseases. The patient may have a history of degenerative problems with muscle or bone tissue. In this case, constant preventive procedures significantly reduce the likelihood of hernia formation.
  4. Sudden weight change. This reason most often concerns pregnant women, since the body cannot quickly adapt to the additional load. Experts recommend wearing a support bandage that distributes weight evenly throughout the spine.
  5. Poor nutrition. This factor contributes to the destruction of the structural components of the spine. Most often, the disease occurs in vegetarians who avoid eating meat. And the amino acids that nourish the segments of the spine are found only in proteins of animal origin.
  6. Lack of vitamins. The body needs a whole complex of microelements to maintain the normal functioning of all systems. After 20 years, the discs receive nutrition solely from the diffusion process, as they are deprived of blood vessels. It is very important that the surrounding tissues provide sufficient nutrients.

In addition, there are many more reasons for the occurrence of pathological neoplasms and it is impossible to exclude them all from life. But a person can normalize their regime, nutrition and get rid of bad habits.

Running and walking with a lumbar hernia

Any exercise with this disease should be minor and performed only after consultation and approval of a doctor. Active physical activities should be avoided during an exacerbation of the pathological condition, as this can lead to disc prolapse and even greater pinching of the nerve root. During the active stage, it is advisable to minimize any activity and give your back complete rest, taking a comfortable position on the plane. Most often, the position of lying on your back or side with your leg bent allows you to minimize pain.

Running with a hernia of the lumbar spine, like other exercises, can only be recommended by a specialist. Before moving on to such training, it is necessary to prepare the body. Exercise therapy, gymnastics, yoga, Pilates or other techniques that affect the strengthening of the muscle corset are suitable for this.

Race walking is allowed during the recovery period, after completion of therapeutic treatment or during rehabilitation. You can take advantage of long distances designed for running. Naturally, the distance should not be a marathon, so you need to listen to your body and determine your individual time and distance. Such exercises influence the normalization of metabolic processes and strengthening of the back muscles.

Running with a lumbar intervertebral hernia is allowed only in special shoes. It is better to choose shock-absorbing shoes in specialized stores, based on your doctor’s recommendations. It is necessary to choose only a dirt path for jogging, since any displacement of the foot can lead to pinching of the nerve process. When choosing a technique, it is better to stick to jogging; such exercises can significantly reduce protrusions and help prevent re-exacerbation of the disease.

Basic rules for physical activity for lumbar hernia

Experts can recommend various types of physical exercise, but each complex is selected individually. First, the doctor must determine the exact location of the pathological neoplasm, the stage of the disease, identify concomitant diseases and assess the general physical condition. After this, possible exercise options are explored, often together with an instructor or rehabilitation therapist. (See also: medications for lumbar disc herniation).

Even in the subsided stage of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to several rules:

  1. The selected and recommended movements should not be accompanied by pain. Pain of this nature cannot be tolerated; this indicates an incorrect impact on the problem area, which can transfer the disease to the active stage. Painful exercises must be eliminated and consult a specialist for a replacement.
  2. It is important to conduct the first classes under the supervision of an instructor. Only a specialist can direct each movement in the right direction and ensure that it is performed correctly. Only after the patient can feel all the nuances and determine the dosage of the load can he move on to exercise at home.
  3. With this pathology, it is necessary to exclude twisting, sharp and highly amplitude movements. Exercises should be smooth and designed not for rough execution, but for the gradual restoration of correct posture and training of certain muscles.
  4. If exercise or running causes discomfort that does not go away over time, then you need to abandon such activities and consult a specialist about this problem. This may indicate progression of the disease or the appearance of concomitant diseases.
  5. For a healthy body, all exercises are easy, but in a pathological state it is important not to overexert yourself, but to do everything in moderation.
  6. It is advisable to divide a set of exercises or a running distance into several approaches, so it will be easier for the lower back to bear the load.
  7. It is necessary to start testing the exercise without the influence of analgesics, as they interfere with an adequate assessment. Therefore, it is recommended to do new complexes in the morning, before taking painkillers.
  8. The complex selected by a specialist must be adjusted according to the degree of complexity. First of all, to warm up, simple exercises are performed, which should gradually turn into more complex and time-consuming ones.
  9. If, in addition to the neoplasm, the spine has a pathological curvature, then it is important to reduce the workload of all departments as much as possible. In this case, running is prohibited.

It is possible to achieve effectiveness in the treatment of lumbar hernia only through complex conservative treatment, so there is no need to get hung up on a specific technique, but try to choose the optimal technique. There is no need to hope for recovery after the first sessions; treatment of this pathological condition takes a lot of time. Most patients experience significant improvements after six months of regular exercise. If the therapy does not produce a positive result, the doctor will recommend a more radical method - surgery.

A herniated spine is a very serious disease. A sauna or bathhouse for intervertebral hernia is one of the treatment methods that doctors use to avoid surgery, because in this case many difficulties arise and serious consequences are possible. But when taking a bath as a treatment for the spine, it is worth remembering the features of this method. A steam room for a hernia is one of the healing methods and you need to use it wisely.

Bath procedures for intervertebral hernia have some restrictions, and sometimes are completely prohibited.

Is it possible to take a steam bath if you have an intervertebral hernia?

The healing properties of the sauna have been known since ancient times. Even in Ancient Rus', ancestors resorted to steam room treatment for many diseases, including diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Although in this case, not a Russian, but a Finnish bathhouse would be more suitable. This is where high temperature and low humidity combine to cause profuse sweating. Although in case of a hernia it is better to reconsider the temperature regime. Due to the fact that sweating increases, capillaries dilate and blood flows better to the joints. But this is not the only useful property of the bath. This is why a bathhouse for a spinal hernia is so useful:

  • when the temperature is high, the body gets rid of toxins,
  • blood circulation improves in the steam room,
  • blows with a broom are an excellent substitute for massage,
  • muscles relax - pain subsides,
  • metabolism improves,
  • tissue of cartilage and joints is restored.

Visiting a bathhouse for a hernia is only useful if you follow a few rules. To begin with, you should not forget that if you have a spinal problem, you should not stay in the steam room for more than 15 minutes so that the swelling does not increase. Never douse yourself with ice water. For this purpose, it is better to take water whose temperature is at least +20°C. Also, you should not go to the bathhouse with a high temperature. And in the steam room it should not be higher than +45°C.


A steam room for problems with the joints of the spine can only do harm if taken during an exacerbation of the disease, the presence of infringement of the membranes of the spinal cord, malignant neoplasms, or an increase in body temperature. Warming up the intervertebral joints has many individual characteristics, which only a specialist can help you pay attention to. In addition, a sauna or steam bath for a hernia of the lumbar spine is considered a method of treatment, and before using it, it is very important to consult a doctor.

The steam room for intervertebral hernia, although it relieves pain, has a destructive effect on weak joints.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally whether an intervertebral hernia and a bath are compatible. Warming up affects the intervertebral joints both beneficially and harmfully. It all depends on the length of time you spend in the sauna and the air temperature. First of all, before visiting the steam room, you should consult a doctor. He will check for contraindications and help you choose the right regimen and precautions. If permission is received, it is important to follow the rules stated earlier. In this case, the warming up process will be considered treatment and a trip to the bathhouse will bring maximum benefit.

It is better not to joke with such a diagnosis as herniated intervertebral discs, since the spinal cord passes through the spinal canal, from which nerves depart that provide innervation to organs and systems. Naturally, when nerve endings are compressed, not only symptoms of pain may appear, but also disturbances in the functioning of certain organs. According to statistics, it is the lumbar region that is often affected, since it accounts for not only motor activity, but also the need to withstand body weight. The lower back is often susceptible to injury during sudden movements, due to muscle overstrain when lifting heavy objects, and, as is known, it is not so easy to relieve pain when the lumbar area hurts. Let's look at the causes and signs of a lumbar spinal hernia, as well as the principles of treatment, including pain relief, physical therapy, tips on how to sleep and how to sit correctly. Let's look at what a hernia is in terms of anatomy and physiology.

The lumbar spine consists of 5 large vertebrae connected to each other by intervertebral discs, which, in turn, create a shock-absorbing function. Discs are also necessary to evenly distribute the load across the lumbar region. The reliability of the disc is ensured by the fibrous ring, and inside this ring there is a core of semi-liquid consistency. With increasing loads, after a back injury or other circumstances, destruction of the fibrous ring is possible, that is, the appearance of cracks through which the core partially enters the spinal canal - protrudes. Thus, over time, a herniated disc forms, which, in turn, can compress nerve endings, blood vessels, and narrow the lumen of the spinal canal, which leads to negative consequences. The patient may be at risk of disability due to a hernia, disrupting the functions of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract, causing paralysis of the lower extremities, so we will consider the causes and risk factors to protect ourselves from this pathology.


Intervertebral hernia is one of the rare pathologies that can be caused by both an overly active lifestyle and a sedentary lifestyle. Most often, a person is faced with the fact that he has signs of a hernia of the cervical spine and lumbar region. A herniated disc in the lumbar region can be caused by constant stress on the muscular system, that is, people whose work involves lifting heavy objects or working with vibrations suffer. The second risk group is athletes, and weightlifters are especially susceptible. If at a young age intense training keeps the muscular system in good shape, then with the cessation of training, old injuries and damage to the musculoskeletal corset in the lumbar region begin to appear.

In women, childbirth is often the cause of a hernia, and it may not be the birth itself that is to blame, but weight gain during pregnancy, and after it, carrying the child in your arms. There are problematic births, when the fetus is large or has an incorrect presentation, then the risk of spinal injury increases.

Risk factors for developing a hernia in the spine:

  • getting a back injury, especially in an accident when the body experiences a shock or jerk;
  • a blow to the back with a blunt object or a fall from a height onto the back;
  • impaired metabolism due to alcohol abuse, junk food, diabetes, smoking;
  • lack of vitamins and minerals, a particularly pronounced condition with the aging of the body;
  • obesity, which increases the load on the lower back.

Most often, these reasons are combined, for example, people with diabetes are prone to obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. It is worth noting that a lumbar hernia is not immediately noticeable, since the disease is characterized by progression, a slow onset of the development of the pathological process. A degenerative-dystrophic process is observed in the spine, accompanied by impaired nutrition of the discs, which is why it loses its strength. That is why the disease can also be caused by various infections, such as tuberculosis and syphilis, which affect the body systemically.

And of course, do not forget about the factor predisposing to hernia – osteochondrosis. Most patients with a hernia have a history of this disease, since osteochondrosis affects the structure and nutrition of the spine.


Most often, a hernia in the lower back develops between the L4-L5 vertebrae, a little less often the sacral region is also involved in the process, that is, in L5-S1, which is why we can conclude that the lower lumbar region suffers and this is associated with increased loads on this area.

Consequently, the symptoms often involve in the process not only the lumbar area, but also the buttocks and lower extremities, which is why the disease is characterized by complications such as lumbago, pinching of the sciatic nerve, radiculopathy and others. Therefore, it is better for patients with a hernia not to joke with their health, so as not to trigger the disease, since complications of a hernia lead to the fact that the patient is often unable not only to run or swim, but also to walk normally.

The pathology is characterized by symptoms of pain, the strength of which increases with exercise. If there is compression of the nerve endings, then lumbago appears - a sharp pain with every movement, which goes away at rest. Pain relief for lumbago with conventional drugs (analgesics, NSAIDs) is not always helpful, so, as a rule, patients seek medical help. In addition to pain, a person with this diagnosis suffers from stiffness in the lower back, sensitivity is impaired, and a burning and tingling sensation appears at the site of the hernia formation.

When inflammation develops due to compression of the spinal cord or nerve endings, additional symptoms appear. In addition to the fact that the pain sharply intensifies from turning or tilting the torso, the sensations of pain spread to the buttock area, go down the legs, right up to the toes. The patient may experience problems with the genitourinary system, manifested in decreased potency, retention, or, conversely, uncontrolled urination. The gastrointestinal tract may be affected. If the hernia is not treated, the patient is at risk of developing paresis and paralysis.

Conservative treatment

With the help of conservative treatment, it is unlikely that it will be possible to cure the hernia completely; in many respects, everything depends on the size of the hernia, but if you start treatment in the early stages, you can stop its growth, that is, stop its progression. Moreover, if you strengthen the muscle corset, you can avoid squeezing the nerve endings, which is why doctors often resort to non-surgical treatment.

Therapy has two directions at once, the first of which is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of pain. For this, the following methods are used:

  • drug therapy - drugs from the NSAID group (Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Meloxicam), muscle relaxants (Sirdalur, Mydocalm);
  • non-traditional methods - acupuncture (acupuncture), by the way, acupuncture can only be performed by a doctor;
  • spinal blockade using hormones - Diprospan, Kenalog in combination with Lidocaine.

A blockade for a herniated lumbar spine is prescribed when other methods of pain relief are ineffective, since the introduction of hormones poses a risk of developing side effects. The hernia is blocked once every 3 months, more often in advanced cases. Acupuncture for hernias is used to reduce pain symptoms.

The second direction of treatment is aimed at strengthening the muscles, which requires training to pump up the muscles. But do not forget that the training program should be selected individually. A popular technique is hyperextension for a herniated lumbar spine, that is, special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the lower back. For this purpose, special simulators are used for hernia.

A lumbar bandage, which must be worn as directed by a doctor, helps reduce the load on the spine. Some doctors recommend using an exercise bike for exercise. By the way, it is not recommended to pump the abs during a hernia in the usual position from the floor, so you should not perform exercise therapy exercises that the doctor has not prescribed.

Swimming is effective for hernia, which is why swimming is recommended for prevention, especially for people with spinal curvature. A swimming pool can replace sea water, and if you go to the pool with osteochondrosis, the chance of developing a hernia decreases. If a woman is expecting childbirth, then she is also recommended to visit the pool, but she needs to work out with a trainer and after consulting a gynecologist, then the birth will be successful.

By the way, about issues of prevention. You can give a technique that helps strengthen, pump up all muscle groups and protect the spine from osteochondrosis, hernia - this is a fitball. Fitball is an excellent prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, which consists of exercising with a special elastic ball.

Don’t forget about nutrition if you have a herniated disc. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, cigarettes, fatty and fried foods. It is recommended to add vitamins to your diet.

Physiotherapy for lumbar hernia is often indicated to relieve inflammation. The question arises: is it possible to use all ERT techniques; the answer is no. A doctor can select procedures, since electrical stimulation has a number of contraindications. Electrophoresis helps well with hernia of the lumbar spine.

Prevention of complications

Now he will talk about what is and is not possible with the disease, that is, contraindications for a hernia of the lumbar spine. Be sure to follow a diet for a hernia; walking helps, since a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the disease.

Massage and going to the pool are allowed, that is, swimming is not only possible, but also necessary. Among exercise therapy exercises, lifting weights is prohibited, that is, strength exercises, techniques that can severely stretch muscles and ligaments. Squats are only shown in the early stages. By the way, squats and abdominal pumping help with preventive purposes, and as you know, prevention is better than cure.

You cannot self-prescribe painkillers for a hernia, lift heavy objects, or sit on a chair for a long time. Many people are concerned about the question of how to live with such a diagnosis, but with early treatment and following the recommendations, you can even prevent disability.

Of course, in advanced cases, surgery is necessary and a long rehabilitation period will be required, which includes a swimming pool, ERT, and exercise therapy.


Arthrosis of the costovertebral joints: causes, symptoms and treatment of the disease.

What is arthrosis of the costovertebral joints?

In old age, due to slow metabolism, wear of cartilage and previous injuries to the chest, a rare disease develops - arthrosis of the costovertebral joints. This type of arthrosis occurs due to the degradation of cartilage tissue in the joints of the ribs and vertebrae (7), most often affecting the 9th and 10th pairs of costovertebral joints.

Forms of the disease and their causes

According to its etiology, arthrosis of the costovertebral joints is divided into 2 forms:

Primary arthrosis (implicit).

This diagnosis is made when no obvious causes of arthrosis have been identified. Most often given to older patients. In this case, arthrosis occurs due to aging of the joints, slowing of metabolism, and disruption of the coordinated functioning of entire organ systems.

Secondary arthrosis (obvious).

The causes of such arthrosis have been established:

  • Injury;
  • Inflammation;
  • Congenital dysplasia;
  • Hormonal disorders.

This form of arthrosis can develop due to tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, purulent inflammation in the chest cavity.

Symptoms of the disease

Any type of arthrosis develops gradually, including in the costovertebral joints. There are 3 stages of disease development, each of which has its own symptoms:

  1. I degree – latent arthrosis. This stage can last for years without causing much concern. The main symptom is pain in the ribs after exercise. Less commonly, pain may occur in the spine. The duration of the pain is short - after rest it all goes away. In the mornings there is stiffness in the spine.
  2. II degree. Deformation of bones and cartilage tissue increases. The pain becomes longer and more severe. Painful sensations appear when breathing, and spinal movements are difficult.
  3. III degree. Constant and severe pain prevents you from working or performing the simplest actions. The patient is declared incapacitated. Deformation of cartilage and bone tissue greatly limits movement. With further development of the disease, disability is assigned.

Diagnosis of the disease

To make a differential diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a series of examinations, since arthrosis
Costal vertebral joints have similar symptoms to diseases of the respiratory system and spine.

  • X-ray of the chest in different projections;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • CT scan.

Laboratory tests for arthrosis of the costovertebral joint are not specific - ESR levels are increased, the presence of uric acid and C-reactive protein in the blood. Such indicators are typical for any inflammatory process.

In addition to these examinations, the doctor may prescribe an ultrasound of the chest organs, vertebral arteries and veins.

Treatment methods

Treatment of arthrosis should be comprehensive. In addition to drug therapy, the orthopedic doctor prescribes physiotherapeutic procedures, massages, and physical therapy. To enhance the effect of therapeutic measures, you can use some traditional medicine recipes.

Drug therapy

To relieve pain and inflammation, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (diclofenac, phenylbutazone, indomethacin) are prescribed. For local use, pain-relieving ointments based on these drugs (Voltaren, Deep Relief) are prescribed, as well as warming ointments based on bee or snake venom, red pepper. Such gels increase blood circulation in the area of ​​arthrosis and accelerate metabolism in the cartilage tissue of the costal transverse joints.

For severe pain, injections of corticosteroid drugs are administered into the joint capsule. Pain and inflammation are relieved within a few days, but this procedure can be performed no more than 3 times a year.

To restore cartilage tissue, chondroprotectors (Sustagard, Teraflex, Chondroxide) are prescribed. They nourish and support cartilage, supply substances necessary for synthesis, trigger the regeneration of cartilage tissue and the production of joint fluid. The drugs are taken in courses from a month to six months, and if necessary, the course of administration is repeated after several months.


After relieving pain and inflammation, the orthopedic doctor prescribes courses of physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Ultrasound therapy;
  • Magnetic, laser therapy;
  • Therapeutic baths;
  • Reflexology;
  • Hirudotherapy (treatment with leeches).

The physiotherapist selects procedures individually, taking into account the stage of the disease and the patient’s allergic reactions.

Therapeutic gymnastics and massage

To restore mobility and develop flexibility of the back, physical therapy and massages are prescribed.

Gymnastic exercises are carried out exclusively under the supervision of a doctor in a hospital setting. The physiotherapist controls the distribution of the load on the back and the correctness of the exercises. Gymnastic balls are often used in exercises.

The load at the beginning of the course should be minimal, and with each lesson the complexity of the exercises should gradually increase. Gymnastics must be performed every day for 30-40 minutes.

In addition, during periods of remission of arthrosis, you can visit the pool and water aerobics classes. Water reduces the load on the costovertebral joints and helps maintain the tone of the trunk muscles.

After exercise, the muscles are relaxed with a massage. The procedure should be performed by a physiotherapist who is well aware of the characteristics of the disease.

Traditional methods of treatment

At home, you can use compresses, ointments and rubs prepared according to folk recipes.

Horseradish compress

The compress warms well, enhances local blood circulation and metabolism, and relieves pain. To prepare, grate the horseradish on a fine grater, wrap it in cotton cloth and heat in a water bath. Apply to the sore back and leave overnight.

Honey based ointment

The ointment relieves inflammation well, nourishes, and accelerates metabolic processes. To enhance the effect, you can add a few drops of essential oil of spruce, sandalwood, and 2-3 g of mumiyo to honey. Apply the mixture onto your back using light massage movements and rub for 10-15 minutes. Warm, leave for 3-4 hours or until morning.

Honey rub

A rub is prepared based on honey for the treatment of arthrosis. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of honey with glycerin, 4-5 drops of iodine and 50 ml of alcohol. Leave the mixture in a dark place overnight. Using cotton balls, rub your back with massage movements. The course of application of the rub is 3-4 weeks.

Surgical treatment

If there are no positive results of therapeutic treatment, surgery is prescribed. At stages 1-2 of arthrosis, arthroscopy is performed - pieces of degrading cartilage and blood clots are removed from the joint cavity. This operation helps stop inflammation.

To relieve pain, surgeons “disable” nerve endings using heat.

At stage 3 of costal transverse arthrosis, endoprosthetics may be prescribed - replacing an old, deformed spinal joint with an artificial one.

A number of essential preventive measures

Prevention is always easier than treating a disease.

Basic principles for the prevention of arthrosis of the thoracic spine:

  1. A proper diet containing all the necessary vitamins, microelements and amino acids necessary for the maintenance and regeneration of cartilage tissue. In addition, you can take special biologically active food supplements.
  2. Regular exercises for the back. Yoga, stretching, swimming are good options. Exercises should be enjoyable and not painful.
  3. Professional massage helps to relax muscles after a hard day of work and increases blood circulation. A good, competent chiropractor can restore health to the back, restore its mobility and flexibility.
  4. If this is necessary, you need to get rid of excess weight. Extra kilograms put a strain on the spine.
  5. Women should wear less high-heeled shoes. Each additional centimeter of heels increases the load on the spine by 8-9 kg. This can cause not only arthrosis, but also intervertebral hernias.


Arthrosis of the costovertebral joints is a chronic disease. But with proper and timely treatment, long-term, stable remission can be achieved. Taking a responsible approach to your health is the basis of a long and happy life.

A disease such as spinal hernia should not be neglected. After all, its consequences are very unpleasant and often lead to restrictions and even the impossibility of leading an active lifestyle. In the absence of treatment for this disease, after a minimum period of time, signs of gastritis, heart failure, radiculitis or chronic bronchitis can be detected. It will be very difficult to get rid of these diseases. In addition, the patient is constantly bothered by severe pain in the spine.

In addition, due to intervertebral herniation, cerebral circulation disorders occur - the first signal of a possible stroke. Complications such as acute colitis or inflammatory processes in the pancreas are also common. With a herniation of the cervical spine, as with similar disorders in the chest and lower back, compression of the spinal cord can occur.

Principles of treatment

The development of a spinal hernia can be stopped if you do not miss the moment when it enters the chronic stage. Treatment consists of eliminating the pain syndrome as completely as possible and restoring the patient’s motor activity. If you have been diagnosed with this, you should not think that this is a death sentence. Try the following methods to restore spinal function:

  • manual therapy;
  • osteopathy;
  • apitherapy;
  • kinesiology;
  • hirudotherapy;
  • reflexology;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massotherapy;
  • mud therapy;
  • water procedures;
  • ultrasound therapy.

The maximum therapeutic effect is possible with regular exercise therapy. Traditionally, with this diagnosis, exercises are performed that force the spinal column not only to bend and unbend, but also to stretch. You won’t even remember about a spinal hernia if you use all of the above treatment methods in combination.

And special attention should be paid to swimming. It is in the aquatic environment that the spinal column takes on a completely even position, which allows you to effectively remove any pain and inflammation.

The benefits of water activities

It has already been proven that swimming with a herniated spine is one of the best ways to quickly restore performance if the disease has crept up unnoticed. In this case, it is preferable to combine exercises in the pool with other physical activity: massage, physical therapy complexes, acupuncture.

Only an integrated approach combined with a variety of water exercises will allow the patient to quickly recover and again feel the joy of life.

The healing effect of such exercises is explained by the fact that when performing aqua gymnastics in the pool, the load on the entire spine, including the sites of illness, is significantly reduced. At the same time, not only does even the most severe pain in the area of ​​the lumbar spinal column go away, but blood circulation also improves, and metabolism in the area adjacent to the affected vertebrae is normalized.

Also, regular trips to the pool strengthen your muscles. This is achieved due to the uniform distribution of sometimes very significant loads of a static and dynamic nature falling on the spinal column. Another advantage of aquagymnastics is its calming effect on the nervous system, which can be a pleasant bonus for the patient and significantly improve treatment results.

Exercises for cervical hernia

If you have seriously decided to take up water aerobics because you are experiencing discomfort in the neck due to a herniated disc, special exercises will come in handy. They are designed to strengthen this particular part of the spinal column:

  1. If you are an experienced swimmer, try somersaults in the pool. You can perform movements both forward and backward, using dividing tracks. To prevent water from getting into the nose, it is clamped with a special clothespin. Perform somersaults forward 4 times, then take a break and repeat the same movement 4 times backwards.
  2. Glide smoothly through the water. To do this, stretch horizontally on the surface, resting your feet on the side of the pool, and imagine that you are pushing off from it. Place your head in the water, extend your arms in the direction of movement (forward) and look at the bottom. Bring your legs together and stretch them as far as possible, and also strain your neck. Then try to relax completely. Do this 4 times. This is one of the best relaxation exercises to get rid of spinal hernia.
  3. Holding the handrail or side with your hands, stretch your torso. Make sure your arms remain straight. Alternately swing your legs in the water, as if imitating crawl swimming. As you inhale, alternately lift your head forward and rotate it left and right, between these movements lowering your head into the water and exhaling. At least 12 breaths should be taken in each direction.

Exercises for the lumbosacral region

A hernia in the lumbar or sacral area often causes the most discomfort. Therefore, swimming with this disease is a great way to improve your condition and get back into action. The set of exercises looks like this:

  1. Get into the pool so that the water reaches chest level - no higher, and walk with long steps along the bottom, raising your knees very high. At the same time, the arms move in time with the movements of the legs, reminiscent of skiing. Do not stop moving for 5 minutes.
  2. Holding the handrails, squat deeply. At the same time, in order for the benefit for the lumbar segment of the spinal column to be more noticeable, the effort should alternately be applied to both the left and right leg. Try to stay underwater for 3-5 seconds. Do the exercise 12 times on each leg and then another 12 times on both.
  3. Immerse yourself in water up to your chest and 8 times, resting your feet on the bottom, turn your torso 360 degrees around its axis to the right and left. The same can be done if you lie on the water and perform the same turns in different directions in the horizontal plane.

It is very useful for the lumbosacral region to swim the crawl on the back and chest, breaststroke, and also on the back, simultaneously moving both arms. You can also take a swimming board and hold on to it with your hands, using your legs to perform movements that imitate the swimming style of a dolphin.


There are a number of contraindications for performing exercises with this disease. Under no circumstances should you try water aerobics if the symptoms of the disease have now sharply worsened and you are suffering from severe attacks of pain. Water procedures are recommended to be performed only in the remission stage.

Inexperienced patients should not perform water gymnastics on their own: it is better to do it under the guidance of an experienced trainer. If during exercise you experience even slight discomfort, it is better to stop.

For a hernia of any part of the spine (including the lumbosacral one), doctors advise swimming for half an hour to 45 minutes in the first months, gradually increasing the duration to 1.5 hours. Classes should take place at least 2-3 times a week.

It is also worth learning to breathe correctly: inhale deeply and exhale quickly in order to maximally saturate the affected tissues with oxygen. Make sure the water temperature is approximately 25–28 degrees. If you follow all the recommendations, the herniated spine will soon stop bothering you, reminding you of itself only in moments of exacerbation.