Alexandra Marinina - biography, information, personal life. Books by Alexandra Marinina in chronological order

Alexandra Marinina - biography, information, personal life.  Books by Alexandra Marinina in chronological order
Alexandra Marinina - biography, information, personal life. Books by Alexandra Marinina in chronological order

All the most interesting books by Marinina in chronological order. If you like detective stories with Kamenskaya, the list below will be very useful for you so as not to miss anything.

Before you check which of the author’s detective stories you forgot to read, we recommend that you find out about the new books of 2018 written by Alexandra Marinina.


Bitter quest. Volume 1

The eccentric American rich man Richard Wiley flew to Russia to conduct an unusual experiment. In the past, his ancestor was looking for a medicine that would help with migraines. The investigation led to the study of heredity. As a result, the project took 150 years and the heirs, including Richard Wiley, had to continue it. There are only 3 years left until the end of the experiment. Whoever finds the answers first will receive an impressive reward. Among the descendants was the Lagutin family, whom Wiley now intends to stop. Further

Bitter quest. Volume 2

70s of the Soviet Union. There is still a long way to go before collapse, and in general, people’s lives allow them to dream of a bright future. They talk about developed socialism on TV screens, good programs are played on the radio, and food costs pennies. A small group of people will live in a house that is designed exactly in the style of the 70s. There is nothing modern, including fast and familiar gadgets. Someone will remember the past and allow themselves to plunge into a pleasant era, while others will consider the experiment a real torture. In any case, even the organizers don’t know how it will all end. Further



The deceased was not just a strong and principled woman, but also a researcher at the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. One day a woman crossed the wrong people's road and was killed for that. Kamenskaya must make considerable efforts to find the criminal, thereby winning the respect of her new colleagues. Further


Away match

Anastasia Kamenskaya, while relaxing in a sanatorium, is faced with murder. Local police seem to be deliberately slowing down the investigation, and even refusing the help of an experienced investigator from the capital. A bandit interested in conducting an investigation turns to Anastasia for help. Further


Anastasia Kamenskaya interrupts her vacation to investigate the death of a young girl of easy virtue. It seems that there is nothing unusual in the case. Only shortly before her death, the girl complained to her loved ones that someone had stolen her dream and told it to others on the radio. Further


Nastya Kamenskaya accepted Chistyakov’s proposal and is preparing for the wedding. Only when he is at the registry office does the major come up with another lesson. The murder of the bride was committed. The wedding is cancelled, and Nastya gets down to business. Another character joins her. Further


Investigator Tanya Obraztsova and operative Nastya Kamenskaya will face a difficult choice: continue to defend the interests of the law or human life. Law enforcement officials will find a suspect in a triple murder, but will he be punished? Further


Men's Games

Viktor Gordeev leaves his post, and Nastya Kamenskaya takes on a new business. She has to find out who is behind the appearance of a maniac attacking victims in hallways. This matter will not be easy at all. The investigation will shock the operative, because Nastya finds out that the one she trusted with all her heart is involved in the murders. Further


Phantom of Music

Husband Dudarev was detained after the death of his wife. But other details of the crime will soon be clarified. Nastya Kamenskaya will have to understand who is really to blame for the death of Elena Dudareva and why a certain Yulia is involved in the case. Further


Seventh victim

Detective Anastasia Kamenskaya is on the warpath with a criminal nicknamed the Joker. He plays with Nastya, sending strange messages. Kamenskaya faces a serious opponent - the killer is one step ahead of her. Who will become the seventh victim or will Nastya manage to stop the criminal in time? Further


Popular singer Svetlana Medvedeva encounters a mad fan who kills everyone who does not like the work of her idol. The identity of the killer soon becomes known to the police, but they fail to catch the criminal. Then a talented detective in a skirt, Nastya Kamenskaya, comes into play.


Unlocked door

Nastya Kamenskaya is going through difficult times. The bosses don’t give him any peace, his work is a complete mess due to a series of strange murders, Korotkov also left his family and lives with his girlfriend in a one-room apartment. The brilliant operative will have to work hard to solve all her problems. Further


Memory Phantom

46-year-old writer Andrei Korin came to his senses after a car accident, but does not remember the last 2.5 years at all. On the advice of experts, he will try to restore his memory and must sort out his life by writing another novel. Further


Every man for himself

Veronica's life was wonderful until one fateful incident. Forgetting about her past blessings, she had to become a servant in the house of the rich. Putting herself in danger, the girl helps her owners, doing everything to keep their secrets from others. Further


Howling dogs of loneliness

Nastya will deal with the case of the death of a young law student. It will soon become clear that her death is connected with other murders of people who, at first glance, have nothing in common. You need to catch the criminal and finish your dissertation on criminology to the end. Further


Replacing an object

District police officer Doroshin was the first to arrive at the crime scene, where he became an indirect participant in the incident. The young wife of a businessman and her security guard were injured. The district police officer's father has a close relationship with the murdered woman. Doroshin will have to understand this strange and ambiguous case to the end. Further


City tariff

Operative Kamenskaya is not used to making hasty conclusions. If initially it seems that the lover killed his annoying chosen one, having got to the bottom of it, Nastya will understand that this is not just a family conflict, but a whole system that removes unnecessary people from the road. And Anastasia Pavlovna is now part of this game. Further


All wrong

One of the members of the friendly Rudenko family was killed. The rest were under suspicion. Each of them will reveal secret skeletons from the closet to the world. What are the members of the Rudenko family really hiding? Who started this difficult game and was not afraid to go on the warpath with the law? Further


At first glance, the family of Lyuba and Rodya Golovin-Romanov lives happily. Only the reader of Alexandra Marinina’s detective story will soon understand that under the mask of happiness and prosperity lies real human self-interest and evil. What kind of skeletons do these people actually keep in their closets? Further


Retirement did not at all affect the detective work of Nastya Kamenskaya. She takes on a new case involving the murder of elderly women. There are no motives, and a large number of people fall under suspicion. Will the retired detective be able to bring the investigation to its logical conclusion? Further


Director Bogomolov suffered at the hands of criminals. Nastya Kamenskaya, together with a young operative Anton Stashis, takes on the investigation. They have to find out the name of the criminal and find out whether the attempt on the director’s life has a connection with the events of past years. Further


Tiger fight in the valley. Volume 1

In front of the residents of the capital's multi-story building, Ekaterina Averkina's older sister pushed her off the balcony. Natalya refuses to admit her guilt. She claims that she was in the city with a guy at that time. Detective officer Anton Stashis and his colleague lawyer Vitaly Kirgan enter the case. Further


Last dawn

After robbers attacked the wife of a wealthy businessman at the entrance, the woman died. The deceased was not found to have the mysterious necklace on her. The investigator will have to find out whether this was a domestic robbery with a fatal outcome or whether the case is related to a contract killing? Further


Angels don't survive on ice. Volume 1

Figure skating coach M.V. Boltenkov was found dead near his colleague’s house. There are witnesses to the conflict between the deceased and coach V. Lamzin. Nastya Kamenskaya, together with her colleagues from Petrovka, will not only investigate the case this time, but will also face the secrets of figure skating, the cynicism and inhumanity of those associated with this sport. Further


Execution without malice

Marinina Alexandra (Alekseeva Marina Anatolyevna)- born on June 16, 1957 in Lvov, lived in Leningrad until 1971, and since 1971 in Moscow. She studied at an English special school (in Leningrad - N 183, in Moscow - NN 17 and 9), at the Leningrad Music School named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
In 1979, she graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov and was assigned to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. She began her career as a laboratory assistant, in 1980 she was appointed to the position of research assistant, and received the rank of police lieutenant. She studied the personality of a criminal with mental anomalies, as well as a criminal who committed repeated violent crimes. In 1986 she defended her thesis on the topic: “The personality of a person convicted of violent crimes and the prevention of special recidivism.”
Since 1987, she has been involved in crime analysis and forecasting. He has more than 30 scientific works, including the monograph “Crime and Crime Prevention in Moscow”, published by the UN Rome Interregional Institute on Crime and Justice (UNICRI).
In February 1998, she retired with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. In 1991, A. Marinina’s literary activity began.
Since 1992, A. Marinina created a series of detective novels, the main character of which was the detective of the Moscow Criminal Investigation Department, Anastasia Kamenskaya. In addition, she wrote numerous prose works in different genres, the most significant of which (for the author) is the family saga “He Who Knows,” as well as several plays. Since 1998, A. Marinina’s works have been translated and published in more than 25 countries around the world.
In 1995, Marinina was awarded the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs prize for the best work about the work of the Russian police (for the books “Death for Death’s Sake” and “Playing on a Foreign Field”). In 1998, at the Moscow International Book Fair, A. Marinina was recognized as “Writer of the Year” as the author whose books sold the largest number of copies in 1997. In 2006 she was awarded the Writer of the Decade award. In 1998, A. Marinina became a laureate of the Ogonyok magazine award in the “Success of the Year” category.
The magazine “Cult of Personalities” (No. 1, 1998) named Marina Alekseeva among the 25 most influential people in the country, noting that “huge editions of detective stories by Alexandra Marinina (M.A. Alekseeva) are sold out instantly - which actually makes her ruler of millions of minds. And she unobtrusively introduces into them the ideas of democracy, moderate feminism and corruption of power.” Among numerous awards and prizes, A. Marinina was awarded the Olympia national prize of public recognition in 2005, as a woman whose literary work has become a striking event in Russian culture.
Hobbies and passions
Hobbies: A. Marinina collects bells and enjoys flamenco dancing and clay pigeon shooting.
Music: operas by Verdi.
Cinema: melodramas and psychological detective stories.
In his free time: playing solitaire on the computer, putting together puzzles.

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Name: Marina Anatolyevna Alekseeva (Alexandra Marinina)
Date of Birth: June 16, 1957
Place of Birth: Ukraine, Lviv

Alexandra Marinina - biography

Alexandra Marinina is an outstanding Russian writer working in the genre of detective prose. Her name is Marina Anatolyevna Alekseeva. The future novelist was born on June 16, 1957 in Lvov, but almost immediately moved with her family to Russia. Until 1971, Marina lived in Leningrad, then settled in the Russian capital. She received her secondary education in schools with in-depth study of the English language. In addition, she attended one of the Leningrad music schools.

After graduating from Moscow State University in 1979, Marina, as a certified lawyer, was assigned to the Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. She began her police career with laboratory work. A year later she becomes a police lieutenant and begins to engage in scientific activities. Her research interests included studying the personality of criminals with mental disorders. In 1986, Marina became a candidate of legal sciences.

In the eighties, Alekseeva was intensively engaged in scientific work related to the analysis of crime and its forecasts. She has written more than three dozen scientific papers, including a monograph on crime prevention, written in a foreign language. In 1994-1998, Marina Anatolyevna worked at the Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, holding a high position in the department of scientific and editorial work. Then Alekseeva resigned with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. The outstanding novelist's hobbies include classical music, playing the piano and collecting bells.

Marina began her writing career in 1991. In a creative duet with his colleague Alexander, they created the exciting detective story “Six-Winged Seraphim”. Under their work, internal affairs officers signed “Alexandra Marinin” - a pseudonym consisting of the names of both authors. Alekseeva's first book was published at the end of 1992.

After a successful debut, the aspiring novelist decided to engage in independent creativity. Her next work was the novel “Coincidence of Circumstances,” which marked the beginning of a popular series about police colonel Anastasia Kamenskaya. Over the next two years, the second and third books of this series, “Game on a Foreign Field” and “Stolen Dream,” were created and published.

In 1995, Marinina entered into an agreement with the largest publishing house in Russia, Eksmo. One after another, her works “The Reluctant Killer”, “Death for the Sake of Death”, “Sixes Die First”, “Death and a Little Love” and others come out of print. Each new work of the talented writer instantly became popular thanks to a well-twisted detective intrigue and realistic pictures from the life of employees of internal organs. In 1995, Marinina received her first literary award from the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the best work of fiction about the everyday life of internal affairs officers (her novels “Death for the Sake of Death” and “Game on a Foreign Field” were highlighted). She was awarded the next prize three years later - at a major book exhibition she became writer of the year as the best-selling author. In the same 1998, Alexandra was noted as the most successful writer according to the Moscow publication Ogonyok.

In the late nineties, the whole world learned about the talented detective writer - she entered into a number of contracts with foreign publishing houses. Today, Marinina’s works are published in more than twenty languages ​​and occupy leading positions on international bestseller lists.

Since 1999, many films based on the works of the outstanding writer have appeared on television screens. A large Russian television company began filming a multi-part film called “Kamenskaya”. The series, like the books about Kamenskaya, was extremely popular - it appeared on the screens of some European countries. In 2002, the television company “Rekun-Film” released a sequel to the film - the film adaptation of “Kamenskaya-2”, which included plots from the author’s next four works. The total number of TV series about Nastya Kamenskaya by 2017 was six (twenty-eight books in this series were filmed).

Today, the epic about Nastya Kamenskaya is considered completed. It includes thirty-two thrilling stories about the struggle of a shrewd detective with a cruel and treacherous criminal world. The last novel in the series, “Execution without Malice,” was published in 2015. According to reader ratings, the works written within this cycle are considered Marinina’s best books. A feature of the works of the modern novelist is psychologism in the relationship between the criminal and the detective. Marinina's detective stories are not logical puzzles or intricate charades that need to be solved. Often the criminals in her books are predictable, but the author focuses on the relationships between the main characters. According to the writer, it is important for her to show the motives of the crimes and the emotional state of the villains. Detective stories about Kamenskaya are imbued with home comfort - they contain many elements of everyday life and other life moments. The slight absent-mindedness and extravagance of the main character, coupled with brilliant analytical thinking, give her image brightness and charisma. All books by Alexandra Marinina in this series are distinguished by lightness and some glimpses of good humor.

In 2005, Alexandra was recognized as the best of the outstanding women of our time - she was awarded the honorary Olympia Prize in the Literary Creativity category. Her name is associated with major achievements in the development of Russian culture.

In 2009, Marinina published the first part of a new cycle - the trilogy “A Look at Eternity” (the sequence of books in this epic: “Good Intentions”, “The Road”, “Hell”). A year later, the final novel in the series was awarded the “Electronic Letter” prize, becoming the best prose work.

Twice the Russian detective story was included in the list of the most read Russian authors, compiled based on the results of a sociological study. In 2009, she was given third place, behind Dontsova and Akunin. Two years later she found herself in the same position again. This time Dontsova and Akunin shared first place, and second place went to Ustinova.

In 2011 and 2012, Alexandra Marinina again won the “Electronic Letter” award for the epics “Personal Motives” and “Tiger Fight in the Valley.” In 2015, the multi-part film “A View from Eternity,” based on the plot of Alexandra’s work of the same name, was released on Russian screens. Among the novelist’s most recent works are the three-volume historical saga “Reverse Force” and the two-part detective novel “The Price of the Question.”

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ID 7653
Books: 68

QUEEN OF THE RUSSIAN DETECTIVE Alexandra Marinina (real name - Alekseeva Marina Anatolyevna) was born in 1957 in Lvov. Until 1971 she lived in Leningrad, from 1971 in Moscow. In 1979 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov and received distribution to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In 1986 she defended her PhD thesis on the topic: “The personality of a person convicted of violent crimes and the prevention of special recidivism.” He has more than 30 scientific works, including the monograph “Crime and Crime Prevention in Moscow”, published by the United Nations Interregional Institute on Crime and Justice (UNICRI). Since 1994, she worked as deputy head and editor-in-chief of the research, editorial and publishing department of the Moscow Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (before renaming - the Moscow Higher Police School). In 1998, she retired with the rank of police lieutenant colonel. The heroine Anastasia Kamenskaya first appeared in the detective story “Coincidence of Circumstances,” which was published in the magazine “Police” in the fall of 1993. The first book to include