My profession is a ward nurse in a mental institution. Job description of the ward nurse of the surgical department

My profession is a ward nurse in a mental institution.  Job description of the ward nurse of the surgical department
My profession is a ward nurse in a mental institution. Job description of the ward nurse of the surgical department

Typical sample


___________________________________ (initials, surname)
(name of the organization, before - ________________________
acceptance, etc., its organizational- (director or other
legal form) legal entity, authorized
to approve the
(see instructions)
"" ____________ 20__

Job description
(name of organization, enterprise, etc.)
"" ______________ 20__ N_________

This job description was developed and approved for
on the basis of an employment contract with __________________________________________
(name of the position of the person for whom
______________________________________________________ and in accordance with
the present job description has been drawn up)
provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulatory
acts regulating labor relations in the Russian Federation.

1. General Provisions
1.1. The nurse refers to the junior medical staff.
1.2. A person is appointed to the position of a nurse who, depending on
from the category of payment:
- primary general education and individual education at least 3
months without any requirements for work experience;
- primary general education, individual training at least 3
months and work experience in the profile of at least 2 years.
1.3. The nurse is appointed and dismissed by the chief
a doctor (head of a medical facility) on the recommendation
1.4. The nurse should know:
- rules of sanitation and occupational hygiene;
- the purpose of detergents and the rules for handling them;
- internal labor regulations;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and
fire protection;
- _________________________________________________________________.
1.5. In her activities, the nurse is guided by the rules
internal labor regulations, orders of the head
medical institution, this job description and obeys
directly ________________________________________________________.
1.6. ______________________________________________________________.

2. Job responsibilities
2.1. Cleans premises in a health care facility in
compliance with sanitary standards.
2.2. Assists the head nurse in receiving medications,
tools, equipment and their delivery to the department.
2.3. Receives from the hostess sister and ensures proper storage and
use of linen, household equipment and detergents.
2.4. Cleans bedside tables from bedridden patients after each
2.5. At the direction of the ward nurse, he accompanies patients in
treatment and diagnostic rooms.
2.6. Performs the functions of a courier, in pharmacies carries out
washing of pharmacy dishes.
2.7. Informs the hostess sister about malfunctions in the heating system,
water supply, sewerage and electrical appliances;
2.8. ______________________________________________________________.

3. Rights
The nurse has the right:
3.1. Submit your immediate
leadership proposals on their activities.
3.2. Receive from the specialists of the institution the information necessary for
carrying out their activities.
3.3. Require the management of the institution to provide assistance in
performance of their official duties.
3.4. ______________________________________________________________.

4. Responsibility
The nurse is responsible for:
4.1. For improper performance or non-performance of their duties
duties stipulated by this job description, in
the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.2. For offenses committed in the process of exercising their
activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and
the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined
the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
4.4. ______________________________________________________________.

The job description is developed in accordance with ________________
document number and date)

Head of structural unit (initials, surname)
"" _____________ 20__

Head of the legal department
(initials, surname)
"" ________________ 20__

I have read the instructions: (initials, surname)
"" _____________ 20__

All medical personnel are divided into seniors (doctors with a diploma of higher medical education), middle (nurses and paramedics with a diploma of secondary specialized medical education) and junior (orderlies who do not have any medical education).

We will talk in more detail about the functional responsibilities of the latter in our article.

Job functions

Each individual hospital and department has its own duties of nurses, developed by the head nurse and approved for implementation by the head nurse of the hospital.

If we take into account all the nurses of the hospital, then they are divided into the following categories:

  • Washers;
  • Cleaning ladies;
  • Barmaids.

Attention! Each category of nurses has its own responsibilities. It is unacceptable for a cleaning nurse to look after a bedridden patient.

Now a little more about the duties of nurses in various departments.


The ward nurse has the following job responsibilities:

  1. She is obliged to monitor patients around the clock;
  2. If any of the patients becomes worse, the nurse is obliged to immediately notify the middle and senior medical personnel of the department;
  3. Provides assistance to nurses and doctors during both diagnostic and therapeutic procedures;
  4. The nurse is obliged to perform various types of cleaning of such premises as wards, dining room, sanitary room and other premises that are assigned to her;
  5. Monitors the regularity of airing and quartzing the chambers;
  6. If the patient is lying down, the nurse cleans the bedside table next to the patient's bed after each meal;
  7. Performs cleaning of refrigerating chambers, which are set aside for storing perishable food products of sick wards;
  8. Receives clean underwear and bed linen from the hostess sister, and also monitors the regularity of its change. The nurse of the department also changes linen;
  9. She is obliged to deliver vessels and urinals to bedridden patients in time, and after using them, empty them and then disinfect them;
  10. If necessary, the nurse should help patients take a hygienic bath, and then dry off and dress;
  11. Other responsibilities include the regular removal of household waste and other garbage;
  12. The nurse is obliged to act as a courier. This concept includes accompanying patients for procedures and diagnostic tests, to the admission department. This action can be assigned by the senior or ward nurse;
  13. If problems are detected in the water supply, sewerage and heating systems, the nurse must inform the hostess of this.

This list of responsibilities may slightly expand due to the specifics of some departments and hospitals in general.


The nurse working in the operating unit is obliged to perform the following actions:

  • Perform a thorough cleaning of all rooms assigned to her;
  • To clean the operating unit before, during and after the end of surgical operations;
  • On a certain day, once a week, perform a general cleaning of the operating room;
  • Carry out cleaning in the back rooms of the department;
  • After the end of the working day, hand over the dirty linen to the hostess sister and receive clean linen, and then put it in bixes for further sterilization;
  • Take out the trash daily;
  • Once a week, together with the hostess sister, send dirty linen to the laundry;
  • Strictly observe the basics of asepsis and antiseptics;
  • In case of minor damage to the linen, repair it;
  • Observe safety regulations when using sterilization devices located in the operating room;
  • Do not leave the workplace without the prior permission of the operating room or the head nurse;
  • Do not take anything out of the operating room without the permission of the head nurse;
  • Strictly observe the dress code. Clothing should only be made of cotton. No synthetic fabrics are allowed.

In dentistry

The duties of a nurse in a dental office are less.

She must daily carry out a thorough cleaning of the office, and during the reception to carry out washing and processing of instruments and trays.

General cleaning is carried out according to a specific schedule in accordance with the rules of the dental clinic.

In the intensive care unit

People who have not completed certain training courses are not allowed to work in the intensive care unit. Since the term "orderly" means the absence of any specialized training, the concept was introduced "Junior nurse".

The duties of a junior nurse include:

  1. Assisting a nurse in feeding patients;
  2. Assisting a nurse in patient care;
  3. Round-the-clock monitoring of the health status of patients. If it worsens, the junior nurse is obliged to inform the nurse and the doctor of the department about it;
  4. Keeping the department clean and tidy;
  5. Providing hygiene and care for resuscitation patients;
  6. Compliance with the moral and legal norms of professional communication, the requirements of labor discipline;
  7. Conducting some simple medical procedures that are performed only with the permission of the procedural nurse or the head nurse;
  8. Assisting a nurse with a gastric tube, urinary catheter, and the like.

Bed patients

On the shoulders of nurses, the responsibility for providing household assistance to bedridden patients has been raised.

The orderlies are therefore sometimes called nannies:

  • they look after their health,
  • carry out their transportation to the necessary procedures and studies,
  • help them take a hygienic bath,
  • changing clothes and changing bed linen,
  • cleaning of bedside tables and nightstands,
  • bring a boat or a urine bag for the patient.

In the surgical department

In general, the duties of orderlies in the surgical department correspond to those in other departments of the hospital.

At the pharmacy

Pharmacies are also health care institutions employing the same doctors, nurses and nurses.

The responsibilities of the latter include the following items:

  1. Cleaning the pharmacy and all premises included in it at least once per shift;
  2. Before the start of the working day, the entrance mats are treated with disinfectants;
  3. Cleaning of dishes and materials;
  4. Timely cleaning of utensils used in the assistant, as well as the workplace;
  5. Daily garbage disposal;
  6. Compliance with safety precautions when using drying cabinets, gas stoves and other equipment located in the pharmacy;
  7. If necessary, performing the function of a courier;
  8. Compliance with internal regulations.

In a psychiatric clinic

In general, the requirements are the same as in somatic hospitals. However, not everyone is suitable for working in such a specific location.

Attention! As a rule, they try to recruit junior medical personnel in the form of strong young men or women with good physical fitness, as well as with "steel" nerves.

With patients in psychiatric wards, you must be strict and not give slack, otherwise some can cause serious injury (in a state of twilight clouding of consciousness, they can even kill).

Can someone perform these functions?

If nurses need help due to lack of time and energy, they have the right to accept help from the patient's relatives in caring for him if the latter have the desire and opportunity.

Also, some hospitals have a separate courier position that delivers and accompanies patients, as well as carries analyzes and the results of various studies to the necessary places. All other duties must be performed independently by the nurse.

Attention! If a roommate was the first to notice that the patient was feeling unwell and immediately informed the first medical worker of the department about it (be it a doctor or a nurse), the nurse should not be blamed for the oversight.

She has many other responsibilities and she physically cannot be next to every patient every second.

Who can care for the sick?

In addition to nurses, this can be performed the following people:

  • Relatives of the patient;
  • Specially hired social workers.

Attention! Cleaning attendants and barmaids are not allowed to care for the patients of the department.

Nurses are very responsible people. Their work is very hard. Unfortunately, many people and colleagues do not appreciate their work. But in vain. Without nurses, the work of doctors and nurses would be much more difficult.

You need to appreciate the work of nursing staff in order to postpone the moment of approaching emotional burnout.

Cleans bedside tables from bedridden patients after each meal. At the direction of the ward nurse, he accompanies patients to diagnostic and treatment rooms. Performs the functions of a courier, carries out washing of pharmaceutical dishes. Informs the hostess sister about malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage and electrical appliances. Carries out the preparation of the premises and baths. Systematically (after each patient) carries out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the bathtub and washcloths. Provides assistance to patients while taking a hygienic bath, while undressing and dressing. In the absence of a junior nursing nurse, he receives underwear and bed linen from the hostess sister and makes a change. Receives ready-made food at the catering unit, checks it by weight and count. Signs up in the handout. Heats food.

Job description of a ward nurse

The works of: a) Bergman; b) Clark; c) Mortana; d) Pirogov; e) Lister. 3. The works of: a) Bergman; b) Clark; c) Mortana; d) Pirogov; e) Lister. 4. There are the following types of medical care for surgical patients: a) first medical aid; b) the first medical; c) qualified; d) specialized; e) general.
5. According to the time of rendering surgical care, the following types are distinguished: a) lightning-fast; b) emergency; c) urgent; d) planned; e) fast. 6. Surgical deontology studies the relationship between: a) doctor - surgeon and patient; b) the surgeon and the patient's relatives; c) employees of surgical departments; d) sick; e) medical professionals and society. 7.

Job description of a nurse

  • Notification of the hostess sister about malfunctions in electrical appliances and heating systems, water supply, sewerage systems.
  • Preparation of premises for receiving patients.
  • Systematic (after each patient) sanitary and hygienic surface treatment.
  • Assisting patients in undressing and dressing.
  • Timely informing the department management about the need to repair the equipment and inventory of the cabinet through the hostess sister.
  • Performing other work in the polyclinic, due to production needs, in the free time from the main work by order of the head nurse.
  • Main job responsibilities of a ward and operating room nurse in a hospital Job responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital depend on where she works - in the ward or operating room.

The duties of the senior nurse of the surgical department include: a) organization of work of middle and junior personnel; b) control over the fulfillment of their duties; c) ensuring the correct storage and accounting of potent medicines; d) control over the work of the department surgeons; e) control over the implementation of the principles of the treatment and storage regime. 8. The duties of the ward nurse of the surgical department include: a) carrying out operations on patients; b) care and supervision of patients; c) fulfillment of the prescriptions of the attending physician; d) feeding seriously ill patients; e) supervising the work of a junior honey. staff. nine.

Job description of the ward nurse of the surgical department


Records in the diary of the department all the remarks and orders made. III. Rights. A ward nurse has the right to: 1. In the absence of a doctor, provide emergency first aid to patients in the department.


Improve your professional qualifications in special courses in the prescribed manner. 3. Give orders to the nurse and monitor their implementation. 4. Receive the information necessary to carry out their duties.

IV. A responsibility. 1. Bears responsibility for the unclear or untimely fulfillment of the duties stipulated by this instruction and the hospital's internal labor regulations. (. General part. A person who has completed courses for nursing nurses in nursing is appointed to the position of a junior nurse. Appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the hospital in accordance with applicable law.

Responsibilities of a nurse in a hospital

Subordinates directly to the senior nurse of the department. In his work, he is guided by the orders of higher officials, this instruction. II. Responsibilities. 1. Carries out the preparation of the premises and baths.


Systematically (after each patient) carries out sanitary and hygienic treatment of the bathtub and washcloths. 3. Provides assistance to patients while taking a hygienic bath, while undressing and dressing the patient. 4. In the absence of a junior nursing nurse, receives underwear and bedding from the hostess sister and makes a change.

5. Observes safety precautions. 6. Participates in classes on sanitation and advanced training held in the department for nursing staff. III. Rights. The nurse-attendant of the department has the right to: 1. Receive information necessary for the performance of his duties.


Job description of the cleaning nurse of the department

  • Cleaning your workplace and utility rooms.
  • Handing over the dirty linen to the hostess sister and receiving clean linen, as well as putting the linen in bixes for sterilization.
  • Helping the hostess sister in sending the dirty laundry to the laundry and getting the clean one.
  • Carrying out minor repairs to linen.
  • Thorough knowledge of the structure of the operating table and methods of placing the patient in various operations.
  • Compliance with safety measures when working with equipment in the operating room.
  • Knowledge of the basics of antiseptics and asepsis, strict adherence to them.
  • Compliance with the uniform adopted in the operating unit.
  • Rules for the design and application of the job description When working on the preparation of the job description, it is necessary to take into account not only the peculiarities of the employee's labor activity, which affect the content, but also the rules for the external design of this document.

Job instructions

Receives from the hostess sister and ensures the correct storage and use of underwear, household equipment and detergents. 9. Reports to the nurse of the department about all changes in the condition of patients, about their complaints, about the violation by patients of the daily regimen of the department. 10. Cleans bedside tables in bedridden patients after each meal.



If an infectious disease is detected in a patient, it conducts current and final disinfection. 12. Monitors the patients' compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: washes, washes, brushes and cuts the nails of patients who cannot do this due to their physical condition. 13. Participates in plumbing classes. 14. Under the supervision of a nurse, the ward transports corpses to the pathological department of the hospital.

In the event of changes in the patient's condition requiring urgent measures, he notifies the doctor of the department, and in his absence, the doctors immediately calls the doctor on duty, provides emergency first aid. 20. Ensures that patients receive food according to the prescribed diet. 21. She makes sure that the medicine given to the patient is taken in her presence.

Improves his professional qualifications by attending scientific and practical conferences for nurses and participating in the competition for the title of "Best in the profession". 23. Keeps the necessary accounting documentation. 24. In the absence of the hostess sister, together with the nurse, he is responsible for the safety of the received linen for the sick. 25. In the absence of the senior nurse, accompanies the doctors of the department, the doctor on duty, and representatives of the administration during the rounds.

Job description of the nurse of the trauma department

I approve [position, signature, full name of the head or other official authorized to approve the job description] [date, month, year] M. P. Job description of the ward nurse [name of organization, institution] with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and other regulations governing labor legal relations. 1. General Provisions 1.1. The ward nurse belongs to the category of junior medical personnel and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. The ward nurse is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the head]. 1.3. A person with a secondary (complete) general education is accepted for the position of a nurse in a ward without any requirements for work experience. 1.4.

Job description of a nurse trauma department

Immediately informs the attending physician, and in his absence, the head of the department or the doctor on duty about a sudden deterioration in the patient's condition. 6. Participates in bypassing doctors in the wards assigned to her. reports on the condition of patients, records the prescribed treatment and care for patients, monitors the implementation of appointments. 7. Provides sanitary and hygienic services for the physically weak and seriously ill (washes, feeds, gives drink, washes, as needed, mouth, eyes, ears, etc.).
8. Receives and places patients in the ward, checks the quality of the sanitary treatment of newly admitted patients. 9. Checks transmissions to patients in order to prevent the intake of contraindicated food and drinks. 10. Isolates patients in agonal state, is present at death, summons a doctor to ascertain death, prepares the corpses of the dead for transfer to the morgue. eleven.

You can download a nurse's job description for free. I approve (Surname, initials) (name of the institution, its organizational and legal form) (director; another person authorized to approve the job description) 00.00.201_y. m. OFFICE INSTRUCTIONS FOR SANITARY (name of institution) 00.00.201_y.

No. 00 I. General provisions 1.1. This job description defines the job duties, rights and responsibilities of the nurse (hereinafter - the "enterprise"). 1.2. A person who has a secondary (complete) general education and individual training for at least 3 months is appointed to the position of a nurse without presenting requirements for work experience. 1.3. Appointment to the position of a nursing nurse and release from it is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the health care institution.

Job description of a ward nurse[name of organization, institution]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The ward nurse belongs to the category of junior medical personnel and is directly subordinate to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor].

1.2. The ward nurse is appointed to the position and dismissed by the order of [name of the position of the head].

1.3. A person with a secondary (complete) general education is accepted for the position of a nurse in a ward without any requirements for work experience.

1.4. The ward nurse should know:

Occupational health and safety regulations;

Appointment of detergents and rules for handling them;

Patient care rules;

Fundamentals of Labor Law;

Internal labor regulations;

Rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.

2. Job responsibilities

The following job duties are assigned to the ward nurse:

2.1. Implementation of continuous round-the-clock monitoring of patients.

2.2. Providing assistance to medical and nursing staff in the performance of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures.

2.3. Immediate reporting of a sudden deterioration in a patient's condition to medical personnel.

2.4. Carrying out all types of cleaning, maintaining cleanliness and order in the assigned wards, sanitary room and department premises.

2.5. Airing and quartzing the fixed chambers.

2.6. Cleaning bedside tables in bedridden patients after each meal.

2.7. Receiving underwear and bed linen from the hostess sister and changing it.

2.8. Timely delivery, cleaning of the vessel and urine bags, their emptying and disinfection.

2.9. Providing assistance to patients while taking a hygienic bath, while undressing and dressing.

2.10. Observance of precautions when working with biological fluids and disinfectants.

2.11. Carrying out regular removal of garbage and medical waste.

2.12. [Other job responsibilities].

3. Rights

The ward nurse has the right:

3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3.2. For the free distribution of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment.

3.3. Require the creation of conditions for the performance of professional duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment, tools, a workplace that meets sanitary and hygienic rules and regulations, etc.

3.4. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

3.5. Submit to the management of the organization proposals for improving the organization and improving the methods of work performed by it.

3.6. To get acquainted with the draft decisions of the organization's management concerning its activities.

3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

3.8. [Other rights provided for Labor legislation Russian Federation].

4. Responsibility

The ward nurse is responsible for:

4.1. For non-fulfillment, improper fulfillment of the duties provided for by this instruction - within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description is developed in accordance with [name, number and date of the document].

HR manager

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]



[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

General Provisions

2. A nurse is appointed and dismissed by the head physician of the hospice in accordance with applicable law. When hiring a nurse, the nurse undergoes a preliminary medical examination and examination in accordance with the established procedure.

3. The nurse is directly subordinate to the ward nurse, as well as to higher officials.

4. The orderly in her work is guided by the orders of higher officials and this Regulation.

5. The orders of the ward and the senior nurse, the head and doctor of the hospital are obligatory for the nurse.

6. The nurse observes the commandments of the hospice.


The hospital nurse is obliged:

1. To clean the premises in accordance with the established rules.

2. Strictly observe the sanitary and anti-epidemic regime when carrying out wet cleaning and performing other duties assigned to it under the supervision of the ward nurse and the hostess sister.

3. Carry out wet cleaning on window sills, windows, beds, chairs and other objects in the premises.

4. To clean bedside tables, to clean sinks, bathtubs, toilets in the chambers assigned to it with the use of special cleaning agents.

5. Carry out current and final disinfection when an infectious disease is detected in a patient.

6. Monitor the patient's compliance with the rules of personal hygiene: wash, wash, comb and cut nails for patients who cannot do this due to their physical condition.

7. To keep the dishes in the patients' wards clean.

8. Inform the hostess sister about malfunctions in the heating system, water supply, sewerage system and electrical appliances.

Systematically maintain the cleanliness of doors, doorways, both from the inside and from the outside of the chambers.

10. Maintain proper sanitary condition of refrigerators in assigned wards.

11. To monitor the safety and proper use of the soft and hard equipment assigned to it.

12. Systematically, as it accumulates, take out the garbage into the bin.

13. Permanently, in accordance with the rules of the sanitary-epidemiological regime, disinfect rags, containers for cleaning, carry out regular marking on inventory and rags.

14. Systematically (at least once a month) carry out general cleaning in the assigned wards.

15. Help the junior nurse in caring for the sick.

16. If necessary, participate in the transportation of seriously ill patients.

17. Ensure the correct use and storage of cleaning items.

18. Participate in classes on safety regulations, labor protection and sanitary and hygienic issues.

19. In their work, learn the skills of caring for patients, social and psychological support for patients and their relatives and, if necessary, implement interchangeability and continuity in work.

20. Observe the internal labor regulations.

The hospital nurse has the right to:

1. Make decisions within their competence.

2. Receive the information necessary to carry out their duties.

3. Make proposals to the administration on improving the organization and working conditions.

4. To take part in the work of meetings at which the issues related to the sphere of his activity are considered.

A responsibility

The hospital nurse is responsible for failure to fulfill the obligations provided for by this Regulation and the internal labor regulations.