Mods for minecraft 1.7 10 setting maps. Why do we need mini-map mods? Checkpoints and teleportation

Mods for minecraft 1.7 10 setting maps.  Why do we need mini-map mods?  Checkpoints and teleportation
Mods for minecraft 1.7 10 setting maps. Why do we need mini-map mods? Checkpoints and teleportation

Experienced travelers have studied the features of their favorite game well, but help with orientation is not superfluous! It's easy to get lost in the huge cube world, but the player can download the mod to the mini-map for Minecraft and solve this problem. We are talking about Xaero's Minimap, which is part of the major Better PvP Mod. It solves a single task, but not an insignificant task!

The mod has an authentic look that matches vanilla minecraft. Xaero's mini card is the first to rotate.


  • Mod adds track marks to the mini map with the ability to teleport to them. Button B will create a teleportation point. Button U will display a list of existing tags.
  • In the event of the death of a player, a waypoint is created automatically.
  • Mobs are displayed with yellow marks, players - white, things - red, other entities (for example, arrows) - purple.
  • Zoom in and out is done with the buttons I and O.
  • Display of coordinates.

Video review on mod Xaero "s Minimap


  1. Download Forge of the required version and install on Minecraft according to the instructions.
  2. Download the mod to the Xaero "s Minimap mini map and copy the file to the% appdata% /. Minecraft / mods directory.

More about fashion

A very useful and cool mod that is even cheating. It adds a mini-map with a bunch of cool features. on our website you can download the Zan's Minimap mod for Minecraft versions: 1.7.10, 1.7.2 and 1.6.4. To download, click on the link suitable for your version of the game on a green background, which is located just above this text.

For later versions of the game, there is an analogue, which you can also download from our website by clicking on the link.

One of the coolest features of Zan's Minimap is the mapping of players and monsters to the map. It is very cool and handy when playing with your friends. By looking at the map, you will see their location and you can quickly meet. It is worth noting, however, that this is not the most honest feature if you are playing on third-party servers. And, if you use this, you can fly to the ban.

Checkpoints and teleportation

Another feature of Zans Minimap is the ability to set control points on the map, and then teleport to them. With this, you can quickly get home or get to another necessary place.

To make a mark on the map, you must follow the instructions below:

  • Press the English button "b". After that, the window shown in the screenshot will appear;
  • In the Waypoint Name field, we enter any name for the checkpoint;
  • Enabled: On / Off button allows you to enable or disable the display of the mark in the world;
  • Then there are 3 coordinates that show the current location of your character on the map. You can change them and then teleportation will be carried out to another place;
  • Click Choose Color to choose a color for the control point. This is useful if you have multiple bases or locations to teleport to.

For, to teleport to the set point, you need to do the following:

  • Press the English button "M";
  • Click on the WayPoints button;
  • Select the required point;
  • Press the Telerot to button.

For this function to work on your server or, if you play alone, you must press ESC, then click Open to LAN and there to choose Allow Cheats: ON.

Find the place of death

Zan's Minimap for Minecraft makes it easy to find the place of your death. The place where you lost your life is immediately automatically marked with a checkpoint. The light from it will be visible from a great distance. Thanks to this, you can quickly get to your corpse and pick up expensive things.

To enable this function, you must press the M button, select WayPoints, then press the Options button and select DeathPoint (s): ALL.

How to install Zan's Minimap

To install Zans MiniMap on Minecraft version 1.7.10, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Download and install the LiteLoader library of the required version;
  2. Download the mod of the required version;
  3. ";
  4. We play.

For installs of earlier versions use Forge:

  1. Download and install Forge of the required version;
  2. Download the mod of the required version;
  3. We drop it into the folder with mods " AppData \ Roaming \ .minecraft \ mods";
  4. We play.


Hi brothers. Below you will find the coolest mini-map mods for minecraft and can download them with a direct link without registering, waiting and other shit. They all work on the most popular versions of the game: 1.5.2, 1.6.4, 1.7.10, 1.8.4, 1.9.4, 1.10, 1.11.2 and others. Specific working versions will be listed under each add-on.

P.S: I hope this material was useful and you found the map to your liking. Don't be lazy and leave a comment at the end of the page. Tell us what you like and what you don't. Thanks!

Zan's Minimap

A very cool addition, dudes. It is even somewhat cheating. Adds a handy mini-map that you can place anywhere on the screen, change shape, color, and more.

And it is cheating because it displays the location of the players. This is super convenient when you are playing with your friends and need to quickly find each other. However, we do not recommend using it on all servers, as you can get banned.


Links file size Game version
580.61 Kb
573.66 Kb
571.78 Kb
584.24 Kb
584.24 Kb
585.56 Kb
590.17 Kb
574.93 Kb
566.05 Kb
438.05 Kb
379.78 Kb
328.46 Kb

Mapwriter 2

Another cool modification for Minecraft, which adds a map and a mini-map. The cool difference between this mod and others is that with it you can look at the map of the entire game world. display of all biomes, terrain and much more.

Also, with the help of this add-on, you can set various waypoints, and then quickly find the required place. More interesting and useful information about the modification on the page.

Xaero "s Minimap

And the last modification to the mini-map in Minecraft, which I would like to show you. It does not differ much in functionality from those listed above, only in appearance.

This map is good in that it displays both players and mobs nearby. As well as various items. If you die, there will be an icon with the location of the corpse on the minimap. With this, finding yourself and picking up important things will not be difficult. More information on the page - about the Xaero "s Minimap fashion.

Why do we need mini-map mods?

Summarizing all the information that we have about mini-maps, we can briefly describe their usefulness with the following functionality:

  • Allow you to quickly navigate the terrain;
  • Allows you to quickly find players who are near or at another point on the map;
  • Allow you to see what animals and objects are nearby;
  • They allow you to quickly find your corpse and take all things;
  • They allow you to mark any places on the map, and then quickly find them.
This mod can be very useful. It displays in the upper right corner of your screen a map of the territory you are in. So you can always find your way.


New marker of the place of death!
In the new version of the mod, the place of your last death is marked on the map

New Radar Mode!
In the new version of the mod, mobs are displayed on the map

If the mob is above you, the icon is translucent, if below you it is darkened:

Control point beacons

Zan's minimap is a fairly popular mod created by user Zan

How to install the Zan's Minimap mod:

Without Forge:

  1. Start the new game client and make sure you have the correct version of Minecraft installed.

  2. Go to profile settings, then open the game folder.

  3. Go to the "versions" folder.

  4. Rename the folder to the version you want. For example, change "1.7.2" to "1.7.2_Zanminimap".

  5. Open this folder.

  6. Rename the "1.7.2.jar" file to "1.7.2_Zanminimap.jar".

  7. Rename "1.7.2.json" to "1.7.2_Zanminimap.json".

  8. Open the file "1.7.2_Zanminimap.json" with a text editor and change the line "id": "1.7.2" to "id": "1.7.2_Zanminimap", save and close the file.

  9. Move all the files from the mod archive to the "1.7.2_Zanminimap.jar" file.

  10. Delete the "META-INF" folder from there.

  11. Start the game client.

  12. Go to profile settings.

  13. In the "Use Version" column, select "1.7.2_Zanminimap".

  14. Save your profile.

  15. Launch the game and have fun.

With Forge:

How to install the mod:

  1. Download and install (for versions 1.7.2 and below) or LiteLoader (for 1.7.10)

  2. Download the mod

  3. Move the downloaded .jar (zip) file to C: \ Users \ Username \ AppData \ roaming \ .minecraft \ mods

  4. If such a folder does not exist, create it

  5. Enjoy the game

MapWriter mod for Minecraft- in the game you can craft a mini-map, but its interface and functionality is very meager and complex, following which it is very difficult to find your home if you are not guided by the terrain will not be easy. With the MapWriter mod, and this is the best minimap in the minecraft game that has a simple user-friendly interface and functionality that will allow you to get to the point you need along the fastest and easiest routes.

The advantages and differences of this map from others is a convenient interface, the ability to open the map in full screen, display all buildings on the map in a very understandable video, the ability to set labels (for example, resources, interesting places, or mines and everything that you enter simply by marking it with a label). the difference is the acclimatization zone which shows the type of land (sand, snow, grass), which improves navigation, well, and the display of the direction of your hero's gaze, which also gives + in the search. Places where you have not yet been will be darkened as if not open and it will be interesting to know what is there. minimap for Minecraft recommend.

The minimap is perhaps one of the most important things in pretty much any video game out there that consists of it. The reason this is so crucial is that it allows players to get a ton of information about their environment and location, they know the simple look well. Minicaps have evolved quite a bit over the years, and modern day maps even show some really useful extra detail like where certain objects are located or where nearby enemies are. The Mapwriter 2 mod is an example of a high quality minimap. This is the successor to the original Mapwriter mod. The need for a successor arose when the developer of the original stopped updating it.

Modification of the minimap Mapwriter 2 for Minecraft is one of the most complete public maps that you can possibly refer to your Minecraft client. It has many customization options that allow you to view it the way you prefer, and it has dozens of other great features that add a whole new level of convenience to the player's experience. You can set waypoints, you can zoom in and out, however you like, and you can even save areas you have explored if you want to view their maps at some other time.

Keep in mind that the Mapwriter 2 Mod is client side only and if you are using it on the server then the server did not need to have it installed in order for it to function properly. Perhaps the highlight feature of Mapwriter 2 is that it has a really well executed underground map mode that makes navigation below the surface path easier. The underground mode used to be quite bug-infested upon release, but over time this has been corrected so in its current state it functions very well. All in all, if you are looking for an informative minimap then consider applying this mod.