Materials and tools Do-it-yourself Play Doh plasticine My experiments and observations Food products. How to Make Salted Play Dough (Play-Doh) How to Make Homemade Play-Doh

Materials and tools Do-it-yourself Play Doh plasticine My experiments and observations Food products.  How to Make Salted Play Dough (Play-Doh) How to Make Homemade Play-Doh
Materials and tools Do-it-yourself Play Doh plasticine My experiments and observations Food products. How to Make Salted Play Dough (Play-Doh) How to Make Homemade Play-Doh

Hi all! Do you know what I thought about the day before? Sometimes not only children need and want to make crafts, but also us adults. Take my culinary exploits, for example. This is not just a dish, I want it to be a kind of mini-masterpiece. Or another craft of mine that I created recently. And do you know what it is? Play dough with your own hands! Of course, I used the manual from the Internet, read and watched videos. But she also added a couple of her innovative developments to the “recipe”, after which the modeling dough became simply perfect!

Buying anything today is not a problem! And different companies offer similar products, and there are all kinds of options for this material for creativity. I once stopped in front of a shelf in a store with plasticine, and for half an hour I was tormented... what to buy? But why do I suggest trying to make it yourself at home? There are 2 main reasons for this:

  • Safer components, we choose them ourselves;
  • Making dough is also an activity, and believe me, very exciting for your baby!

Of course, we will have to use some chemicals as dyes, for example, gouache. But I tried several options, and I especially liked one of them. There I took food coloring for coloring. There is a rather large color palette, and I am confident in the safety of the material that the little one will have to work with.

How to make it interesting for the baby too? Everything is very simple! Invite him to participate! Entrust him with mixing the ingredients and kneading the dough. Believe me, all the processes are not difficult for him, and he will really enjoy doing them! Two tiny hands helped me all the time! I'm sure it was thanks to them that such a great result turned out!

Variations of Play-Doh plasticine

Even when making Play Doh at home, you can go in two ways: using heat treatment and without it. I'll tell you about both methods. In addition, the composition itself may also differ. Some people add lemon juice, others citric acid.

What other differences are there? They will be there at the end of the work. Since Play Do is essentially salted dough, only colored, after making the craft, you must be prepared in advance for the fact that it will not only harden, but also become smaller. There may even be a change in color. What should I do? Try painting the figurine with varnish. And again, it’s up to you to decide which varnish to use to open the product! Will it be enamel or acrylic varnish, and perhaps nail polish? Think.

Let's do that!

First, the recipe without cooking. It's simpler and faster

What we need:

  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Hot water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Rast. oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. I first mix salt with water. Why? If there are any foreign elements in the salt, they will settle. And I only use pure saline solution.
  2. Mix hot salted water with flour. I stretch my hands well.
  3. Add oil and mix well again.
  4. All! The base is ready. You can divide it into the required number of parts, add your own dye to each of them and knead thoroughly until elastic.

IMPORTANT! After all this, be sure to find containers in which to store Play Dough. Otherwise, the mass will quickly harden and cease to be suitable.

Another option:

Second option, with heat treatment


  • Flour – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 0.5 tbsp;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.;
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp. or citric acid;
  • Rast. oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. Mix flour with salt. Add lemon juice, oil and water. Mix.
  2. Divide into as many parts as there are dyes.
  3. And add dye to each part. Then pour each part separately, in turn, into the frying pan. Place on the fire for just a few minutes until the mixture thickens enough to stop sticking to your hands.
  4. All! Ready. You can hide the plasticine in a container so that it does not harden.

The third option that we found on the Internet from starch and shaving foam

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I wish you creative inspiration! Create for your kids and create with them! Let this show your concern for the little ones, and they will grow up strong and strong! That's all for today! Subscribe to articles, many new products await you! Invite your friends, and don’t forget that it will always be interesting for them here too! Leave comments. And I’m glad to help you take care of your little ones and better understand their needs!
Bye bye!

Modeling is one of the most favorite activities for children. But many mothers are afraid to give their child plasticine or store-bought modeling clay, because the little toddler loves to taste everything. In this case, homemade materials for modeling and other types of creativity would be an excellent option. Let's look at a few simple recipes that will help you learn how to make safe plasticine and modeling clay for your child yourself.

What types of materials can you prepare yourself?:

1. Modeling compound (analogous to the well-known plastic material Play-Doh)
2. Homemade cold-made plasticine or salt dough
3. Gluten-free plasticine (for children with allergies)

Play-Doh sculpting compound at home:

Many young mothers have probably heard of such a product as Play-Doh modeling compound. This children's modeling compound is very elastic and pleasant to the touch, has a good smell and is positioned by the manufacturers as an absolutely safe product. With all this, in terms of its composition, Play-Doh cannot be called plasticine; it is more like dough! The price of this product is quite high, so it is much easier and safer to prepare such a mass yourself. By the way, it is often called “fried plasticine”, because we will be cooking it on the stove!

To make children's mass for modeling with our own hands, we will need:
1 cup wheat flour
0.5 tbsp. spoons of fine salt
2 teaspoons citric acid
1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
0.5 glasses of water
food coloring

First, mix all the dry ingredients and oil in a saucepan.

Any dye can be used, for example, in tablets or powder. You can buy it at the grocery store; you will find a particularly wide selection of dyes during the Easter holidays. I used food coloring tablets designed for coloring eggs.

We dilute the food coloring tablet in water according to the instructions.

Add colored water to the dry ingredients, put the pan on the fire and, stirring constantly, “cook” the mixture for about 5 minutes. During this time the mass will thicken.

Place the thickened mass on the table and knead with your hands.

As a result, we get a very elastic, bright and, most importantly, absolutely safe product for children's creativity.
This homemade Play-Doh can be stored in the refrigerator for up to several weeks if you do not plan to give your child the entire portion at once. You just need to wrap the unclaimed part of homemade plasticine in cling film or a bag and store it in the refrigerator door.

Salt dough, or cold plasticine:

This product is another type of homemade plasticine. It has undoubted advantages: it cooks very quickly and has sufficient elasticity. In addition, salted plasticine can be given even to very young children without fear that the mass will be eaten. This modeling paste is so salty that a child will spit it out in no time.

To prepare salt dough, we need to take:
1 cup wheat flour
1 cup fine salt
1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil
water - as much as needed

To prepare the simplest plasticine, you need to mix flour and salt.

Add oil.

Add water little by little and knead the dough. If desired, the water can also be colored with food coloring.

By mixing all the ingredients, you get salted plasticine, which children will happily crush and roll out. Like the previous modeling mass, salted plasticine does not stick to your hands.

Modeling compound for children with allergies:

If suddenly your baby suffers from gluten intolerance, then he should not use wheat flour. But this does not mean that modeling becomes taboo for a child. Starch will come to the rescue!
To prepare a hypoallergenic modeling mass, mix 1 cup of starch (corn or potato) with 2 cups of baking soda. Pour in 1.5 cups of water and, if desired, add dye. This mixture should be cooked on the stove, turning on the minimum heat. After the contents of the saucepan thicken, the mass needs to be kneaded.
Starch-based plasticine is absolutely harmless for little allergy sufferers.

Dyes for homemade plasticine:

You can color homemade plasticine and modeling clay with a variety of dyes. The only condition is the safety of the dye, and since little experimenters like to taste plasticine, it is better to use food coloring to color this product.

It can be:

Gel colors intended for food purposes. They are bright, easy to use, but quite expensive.
Food colors for eggs - in tablets and powder form. They give quite bright colors to plasticine, while being cheap and accessible.
Gouache. It is better to use it only if the plasticine is intended for older children.
Natural dyes:

Red – beet juice;
- orange – turmeric, saffron, carrot juice;
- pink – raspberry or cherry juice;
- green – spinach juice;
- blue – red cabbage juice;
- brown – cocoa powder.

Play-Doh You can easily make it yourself at home. Play-Doh is the perfect entertainment for both children and adults.

In our article today we will tell you how to make plasticine with your own hands. We will make Play-Doh from environmentally friendly materials. In addition, our plasticine will be colorful and smell delicious!

Do Play-Doh plasticine We'll be in the kitchen stove!

We want to warn you in advance: Play-Doh plasticine should be kept away from pets. Due to the specific smell, they can eat it. So be careful.

Now let's move on to making Play-Doh.

Before preparing it, you must have the following ingredients with you: two glasses of flour, two glasses of warm water, one glass of salt, two tablespoons of vegetable oil, one tablespoon of cream of tartar (it is useful for the elasticity of plasticine), food coloring, and aromatic oils .

After collecting all the components, move on to the next step!

Now you need to mix all the ingredients together in a saucepan. After this, place the pan over low heat. And at the same time, do not forget to mix the dough for future plasticine. Stir everything until the mixture resembles mashed potatoes in consistency.

When the plasticine puree begins to separate from the walls of the pan, remove it from the heat. Let the dough cool.

Let's move on to the next step!

Transfer the dough to a clean board and begin to knead it thoroughly. Do this until the dough is completely smooth. Once smooth, divide the dough into several pieces and roll into three separate balls.

Make small indentations in the center of each ball and add a little food coloring into them. After which the balls will need to be thoroughly crumpled. You need to make sure that the dye completely saturates each ball.

Play-Doh plasticine is ready, now you can give it to children's hands!

How to store homemade Play-Dog clay

If the plasticine begins to dry out after a short time, you can add a small amount of water to it and mix well. If the plasticine is too wet, simply heat it, thereby getting rid of excess moisture. Plasticine is best stored in an airtight container.

Thank you for your attention!

If you have anything to say on this topic, we welcome your comments! 😉

There are very common recipes on the Internet for various modeling masses that you can make with your own hands and which will be indistinguishable from store-bought ones. We decided to see if we could save money on homemade “plasticine”. We recently bought a set for modeling desserts, and we still had molds and all sorts of modeling equipment, but there was very little dough in the set. I urgently needed a supplement!

We took this recipe. It is promised that the result should be plasticine similar to Play Doh:

1 cup flour, 1 cup water, 1/2 cup salt, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. butter, 6 tbsp. l lemon juice (this is 1 large lemon), food coloring (dyes for coloring Easter eggs)

How to do:
-Mix all ingredients except dyes in a cup.
-Divide the resulting dough into several parts (as many colors as you want to get in the end).
-Add your own dye to each part and mix well.
-Pour each part separately into a hot frying pan and cook over low heat. Stirring vigorously and continuously!!! Cook until the mixture hardens to the consistency of dumpling dough.
-Put the resulting plasticine on the board. When it cools down, knead each piece well. It should not stick to your hands. If it sticks, return it to the pan and repeat the process.

You can immediately sculpt from the resulting plasticine. Store in an airtight container!

There were no problems at the stage of mixing water, flour, salt and lemon juice (we didn’t have lemon; we used citric acid). There wasn’t very much dough, so we divided it into only two parts: one we left natural in color, the second we painted orange.

After pouring it into the frying pan, the mass thickened almost immediately:

But the longer we kept the dough in the pan, the thinner it became. Only the very bottom layer stuck to the pan and turned into a crust. We turned the gas down to minimum, but it didn't get any better.

With the second portion (orange), we chose a different tactic: immediately after thickening, we pulled it out onto a plate and set it to cool:

The instructions say that if the mass still sticks to your hands after cooling, you need to return it to the frying pan. This is what we did with one piece:

The dough was burning, trying to stir it in the frying pan, I rubbed a callus on my finger... But in the end I still had to throw it away.

Without further ado, we added three tablespoons of flour to the orange piece. And kneaded it with your hands on the table without any heating. The result was something REMOTELY reminiscent of a store-bought mass. But it sticks to your hands and is not so flexible.

Compared to regular salted dough, this mass is lighter and seems a little “rubbery”. Fills in and out of molds fairly easily. We don’t yet know how it behaves after drying and how long it takes to dry.

But the general conclusion is this: we won’t bother with homemade plasticine anymore :). It’s better to buy it in the store and spend more economically. Maybe we shouldn't have taken citric acid instead of lemon juice? Maybe there is too much water for our flour and salt?

If anyone has another recipe for a light and plastic mass or knows what our mistake is, write! We will try!

In the meantime, we’re glad that the frying pan was easy to clean :)

Play-Doh (“play” - play, game; “doh” sounds like “dough”, which translates as dough) is a modeling mixture used by young children for homemade crafts. This product was first manufactured in the USA as a wallpaper cleaner in the 1930s. Afterwards, the product was redesigned and became a popular toy for children. Currently, Play-Doh is produced by Hasbro, it has a patent from 2004 (you can see the composition at the link).

How is Playdo different from regular plasticine?

Of course, many adults who played with plasticine as children ask this question 😊. Let’s say right away that Playdo is no better or worse than plasticine, it’s just different.

Benefits of Play-Doh:

  • suitable for children from 2 years old;
  • extremely soft;
  • easy to clean when dry;
  • There are many toys specifically designed for playing with it.

Advantages of plasticine:

  • More fun for older children, more “subtle” shapes can be created;
  • Plasticine is harder until you warm it up by kneading it in your hands (although this can be considered a disadvantage);
  • Does not dry out;
  • Doesn't crumble;
  • Very cheap (comparatively);
  • Large selection of different colors.

How to do it?

Play up(or Play doh) is great fun for children of all ages. We will teach you how to make your own non-toxic toy at home, with the desired color and pleasant aroma.

This is a classic method that involves a little cooking on the stove. I prefer to do it this way because the prepared plasticine has a more pleasant and uniform texture than "raw". If you want the children to do everything on their own, then in the next article we will describe a Play Do recipe that does not require working with a stove.

Warning: Keep prepared Play doh away from pets. It smells like all human food to them, but contains a lot of salt, and a hungry dog ​​can eat enough to develop a salt imbalance.

Step 1: Ingredients

Play Do is a classic foreign toy that has become an excellent alternative to regular plasticine. Once you discover how easy it is to make play-doh at home, you won't have to buy it again.

Quantity of ingredients

  • 2 cups of flour
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 1 cup salt
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
  • 1 tablespoon Cream of tartar Cream of tartar) – to improve elasticity
  • Food coloring (liquid or powder)
  • Aroma oils

Step 2: Stir and heat

Mix everything until it heats up
Like pancake batter
The dough has become even thicker, but still sticks to the edges. This means that it still needs to be “dried”
Now looks like mashed potatoes
Very close to done but still sticking to the edges
The finished “dough” should look like this. It's time to take it off the stove.

Mix all ingredients together and stir over low heat. The dough will begin to thicken until it resembles potato jure. When the dough comes away from the sides of the pan, as shown in the last photo, remove the pan from the heat and let it cool.
IMPORTANT: If your playdough is still sticky, you will need to keep it on the stove longer!
Continue stirring and cooking until the dough is as dry as real Play-Doh.

Stage 3: Add Color

Turn the dough out onto the counter and knead vigorously until it is silky smooth. Divide the dough into balls to paint in different colors.
Make a hole in the center of the ball and drop some food coloring into it. Fold the dough inside the indentation, trying to keep your hands from staining. You can use gloves or put the dough in a bag to protect your hands from the concentrated dye. Although I worked with my bare hands and everything was fine.
Add dye as needed to achieve the chosen color.

Stage 4: Playing with children

All! Now you can play with Play Doh. I don't think you need my help here.
When you are finished playing, place the Play-Doh in an airtight container.

  • If it starts to dry out, you can add a little water to soften the dough. After a certain degree of drying, you will have to prepare new plasticine, fortunately this is not so difficult.
  • If it becomes too wet, you can reheat it to remove excess water that has been absorbed overnight. This is usually a completely reversible process.

You can also bake homemade Play Doh in the oven to make hard dough numbers or some patterns.