Mathematical tales 1. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and old stories

Mathematical tales 1. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and old stories
Mathematical tales 1. Entertaining mathematics - fairy tales and old stories

Mathematical fairy tales collection of students 3 "a" class 2013 5 2

Kolobok's journey in the kingdom of Geometry. Once upon a time there was a Kolobok. Once he got into the kingdom of Geometry. He found out that he had a brother similar to him, but he did not know his name. The Kolobok rolled and rolled and rolled into the Valley of the Squares. All the figures were not in the least like Kolobok. He asked the squares how he could find his brothers. They told him to roll down a square path. Gingerbread man rolled and rolled to the Mountain of Triangles. And his brothers were not here, he rolled further and rolled into the lake of Krugov. Here all the inhabitants were equally round. -How can I tell my brother? - said Kolobok. “And we are all your brothers and sisters,” the figures said. Svarchevskaya Polina

New Friendship Once upon a time, there was a 9, she lived in a kingdom called Arithmetic. Once she was walking and wandered into the kingdom of Geometry. 9 saw the unusual inhabitants of this country and decided to get to know them. The very first one approached the 9th Circle, then his brother Oval. They chatted all evening, and then the Circle and the Oval introduced 9 to the Square, Trapezium, Triangle and other inhabitants of the kingdom of Geometry. Since then, numbers and figures have been tight-knit friends and even communicate on Skype every evening. Sorokin Ilya

A magical story There were two cities - Arithmetic and Geometry. Once 5 could not find the perimeter of the Square, only one side was known. 5 went to the country of Geometry on a visit to the Square. The square told 5 that all its sides are equal and to find its perimeter, you just need to fold them. 5 was delighted and invited Kvadrat to her place. Sotrikhina Anastasia

How arithmetic operations became friends In the thirtieth kingdom, in the mathematical state, there lived arithmetic operations. But Minus and Plus always quarreled with Multiplication and Division because they first do * and:, and only then + and -. One evening, the Fairy Godmother flew into their house and said: “Actions, why are you quarreling, let me give you brackets. When they are put, then you + and - will be the first to execute. " The actions thought about it and decided that it would be very good. They said thank you very much to Fairy. Since then, arithmetic operations have become friends and there has always been joy and fun in their house. Khvorykh Sergey

Dispute between 6 and 9 Once upon a time there were 6 and 9 in the neighborhood. Once 6 went for a walk and saw 9. 6 asked 9 why she has a ponytail at the bottom? 9 replied that if 6 stands on the head, then they will become alike. 6 and 9 were very friendly and never quarreled, they were almost like sisters. Saranina Valeria

Dispute between Zero and One Once upon a time there were Zero and One. Once they argued, Zero said that he was greater than One, and One was smart, she knew that he was greater than Zero. But Zero did not believe her, the next day he asked his mother Arithmetic, which of them is more. Arithmetic said that there is more One, but if they are friends, then they will be even bigger and stronger - it will turn out to be 10. Then one took Zero by the hand and taught him to count! Myrzaeva Odina

Stubborn Problem Once upon a time there was a Problem. She was very, very stubborn. Her condition was: "Petya had 4 balls, and Anya had 5 times more." And the question is: "How many balls did Ani have?" The stubborn Problem said that it was solved by addition, and the Teacher told her that it was solved by multiplication. Now it's time to give marks, and Stubborn Problem got a two. She sat and wept bitterly. A girl Nastya came up to her and offered to help her, together they solved the Stubborn Problem. And now the Problem gets only fives and remembers the girl Nastya with gratitude. Vershinina Polina

Poor 2 Once upon a time there was 2 in the city of excellent students. Everyone did not like her, they said that she was bad. Once she met 5. 5 advised 2 to get up with but on the head, 2 turned over and became 5, everyone immediately fell in love with her. Dmitry Ivanov

Arithmetic and the girl Masha Once the girl Masha went for a walk and met the Magician. The wizard told Masha that she could make any three wishes. Masha made 10 ice-cream, 5 chocolates and 1 big-big cake. The wizard said that he would grant wishes if Masha answered this question: "How many sweets did she make?" Masha guessed right and got her sweets, but can you count how many sweets Masha has in mind? Ivanov Evgeniy

Number 2 Once upon a time there was a number 2. She was always sad and sad. She had no friends. All the numbers laughed at her because no one liked her at school. One day she walked along the lake and saw a beautiful bird. Number 2 sat on the shore and began to admire the bird. How beautiful she was! And suddenly 2 realized that they were very similar. And then the swan swam to the shore and nodded his head. 2 understood everything, she was glad that she found herself a true friend. Shmakalov Andrey

Line and segment.

In a certain kingdom, in a mathematical state, there lived a Straight line and a Segment AC. The straight line always ran away to her friends, and

The segment could not go anywhere. Because two points blocked his way. But once one of the points wanted to see what was going on in the mathematical world. She rolled and rolled. And the Segment at that time was thinking, how could he budge. And so he jerked and ran. So he became a happy ray.

Country of decimal fractions and units.

One day I had a dream. As if there is such a country in the world called "The Country of Decimal Fractions and Units". This country was ruled by a queen called 1000. Everyone loved her because she was very kind and generous. Everyone she awarded, she multiplied by herself, and all the numbers became larger in value.

But then one day the queen of 1000 fell ill and she became not 1000, but 0.001. Many doctors came to her, but no one was able to help her, and for some reason all the doctors who came to her became less, not more. It was the queen, out of her habit, began to reward them, but there was one doctor who was able to cure her. His name was 0.632. He was such a small number, and came out - the number 632.

And then everyone realized that Queen 1000 is now healthy!

About division of decimal fractions. "Mysterious Dream"

Once I had such a dream: as if I was in a country called Delandia. I dreamed that I was near the palace. I saw that a sad couple sat on a bench located in the park near the palace, I went up to them and asked:

Why are you sad? It's such a lovely day! They answered me:

We are sad because the queen of this country has issued a decree.

And they showed me to the wall of the palace, there was a decree on the wall that read:

"I, the queen, command: to prohibit marriages between unequal in value, those who violate this decree are threatened with expulsion from the country."

Well, I still don’t understand what is the reason for your tears, ”I said.

The fact is that we wanted to get married, they said, but the royal decree canceled all our plans.

And what caused such a decree? I asked.

According to the laws of our kingdom, it is considered a serious crime if, when dividing one number by another, a number less than one is obtained.

At this time, the chiming of the palace clock rang out. I opened my eyes and realized that it was a dream.

Guys, how do you think the fairy tale ended?

You can find the answer in this picture.

Fairy tale "Journey to the city of" decimal fractions ".

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, in a distant country, Tsifiria lived and there was zero. He was sad and boring, because everyone said that he did not mean anything and always stood in front of him, never the inhabitants of this country-figures, they did not let him forward. They said:

You’re no use anyway.

Here he sits on a bench and cries, suddenly someone comes up to him, zero got scared:

Who is there? - he asked.

It's me, comma, why are you crying?

Zero replied:

Nobody loves me, they say that I mean nothing.

Come with me to the city of decimal fractions - said the comma - they will respect you there.

Nulik agreed and they set off.

The comma brought Nulik to street number 1. On this street live those who are less than 1 and there are a lot of them.

How, do you let zero go ahead? - asked Nulik.

Yes, if I’m standing next to you, ”said the comma,“ and you are treated the same way as everyone else.

Nulik really liked this city, and he stayed there to live.

Once upon a time there were two numbers O and 1.

Once they argued: which of them is more important. 1 says: “I am more important because the counting begins with me. And you, Oh, mean nothing. " But Zero said: “If I stand in front of you, then you will decrease 10 times - 0.1. And if I stand behind you, you will increase 10 times - 10. And the number ray also begins with me.

Mathematics lessons.

Once upon a time there were Zero and the Experienced comma, they lived and did not grieve. Once they went on another journey. They go, go, no one knows a lot. And so

they approached the forest. We entered the forest and saw: two numbers 9.3 and 100 were sitting on a stump and crying. Zero and Comma came up to them and asked:

Why are you crying? The answer is 9.3!

How not to cry. I walked through the forest and met the number 100. And we decided to multiply. Somewhere I heard that for this you need to move the comma, but how to do it - I do not know. Yes, and my comma does not want to move anywhere, is capricious!

The comma is justified:

Firstly, I got sick today, and secondly, I am an inexperienced comma, I am in practice. And the number 9.3 haunts me, keep jumping somewhere.

Well, well, - said the Experienced comma, - I will teach you. So, Comma, look. How many zeros does 100 have?

So you jump two characters to the right. Clear?

Seems to be yes! It turned out 930.

Well done!

Dear Zero, if the number 100 does not mind, approach it on the right, multiply the resulting 1000 by 9.3, - asked the Experienced Comma.

Jump again! ”Comma scared.

Yes, you have to learn.

OK. I jump three signs to the right. Here's what came out - 9300. Thanks for studying, Old Comma.

Well, why are you shouting?

Ah, I think that I am too big, - the number 13.768 said, - I wanted to be smaller, for example, 100 times, and asked for the number 100. But we did not succeed, since my comma is in the 5th grade I talked a lot in math and listened to everything. Now we are arguing.

Experienced Comma began to clarify.

How many zeros are there in 100?

  • What action are we going to take?
  • Division.
  • Listen now. Jump two signs to the left.

And the comma jumped two digits to the left, and got the number 0.13768, which is 100 times less than the number 13.768.

And Zero with Experienced Comma returned home cheerful and happy. They began to live as before.

And the commas they taught came to visit them, talked about their deeds. From their stories, we learned that they finished the practice with "5" and became experienced commas who know how to behave when multiplying and dividing with one-digit units.

An unusual story.

In the same sea, on the seabed, two families of octopuses lived. In each

the family had four octopuses and each octopus made up the proportions - the true equality of the two relations.

One day, their dads went for a walk with them and forgot to put on the kids cards with the inscriptions of numbers. The octopuses are all messed up and this is what happened:

The octopus dads thought and remembered what they said in their nautical school about the basic property of proportion. It lies in the fact that if the product of the extreme terms is equal to the product of the middle terms, then the proportion will be obtained.

The dads tried, tried and, finally, they got it:

The children and parents went home and were happy that everything turned out so well. The next day, the octopuses went to the naval school. There, the teacher told what proportion is, the main property of proportion. The octopuses also learned what quantities are called directly proportional.

Fairy tale

Once upon a time, there were very close relatives, three quantities: Speed, Time and Distance.

Once their own aunt, Proportionality, came to visit them. From her father - Equations, these three quantities knew that she was an extraordinary magician and inventor, she knew how to transform into direct and reverse.

The next day, my aunt woke up late, only at lunchtime and immediately invited the children to play the game "Relationship". But the sister of Speed ​​has already soured her mood from the long wait for her aunt. She sat down on the bench and announced that she would not jump, change and reincarnate. To which her aunt replied:

Not yet! Sit and rest with the number 15, for example, and at this time I will turn into Direct Proportionality.

She touched her wand to the palm of Speed ​​and the number 15 appeared on it.

Meanwhile Distance and Time were jumping and frolicking. If the Distance increased 3 times, then the Time also increased 3 times; and if the Distance decreased by 2 times, then the Time decreased by 2 times. But their ratio all the time remained constant in number, and was equal to 15.

Sister Speed, sitting on a bench, showed him. Then brother Distance decided to become a constant and also sit on the bench and rest. But he doubted whether he would succeed or not.

Aunt Proportionality explained that for this she needs to become Reverse Proportionality. She turned her hat backwards and began to run backwards. And so that brother Way remained constant, she suggested that Speed ​​and Time be multiplied. Therefore, as soon as Time began to decrease several times, the Speed ​​increased by the same number of times, and vice versa.

They jumped, frolicked, changed, however, their work was always a constant number, and equaled 60. He was shown by brother Distance sitting on the bench.

Aunt noticed that this game can be played with other quantities, making up proportions.

In the evening, Aunt Proportionality left for her county Attitude. The children of magnitude said goodbye to her and invited her to visit for the next weekend.

Negative and positive numbers.

Once upon a time there were negative and positive numbers, they built two houses. Positive numbers were settled in the right house, and negative ones in the left. Every day, the chairman of the two houses, Nulik, whose name was the beginning of numbers, went from house to house and looked to see if the negative ones moved into the positive house, and the positive ones into the negative one. So every year, every month it went on.


The isosceles Triangle lived in a small geometric village that stood on the banks of the river. But he himself did not know this and thought that no one needed him. In the village, he was the only isosceles Triangle. All the figures, old men and children, laughed at him. But the time has come, and the Triangle decided to leave for the forest . He was tired of these bullying. Early in the morning, when everyone was still asleep, he got up, dressed quickly and went out the gate.

The road was difficult and arduous. The triangle stopped on the way and remembered his village. From the insult, he became sad and offended, he cried. Soon he wandered into a thick and dark thicket. He is there stumbled upon a hut. The old and wise Square lived in it. Triangle told him about his grief and burst into tears. The square quickly calmed him down and began to tell him about who he really is. The square told the Triangle that it is important and necessary, that it has sides that are always equal, a base and two angles at the base, which are also always equal.

You should be proud that your median is bisector and height!

About an isosceles triangle.

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there was a family: mother-side, father-side and son-Foundation. They lived not grieving, but the son of the Foundation did not have to marry. The father also says:

Well, that's enough, son. It's time to acquire a wife.

And their son was so helpless that he was frightened so that his knees were shaking from morning to evening. He thought he thought, and decided to go to the neighboring kingdom - to try his luck. Equipped him as if he was going to distant lands. A in that kingdom lived: father -d, mother-p and beautiful daughter Mediana. She had a nanny Geometry. Further in the fairy tale, everything goes on as usual, but no! That nanny was mischievous, that's why she was loved in this kingdom. She arranged for the Foundation three tests:

Before marrying Mediana, please answer:

  1. Which triangle is called isosceles?
  2. Which triangle is called equilateral?
  3. What is the median of a triangle?

For our Foundation, these questions turned out to be too complex.

Maybe you guys can answer?

Fairy tales of mathematical content for children 5 - 8 years old

Math tales for older preschoolers and younger students

In the kindergarten, a family project was organized "Teaching children mathematics using works of art". Fairy tale stories with mathematical content about the amazing adventures and friendship of extraordinary characters. The stories turned out to be so interesting and entertaining that we wanted to publish our own book.
Work description: The tale is composed and illustrated by children and parents of the older group. The content of fairy tales of a mathematical nature. This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers, parents, primary school teachers. The material is intended for children 5 - 8 years old.
Target: Increasing interest in mathematics in older preschool children through the use of works of art.


In the distant land of Mathematics, there lived the King of the Triangle and the Queen of the Trapezium. And everything was fine with them, except that they had no children.
Then the queen decided to go to the evil sorcerer Minus to help her. The sorcerer Minus gave the queen a grain and said: - Put it in a pot and water it every morning, but for this you must give me the voice of your child. The queen was so glad that she would finally have a child, and agreed to the sorcerer. When Queen Trapezium returned to the palace, she immediately planted the seed in a pot of earth and watered it. As time went on, the seed grew and turned into a beautiful flower, when the flower blossomed, there was a beautiful baby.
The King of the Triangle and the Queen of Trapezium were very pleased, they decided to name the little prince the Circle. The prince grew up, but did not speak, and then the queen remembered that she had given the prince's voice to the evil sorcerer Minus. She told everything to the King of the Triangle, and they decided to go together to the sorcerer, and ask him to have mercy and return his voice to the Prince of the Circle. When the king and queen came to the evil sorcerer Minus, they heard a beautiful voice. It was the voice of a sorcerer, or rather the Prince of the Circle. Then they fell on their knees in front of the sorcerer Minus and began to beg him to give the Prince of the Circle a voice.
The sorcerer took mercy on them and said:
“I will return my voice to the Prince of the Circle, but for that you will no longer call me an evil sorcerer.
- We agree - said the king and queen.
The King of the Triangle spoke to his subjects, said:
- From now on, the sorcerer Minus is a good sorcerer, not an evil one.
At the same moment, the Prince of the Circle had a voice. And everyone in the country of Mathematics began to live happily.


Once Masha went to the forest for mushrooms and got lost. Suddenly I saw a Kolobok rolling along the road. Masha says to Kolobok:
- Kolobok, Kolobok, where do mushrooms grow here?
And he answers her:
- I don’t know, I’m in a hurry, I don’t have time, I’m looking for a fox, looking for it, I want to eat it. Better ask the number Two, "prickly", she knows everything about mushrooms.
Masha went to the number Two and asked:
- Hey number Two, where do you have mushrooms growing here?
-There near the house.

Number Two answers.
Masha saw chanterelle mushrooms and began to collect them sooner.
Suddenly from the house Mishka - the bear jumped out and growled at Masha. Mashenka got scared and quickly ran away from the bear. She ran into the clearing and saw a stump. Masha sat down on a tree stump and began to cry. And bird Three flew past. She heard that the girl was crying, flew up to her and asked:
- Why are you crying here for the whole forest?
- I'm lost! - says Masha.
- Don't cry, I'll help you, show you the way home.
- Cheers cheers! - shouted joyful Masha.
- Just promise that you will never go to the forest alone without adults.
- Of course, I promise - Masha answered, and they went home.


In one magical kingdom, a digital state, there lived the King of Ten and Queen of the Nine.
They were rich and noble, but at the same time kind and cheerful. And they had two children, a son Seven and a daughter Five. The daughter was the most beautiful and intelligent, everyone envied the king and affectionately called her Pyaterochka.
Baba Yaga wanted to steal Pyaterochka in order to get a ransom for her from the king. She called her faithful servant Six and instructed him to steal Pyaterochka. The Six listened to Baba Yaga, went to the barn where the Swan Twos lived, harnessed them to the sleigh and flew off to steal Pyaterochka.
Meanwhile, Pyaterochka was walking in her favorite flower garden, looking at roses of unprecedented beauty and singing songs. Suddenly the whole sky was covered with black clouds, the Six flew up to her on his Deuces-swans, grabbed her by the arms, sat her in the sleigh and flew back to Baba Yaga. Pyaterochka shouted that there is urine:
“Father, mother - help !!! Save me, the Six is ​​taking me to a dense dense black forest to Baba Yaga! "
The king's servants heard her cry and ran to inform him of the grief that had happened.
The tsar became blacker than the clouds from grief, upon learning of the misfortune that had happened, the tsarina fell ill. Then the son of Seven comes into the royal chambers to the king and says: “Do not be sad, Tsar-father! I'll go and save my sister! I will gather my army of units, and go to war against Baba Yaga! "
The king answers: “No, the son of Baba Yaga is not stupid, cunning is needed here! Go, go to the magician of the Eight and consult with him how best to do? "
Seven went to the magician, told about the trouble. And he advised the Eight to take a diminutive wand and an invisible hat. He explained how to use these things, if you hit the faithful servant of Baba Yaga Six six times, it will decrease to such a size that it will disappear, and if you hit the Two-Swan twice, it will also decrease to such a size that it will disappear. By doing this, you will disarm Baba Yaga, depriving her of her faithful servant and the Swan-Two.
Having thanked the Magician Eight Seven, he took from him a diminutive wand, an invisibility hat and went to rescue Sister Pyaterochka. For a long time he walked through the fields through the forests, finally, he reached the dense forest of Baba Yaga.
He put on the invisibility cap, crept up to the house of Baba Yaga and saw the servant Six.
Hit him once with a diminutive wand, decreased, Six in size and shouted: “Oh-oh-oh! What? Who is there?"

Hit the Seven five more times and the Six disappeared, as if he had never existed. Seven went into the barn and began to whip at the Swan Twos with a diminutive wand until they all disappeared.
After that, he went into the house of Baba Yaga, without taking off his invisibility cap and saw his sister Pyaterochka.
She sat on a bench and cried bitterly. Seven came up to her and whispered in her ear: “Hello sister! Don't cry, I'll help you out now! "
He quickly took off the invisibility hat from himself and put it on himself and his sister, they left Baba Yaga's house and ran as fast as they could home to Father and Mother.
The Tsar Ten was very happy when he again saw his beloved beauty daughter Pyaterochka. Queen Nine recovered, and again they healed happily and happily as before.


In a distant place, in the Tenth Kingdom, there lived a kind, plump King Zero. And he was married to the beautiful Unity - a proud and mischievous girl. And the king and queen had two daughters. The eldest was called Deuce. She looked like her mother - just as slender, dignified and just as mischievous and arrogant. The youngest daughter, Five, is all like a father - merry, laughing, in general - a pretty darling!
Once the princesses went for a walk to the river near the forest. The kids were swimming there. Five girls, seven boys. How many kids were there?
- Hey, princesses, where are you going? Come to us here! Let's have fun together, joke, jump and play, swim, run, sunbathe!
The five agreed immediately. She rolled head over heels to the guys. Well, the Deuce got angry:
- I am a princess! How dare you call me! It's not good for me to play with you! This is my whole river! I will swim here alone! Get out who where!
The children became sad, and they all said to the Deuce:
- You are not a swan, you are a bad guy!
- Sickness!
- Sickness!
- And dyudyuka!
At this point, the Deuce got angry ... Already the face changed ... She shook her head - and the children were blown away like a wind. We forgot to tell what our mischievous princess could do.
Since then, all the children of the kingdom in the classroom began to receive the worst school grades - deuces. There is nothing to worry about if the deuce occurs alone or with other numbers somewhere in a book, on a poster, or, say, on a tag in a store. But if a deuce appears in your diary - this is a real school trouble! Who needs a bad grade ?! And the boys and girls of the Tenth Kingdom now had only such marks in their diaries and notebooks. And in neighboring kingdoms, children more and more often brought home diaries with deuces. Like a virus, the disease was spreading harmful witchcraft around. And no matter how hard the teachers tried, no matter how hard the parents were, the children still did poorly.
I felt sorry for the Five guys. Who of them will now grow up - Losers, who know nothing and do not know how in life? She decided to help them - to reveal the secret of getting rid of the spell. She heard it at night while her older sister was muttering in her sleep. But Deuce guessed that her sister wanted to tell these bad children the secret of getting rid of bad grades. She got angry with her sister too. She conjured a high tower - 22 meters, far, far from her kingdom, and hid her little sister Five there. Like, let him sit for a while, otherwise I’m going to contradict my older sister. Deuce spent all her magical powers on this witchcraft. And she was so weak that she forgot about her harmful magic, and, here's the trouble, and about the secret of healing children, and also forgot about her sister.
The king and queen were seriously alarmed and saddened when they learned about the disappearance of their youngest daughter. King Zero sent his messengers to all four parts of the world with a royal decree. To the one who finds and returns the princess Five home, he promised Zero to give his youngest daughter to wife when the princess grows up, and to give half of the kingdom!
Many have tried to find the missing princess - all in vain! And once the brave prince of the distant kingdom Four heard about the princess Five. He was very persistent, stubborn and hardworking. The Four decided by all means to find the Five. He wandered around the world for a long time, the brave prince had to endure many difficulties and trials. But he didn't give up! And then one day he saw a high tower. He tried to penetrate her, but a new obstacle arose on his way. Princess Deuce enchanted the tower so that she would not let anyone in until the traveler guessed her riddle.
“The mouse carried an apple and found another one,” the tower muttered, “the owl hooted loudly:“ You now have them… ”. How many apples does the mouse have? " The prince easily gave the correct answer. The tower let him in. But on the second floor he had to count again.
- Three little bunnies on a swing with an appetite for drying ate. The two came to chat with them. How many bunnies? the tower asked.
- Exactly ... - answered the prince. And again, right. So floor by floor, riddle by riddle - the Four got to the last one.
- Nine caterpillars were crawling, seven of them went home. In the soft silk grass there are only ...?
- Two !!!
And, lo and behold! The door to the room flew open and the prince saw a beautiful young princess. It was the Five! The prince fell in love with her without memory. He returned his daughter to her parents. How happy the king and queen were to see their native Pyaterochka !!! Queen One stopped being mischievous after the disappearance of her youngest daughter, and was now as kind as her husband Zero. The deuce remembered nothing about her act and was also heartily happy about the return of her younger sister.
They played a magnificent wedding - the Four and Five became husband and wife, and the prince refused the promised half of the kingdom. Not for his sake, the young man was looking for a princess! And besides, he had his own - he had a whole kingdom!
- And what about the children with failures? - you ask. Everything is fine! Do not worry. They became excellent students! The secret is that you do not need to be lazy, you need to work, no matter how hard it is sometimes. Homework must be done diligently and on time. In the classroom, do not be distracted, but listen carefully to the teacher. Respect your parents and listen to their advice. You need to read more useful and interesting books about nature, animals, our planet. Don't forget about fairy tales! And, of course, do exercises in the morning, go to bed on time in the evenings, walk in the fresh air, play sports so that not only our head but also our body works well. So that we always feel good and be able to achieve a lot in life!
Fulfilling all these simple rules, the guys of the Tenth Kingdom and neighboring lands quickly corrected all deuces into fives - they received so many fives that the deuces themselves disappeared from the diary. And now they had only fours and fives! And they all became excellent doctors, teachers, singers, cooks, pilots and astronauts! What do you want to become? Will you study well so that you can be proud of everyone ?!


By the river in the forest Deuce was crying. She was afraid to enter the river because she could not swim.
The number One came up to her and told her: - Don't be sad, girlfriend!
And then the number Three came up to her and said to her: - Wipe your tears!
The latter approached her by the Four and the Five and began to console her:
- You look like a swan, so you can swim, too!
The deuce sighed happily, swung its long neck, entered the water and swam like a real swan. On the shore, One with Three and Four with Five rejoiced for her.


They lived in a distant, distant land of Tsiflandia - there were different numbers.
Once, two of them "one" and "five" met.
The unit was very proud, tall, always kept her back straight and loved very much with anyone - no matter how much to argue with.
Pyaterochka was cheerful, bright, but a very big know-it-all.
And they started a dispute about which of them is more and more important. "1" - says: I am taller, which means I am more! “5” - she answers: and I occupy more space on the notebook sheet, which means I am more!
They argued for a long time and could not figure out which of them was more, then they decided "1" and "5" to go for advice to other numbers.
They came, but they had no time. And as soon as "zero" said - all numbers are important! You make one number in tens, and you are the very first of all numbers. And you are Pyaterochka more and give children good grades at school. If you stand next to you, you will become one number.
Were delighted "1" and "5" approached each other joined hands, and the number "15" was obtained
So they became inseparable friends !!!
Always and everywhere together!


Somehow early in the morning Odnorka was walking on the table, and on that table was an unnamed book. She wanted to sleep on her soft sheets - snow-white sheets. I knocked, everyone is silent, so here I will sleep.
The number Two from afar swam past like a swan, saw our book and was delighted that I will live in it forever.
Knock, knock, knock who lives here?
- This is me One, thin as a match.
- And I number Two is like a swan and beautiful and slender.
- Come in, since you have come, we will live together then.
And galloping next to the Troika that jumps so briskly, she knocked too, you let me live.
So all the numbers that are in our book have gathered, we will now list them:
Here Four - hands on hips,
Five - that he likes to play
And the Sixth is that lazy person, he loves to sleep soundly,
Here and the Seventh - we call him a poker,
And the Eight is two mugs, like the sister of a snowman,
And Ninth is the oldest, all gray-haired and with a beard.
The only thing missing was Zero, he was not long in coming, grunting, not hurrying from side to side dragging.
Well, how can she be friends without a title, our book that gathered everyone from Nine to Zero?
You learn to count as soon as possible and then you will know, it is called Mathematics friends !!!


A hare named Nolik walked through the forest. He walked alone, because he had no family. But he really wanted to live in a cozy house with his family.
A hare named Edinichka ran to the meeting along the path. Nolik liked the one very much and he invited her to build a house and live in it. So they began to live together.
The house was beautiful and cozy, and around it there was a large and strong fence so that the wolf could not get to them And they had 9 wonderful rabbits: Deuce, Three, Chetverik, Pyaterochka, Shesterik, Semerik, Eight, Nine and Ten.


Once upon a time there was a funny traffic light. He stood at the crossroads. But one day he fell ill and broke down, and all 3 lights went out: red, yellow and green.
A girl passed by, she called the rescue service number 3.

The number brought a magic cookie to the traffic light. It was of different colors and shapes. The red cookie was triangular, the yellow cookie was square, and the green cookie was round. When the traffic light ate the cookies, its lights started working again.
But now they were of different shapes, this made him look even more fun.


Once upon a time there was one girl, her name was Nastya. She had square bunnies, they all lived on a magical planet, where everything was pink and the sea, and the forest, and the mountains.
When Nastya swam in the magic sea, she also turned pink.
She asked the bunnies: "Why am I pink?"
But they could not answer her.
And they all went to a little mermaid named Ariel so that she would answer all their questions.
It was strange, completely round, like a ball.
Ariel said that the planet they live on is magical and entertaining. Because all the inhabitants of the planet love to tell each other riddles-jokes in mathematics, and since they are very funny and funny, all the inhabitants have fun and rejoice, and from this everything around becomes pink and beautiful.
And Ariel began to guess her riddles:
Think of a number up to 5. Add 2 to it, and I'll guess which number you have in mind. How much did you get?
Birds flew over the river: a dove, a pike, 2 tits, 2 swifts and 5 eels. How many birds? Answer quickly.
A chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How much does a chicken stand on two legs weigh? (2 kg)
Nastya and her square bunnies listened to the little mermaid for a long time.
After all, there were so many mysteries that they did not notice how evening came.
And the sunset on the planet was also pink - it was so beautiful.
And then everyone went to sleep in their pink houses.
And all night they dreamed only pink dreams.
That's the end of the fairy tales, and who answered the YOUNGER!

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Fairy tale "Scandal"

A long time ago, not ordinary people lived in the wonderful country of Geometry, but geometric shapes. Axiom was the head of state, and Theorems represented parliament.

But one day before the next elections, Axiom fell ill, and then a scandal occurred between the figures. Each proved its value in human life. Everyone has ceased to obey the laws. The theorems quarreled.

And at this time, people started to get into trouble. All railways went out of order as parallel rails tried to cross. All the machines broke down, as the parts in the form of a ball tried to prove to the parts in the form of prisms that they are more important and should start moving first. The houses were all skewed, as the parallelepiped tried to become either an octahedron or a dodecahedron.

It is not known how the whole thing would have ended if the Axiom had not recovered. She made the Theorems follow each other in a logical order. I called an emergency meeting, where the Theorems explained to each figure its meaning. For especially restless conversations with Axiom herself were appointed. Peace and order have come to the state. And people breathed a sigh of relief, because all objects calmed down and began to obey geometric orders.

The fairy tale "Ryaba Chicken"

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, and they had a Ryaba chicken. Once Ryaba took an egg - it was golden. beat, beat - did not break. beat, beat - did not break. But then a mouse appeared, waved its tail, fell and shattered.

cries, cries, but clucks:

Do not Cry!

Do not Cry! I will take you not a round one, but a square one.

The Tale of the Point

In a distant mathematical state lived a small, small Dot, which no one loved. And why love her: she is tiny herself, barely visible, has neither length nor width, but try not to put in the right place or skip! .. How many scoldings received because of her, how many twos ...

The point, of course, felt such an attitude towards herself and was very tormented: how difficult it is to be good when you are not loved and annoyed all the time! She conceived to escape from the mathematical state, but all the determination was not enough. "It's still scary, it's true, little me," thought Tochka, "one word - neither length nor width ... You can't run far ..."

But one day a test happened in high school, and one student missed a point, rewriting the example for multiplication. Can you imagine the result he got? And what is the grade? Here ... Oh, and he was fuming and grumbled: “Because of such a little - everything is awkward! Well, what is the POINT! She doesn't even have a definition !!! " “How ?! - Tochka gasped to herself. - I work so much, listen to all sorts of nasty things and do not even have a definition ?! This is outrageous! No, you have to run away from here wherever you look ... "

"As I understand you!" - Tochka heard a heavy sigh next to her. It was Slender Straight: “I don't have a definition either! Everyone says: straight, straight ... Draw a straight line, mark on a straight line ... And what is I? What is a straight line - no one has really said yet ... It's sad! Come on, period, I'll help you! Jump on me and run without stopping. I'm going to infinity! Do you want to see infinity with me? "

"Of course I want!" - Tochka squeaked, jumped and rolled like a fairy-tale Kolobok, in a straight line ...

And what began ten minutes after the disappearance of the Point! Numbers hum and worry - there is no one to mark them on the number beam! And the rays themselves dissolve before our eyes: where is the point to limit the straight line from one end? And from the numbers that wanted to be multiplied, a whole queue was formed: after all, instead of the Point in the examples for multiplication, I had to put the Slanting Cross. And what to take from Krestik, besides Kosogo?

In a word, without a small and rather nasty Point, the mathematical state collapsed in the fifteenth minute ...

And what about the Point? She ran for a long, long time ... Only when the dim sun sank over the horizon and dusk fell on the ground, did the point stop to rest. And in the morning from the place where she stopped for the night, Ray ran into infinity. Along this Ray, she ascended to heaven, along this Ray, and she went somewhere deep into the Milky Way.

See if you can see her in the midst of a billion stars scattering in the sky? ..

"Friendly numbers"

Once upon a time, there was a number 220. No one in the country was friends with him. The number 220 was bored and sad. Once it was walking in the park, sat down on a bench, and next to it sits the number 284, and sighs too. Was surprised 220 and asks 284:

- Why are you sighing?

- Because I have no friends, - the number 284 answers him.

And, the numbers began to be friends and have fun.

Since then, the numbers 220 and 284 have been referred to as friendly numbers. And they strengthened their friendship with dividers:

220: 1+2+4+5+10+11+20+22+44+55+110 = 284;

284: 1+2+4+71+142 = 220.

A mathematical tale about aunt Fedora.

Aunt Fedora has 4 sons.

Each little son has pants.

Fedora also has 2 daughters.

Each girl has 2 skirts.

* How many children does Aunt Fedora have

* How many clothes do they have?

And at the very aunt Fedora

1 skirt dirty

And 3 shirts are different.

* How many clothes does Aunt Fedora have?

Fyodor's aunt put the clothes in a basin -

"I'll wash it now!"

I washed very carefully -

tore all the pants.

* How many clothes does she have left?

Fyodor's aunt began to boil the linen.

While it was boiling,

Burned 1 skirt.

* How many clothes does she have left now?

Fedora went to the river to rinse the laundry.

Stepped on a broken board

She fell down and drowned 2 shirts.

* How many clothes does she have left?

Fyodora the muddler began to hang up the laundry.

Yes, then the goat ran up,

She stole and chewed 2 skirts.

* How many clothes are left on the rope?

While Fyodor's aunt was chasing a goat,

children took off 2 shirts from the rope,

Played, rolled in the mud

Yes, and completely lost.

* How many clothes are left?

She took the muddler Fyodor off the clothesline.

Shook it off, folded it

And she put it in the chest.

Was it worth it to wash her clothes?

Tale of Zero

Once upon a time there was Zero. At first, he was small, very small, like a poppy seed. Zero never gave up semolina and grew up big, big. Thin, angular numbers 1, 4, 7 envied Zero. After all, he was round, impressive.

To be in charge of him, - they prophesied all around.

And Zero puffed up and puffed up like a turkey.

They put Zero somehow in front of the Two, and even separated it with a comma to emphasize its uniqueness. And what? The magnitude of the number suddenly decreased tenfold! Put Zero in front of other numbers - the same thing.

Everyone is surprised. And some even began to say that Zero has only appearance, but no content.

Zero heard this and became sad ... But sadness is not a helper to trouble, something must be done. Zero stretched out, stood on tiptoe, squatted, lay down on one side, and the result was the same.

Zero now looked with envy at other numbers: although they were discreet in appearance, each means something. Some even managed to grow into a square or a cube, and then they became important numbers. Zero also tried to rise into a square, and then into a cube, but nothing worked - he remained himself. Zero wandered around the world, unhappy and destitute. He once saw how the numbers line up, and reached for them: he was tired of loneliness. Zero approached imperceptibly and stood modestly behind everyone. And oh, miracle !!! He immediately felt the strength in himself, and all the numbers looked at him affably: after all, he increased their strength tenfold. "

Fairy tale "Turnip"

Lived was 1/5. She planted a turnip. The turnip is ripe, it's time to drag it. She began to pull 1/5 of the turnip, pulls, pulls, cannot pull. Called 1/5 for help 2/5. They pull, pull together, but they cannot pull out the turnip. They called 3/5. 3/5 came pulling the turnip, but it does not get pulled out of the ground. Called 4/5. 4/5 came, pulls with everyone, but again the turnip is not pulled out of the ground. Called 5/5. They pull, pull everything and together pulled the turnip out of the ground. After all, they have how much strength together: integer 3.

"Good and Evil in the World of Mathematics"

While in the human world there were 2 main concepts - good and evil, in mathematics there were concepts - plus and minus. They existed separately from good and evil, but were closely associated with the world of people. We lived off mathematical souls - numbers. Without numbers, they were just unnecessary lines. The plus hid itself in numbers, and the minus put a line right in front of the number. How many units in numbers had a plus, how many warriors he had, how many units in numbers had a minus, so many warriors he had. And the time has come for mathematics. Troops of plus and minus began to be called: positive numbers and negative numbers. The minus forces opposed the negative name, and a war began, which has not ended to this day and will never end. Since the powers of positive and negative numbers are infinite, just as the numbers are infinite.

The clashes between the troops of the two forces were called mathematical actions, and it was not quality that won, but quantity. Since in the human world most often there are more objects than zero, respectively, the numbers in the human world also prevailed positive. It was also in mathematics. Positive numbers began to appear more often.

But often the forces of the minus make bold forays towards the forces of the plus and, for evil, win people. We all know these cases. For example: when there is no money in the wallet or in the pocket, but still owes someone else.

"Favorite of the queen of arithmetic"

In the land of mathematics, there were two worst enemies: Positive and Negative signs.

The struggle between them went on from the very birth, and they did not care that they were brothers. They fought with each other like water with fire, like light with darkness, When one sang, the other remained silent. They were reflections of each other. Do you know what it's like to fight with yourself, right hand against left, finger against finger? They fought for the beautiful Queen of Arithmetic.

And finally, the day of choosing a favorite has come. The hall of the math duel was richly decorated. Cylinders with flowers stood around, and on the walls there were carpets with images of graphs. Queen Arithmetic was sitting on the throne, watching what was happening. In addition to numbers, the duel helped lead the sign Equal. For he was the main judge and watched over the correctness of the decision of the example. And now a fireworks made of colored dots announced the start of the competition. In the first round, the Plus sign won, since the decision was as follows:

He also won in the second round. Because the expression was like this:

The third time it was like this:

3 + (-10) = -13

And the Minus sign won.

And guessing that Minus won again in the fourth round was not at all difficult, since the expression was like this:

And an honest sign Equal concluded that they had a draw. And then Queen Arithmetic decided that none of these two signs would become her favorite, but the truth-loving sign Equal.

And this is how the sign Equal became the favorite of the Queen of Arithmetic and he received all the honors.

And Plus and Minus continued to fight among themselves, because they were similar, but they were completely different.

"Positive and negative signs"

Once upon a time there were two brothers. They did not resemble each other, had nothing in common. The positive was kind and the negative was evil and selfish. They went on a journey. The two brothers together overcame many obstacles, difficulties, thresholds on their way.

Once they were attacked by robbers, and our heroes fled in different directions. Having lost each other, they wandered for a long time and wandered through the fields, shores, forests and different environs. And now a negative sign came across some settlement. He knocked on the door, they opened it for him. The negative brother asked: “How are you there, come on quickly bring me some water and tell me how to get to my house ?! ". To which he was answered: "I would be glad to help you, but you are very angry, ill-mannered, and I am not pleased to help someone like YOU!" And he closed the door. For a long time our hero wandered and wandered around the world. While his brother met some vagrant, and he, out of politeness, helped to find his way home. And the negative sign was looking for a way home for a long time, but in the end, he reached home, because all roads lead to home! And now the evil brother has turned into a gentle kind-hearted man, he has become the same as his brother is a positive sign! And they lived for a long time in friendship and harmony!

"How the signs quarreled"

Once upon a time there were signs, and everything was fine, until Plus and Multiplication decided to drive out poor Minus and Division. For a long time Minus and Division persuaded Plus and Multiplication to take pity and not drive them out, but the positive signs were unshakable, and Division with Minus had to leave, not knowing where.

Plus and Multiplication bitterly regretted their decision, from nowhere, in the city where the signs lived, terrible Viruses appeared. You ask: "How can viruses damage signs?" They will not damage the signs, but the numbers from them can "get sick", but if all the numbers get sick, then why will the signs be needed?

And so it happened, all the numbers got sick, and the city was empty. Plus and Multiplication decided to get rid of annoying Viruses. But no matter how much Plus and Multiplication tried to get rid of the Viruses, they failed because the Viruses only grew and multiplied. The signs despaired, and they had to go and apologize to Minus and Division, and ask them for help. They happily accepted Minus and Division's apologies, and helped to clear the city of Viruses.

Since then, the signs have never quarreled, and have learned to respect each other.

"Mr. Multiplication and Mr. Minus"

There was a sign of Multiplication. He believed that when he acts on a number, it always increases. Once, Multiplication walked across the field and saw Minus. He was stunned to meet such a sign and told him: "You are so helpless, I can make you more." To which Minus replied: "Yes, you are absolutely right, but if I stand in front of the number, then even you cannot make me more." Multiplication laughed at this and, with a grin, threw the following words to him: “Ha! Let's check your theory now. "

And they began to call different numbers. The first came 2, and Minus stood in front of her, and Multiplication took decisive action, he multiplied -2 ​​by 2, but it turned out -4. Multiplication was surprised by what had happened and said that 2 was to blame for everything and he called 3, but the same thing happened, the number decreased. And this happened every time and with every number. And when all the numbers ended, then Multiplication admitted the victory of the minus, then the number does not always increase with multiplication, and it can also decrease. And after that they became friends.

"Knowledge is power"

Once, two friends of the sign of multiplication and division met. The division came first, because he thought if you were late, it would be indecent, but if you come earlier, nothing will happen. And Multiplication was 15 minutes late. He arrived in a very expensive car. Multiplication was always with money, and as soon as he saw Division, he was not surprised and told him that it is much better to be multiplication than division, if any number is multiplied by another, it always turns out more. "Not always!" - Division suddenly said for Multiplication.

And so they went to the chief judge of the country, mathematician. And the chief judge at that time was the equal sign itself. When he saw them, he laughed at them and told them that in different situations it is different. "And why?" - exclaimed the sign of multiplication, trembling with his little legs. But first, learn math, then you go and apologize to the division sign.

For a long, long time he studied the multiplication sign, and when he learned, he apologized to the division sign, and they left together in a cool car.

"Sweets Machines"

Once upon a time there was a girl named Masha. She had her own candy store, but had no friends at all.

Every night, Masha sometimes disappeared, then added a few mint gingerbread or cheesecakes. But it turned out that plus and minus came to her store every night. Plus added sweets all the time, and minus subtracted them. And then Masha decided to follow what was happening in her store. She stayed overnight there. At night, through a dream, Masha heard someone arguing. She quietly crept up to the store with sweets and saw mathematical signs. "What are you doing here?" She asked. Plus replied: "We argue who will work here this night." Masha thought that maybe the signs would be friends with her and said: “Let me appoint who will be and when to work here”. And the signs agreed. Now Masha worked with signs, and the sweets were added and then decreased. But Masha did not care at all, because she found real friends for herself.

"How mathematical signs were looking for friendship"

Once upon a time there were mathematical signs: addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. But the trouble was, in those days the signs did not yet know each other. They lived sadly, no one loved them, did not invite them to visit, did not come to their birthday. And so they decided to find a friend of the heart, but one that would not betray and respect. But where can I get this?

And so on Sunday morning they set off for distant lands. There is a multiplication and it sees the heat - the bird sits on a branch, it asked the bird: "Do you know the heat - the bird, where can I find a friend", and she answers him: "Take this ball, it will bring you to your future friend ". Took a ball of multiplication and went on.

And at this time, the division comes to the fever - bird and says: "The fever is a bird, you do not know where to find a friend for me." "Take this magic apple, it will bring you to your future friend." - said the bird. The division took an apple and moved on. Immediately after the division, subtraction came, and the heat - the bird gave him a carpet - an airplane. After subtraction, addition came up, heat - the bird presented him with a magic mirror.

And now the hard day is over. The sun began to set. The grasshoppers played a melodic song on their violins. It's time to go to bed. Mathematical signs decided to lie down with their feet to the road along which they walked, and head to the house. But the dream was not sweet, they were tormented by nightmares that they would not find friends and turned over in their sleep. When dawn broke and they walked forward, they were at home. Not understanding why they returned home, upset, they decided not to go anywhere else. The multiplication went to its home, but it fell inadvertently. Seeing this division, subtraction and multiplication ran to the rescue. Addition knew immediately who his real friends were.

Why didn't they meet on the way? Because they left the house at different times. They lived in the same village, but did not see each other because they lived in different directions. Multiplication was on the south side, division on the north, addition on the west, and subtraction on the east.

Since those times, best friends have been living for themselves and visiting each other. Many centuries have passed, and their friendship cannot be spilled with water!

A fairy tale about light and its constituent parts

Once upon a time, there were 1/7 - red, 1/7 orange, 1/7 yellow, 1/7 green, 1/7 blue, 1/7 blue, 1/7 purple.

They lived apart and in hostility. They didn't know who they were or where they came from. Each of them was proud of her color and tried to prove that it was her color that was the most beautiful. This controversy went so far that a great war smelled in the air. The colors stopped talking to each other and began to prepare for battle.

And at such a turbulent time, a wizard named Newton appeared. He called everyone and said:

- How can you be at enmity with each other? After all, you are not just fractional colors, but constituent parts. You are all children of one whole family.

Your father is White sunshine.

- It can't be! We are all on our own!

“You didn't appear out of nowhere. I'll show you one trick now, and you yourself will understand everything.

He led them to the curtained window. A sunbeam shone through a small gap. With one hand, the wizard placed a glass prism in his path, and a rainbow appeared on the opposite wall. It consisted of seven familiar colors. Then, with the other hand, the magician also substituted a collecting magnifying glass. The rainbow disappeared, a white sunbeam appeared again.

Our colored fractional parts were delighted.

Now they knew who they were and where they came from.

- But if we have a father, then who is the mother? - asked the colors.

- And we all have one mother - Nature! - answered the magician. - I'll tell you one more secret. As constituents, you are fractions (1/7), and if you are represented as waves, then you become decimal fractions. Each wave has its own color and length: red - 0.75 microns; orange -0.62, yellow - 0.59; green - 0.57, blue - 0.53; blue - 0.5; purple - 0, 45. These are the pies, my lovely colors. From now on, you will live in peace and harmony!

And the wizard disappeared. And our heroes began to live together as one WHOLE family. And when they wanted to play, they turned into a rainbow and delighted people with their beauty.


In a certain kingdom, a certain state lived: a king named Parallelepiped with his queen - the Square. And they had three daughters, one more beautiful than the other. They were called Height, Width and Length.

Once the princesses went out for a walk in the royal forest, and they got lost. They began to click on their mother, but it was useless. The girls wandered far away. Suddenly one of the sisters Height, said: "You - Width and Length - must find the product between your height, and then we'll see what happens."

And so they did. At the same moment, their mother, Square, appeared next to them.

Since then, people multiply the width by the length and get the area. And if you multiply the area and height, you get the volume of a rectangular parallelepiped.

Who is more important?

We argued once 1/2 and 0.5 which of them is more important in mathematics. 0.5 says: “I am more important than you!”, And 1/2 says: “No, I am more important!”. They argued for a long time and they went to the Queen Mathematica in the palace so that she could decide which of them was more important. They came and said: "Queen of Mathematics, we argued which of us is more important and could not decide, help us." She answered them: "I will help you, but the coordinate beam must come to my aid." They called the coordinate beam, and the queen said: "Now 1/2 and 0.5, take your places on it." And both of them became in one place. “You see, then you are equal, go and live peacefully,” said Queen Mathematica.

And more than 1/2 from 0.5 did not argue which of them is more important.

Pi number (3.14 ...)

Whole parts in Pi,

Like a triangle, there are three corners.

A comma follows

I don’t forget to put it after the whole parts.

Then there is one,

To the guys who know this assessment,

It is not worth studying in the 165th lyceum.

Four oceans of everything on earth

One of them, Quiet -

The largest in depth!

There are many numbers in the number Pi,

I only wrote about three!

Grandfather Equal

The grandfather, nicknamed Ravnyalo, lived in a hut on the edge of the forest. He loved to joke with numbers. The grandfather will take the numbers on both sides of him, connect them with signs, and take the fastest in parentheses, but make sure that one part is equal to the other. And then he will hide some number under the mask of "X" and ask his granddaughter, little Ravnyalka, to find him. Equal, though small, but knows its business: it will quickly overtake all numbers, except for the "x", in the other direction and will not forget to change the signs to the opposite. And the numbers obey him, quickly carry out all actions on his order, and the "X" is known. The grandfather looks at how cleverly the granddaughter is doing everything, and rejoices: a good change for him is growing.

Mathematical fairy tale "CASTLE ON AXIS"

A long time ago, in time immemorial, King SHAHASH lived for himself in his old (very old) palace. One morning, after a long sleep, I decided to get married! But what sane king would bring his beloved to such a dilapidated, filthy palace?

It was then that SHAHASH decided to build a "Castle on the Axis"! The wise king summoned all the architects of his kingdom to his abode and asked them the following problem: "Build me a castle on the axis!" - said the prudent ruler. The best architects of the whole country puzzled for a long time, as they could not find such a place! Suddenly, out of the blue, one of the young talents looked at the headdress of one of the noble nobles, it was made as if a mirror had been pierced in the very center. Then it dawned on the noble architect, the hat was made according to axial symmetry. "So this is what it means, a lock on an axis! A lock designed according to the principle of axial symmetry, built on the basis of reflection."

Half a year later, the castle was rebuilt, the king married an overseas beauty, and the architect was not only thanked, but also generously rewarded.

Everyone loves fairy tales, but especially children. They can be included before self-study in mathematics in an extended day group in the form of a physical education minute or used in extracurricular activities. For convenience, the tale is divided into parts.

1. The tale of zero.

Far, far away, beyond the seas and mountains, was the land of Tsifriya. There were very honest numbers living in it. Only zero was characterized by laziness and dishonesty.

2. Once everyone found out that far beyond the desert, Queen Arithmetica appeared, inviting the inhabitants of Tsifria to her service. Everyone wanted to serve the Queen. Between Tsifria and the kingdom of Arithmetic lay a desert, which was crossed by four rivers: Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division. How to get to Arithmetic? The numbers decided to unite (after all, it is easier to overcome difficulties with comrades) and try to cross the desert.

3. Early in the morning, as soon as the sun touched the earth with its rays, the numbers set off. They walked for a long time under the scorching sun and finally reached the Addition River. The numbers rushed to the river to get drunk, but the river said, "Stand in pairs and fold, then I will give you a drink." Everyone fulfilled the order of the river, fulfilled the desire and the lazy Zero. But the number, with which it formed, remained dissatisfied: after all, the river gave as much water as there were units in the total, and the amount did not differ from the number.

4. The sun bakes even more. We got to the river Subtraction. She also demanded a payment for water: to become pairs and subtract a smaller number from a larger one, whoever has a smaller answer will receive more water. And again the number paired with zero was a loser and was upset.

6. And at the river Division, none of the numbers wanted to be paired with Zero. Since then, no number has been divisible by zero.

7. True, Queen Arithmetic reconciled all numbers with this lazy person: she simply began to ascribe zero next to the number, which increased tenfold from this. And the numbers began to live, to live, and to make good.

You can work with a fairy tale in different ways: after reading, ask a series of questions, ask the children to continue the fairy tale at certain stages, consider the fairy tale as a task with gaps.

For example:

1) Why was the country called Tsifria? What does the number Zero mean?

2) What does Queen Arithmetic do in mathematics? (Studying numbers and actions on them.) What rivers separated the land of Tsifriya and the kingdom of Arithmetic? What general name can be given to these rivers? (Action.) Who was going to cross the desert? (Numbers.) How are numbers different from numbers?

3) Why was the number added to zero left dissatisfied?

4) Give two examples to illustrate the words of the fairy tale - "... Become pairs and subtract the smaller number from the larger: whoever gets the answer less will receive a prize - water." Why did the number paired with Zero lose? Can the numbers become pairs so that each pair gets an equal share of water? Give examples.

5) Why didn't the number paired with Zero receive water from the Multiplication River?

6) Why, when crossing the river Division, the numbers did not want to pair with Zero?

7) How many times is the first number greater or less than the second: 7 and 70, 3 and 30, 50 and 5?

You can offer the guys to compose a continuation of the tale, apparently, after the fourth point. Here one can already feel the author's intention, a mathematical pattern. However, such work can be organized after the third point, if you give some advice: a) each river poses a problem for the numbers that cannot be successfully solved together with Zero; b) the tale should end happily, as usual.

By an assignment with gaps, we mean highlighting intonation (individual sentences can be written out on the board) the absence of some words. But which can be inserted within the meaning of the tale based on the strict relationship of mathematical concepts. For example, in the 5th paragraph: "The number paired with Zero, in general ... water"; "Since then, not a single number ... to zero." In the 6th, in the 7th: "She began to simply ascribe Zero next to the number, which is from this ... in ... times."

Of course, the above methods of work can be combined. It should also be noted that the use of fairy tales in self-preparation classes during repetition and reinforcement makes them more diverse and interesting. Fairy tales and questions to them have a great educational effect and contribute to the development of thinking.

2. Fairy tale "Victory of knowledge".

It was a long time ago. In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, an illiterate king ascended the throne: in childhood he did not like mathematics and his native language, drawing and singing, reading and work. This king grew up ignorant. He felt ashamed before the people, and the king decided: let everyone in this state be illiterate. He closed schools and allowed him to study only military science in order to conquer more lands, to be rich. Soon the army of this state became large and strong. She worried all the neighboring countries, especially the little ones. The ignorant king was called Pood. He became the leader of his robber army.

In the neighborhood of the state of ignoramuses was the country of Length. Its king was an intelligent and educated person: he knew arithmetic, various languages; in addition, he had an excellent command of military science. The army in the country was small, but well trained, it was famous for its intelligence and runners and long distances.

King Pood approached the State of Length with his troops and set up camp near the border.

How to save the State of Length? His king, knowing that Pud and his subordinates do not know how to count and do not know what the words kilo (one thousand), centi (one hundred), deci (ten) mean, decided to conduct a military operation.

Two days later, a large plywood doll appeared on a cart in front of the Puda army camp. The sentries did not want to let her in, but the doll said that she was a gift from the State of Length to King Pudu. The sentries were forced to miss the doll. The cart with the doll drove into the camp. Pood and his entourage examined the doll and were surprised at its size and ability to speak in a human voice. The doll said that her name was Kilo and that she had younger brothers Meter and Decimeter.

The sun was setting lower and lower. Night fell on the ground. When the whole camp of Puda fell asleep, the doll opened up, and 1000 dolls named Meter came out of it, and from them, from each came 10 dolls, which were called Decimeter, and from each Decimeter - 10 warriors - Centimeters. They surrounded the sleeping enemy army and destroyed it. Only King Pud escaped (he would later be found in another kingdom).

So the clever king, who loves science, defeated the ignoramus - King Puda. And all neighboring states began to live in peace and friendship.

3. The fairy tale "Hero of the planet" Violet ".

Today, a holiday was raging all over the Earth. For the first time in history, a man went to the planet "Violet", on which intelligent beings lived.

Half an hour of flight passed, and suddenly a noise was heard from the engine room, not provided for by the instructions. Fortunately, there was no accident. The boy Kolya was on the ship. What to do? The cosmonauts decided to report the incident to the flight control center and continue the expedition.

Finally, the crew reached an unknown planet. A few kilometers from the landing site, an amazing city was located: all the houses in it were spherical. The inhabitants of Violet did not know how to calculate the area of ​​a rectangle. The earthlings decided to help them, and at the same time to check what their stowaway passenger is capable of.

Kolya was frightened: he did not like mathematics, he always copied homework from his comrades. But there was no way out. With difficulty, he remembered that a square with a side of 1 cm has an area of ​​1 sq. cm, 1 m - 1 sq. m, etc. How do you find the area of ​​a rectangle? Kolya drew a rectangle in which 12 small squares fit. Along the larger side - 4 squares, and along the smaller - 3. Then Kolya drew 1 more rectangle. It contained 30 squares, the length of the rectangle was 10 squares, and the width was 3.

What to do? - Kolya thought. The sides of the rectangle are 4 and the squares, and the area is 12. The sides of the rectangle are 10 and 3 squares, and the area is 30. I know, ”the boy shouted,“ to find the area of ​​the rectangle, you need to multiply the length by the width. Kolya reported to the commander of the ship on the completion of the mission.

This tale can be used not only to consolidate the material, but also when studying a new one - the area of ​​a rectangle. A student can play the role of Kolya, make a discovery, albeit small.

Elements of problem learning in the form of a fairy tale game arouse great interest in children.