The best scenarios for March 8 for kindergarten.

The best scenarios for March 8 for kindergarten.
The best scenarios for March 8 for kindergarten.

"Happy spring holiday, mothers!"

(Scenario of a congratulatory event for children 4 - 6 years old)

Target: fostering a respectful attitude towards women, love and respect for their mothers, grandmothers, girls.
1. create conditions for the formation of a desire to take care of their mothers and grandmothers;

develop a sense of pride in your family;
2. to create conditions for the development of the creative abilities of children by learning poems, songs, dances;

3. create conditions for the development of a sense of pride in their family.

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to our hall.

And although there are frosts,
And the drifts under the window
But fluffy mimosas
They are already selling around.

Drops of sunlight
Splashes of sunny summer
We are taking it into the house today
We give to grandmother and mother,
Congratulations on Women's Day

Leading: March 8 is a spring holiday, bright, cheerful, joyful. And we will try to make this holiday unforgettable for our lovely women.

(Boys come out with balloons in the middle of the hall and recite poetry)

1st boy.

The first sunbeam

A holiday knocked on the house,

And from the joy of the icicle

They rang outside the window.

2nd boy.

We, hearing the ringing of a drop,

Jumped out of bed quickly

We rush to the door barefoot

We open wide the doors:

Holiday, come to our house!

3rd boy

The holiday is coming soon. All is ready?

Hey, nobody's late?

There, the girls are all in updates!

Decorate the hall soon!

4th boy.

I told you guys

We may not be in time by the deadline.

All the girls are to blame

They would only sing songs!

2nd boy

Hush, hush, don't swear!

Here they are, right there!

Smile more fun

Our girls are coming.

(Girls enter the hall. Boys invite girls to dance with balls)

Leading: The holiday is big and bright

Today in the whole world.

Listen moms, listen

Children congratulate you.

1 child. In March on the first

N spring begins.
Mother's Day - March 8th -
Celebrated by the whole country!
2 child. I'll get up early in the morning
I will kiss my mom.
I will give a bouquet of flowers
There is no better friend than mom!
3 child. On this day, the springtime,
We want to congratulate mom.
Let Mommy about love
The nightingales are humming!
4 child.May the children help her
Let her be protected
May it be easy for her
Troubles will be far away!
5 child. We do not always succeed
To behave.
We honestly admit this

We ask you to forgive us for that.
6 child. We promise mom to listen
To wash, to eat porridge.
We will grow quickly
Mommy will bloom!

7 child. There are many mothers in this world

Children love them with all their hearts.

Only mom is one

She is dearer to me than everyone else.

Who is she? I will answer: "This is my mommy!"

8 child. I will kiss my mother tightly, I will hug her dear.

I love her very much, mom, my dear.

9 child. Mom, I love you very, very much.

I love so much that I do not sleep in the dark at night.

I gaze into the darkness, hurrying the morning.

I love you all the time, mommy.

So the sun has risen, now it is dawn,

There is no one in the world better than mother.

Leading: Our dear mother

Congratulations on Women's Day.

And a song about mom

We'll sing tonight.

Leading: Dear mothers, the song "Solnyshko

radiant ".

(Song is sung)

Leading: Guys, you have the most attractive and charming mothers in the world. Any mother loves to dress up and be the most beautiful in the world. And mom always carries a purse with her. Just like mine!

(In the hands of the leading handbag)

Who knows what is in mom's purse?

Children: wallet, keys, lipstick ...

Leading: Quite right. Now we will check if our girls can help their mother collect her bag for work in the morning. And we can make sure of this by playing the "Mom's bag" relay.

(On two tables x there are various objects: a wallet, toothpaste, lipstick, a comb, soap, a screwdriver, a pen, powder ... .. It is necessary to call two girls. One collects one bag, the second. she won.)


I will ask you a riddle

And you guess it.

Who puts the patch on the heel?

Who iron and mends the linen?

Who cleans the house in the morning?

Who puts on the big samovar?

Who plays with the little sister

And takes her to the boulevard?

Who is the fringed rug embroidered

Who writes detailed letters

To my father's soldier?

Whose hair is whiter than snow

Are your hands yellow and dry?

Whom do I love and regret?

Who did you write poetry about?

Children: Granny!!!

Leading: We love grandmothers for their kindness and affection, for grandmothers we even love to tell poetry.

(Children recite poetry)

1 child:

I congratulate granny

Happy Women's Day of Spring!

I adore granny

People need grandmothers!

2 child:

He will tell a good fairy tale,

He will sing a lullaby

Warm winter scarf will knit

And will go for a walk with me

3 child:

Our grandmother came

And brought a basket

She sat down quietly in a corner

Knits stockings for kids

Suddenly the kittens came running

And the balls were scattered.

Where are my balls

How can I knit stockings.

Leading: Naughty kittens scattered all the tangles. What to do, how to be. We must quickly put everything away in the baskets, otherwise the grandmother will come and be very upset. Guys, now you will show how you help your grandmothers.

To do this, we will play games:

1. The game "Remove the balls."

2. Game "Cooks".

Leading: Guys, on March 8, congratulations are received not only by mothers and grandmothers, but also by our young princesses - our girls. Therefore, our boys have prepared congratulations for them.

(Ditties are performed)

1. Soon the girls have a holiday,
We need to sing ditties
- Oh guys, in my ear
As a child, a bear came ...

2. Oh, spring, spring, spring,
Be honest with the girls:
Give everyone your freckles
Well, we'll sing ditties! ..

3. You, dear girls,
Happy Women's Day!
And now we are ditties for you
We will sing very loudly! ..

4. All day March 8
Lena half chalked with passion,
And on the ninth
I didn't take a broom in my hands ...

5. On Women's Day, March 8
Dad cooked lunch himself
And, I'll tell you a secret,
Did a lot of troubles ...

Leading: Guys, you gave the girls a musical gift. Now, let's play a little.

    Two or three boys compete. Sitting in front of every boy on a chairgirl, kerchiefs hang on the backs of chairs. At the signal, the boys tie the girls' headscarves. Who quickly?

    There are 2 chairs on one side of the room. On them are laid out: on a size - a bottle of milk, a cube - a loaf of bread, a bag of sand - a bag of sugar. The players are on the other side of the hall. At the signal, they take the baskets and run to the chairs, put the “groceries” in the basket and go back. The winner is the one who completes the task faster.

Leading: Dear guys, you prepared well for the holiday, you did your best: you read poems, sang songs, danced. Did you know that even little animals congratulate their mothers on the 8th of March? Now you look at a fairy tale about this
(Staging of the fairy tale "For Mommy")

Leading. An ordinary hedgehog lived in the forest near the lawn. Once an extraordinary adventure happened to him. Look: a hedgehog went out onto the lawn and saw flowers.

Hedgehog: FR-FR ... hello flowers, FR-FR ...

Good afternoon, day ...
Good afternoon ...
Good afternoon, day, day ...

Hedgehog: Come, please, congratulate ... FR-FR ... my mom on the holiday.

Flowers: We agree, yes, yes, yes ... But how to get there?

Leading: Suddenly a fox jumped out into the clearing. So big. So scary. I saw a hedgehog and says:

Fox: How tasty ... YYM-YYM ... Meeting, YYM-YYM ... Now I AM you, YYM!

Hedgehog: Ay, FR – FR, I'm afraid! FR – FR ... Help!

Only the flowers were not taken aback, but quickly sat on the hedgehog, like this: One ... Second ... Third ... Fourth ... Fifth ... This is how the hedgehog turned into a blooming flower bed. I looked, looked for a hedgehog fox among the flowers, did not find it and ran on. And when the hedgehog came home, his mother said ...

Mama: What beautiful flowers, but where is my favorite hedgehog?

Leading. Then the hedgehog came closer, kissed mommy - like this ... and said:

Hedgehog: And here I am, FR – FR, under the flowers, FR – FR! Happy Holidays!

Leading:Oh yes Hedgehog, well done, congratulated my mother, gave her a gift. Guys, what do we usually give our mothers and grandmothers for a holiday? Who will tell?

Child:We are a gift to mom

They did not buy -
Did it yourself

With your own hands.

Leading: Dear parents, we want to thank you for your kind heart, for your desire to be with your children, for your desire to give them warmth and good mood. We were very pleased to see the kind and gentle smiles of mothers, the happy eyes of children. For your participation in our holiday, for the fact that you are always with us, your children have prepared small souvenirs for you.

(Children give gifts to music)

Leading: Guys, let us present a song to our parents as a gift to the gifts.

(The song "Best of all in the world, my mommy" is sung).

Leading: We are completing our holiday,

We wish dear mothers

So that mom does not grow old

Younger, prettier.

We wish our mothers

Never lose heart

Every year to be more beautiful

And bloom more and more.

Leading: Our holiday has come to an end. Dear women, we congratulate you on the beginning of spring. Always be loved, charming, attractive. We wish you inexhaustible happy and joyful smiles of your children. May the care and love that you give your children remain in their hearts for many years. Be happy!

The material was found on the Internet. These scenes are often repeated in different scenarios, so the author is unknown. Thanks to those who came up with these scenes. I think that many will like the material, because it can be so difficult to find scenes for the holidays, especially new and interesting ones.

1. Scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

2. Congratulations to the Musketeers

3. You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!

4. Scene "How to surprise the girls"

5. Fashion show for moms (humorous)

6. Scene "Conversation".

Scene "Do not recognize dad today ..."

On the stage (or "improvised stage", away from those walking in the festive audience) there is a set table. Sitting at the table - mom, grandmother. Dad enters the room with a large bag of gifts ...

Daughter: Do not recognize dad today -

He entered, and suddenly at the door,

Dad wants to throw his hat, as usual, and then, having recollected himself, neatly puts it on a chair (or hangs it on a hanger).

He didn’t throw his hat on the table, but hung it up, as if at a party.

Daughter: He brought a huge bundle,

And he did not grumble under his breath,

That he is tired worse than the devil -

Such a weight carried ...

Dad, smiling, approaches his daughter.

Daughter: He said:

Dad: "Great, daughter!"

Daughter: And laughing this time

He kissed mom on the cheek,

And he shook his hand to granny.

Dad kisses mom, shakes grandma's hands. The daughter sits down at the table. Everyone starts to eat.

Mother-in-law: He didn't hide in the newspaper,

At the table he looked at everyone!

Mama: He did not hit the cutlet with a fork,

As if someone was sitting in it.

Mother-in-law: He was better, he was simpler,

He poured tea into cups,

Daughter: Even grandmother is not a mother-in-law,

And he called him mummy!

I asked my mother quietly:

"Mom, what happened to him?"

Mom: "On this day, -

Daughter: Mom said, -

Mama: Dad should be like that! "

Daughter: I, a child, do not understand

Maybe an adult who will understand

Ain't daddy nice

Be good for a whole year?

Congratulations to the musketeers

Music: "It's time-let's-rejoice ..." Exit of the Musketeers.
Let me introduce myself, I am D-Artagnan, and these are my friends. - Athos - Porthos - Arimis D-Artagnan: Our motto is "One for all"
Everything : And all for one!
D-Artagnan: Moms, grandmothers and aunts
We hold you in high esteem
Find no other reason
To get together, we are men
We are all here together now
All: Because we love you!
Athos: If I’m a ball girl
I would not run, I would not jump
And the whole evening with my mother
Dancing unashamedly
Porthos: If I’m a ball girl
I would not waste time
And all day without a break
I drew with my mother
Aramis: If I were a poet
I would write poetry
And from morning to night
I wish my mom would read them
D-Artagnan: This is what I thought
So what happens?
If I was a girl
Fragile small and thin
Athos: If you were a girl
In a skirt with curly bangs
If they were all girls
In ruffles, in frilly bows
Porthos: If there were no boys
What would happen to us then?
Who would take care of them
Did the hard work?
Aramis: Who would build, dig, dig
Who would protect them with their breasts
In the sky, on the ground, in the infantry
At the border and in the Morflot!
Everything: No friends our way is one
Glorious valiant men!

Scene "You can't go anywhere, fall in love and get married!"

1 account: We celebrate the women's holiday, we congratulate all girls and women. A wonderful day, what a lot to say. We like to give gifts to girls.

2 uch: We wish them to become good housewives. But, to tell the truth, without concealment, We, boys, do not believe in the female mind, After all, there have never been smart women.

1 uch : A woman needs homework. Science, business is not her concern.

2 uch: You must learn to wash, cook, sew, And you have no need to teach mathematics.

Dev: And I will answer you - no! That a woman's mind is not appreciated is not a secret. The men did not allow us to study, They thought it was not good for the ladies.

1 account: But if you start to lead the country, In science, in business, everything will go, Then who will cook the soup, Clean up the apartment, raise children?

2 uch: Imagine - the house is dirty and dinner is not ready, And there is no supervision for the children. One wife is in the government, Another will fly into space tomorrow, And the third writes poetry all day. Better to cook a portion of fish soup!

Dev: A man can also cook cabbage soup. Responsibilities must be shared.

1 account: If I marry you, I'll see how you wash the dishes, And not how much you read And how you solve complex problems.

Dev: You can't go anywhere, Fall in love and get married!

Scene "How to surprise girls"

Boy - What to give the girls, so that they can immediately kill them?

The Boys solved this problem for a long, long time. But time passed, and how they should be, They did not know yet.

1st: Is candy the best gift? 2nd: Chur, I give candy to Ksyusha! 3rd: No, they don't need caries. We will eat the sweets ourselves. 4th : The gift is better than all the candies - This is a good pistol, For example, a "colt" or "revolver". 3rd: Understand, the girl is not a kid! How can she play with a gun, Shoot teddy bears? 5th: Let's get them flowers. 3rd: Where can we find them in March? 1st: And what should we do then? 2nd: The girls are in trouble! (all drooping, suddenly the 3rd brightens up)

3rd: I know what to do! Let's try to surprise them: Let's decide that on this women's holiday, no one teases them all day. Pleasant moments in the morning - From us for each compliments ... 4th (not understanding): Compliments? 3rd: Well, lie to them about beauty. 5th (admiringly): Wow! How cunning you are! And then what? 3rd: Girly games. 1st (dismissively, indignantly): Should we play dolls with them? 3rd: Day will have to suffer. But we're men! Do you agree? Who agrees"? (everyone raises their right hand) Well, "unanimously."

Fashion show for moms (with humor)

Lead 1: We are ready to show for the sake of such a holiday of Fashionistas! Look all here "New Fashion", gentlemen!

(Music plays, and "models" appear on the podium)

Lead 2: This season, scarves are in fashion, Tie a bag, tie it around his neck! You can tie it like a hat…. We are ready to show mothers everything!

Lead 1: We invite everyone to wear flip flops,To be fashionable mothers for you!Gloves to the flip flops, take mothers,So go to school meetings!

Lead 2: Skirts to the floor, mothers, wear,Pick up caps and handbags to match.We recommend three colors, mothers, for you.How do you combine them? We will show you this hour!

Lead 1: The scarf and belt are fashion classics!Wear them, mothers, in any weather!Walk to the theater with dad, arm in armAnd you, fidgets, you take with you.

Lead 2: High heels are in fashion for women of fashion. Match a laptop to the design. Everyone will say: "Look, there is a business!"

Lead 2: Take the flowered shoes on the market, you will choose fashionable, bright ones. Shoes should not be taken with a blouse to match, So it was not fashionable last season!

Lead 1: Umbrellas will be fashionable this year,The most fashionable ones will not forget them!Bright, round, flat - differentAll mothers will be wonderful with them!

Lead 2: We present straps in fashion for mothers. We offer different colors for you!

Lead 1: This season, you will need red and black fur, Just like the queen!

Lead 2: The fashion show is over

(all models take the stage)

We did our best, moms, for you! If you have any questions about fashion:

Lead 1: Pick up an outfit, braid your braids ...

Lead 2: We will give you a consultation right away, Mom - we want to see fashionistas!

Scene "Conversation".

Boy Our bell is terribly ringing

I fly out into the corridor ...

I have with one girl

Conversation ensued ...

And my dad is a champion!

He goes to the stadium:

He throws dumbbells up -

Will be the strongest in the world!

Girl Although men are strong -

Pancakes can't bake ...

You men are fools

Educate you, teach you,

And parsley from dill

You cannot tell.

By the way, who washes the house?

God has not given you talent ...

TV "consuming"

You lie down on the sofa!

Boy No use from a man ?!

This talent is not given to us ?!

Who nailed the shelf for the books?

Did you fix the faucet in the kitchen?

Girl You don't want to cook borscht,

Do not fry the cutlets ...

You should run away to work,

Well, there’s no more use!

Boy You prickly splinter

You don't know us men well.

Every now and then you shed tears

And besides, for no reason ...

You speak prickly words, shy ...

Dad is in the house - the head!

Girl And mom is in the house - a neck!

Boy I waved my hand to Light.
Eh! I didn't make it to the buffet!
There are always these girls
They will be taken away from important matters!

Girl No! It is not necessary to decide in a dispute,
In the hallway conversation
Who is stronger and who is more important ...
It's just ... mom is the most tender!

We celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 with a festive event every new spring. And every time we try to organize something special, non-trivial, bringing joy to both children and guests.

In search of new ideas and new inspiration for preparing a wonderful holiday, we invite you to look through the pages of our thematic section. Here we carefully store the useful experience of teachers accumulated in this matter, and we will be happy to share it with you. Perhaps, already on the first pages you will find an idea you like, which makes sense to use in preparing your holiday. Or, you might want to take a good ready-made scenario of Women's Day in its entirety. You decide.

Create a joyful festive atmosphere on March 8 with MAAM!

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All sections | March 8 scenarios

Scenario of a festive concert for March 8 for children of the preparatory group "The most tender and beloved!" Scenario festive concert for Day 8 Martha for children of the preparatory group "The most tender and beloved!" Leading: Hello dear guests! How wonderful that today we are celebrating the most wonderful, kind holiday - a holiday of kindness and love, dedicated to you, our dear mothers ...

Holiday script for March 8. "Congratulations for lovely mothers from different countries" Holiday script for March 8 in the preparatory group for school "Congratulations to cute mothers with 8 Martha from different countries» Educator 1KK Molchanova L. S, MKDOU ADS No. 5 ORV Entrance. Girls run in from one door, and boys from the other. They line up in the center of the hall in pairs. Dance (music ....

Scenarios March 8 - Scenario for the March 8 party "Merry TV" for medium groups

Publication "Scenario of the March 8 Matinee" Funny TV "for the middle ..." Musical director Elena Borisovna Koltakova Educator Marina Viktorovna Fomina Purpose: Enriching the experience of parent-child relations through joint creative activity in the conditions of MBDOU. Presenter: With the first ray of sunlight, the holiday knocked on the house, And with joy ...

Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

Entrance with dance to music. Presenter: Hello, dear mothers and grandmothers, lovely women! Spring has come! And we welcome you to our hall and are glad to meet you! 1. We guys are naughty. Do you recognize us already? This is not the first time we are on stage, Timur But we are worried now. 2. Let's talk ...

There is still snow outside, and spring is already on the calendar! And this wonderful time of the year opens a women's holiday. March 8 is a holiday that children love and expect to congratulate their beloved mothers, grandmothers, sisters. For the holiday, the guys and I began to prepare in advance. Learned poems, ...

I would like to present to your attention a photo report about our holiday dedicated to March 8th. We were looking forward to it and now it has come. Gifts, a wall newspaper and portraits were prepared for mothers. The party began with the dance "We are cats, we are bunnies" Carloson flew in and offered to be ...

Scenarios March 8 - Entertainment scenario in the senior group (tea party with moms in honor of March 8) (tea party in honor of March 8)

Scenario of entertainment in the older group (tea party with mothers in honor of March 8) "Mom is my sun" Purpose: Create a festive mood. Objectives: To form in children love for their mother, grandmother, the ability to take care of them. Develop the musical and artistic ability of children through ...

Lead: One of the most touching holidays celebrated in kindergarten is undoubtedly International Women's Day on March 8. The most precious thing for a child is his mother, grandmother, the closest and dearest people. Our dear mothers, grandmothers! Please accept my sincere congratulations on the upcoming holiday! Nature has endowed the Woman with inner sensitivity, subtle tenderness, unearthly kindness, unquenchable love and patience in life. May the beginning of spring bring joy and mutual understanding, bright hope, may the feminine charm never leave you And today our children have prepared for you many warm words, beautiful songs.

Children recite poetry

1. 8 Martha - Women's Day.

I congratulate you, mom!

May the shadow never grieve

Will not touch your eyes, dear.

2. To you today and always,

I honestly honestly promise

What will I always cherish

You, dear mummy

3. This holiday is the best

After all, you can congratulate mom,

I will have fun with my mother

Jump, run and spin.

4. Let there be a lot of joy,

Will not forget impressions

Congratulations on the eighth of March,

I wish mom happiness.

5. On a spring sunny day

Congratulations to mom

Long, joyful life

We sincerely wish

6. Mom dear,
I love you!
All flowers are spring
I give it to you.
The sun smiles,
Looking from above.
How great is it -
I have you! ...

7. Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers

We are for everything, for everything, relatives, We speak.

Everything. Thank you!

Song. "Mama"

1.Children in aprons come out. (Mini scene) - 3 CHILDREN AND MOTHER
You guys, don't meddle with us.
I wash with my mom together.
To make the dress cleaner
And the handkerchief was whiter
I'm tough, sparing no soap,
I am tpy, sparing no effort.
Panama has become clean.
"Hy-ka, mom, look!"
Mom smiles at me:
“Strongly, daughter, not three.
- I'm afraid that after washing
I have to mend holes. "

2 I tried and blinded
Like mom's pie.
For some reason it turned out
He has an uneven side.
Mommy told me:
“It’s uneven because
That there is very little filling
You put it in it "

3.I help mom,
I put away the toys.
Things are also in their places
I can decompose myself.
To surprise mom
I can cook compote.

Little Red Riding Hood appears to a song from the movie

Cr. Beanie : Hello guys! Hello mothers and grandmothers! I congratulate you on the first spring holiday.

Lead: Where are you going, Little Red Riding Hood?

The pies are in my basket.

The blush is hot.

This is a present for my grandmother.

From me and mom.

Lead: Did you help your mom? Did you bake pies? What a lovely girl you are!

Our mothers and grandmothers are wonderful hostesses who can easily guess any recipe.


You have to draw two recipes at random. Each lists the main ingredients of well-known dishes and pastries. You need to guess correctly and quickly!

1st recipe:

5 eggs, 1 cup sugar, 1 cup flour, teaspoon layers, teaspoon soda

(biscuit dough).

2nd recipe:

3 glasses of milk, 2 glasses of flour, 2 eggs, 25 g of butter, 0.5 teaspoons of sugar, 0.5 teaspoons of salt.

(pancake dough).

3rd recipe:

50 gr. yeast, tsp salt, 1 glass of milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 200 gr. Soft margarine, 3.5 cups flour, apple jam.

(yeast cake dough).

4th recipe:

Sauerkraut, pickled cucumbers, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, green peas, sunflower oil.

(the vinaigrette) .

5th recipe:

Boiled egg, onions, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, ivashi herring, mayonnaise.

(Herring under a Fur Coat).

6th recipe:

Mayonnaise, onions, boiled carrots, boiled eggs, boiled potatoes, green peas, sausage or meat.

(salad "Olivier")

Lead: Take our recipes and take them to grandma.

Cr. Hat: Thank you!

Song "For mothers and grandmothers"

Dancing, walking along the path, suddenly meets the Wolf.

Wolf : Hello Kr. Beanie!

Cr. Beanie : Hello, Mr. Wolf!

Wolf : Where are you going, Cr. A hat?

Cr. Beanie : There is such a day in March with a number like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know what the number stands for?

Tell us everything in unison.

All children : This is a holiday for our mothers.

Cr. Beanie : On this day, everyone congratulates their mothers, grandmothers on the holiday and gives them gifts, so we have a dance gift for our mothers and grandmothers.

Dance: "Stomp my foot".

Cr. Beanie : Dear Wolf, you live in your own fairy tale and do not know anything! On this day, all the guys not only congratulate their mothers, grandmothers and girls, give them their gifts and help them in everything. And they try to do this not only on a holiday, but always.

Lead: Here, listen, Wolf, to our guys.

Poems: children come out.

1. The day before we found out
About World Women's Day,
Because beloved mother
We are not too lazy to help us.

2 ... And today we won't
Run, jump and shout -
Ready for anything for her
Even eat up all the porridge!

3. We are today to our mom
Prepared a surprise:
Swept, watered flowers,
Tea set washed.

4. I keep my mother's work, I help as much as I can.
Today my mother made cutlets for lunch.
And she said, listen, help me out, eat!
I ate a little, isn't it help?

5. I love my mom
I'll give her a gift.
I made a gift myself
Made of paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Embracing affectionately.

6. Now the Eighth of March has come,
Breasts bursting with happiness
Mom needs to give me
Something on this holiday.

I'll wash her face as a gift
I comb her hair as a gift,
I fit into a pair of the best sneakers
And I'll perfume with perfume.

7. I love, guys, work,
A hunter to everything.
And it's not for nothing that they call me
Mom's assistant.

The song "Flowers for Mothers"

Cr. Beanie : You see, Wolf, how the guys are trying this day. Help mothers and not upset them?

Wolf : Thank you, otherwise I didn’t know at all that there was such a wonderful holiday. I'll go visit my grandmother and congratulate her, and you, Kr. Beanie, follow this long path to your grandmother.

(Cr. Cap leaves.)

Wolf : Ha ha ha! I sent her down a long path. So I will have time not only to run to my grandmother, but also to do something else. We'll meet Again!(runs away)

(Red Hat appears).

Cr. Beanie : I'll go to my grandmother in the woods, there I'll pick flowers for her.

Leading: We performed today to please our mothers. But your mothers and fathers also have their mothers - these are your grandmothers. And now the children will congratulate their grandmothers.

1. My dear grandmother,
My sweetheart.
More than anyone else in the world
I love you.

2. My very grandmother -
I love my mother!
She has a lot of wrinkles
And on the forehead a gray strand
I just want to touch
And then kiss.

3. Dear granny,
Kind and gentle
I will give you
Fresh snowdrops.
Your hands are warm
I remember.
How great is it -
I have you!

4. I will never make you sad

Just be healthy, my grandmother.

5. I will sing a song to my grandmother
Voiced, beautiful.
I congratulate you

Beloved grandmother.

Leading: And now the guys will sing a song for grandmothers.

"Song about grandmother"

Presenter: beloved grandmothers


For them a fun dance

We're starting now.

Cr. Beanie :: Well, okay, I have to go.

Lead: Aren't you afraid of the wolf? Better not trust a wolf! This is a very cunning beast!

(The wolf appears.)

Cr. Hat: Oh, Wolf!

Wolf : I have been looking for you for a long time and have picked flowers for you!

Cr. Beanie : Why do I need flowers?

Wolf : How, have you forgotten? After all, today is a holiday!(gives flowers)

Cr. Beanie : On a holiday, a miracle happened here, the whole fairy tale was transformed.

Wolf: Cr. Cap, Let's go together and congratulate grandmother on Women's Day.

Cr. Beanie : Won't you eat my grandmother?

Wolf : What you! I don't eat anyone! I eat cottage cheese and jam!

Cr. Beanie : Ah, the Wolf is with you on the way! Goodbye!

Leading: We dance and sing and read poetry, and to make it more fun now we will play.

1st competition.

Everyone knows that there is a mystery in every woman.

1) There is one in every woman. It is filled with the sun in summer, dried up in autumn, and eaten in winter. What is it?(Zest).

2) One carrot is cooked for 15 minutes. How long will it take to cook 2 carrots?(15 minutes) .

3) Who will not be spoiled by rain?(To the bald one.)

4) What does a half-stick of sausage look like?(To the other half).

5) How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach?

(One thing - the rest will no longer be on an empty stomach.)

2nd competition

"Tricky Questions"

When completing the next task mothers you need to show your knowledge of fairy tales, fairytale heroes and heroes cartoons:

Sighing deeply

Following the kid

Walks and cries

Sister (Alyonushka)

Talking, delicious ball

Rides cheerfully along the path

(Gingerbread man)

All the children smile at him when they meet

He is a cute, wooden man


A villain sits on an oak tree

He kills people with a whistle

(nightingale the robber)

They are friends with him

Artemon, Pierrot, Malvina,

And daddy Carlo

Calls (Pinocchio)

3rd competition

"Become a child"

Now let's see how well they know their children, their habits, gait, whether they can imitate them.

Please portray how your child

- wakes up

- cleans teeth, washes

- looks in the mirror

- gets dressed

- sits on a chair

- eats favorite food

- goes to kindergarten

- plays with his toy

4th competition

"We play a fairy tale"

On the table are leaflets with inscriptions : Spring, Wind, Leaves, Wolf, Dog, Princess, Prince on horseback. AND subjects : a wreath for spring, a scarf for a princess, wooden spoons and a wooden horse.

The mothers take turns drawing lots, figuring out what role each of them will play.

Leading : Now mothers know who they have to portray in our fairy tale. Now I will ask them to take from the table the items that they need, and then I will read the story. Each participant competition at the right time will depict the action of his character.

Fairy tale

Spring came, a breeze blew timidly, the first spring rain fell, the trees rustled with leaves. A hungry wolf howled far in the forest. The dog barked in response. And in a beautiful castle she cried bitterly Princess : she was not allowed to the ball. Suddenly, from afar, the sound of hooves was heard, it was a prince who came, he put the princess on a horse, and together they rode to the ball.

5th competition

Most women use it and eat it. Real men do not use it, but they also eat it - up to 15 kg per life. What is it about?(Pomade)

What is the female name of a planet in the solar system?(Venus.)

What is the most feminine Russian river?(Lena.)

The most famous name of a flight attendant, thanks to the famous song? (Jeanne."Stewardess named Jeanne".)

What is the name of a fabulous girl who has a dog wearing a watch on her paw?(Malvina.)

What novel did Leo Tolstoy call a woman's name? ("Anna Karenina".)

Leading:. It's time to end our wonderful holiday

Dance with your mom, kids!

Children dance with their parents dance:

Dance with moms


Our holiday is already over, what else can we say,

Allow me to wish you good health goodbye.

Don't get sick, don't get old, never get angry!

Stay so young forever!

Accept gifts from your children

Children run into the hall, stand in 4 columns, hold flowers in their hands, at the first 4 there are cerso in the ring. Read poems:

1 child The eighth of March is a holiday for mothers,

Everyone's eyes shine.

Words of cheerful telegrams

They run, hurry along the wires

To knock on the door.

And carries a postman in a bag

A million smiles!

2 children The sun is shining with joy
Wonderful, wonderful beauty!
On Women's Day - March 8,
Flowers are blooming.
From smiles, congratulations
Everything is getting better around!
May luck smile
And the circle of happiness will close!

1 child We thought for a long time, decided

What to give to our mothers?

After all, a gift - we said -

It should be the best!

2 children We will not be able to give a "jacuzzi"

And we can't buy a ticket to Cyprus,

It's hard to give us Mercedes too,

What should we give our mothers?

3 children And the answer came by itself:

Give us a ticket to the concert!

We will perform all the numbers ourselves.

We give a concert as a gift to mom!

Children sit down.

Princess Nesmeyana enters, crying.

Ved. - Who is this who came here to us? (Nesmeyana cries even more). - Wait, you cry, explain to us who you are!

Notm. - Why am I screaming,

What do you care?

I do not want anything,

I'm tired of everything!

Ved. - I think I'm starting to guess who it is. Have you children guessed who it is?

Children answer.

Ved. - So why are you crying, Nesmeyana?

Notm. - First, you tell me what you are doing here?

Ved. - We are gathered here to congratulate our mothers, grandmothers, girls on Women's Day on March 8, and the concert has been prepared.

Notm. - So, because of your March 8, I'm crying! Nurses, maids - all scattered, you see, they have a day off, you see, they will congratulate them, but they left me alone! And in the palace there is a mess - the floors are not washed, the linen is not washed, the dough is not mixed ... Boring !!!

Ved. - Well, guys, can we help Nesmeyana?

Notm. - Do you know how to do everything?

Ved. - Of course! Our children help mothers with housework. Listen, they will tell you themselves:

Reb. - I will wipe the dust myself,

I will wash my handkerchiefs

Mom will be happy -

Daughter has matured!

I am today and always

I help my mom -

All toys, having played,

Clean up quickly!

Ved. - Our children are even happy

Sweep and wash

Not laughing, you will stand next to me

You will help the children!

Dance "Washing". (girls with Nesmeyanoy).

The game "Hang up the handkerchiefs" is being held. (2 teams, 4 mothers hold the ropes, the children take turns running up, fasten the handkerchiefs on the ropes with clothespins. Relay.)

Nesmeyana continues to cry.

Ved. - Well, why are you crying now?

Notm. - In the palace everything is upside down,

Destruction in every room

We must try -

We need to get out everywhere!

The game "Cleaning" is carried out (Nesm. He scatters garbage on the floor, and 2 children sweep to the music in the scoops. Play 3 times.)

After the competition Nesm. Crying again.

Ved. - You are crying again! There will be a flood here now! What is it this time?

Notm. - We all work and work, I'm tired! I want to rest!

Ved. - And our children know how to relax and have fun, and they will teach you!

1 child - We are in our beloved garden

We learned to sing and dance.

And also, as musicians,

We want to play for you!

2 children - The holiday will be more interesting,

If we take mom to the orchestra.

Mom, remember those days

When you were children!

The composition "Our Orchestra" (with mothers) is being performed.

Nesmeyana cries again: - But I don't know how to play on anything, on any instruments. My grandmother does not teach me that I only upset the instruments ... (crying).

Ved. - And our children are very friendly with their grandmothers, love them, always try to help them.

1 child My grandmother and I are old friends.

How good my grandmother is!

He knows so many fairy tales that it is impossible to count,

And there are always new ones in stock!

2 children But the grandmother's hands are just a treasure!

My grandmother is not told to be idle.

Gold, dexterous, how I love them!

No! Probably you will not find others like that!

Performed "Pair Dance" (polka).

3 children My granny has the kindest look

If everyone is asleep, her eyes are awake.

She sews and knits, bakes pies,

He will tell me a fairy tale, he will sing a song to me.

He will take snowdrops from me as a gift,

Silently smiles, hugs me to her!

A relay game “Collect a flower for grandmother” is held. (Children collect flowers from separate parts on easels.)

Notm. - Oh woe to me! And they washed, and removed, and sang and danced, but I still feel sad-oh-oh !!!

Ved. Do not Cry! You haven't heard our ditties yet!

- Put your ears on the tops,

Listen carefully,

We will sing ditties about you,

Very good!


To get mom to work

the evil alarm clock did not wake up,

I give him tonight

unscrewed three parts!

We want for no reason

You would be given flowers

Men would smile

From your wonderful beauty!

If mom promises

Will do exactly

Then a slap on the pope

We will never escape!

I walk by the hand with my mother,

I hold my mom tight

So that mom is not afraid

So that one is not lost!

Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers.

We are for everything, for everything, relatives,

We say thank you !!!

We sang what we wanted

Danced from the heart

Come out to the circle who is brave

Clap loudly or dance!

Nesmeyana frowns.

Ved. - Well, again, you are not amused? Mom and I will play now, then you will definitely have fun!

Unravel the Proverbs game. (Moms are given half of the proverb, they must say the whole, add up in two halves.)

















Nesmeyana laughs with everyone, she has fun.

Ved. - And our boys want to congratulate the girls.

1 child We continue today's holiday

We congratulate our girls!

We would sing for each one separately

Only we do not sing very well.

2 children If we teased you offended,

Honestly, we are very ashamed.

And not out of anger, but out of habit,

They often pulled your pigtails.

We ask you very much, you forgive us,

And our congratulations, please!

3 children Even a boy can hit.

It hurts, of course, but not too much.

We are all badass, you know yourself

But we will not offend you anymore!

4 children Give the girls the whole world

Mysterious, big.

May girls always be friends

With you and with me!

And we will not offend

Girls never

Who dares to offend suddenly -

Look, hold on then!

5 children And we wish dear mothers

To meet with a smile every day.

Today we all promise

You, dear ones, will be less upsetting!

Nesmeyana - I also want to be congratulated! I'll go home, there must have already been overseas princes arrived with gifts. They will see that I am not and will leave!

Ved. - Do not rush, Nesmeyana, listen to a song for mothers with our guests. And then you will go home.

The song "We have folded a song" is being performed.

Ved. - Well, on this lyrical note we end our holiday concert! Once again, we congratulate lovely women on the first spring holiday!

Happy spring, bright women's day
We sincerely congratulate you.
All that we breathe and live with
We wish you to have it in abundance.
To be to the husband the spring air
Not knowing the need, not knowing the hardships.
Be a forget-me-not among friends
Be a summer sun for children.
Know only joy and success
Smiles, compliments, laughter.

We would like in the spring days
Take all adversity away from you,
Solar Mood Cup
To present to lovely women.
So that under the dome of a clear sky,
Where frost is angry in the spring,
Your children grew up beautiful,
No sadness and no offense.
So that your eyes are filled with joy
New freshness for many years
And so that your life is brighter than a rainbow
She blazed for the whole world.

Children give their mothers gifts, everyone leaves.