Rococo apartments. Exquisite royal rococo style in the interior

Rococo apartments.  Exquisite royal rococo style in the interior
Rococo apartments. Exquisite royal rococo style in the interior

Rococo is a style in art and architecture that dates back to the beginning of the 18th century. This trend is distinguished by special grace, lightness, and the ideological basis is beauty, unfading youth, gallant grace. The Rococo style was most clearly manifested in the interior. The characteristic features of the most “smart” style are the attraction to all kinds of “feminine things” (jewelry, figurines, luxurious fabrics, smooth lines, muted tones), increased attention to the selection of the smallest details, as well as the desire to ensure that every stroke is brought to perfection. .

Rococo is the closest relative of the pompous Italian baroque, which also worships luxury and willingly flaunts it. But Rococo has significant differences. His aesthetic requires to soften the demonstration of wealth and any manifestations of expressiveness. Wealth - painting in delicate pastel colors, expressiveness - paying tribute to grace, lightness, playfulness. In addition, Rococo is a rejection of grandeur, monumental solemnity, dark colors of the Baroque in favor of lightness, sensuality, desaturated light tones. Therefore, Rococo is considered to be both the logical conclusion of the heavy baroque style and its artistic antipode.

Style history

The style originated in the French kingdom at a time when Philip of Orleans was regent under the infant king Louis XV. Reflecting on the French of that era, A. S. Pushkin noted their “free thoughtlessness”, “madness”, the desire for luxury, with which nothing could compare. It is not surprising that it was during this period that the playful, elegant flow of pompous baroque appeared - the rococo style, which is used primarily in the arrangement of the mansions of the French nobility (living rooms, boudoirs, bedrooms). The emergence of a new trend, of course, was influenced by changes in philosophical views. But the main stimulus for its development was not philosophy, but the way of life, tastes, habits of representatives of aristocratic families.

Born in France, Rococo quickly gained popularity in other countries. This was facilitated by French artists who worked abroad. The style was also promoted by French architects who published their projects outside their native country. The highest flourishing of Rococo, which absorbed elements of the Baroque, reached in Austria and Germany. England, too, did not escape the influence of fashionable style, which manifested itself most of all in the applied arts, such as furniture inlay, the production of silverware. It is worth noting that the development of the Rococo style was reflected in many branches of the production of artistic products. Porcelain manufacturers have developed a special attitude towards it.

Rococo did not give up its positions, remaining at the peak of popularity, until the very end of the 18th century. The gallant style, perfectly combined with the lightness of manners and the enduring festive mood that reigned during the reign of Louis XV, did not dominate for long, but left a noticeable mark on the art of interior decoration.

For which rooms is the style suitable?

Fans of the Rococo style are still found today. As a rule, these are refined natures prone to dreaminess, who prefer aristocracy and sophistication in everything. Of course, not many of them can fully embody the truly royal luxury of this art direction. Refined persons who own spacious country houses are more likely to succeed. However, stylists restrain even such lucky ones, urging them not to get carried away excessively, not to strive to design the entire structure in the style of bygone times. Firstly, the result of painstaking, hard work can be something more reminiscent of a historical museum, rather than a cozy dream home. Secondly, the arrangement of premises in the spirit of the gallant age will require quite impressive financial investments. Finishing materials, exclusive furniture, lamps, other decorative elements - all this is not cheap.

But it is not difficult to achieve success if you apply the Rococo concept in several rooms - living room, nursery, bedroom, bathroom, or include individual elements of style in the interior of any room. Experts recommend excluding an office from the list of transformed rooms. A creative, cheerful mood should reign here, and not a relaxing sensual atmosphere, evoking pleasant thoughts about rest, bliss, bliss.

There is an opinion that the territory of Rococo dominance is country houses, and the limited apartment framework practically does not allow to accommodate everything that the stylistic direction requires. But is it? Practice shows that the aristocratic, incredibly spectacular and, at the same time (if you're smart), a fairly budgetary rococo style is available to residents of ordinary city apartments. After all, the modern interpretation of this style is somewhat simplified, and in case of difficulties, you can always count on the help of professionals.

Interior colors and patterns

The color palette is dominated by a muted, pastel gamut: shades of pearls, beige, pink, light green, pistachio, purple, sky blue tones in combination with gilding and the base color - white. Watercolor, washed-out colors fill the room with calmness, turn to the world of feelings, fantasy, subtle, subtle shades of mood.

It is interesting! The main element of ornamental decoration in the Rococo style resembles a scroll of a shell. It is called "rocaille". The French word rocaille translates as "rock". Initially, this term denoted shells, fossils, fragments of rocks, and other details imitating natural elements that were used to decorate park pavilions, grottoes and fountain bowls. Over time, all objects resembling a sea shell, uneven pearl or stone, because of the unusual, twisting, bizarre shape, began to be called rocaille. The very name of the Rococo style is associated with the mentioned term.

The 18th century somewhat updated the principles of interior decoration. The following patterns were widely used:

  • garlands of intertwining stems, leaves, developing ribbons;
  • whimsical ornaments with monkeys and children's figurines;
  • images of mythological characters - nymphs, fauns.

Wall decoration

Rococo interiors at all times amazed with their lightness, beauty, and exquisite luxury. This impression was created with the help of carved panels, fabric wallpapers, voluminous draperies, trellises in white, pale pink, and blue shades. As a rule, there were no straight lines on the walls; a stucco artistic pattern was used - flower arrangements scattered with slight carelessness, ornate curls, interlacing, fancy vignettes, shells. Decorative compositions occupied all the walls, including the planes above the semicircular door and window openings.

Modern design is impossible without the use of wallpaper - silk, dense glossy, as well as without decorating with woven inserts, Venetian plaster. Sometimes the walls are divided by a horizontal line into two parts. Often, this finishing option is used, when the upper part is covered with fabric, and the lower part is pasted over with high-quality wallpaper.

Frescoes, intricately framed paintings and mirrors are certainly used. Mirrors are usually placed one against the other or in the walls between windows, which visually expands the room. But the role of mirrors is not limited to this alone. The ghostly play of reflections creates a special semi-fairy atmosphere, where the illusory world is intertwined with reality.

Features of the design of the walls - rounded corners, as well as an inconspicuous junction line between the wall and the ceiling. A smooth transition from the wall pattern to the ceiling design is provided by an auxiliary decoration, the so-called paduga. This is a kind of overlap between the wall and the ceiling, the main purpose of which is to smooth the corners. Usually the paduga is decorated with stucco and covered with gilding. Sometimes, to create a more austere atmosphere, silver paint is applied to the openwork pattern on the padug.

ceiling design

The rococo interior style involves a monochromatic ceiling design or decoration with bright frescoes. As a decor, stucco molding is used to match the finish, often with gilding. The composition of the living room or dining room, where the maximum emphasis is placed on the ceiling, should be completed by the main chandelier - elegant, crystal, with sparkling pendants or an imitation of a cascade of candles. On the ceilings of the nursery and bedroom, a small amount of moldings is appropriate, as well as a not too flashy chandelier.

Floor decoration

The floor in the Rococo interior is certainly expensive and catchy. The ideal option for flooring is a reliable and durable artistic parquet. The elegance of the patterns of this coating gives a feeling of comfort, prosperity, refined aristocracy. Rococo interiors look no less harmonious if the floor is made of marble or covered with ceramic tiles that recreate the marble pattern. It is important that the surface reflects elegant furniture and sophisticated decor. The effect of luxury and comfort in one bottle is achieved with the help of a small painted carpet. This piece of furniture is appropriate everywhere, but the nursery and bedroom are the most suitable places for it.

Features of the choice of textiles

The abundance of woven products is one of the features of the interior of this style direction. Therefore, when decorating windows, intricate designs from several layers of fabric are welcome. The key to success - curtains made of natural silk, freely falling to the floor. The effect of palace luxury is achieved by laying the fabric in waves, flowing folds, decoration with bows, fringe, ruffles, ribbons, embroidery, appliqués. For the Rococo style, furniture covers and tablecloths with elaborate, intricate finishes are suitable.


Luxurious crystal chandelier of exclusive design is a real highlight of the living room interior. The aesthetics of the Rococo style requires that this lighting device, in addition to performing the main function, demonstrate the elitism of the house, the degree of respectability, and the excellent taste of its owners. As for the bedroom, a small lamp with a lace lampshade or an interestingly shaped ceiling lamp would be quite appropriate here.

Attention! The Rococo interior requires a play of light and shadows, a mysterious twilight, so necessary to create a sensual and intimate atmosphere. Therefore, there must be a place in the room for sconces, floor lamps, antique candelabra.

You can enhance the lighting of the room, without losing the color of the gallant century, with the help of a simple trick. It is enough to place the lamps next to the mirrors, or opposite them. Do you want to plunge into the captivating era of beautiful feelings? Light a candle in a gilded or porcelain candlestick. Let the mirror in the breathtaking oval frame reflect her wavering flame.

Louis XV period furniture

All furniture products of the 18th century were distinguished by graceful forms and smooth lines. For their manufacture, expensive types of wood were used: maple, rosewood, mahogany, walnut, lemon. Upholstered furniture was upholstered in silk, brocade, velvet. However, the craftsmen cared not only about the quality of the furniture. Items for relaxation, bliss, pleasure, they turned into original works of art, which every self-respecting city dweller sought to acquire. In the Rococo era, low chairs, deep sofas and armchairs were considered fashionable, which were united by a common feature - curved legs and backs, decorated with a carved openwork pattern. On the upholstery of these products, intricate images of a vine, a flower garland, a diamond-shaped net, a romantic scene flaunted.

Figured legs, decorated with inlay, intricate carving, bronze lining and gilding, supported elegant couches, lacquer chests of drawers, benches, secretaries. In the boudoirs of secular fashionistas, previously unknown cabinets for papers - cardboard boxes took pride of place. Small tables with a round top, the basis of which were the black figures of Moor slaves, became relevant again. In the Rococo era, these products began to be called geridons. This was the name of the Provencal ballads, which sang the fearlessness of slaves.

Mandatory elements in the design of the premises were wardrobes and chests of drawers. In the era of Louis XV, these products lost their standard rectangular shape. From now on, they clearly demonstrated the highest level of skill of their creators. Rococo wardrobes featured lacquered surfaces, wavy lines, delicate lace patterns around rounded edges, and neat handles inlaid with ivory and gems.

A rococo bedroom is inconceivable without a spacious bed with a huge, artfully designed headboard. In the XVIII century, this splendor was complemented by a canopy and carved columns. If desired, such an interior is not difficult to recreate in our time. For a complete immersion in the world of palace luxury, one more sophisticated and incredibly feminine piece of furniture in the rococo style is needed. This is a mobile screen with a rich painting.

Use of decor items

The basic element from which the design of the living room begins is a low fireplace. The design of this luxurious item largely determines how the decoration of the room will look. The most commonly used rococo fireplaces are made of beige or white marble. The nobility of the appearance of the product can be enhanced by placing candelabra with candles, vases, figurines, watches on the mantelpiece. It is recommended to hang large mirrors in spectacular frames above the fireplace, and put a miniature table and chairs next to it.

Don't forget the aquarium. It was the Rococo era that turned the transparent receptacle for fish into an element of decor. We also remember cute trinkets: caskets, porcelain figurines, ivory figurines. They enliven the interior, symbolize wealth and carelessness, and these categories are welcomed by the Rococo style. For upholstered furniture, there are also decorations - small pillows, all kinds of capes, cushions.

One of the style requirements is the obligatory presence in the room of antiques and objects stylized as bygone centuries. For example, a living room can be decorated with bronze clocks, art panels, crystal vases, and china dinner sets. All this enriches the interior and creates an atmosphere of aristocratic antiquity.

Rococo is a French style, and therefore refined, sophisticated, luxurious and even graceful. It is called royal, because the interior decorated by it often resembles the royal chambers. But at the same time, it is very comfortable for living, although it requires considerable expenses, good taste and a thorough knowledge of its features.

It all started with pebbles

The Rococo style originated in France at the beginning of the 18th century, as a logical continuation of the Baroque, which gravitates towards emphasized luxury, brilliance and elitism. In translation, rococo means "pebbles, decorative shells, curls", hence its sophistication.

To imagine what this style looks like, you can look through magazines with photographs of Versailles, in the interior of which the rococo prevails. But it also has an echo of the ancient culture of Ancient Rome - it “endowed” it with a special sophistication and desire for beauty.

In palaces, not all rooms were decorated in the Rococo style, but only bedrooms and front living rooms. And this feature has been preserved to this day - rococo is most suitable for these rooms. Where they are located - in a city apartment or a country house - does not matter.

But there is one condition: the room must be large and with high ceilings, so it is better not to resort to rococo in a small apartment. The lack of square meters will not allow beautifully displaying paintings in gilded frames and royal chairs.

How to recognize Rococo

This style is easily recognizable, its pomposity and luxury are difficult to confuse with something else. Characteristic features of Rococo are:

  • Mandatory presence in the room of expensive handmade wooden furniture, decorated with carvings, inlays and gilding
  • The predominance of pastel colors in combination with white, emerald and gold color
  • The presence on the walls, windows and ceiling of beautiful stucco patterns, as well as murals
  • The presence of expensive, often multi-layered textiles, mainly natural silk
  • The predominance of asymmetric shapes, giving the interior dynamism and originality
  • Marble floors (sometimes stone is replaced with expensive ceramic tiles imitating it)

Painted walls and marble floor

Rococo walls always look regal. For their design, silk wallpapers are usually used in pleasant pastel colors - pink or blue in combination with white. However, they serve only as a background, since there must be a painting on the walls.

Its indispensable attribute are all kinds of curls and weaves, which gave the name to the style. Also, Rococo walls are inconceivable without gilding and stucco, and their number is not regulated - it depends on the taste preferences of the owners of the house.

The walls must be with rounded corners - soft and smooth, they usually always stand out with contrasting wallpaper. The completion of the walls should be an unusual stucco plinth, its height does not matter.

Only marble is allowed on the floor in the living room, as in palaces. But you can also lay it out with expensive tiles - today there are materials similar to natural stone on the market. But for a bedroom in the Rococo style, parquet is also suitable - preferably glossy. In the center of the room it is worth putting an expensive fluffy carpet with an interesting pattern, handmade is best.

The ceiling should be made single-level (200 years ago in France there were only such). Sometimes the ceiling is a continuation of the wall, so there may be painting and gilding on it. If the height of the room is less than 3 meters, such a ceiling will not visually reduce it. But if desired, it can be made traditionally white.

Vintage chandeliers and crystal pendants

To make the room look like a truly small palace hall, it must be decorated with the right chandelier. Ideally, it should be crystal and consist of many light bulbs in the form of candles. Crystal sconces in the form of pendants or sea shells should be placed on the walls: the room should be well lit. But in case you want to create an intimate atmosphere, it should contain "antique" bronze candelabra and candlesticks, they can be placed around the entire perimeter.

Royal throne and fireplace

If you have any doubts about the choice of furniture, you can visit the royal palace in the Rococo style, or at least look through photos of its interior. The peculiarity of the furniture is its high cost and originality, it should be small in size and always comfortable. Furniture is always made to order.

Cozy sofas of a rounded shape, armchairs in the form of royal thrones (with gilded carved legs and high curved backs), exquisite couches and benches, low coffee tables made of walnut or linden will perfectly decorate the room in the Rococo style.

Bergeries (double sofas), geridon tables (for one small vase) and cardboard boxes (paper cabinets) are also welcome in the interior. Names so incomprehensible to the layman are always well known to those who decide to decorate their room in this style; such an interior is unthinkable without these items. For furniture upholstery, it is allowed to use only the most expensive fabrics, preferably royal silk, it can be plain or with colors.

The same expensive textiles should be chosen for voluminous curtains with lambrequins and decorative pillows on sofas. Along with a real fireplace, a huge mirror and old paintings, it will be a great decoration for your living room or bedroom. Antique-styled boxes, wall clocks, vases, ashtrays and figurines can also be present as decorative elements in the interior. And art lovers should definitely hang at least one painting in a gilded frame on the wall.

If desired, the Rococo style can be used to decorate a home library, kitchen, office or children's room. But in these rooms it will look less impressive. When creating such a design, you should always remember that the room should not become like a museum. After all, you will have to live in it, and therefore a luxurious and slightly playful, but always cozy atmosphere should reign here - the best symbol of a prosperous home.

A literal translation into Russian of some styles gives a very clear idea of ​​their basic philosophy. So, in French there is an elegant word "rocaille". It gave the name to the whole artistic direction, which has successfully survived to this day. This term is translated as "decorative shell", and perfectly characterizes the design of residential premises, which arose on the basis of this artistic direction. The Rococo style in the interior really looks like a whimsical and sophisticated shell of an exotic mollusk. How do the decorative images of the 18th century feel in our city apartments and modest cottages?

Rococo style in the interior: main features

France became the birthplace of the rococo art style, and the gallant 18th century was the time of birth. In the then French society, refinement and lightness, decorativeness and hedonism dominated. It was customary to treat life as a funny "walk in the gardens of pleasure." It is clear that such moods and way of thinking required a new approach to the design of the surrounding space. Therefore, the pomposity and majestic splendor of the Baroque gave way to new trends. The Rococo style in the interior, painting, sculpture was rapidly gaining a place in the sun. What features characterized the then interior, and what did we inherit after three hundred years?

  • Rococo, in fact, was a continuation of the baroque that was quite established at that time. In contrast to the pomp and pathos of its predecessor, Rococo concentrated its efforts not on monumental architectural forms, but on their maximum decoration. Yes, it was Rococo that became the first decorative style.
  • Without introducing anything new into the architecture of space, Rococo, however, seriously changed the approach to its perception. This happened due to the thrust of the new direction to bright effects. It was the theatrical stage, with its conventions, distortion of reality, illusory nature, that served as inspiration for Rococo.

  • There is a completely logical, and even historically logical explanation for this. The crisis of absolutism in Europe in general and in France in particular forced even the top of society to look for new uses for their forces and resources. Some found themselves in conspiracies and court intrigues, while the rest sought to escape to some fictional world that was more in line with their idea of ​​\u200b\u200ban ideal life. It was against such a historical background that the triumphal procession of Rococo began, which lasted more than half a century. All this time, Rococo was a real ruler of thoughts, a trendsetter and the pinnacle of taste for many influential and wealthy people of the continent.
  • The philosophy of style was determined by women, favorites of the king and the nobility, influential figures of their time, and simply lovers of sensual pleasures. Therefore, it is not surprising that the boudoir becomes the main room for the Rococo style after the central hall. In the houses of that time, the rooms were not arranged in a gallery, as usual, but formed an asymmetrical circle. In the center is the main hall, and explicit or secret boudoirs could open from it. That's right, in the plural, because at that time it was a matter of honor to have at home many cozy and secluded rooms in which the main communication took place.

  • The love of romance, adventure and the age-old female penchant for theatrical effects dictated various delights in changing the space. Secret passages and passages, distortion of perception with the help of mirrors, false galleries, changing the geometry of rooms with the help of screens, curtains, curtains and false windows - all these are finds of the Rococo style.
  • It was at this time that the fashion came for small, richly decorated rooms, furnished especially pleasantly and comfortably. They create a special atmosphere of intimacy and even intimacy, with the help of elements of erotic painting and sculpture, richly and ingeniously decorated furniture, elegant decorations and a large number of various trinkets. By the way, this concept also arose during the Rococo era - a small, beautiful little thing that has no practical meaning, but delights the perception.
  • The shape and image of the sea shell, from which the name of the style came, is used everywhere - from the architecture of the room to furniture carving. This sensual and very feminine image became a key for both decorators and architects of that era.

  • Rococo ornaments and decorations become much smaller, and at the same time, clearer and more detailed. Most often, plant, floristic, mythological and erotic motifs are used in the images, cases of using theatrical symbols are not uncommon.
  • The era of Rococo is a time of magnificent dresses, forbidden pleasures, secrets, intrigues, illusions, grace and excesses. Artificial and redundant, it could not exist for a long time without changes. Toward the end of the 18th century, Rococo was replaced by a more harmonious and practical classicism, and the events of the French Revolution completely consigned to oblivion the coquettish and frivolous design.

In the 20th century, interest in this style of interiors began to manifest itself more actively. First, museum and exhibition spaces began to be decorated in it, then the apartments of the rich and famous, and in the second half of the century resourceful designers adopted many of the principles of the Rococo and very successfully demonstrated their application in modern conditions.

Has this whimsical and whimsical style taken root in the realm of typical layouts and standard sizes? Surprisingly, but it should be stated that quite. Original stylizations and completely finished looks have appeared, which will surely please those who prefer richly decorated designs and a light chamber atmosphere.

  • A sign of modern Rococo, like three centuries ago, can be called smoothed corners and a rounded shape. This extends to the overall architecture of the room, and to the design of individual items.
  • It is not always possible to completely change the architecture of a room to your liking. To round the corners will help designs of plasterboard or polyurethane foam. In addition, the rounded tops of window and door openings, decorative arches, with whimsical carved or stucco decoration, as well as the use of ornaments of smooth and rounded lines, will additionally contribute to the creation of the necessary atmosphere.

  • In the decoration of the premises will have to give preference to natural materials and natural fabrics. Rococo is a rich, even luxurious style, so it is characterized by expensive natural finishes, including gilding, various types of carvings, decorative overlays for furniture and interior items.
  • This style favors smooth and shiny textures. Although fabrics can be loose, soft, matte, velvet is the ideal way for them. True, dense and shining satin, iridescent silk or golden brocade are also appropriate in the design of this interior.

  • In ornamental terms, it is better to give preference to patterns and decors of vegetable, fantastic and mythical origin. You can decorate the room with theatrical images of a cupid, a cherub or a satyr. They are usually made in the form of sculptural ornaments.
  • The rococo interior has a single layout, and its elements are selected in strict accordance with each other. There may be several centers in a large room, in which case it is appropriate to separate them with screens or curtains. If they are made in Chinese motifs, so much the better. Rococo in its heyday willingly included oriental themes in the interiors.
  • It is impossible to imagine this style without a large number of decors, decorations, knick-knacks, which are usually said to be “charming”. In any case, a rococo room is a very elaborately decorated room, with a lot of thin curls, graceful interlaced lines, rounded, flowing shapes.

  • Modern interiors in the Rococo style are often decorated with exotic shells or their images in the form of paintings, frescoes. Thus, they indicate the stylistic affiliation of the room.

How to create a rococo style in the interior of a modern room?

Those who are not indifferent to this beautiful and frivolous design are concerned about the question of how to create a rococo style in the interior? Especially if you are not the owner of a family castle, and are limited by the space of a city apartment.

  • Choose a bright color scheme, with a predominance of delicate pastel colors and with the obligatory presence of bronze, gold or silver. Favorite color themes of rococo interiors are pale pink, wine, carmine, blue and azure, turquoise, mint and spring greens. White is mandatory, as a shading and emphasizing the brightness of the color design.
  • Use every opportunity to visually round, smooth the corners of the room. If it is not possible to put decorative structures, use decorative carved arches, which you will strengthen over doors and windows, purchase furniture of rounded, soft shapes. Decorate the rectangular shapes of windows and doors with soft textile compositions with an abundance of folds, decors and lambrequins.

  • As a floor finish, use a parquet board or tile; artificial stone is also suitable. Walls can be decorated with fabric, in the form of tapestries or special panels. You can also just wallpaper. Modern materials with metallized surfaces and fantastic, rounded patterns look great. It is not difficult to choose a special print made in full accordance with the artistic tradition of rococo, for example, French genre scenes or interweaving of flowers and fantastic creatures.
  • Interior furniture in the Rococo style will require small, richly decorated with decorative overlays, carvings, with various and carefully executed fittings. The dimensions of chairs, sofas, tables and armchairs should be proportional, it is better to put several small items than one large one. Do not forget that the motto of Rococo is intimacy, the opportunity to retire for frank conversation and flirting, hence the preference for a pair of miniature semi-armchairs for one large one.
  • Rococo is characterized by the creation of ensembles, so the color scheme of the upholstery should be the same in one room. By the way, if it is not possible to purchase furniture with the necessary decorations, they will be replaced by upholstery with whimsical patterns, for example, in the form of golden flowers and birds of paradise.

  • Do not be afraid to overdo it with decoration. This style gravitates towards a variety of embellishments. Recently, there has been a clear trend towards the explicit presence of explicit Asian motifs in Rococo interiors, from Chinese to Indian. So one or two oriental trinkets will not hurt you.
  • As for lighting, even if there was a central lamp, it played a more decorative role. The main lighting for a room in the Rococo style is spot, zoned. Suitable table, floor and wall lamps, sconces, lamps in the most intricate, sophisticated design. Lighting fixtures made of crystal, decorated with embossing, gilding, and carving look good.
  • Recently, it has become very fashionable to decorate such interiors with various options for hidden lighting, sometimes quite unexpectedly located. The lower illumination of a bed, armchairs or a pouffe looks unusual.
  • Considering that the boudoir occupied the main place in the Rococo style, it is not surprising that now such a design has found its maximum use in bedrooms.

  • The centerpiece of the Rococo bedroom is, of course, the bed. It is performed in the most whimsical design, on graceful, curved legs. Often it is placed in the center of the room. Experiments with form are also popular, for example, a semicircular bed without a headboard, which is oriented in the center, has become a fashionable trend. The missing luxury is made up for by the richness of the textile design, including carpets on the floor.
  • Having planned the interior in the Rococo style, it is not necessary to make all the elements of the room symmetrical. A slight imbalance in this matter gives that very light, ironic, mocking mood that fits so well into the Rococo philosophy. So unpaired chairs, cabinets, asymmetrical arched carvings or a headboard raised on one side will bring your room even closer to stylistic compliance.
  • Rococo is unimaginable without mirrors. Their shiny surface is framed by luxurious, whimsical frames, and the mirror itself often acts as a visual wall divider. So you can take advantage of the experience and delimit the plane of the wall with mirrors, decorating each part in your own style.

  • Fireplace lovers can brighten up any room with this cozy piece of furniture. It is better to choose a low, compact fireplace, which was preferred by noble ladies and gentlemen. It should be noted once again the small size of the furnishings. As a rule, interior historical styles gravitate towards grandiose or simply large forms. Rococo, due to its compactness and the same intimacy, prefers small objects.
  • Fresh flowers, in the form of bouquets or indoor plants, will help to finish the decoration. You can replace them with compositions of branches and dry natural elements of a bizarre, curved shape. Such ikebana should be decorated with feathers, gilding, crystal. It will harmoniously fit into the whimsical image of the interior.
  • To change the geometry of the room, you can use screens, curtains and decorative panels. They should be richly decorated, painted and decorative overlays.

Rococo style in the interior is not as popular as it was three centuries ago. However, it has not become a thing of the past, but continues to be used in modern living spaces. Refined, whimsical, sensual, rococo still finds admirers, decorating a variety of rooms. But, like three hundred years ago, this style reveals itself most clearly in the bedroom, filling it with special beauty and special, intimate, comfort.

The Rococo style in the interior is a desperately elegant, lighter continuation of the European Baroque. No longer palatial, but still beautiful - read in our new guide what it is - classic rococo.

History of the Rococo style

The Rococo style is a style in interior design, decorative arts, painting, sculpture, and architecture popular in the mid-18th century. It is characterized by lightness, elegance, an abundance of curves, natural forms in the ornament.

“The word rococo comes from the French rocaille, meaning rock work that decorates an artificial grotto”

A little tired of the strict and lush baroque, Parisian aristocrats of the 18th century were returning to softer designs and modest materials. After the death of Louis XIV, a powerful monarch who preferred to keep all the nobility to himself in Versailles, the French aristocracy was finally able to return to their own homes and decorate them to their liking.

Freed from court solemnity, Parisians spent more time on private estates, hosting opulent parties, and generally enjoying life. The new style was a continuation of the Baroque, but characterized by asymmetries, delicacy of forms, and delightful depictions of everyday life and courtly love.

Organization of space for the Rococo style

In contrast to the vast palatial spaces of the Baroque, the Rococo style was used in smaller buildings with far fewer rooms, most of which were small and private parts of the home. Therefore, the style fits perfectly both in spacious halls for receiving guests and in small rooms of the modern world.

As a rule, in the houses of the French nobility, the halls were located in the center of the house. Depending on the distance from the common areas, designed to surprise magnificent guests, the rooms became smaller and smaller, creating an intimate atmosphere more typical of boudoir.

Rococo color palette and patterns

Rococo interiors were light and airy, much freer than their baroque predecessors. And yet, the rooms remained unavoidably luxurious. Rococo evoked the wealth of the owners with elegance and delicacy.

This aesthetic was achieved by combining light pastel colors - blue blue, green, yellow, pink - with ivory white, polished marble, gold and silver. Amazing rococo combinations - every material or color in the room was visually light and luxurious at the same time, like flying through a gilded cloud.

The patterns also created a sense of flow, with lots of abstract and asymmetrical details. Floral motifs, graceful orchids, thin trees, aquarium fish, many borrowings from oriental culture were in fashion.

As in the case of the Baroque, in Rococo rooms, wall decoration was treated as an art. All the corners in the rooms were rounded, the walls were decorated with carved panels, gold ornaments and mirrors that expanded the space, giving it uncertainty. For wall coverings, silk or damask fabrics with a floral or floral pattern, tapestries were often used.

Rococo wall decoration

The walls are still embossed: they are divided into several zones, each of which is filled with a different type of decor.

Rococo ceiling

Because of the limited space, rococo ceilings are not as brightly decorated as baroque ones. As a rule, the style is characterized by a monochromatic light color scheme of ceilings with carved winding silhouettes - with floral ornaments, decorated with the image of angels or borrowed Chinese silhouettes.

An important part of the ceiling is a huge crystal chandelier with candlesticks or their imitation.

Rococo floor decoration

Compared to the rest of the room, the floors look more relaxed. Their task is to show the status of the owner, and not to decorate the room. Continuing the theme of luxury and elegance, materials such as high-quality and austere wood or marble are used for the floor. In more intimate rooms, the floors are decorated with soft, cozy carpets with oriental motifs.

Rococo furniture

At first glance, baroque and rococo furniture are almost the same. In both styles, the furniture is brightly decorated with floral patterns, graceful legs, repeats S and C-shapes. And yet, Rococo furniture is more subtle, rather feminine, with more slender legs, asymmetrical, lighter shades.

Furniture was often upholstered in silver, gold, or bronze-colored silk. In the ballrooms and adjoining rooms, there were low Italian sofas that served more for decoration than seating. Consoles and tables were decorated with gold or bronze carvings.


Rococo lighting is luxurious and pretentious, the French are very fond of candlesticks and candelabra. Rococo interiors are dominated by splendid chandeliers and wall sconces, chosen to enhance the coziness of the space.

Great importance is attached to natural light: in French houses, high and narrow windows are common throughout the wall, they were complemented by a large number of mirrors to enhance the feeling of open space. The mirrors were in luxurious gilded frames with carved figures of flowers and angels.

The use of rococo decor items

The luxurious asymmetry of Rococo is inspired by the natural curvature of trees and flowers, shells, clouds. There are few accessories - the main decor falls on the walls, ceiling and already known to us chandeliers, mirrors and elegant furniture.

The main motif of a rococo room was often a low fireplace covered with a marble slab, on which clocks, porcelain figurines and other decorations found their place. Usually a mirror hung over it.

The basis of the Rococo style is an elegant ornamental rhythm, personal comfort and coziness. This style, so French, so luxurious, will brighten up a room of any size if you choose your decor wisely. “Elegance” is the key word of that era. Rococo is a period of exit from reality into the world of fantasy, theatrical play with little religious influence.

To remember, rococo is:

    Delicate and light colors that are combined with gold and copper decor;

    Luxurious materials: expensive wood for the floor, silk and velvet, glass and crystal, forged metal accessories: bronze, brass, copper;

    An abundance of decorative elements: mirrors and paintings in massive gilded frames, antique clocks and forged candelabra;

    The basics of the style are asymmetry, smooth lines, rounded shapes, decorative load.

Did everything match what you remember?

The richness of color, the luxury of furnishings, the intricacy of decor are the main postulates of the Rococo style, which has risen to a new wave of popularity today.

What is characteristic of Rococo in the interior

Many experts considered the Rococo style as a continuation of the pompous and prim Baroque. This direction had both supporters and opponents, but for three decades this design of premises has been in great demand.

History of occurrence

The time of appearance of the Rococo style is the period of 1700-1780s. Historical homeland - France. The etymology of the word "rococo" comes from the French term "rocaille", which means "shell" in translation and symbolizes the asymmetry of patterns and curls. In the form of such bizarre images, tree branches, clouds, flowers and sea shells were represented. It is from these pretentious elements that the Rococo style originates.

Excess decorativeness, detachment from reality, little practicality - such negative opinions about this style were expressed by its opponents. But, despite this, the style began its march to other countries of Western Europe, it gained particular popularity among Italian and German artists and interior designers.

Modern Rococo trends echo historical features:

  • preference in design - pastel colors;
  • craving for golden interior elements;
  • luxury and wealth.
This is what a rococo room might have looked like in the old days

Characteristic features

The Rococo style, which replaced the Baroque, can be called feminine and can be identified by the following “signs”:

  1. Rooms decorated in this style are oval, with rounded corners.
  2. The absence of hard, straight lines in all design elements.
  3. Asymmetric shapes.
  4. Elegance and ornate furniture.
  5. Lots of mirrors.
  6. In textiles - splendor, a lot of draperies, folds, expensive fabrics.
  7. The most used furniture is chests of drawers, secretaries.
  8. There are many floral motifs and bizarre patterns in the decor and decoration.

Who is suitable for

The nascent rococo style became the "calling card" of very rich people - aristocrats, representatives of the royal family, court nobility. At present, it can be assumed that such an environment is also affordable for wealthy people. Decorative style prevails over practicality. Therefore, people who are rational and love the functionality of the interior are unlikely to choose rococo.

If we talk about the nature of the owners of the Rococo interior, then most likely they are balanced, calm and not prone to chatter people who want to contemplate beauty and luxury alone or in the neighborhood of taciturn guests.

The spirit of past centuries can be reproduced with the greatest accuracy only in large apartments: country houses, apartments with high ceilings and huge areas. Owners of luxurious premises, admirers of antiquity, connoisseurs of art can become happy owners of a rococo interior.

Making a rococo finish in small rooms, you can get the opposite effect: instead of pomposity and beauty - parody and inferiority. This phenomenon is similar to how out of place a poor frame is, framing a pictorial masterpiece. Small apartments should not be loaded with rococo elements.

Photo gallery: examples of finished rooms

Furniture upholstery, wall decoration, canopy - all in the same style
The design of the bedroom is fully consistent with the Rococo style.
Pleasant communication in a calm environment is best suited for this interior.
Gilding, soft pink color, elegant furniture on bent legs emphasize involvement in Rococo
A good option for the embodiment of style in a modern setting
Luxury, elegance, wealth are inherent in all elements of interior design.
The beauty of the design of the room is in the first place here.
Traditional rococo interior design

Rococo room decoration: general information

Using certain "stamps" of style, you can get an environment close to the original rococo.


The color preferences of designers decorating a room in the Rococo style are pastel. The choice of blur and unsaturation "forces" the use of soft pink, lilac, light green, light blue, golden.

Gold and shades of delicate tones are usually combined. Gold color looks great against the background of ivory, blue, yellow, pink. An excellent color duet can be obtained by using emerald green and pink or lilac in the design. In modern rococo design, even black is allowed, but only as the main tone of furniture or one of the interior elements (for example, stairs).


Of course, cheap and too simple materials will not fit into the luxury of the Rococo style. The high cost of the used "sources" of interior design is often associated with their naturalness:

  • rare wood species;
  • exclusive varieties of stone;
  • gold;
  • bronze;
  • silk and tapestry fabrics, etc.

At the peak of fashion - boiserie (patterned panels of wood) and paper Chinese wallpaper.

Walls, ceiling, floor

Palace decoration does not tolerate any sharp corners, therefore, design “tricks” are used for rounding shapes for walls, floors and ceilings. For a smooth transition of the ceiling and walls in the rococo style, a paduga is used. Nowadays, such a design is easy to recreate by taking drywall as an assistant, which is plastic and can repeat any bend. On the ceiling in the Rococo style, stucco is very often placed. Its ornate patterns (thin embossed ornament) gradually descend onto the walls, creating the illusion of solidity and monumentality of the structures. The stucco color is either white or golden - this is an excellent solution for the traditional white covering of the entire ceiling.

The floor, as a rule, is made of wood or materials that imitate it. Marble-like or parquet-like ceramic tiles are allowed on the floor. If the style requires a carpet, then it must be ornamental, made of natural materials. The size of the carpet should not interfere with the beauty and chic of the glossy flooring, so large carpets are rarely used by designers.

An ideal option for walls that recreates the traditions of French palace halls is silk upholstery. But in modern reality, this is a rarity even for the Rococo style. Designers most often use new technologies: fabric wallpaper or interlining with textiles. The calmness of the color scheme of the walls is conducive to peace and contemplation. To do this, choose white, pistachio, blue, blurry turquoise, etc.


At the time of the birth of Rococo, the main emphasis in illuminating huge rooms was made on natural light, therefore, in such interiors there were always display windows that contributed to the penetration of daylight. In the evening, the Rococo-style halls were lit with candles and oil lamps, “enclosed” in huge chandeliers and lamps.

Chandelier - the main element of lighting

Modern designers for the Rococo style tend to repeat the old "lighting fixtures", using crystal or forged massive chandeliers, wall sconces. The central lighting most often looks like a chandelier of many tiers with many curls, "pendants", etc.

All traces of modernity (wires, incandescent lamps, etc.) are carefully hidden so as not to go out of style. On tables and chests of drawers place candles in silver or gilded candlesticks with obligatory ornateness in their design.


The Rococo interior is unimaginable without solid mahogany furniture, upholstered in velvet, brocade or genuine leather. Furniture is most often exclusive, with many carved elements.

Currently, mahogany is practically not used, most often they use linden, walnut. But if financial possibilities allow, then you can fork out for luxurious furniture made of expensive wood of the meliaceae family (meranti, nyato, jokong, mahogany).

Painted furniture is also not uncommon in Rococo interiors. Moreover, the painting of the walls and furniture must necessarily have something in common, repeating some elements. This led to the fact that not a single piece of furniture could be “pulled out” of the room; it simply did not fit into another environment.

Sofa ideal for rococo style

Graceful curved legs, the presence of gilded or bronze finishes, the use of covers are the hallmarks of Rococo style furniture.

Carved cabinets and lockers, chests of drawers with ornate patterns, secretaries, chests of drawers, bureaus, consoles - all these furniture representatives “come” from interior rococo. At the time of the birth of the style, special bergère chairs were invented, taking into account the peculiarities of women's clothing of that era, with wide seats and high armrests. On these pieces of furniture, ladies with puffy skirts and high corsets felt very comfortable.

Modern women do not wear such clothes, but designers, following traditions, can use such furniture in interior design.

The main purpose of furniture in Rococo is for relaxation and seating. If you fill the interior with such items, it will be very stylish:

  • armchairs;
  • sofas;
  • couches;
  • small chairs;
  • sun loungers;
  • canape.

decorative elements

Everything that is present in the Rococo style room should correspond to this direction. Porcelain figurines, carved boxes and other “little things” will not be in harmony with everything else if they are out of style.

As an addition, the Rococo style accepts beautiful expensive screens, clocks of complex shape, gilded candelabra. Many beautiful mirrors with expensive frames, paintings by famous artists, suitable for the Rococo style - are not forbidden in the design of the premises of this style.

Using a screen in the bedroom will bring your interior closer to the traditional rococo

In fireplaces placed in a rococo interior, artistic value prevails more than practicality. Marble countertops, carved elements or stucco, painting, pilasters - this is how “real” rococo hearths look like. A great option is a mirror in the same style with a fireplace, placed above this heat source. Fireplaces were very often used as an exhibition element - to demonstrate figurines, rare watches, luxury items.

We make the interior in the rococo style

Almost any room can be decorated in the Rococo style, but it will look most organic in the living room, bedroom and bathroom, although such an interior decor is not forbidden in the office and even in the kitchen.


The central place in the Rococo bedroom is occupied by a massive bed. According to tradition, such a piece of furniture should have two backs and four carved columns - for attaching a canopy made of natural fabric.

In addition to the bed, the bedroom can accommodate armchairs, a table, chairs, a sofa. You can not do in this room without various cabinets - for books, clothes, for expensive knick-knacks. A secretary or chest of drawers will also fit perfectly into a Rococo bedroom interior.

Typical rococo bedroom decor

The main requirement for furniture in the Rococo bedroom is the smoothness of forms. Without leaving the style, you can hang large mirrors in patterned frames and antique candlesticks on the walls. The dressing table is an indispensable item in the Rococo bedroom. Paintings in gilded frames and antique tapestries will feel cozy on the walls. If space permits, then a fireplace with a marble top will become a real decoration and a functional element of the interior.

The color design must be made in the traditional version: beige tone with gilding or pale blue with bronze elements, etc. There can be cozy natural carpets and rugs with beautiful ornaments on the floor.

Living room

The design of this room gives great scope for the manifestation of all the advantages of the Rococo style:

Color scheme - without brightness and catchiness, in pastel colors. It is desirable to use gilding or bronze. Luxury, chic, underlined wealth - should be traced in all elements of the interior.


In the design of the kitchen in the Rococo style, one may encounter the problem of impracticality and inapplicability of some materials and color schemes for this room, associated with cooking and the resulting nuances.

Nevertheless, designers find a compromise between the functionality of the kitchen and the observance of the basic postulates of Rococo. You should not take cheap materials for the Rococo kitchen - laminate, linoleum - it is better to use ceramic tiles with imitation marble or bleached oak parquet.

Modern kitchen in rococo style

Under the dining table, you can comfortably place a carpet with a soft pile, and take the table itself out of the working area, placing it in the dining room or living room. On the table, sets of tablecloths with napkins, embroidered to match the whole setting, will be appropriate.

Furniture sets are best chosen with the appropriate decorative finishes: stained glass windows, paintings, carvings and small stucco. Colonnades and arches in a reduced form can also become part of the kitchen furniture in the rococo style.

The dishes are ideally silver or porcelain, rare dinner sets are best suited.


A great place to apply the Rococo style is the bathroom. Finishing materials here can be more saturated color palette. Wallpaper, ceramic tiles, moisture-resistant plaster with intricate patterns applied are quite suitable for such a bathroom design.

The bath itself, as the main subject of this room, can be placed in the middle, making it an even greater emphasis. The bath may have curved legs, candelabra, fragments of molded flowers. An interesting option, not without a share of self-irony, is a canopy over the bathroom or a massive crystal chandelier in the center of this room. Columns, moldings, patterns - all this is also acceptable in the bathroom. An essential decorative item can be a large full-wall mirror, “enclosed” in a beautiful gilded frame.


If all the premises of the apartment are decorated in the Rococo style, then the loggia should not remain aloof from this process. In order for a balcony or loggia to harmonize with the rest of the home, you need to try to change the functional purpose of this room. Of course, linen on a rope surrounded by stucco, gilding and other luxury inherent in rococo will look ridiculous.

Therefore, change your attitude to the balcony or loggia, making them a place to relax and receive guests in the warm season.

Sofas with a lot of pillows, light walls covered with wallpaper, stucco, a small elegant dining table will help make this place cozy and warm. Here you can sit in the family circle or receive a small number of guests.


A place to work can be decorated using the main points of the Rococo style. The walls can be upholstered with wooden panels made of expensive wood species (boiserie), they can also be used to finish cabinets, window frames.

Secretary, bureau - the most suitable types of furniture for the office. If you can get such furniture from rare sources, then it will be a godsend. Chairs, armchairs, poufs in the style of that time are suitable for office owners who are often visited by visitors or friends.

Everything in this environment is conducive to work

Do not overload the space with excessive luxury and the number of accessories, because this place is intended for work and should contribute to the mood of its inhabitants in a serious way.

The Rococo style has not remained in the past, it is acceptable today. By decorating a room in this style, you can raise your status and your own self-esteem, while enjoying luxury and sophistication.