Abstract of GCD for Fine Arts "Beautiful spreading tree in winter" for the older "B" group. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: OD "Beautiful spreading tree in winter" in the senior group

Abstract of GCD for Fine Arts "Beautiful spreading tree in winter" for the older "B" group. Outline of a drawing lesson (senior group) on the topic: OD "Beautiful spreading tree in winter" in the senior group

Summary of educational activities for artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group on the topic: "A beautiful spreading tree in winter."

Name : Abstract of educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development in the senior group on the topic: "A beautiful spreading tree in winter"

Form of work with children: an integrated lesson.

Theme: " A beautiful spreading tree in winter ”.

Educational areas: artistic - aesthetic, cognitive, physical, speech, social - communicative development.

Children are 5-6 years old.

Program tasks: To teach children to create an image of a tree in a drawing, finds a beautiful compositional solution (one tree on the whole sheet). To consolidate the ability to use different pressure on the wax crayon to convey lighter and darker parts of the image. Learn to use lines of different intensities as a means of expression. To consolidate the ability to draw using the poke method.

Develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic appreciation.

To cultivate attention, the ability to accurately work with a brush, love of nature.

Preliminary work:viewing illustrations, reproductions of trees, observation during a walk.

Methodological support:sheets of blue paper, white gouache, bristle brush, wax crayons, jars of water, napkins, II Shishkin's painting "Winter", a sample, drawings of the stages of work.

Methodical techniques: conversation, story, show, observation, surprise effect,

Organizational moment.

Look at me!

I am your guide today.

Wasted not a minute

I invite you to go!

Take all the knowledge on the road!

And don't forget to smile!

Motivational - indicative stage.

- Children, you and I have been waiting for the arrival of the beauty - winter for a very long time. We watched how the first snow fell, covering the ground. We looked at the first snowflakes, how they are all different, graceful, ornate. And now we waited for snowy, frosty days. Snow covered the whole earth like a fluffy white carpet.

You and I have noticed that when it's very cold, what kind of snow? That's right, it is free-flowing, light, fluffy, it sparkles, sparkles in the sun, crunches underfoot. It even smells like snow. Remember what? Yes, with extraordinary freshness and purity - the smell of frost.

Let's remember how beautiful winter can be called? ("Guest - winter", "Russian young woman", "beauty - soul", "snow winch", "mother - winter"). How tenderly, affectionately and joyfully they address her. And we are happy with the arrival of the sorceress - winter. Do you want to meet with winter? And let's as if we go to a fairy forest and see how she managed there.

But first, let's “dress” warmly - it's cold and frosty today (Children imitate dressing in winter clothes).

Ready? Now I will say the magic words, and you close your eyes.

According to the pike's command, according to my desire, let us all find ourselves in the winter forest. (I open the painting by I. I. Shishkin "Winter").

Search stage.

Now open your eyes and look around, where we got to? (Into the forest). What is he? (Large, dense, impassable, winter). What trees grow in this forest? (Huge spruce and small ate).

And what lies on the ground under the snow? (Fallen trees).

Why did you decide that this is a winter forest? (There is snow on the ground, trees in the snow).

Look carefully at the trees that the artist depicted, pay attention to the branches, why they bent to the ground. (Because there is a lot of snow on the trees and from the weight they bent to the ground) And how is the trunk depicted? (Expands to the bottom, narrows to the top) What color is it? (Brown) How are the branches depicted? (They are thick near the trunk, and thin at the top) Let's go to the window and look at the trees on our site. What do we see? Why do trees have one side of the trunk covered in snow and the other not? How beautifully winter has adorned the trees!

Let us also draw a winter tree today.

Practical stage.

Pay attention to the easel (showing a sample). This is how I portrayed the winter tree. What do you think we will paint with? (With wax crayons and gouache). Look at the diagram and tell me how we will draw. What will we draw first? ... (There are pictures of phased drawing on the board, children tell from them how they will draw).

Let's prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics "Trees in winter".

Snow hats put on

Maples, lindens, pines, spruces. (show - put on hats)

Here is a mighty old oak tree

Snowy he put on a sheepskin coat (show - put on a sheepskin coat)

The wind suddenly blew strongly, (wave your hands in front of you, blow like the wind)

And he bent down the trees,

All the trees swayed. (swing from side to side, shake

Fur coats, hats are lost (shake your hands in front of you).

Sit down at your desks and get to work. Draw the trees in the winter that you like.

(In the process of drawing, direct the attention of children to the transfer of the features of compositional, color and phased drawing).

Reflective - evaluative stage.

Guys, let's take a look at the trees that you drew with you. You have made very interesting work. The branches of the trees bent to the ground under the weight of the snow, the trunks and branches of the trees are correctly drawn.

(Consider with children and evaluate all drawings).

Well done, you've got interesting work. We will hang all the works at the exhibition, and will we place the best works at the exhibition in a group?

Well, it's time for us to go back. Close your eyes, and I'll conjure. One, two - three bring us back! Here we are at home.

Topic: "My favorite tree at different times of the year."

Software content:

Improve the ability of children to draw a tree. Consolidate knowledge about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature; teach to depict these changes in the drawing most expressively. Securing the unconventional drawing method with a stiff poke brush. Develop a sense of composition.

Vocabulary work:

Sprawling, poking, top of the head


Tinted blue sheets of paper, watercolors, gouache, 2 fine brushes and bristles, glasses of water, napkins, 1/4 sample paper. All children.

Preliminary work:

Observing the trees on the street, looking at pictures of trees at different times of the year.

Course of the lesson:

I make a riddle.

"In the spring it makes me laugh,

It gets cold in the summer

Nourishes in autumn

Warms in winter. " (Wood)

How did you guess that this is a tree? (but because, it both amuses, and nourishes, and warms).

Explain how a tree makes fun in spring? (green leaves appear)

How does a tree cool in summer? (it's cool under the tree in the heat, shade)

How does the tree feed in autumn? (fruits ripen on trees: apples, pears)

How do you understand that a tree warms in winter? (stoves are heated with logs)

Who knows where we start drawing the tree? (from the trunk)

(on the teacher's easel - a clean album sheet)

Who will show and tell you how to draw a trunk?

(showing the child with an explanation: we start drawing from the top of the head, with the tip of the brush, because the top of the head is thin; and downward, the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press on the brush, and at the very bottom we press on the brush, with full force)

Are the branches all the same? (no, there are big and small)

Who will show you how to draw large branches?

(showing the child with an explanation: Large branches extend from the trunk, we draw without pressing the brush hard, we will draw 4 or 5 of them in total, they all look up)

You already know how to draw small branches.

(there are a lot of them, they move away from large branches, we draw only with the tip of a brush without pressing a little; the more small branches there are, the more spreading and more beautiful the tree will be)

(showing the finished tree)

Guys, today we will not draw a simple tree, but our favorite tree at different times of the year.

Let us remember how trees look at different times of the year.

How will you draw a tree in winter? (the tree is bare, there is snow on the branches, there is also snow on the ground, snow is falling quietly)

How can you draw a tree in spring? (small leaves begin to appear, there are still few of them, there are white clouds in the sky, the sun is shining, there are puddles on the ground, there may be dirt, green grass begins to appear)

What kind of tree is there in summer? (all green, the sun is shining, the grass is green too, flowers are growing)

What is the difference between a tree in autumn? (leaves are yellow, orange; dry grass, clouds in the sky, sometimes leaf fall)

You have 2 tassels on your tables. Fine brushes - (show me everything we are going to paint with a thin brush? (Wood)

With a stiff brush (show me all the hard brushes) we will paint the season; draw with a dry brush, hold the brush vertically, do the pokes quickly (show the pokes on the table). We paint with a hard brush with gouache, we take a little gouache, we make the first few pokes on the draft, the excess paint will be removed there; as you can see that the pokes are normal, you can start decorating your tree.

(teacher show)

Physical education:

Elegant Christmas tree,

She came to visit us.

New Year's celebration

I brought it to the children.

At the top of the Christmas tree ("house" above the head)

The asterisk is on

On thorny twigs (extend straight arms forward)

Tinsel glitters.

The lights are sparkling ("lanterns")

Balls hang (rotate fists)

Lanterns swing (swing their arms up left and right)

The beads are ringing. (Shake the brushes)

Fun under the herringbone (legs alternate)

They dance in a round dance.

We sat down and got to work.

(finished drawing a tree, gymnastics for fingers)

Let your trees dry up a little, and we play with our fingers.

Leaf fall, leaf fall (gently shake hands up and down)

Leaves fly in the wind.

Here is a leaf of an aspen flies, (alternately bend the fingers, starting with the little finger)

And behind it is a leaf of mountain ash,

The wind blows the maple leaf,

Fit the oak leaf.

The birch leaf is spinning. (Thumbs rotate)

Careful, puddle! (shake a finger)

Spun, spun, (rotate with brushes)

He sank straight into a puddle. (Put their hands on the table)

Now prepare your gouache and draw the season you like.

Well done boys!

Whoever has a winter tree - we will hang it on the top row.

Spring trees - 2 rows.

Summer trees - 3 rows.

Autumn trees - 4 rows.

When the children will post their work with 2-3 children, you can ask: How would you like to name your picture?

1 child:

I would call "Beautiful tree in winter"

2 child:

I have a "Summer tree"

3 child:

And I painted "Autumn leaf fall"

4 child:

I would call it "Spring has come."

Used Books:

1. Komarova TS Children's art creativity. Methodological guide for educators and teachers. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005

2. Shvaiko GS Classes on visual activity in kindergarten: Senior group: Program, notes: A guide for teachers of preschool institutions. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center VLADOS, 2003

Abstract of GCD for Fine Arts

"Beautiful spreading tree in winter"

for the older "B" group.

Immaeva Indira Gadzhimusaevna

Abstract of GCD for Fine Arts "Beautiful spreading tree in winter" for the older "B" group.

Software content

Teach children to create an image of an object in a drawing, findbeautiful compositional solution(one tree all over the sheet ) ... To acquaint with the techniques of drawing with sanguine, charcoal, chalk. Learn to use lines of different intensities as a means of expression.Develop aesthetic perception.


Clarify the impressions of children obtained during observations on walks by looking at illustrations. Tell the kids to drawspreading tree ... Ask children if all branchestrees of the same color which twigs seem lighter. Clarify how to convey this in the picture.

Developing .

Show children sanguine sticks and drawing techniques. Pay attention to the fact that the sanguine is fragile, you cannot squeeze it strongly in your fingers and press it hard on the paper. When showing drawing techniques, emphasize that sanguinebeautiful conveys rough barktrees .

Materials for the lesson.

Blue sheets, gouache paint.

Preliminary work :

On walks, pay attention to whichspreading big trees , what thick and thin branches seem to be in color, consider illustrations, reproductions with imagestrees .

GCD move.

Educator :

Today's lesson is dedicated totrees ... First, I’ll ask you a few riddles about them.

What kind of girl is this, not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She does not sew anything herself, but in needles for a whole year.(Spruce.)

He hid in a golden ball.(Dubochk.)

Girlfriends stand at the edge of the forest

Not caring about the weather, they wear white sundresses.(Birches.) Educator :

Let's take a look at the pictures. What kindtrees are depicted on them ? Children :

Birch, oak, willow, pine, maple, alder, poplar, etc.Educator :

Trees are not only beautiful but also useful. Many useful things are made from their wood. Look at the pictures and tell me what kind of wood things are depicted on them.

Children's answers.


Today we will use the drawing method to depict on a sheet of paperbeautiful branchy tree in winter .

But first we will rest with you.

Physical education.

We stamp our feet.

We stamp our feet, we clap our hands

Shake our head, shake our head.

We raise our arms, We lower our arms,

We give handles And run around.


Here's something to listen to about the amazing birchtree .

Birches grow on forest edges, they tolerate strong winds well. Fir trees like to grow under birches, thereforethey say : "Birch - Nurse of the Spruce" ... When flowering, birch earrings appear.

Furniture, baskets, bags are made from birch wood. Birch buds contain many vitamins; they are used in the manufacture of medicines. In early spring, sap is extracted from birch, which is also good for humans.


Now let's get down to the imagea beautiful spreading tree in winter .

But first, our fingers will play.

Finger gymnastics.

Let's make up.

Two thumbs arguing : Who is the most important of the two? We will not let the quarrel happen And we will reconcile them right there.

Children draw their ownbeautiful spreading tree .

In the process of drawing, the teacher individually discusses the composition of the drawing with the children.

I remind you not only about the variety of breedstrees , but also about their differentage .

Outcome :

Children look at their work. What wonderful we came out withtrees ... I have a feeling that I was in a winter forest.

I ask 2-3 children whatthe trees they portrayed .

I encourage children.

Children, let's glue them together from these works and make a screen"Fairy forest" anddecorate the lobby with works ... Well done, we did a good job, at the end of the lesson we give the children a gift from the inhabitants of the winter forest(jam) .

Program tasks:

Educational: To teach children to use different pressure on the pencil to depict a tree with thick and thin branches.

Developing: Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity.

Educating: To foster the desire to achieve a good result.

Materials. 1/2 landscape sheet paper, pencils (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Observations on walks, viewing illustrations.

GCD move

Introduction to the game situation Today we will go to the forest with you. What grows in the forest? (Now close your eyes, turn around you, saying the words: 1,2,3,4,5 - you will find yourself in the forest.

Here we are in the forest. Guys, what trees do you see? What is their trunk, what are their branches.

(View slides about trees).

Discovery of new knowledge- Guys, now let's draw a branchy tree with you. Remember what trees look like, are they the same or not? I propose to draw beautiful, spreading trees that you remember and like. By pressing the pencil in different ways, you can draw thin and thick branches.

See how I will draw a tree. First, let's draw the trunk of the tree. We draw the trunk from the top of the head, slightly pressing on the pencil, because the top of the head is thin; and downward, the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press on the pencil. Next, let's draw the branches. Large branches extend from the trunk of the tree, they all look up. And from the big branches there are many small branches. We will draw them with a slight pressure of a pencil, the more small branches there are, the more spreading and more beautiful the tree will be.

Children start to work, under the guidance of a teacher.

Finger gymnastics:"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will count our fingers ..."

Reflection. Bottom line. Look what kind of forest we are, where there are many spreading trees. See what are the different thin and thick trunks, branches, spreading crown. With what pressure did you draw the barrel? Branches? What is the most spreading tree? Today you did your best. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes, turn around you, saying the words: "1,2,3,4,5 - return to kindergarten."



Abstract GCD artistic creativity

Drawing "Spreading tree"

Program tasks:

Educational: To teach children to use different pressure on the pencil to depict a tree with thick and thin branches.

Developing: Develop imaginative perception, imagination, creativity.

Educating: Foster the desire to achieve a good result.

Materials. 1/2 landscape sheet paper, pencils (for each child).

Connection with other occupations and activities. Observation on walks, viewing illustrations.

GCD move

Introduction to the game situationToday we will go to the forest with you.What grows in the forest? (Now close your eyesturn around you, pronouncing the words: 1,2,3,4,5 - find yourself in the forest.

Updating knowledge and fixing difficulties

Here we are in the forest. Guys, what trees do you see? What is their trunk, what are their branches.

(View slides about trees).

Discovery of new knowledge- Guys, now let's draw a branchy tree with you. Remember what trees look like, are they the same or not? I propose to draw beautiful, spreading trees that you remember and like.By pressing the pencil in different ways, you can draw thin and thick branches.

See how I will draw a tree. First, let's draw the trunk of the tree. We draw the trunk from the top of the head, slightly pressing on the pencil, because the top of the head is thin; and downward, the trunk thickens, we go down, gradually press on the pencil. Next, let's draw the branches. Large branches extend from the trunk of the tree, they all look up. And from the big branches there are many small branches. We will draw them with a slight pressure of a pencil, the more small branches there are, the more spreading and more beautiful the tree will be.

Trial action in a similar situation

Children start to work, under the guidance of a teacher.

Finger gymnastics:"1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will count our fingers ..."

Reflection. Bottom line. Look what kind of forest we are, where there are many spreading trees. See what are the different thin and thick trunks, branches, spreading crown. With what pressure did you draw the barrel? Branches? What is the most spreading tree? Today you did your best. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Close your eyes, turn around you, saying the words: "1,2,3,4,5 - return to kindergarten."

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic "Winter tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques).

Gracheva Natalia Vitalievna, primary school teacher of the Samara secondary school of the Kurkinsky district of the Tula region.
Material description: I offer you a summary of direct educational activities for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic "Winter tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques). This material will be useful for educators of the senior group, educators of the GPA, teachers of additional education. This is a synopsis of a lesson aimed at introducing children to non-traditional drawing techniques, developing creative abilities and generating interest in visual activities.
Lesson topic:"Winter tree" (non-traditional drawing techniques)
Software content:
- to teach children independently in a certain sequence,
to create a winter landscape using non-traditional drawing techniques ("blowing", "blotting", "tamponing", "splashing");
- to consolidate the knowledge of children about changes in the life of plants at different times of the year;
- to develop speech, attention, thinking, the respiratory system, fine motor skills of the hands of children;
- to promote the development of creativity, fantasy and imagination of preschoolers;
- to cultivate interest, love and respect for nature, accuracy, independence.
Material for the lesson: blue tinted paper, containers with diluted white and brown gouache, an eyedropper, a toothbrush, a piece of corrugated cardboard, a small piece of foam rubber or a sponge, a cloth or wet cloth for hands, a cocktail tube.
Demo material: Reproductions, illustrations, photographs depicting winter landscapes.
ICT: computer, projector, screen, EOR (presentation for the lesson).
Preliminary work:
viewing illustrations with a winter landscape, observing on a walk, learning poems and songs about winter.
GCD move"photo ris1.jpg" ("Ready for class!")
1 Org. moment.
- Hello, dear wizards! Yes, this is how I am addressing you today, because today you will try to perform real magic.
2... Knowledge update.
-What items do wizards use? (A magic wand, an invisibility hat, running boots, a self-assembled tablecloth, a magic mirror).
-We are magic artists, so we have our own magic items. They are on your tables. Please name them. (Tubes, sponges, paints, pipettes, etc.). These objects will help us do the magic - draw an ordinary picture in an unusual way.
3. Self-determination to activity.
-But what exactly we will draw with these magical objects, you will find out by guessing the riddle:
Many hands, but one leg.
Let's check if you guessed correctly! (Children are shown a slide showing the same tree at different times of the year).
"photo ris2.jpg" ("You have guessed the riddle!")

- What is depicted on it? (Trees)
- What trees do you know?
- How many trees are on the slide? Let's count! (4)
- Compare them. What is the difference? (1 - with flowers, 2 - with green leaves, 3 - with yellow leaves, 4 - without leaves).
- Why do you think they are so different? (Trees look different at different times of the year.)
- Which of my wizards guessed which of these trees we are going to draw today? (Winter tree)
- Why do you think so? (Since it is winter time of the year)
4. Work on the topic of the lesson. Practical part number 1.
-How does a tree look like in winter? (No leaves, only trunk and branches) (Children are shown a slide showing a tree in winter)
- Are they the same thickness? (No, the trunk is thick, the branches are thin).
_ Look at the tools and tell me, with which of them we can draw the trunk and branches? (Children guess).
"photo ris3.jpg" "Choosing the tools"

We are real wizards, so we will try to depict our winter tree without a brush and pencil. We will use a straw and air.
To do this, apply a drop of liquid gouache with a pipette on the blue paper and draw a tree trunk, inflating the drop through a tube (“blowing out” the trunk). "Photo ris4.jpg" ("The magic drop from the pipette")

"photo ris5.jpg" ("Blowing out the tree trunk")

- If necessary, drip more gouache onto the base of the branches and continue to inflate the blot "drawing" a tree of the desired height.
"photo ris6.jpg" ("The tree has appeared!")

5. Physical education. (on the slide the animation "Falling Snow"
"photo ris7.jpg" ("Fizkultminutka")

Snowflakes are falling from the sky
As in a fabulous picture.
(Raise their hands above their head.)
We will catch them with our hands
(They make grasping movements, as if they are catching snowflakes.)
And we'll show mom at home.
(Stretch your arms out, palms up, as if holding out something.)
And around there are snowdrifts
The roads were covered with snow. (They spread their arms to the sides.)
Do not get bogged down in the field so that
Raise your legs higher.
(Walking in place with high knees.)
We go, we go, we go (Walking in place.)
And we come to our house. (The children sit down in their seats.)
6. Work on the topic of the lesson. Practical part number 2.
- You are just real wizards! We were able to draw trees with air without a brush and pencil!
- And what do trees do in winter? (In winter, the trees seem to freeze, fall asleep until spring.)
- When you go to bed in your crib, what do you do? (Cover yourself with a blanket)
- Let us and you and I cover our trees with a warm and light blanket so that they sleep peacefully all winter with a sweet dream. But what can we cover them with? (Snow)
- For this, it must snow in our picture. What tool will help us depict snow?
Take the next "magic" object - a toothbrush, dip it in paint and, running the brush along the edge of the cardboard strip, spray on the picture, saying the magic words:
"Let the snow fall on my magic leaf!"
"photo ris8.jpg" ("Snow is falling from the sky")

- Our snowball must first cover the branches. Take a piece of sponge, dip it in paint and "cover" the branches to keep them warm.
"photo ris9.jpg" ("Covering the branches with snow")

- And the snow in our picture goes on and on, covering the ground with a white fluffy blanket. And now there is more and more of it under the tree. Draw the snow under the tree in the same way (with a sponge) or with a toothbrush.
"photo ris10.jpg" ("Snow under the tree")

- What wonderful winter trees you have!
"photo ris11.jpg" ("Beautiful tree!")

"photo ris12.jpg" ("It turned out very nice!")

7. Reflection.
- How do you think our trees feel now? (They are warm, comfortable. They have become even more beautiful.)
- Listen, it seems to me that they are whispering something to you for your efforts and help. How many heard? (Thank you, kind wizards!)
What can you wish them? (Good night trees!)
8. Summing up.
- Our lesson has come to an end. What have you learned today, what kind of magic? (Draw in an unusual way).
- And what helped you to get such wonderful drawings, besides magic? (Diligence, accuracy, attention and, of course, love for nature). If you possess such qualities, then I think that you can do without magic.
9. Exhibition decoration.
attach your drawings to the board with a magnet and admire the winter trees again.