An outline of an excursion to the local history museum for preschoolers. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the museum

An outline of an excursion to the local history museum for preschoolers.  Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group
An outline of an excursion to the local history museum for preschoolers. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group "Excursion to the museum

Olga Kremneva
Summary of the excursion to the museum "Russian hut"

Summary of an educational excursion to the museum« Russian hut»

in the preparatory group

Software content:

Continue to introduce children to traditions Russian people, with Russian the hut is the home of a peasant family.

Develop the ability to consider household items, note their benefits and beauty.

To foster interest in the history of Russia, to evoke an emotional response.

Develop interest in Russian folklore, folk traditions.

Strengthen the ability to sculpt household utensils (bowls, spoons, cast iron)

Materials and equipment:

Household items

Plasticine, sculpting boards, stack

Integration with other educational areas:



Artistic creativity.

Preliminary work:

Reading Russian folk tales.

Examining illustrations for Russian folk tales.

Learning round dance songs, Russian folk games dancing.

Sounds Russian folk music.

Educator: We are in museum our kindergarten, which is called « Russian hut» ... Items that are in museum, are called exhibits, you cannot touch them with your hands, just look at them.

Educator: A long time ago in Russia, people built their homes from logs. Such houses were called huts.

Educator: Entering the hut, what did you see?

Children: Bake.

Educator: That's right, entering the hut, they immediately turned to the stove Attention: it takes up almost half - a hut.

And what is it for? (children's answer).

Guys, who knows the proverbs about the hut?

Let's talk them over:

"Without a stove, a hut is not a hut".

"When it's hot in the oven, then it's hot.".

"What is in the oven - all swords on the table".

“Not red hut by corners, and red with pies "

Educator: Well done.

They talked about the stove in the old days So: "She is both a drinker, and a nurse, a body warmer"... The whole life, the whole life of the peasant is connected with the stove.

Pay attention to what is next to the stove? (Poker, grip, cast iron).

The teacher makes a guess riddle:

Field yard of red cows

Black will come in - will drive everyone out (poker)

The teacher shows the iron pot.

Why do you think you need it? (Children answer).

They cooked porridge and cabbage soup in a small iron pot.

It's hot in the stove, you can't put cast iron with your hands, and a grip is intended for this.

(The teacher shows how to put a cast iron in the oven with a grab).

Here's a riddle for me listen:

Horned, but not a bull, enough but not eating.

He gives it to people, but he goes to rest.


Educator: Pay attention to the table. Why is the table as big as you think? (Children answer).

Yes, that's right, because in the past, in the old days, families were large. They sat down at the table on the benches.

Why are the shops long and wide? (children's answer).

They sat on the benches during lunch, and at night they slept on the benches, since there was not enough room for everyone in the hut. Almost everything in the hut was done by hand. On long winter evenings, bowls and spoons were cut from wood, the girls embroidered and sewed clothes. Doing manual work young girls and boys singing Russian folk songs, danced in circles, played games.

Let us and you and I play a round dance game with a ribbon

Vanya went out for a walk (Vanya walks inside the circle with a ribbon in his hand, looking for a friend, the children go in a round dance and sing)

Began to choose a girlfriend

Began to choose a girlfriend

To whom to give the ribbon (Children stop)

Bow down, bow down (Vanya bows to the selected girl, the girl answers)

Yes, hold on to the ribbon.

Educator: we played, and now we will continue the inspection museum... Please look at the bed, which patchwork quilt is sewn with your own hands (Manually)... And how beautifully the pillows are embroidered. Everything was done carefully, with love, and it was not only useful, but also beautiful and pleasing to the eye. This striving for beauty, skill has been passed down from generation to generation.

And here is the spinning wheel. What do you think it was intended for? (Children answer).

Yes, the guys were spinning threads correctly on a spinning wheel. This is how they laid the tow (wool, linen)... And they spun it with the help of another device - a spindle.


The more I spin

The thicker I get.


Look at clothes for men and women. Have Russian shirts are a feature of the cut of the collar, its cut is located not in the middle of the chest, but on the side. Hence the name kosovorotka, often kosovorotka decorated with embroidery. They girded the shirt with a belt - a sash. Belt (sash) was not only a decoration, to him were hemmed: knife, spoon. The belt replaced the pockets. (The teacher shows illustrations from Russian fairy tales) .

Women's clothing was presented as follows attributes: sundress, caftan (blouse, apron. Married women wore ponevu - this is a skirt that does not have sewn edges and an apron. Russian people, were bast shoes.

Educator: Every hut has a red corner. In our museum-because there is also a red corner. In the old days, the word "Red" meant: beautiful, main, solemn. Icons hang in the red corner. There is also a table and benches. Guests were seated in the red corner, they had tea from Russian samovar... Spoken So:

Steam from above, steam from below

Ours hiss Russian samovar

Welcome for a cup of tea!

This is how we live:

We chew gingerbread, drink tea

We invite everyone to visit.

Guys, let's mold our dolls into a cast iron, a spoon, a bowl, and maybe someone wants to mold a samovar from plasticine.

Lesson summary: - Guys, we visited with you today museum of our kindergarten« Russian hut» .

Did you like it? (Children answer).

What new have you learned? (Children answer).

Used Books: Vakhrushev A. A Hello world

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Outline of excursion to the Museum of Colored Stone. V.N.Dava

Prepared by Yulia Rybkova, educator of the first qualification category,

Vorobyeva Elena Valerievna, educator of the first qualification category, Municipal preschool educational institution of kindergarten No. 18 of general developmental type in Monchegorsk

Excursion plan for the Colored Stone Museum... V. N. Dawa


Give children knowledge about museum,

Introduce children to stones Kola Peninsula,

To foster a sense of respect for people who create beauty and give it to people. Preliminary Work:

Conversation about museums,

Viewing photo albums,

Didactic games.

The course of the excursion.

1st part - introductory.

Conversation « Museum... What it is?" The teacher listens to the children's opinions and then talks about museum.

“People have always wanted to keep something unusual, interesting, or beautiful in order to show their children and grandchildren. Some people were very fond of paintings; some collected books, dishes, toys and other items. A large number of certain items is called a collection. There are collections of stamps, there are collections of paintings, etc. The collections were in the homes of those who collected them, and very few people could see them. Then people started to place their collections in special rooms where everyone could come and look at them. The room where you can look at the collection of various items is called Museum». Questions:

What are collections?

What room is called museum?

What are we for museums?

Examining the booklet « Museum of Colored Stone named after... VN. Dawa»

The teacher's story about the rules of conduct in museum... The teacher listens to the assumptions of the children, and then reads the rules.

1.In museum you cannot talk loudly so as not to disturb other visitors.

2.In the museum can not run, jump, hustle.

3. In museum you should listen carefully tour guide: then you will learn a lot of interesting things.

4. Do not touch museum exhibits by hand.

The teacher invites the children to think about why in the museum can not run, touch the exhibits with your hands and express your opinion after visiting museum.

The teacher invites children to go to excursion to the museum.

2nd part - cognitive.

Walking along the streets, remember their names (Leningradskaya embankment, Kirov avenue, Metallurgov street, draw the attention of children to the buildings (Secondary educational school No. 5 named after O.I. garden "Sun"); clarify their purpose.

Story tour guide about the Museum of Colored Stone and its creator, mining engineer-geologist V.N.Dave.

Consideration of expositions of minerals and products from colored stones.

The game "Good bad" - stones.

The third part is the final one.

A minute of communication - solving problematic issues “Why in the museum can not run, jump, push? " Why can't you touch museum exhibits by hand Children's assumptions.

4th part - work after excursions.

View slides.

Hearing excerpts from the musical work of Boris Asafiev "Stone flower» , based on the tale of the same name by P. Bazhov.

Examination of breed samples and collection design stones.

Coloring stones in different colors and drawing up artistic compositions.

Chenille Renata
Abstract of the excursion to the Museum of Local Lore




Give knowledge that local history museum- keeper of authentic monuments;

material and spiritual culture of our city;

To acquaint children with the life of our ancestors;

Raise a sense of pride for your land, love for it, the desire to keep

and multiply its history.

Preliminary work:

Acquaintance of children with the history of the emergence of the city of Barabinsk;

Form an "image museum", to introduce children to folk culture, to activate dictionary: guide, exhibits, collection.

Development of the route by the teacher. Conversation about the rules of behavior on the road, walking and in public places, conversation about museum.

Conditions: the time of the event is October.

Excursion progress

Today I will tell you what it is Museum, and we will visit the very present museum.

So, the museum is that place where various subjects are stored and studied. They may or may not be very valuable. But all these items can tell us about a lot "Tell and tell": about their history, about their origin and what they are for and how they are used. And such items are called exhibits. This word is new to you, let's put it all together repeat: "Ex-on-on-you"

- Museums can be different and the exhibits in them are also different. For example, look here (shows a thematic album, local history museums, they contain exhibits that tell about the history, nature and culture of one city or village. We also have one in Osa Museum.

In the historical museum exhibits will be presented that tell us about the history of the city, region or even the whole country.

Guys, tell me, do you collect any items or toys at home?

The collection of such items is called a collection.

Collections of different items are very often exhibited in different museums... And this is already called an exhibition. We can come with you to Museum to the exhibition and admire some collection: paintings, dishes, coins, etc.

And as I already promised you, today we will also visit Museum, but the museum is not ordinary.

I invite you to excursion to our Baraba Museum of Local Lore.

Guys, what is excursion?

-An excursion is a trip to the museum in order to to learn something new and interesting.

So you and I will learn something new and interesting. I'll be yours tour guide.

Guys, but before you go to Museum, we must find out with you how you can behave in museum and how impossible... What do you think?

You are absolutely right, because if you make noise and run, you will disturb other people. If you are viewing exhibits, do not obstruct the view of other visitors. museum... When he speaks guide, you can not laugh loudly, talk and interrupt him. Exhibits of our museum can be touched and taken in hand, but only carefully so as not to break. But if next to the exhibit you see such a sign (shows the sign "Crossed palm", it means that the exhibit is valuable and it is not necessary to pick it up.

You understand the rules of conduct in museum?

I hope you will comply with them.

Now come closer, I'll tell you about our museum... (introduces children to the mini, talks about the exhibits, the collection, the history of the exhibits, tries to interest children in unusual exhibits, etc.)

On this our the tour ends.

Let's remember what new we have learned today.

I hope you enjoyed our excursion?

Related publications:

Purpose: the formation of specific ideas and impressions of the life around children in children. During excursions, preschoolers begin to learn.

Kupino "I saw household items From the revived antiquity. The past of my country is now open for me!" Dear colleagues, I suggest yours.

The city of Saki is rich in its historical culture. It has a large number of monuments and a museum. There are architectural monuments.

The direct acquaintance of a preschooler with the museum's collections - authentic historical exhibits - has a huge emotional impact.

Goals: to expand and deepen the knowledge of students about the history and culture of the Penza region;

to develop skills and abilities of independent work with additional information on a given topic; develop the skills of constructing an oral monologue;

develop oral speech, student independence;

to cultivate love and respect for the native land.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: computer, disk "Our Land of Penza".

Lesson plan.
1) Checking homework.
2) Work on the topic:
- independent work in groups using cards;
- report on the work done.
3) Summing up. Estimates. Homework.

During the classes.

I. Checking homework.

Today we continue our virtual tour of the Penza Museum of Local Lore. In the lesson, we will get acquainted with the ethnography, history and culture of our region, you will become guides for a while and take us through the halls of the museum.

Remember what you know about the local history museum. Tell us when the museum was founded, who is the director, what excursions are held, what halls exist.

II. Work on the topic "Excursion to the Museum of Local Lore".

Each group has an assignment that you started with in the last lesson. Today you finish your work, and in 10 minutes each group presents its own hall, i.e. you as guides will tell us about your section, about the most famous people and interesting exhibits.
Task number 1.

1) Find out the lexical meaning of the word "ethnography" in the explanatory dictionary.

2) Prepare a message about the costumes, demonstrate them.

3) Tell about Anisimova.

Task number 2

Compose a story about the historical past of our region, using the questions:

When was the city founded?

What did the city look like in the first decades of its existence?

People of what nationalities did Penza populate?

What civil wars took place in the Penza region in the 17th-18th centuries?

Task number 3

1) Tell us about the people who made Penza famous:

Show the exhibition of the state. leaders, tell us about one hero;

Show the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, make a report about Kizhevatov.

2) Tell us about the exhibits in your section, demonstrate them.

Task number 4

1) Tell us about the cultural life of Penza (about education, about theaters, about museums).

2) Make a message about Lermontov

2) Tell us about the exhibits of the exhibition. Demonstrate them to the entire class.

Task number 5

Tell us about the most promising sports.

Showcase the best athletes.

Task number 6

1) Prepare an art gallery story.

2) Make a message about Savitsky, about Tatlin, about Lentulov.

Task number 7

1) Tell us about Zotkin. Explain why it is necessary to talk about him in local history lessons.

2) Tell us about the Abashev toy. Demonstrate these toys to the whole class, describe them.

3) Read verses about Zotkin.

III. Summarizing. Estimates.

Which story did you like the most?

What people, who glorified Penza, did you hear about today?

What would you like to know more about?


Write a review about today's tour

1) text-narration of the artistic style “Excursion to the virtual museum (write what rooms you have visited, what is most memorable, what you would like to see in a real museum)
2) text-description in the artistic style "The exhibit that I remember the most" (General idea of ​​the subject. Description of details. My attitude to the subject).

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Description of the material: Dear friends, I bring to your attention a report on the excursion for preschoolers to the local history and local history museum in Safonovo. This material will be useful for preschool teachers.

Bringing older preschool children to museums is highly advisable. A museum for preschoolers is a means of forming an integral personality, introducing a child to cultural values ​​and traditions. At the same time, the most important tasks for the formation are solved:
- cognitive motivation;
- needs to visit museums;
- culture of behavior in the museum;
- aesthetic taste.
Employees of the Safonovo Museum of History and Local Lore successfully cooperate with many preschool institutions in our city. Excursions for preschoolers to the local history and local history museum, as one of the ways to organize direct educational activities with children in our preschool, are now often practiced. We are well aware that excursion activities are the best way to acquaint children with objects and phenomena of nature, with the peculiarities of the organization of human life in a natural setting.
The role of the museum in introducing children to the world of museum values ​​is invaluable. The museum, like a huge magic box, keeps an unusual treasure - time that lives in the form of museum objects created by man. Excursions around the museum contribute to the development of cognitive interest, coherent speech of preschoolers. Here they receive a patriotic upbringing, the essence of which is to cultivate in a child's soul the seeds of love for their native nature, home and family, history and culture of their country, for everything that has been created by the labor of relatives and friends.
Quite recently, for the pupils of our speech therapy group, another sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore was held. In an accessible form for preschoolers, they were told about the history and culture of their small homeland. It was a significant event for the children, they were interested in new information and imbued with new impressions.

I invite everyone to a sightseeing tour of the halls of the Safonov Museum of History and Local Lore!
"Today is a solemn and strict day.
The door is open, the museum welcomes guests,
Welcomes within the walls of those who enter,
It is only worth crossing its threshold. "

Such a stupa from the century before last and a TV from the last century meet us in the museum.

The clothes of our grandmothers.

Household items.

"I saw household items
From the revived antiquity.
It is now open to me
The past of my country! "

Peasant hut.

Good little shoes!
"Take a look at a couple of bast bast shoes,
They are worthy of a look by the way.
In our age among intricate things
There are no shoes that are simpler and simpler. "Burchak Mikhail

Grandma's "mixer".

The miracle of the iron.

How unusually melodic the music from the gramophone sounds.

Hall of Military Glory.

Machine gun during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

Automatic machine of the times of the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945.

A rifle from the First World War.

Soldier's overcoat.
"With tears of pride
To the first corner of the room
Mother will hang the old one
Gray overcoat. "Yuri Mikhailenko

The literary hero of A.T. Tvardovsky is the legendary Vasily Tyorkin.
"The fighter just took a three-row,
It is immediately evident - the accordion player.
For the beginning, for order
He threw his fingers up and down.
Forgotten Rustic
Suddenly he started, closing his eyes,
The sides of the native Smolensk
Sad memento ... "

Portrait of V.V. Griboyedova - cousin of the poet A.S. Griboyedov

Violin of the Soviet military leader, Marshal of the Soviet Union M.N. Tukhachevsky

Antique gramophone.
"What was, then goes away
Forgetting like a dream
It's a pity rarely who turns on,
An old, kind gramophone ... ". Ignatov Alexander

At the portrait of Yuri Gagarin.
"Fading, the glow of the sunset is extinguished.
Twinkling, the first star whispers:
“Gagarin didn’t leave, believe me guys.
He is with you, here, stayed forever! " Yu Goverdovsky

Banner of the city-forming enterprise of the Avangard plant

Our famous fellow countrymen.

Exhibition of toparia.