Computer modelling. Computer experiment

Computer modelling.  Computer experiment
Computer modelling. Computer experiment

A computer experiment with a system model during its research and design is carried out in order to obtain information about the characteristics of the functioning process of the object under consideration. The main task of planning computer experiments is to obtain the necessary information about the system under study with restrictions on resources (costs of computer time, memory, etc.). Particular problems solved when planning computer experiments include the tasks of reducing computer time spent on modeling, increasing the accuracy and reliability of modeling results, checking the adequacy of the model, etc.

The effectiveness of computer experiments with models significantly depends on the choice of experimental plan, since it is the plan that determines the volume and order of calculations on a computer, methods of accumulation and statistical processing of system modeling results . Therefore, the main task of planning computer experiments with a model is formulated as follows: it is necessary to obtain information about the modeling object, specified in the form of a modeling algorithm (program), with minimal or limited expenditure of machine resources to implement the modeling process.

The advantage of computer experiments over natural ones is the ability to fully reproduce experimental conditions with a model of the system under study . A significant advantage over natural ones is the ease of interrupting and resuming computer experiments, which allows the use of sequential and heuristic planning techniques that may not be feasible in experiments with real objects. When working with a computer model, it is always possible to interrupt the experiment for the time necessary to analyze the results and make decisions about its further progress (for example, about the need to change the values ​​of the model characteristics).

The disadvantage of computer experiments is that the results of one observation depend on the results of one or more previous ones, and therefore contain less information than independent observations.

In relation to a database, a computer experiment means manipulating data in accordance with a given goal using DBMS tools. The goal of the experiment can be formed based on the overall goal of the simulation and taking into account the requirements of the specific user. For example, there is a database “Dean’s Office”. The overall goal of creating this model is to manage the educational process. If you need to obtain information about student performance, you can make a request, i.e. carry out an experiment to sample the necessary information.

The DBMS environment tools allow you to perform the following operations on data:

1) sorting – ordering data according to some criteria;

2) search (filtering) – selection of data that satisfies a certain condition;

3) creating calculation fields - converting data into another type based on formulas.

Information model management is inextricably linked with the development of various criteria for searching and sorting data. Unlike paper filing cabinets, where sorting is possible according to one or two criteria, and the search is generally carried out manually by sorting through cards, computer databases allow you to specify any form of sorting by various fields and various search criteria. The computer will sort or select the necessary information according to a given criterion without any time investment.

To successfully work with an information model, database software environments allow you to create calculation fields in which the original information is converted into another form. For example, based on semester grades, a student’s GPA can be calculated using a special built-in function. Such calculated fields are used either as additional information or as criteria for searching and sorting.

A computer experiment includes two stages: testing (checking the correctness of operations) and conducting an experiment with real data.

After creating formulas for calculation fields and filters, you need to make sure they work correctly. To do this, you can enter test records for which the result of the operation is known in advance.

The computer experiment ends with the output of results in a form convenient for analysis and decision-making. One of the advantages of computer information models is the ability to create various forms of presentation of output information, called reports. Each report contains information relevant to the purpose of the particular experiment. The convenience of computer reports lies in the fact that they allow you to group information according to specified characteristics, enter the total fields for counting records by group and in general for the entire database, and then use this information to make decisions.

The environment allows you to create and store several standard, frequently used report forms. Based on the results of some experiments, you can create a temporary report, which is deleted after it is copied to a text document or printed. Some experiments do not require reporting at all. For example, it is necessary to select the most successful student to award an increased scholarship. To do this, just sort by the average score of the grades in the semester. The first entry in the list of students will contain the information you are looking for.

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Topic: Computer experiment. Analysis of simulation results

To give life to new design developments, to introduce new technical solutions into production, or to test new ideas, an experiment is needed. An experiment is an experience that is performed with an object or model. It consists of performing certain actions and determining how the experimental sample reacts to these actions. At school you conduct experiments in biology, chemistry, physics, and geography lessons. Experiments are carried out when testing new product samples at enterprises. Usually, a specially created installation is used for this, which allows an experiment to be carried out in laboratory conditions, or the real product itself is subjected to all kinds of tests (full-scale experiment). To study, for example, the operational properties of any unit or component, it is placed in a thermostat, frozen in special chambers, tested on vibration stands, dropped, etc. It’s good if it’s a new watch or vacuum cleaner - not a big loss upon destruction. What if it’s an airplane or a rocket? Laboratory and field experiments require large material costs and time, but their significance, nevertheless, is very great. With the development of computer technology, a new unique research method has emerged - computer experiment. In many cases, computer studies of models have come to help, and sometimes even replace experimental samples and test benches. The stage of conducting a computer experiment includes two stages: drawing up an experiment plan and conducting research. Experimental plan The experimental plan should clearly reflect the sequence of work with the model. The first point of such a plan is always testing the model. Testing - processcheckscorrectnessbuiltmodels. Test - kitoriginaldata, allowingdefinegreat-vigorconstructionmodels. To be sure of the correctness of the obtained modeling results, you need to:

    check the developed model construction algorithm; make sure that the constructed model correctly reflects the properties of the original that were taken into account during the modeling.
To check the correctness of the model construction algorithm, a test set of initial data is used, for which the final result is known in advance or predetermined in other ways. For example, if you use calculation formulas in modeling, then you need to select several options for the initial data and calculate them “manually”. These are test tasks. When the model is built, you test with the same versions of the input data and compare the modeling results with the conclusions obtained by calculation. If the results coincide, then the algorithm is developed correctly; if not, we need to look for and eliminate the reason for their discrepancy. Test data may not at all reflect the real situation and may not carry any semantic content. However, the results obtained during the testing process may lead you to think about changing the original information or symbolic model, primarily in the part where the semantic content is embedded. To make sure that the constructed model reflects the properties of the original that were taken into account during the modeling, it is necessary to select a test example with real source data. Conducting research After testing, when you have confidence in the correctness of the constructed model, you can proceed directly to conducting research. The plan must include an experiment or series of experiments that satisfy the modeling objectives. Each experiment must be accompanied by an understanding of the results, which serves as the basis for analyzing the modeling results and making decisions. The scheme for preparing and conducting a computer experiment is shown in Figure 11.7.





Rice. 11.7. Computer experiment scheme

Analysis of simulation results

The ultimate goal of modeling is making a decision, which should be developed on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the modeling results. This stage is decisive - either you continue the research or finish it. Figure 11.2 shows that the results analysis stage cannot exist autonomously. The findings often contribute to conducting an additional series of experiments, and sometimes to changing the problem. The basis for developing a solution is the results of testing and experiments. If the results do not correspond to the goals of the task, it means that mistakes were made at the previous stages. This may be either an incorrect formulation of the problem, or an overly simplified construction of an information model, or an unsuccessful choice of a modeling method or environment, or a violation of technological techniques when constructing a model. If such errors are identified, then it is required model adjustment, that is, a return to one of the previous stages. The process is repeated until the experimental results meet the modeling goals. The main thing is to always remember: an identified error is also a result. As popular wisdom says, you learn from mistakes. The great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin also wrote about this: Oh, how many wonderful discoveries are being prepared for us by the spirit of enlightenment And experience, the son of difficult mistakes, And genius, friend of paradoxes, And chance, God the inventor...


    Name the two main types of modeling modeling problems.
    In the famous “Problem Book” by G. Oster there is the following problem:
The evil witch, working tirelessly, turns 30 princesses a day into caterpillars. How many days will it take her to turn 810 princesses into caterpillars? How many princesses will have to be turned into caterpillars per day in order to complete the job in 15 days? Which question can be classified as “what will happen if...” type, and which question can be classified as “how to do so that...”?
    List the most well-known purposes of modeling. Formalize the humorous problem from G. Oster’s “Problem Book”:
From two booths located at a distance of 27 km from one another, two pugnacious dogs jumped out towards each other at the same time. The first one runs at a speed of 4 km/h, and the second one runs at 5 km/h. How long will it take for the fight to start? At home: §11.4, 11.5.
  1. Concept of information


    The world around us is very diverse and consists of a huge number of interconnected objects. To find your place in life, from early childhood, together with your parents, and then with your teachers, you learn all this diversity step by step.

  2. Production editor V. Zemskikh Editor N. Fedorova Art editor R. Yatsko Layout T. Petrova Proofreaders M. Odinokova, M. Shchukina bbk 65. 290-214


    Ш39 Organizational culture and leadership / Transl. from English edited by V. A. Spivak. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2002. - 336 p.: ill. - (Series “Theory and Practice of Management”).

  3. Educational and methodological complex in the discipline: “Marketing” specialty: 080116 “Mathematical methods in economics”

    Training and metodology complex

    Area of ​​professional activity: analysis and modeling of economic processes and objects at the micro, macro and global levels; monitoring of economic and mathematical models; forecasting, programming and optimization of economic systems.

Municipal Autonomous

educational institution

"Secondary school No. 31"


Computer experiment

in a high school physics course.

Reizer E.E.

Komi Republic

G .Syktyvkar


I. Introduction

II. Types and role of experiment in the learning process.

III. Using a computer in physics lessons.

V. Conclusion.

VI. Glossary.

VII. Bibliography.

VIII. Applications:

1. Classification of physical experiment

2. Results of the student survey

3. Using a computer during a demonstration experiment and problem solving

4. Use of a computer during

Laboratory and practical work



It's time to arm

teachers with a new tool,

and the result is immediate

will affect subsequent generations.

Potashnik M.M.,

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

I. Introduction.

Physics is an experimental science. Scientific activity begins with observation. Observation is most valuable when the conditions affecting it are precisely controlled. This is possible if the conditions are constant, known and can be changed at the request of the observer. Observation carried out under strictly controlled conditions is called experiment. And the exact sciences are characterized by an organic connection between observations and experiment with the determination of numerical values ​​of the characteristics of the objects and processes under study.

An experiment is the most important part of scientific research, the basis of which is a scientifically conducted experiment with precisely taken into account and controlled conditions. The word experiment itself comes from the Latin experimentum- trial, experience. In scientific language and research work, the term “experiment” is usually used in a meaning common to a number of related concepts: experience, targeted observation, reproduction of an object of knowledge, organization of special conditions for its existence, verification of prediction. This concept includes the scientific setting up of experiments and observation of the phenomenon under study under precisely taken into account conditions, which makes it possible to monitor the course of phenomena and recreate it each time these conditions are repeated. The very concept of “experiment” means an action aimed at creating conditions for the implementation of a particular phenomenon and, if possible, the most frequent one, i.e. not complicated by other phenomena. The main purpose of the experiment is to identify the properties of the objects under study, test the validity of hypotheses and, on this basis, broad and in-depth study of the topic of scientific research

BeforeXVIIIc., when physics was an hourthis philosophy, scientists considered logsscientific conclusions are its basis, and onlythought experiment could be forthem is convincing in forming a viewon the structure of the world, basic fizytical laws. Galileo, whomrightly considered the father of experimenttal physics, could not prove anything to his contemporaries by conducting experiments withfalling balls of different masses from Pisansky tower. “Galileo’s idea caused disdainful remarks and bewilderment.”Thought experiment onanalysis of the behavior of three bodies of equal masssy, two of whom were relateda clue turned out to be for his colleaguesmore convincing than directlyreal experience.

In a similar way, Galileo proved the validity of the law of inertia with two inclined planes and balls moving along them. I. Newton himself tried to substantiate the laws known and discovered by him in his book “Mathematical Foundations of Natural Philosophy”, using Euclid’s scheme, introducing axioms and theorems based on them. On the cover of this book

depicts Earth, mountain (G) and a cannon ( P) (Fig. 1).

The cannon fires cannonballs that fall at different distances from the mountain depending on their initial speed. At a certain speed, the core makes a full revolution around the Earth. Newton, with his drawing, suggested the possibility of creating artificial Earth satellites, which were created several centuries later.

At this stage of development of physics, a thought experiment was necessary, since due to the lack of necessary instruments and technological base, a real experiment was impossible. The thought experiment was used by both D.C. Maxwell when creating a system of basic equations of electrodynamics (although the results of natural experiments conducted earlier by M. Faraday were also used), and by A. Einstein when developing the theory of relativity.

Thus, thought experiments are one of the components of the development of new theories. Most physical experiments were initially simulated and carried out mentally, and then in reality. Below we will give examples of thought experiments that played an important role in the development of physics.

In the 5th century BC. The philosopher Zeno created a logical contradiction between real phenomena and what can be obtained through logical deductions. He proposed a thought experiment in which he showed that an arrow would never catch a duck (Fig. 2).

G. Galileo in his scientific work resorted to reasoning based on common sense, referring to the so-called “mental experiments”. Aristotle's followers, refuting Galileo's ideas, cited a number of “scientific” arguments. However, Galileo was a great polemicist, and his counter-arguments were undeniable. For scientists of that era, logical reasoning was more convincing than experimental evidence.

"Cretaceous" physics, like other methods of teaching physics that do not correspond to the experimental method of understanding nature, began to attack the Russian school about 10–12 years ago. During that period, the level of provision of school classroom equipment dropped below 20% of what was required; the industry that produced educational equipment practically stopped working; The so-called protected budget item “for equipment”, which could only be spent for its intended purpose, disappeared from school estimates. When the critical situation was realized, the “Physics Cabinet” subprogram was included in the Federal program “Educational Technology”. As part of the program, the production of classic equipment was restored and modern school equipment was developed, including using the latest information and computer technologies. The most radical changes have occurred in equipment for frontal work; thematic sets of equipment in mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electrodynamics, and optics have been developed and produced in mass quantities (the school has a complete set of this new equipment for these sections).

The role and place of independent experiment in the concept of physical education have changed: experiment is not only a means of developing practical skills, it becomes a way of mastering the method of cognition. The computer “burst” into school life with tremendous speed.

The computer opens up new paths in the development of thinking, providing new opportunities for active learning. Conducting lessons using a computer

exercises, tests and laboratory work, as well as recording progress become more efficient, and a huge flow of information becomes easily accessible. Using a computer in physics lessons also helps to implement the principle of student personal interest in learning the material and many other principles of developmental education.
However, in my opinion, a computer cannot completely replace a teacher. The teacher has the opportunity to interest students, arouse their curiosity, gain their trust, he can direct their attention to certain aspects of the subject being studied, reward their efforts and force them to learn. A computer will never be able to take on such a role as a teacher.

The range of use of the computer in extracurricular activities is also wide: it contributes to the development of cognitive interest in the subject, expands the possibility of independent creative search for students who are most passionate about physics.

II. Types and role of experiment in the learning process.

Main types of physical experiment:

    Demonstration experience;

    Frontal laboratory work;

    Physical workshop;

    Experimental task;

    Home experimental work;

    Experiment using a computer (new view).

Demonstration experiment is one of the components of an educational physical experiment and is a reproduction of physical phenomena by a teacher on a demonstration table using special instruments. It refers to illustrative experiential teaching methods. The role of a demonstration experiment in teaching is determined by the role that the experiment plays in physics and science as a source of knowledge and a criterion of its truth, and its capabilities for organizing the educational and cognitive activities of students.

The significance of the demonstration physical experiment is as follows:

Students become familiar with the experimental method of knowledge in physics, with the role of experiment in physical research (as a result, they develop a scientific worldview);

Students develop some experimental skills: the ability to observe phenomena, the ability to put forward hypotheses, the ability to plan an experiment, the ability to analyze results, the ability to establish relationships between quantities, the ability to draw conclusions, etc.

A demonstration experiment, being a means of clarity, helps organize students’ perception of educational material, its understanding and memorization; allows for polytechnic training of students; helps to increase interest in the study of physics and create motivation for learning. But when a teacher conducts a demonstration experiment, students only passively observe the experiment conducted by the teacher, without doing anything with their own hands. Therefore, it is necessary to have independent experiments by students in physics.

Teaching physics cannot be presented only in the form of theoretical classes, even if students are shown demonstration physical experiments in class. To all types of sensory perception, it is imperative to add “work with your hands” in the classroom. This is achieved when students complete laboratory physical experiment, when they themselves assemble installations, carry out measurements of physical quantities, and perform experiments. Laboratory classes arouse very great interest among students, which is quite natural, since in this case the student learns about the world around him on the basis of his own experience and his own feelings.

The importance of laboratory classes in physics lies in the fact that students develop ideas about the role and place of experiment in knowledge. When performing experiments, students develop experimental skills, which include both intellectual and practical skills. The first group includes the skills to determine the purpose of an experiment, put forward hypotheses, select instruments, plan an experiment, calculate errors, analyze results, and draw up a report on the work done. The second group includes the skills to assemble an experimental setup, observe, measure, and experiment.

In addition, the significance of the laboratory experiment lies in the fact that when performing it, students develop such important personal qualities as accuracy in working with instruments; maintaining cleanliness and order in the workplace, in the notes made during the experiment, organization, persistence in obtaining results. They develop a certain culture of mental and physical labor.

- this is a type of practical work when all students in a class simultaneously perform the same type of experiment using the same equipment. Front-end laboratory work is most often performed by a group of students consisting of two people; sometimes it is possible to organize individual work. Accordingly, the office should have 15-20 sets of instruments for frontal laboratory work. The total number of such devices will be about a thousand pieces. The names of frontal laboratory work are given in the curriculum. There are quite a lot of them, they are provided for almost every topic of the physics course. Before carrying out the work, the teacher identifies the students’ readiness to consciously carry out the work, determines its purpose with them, discusses the progress of the work, the rules for working with instruments, and methods for calculating measurement errors. Front-end laboratory work is not very complex in content, is closely related chronologically to the material being studied and, as a rule, is designed for one lesson. Descriptions of laboratory work can be found in school physics textbooks.

Physics workshop is carried out with the aim of repeating, deepening, expanding and generalizing the knowledge gained from various topics of the physics course, developing and improving students' experimental skills by using more complex equipment, a more complex experiment, and developing their independence in solving problems related to the experiment. A physics workshop is not time-related to the material being studied; it is held, as a rule, at the end of the academic year, sometimes at the end of the first and second half-years, and includes a series of experiments on a particular topic. Students perform physical practical work in a group of 2-4 people using various equipment; During the next classes there is a change of work, which is done according to a specially designed schedule. When drawing up a schedule, take into account the number of students in the class, the number of workshops, and the availability of equipment. Each physics workshop is allocated two teaching hours, which requires the introduction of double physics lessons into the schedule. This presents difficulties. For this reason and due to the lack of necessary equipment, one-hour physical workshops are practiced. It should be noted that two-hour work is preferable, since the work of the workshop is more complex than frontal laboratory work, they are performed on more complex equipment, and the share of independent participation of students is much greater than in the case of frontal laboratory work. For each work, the teacher must draw up instructions, which should contain the name, purpose, list of devices and equipment, a brief theory, a description of devices unknown to students, and a plan for completing the work. After completing the work, students must submit a report, which must contain the title of the work, the purpose of the work, a list of instruments, a diagram or drawing of the installation, a plan for performing the work, a table of results, formulas by which the values ​​of quantities were calculated, calculations of measurement errors, and conclusions. When assessing the work of students in a workshop, one should take into account their preparation for work, a report on the work, the level of development of skills, understanding of theoretical material, and the experimental research methods used.

N and today interest inex perimental task dictated yet and reasons for social and economicChinese character. Due to the current “underfunding” of the school, weral and physical aging laboator base of offices is experimental task can playfor the school the role of a backup route, whichry is able to save the physical exexperiment. The guarantee of this is the surpriseperfect combination of simplicity of equipmentknowledge of serious and deep physics,which can be observed in the best examples of these problems. Organic fit experimentaltasks into traditional teaching scheme school physics coursebecomes possible only when used appropriate


accustom students to independently expand the knowledge acquired in class and acquire new ones, develop experimental skills through the use of household items and homemade devices; develop interest; provide feedback (the results obtained during DER may be a problem to be solved in the next lesson or may serve as reinforcement of the material).

All of the above main types educational physical experiment must be supplemented with an experiment using a computer, experimental tasks, and home experimental work. Possibilities computer allow
vary experimental conditions, independently construct models of installations and observe their operation, develop the ability experimentedwork with computer models, make calculations automatically.

From our point of view, this type of experiment should complement the educational experiment at all stages of activity-based learning, as it contributes to the development of spatial imagination and creative thinking.

III . Using a computer in physics lessons.

Physics is an experimental science. It is difficult to imagine studying physics without laboratory work. Unfortunately, the equipment of a physical laboratory does not always allow for programmatic laboratory work, and does not allow the introduction of new work that requires more complex equipment. A personal computer comes to the rescue, which allows you to carry out quite complex laboratory work. In them, the teacher can, at his own discretion, change the initial parameters of the experiments, observe how the phenomenon itself changes as a result, analyze what he saw, and draw appropriate conclusions.

The creation of the personal computer has given rise to new information technologies that significantly improve the quality of assimilation of information, speeding up access to it, and allowing the use of computer technology in a wide variety of areas of human activity.

Skeptics will argue that today a personal multimedia computer is too expensive to equip secondary schools. However, a personal computer is the brainchild of progress, and progress, as we know, cannot be stopped by temporary economic difficulties (slowed down - yes, stopped - never). In order to keep up with the modern level of world civilization, it should be introduced, if possible, in our Russian schools.

So, the computer turns from an exotic machine into another technical teaching tool, perhaps the most powerful and most effective of all the previously existing technical means that the teacher had at his disposal.

It is well known that a high school physics course includes sections, the study and understanding of which requires developed imaginative thinking, the ability to analyze and compare. First of all, we are talking about such sections as “Molecular Physics”, some chapters of “Electrodynamics”, “Nuclear Physics”, “Optics”, etc. Strictly speaking, in any section of the physics course you can find chapters that are difficult to understand.

As 14 years of work experience shows, students do not have the necessary thinking skills for a deep understanding of the phenomena and processes described in these sections. In such situations, modern technical teaching aids, and first of all, a personal computer, come to the aid of the teacher.

The idea of ​​using a personal computer to simulate various physical phenomena, demonstrate the structure and operating principle of physical devices arose several years ago, as soon as computer technology appeared in school. Already the first lessons using a computer showed that with their help it is possible to solve a number of problems that have always existed in teaching school physics.

Let's list some of them. Many phenomena cannot be demonstrated in a school physics classroom. For example, these are phenomena of the microworld, or rapidly occurring processes, or experiments with instruments that are not in the office. As a result, students have difficulty learning them because they are unable to mentally imagine them. A computer can not only create a model of such phenomena, but also allows you to change the conditions of the process and “scroll” it at an optimal speed for assimilation.

Studying the structure and operating principle of various physical devices is an integral part of physics lessons. Usually, when studying a particular device, the teacher demonstrates it, explains the principle of operation, using a model or diagram. But students often have difficulty trying to imagine the entire chain of physical processes that ensure the operation of a given device. Special computer programs make it possible to “assemble” a device from individual parts and reproduce in dynamics and at optimal speed the processes underlying the principle of its operation. In this case, it is possible to “scroll” the animation multiple times.

Of course, the computer can be used in other types of lessons: when independently studying new material, when solving problems, during tests.

It should also be noted that the use of computers in physics lessons turns them into a real creative process and makes it possible to implement the principles of developmental education.

A few words need to be said about the development of computer lessons. We know packages of programs for “school” physics, developed at Voronezh University, at the Physics and Mathematics Department of Moscow State University, and the authors have at their disposal an electronic textbook on a laser disk, “Physics in Pictures,” which has become widely known. Most of them are made professionally, have beautiful graphics, contain good animations, they are multifunctional, in short, they have a lot of advantages. But for the most part they do not fit into the outline of this particular lesson. With their help, it is impossible to achieve all the goals set by the teacher in the lesson.

Having conducted our first computer lessons, we came to the conclusion that they require special preparation. We began to write scenarios for such lessons, organically “weaving” into them both a real experiment and a virtual one (that is, implemented on a monitor screen). I would especially like to note that modeling various phenomena in no way replaces real, “live” experiences, but in combination with them it allows us to explain the meaning of what is happening at a higher level. The experience of our work shows that such lessons arouse real interest among students and force everyone to work, even those children who find physics difficult. At the same time, the quality of knowledge increases noticeably. Examples of using a computer in the classroom as a TSO can be continued for quite a long time.

The computer is widely used as a multiplication technique for testing students and conducting multi-choice (each has its own task) tests. In any case, with the help of search programs, a teacher can find a lot of interesting things on the Internet.

The computer is an indispensable assistant in extracurricular classes, when performing practical and laboratory work, and solving experimental problems. Students use it to process the results of their small research assignments: make tables, build graphs, carry out calculations, create simple models of physical processes. This use of a computer develops skills in independently acquiring knowledge, the ability to analyze results, and forms physical thinking.

IV. Examples of using a computer in different types of experiments.

The computer as an element of the educational experimental setup is used at different stages of the lesson and in almost all types of experiments (usually demonstration experiments and laboratory work).

    Lesson “Structure of Matter” (demonstration experiment)

Goal: to study the structure of matter in different states of aggregation, to identify some regularities in the structure of bodies in gas, liquid and solid states.

When explaining new material, computer animation is used to clearly demonstrate the arrangement of molecules in different states of aggregation.

The computer allows you to show the processes of transition from one state of aggregation to another, an increase in the speed of movement of molecules with increasing temperature, the phenomenon of diffusion, and gas pressure.

    Problem solving lesson on the topic: “Movement at an angle to the horizon.”

Purpose: to study ballistic movement, its application in everyday life.

Using computer animation, you can show how the trajectory of a body’s movement (altitude and flight distance) changes depending on the initial speed and angle of incidence. Using a computer in this way allows you to do this in a few minutes, which saves time for solving other problems and saves students from having to draw a picture for each problem (which they don’t really like to do).

The model demonstrates the motion of a body thrown at an angle to the horizontal. You can change the initial height, as well as the magnitude and direction of the body's velocity. In the “Strobe” mode, the velocity vector of the thrown body and its projections on the horizontal and vertical axes are shown on the trajectory at regular intervals.

    Laboratory work “Study of an isothermal process.”

Purpose: To experimentally establish the relationship between pressure and volume of gas at constant temperature.

The work is fully accompanied by a computer (name, purpose, choice of equipment, procedure for performing the work, necessary calculations). The object is the air in the tube. Parameters in two states are considered: original and compressed. The corresponding calculations are made. The results are compared and a graph is constructed based on the data obtained.

    Experimental task: determining the number Pi by weighing.

Goal: determine the value of Pi in different ways. Show that it can be equal to 3.14 by weighing.

To carry out the work, a square and a circle are cut out of the same material so that the radius of the circle is equal to the side of the square, and these figures are weighed. The number Pi is calculated through the ratio of the masses of a circle and a square.

    Home experiment to study the characteristics of oscillatory motion.

Goal: to consolidate the knowledge gained in the lesson about the period and frequency of oscillations of a mathematical pendulum.

A model of an oscillating pendulum is made from improvised means (a small body is suspended on a rope); for the experiment, you need to have a watch with a second hand. After counting 30 oscillations for a certain time, the period and frequency are calculated. You can conduct an experiment with different bodies, establishing that the characteristics of vibrations do not depend on the body. And also, by conducting an experiment with threads of different lengths, you can establish the corresponding dependence. All home results must be discussed in class.

    Experimental task: calculation of work and kinetic energy.

Purpose: to show how the value of mechanical work and kinetic energy depends on various conditions of the problem.

Using a computer, the relationship between gravity (body weight), traction force, angle of force application, and friction coefficient is very quickly revealed.

The model illustrates the concept of mechanical work using the example of the movement of a block on a plane with friction under the action of an external force directed at a certain angle to the horizon. By changing the model parameters (mass of the block t, friction coefficient, modulus and direction of the acting force F ), you can monitor the amount of work done when the block moves, the friction force and the external force. Verify in a computer experiment that the sum of these works is equal to the kinetic energy of the block. Please note that the work done by the friction force A always negative.

Similar tasks can be used to monitor students' knowledge. The computer quickly allows you to change the parameters of the task, thereby creating a large number of options (cheating is eliminated). The advantage of this type of work is quick verification. The work can be checked immediately in the presence of students. Students get results and can evaluate their knowledge themselves.

    Preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Goal: to teach children to answer test questions quickly and correctly.

To date, a program has been developed to prepare students for passing the Unified State Exam. It contains test tasks of varying difficulty levels for all sections of the school physics course.

V. Conclusion.

Teaching physics at school involves constantly accompanying the course with demonstration experiments. However, in modern schools, conducting experimental work in physics is often difficult due to lack of teaching time and lack of modern material and technical equipment. And even if the laboratory of the physics classroom is fully equipped with the required instruments and materials, a real experiment requires much more time both for preparation and conduct, and for analyzing the results of the work. Moreover, due to its specifics (significant measurement errors, time limitations of the lesson, etc.) a real experiment often does not realize its main purpose - to serve as a source of knowledge about physical patterns and laws. All identified dependencies are only approximate; often a correctly calculated error exceeds the measured values ​​themselves.

A computer experiment can complement the “experimental” part of a physics course and significantly increase the effectiveness of lessons. When using it, you can isolate the main thing in a phenomenon, cut off minor factors, identify patterns, repeatedly conduct tests with variable parameters, save the results and return to your research at a convenient time. In addition, a much larger number of experiments can be carried out in the computer version. This type of experiment is implemented using a computer model of a particular law, phenomenon, process, etc. Working with these models opens up enormous cognitive opportunities for students, making them not only observers, but also active participants in the experiments being conducted.

Most interactive models provide options for changing the initial parameters and experimental conditions within a wide range, varying their time scale, as well as simulating situations that are not available in real experiments.

Another positive point is that the computer provides a unique opportunity, not implemented in a real physical experiment, to visualize not a real natural phenomenon, but its simplified theoretical model, which allows you to quickly and effectively find the main physical laws of the observed phenomenon. In addition, the student can simultaneously observe the construction of the corresponding graphical dependencies while the experiment is progressing. The graphical way of displaying simulation results makes it easier for students to assimilate large amounts of information received. Such models are of particular value, since students, as a rule, experience significant difficulties in constructing and reading graphs.

It is also necessary to take into account that not all processes, phenomena, historical experiments in physics can be imagined by the student without the help of virtual models (for example, the Carnot cycle, modulation and demodulation, Michelson’s experiment in measuring the speed of light, Rutherford’s experiment, etc.). Interactive models allow the student to see processes in a simplified form, imagine installation diagrams, and conduct experiments that are generally impossible in real life, for example, controlling the operation of a nuclear reactor.

Today, there are already a number of pedagogical software tools (PPS), in one form or another containing interactive models in physics. Unfortunately, none of them is aimed directly at school use. Some models are overloaded with the ability to change parameters due to their focus on application in universities; in other programs, the interactive model is only an element illustrating the main material. In addition, the models are scattered across different teaching staffs. For example, “Physics in Pictures” by the Physikon company, while being the most optimal for conducting a frontal computer experiment, is built on outdated platforms and does not support use in local networks. Other teaching software, such as “Open Physics” from the same company, contain, along with models, a huge array of information materials that cannot be turned off during class work. All this significantly complicates the selection and use of computer models when conducting physics lessons in secondary schools.

The main thing is that for the effective use of a computer experiment, teaching staff are required that are specifically oriented for use in high school. Recently, there has been a tendency towards the creation of specialized teaching staff for schools within the framework of federal projects, such as competitions for educational software developers held by the National Personnel Training Foundation. Perhaps in the coming years we will see teaching staff who comprehensively support computer experiments in high school physics courses. I tried to reveal all these points in my work.

VI. Glossary.

Experiment is a sensory-objective activity in science.

Physical experiment- this is the observation and analysis of the phenomena under study under certain conditions, allowing one to monitor the course of the phenomena and recreate it every time under fixed conditions.

Demonstration is a physical experiment that represents physical phenomena, processes, patterns, perceived visually.

Front laboratory work– a type of practical work performed in the process of studying program material, when all students in the class simultaneously perform the same type of experiment, using the same equipment.

Physics workshop– practical work performed by students at the completion of previous sections of the course (or at the end of the year), on more complex equipment, with a greater degree of independence than in front-line laboratory work.

Home experimental work- the simplest independent experiment that is performed by students at home, outside of school, without direct guidance from the teacher.

Experimental tasks– problems in which experiment serves as a means of determining some initial quantities necessary for solution; gives an answer to the question posed in it or is a means of checking the calculations made according to the condition.

VII. Bibliography:

1. Bashmakov L.I., S.N. Pozdnyakov, N.A Reznik “Information learning environment”, St. Petersburg: “Svet”, p.121, 1997.

2 Belostotsky P.I., G. Yu. Maksimova, N.N. Gomulina "Computer technologies: a modern lesson in physics and astronomy." Newspaper "Physics" No. 20, p. 3, 1999.

3. Burov V.A. "Demonstration experiment in physics in high school." Moscow Enlightenment 1979

4. Butikov E.I. Fundamentals of classical dynamics and computer modeling. Materials of the 7th scientific and methodological conference, Academic Gymnasium, St. Petersburg - Old Peterhof, p. 47, 1998.

5. Vinnitsky Yu.A., G.M. Nurmukhamedov “Computer experiment in a high school physics course.” Journal "Physics at School" No. 6, p. 42, 2006.

6. Golelov A.A. Concepts of modern natural science: textbook. Workshop. – M.: Humanitarian publishing center VLADOS, 1998

7. Kavtrev A.F. "Methodology for using computer models in physics lessons." Fifth international conference "Physics in the system of modern education" (FSSO-99), abstracts, volume 3, St. St. Petersburg: "Publishing House of the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Herzen", p. 98-99, 1999.

8. Kavtrev A.F. "Computer models in a school physics course." Journal "Computer Tools in Education", St. Petersburg: "Informatization of Education", 12, p. 41-47, 1998.

9. Theory and methods of teaching physics at school. General issues. Edited by S.E. Kameneykogo, N.S. Purysheva. M: "Academy", 2000

10. Trofimova T.I. "Physics Course", ed. "Higher School", M., 1999

11. Chirtsov A.S. Information technologies in teaching physics. Journal "Computer Tools in Education", St. Petersburg: "Informatization of Education", 12, p. Z, 1999.

Appendix No. 1

Classification of physical experiment

Appendix No. 2

Results of the student survey.

A survey was conducted among students in grades 5 K, 6 A, 7 – 11 on the following questions:

    What role does experiment play for you when studying physics?

    The program has created 107 models that can be used to explain new material and solve experimental problems. I would like to give a few examples that I use in my lessons.

    Fragment of the lesson “Nuclear reactions. Nuclear fission."

    Goal: to formulate the concepts of nuclear reactions and demonstrate their diversity. Develop an understanding of the essence of these processes.

    The computer is used when explaining new material to more clearly demonstrate the processes being studied, allows you to quickly change reaction conditions, and makes it possible to return to previous conditions.

    This model shows

    various types of nuclear transformations.

    Nuclear transformations occur as a result of

    processes of radioactive decay of nuclei, and

    due to nuclear reactions accompanied

    fission or fusion of nuclei.

    Changes occurring in kernels can be broken down

    into three groups:

    1. change of one of the nucleons in the nucleus;

      restructuring of the internal structure of the nucleus;

      rearrangement of nucleons from one nuclei to another.

    The first group includes various types of beta decay, when one of the neutrons of the nucleus turns into a proton or vice versa. The first (more frequent) type of beta decay occurs with the emission of an electron and an electron antineutrino. The second type of beta decay occurs either by the emission of a positron and an electron neutrino, or by the capture of an electron and the emission of an electron neutrino (the capture of an electron occurs from one of the electron shells closest to the nucleus). Note that in a free state, a proton cannot decay into a neutron, positron and electron neutrino - this requires additional energy, which it receives from the nucleus. The total energy of the nucleus, however, decreases as a proton transforms into a neutron through the process of beta decay. This occurs due to a decrease in the energy of Coulomb repulsion between protons of the nucleus (of which there are fewer).

    The second group includes gamma decay, in which the nucleus, which was initially in an excited state, releases excess energy, emitting a gamma quantum. The third group includes alpha decay (the emission by the original nucleus of an alpha particle - the nucleus of a helium atom consisting of two protons and two neutrons), nuclear fission (absorption of a neutron by the nucleus followed by decay into two lighter nuclei and the emission of several neutrons) and nuclear fusion (when the collision of two light nuclei produces a heavier nucleus and possibly leaves behind light fragments or individual protons or neutrons).

    Please note that during alpha decay the nucleus experiences recoil and is noticeably shifted in the direction opposite to the direction of emission of the alpha particle. At the same time, the returns from beta decay are much smaller and are not noticeable at all in our model. This is due to the fact that the mass of the electron is thousands (and even hundreds of thousands of times - for heavy atoms) less than the mass of the nucleus.

    Fragment of the lesson “Nuclear Reactor”

    Goal: to form ideas about the structure of a nuclear reactor, demonstrate its operation using a computer.

    The computer allows you to change conditions

    the course of reactions in the reactor. Having removed the inscriptions,

    you can test students' knowledge of construction

    reactor, show the conditions under which

    an explosion is possible.

    A nuclear reactor is a device

    designed to convert energy

    atomic nucleus into electrical energy.

    The reactor core contains radioactive

    substance (usually uranium or plutonium).

    The energy released due to the a - decay of these

    atoms, heats the water. The resulting water vapor rushes into the steam turbine; Due to its rotation, an electric current is generated in the electric generator. Warm water, after appropriate purification, is poured into a nearby body of water; From there, cold water enters the reactor. A special sealed casing protects the environment from deadly radiation.

    Special graphite rods absorb fast neutrons. With their help, you can control the progress of the reaction. Click the "Raise" button (this can only be done if the pumps pumping cold water into the reactor are turned on) and turn on "Process Conditions". Once the rods are lifted, a nuclear reaction will begin. Temperature T inside the reactor the temperature will rise to 300°C, and the water will soon begin to boil. By looking at the ammeter in the right corner of the screen, you can see that the reactor has begun to produce electrical current. By pushing the rods back, you can stop the chain reaction.

    Appendix No. 4

    Using a computer when performing laboratory work and physical exercises.

    There are 4 SDs with the development of 72 laboratory works, which facilitate the teacher’s work and make lessons more interesting and modern. These developments can be used when conducting a physics workshop, because The topics of some of them go beyond the scope of the school curriculum. Here are some examples. The name, purpose, equipment, step-by-step execution of work - all this is projected onto the screen using a computer.

    Laboratory work: “Study of the isobaric process.”

    Goal: to experimentally establish the relationship between volume and

    temperature of a gas of a certain mass in its various


    Equipment: tray, tube - tank with two taps,

    thermometer, calorimeter, measuring tape.

    The object of study is the air in the tube -

    tank. In the initial state, its volume is determined by

    the length of the internal cavity of the tube. The tube is placed coil to coil in the calorimeter, the top valve is open. Pour water at 55 0 - 60 0 C into the calorimeter. Observe the formation of bubbles. They will form until the temperature of the water and air in the tube are equal. Temperature is measured with a laboratory thermometer. The air is transferred to the second state by pouring cold water into the calorimeter. After thermal equilibrium is established, the water temperature is measured. The volume in the second state is measured by its length in the tube (the original length minus the length of the water that entered).

    Knowing the parameters of air in two states, a connection is established between the change in its volume and the change in temperature at constant pressure.

    Lesson - workshop: “Measuring the surface tension coefficient.

    Goal: to practice one of the techniques for determining the surface tension coefficient.

    Equipment: scales, tray, glass, dropper with water.

    The object of study is water. The scales are brought into working position and balanced. They are used to determine the mass of the glass. Approximately 60 - 70 drops of water drip from the ashtray into the glass. Determine the mass of a glass of water. The mass difference in the glass is used to determine the mass of water. Knowing the number of drops, you can determine the mass of one drop. The diameter of the dropper hole is indicated on its capsule. The formula calculates the coefficient of surface tension of water. Compare the result obtained with the table value.

    For strong students, you can suggest conducting additional experiments with vegetable oil.

Computer experiment Computer experiment To give life to new design developments, to introduce new technical solutions into production or to test new ideas, an experiment is needed. In the recent past, such an experiment could be carried out either in laboratory conditions on installations specially created for it, or in situ, i.e. on a real sample of the product, subjecting it to all kinds of tests. This requires large material costs and time. Computer studies of models came to the rescue. When conducting a computer experiment, the correctness of the models is checked. The behavior of the model is studied under various object parameters. Each experiment is accompanied by an understanding of the results. If the results of a computer experiment contradict the meaning of the problem being solved, then the error must be looked for in an incorrectly chosen model or in the algorithm and method for solving it. After identifying and eliminating errors, the computer experiment is repeated. To give life to new design developments, introduce new technical solutions into production, or test new ideas, an experiment is needed. In the recent past, such an experiment could be carried out either in laboratory conditions on installations specially created for it, or in situ, i.e. on a real sample of the product, subjecting it to all kinds of tests. This requires large material costs and time. Computer studies of models came to the rescue. When conducting a computer experiment, the correctness of the models is checked. The behavior of the model is studied under various object parameters. Each experiment is accompanied by an understanding of the results. If the results of a computer experiment contradict the meaning of the problem being solved, then the error must be looked for in an incorrectly chosen model or in the algorithm and method for solving it. After identifying and eliminating errors, the computer experiment is repeated.

A mathematical model is understood as a system of mathematical relationships of formulas, inequalities, etc., reflecting the essential properties of an object or process. A mathematical model is understood as a system of mathematical relationships of formulas, inequalities, etc., reflecting the essential properties of an object or process.

Modeling problems from various subject areas Modeling problems from various subject areas Economics Economics Economics Astronomy Astronomy Astronomy Physics Physics Physics Ecology Ecology Ecology Biology Biology Biology Geography Geography Geography

The machine-building plant, selling products at negotiated prices, received a certain revenue, having spent a certain amount of money on production. Determine the ratio of net profit to invested funds. The machine-building plant, selling products at negotiated prices, received a certain revenue, having spent a certain amount of money on production. Determine the ratio of net profit to invested funds. Statement of the problem Statement of the problem The purpose of the simulation is to study the process of production and sales of products in order to obtain the greatest net profit. Using economic formulas, find the ratio of net profit to invested funds. The purpose of modeling is to explore the process of production and sales of products in order to obtain the greatest net profit. Using economic formulas, find the ratio of net profit to invested funds.

The main parameters of the modeling object are: revenue, cost, profit, profitability, profit tax. The main parameters of the modeling object are: revenue, cost, profit, profitability, profit tax. Input data: Input data: revenue B; revenue B; costs (cost) S. costs (cost) S. We will find other parameters using the basic economic dependencies. The profit value is defined as the difference between revenue and cost P=B-S. We will find other parameters using the basic economic dependencies. The profit value is defined as the difference between revenue and cost P=B-S. Profitability r is calculated using the formula:. Profitability r is calculated using the formula:. The profit corresponding to the marginal level of profitability of 50% is 50% of the cost of production S, i.e. S*50/100=S/2, therefore, the profit tax N is determined as follows: Profit corresponding to the marginal level of profitability of 50% is 50% of the cost of production S, i.e. S*50/100=S/2, so the profit tax N is determined as follows: if r

Analysis of results Analysis of results The resulting model allows, depending on profitability, to determine the profit tax, automatically recalculate the amount of net profit, and find the ratio of net profit to invested funds. The resulting model allows, depending on profitability, to determine the profit tax, automatically recalculate the amount of net profit, and find the ratio of net profit to invested funds. A computer experiment shows that the ratio of net profit to invested funds increases with increasing revenue and decreases with increasing production costs. A computer experiment shows that the ratio of net profit to invested funds increases with increasing revenue and decreases with increasing production costs.

Task. Task. Determine the speed of the planets in orbit. To do this, create a computer model of the solar system. Statement of the problem The purpose of the simulation is to determine the speed of the planets in orbit. Modeling object: Solar system, the elements of which are planets. The internal structure of the planets is not taken into account. We will consider planets as elements with the following characteristics: name; R - distance from the Sun (in astronomical units; astronomical units. average distance from the Earth to the Sun); t is the period of revolution around the Sun (in years); V is the orbital speed (astro units/year), assuming that the planets move around the Sun in circles at a constant speed.

Analysis of results Analysis of results 1. Analyze the calculation results. Is it possible to say that planets located closer to the Sun have a higher orbital speed? 1. Analyze the calculation results. Is it possible to say that planets located closer to the Sun have a higher orbital speed? 2. The presented model of the Solar System is static. When constructing this model, we neglected changes in the distance from the planets to the Sun during their orbital motion. To know which planet is further away and what the approximate relationships between the distances are, this information is quite enough. If we want to determine the distance between Earth and Mars, then we cannot neglect temporary changes, and here we will have to use a dynamic model. 2. The presented model of the Solar System is static. When constructing this model, we neglected changes in the distance from the planets to the Sun during their orbital motion. To know which planet is further away and what the approximate relationships between the distances are, this information is quite enough. If we want to determine the distance between Earth and Mars, then we cannot neglect temporary changes, and here we will have to use a dynamic model.

Computer experiment Enter the initial data into the computer model. (For example: =0.5; =12) Find the friction coefficient at which the car will go down the mountain (at a given angle). Find the angle at which the car will stand on the mountain (for a given friction coefficient). What will be the result if the friction force is neglected? Analysis of the results This computer model allows you to conduct a computational experiment instead of a physical one. By changing the values ​​of the source data, you can see all the changes occurring in the system. It is interesting to note that in the constructed model the result does not depend either on the mass of the car or on the acceleration of gravity.

Task. Task. Imagine that there will be only one source of fresh water left on Earth, Lake Baikal. For how many years will Baikal provide the population of the whole world with water? Imagine that there will be only one source of fresh water left on Earth, Lake Baikal. For how many years will Baikal provide the population of the whole world with water?

Model development Model development To build a mathematical model, we determine the initial data. We denote: To build a mathematical model, we define the initial data. Let us denote: V - volume of Lake Baikal km3; V is the volume of Lake Baikal km3; N - Earth population 6 billion people; N - Earth population 6 billion people; p - water consumption per day per person (on average) 300 l. p - water consumption per day per person (on average) 300 l. Since 1l. = 1 dm3 of water, it is necessary to convert V of the lake water from km3 to dm3. V (km3) = V * 109 (m3) = V * 1012 (dm3) Since 1l. = 1 dm3 of water, it is necessary to convert V of the lake water from km3 to dm3. V (km3) = V * 109 (m3) = V * 1012 (dm3) The result is the number of years during which the population of the Earth uses the waters of Lake Baikal, let us denote it as g. So, g=(V*)/(N*p*365) The result is the number of years during which the Earth's population uses the waters of Lake Baikal, let's denote it as g. So, g=(V*)/(N*p*365) This is what the spreadsheet looks like in formula display mode: This is what the spreadsheet looks like in formula display mode:

Task. Task. To produce the vaccine, it is planned to grow a bacterial culture at the plant. It is known that if the mass of bacteria is x g, then after a day it will increase by (a-bx)x g, where coefficients a and b depend on the type of bacteria. The plant will daily collect m bacteria for vaccine production. To draw up a plan, it is important to know how the mass of bacteria changes after 1, 2, 3,..., 30 days. To produce the vaccine, it is planned to grow a bacterial culture at the plant. It is known that if the mass of bacteria is x g, then after a day it will increase by (a-bx)x g, where coefficients a and b depend on the type of bacteria. The plant will daily collect m bacteria for vaccine production. To draw up a plan, it is important to know how the mass of bacteria changes after 1, 2, 3,..., 30 days..

Statement of the problem Statement of the problem The object of modeling is the process of population change depending on time. This process is influenced by many factors: the environment, the state of medical care, the economic situation in the country, the international situation and much more. Having summarized the demographic data, scientists derived a function expressing the dependence of the population on time: The object of modeling is the process of changing the population depending on time. This process is influenced by many factors: the environment, the state of medical care, the economic situation in the country, the international situation and much more. Having generalized the demographic data, scientists derived a function expressing the dependence of the population on time: f(t)=where the coefficients a and b are different for each state, f(t)=where the coefficients a and b are different for each state, e is the base of the natural logarithm. e is the base of the natural logarithm. This formula only approximately reflects reality. To find the values ​​of coefficients a and b, you can use a statistical reference book. Taking the values ​​f(t) (population size at time t) from the reference book, you can approximately select a and b so that the theoretical values ​​of f(t) calculated using the formula do not differ much from the actual data in the reference book. This formula only approximately reflects reality. To find the values ​​of coefficients a and b, you can use a statistical reference book. Taking the values ​​f(t) (population size at time t) from the reference book, you can approximately select a and b so that the theoretical values ​​of f(t) calculated using the formula do not differ much from the actual data in the reference book.

The use of a computer as a tool for educational activities makes it possible to rethink traditional approaches to the study of many issues in natural sciences, strengthen the experimental activities of students, and bring the learning process closer to the real process of cognition based on modeling technology. The use of a computer as a tool for educational activities makes it possible to rethink traditional approaches to the study of many issues in natural sciences, strengthen the experimental activities of students, and bring the learning process closer to the real process of cognition based on modeling technology. Solving problems from various areas of human activity on a computer is based not only on students’ knowledge of modeling technology, but, naturally, also on knowledge of a given subject area. In this regard, it is more expedient to conduct the proposed lessons on modeling after students have studied the material in a general education subject; a computer science teacher needs to collaborate with teachers from different educational fields. There is known experience in conducting binary lessons, i.e. lessons taught by a computer science teacher together with a subject teacher. Solving problems from various areas of human activity on a computer is based not only on students’ knowledge of modeling technology, but, naturally, also on knowledge of a given subject area. In this regard, it is more expedient to conduct the proposed lessons on modeling after students have studied the material in a general education subject; a computer science teacher needs to collaborate with teachers from different educational fields. There is known experience in conducting binary lessons, i.e. lessons taught by a computer science teacher together with a subject teacher.

Computer modelling - the basis for representing knowledge in a computer. Computer modeling for the generation of new information uses any information that can be updated using a computer. The progress of modeling is associated with the development of computer modeling systems, and progress in information technology is associated with updating the experience of modeling on a computer, with the creation of banks of models, methods and software systems that allow the collection of new models from bank models.

A type of computer modeling is a computational experiment, i.e., an experiment carried out by an experimenter on the system or process under study using an experimental instrument - a computer, computer environment, technology.

A computational experiment is becoming a new tool, a method of scientific knowledge, a new technology also due to the growing need to move from the study of linear mathematical models of systems (for which research methods and theory are quite well known or developed) to the study of complex and nonlinear mathematical models of systems (the analysis of which is much more more difficult). Roughly speaking, our knowledge about the world around us is linear, but processes in the world around us are nonlinear.

A computational experiment allows you to find new patterns, test hypotheses, visualize the course of events, etc.

To give life to new design developments, introduce new technical solutions into production, or test new ideas, an experiment is needed. In the recent past, such an experiment could be carried out either in laboratory conditions on installations specially created for it, or in situ, that is, on a real sample of the product, subjecting it to all sorts of tests.

With the development of computer technology, a new unique research method has emerged - a computer experiment. A computer experiment includes a certain sequence of working with a model, a set of targeted user actions on a computer model.

Stage 4. Analysis of simulation results.

Final goal modeling - making a decision that should be made on the basis of a comprehensive analysis of the results obtained. This stage is decisive - either you continue the research or finish it. Perhaps you know the expected result, then you need to compare the obtained and expected results. If there is a match, you will be able to make a decision.

The basis for developing a solution is the results of testing and experiments. If the results do not correspond to the goals of the task, it means that mistakes were made at the previous stages. This may be either an overly simplified construction of an information model, or an unsuccessful choice of a modeling method or environment, or a violation of technological techniques when building a model. If such errors are identified, then it is required model adjustment , i.e. return to one of the previous stages. Process repeats itself until the results of the experiment answer goals modeling. The main thing is to always remember: an identified error is also a result. As popular wisdom says, you learn from mistakes.

Simulation programs

ANSYS- universal finite element software system ( FEA) analysis, existing and developing over the past 30 years, is quite popular among specialists in the field of computer engineering ( CAE, Computer-Aided Engineering) and FE solutions of linear and nonlinear, stationary and nonstationary spatial problems of mechanics of a deformable solid and structural mechanics (including nonstationary geometrically and physically nonlinear problems of contact interaction of structural elements), problems of fluid and gas mechanics, heat transfer and heat exchange, electrodynamics , acoustics, as well as mechanics of coupled fields. In some industrial applications, modeling and analysis can avoid costly and time-consuming design-build-test development cycles. The system operates on the basis of a geometric kernel Parasolid .

AnyLogic - software For simulation modeling complex systems And processes, developed Russian by XJ Technologies ( English XJ Technologies). The program has graphical user environment and allows you to use Java language for model development .

AnyLogic models can be based on any of the main simulation paradigms: discrete event simulation, system dynamics, And agent-based modeling.

System dynamics and discrete-event (process) modeling, by which we mean any development of ideas GPSS These are traditional, established approaches; agent-based modeling is relatively new. System dynamics operates mainly with time-continuous processes, while discrete-event and agent-based modeling operates with discrete ones.

System dynamics and discrete event modeling have historically been taught to very different groups of students: management, industrial engineers, and control system engineers. As a result, three different, practically non-overlapping communities have emerged that have almost no communication with each other.

Until recently, agent-based modeling was a strictly academic field. However, the growing demand for global optimization from business has forced leading analysts to pay attention specifically to agent-based modeling and its combination with traditional approaches in order to obtain a more complete picture of the interaction of complex processes of various natures. Thus was born the demand for software platforms that allow the integration of different approaches.

Now let's look at simulation approaches at the abstraction level scale. System dynamics, replacing individual objects with their aggregates, assumes the highest level of abstraction. Discrete event simulation operates in the low to mid range. As for agent-based modeling, it can be used at almost any level and on any scale. Agents can represent pedestrians, cars, or robots in a physical space, a customer or salesperson in the middle, or competing companies in the high-end.

When developing models in AnyLogic, you can use concepts and tools from several modeling methods, for example, in an agent-based model, use system dynamics methods to represent changes in the state of the environment, or take discrete events into account in a continuous model of a dynamic system. For example, supply chain management using simulation modeling requires the description of supply chain participants by agents: manufacturers, sellers, consumers, warehouse network. In this case, production is described within the framework of discrete-event (process) modeling, where the product or its parts are applications, and cars, trains, stackers are resources. The supplies themselves are represented as discrete events, but the demand for goods can be described by a continuous system-dynamic diagram. The ability to mix approaches makes it possible to describe real life processes, rather than adjusting the process to the available mathematical apparatus.

LabVIEW (English Lab oratory V virtual I instrumentation E ngineering W orkbench) is development environment And platform for executing programs created in the company's graphical programming language "G" National Instruments(USA). The first version of LabVIEW was released in 1986 for Apple Macintosh, there are currently versions for UNIX, GNU/Linux, Mac OS etc., and the most developed and popular are the versions for Microsoft Windows.

LabVIEW is used in data acquisition and processing systems, as well as for managing technical objects and technological processes. Ideologically, LabVIEW is very close to SCADA-systems, but unlike them is more focused on solving problems not so much in the field APCS, how many in the region ASNI.

MATLAB(short for English « Matrix Laboratory» ) is a term referring to an application software package for solving technical computing problems, as well as the programming language used in that package. MATLAB Used by over 1,000,000 engineers and scientists, it works on most modern operating systems, including GNU/Linux, Mac OS, Solaris And Microsoft Windows .

Maple- software package, computer algebra system. It is a product of Waterloo Maple Inc., which 1984 produces and markets software products focused on complex mathematical calculations, data visualization and modeling.

The Maple system is designed for symbolic calculations, although it has a number of tools for numerical solution differential equations and finding integrals. Possesses developed graphic tools. Has its own programming language, reminiscent Pascal.

Mathematica - computer algebra system companies Wolfram Research. Contains many functions both for analytical transformations and for numerical calculations. In addition, the program supports working with graphics And sound, including the construction of two- and three-dimensional graphs functions, drawing arbitrary geometric shapes, import And export images and sound.

Forecasting tools- software products that have functions for calculating forecasts. Forecasting- one of the most important human activities today. Even in ancient times, forecasts allowed people to calculate periods of drought, dates of solar and lunar eclipses and many other phenomena. With the advent of computer technology, forecasting received a powerful impetus for development. One of the first uses of computers was to calculate the ballistic trajectory of projectiles, that is, in fact, to predict the point at which the projectile would hit the ground. This type of forecast is called static forecast. There are two main categories of forecasts: static and dynamic. The key difference is that dynamic forecasts provide information about the behavior of the object under study over any significant period of time. In turn, static forecasts reflect the state of the object under study only at a single point in time and, as a rule, in such forecasts the time factor in which the object undergoes changes plays a minor role. Today, there are a large number of tools that allow you to make forecasts. All of them can be classified according to many criteria:

Tool name

Scope of application

Implemented models

Required user training

Ready for use

Microsoft Excel ,

general purpose

algorithmic, regression

basic knowledge of statistics

requires significant improvement (implementation of models)

Statistica , SPSS , E-views


a wide range of regression, neural network

boxed product


research, application development

algorithmic, regression, neural network

special mathematics education

programming required


business forecasting


no deep knowledge required

ForecastPro , ForecastX

business forecasting


no deep knowledge required

boxed product


business forecasting

algorithmic, neural network

no deep knowledge required

requires significant modification (for business processes)

ForecastPro SDK

business forecasting


basic knowledge of statistics required

programming required (integration with software)

iLog , AnyLogic , iThink , MatlabSimulink , GPSS

application development, modeling


special mathematics education required

programming required (for the specifics of the area)

PC LIRA- a multifunctional software package designed for the design and calculation of mechanical engineering and building structures for various purposes. Calculations in the program are performed for both static and dynamic impacts. The basis of calculations is finite element method(FEM). Various plug-in modules (processors) allow you to select and check sections of steel and reinforced concrete structures, model soil, calculate bridges and the behavior of buildings during installation, etc.