When will Uraza start? Eid al-Adha is a blessed holiday of Muslims.

When will Uraza start?  Eid al-Adha is a blessed holiday of Muslims.
When will Uraza start? Eid al-Adha is a blessed holiday of Muslims.

As in Orthodoxy, in Islam once a year there is a period when a true believer refuses food, fun and other attributes of secular life in the daytime - Ramadan. The start and end dates of this Muslim holy month are different each year because they are aligned with the lunar calendar. Ramadan ends with a great holiday of breaking the fast, which is called Eid al-Adha. In order not to miss this celebration, you should know what date Eid al-Adha will be in 2017.

There are about 20 million people in Russia who preach Islam. And each of them knows the date of one of the two main Muslim holidays - Eid al-Adha. In 2017, Ramadan will last from May 25 to June 25 - this is the 9th month of the year according to the lunar calendar. And on June 26, there will be a great celebration of breaking the fast - Eid al-Adha. This holiday has been celebrated since the distant 624 year.

In several republics of the Russian Federation, Eid al-Adha is recognized as a non-working day at the republican level. Among them are Tatarstan, Chechnya, Ingushetia, Bashkortostan, Karachay-Cherkessia, Crimea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Dagestan.

During Ramdan, according to the Qur'an, all Muslims who have reached the age of majority must. Children and sick people are exempted from fasting. But Eid al-Adha is celebrated by absolutely everyone.

Eid al-Adha traditions

For the celebration of the end of Ramadan, Muslims should prepare in advance. For the holiday, you should buy new things for children and adults, as well as update your home environment. Delicious food, gifts for relatives and simply poor people, textiles for home decoration are bought. Therefore, you need to save up money for Eid al-Adha.

On a holiday it is customary to visit the mosque in the morning.

During the holiday, the following will happen:

  • On the day of Eid al-Adha, Muslims try to wake up as early as possible, take a bath with incense and essential oils, dress up and go to the mosque, where the morning prayer will be performed. Everyone tries to come early in order to be at the forefront of the prayer.
  • On the holiday, Muslims greet each other with the words "Eid murabak!", Which in Arabic means "Blessed holiday!" By the way, in some Muslim countries this is a universal greeting for any special day.
  • On this day, Muslims must give alms to those in need. There is even a special name for this action - "zakat-ul-fitr". According to the Qur'an, the first person to give zakat-ul-fitr was the prophet Muhammad himself. Imitating him, Muslims try to show generosity on Eid al-Adha. You can donate both directly and through a mosque, various foundations and charitable organizations. They give money or various dry food.
  • The afternoon of this day is time for a large festive meal. After a long period of abstinence, Muslims eat a lot and eat well. The hostesses try to set the tables as beautiful and rich as possible. To do this, they buy expensive products and get the most beautiful dishes. In Islam, they believe that the better the table is set on Eid al-Adha, the richer the family will be for the whole next year.
  • They try to invite many relatives and friends to the table. Each should have a gift and congratulations in store. On this day, everyone should be in a good mood, so people forgive each other old grudges.
  • Another tradition of this celebration is visiting the graves of deceased relatives. You can also come to the tombs of the saints. But on this day, even a cemetery is not a place for tears and sadness. On Eid al-Adha, living people rejoice that their deceased loved ones have passed to a better world. Muslims are sure that on this day the souls of the departed also celebrate and have fun.

It is customary to invite all family and friends to the festive table.

  • Children especially love Eid al-Adha. The fact is that Muslims try to please the little ones on this holiday, give them the most delicious treats, entertain, play with them. All this, according to the beliefs of Islam, brings a person closer to Allah.

But the adults themselves do not get bored on this day. They organize fairs, attractions, attend artist performances, sing and dance themselves.

Treats on the Muslim table in Eid al-Adha

Since a solemn and magnificent feast in Eid al-Adha is the main part of the holiday, special attention should be paid to this. On this day, Muslims try to invite as many guests as possible to the house. It is good if among them there are needy and beggars who should be fed and benefited.

Advice. If a family has distant relatives in other cities and countries with whom it is impossible to dine on that day, they should definitely call or write a letter.

Traditionally, the following dishes are served on the table:

  • shorba;
  • meat rolls with prunes;
  • rice with pumpkin and raisins;
  • lamb stuffed with feta cheese;
  • pies with different fillings;
  • goulash with beans;
  • a variety of salads with vegetables and meat, and much more.

A separate place at the holiday is given to sweets. There should be a lot of them and they should be very diverse. In addition to nuts, fruits and honey dates, the following is served on the table:

    • sugar fudge;
    • watermelon honey;
    • roll with nuts;
    • cakes and cookies;
    • marmalade;
    • baked apples.

Advice. Desserts on this day can be donated as alms and presented as gifts to your family, friends and neighbors.

Since the Koran does not welcome alcohol at all, mocha, egg drink, tea, compote, uzvar are among the drinks on the table in Eid al-Adha.

Traditional dishes

The meal itself also requires a certain approach. It begins with the washing of hands, which is carried out already at the table. To do this, the children of the owners of the house with a jug of water and a basin bypass all the guests. After ablution, the host with the guests read the motive with gratitude to the Lord. After the prayer, a meal begins, the owner of the house eats the first meal. He has to finish the festive dinner.

Advice. The host is not a toastmaster on this day, but it is he who must maintain the fun at the table and make sure that the guests do not get bored.

You also need to be able to eat during a feast in Eid al-Adha. For this, cutlery must be held in the right hand, as well as bowls, glasses and any other vessels with drinks. Traditionally, it is best to eat with your hands, but never with two fingers. Dinner is not started with soups, but with bread or flat cakes, which are also broken by hand, not cut. But you need to drink very slowly, in small sips.

After the meal, you should go to the mosque and perform the evening prayer. At this time, Muslims ask for forgiveness of sins, happiness and peace for all.

Eid al-Adha is a big and cheerful holiday. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims earnestly pray and fast in order to thank Allah for everything on the holiday.

How to spend Eid al-Adha: video

The month of Ramadan is the most honorable and important of the 12 months of the lunar calendar, according to which Muslims around the world live.

When does fasting begin and how long does it take?

Ramadan (also known as Ramadan) is the ninth month of the Muslim lunar calendar, which is 10 or 11 days less than a solar year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays each year are shifted relative to the Gregorian calendar.

Accordingly, Ramadan, which lasts from 29 to 30 days, depending on the lunar calendar, falls on a different date every year. In 2017, Ramadan lasts 30 days.

At the Moscow Cathedral Mosque during the Muslim holiday of Ramadan

Ramadan in 2017 begins on the evening of May 26 with sunset and ends on the evening of June 25, 2017, after which the Eid al Fitr holiday (the Turkic name "Eid al-Fitr") will begin.

Moreover, in different Muslim countries, Ramadan can begin at different times, and it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the moon.

Ramadan is translated from Arabic as "hot", "scorching heat". Every devout Muslim in this month proves the strength of his faith, thanks to the complete rejection of the most basic human needs during the hot days. During this period, the faithful must free themselves from various thoughts that can defile a person.

Hassan II Mosque in Casablanca Muslims believe that the spiritual and bodily fasting of Ramadan can significantly improve the state of the spirit of a person. In the Turkic languages, this post is called Uraza.

Fasting in Ramadan

Throughout the month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to observe a number of strict rules, one of which is fasting, the purpose of which is to rethink life, purify the soul and body.

During fasting, one should pray a lot and daily confirm one's intention (niyat) to participate in this holiday in the name of Allah. You should also refrain from evil thoughts and intentions, beware of defamatory actions and impious people.

Fasting begins at the beginning of dawn and ends after sunset.

During Ramadan, Muslims abstain from eating and drinking during daylight hours, smoking, including hookah or other mixtures, and intimacy.

The Kul-Sharif Mosque in Kazan It is considered a violation of the fast to swallow any liquid, including water while swimming, as well as pass niyat. At the same time, blood donation, bathing, kissing, and the administration of drugs through injections are allowed.

The main purpose of such a fast is to strengthen the faith of every believing Muslim, as well as to determine the values ​​in life and, of course, to spiritually enrich oneself through daily prayer, as well as refraining from temptations. Practice shows that fasting has a healing effect on the body.

Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam. Every adult Muslim is obliged to observe it. The exceptions are children, sick people, pregnant and lactating women, travelers, warriors, and the elderly who are physically unable to fast. But it is obligatory to reimburse the fast in another, more favorable period.

If a Muslim breaks the fast, then he must pay the needy a certain amount in money or food, thus making up for the fast.

With the onset of Ramadan, it is customary among Muslims to congratulate each other in words or in the form of cards, because it was this holiday that laid the foundation for the birth of the holy book of the Koran, which plays a special role in the life of every believer.

Pilgrims in Mecca Ramadan is a time to earn eternal Paradise, when many deeds can be rewarded with great rewards. These include fasting, five-fold prayer, Taraweeh prayer, sincere supplication-du "a, iftar (breaking the fast), pre-dawn meal (sahur), donations and many other good deeds and deeds.

When the Qur'an was revealed

The first revelation of the Qur'an was revealed on the night of Lailat al-Qadr, or the Night of Power and Predestination. This is the most important night of the year for every Muslim.

Muhammad turned 40 when his prophetic mission began.

Before the sending of the Quran, the Prophet Muhammad often retired and indulged in prayer in the Hira cave near Mecca, where the first surah of the Quran was revealed to him in 610.

One of the angels, Jebrail, came to the Prophet Muhammad by order of Allah, and said to Him: "Read." The word "read" means "Koran". With these words, the sending of the Quran began - that night the angel Jebrail transmitted the first five verses from Surah Clot.

The Revealed Quran The mission lasted until the death of Muhammad - the Great Quran was revealed to the Prophet for 23 years.

According to the sources, Lailat al-Qadr is the night when angels descend to earth and the prayer pronounced on this night has much more power than all prayers in the year.

In the Qur'an of this Night, a whole surah "Inna Anzalnagu" is dedicated, which says that the Night of Power is better than a thousand months in which it is not. This is the night when the fate of every person, his life path, difficulties and trials that have to go through are predetermined in heaven, and if you spend this night in prayers, in understanding your deeds and possible mistakes, then Allah will forgive him his sins and be merciful.

Regarding the date of the night of the Predestination, the Quran says that it falls on one of the last 10 nights of Ramadan. Therefore, it is considered the most correct to devote all the last 10 nights of Ramadan to prayers. Some sources indicate that Laylat al-Qadr falls on the 27th of Ramadan, that is, on the night of June 21-22.

Tbilisi Mosque The Qur'an repeatedly mentions reverence for the ninth month of the lunar calendar. Muslims call the fast "mubarak", that is, blessed. It is believed that the value of a good deed performed at this time increases several hundred times.

For example, a small pilgrimage (umrah) is equated in value with a hajj (visiting Mecca), and voluntary prayer is rewarded in the same way as obligatory prayer. Ramadan received special status in 622.

What is celebrated after the Ramadan fast

Ramadan ends with the second great holiday - Eid al Fitr or the so-called Feast of Conversation. The holiday begins after sunset on the last day of Ramadan and lasts three days.

The Feast of Conversation occurs on the first day of the month of Shawwal, which occurs at the end of the holy Ramadan. In 2017, Eid al Fitr will be celebrated from June 26 to 28.

The holiday begins with the onset of the time for the evening prayer - from this time it is advisable for all Muslims to read takbir (the formula for the exaltation of Allah). Takbir is recited before the festive prayer is performed on the day of the holiday.

Tbilisi mosque in the historical center of the Georgian capital

Muslims at this time should indulge in reflections on spiritual values ​​and rethinking life during the period of fasting. This day is considered a holiday of salvation from hell, as well as a day of reconciliation, love and friendly handshakes. On this day, it is customary to visit the disadvantaged and take care of the elderly.

It is advisable to spend the night on the holiday in vigil, in the all-night service to Allah. On the day of the holiday, it is advisable to put on clean clothes, put a silver ring on your finger, perfume yourself with incense and, after eating a little, go to the mosque early to perform the festive prayer.

On this day, Muslims distribute alms to those in need, congratulate each other and wish the Almighty to fast, visit relatives, neighbors, acquaintances, friends, receive guests.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

Eid al-Adha, the sacred holiday of all Muslims, marks the end of a strict and severe fast, lasting a whole month - Ramadan. The beginning and end of Uraza 2017, the history, traditions and customs of the holiday are in our today's article.

Uraza 2017

Trying to find out what date Uraza begins in 2017, you need to refer to the lunar calendar. What date will be Eid al-Adha 2017 depends primarily on the beginning of Ramadan.

The chronology in the Islamic calendar is based on the lunar months. Ramadan is the time for fasting, and the next month, Shawwal, is the time for fasting. On the first three days of the month of Shaval and Eid al-Adha is celebrated

In 2017, the entire Muslim world will start celebrating Eid al-Adha on June 25. The festivities will last three days, until June 28th.


Uraza is a time of breaking the fast, a time of fun and joy. However, we must not forget about the sacred for every faithful concern for the poor and needy. Therefore, the first thing for any Muslim is zakat (or, more correctly, zakat al-fitr) - obligatory alms. There is another version of charity - sadaqa, that is, optional, voluntary. It is distributed only at the behest of the heart, but zakat is obligatory for every believer. However, charity is not something overwhelming and difficult to accomplish, on the contrary - the faithful share what they themselves have in abundance. Recently, Muslim communities have preferred to collect donations, which are then distributed on behalf of the community to the poor (and by the way, not necessarily to Muslims).

The holiday begins with a special prayer, in which believers say goodbye to Ramadan, which allowed them to cleanse their soul and body. Well, then comes the time of a real holiday - the time of smart clothes, dancing, fun, visiting and, of course, a festive meal.

Festive table

The main element of Eid al-Adha is a festive table. And treats on this sacred day by themselves translate into a complex and obscure tradition for the uninitiated.

The festive table menu depends on the region where Uraza is celebrated in 2017. For the Tatars, for example, pastries become the main course - pancakes, uchpochmaki (triangular pies with filling), chak-chak and much more. Uzbeks prefer to cook lamb pilaf, Kazakhs and Kyrgyz cook sorpa and beshbarmak, and Turks prefer to treat guests with sweets. For the inhabitants of the Arab peninsula, dates, couscous and fresh fruit will be the main dish, while for Muslims from Pakistan and India, chicken meat is the main product.

However, the menu contains the main differences between the traditions of the celebration of Bayram among different peoples. As for the rest - in the rules for serving the dish, bathing, finishing the meal - all the customs are similar.

The owner of the house is the first to sit down at the table - after all, all the guests came to the owner. Then he invites all the men present to share the meal. Women, according to custom, are not present at the meal. The hostess sets a separate table for female guests.

Food is often served on one common dish, from where each guest can take pieces for themselves. Paying tribute to modernity, individual plates are often placed in front of guests, where diners can shift food from a common dish.

Before eating, you must take a bath. For this, the younger children - boys - pour each guest into their hands from a jug. At the same time, those gathered do not need to get up from the table - according to Muslim customs, ablution is performed immediately before the meal.

After washing your hands (more precisely, your fingertips, this is how this tradition looks from the European side), you can start eating. The owner of the house is the first to take food - here again the same custom as for the seating of guests comes into force. In this case, the owner is obliged to eat until the last guest is full. Also, the owner has no right to get up from the table until everyone is full.

Another rule is that you can only take food with your right hand. It doesn't matter if you eat with your hands or with a fork / spoon, the main thing is to hold the appliance in your right hand. You cannot take food with both hands, it is forbidden to "take away" the pieces you like most from other guests. This is not just a manifestation of disrespect for the guest, but also a direct insult to the owner of the house, a hint that he is not able to bring joy to the guests.

The date of the holiday Eid al-Adha is not spelled out in any documents, since it depends on the lunar calendar and changes annually. In Muslim countries and regions of Russia, this day is officially recognized as a non-working day - a holiday. In 2017, Eid al-Adha falls on Sunday, June 25.

In some republics of Russia, for example in Tatarstan, Muslims, because of the long daylight hours during fasting, had to abstain from food and water from 19 to 20 hours a day.

Eid al-Adha for Muslims is the second most important after the holiday of sacrifice (Eid al-Adha), which coincides with the last day of the Hajj.

On the eve of the holiday, night prayers are performed in mosques - "taraweeh namaz". The night before the holiday should be spent in additional prayers. According to the Koran, the heart of one who spends the night before two holidays (Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Adha) in prayer will not die on the Day of Judgment.

On this day, it is compulsory for men to perform namaz. Women stay at home and prepare holiday meals.

The traditional congratulation of Muslims on this day is "Eid Mubarak" (Happy Holidays!). On Uraz Bayram, it is customary to visit relatives, friends, give gifts, and visit the graves of deceased parents.

In different countries, Eid al-Adha is celebrated for one or three days, which in most states are days off.

On Sunday, tens of thousands of Muslims gathered in the cathedral mosque of the Russian capital. Believers celebrate one of the main holidays - Eid al-Adha. The holiday is celebrated at the end of the fast of the month of Ramadan.

The festive service is being performed by the head of the Council of Muftis of Russia, Ravil Gainutdin, who urged the audience to be generous and responsive. According to him, these qualities are the hallmarks of believers, and their absence is an indicator of lack of faith.

Russian President Vladimir Putin congratulated Russian Muslims on Eid al-Adha:

"I congratulate you on the holiday of Eid al-Adha. Eid al-Adha is one of the main religious holidays celebrated by followers of Islam all over the world for many centuries. self-improvement, readiness to do good, to help those in need.

It is gratifying that Russian Muslims take great care of the rich spiritual and historical heritage of their ancestors, honor the precepts and customs of their fathers and grandfathers, and introduce them to the younger generation. The active participation of Muslim organizations in the social and cultural life of the country, in the implementation of demanded charitable, educational, educational, patriotic initiatives deserves the most sincere respect. And of course, I will especially note their role in maintaining civil peace and harmony, strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between people. I wish you success in your business and endeavors, good health and good mood. "

Beautiful poems for short congratulations on Uraza-Bairam 2017

Eid Mubarak, Allah Akbar!
Congratulations, dear ones, on Eid Eid!
Be happy, healthy, cheerful,
Celebrate the holiday with "trash"!
We are with prayer, we are friendly as always,
We confess our love to Muhammad!
May Islam always live in the soul,
And more Muslims are coming!
And after finishing the month of Ramadan,
Together we celebrate Eid al-Adha!

Eid al-Adha is very important
It is celebrated by the brave
And those who were fasting Ramadan,
Take their place among Muslims
Eid al-Adha brought us Muhammad,
He shed it on the ground like an angel's light!

Greet Eid al-Adha with your soul
May everything always be good in her
From anger and anger, only dust will be deprived,
Allah will support you in this!

Uraza Bayram is one of the two largest holidays in the Islamic religion, which comes at the end of the holy month of Ramadan and is celebrated for 3 days. It is also known as Eid ul-Fitr or the festival of breaking the fast.

For every Muslim, this is a particularly important celebration that marks the end of strict fasting. During Eid al-Adha, it is customary for Bayram to eat sweets, be cheerful and welcoming to everyone, and arrange a festive meal.

Since the dates of Ramadan are calculated according to the lunar calendar, the number on which Eid al-Adha falls varies every year. Uraza Bayram in 2017 will be celebrated on June 26th.

Celebration traditions

Eid al-Adha has an ancient history that dates back to the time of the Prophet Muhammad. It is considered one of the most important in Islam and is a "bridge" to the second great celebration - Kurban Bayram. Preparation for Eid al-Adha begins four days before the holiday. The hostesses arrange a general cleaning of the house and all the auxiliary rooms, trying to bring perfect order in every corner of the house.

Also, before the holiday, it is customary to buy new things for all family members and for home improvement. Muslims buy food, clothing, textiles, and various gifts for relatives. In addition, before the start of Uraz Bayram, it is necessary to prepare money that will be given to those in need as alms on the days of the festival.

The celebration of Uraz Bayram begins in the early morning. Every Muslim should perform a complete washing of the body, put on festive attire, and then go to the mosque for morning prayer. At the same time, many try to leave the house as early as possible in order to take places in the forefront of those praying.

On this day, it is customary to be friendly with everyone, show respect and good nature. All believers, when meeting each other, must say "Eid Mubarak!" - this is a traditional holiday greetings.

Also, Muslims pay a special charity, which is called zakat-ul-fitr, the collected funds are transferred to those in need directly or through special organizations. According to legend, the Prophet himself ordered to help the poor, so in Eid al-Adha, Muslims try to be generous and show compassion towards those in need.

At noon, after prayers, each family has a hearty festive meal. The table is set rich, the hostesses prepare many delicious dishes, which are decorated and served in the most beautiful dishes.

There is a belief that if you eat tasty food on this day, then next year the festive table will also be full of treats. Friends and relatives are often invited to a meal, with whom they exchange gifts and congratulations. On a holiday, it is customary to forgive insults and spend it in a joyful mood.

On Uraza Bayram, it is customary to visit the graves of deceased relatives and the tombs of saints. At the same time, in no case is it allowed to cry and reveal sadness, on the contrary, it is necessary to rejoice that the departed relatives are in a better world. Muslims believe that the souls of their loved ones feel their love and enjoy the holiday with them.

This celebration is special for children, because on Uraza Bayram they get the most delicious treats, games and entertainment are also arranged for them. It is believed that people who delight children themselves approach the Almighty.

However, it is not only the children who have fun during the time, the adults also enjoy the fairs, attractions and performances of the artists that are arranged in the squares.

What is being prepared for the holiday

On the holiday of Uraza Bayram, each hostess tries to show her culinary abilities to the maximum and prepare the most delicious dishes. Traditionally, this day serves lamb soups and broths, roast with vegetables and rice. There are also other delicious snacks on the tables. In Central Asia, a festive meal cannot do without fragrant pilaf.

Among the treats, traditional sweets, nuts and dried fruits occupy a special place. There should be a lot of desserts, because they are treated to relatives and friends, they are presented as alms and presented to neighbors. The abundance of sweets is another reason why children adore this holiday.

A festive feast always begins with washing hands, and it is held simply at the table - the children of the owners of the house go around all the guests and pour water on their hands over a basin. Then a prayer of thanks is said to Allah, and only after that all those present start eating. The main role is assigned to the owner of the house - he begins and ends the meal.

During the feast, the cutlery must be held with the right hand, food can also be taken with your hands, but not with two fingers. The first dish that they start to eat is tortillas or bread, while it is customary not to cut them, but to break them.

Glasses, bowls and other drinking vessels should also be held in the right hand. You need to drink in small sips, slowly. The meal also ends with a prayer in the name of the Almighty.

Uraza Bayram is a joyful holiday symbolizing the end of strict fasting, the unity of all believers and their approach to Allah. This is a triumph of love for neighbors, mercy and kindness that religion preaches. On this day, every Muslim feels the grace that the Almighty bestows on sincere believers. The holiday reminds people of the need to do good every day and live a righteous life.