What should a girl be like at 35? Avoiding stress and anxiety

What should a girl be like at 35?  Avoiding stress and anxiety
What should a girl be like at 35? Avoiding stress and anxiety

New age period. Youth. It begins at the age of 20, when the period of adolescence ends, the personality stabilizes and continues until the age of 30 - 35.

A person at this age completely finds his place in life and strengthens his position. By this time, a profession has usually already been chosen and an education has been completed.

The most favorable time for self-realization is coming.

At a young age, mastering the profession occurs most fully. The person is full of strength and energy, active, and has an optimistic outlook on life. All prospects are still open.

Communication takes place more fully and productively, and friendships become stronger. And this is also the time of true love. Typically, most people start their own families at this age.

People choose a life partner and strive not just for a romantic relationship, but want stability, warmth, and family relationships.

The love between a man and a woman at this age is the most mature and strong, they seem to complement each other. At the age of 22-30 people best adapt to living together.

It has been noted that after 35 years a person has already formed his own habits and way of life, so it is more difficult for them to get used to living together with another person and, accordingly, it is more difficult for them to start a family.

During the crisis of 35 years, women also experience a change in priorities.

If at an earlier age she was more focused on marriage and, now on the first The plan is for professional activity and career. Or, on the contrary, if previously a woman devoted all her strength to work, now she is more attracted to family. Therefore, many business women, having achieved heights in their careers, by the age of 35 begin to think about family and children.

Worrying middle age crisis, a person seeks to strengthen his position in the family and at work. Wants to maintain stability. The support of a loved one is very important during this period. Spouses should be more tolerant of each other during this difficult period for both. A wise wife can close her eyes to some things.

remember, that a crisis– although this is a difficult period, it is still temporary. And it is important to think carefully before destroying something that has been built over the years. We need to be able to appreciate and respect each other.

Family- this is the greatest value a person has; it can always give comfort in a difficult period. Therefore, the crisis of adulthood is easiest to overcome with the support of those closest to you.

Pay attention taking care of your health is a natural desire of a woman who takes her future seriously. Many people by this age already feel that their health has become more fragile than at twenty years old, and they want to stop or slow down the first changes in the body. What can be done?

  • Reduce the risk of diseases and disorders in the reproductive system, which increases in women over 35 years of age.
  • If in the next 10 years you do not exclude the possibility of becoming a mother, then you should protect your reproductive system from age-related changes in order to get pregnant easier and reduce pregnancy complications, as well as prepare more carefully for conception.

What to look for?

At about 35 years old The female body begins to gradually rebuild. From the age of 35–40, women’s production of the hormone progesterone decreases. Progesterone protects the endometrium and mammary glands from estrogen stimulation. Progesterone deficiency has an adverse effect on the female body, in particular, it increases the incidence of benign diseases of the mammary glands by 5 times. Therefore, after 35 years, it is advisable to visit a mammologist or gynecologist at least once a year. It will also be useful to take beta-carotene, vitamin E, rutin and vitamin C, which improve the condition of the mammary glands and reduce the likelihood of developing mastopathy.

Another “female” problem is recurring (recurrent) cystitis. The older the woman, the higher the risk of cystitis. Even if a woman has not encountered this disease until the age of thirty, this is not a guarantee that this will always be the case. It is important to remember this and consult a doctor at the first symptoms. And then carry out the prevention of cystitis. In particular, vitamin C reduces the likelihood of recurrent cystitis by 2 times, and cranberry proanthocyanidins protect the bladder from infections. Therefore, preparations with a high content of cranberry proanthocyanidins and vitamin C, taken in a course after an acute illness or once after hypothermia, visiting the pool, etc., will help reduce the likelihood of recurrent cystitis.

After about 45 years, the level of female sex hormones begins to fall more noticeably and the body begins to undergo significant restructuring. And here you can “slow down” the falling asleep of the reproductive system and make this restructuring less noticeable and sensitive. In particular, folic acid and B vitamins maintain high levels of “own” estrogens in the blood, and soy isoflavones partially replace the functions of female hormones. Therefore, you can consult your doctor and start taking natural medications with a mild effect (for example, Mense) to alleviate the symptoms of menopause.

Appearance is important!

Appearance doesn't apply to the functioning of the reproductive system, but when talking about age-related changes, we cannot ignore this topic. Many women approaching their fortieth birthday are seriously concerned about the external manifestations of aging. Wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity, spider veins on the legs, blurred vision, decreased tone and lack of vital energy... Is it possible to cope with these signs of the times?

It turns out that this is possible. Many of the changes that occur in our body are not to blame for the years we have lived, but for free radicals. It’s just that over time their destructive effect “accumulates” and becomes more noticeable.

Excess free radicals lead to the destruction of collagen and elastin - the natural framework of the skin, as a result of which its condition worsens. The effect of free radicals on blood vessels is manifested in a decrease in their elasticity, deterioration of conductivity, and as a result, deposits appear on the vessels, they cease to cope with the outflow of blood, and “nets” appear on the legs.

The other side of the same phenomenon is the deterioration of microcirculation in the tissues of the eyes and age-related deterioration of vision. At the cellular level, free radicals also pose a threat. They destroy the genetic material of the cell, disrupt the functioning of cellular organelles, and affect energy production.

Therefore, additional intake of antioxidants will help eliminate excess free radicals and thereby slow down age-related changes. Synergin contains 6 powerful natural antioxidants with proven effects that work effectively in all organs and tissues.

Charge yourself with energy!

You can read more about the features of planning your first pregnancy after 35 years in the corresponding section.

Modern age trends of women in labor are divided into two parts. On the one hand, there are more and more very young mothers who decide to give birth to their first child at 17-18 years old, while previously this was not welcomed. On the other hand, women over 35 are increasingly at risk of having a baby. Let's figure out how safe childbirth is after 35 and what doctors say about this.

Is 35 too late or not?

Just literally twenty years ago, when pregnant women over 25 years of age were registered at the antenatal clinic, the card was marked “old-born.” A few years later, this age began to be considered almost the most optimal for giving birth to a child, and thirty-year-old pregnant women began to be called old-timers. At this time, in Western countries, women over forty were safely giving birth to their first children.

Madonna and Kim Bassinger gave birth to their first child at almost forty-two years old, and his wife gave John Travolta the joy of fatherhood for the third time when she was 48 years old! With the development of domestic medicine, childbirth after forty has become quite commonplace in our country. Women who are pregnant with their first child at the age of 35 are now called “adult firstborns,” and the concept “old-timers” is no longer used.

The tendency to give birth to a child at a more conscious age, which gradually came from the West to us, has led to the fact that over the past thirty years the number of women who dared to give birth to a baby after 40 has increased by almost 90%. At this age, the decision to become a mother is a very conscious and responsible one. Many women have already been able to achieve certain career successes and high social status by this age. They can afford to pamper the child, buy him expensive things and toys, and in the future help him in his diversified development and give him a good education. In addition, at this age, a woman perceives the birth of a child completely differently from an emotional point of view. She gives birth to a child not because it just “happened that way” or all her friends have already had children, but because she is ready and really wants to give her love and warmth to the little man.

There are other reasons why the birth of a child is postponed to a later age. Among them, unfortunately, the main one is the health problems that many young women have. Every year the percentage of girls suffering from infertility is increasing. And its treatment can take from 2 to 10 years! And not always, after long-term treatment, such women manage to safely carry a child from the first pregnancy. Therefore, it turns out that only by the age of 30-35 they can finally become mothers.

When can you show your newborn to friends and family?

The desire to have a child after 35 years of age is often found among women who have started a family again at this age. They really want to have a child together with their loved one, which will help strengthen the relationship even more.

So, if the decision to become a mother has been made, where should you start and what should you pay special attention to?

Physiological features

Unfortunately, often by the age of 35 a woman has already acquired a number of chronic diseases.

Therefore, at the stage of pregnancy planning, she should definitely consult a doctor, take all the necessary tests and undergo examinations, including from specialists.

The body of a twenty-year-old mother has a significantly greater resistance and degree of health than the body of a thirty-five-year-old woman. In addition, medical statistics indicate a greater risk of older mothers having babies with congenital pathologies, including genetic disorders. This is due to the fact that with age, chromosomes are increasingly influenced by frequent illnesses, toxins accumulated by the body, internal viral infections, and frequently used medications.

Muscle tone in women over 35 years of age is weaker, and the musculoskeletal system often has dysfunction, which can also cause complications during pregnancy or childbirth. However, with proper preparation for pregnancy, following proper nutrition and performing the necessary physical exercises, all these problems can be minimized or even avoided altogether. In addition, medicine does not stand still; the level of early diagnosis of abnormalities and pathologies in the fetus is quite developed, which helps to take the necessary measures in a timely manner.

Possibility of conception

After 35 years, women's reproductive functions weaken, so getting pregnant at this age becomes very difficult. The lifespan of the egg is shortened, causing the likelihood of its fertilization to sharply decrease. Approximately half of fertilized eggs die in the very early period, which the woman often does not even suspect. If, after a year or two of active attempts at fertilization, pregnancy still does not occur, the woman should seek help from a doctor who will help identify the causes of the problem and advise ways to resolve it.

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Pregnant women over 35 years of age are specially registered in antenatal clinics. This is because they are more likely to experience complications, such as placental abruption, premature miscarriages, and problems during childbirth.

It is very important to prepare for pregnancy in advance by getting rid of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs, and caffeine addiction. Even before conception, a woman should normalize her weight and establish proper, nutritious nutrition.

In the first three months of pregnancy, the main organs of the fetus are formed. Therefore, any diseases or excessive stress on the female body can lead to disruption of the functionality of the baby’s life support systems. At the same time, with the onset of pregnancy, all chronic diseases present in the body can manifest themselves. And the use of medications can greatly harm the unborn child. Therefore, several months before the planned conception, a woman should carefully treat all diseases in her medical history.

Women with late pregnancy should not neglect the recommended examinations, since it is with the help of ultrasound and other modern early diagnostic methods carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy that it is possible to identify existing abnormalities in the health of the fetus, determine the presence of genetic abnormalities, and assess the level of development of the embryo.

Late pregnancy does not necessarily mean undergoing medical procedures or taking medications. If you follow the daily routine recommended by your doctor, avoid stress, eat a nutritious and regular diet, and give up bad habits, it is quite possible for a woman over 35 to safely carry and give birth to such a desired baby. And the experience you have, the ability to cope with non-standard situations, and worldly wisdom will become your best helpers.

Doctors note that women with late pregnancy are much more responsible for their health and doctor’s orders. In addition, at this age, parents can devote much more time and attention to the baby. Mothers who become pregnant after 35 years become calmer and more peaceful, less prone to postpartum depression, and often even become more attentive and sensitive to older children.

Well, the most important argument in favor of late pregnancy is that it rejuvenates the mother’s body.

Intensive production of estrogen and other hormones helps to increase muscle tone, elasticity of ligaments, and normalize blood pressure.

In addition, under the influence of “pregnancy hormones” in women, mastopathy goes away, breast fibroadenoma, which quite often develops with age, resolves.

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Late childbirth can cause a number of complications, and therefore should be carried out in a medical facility under the supervision of an experienced doctor. Despite the large number of newfangled methods of childbirth, such as water birth, home birth, birth on a ball and others, a late-birth woman should not risk her health and that of her child. Since, according to medical statistics, the likelihood of acute fetal hypoxia, lack of amniotic fluid, and weak labor in such women in labor is much higher, you should be prepared for the fact that during childbirth a woman will need urgent surgical care.

Natural childbirth is considered more beneficial for both the child and the mother. However, during late labor, women over 35 years of age experience fetal asphyxia 7 times more often than twenty-year-old mothers, which requires immediate surgical intervention. At this age, the ligaments become less elastic, the muscles weaken and lose their tone, therefore, at the final stage of delivery, labor failure is possible, which, in turn, poses a threat to the life of the newborn due to hypoxia.

The choice of anesthesia method is influenced by various factors; the final decision on this issue is made by the doctor together with the woman in labor, after weighing the pros and cons of each method.

However, giving birth after 30-40 years has its advantages.

It’s probably worth mentioning right away that limiting emotional impulses is not the best way to bring lightness and happiness into your life. But there are some things that for every woman by the age of 35 will be just pleasant baggage, and not a heavy burden and useless experience.

For most of us, 35 is a golden age. The careless mistakes of youth are already in the past, in the eyes there is an alluring mystery and wisdom of life, and any 20-year-old beauty can envy her cat’s grace and ability to feel her sexuality.

1. Experiment with your appearance

By the age of 35, it would be good to decide exactly what hair color is absolutely not yours, which one makes you look fat, and which one makes you look older. It’s great if your appearance underwent all the harsh experiments at the peak of hormonal violence: at the age of 15-18. And at 35, without a twinge of conscience, you can review photographs of your daring youth, where there was a time of over-hydrated blonde, and pink curls, and green leggings, and crooked arrows a la smoky eyes (smoky eyes) at prom.

2. Have a blast (or not totally)

What could be more attractive than the look of a cat who has had plenty of exercise? She knows perfectly well what full drive is, but now she does not strive to break free at every opportunity. And this gives her a special mystery associated with her knowledge of the fullness of life. It’s great when a girl at 35 can remember dancing on the bar or on the table, and nightly swims in the pool, or even in the fountain, and other delights of passionate youth.

3. Make friends

Until the age of 35, you will have plenty of chances to find good, devoted girlfriends - at school, college, at work... She could even be your own sister or mother, and it would be very stupid not to take advantage of these opportunities. If you haven’t made a single girlfriend before the age of 35, that’s a pretty sad fact. Still, people at any age sometimes vitally need to share their joys or sorrows with someone and trust their innermost things.

4. Learn to cook deliciously

If at 20 years old poorly cooked meat can be attributed to lack of experience, then at 35 only a well-off and incredibly busy woman who has the opportunity to have a house help or a personal chef can afford the inability to cook. In all other cases, nothing can justify the inability to cook in these years.

5. Learn to earn money

Even if you successfully married a multimillionaire, then learning how to earn at least enough money for your underwear and lipstick will still not be amiss. In order not to end up at 35 years old, in which case, a helpless chick without the strength and possibilities of existence, a woman must be able to be financially independent.

6. Suffer in love

No matter what anyone says, almost any love suffering in youth is a great experience, and for many even a source of strength and inspiration. Only after going through such a harsh school of relationships can we understand “what is good” and “what is bad”, who can be trusted and who to be wary of. And often it is thanks to negative experiences in relationships that we can then recognize a true, sincere feeling.

7. Discover your sexuality

If by the age of 35 you have not succeeded, then you risk living with them all your life. What a 20-year-old woman cannot do, a 25-year-old woman is embarrassed to do; a 35-year-old woman must master the technique perfectly. A couple of sex experiments in the erotic collection won't hurt you. And the most important thing for a woman at 35 is to be able to have fun.

8. Patch holes in education

It is useful to read at least according to the program: “Anna Karenina”, “The Master and Margarita”, “The Idiot”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, and also get acquainted with the work Remarque, Fitzgerald, Oscar Wilde... You can continue the list yourself. It wouldn't be a bad idea to improve your knowledge of history. It definitely won’t be superfluous, but it will definitely help to show off your erudition and better understand the world order.

9. Have a hobby

Self-realization in any of its manifestations is the best way against depression and illness. Some people become seriously “sick” with raising children, others with scientific discoveries, parachuting, or breeding hamsters. The main thing is to find what brings you pleasure.

10. Buy something crazy expensive

At 35, we are already big enough girls and can afford to fork out for a dream or even a momentary whim. The time for cheap fakes has passed and it’s time to buy really worthwhile things: say, elegant Louboutin shoes, or maybe a ring or earrings from Tiffany.

11. Learn to forgive insults

Holding a grudge against someone is more expensive for yourself. Nerves deteriorate, anger negatively affects mood and health. At 35 years old, it’s time to live life to the fullest and breathe deeply, without the stone shackles of resentment hidden in your chest. At this age, you should already have enough intelligence and self-respect to forgive your ex-boyfriend, best friend, or make peace with your relatives.

12. Increase self-esteem

No “I’m fat”, “ugly”, “I have short legs”, “sparse hair” and “thankless work”... By the age of 35, it’s time to either learn to accept yourself for who you are, or be able to hide and fight your imperfections. Fitness clubs, beauty salons, the right clothes and the right attitude towards your loved one are an indispensable must have for any 35-year-old lady.

13. Know the recipe for a cocktail that blows your mind and beware of its consequences

At 35, you certainly shouldn't be a chaste and innocent lamb. But it’s simply a must to be able to drink alcohol so that in the morning you won’t be ashamed of your behavior.

14. Find your hairdresser and gynecologist

These are two guardians of women's health. The first is psychological (the manipulations of a hairdresser are sometimes much more effective than conversations with a psychologist), and the second is physical (the head doctor, after all, for women, who must suit you in all respects).

15. Learn and conduct small talk

If sudden outbursts of anger and harsh statements towards relatives, friends, and loved ones in adolescence can somehow be attributed to intemperance, then, you see, in adulthood a self-respecting lady should be able to control herself and be diplomatic in different situations. In addition, a woman must master the techniques of small talk - who knows in what circles and societies she will have to communicate.

In general, the list of what a woman should already have time to do before this wonderful period of life can be endless. Each of us has our own strict criteria and assessments of ourselves. The main thing is that they exist.

How to feel about your age when you reach the middle of your life's journey? Watch in our video:

In a study of one of the popular English fashion magazines, it was found that the age of 35 for the majority of ✿women✿ is the most appropriate age to start conquering this world.

At this age, most women are at the peak of their career; she most likely already has a family and children, as well as an organized life in her own living space.

But there is also a downside to this age, since starting from about 35 years old, any, even the most attractive woman, is able to feel the pressure of competition from younger girls, which is not very pleasant.

And if you add to this the beginning changes in your figure and facial skin, then things may not be sweet at all.

To feel much more confident, giving a head start to any young girl, follow the recommendations of stylists who know what to wear at 35 years old ✿ to look much younger and slimmer.

At the age of 35, all women know and sensibly evaluate all the shortcomings and all the advantages of their figure and, most likely, have learned to put up with them and accept them.

Following experience, such women know what style suits them, but at the same time, they already want to sacrifice their comfort for the sake of a stunning appearance.

Thirty-five-year-old ladies will no longer wear just anything, because for them the ideal quality of things and their impeccable fit on the figure comes first.

So, let's summarize, what should a woman wear at 35 to look amazing?

Putting together a wardrobe for a 35-year-old woman is not at all difficult. The main thing is to choose the right and timeless things for him and avoid some common mistakes.

1. Men's black jacket

medium length or short. This jacket is a unique and ultra-versatile item; it can be combined with a form-fitting dress and neat heels, or with skinny or straight jeans, a T-shirt and comfortable ballet flats.

You can find cool models of such a jacket in the new BonPrix catalog, which offers many interesting and stylish items at affordable prices, details in.

2. beige, dark blue or black

You can wear it with light flowy dresses made of silk or chiffon, men's style shirts and skinny jeans.

3. The dress is simple or with prints or patterns

For example . Such models go well with sandals, for example, wedges, with thin or deliberately wide belts on the waist. Over the dress you can wear a stylish voluminous cardigan, preferably a plain one.

4. White dress shirt

- a win-win. You can wear such a shirt with trousers, preferably high-waisted or with the evergreen trousers, which slim and lengthen your legs.

5. Boyfriend jeans

Don’t think that it’s too late to wear such casual pieces, pairing them with feminine tops, neat knitted blazers or, you will achieve amazing results and look more playful and youthful.

6. Cashmere or pashmina scarf

Such a nice thing can be safely worn with a cool leather jacket and dress, in spring or autumn, emphasizing your style.

7. Colored leather bag

Every woman who strives to look impeccable must have this accessory, because such a bag goes well with any dark clothes and outfits in neutral tones, such as gray, cream or black.

8. Biker boots

You can safely wear them with feminine dresses with polka dots or floral prints, leggings in combination with long checkered shirts. The heel of such boots should not be too thin, and the toe should not be too sharp.

What should a woman at 35 not wear?

You should not dress too provocatively and very extravagantly, you should not shock others and wear very short shorts and skirts, as well as too bright and flashy things with abstract prints and patterns that teenagers wear.

Don’t try to look 20 years old, this is not right, because every age has appropriate clothes. Also, don’t wear very tight clothes, and don’t forget to monitor the quality of the things you buy.

Be sure to keep your clothes neat and iron them every time before going out.

At such a difficult but wonderful age, it is important not to overestimate your strengths in fashion and constantly learn, experiment with your appearance, try new things and do not forget about the classics, then your image will always be fresh and young.