What foods are rich in iodine. What contains iodine, in which products is it the most? What foods contain iodine - a list of the main ones

What foods are rich in iodine.  What contains iodine, in which products is it the most?  What foods contain iodine - a list of the main ones
What foods are rich in iodine. What contains iodine, in which products is it the most? What foods contain iodine - a list of the main ones

A person can get iodine only from air, water and food. People living near the sea breathe air enriched with natural iodine and never have problems with hormonal deficiency. Everyone else must include in the menu products containing iodine in large quantities (table of such products below).

Iodine is a very important natural element that is not produced by the human body, but is vital for the thyroid gland, which is responsible for the hormonal development and functioning of every cell in the body. Especially great is the importance of sufficient iodine content in products for brain activity, reproduction, liver, lungs, and general good immunity. Deficiency of the element contributes to the appearance of very severe heart diseases, anemia, mental retardation, and physical underdevelopment.

Each of us needs a daily intake of 50-150 micrograms of iodine from the outside. Women who are expecting a child, athletes and people who have been exposed to various kinds of radiation exposure need much more.

A person who does not receive enough iodine from food, water and air develops symptoms of its deficiency, which manifest themselves as:

  • blue undereye area,
  • shortness of breath when breathing,
  • weakness and drowsiness
  • headaches that don't go away
  • distraction, memory impairment,
  • enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Such manifestations can lead to severe health consequences, so you should urgently switch to eating foods containing iodine for the thyroid gland or go to the sea, where a huge amount of it is dispersed in the air and water.

What foods contain iodine: a list of products

To avoid the above problems, it is enough to include in your diet foods that contain iodine, a lot:

  • algae, sea sponges, c.
  • Caviar, oily sea fish and fish oil preparations.
  • Most vegetables, fruits and other plant products are rich in this element: berries, medicinal, garden and field herbs, if they grow on soils in which there is a sufficient amount of it.
  • The most important source of iodine is natural water, and if it has a low content of the element, be sure to add iodized salt to your food.

This was a list of which foods contain the most iodine. However, many others, and almost all products contain it in different amounts. The menu should be varied and consist exclusively of fresh food products.

Only on the condition of their naturalness and integrity: without nitrate fertilizers, food additives and signs of spoilage, products containing iodine will benefit the body.

  • It is found in cereals and legumes.
  • and seeds.
  • A lot is found in natural dairy products, egg yolks.
  • Cod, mackerel, tuna and other sea fish in canned food.
  • Canned fish with fish liver and caviar.
  • Shrimp, crab, lobster, all marine life.
  • Laminaria, agar, seaweed in any form: fresh, marinated, frozen, dried.

How to avoid iodine deficiency in an iodine-poor area

If you live far from the sea, foods that contain iodine in small quantities but are often consumed will be wonderful sources of this vital component:

  • River fish;
  • nucleoli and partitions of walnuts;
  • beef, turkey. Eggs raw and hard-boiled;
  • garlic, all kinds of onions, sorrel, radish, asparagus, rhubarb, spinach;
  • fresh and baked potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, turnips, beets, cabbage;
  • lemons, melons, pineapples, persimmons, bananas, strawberries. And all the fruits that grow near the sea;
  • forest berries: lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries, strawberries;
  • prunes, dried apricots, raisins;
  • milk, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, cheese, butter, provided they are made from natural raw materials;
  • mushrooms;
  • canned foods: beans, peas and corn;
  • White bread.

Folk recipes for the treatment of iodine deficiency

The lack of iodine content in foods can be partially replenished if there are ripe walnuts and honey for two months in a row.

A healing potion from green walnuts is prepared as follows: they are thoroughly ground, combined with honey 1: 1, infused for 7 days, and for 1 month they eat a teaspoon daily before each meal. Then they arrange an equivalent break, and resume use for another month.

Propolis tincture: 50 g of bee propolis, and 100 ml capacity of walnut partitions should be poured with alcohol, insisted for 20 days in the dark and cool. Drink tincture in the amount of 10 drops per 50 ml of water, in the morning, by lunch, by dinner, until the tincture is over. This remedy improves the painful condition, quickly eliminates the consequences of a deficiency of this element.

It is very harmful to use pharmaceutical preparations of iodine without consulting a doctor. Self-medication can cause general poisoning or thyroid disease. Foods rich in iodine for the thyroid gland will only be useful. Table with information about them above.

Important! People suffering from Graves' disease should not eat a lot of these foods.

Each macro- and microelement is important for human health, especially when it comes to people who are actively involved in sports. Physical activity involves an accelerated metabolism and the rapid consumption of all the compounds that feed the body. However, no other element besides iodine has managed to attract the close attention of the World Health Organization, whose studies indicate iodine deficiency in a fourth of the world's population.

The trace element iodine is one of the essential trace elements necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Iodine is not synthesized in the body, therefore, all the necessary amount must be supplied to the body from the outside. When the optimal amount of iodine is received, the development of various thyroid diseases, including endemic goiter, is prevented.

Features of the absorption of iodine by the body

Iodine cannot be synthesized in the human body, it must come from outside: with food, water, special preparations and additives. For an adult, the daily requirement for iodine is around 150 mcg, for athletes it is advisable to increase the dosage to 200 mcg.

Among the inhabitants of the "marine" countries, diseases associated with a lack of iodine are rarely recorded, because the main foods from the sea are saturated with it - fish, algae, seafood. In the risk group for iodine deficiency are residents of the regions of the Far North and areas located in the center of the continents.

Iodine belongs to the chemical group of compounds called halogens. In addition to it, this group includes fluorine, bromine and chlorine. The latter, by virtue of the rules of inorganic chemistry, are able to displace iodine from any compounds. Therefore, the use of chlorinated water, an excess of fluorine-containing products to strengthen tooth enamel and the intake of bromine-containing drugs significantly reduce the amount of iodine in the body.

Experts note that special substances contained in cauliflower, red cabbage, turnips, radishes, mustard, soybeans and rutabaga block the absorption of iodine by the body. Therefore, they should not be eaten with iodine-containing foods.

Elements such as manganese, cobalt, selenium, copper accelerate the absorption of iodine, so you need to take care of their intake along with iodine along with food or nutritional supplements.

The lack of protein in the body inhibits the synthesis of thyroid hormones, so the diet must necessarily include a sufficient amount of sources of complete protein.

For the intake of iodine in the body, it is advisable to saturate your diet with food that is a priority for residents of coastal zones: algae, sea fish, seafood. A serving of brown algae (fucus or kelp) is enough to get a daily dose of iodine. A lot of iodine in cod liver and fish oil. Up to 200 mcg of the element contains 100 g of seafood or sea fish. In addition, apples and their seeds, feijoa, persimmon, potatoes, spinach, sorrel, cheeses and dairy products are rich in iodine.

Many solve the problem of iodine deficiency through the use of iodized salt or special salt-free seasonings containing brown seaweed. Usually, a third of a teaspoon of such seasonings is enough to fill the daily need for iodine. The choice of such seasonings today is huge, you can choose your preferred set of spices and spices for cooking meat, fish, vegetables.

Table of products containing iodine with the amount per 100 grams

Products (raw)

Iodine content, mcg per 100 g of product

Sea fish

Cod liver 350
Haddock 240
Salmon, flounder 200
Sea bass 145
Cod 130
Herring 90
Pink salmon, chum salmon 50


Shrimps 190
oysters 60


Pork 17
Beef 12


Milk 15-20
Cheese 11
Butter 10


Apples with seeds 70
feijoa 70
Persimmon 30

Vegetables, greens:

Spinach 20
Beet 7
Potato 7
Carrot 5
Sorrel 3
Fish fat 700
sea ​​kale 150-200
chicken yolk 12-25

Iodine evaporates at high temperatures, so it is recommended not to fry the food, but to stew or boil it, and add seasonings to an already cooked dish immediately before use. However, in these cases, iodine in the products remains no more than half of the value indicated in the table, however, this amount is absorbed almost completely.

Vitamin-mineral complexes and dietary supplements containing iodine

One of the easiest ways to increase iodine intake is to use special dietary supplements. So, fucus and kelp in capsules are popular, containing approximately 50 micrograms of iodine in one capsule. For the prevention of iodine deficiency, drugs such as Iodomarin, Antistrumin, Iodide, Potassium Iodide are often prescribed.

In vitamin-mineral complexes popular among athletes, the iodine content is as follows:

  • Iodomarin (Iodomarin) - Iodine preparation. It is used for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases.
  • High Mineral Complex from the German manufacturer Weider contains 150 micrograms of iodine.
  • The same amount of trace elements in the Opti-men complexes from Optimum Nutrition and ActiveSport from the manufacturer MHP.
  • The Russian complex Artromax satisfies the daily requirement for iodine.
  • Dietary supplement CigaPan (CygaPan) is gaining more and more popularity among athletes, because it contains most of the microelements, including iodine, which are especially necessary for active physical exertion in the amount of their daily norm.
  • 200 micrograms of iodine per OrangeTriad complex capsule.

The decision to use additional preparations containing iodine should be made in consultation with a competent specialist, based on the athlete's diet and place of residence. You should also carefully select the dosage of the trace element. Be sure to pay attention to the presence and content of iodine in vitamin-mineral complexes, which are taken to increase the intake of other minerals or vitamins in the body. An excess of iodine leads to a sharp decrease in body weight, a violation of the normal activity and vital activity of the body. Be attentive to your health!

One liter of sea water contains approximately 50mcg. Together with precipitation, the microelement enters the soil, from where it enters the products - plants, fruits, animal meat. In places that are protected from precipitation by mountains or located far from the sea, it is scarce. It is necessary for hormonal balance, optimal functioning of organs and body systems. Its sufficient intake determines mental development, intellectual abilities.

A significant part is concentrated in the thyroid gland, it regulates metabolic processes. The kidneys and saliva are excreted from the body.

  • From September to January the level is reduced.
  • Since February, it has been growing.
  • The maximum is in May-June.

The reason for seasonal fluctuations is unknown.

Prolonged heat treatment of products containing iodine destroys the trace element. For example:

  • Meat dishes lose up to 50%.
  • Vegetables - up to 30%.
  • Milk - up to 25%.

Therefore, iodine deficiency in the body is possible even with its sufficient intake with food.

iodine for thyroid

The intake of iodine with food is necessary for the synthesis of thyroid hormones, reducing the level and coagulability of the blood.

The thyroid gland of an adult contains up to 20–30 mg of iodine and is located on both sides of the larynx. Consists of two bodies weighing 15 g each oval. With a slow accumulation of a microelement, it is inactive (hypothyroidism). With excessively rapid accumulation, on the contrary, its activity is excessive (hyperthyroidism).

Upon receipt of products containing iodine, the thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolic processes, the function of the cardiovascular, digestive system, intellectual, sexual function.

The thyroid gland produces a special hormone-regulator of the pituitary gland, which controls the intensity of the production of other hormones. The higher the content of the hormone-regulator in the blood, the less intensively the thyroid gland produces other hormones.

A malfunction of the thyroid gland affects the course, the reason for not bearing the fetus, placental abruption. Reduced and increased function violate the female cycle, cause infertility.

Disturbances in the work of the thyroid gland - the cause of mastopathy, fibroids, prostate adenoma.

The development of hypothyroidism in children leads to mental retardation, stunted growth, disproportionate development of body parts, and delayed puberty.

Signs of hypothyroidism in adults: swelling of the mucous membranes, delayed, aging of the skin, old appearance. Constant fatigue and weakness, increased risk of atherosclerosis.

Signs of hyperthyroidism: accelerated metabolic processes, weight loss, trembling of the limbs, bulging eyes, the development of Graves' disease.

With insufficient intake of products containing iodine and the development of hyperthyroidism, the thyroid gland increases in size without impaired function. Endemic goiter is diagnosed.

Its formation is the body's reaction to the lack of iodine-containing products in order to maintain the previous level of hormone production.

With a lack of iodine in foods, some of the thyroid cells increase activity. Autonomous formations that are independent of the action of the hormone-regulator form nodes. Thyrotoxicosis develops. Nodular goiter is diagnosed after 50 years of age.

Deficiency and excess of iodine

Up to 70% of the population of Russia suffers from a lack of a microelement. The following signs signal an iodine deficiency:

  • lethargy, increased fatigue, fatigue;
  • tearfulness, irritability, especially in the morning;
  • hypothyroidism or endemic goiter.

Lack of iodine in foods is a possible cause of high blood pressure.

A simple test to determine a micronutrient deficiency:

  1. In the evening, before going to bed, soak a cotton swab with an alcohol solution.
  2. Apply three lines on the forearms: thin (about 1mm), medium (2mm), thick (3mm).
  • If the thin one has disappeared, there is no deficiency.
  • Gone are thin and medium - a slight shortage.
  • All lines disappeared - lack of iodine.

Micronutrient excess is rare. Signs: increased mucus in the nose, symptoms, urticaria, other manifestations.

Daily requirement for iodine

The trace element is necessary for the body of adults and children. The need is increased during puberty, during pregnancy, with hypothermia.

For a lifetime, 3-5 g of a trace element (about a teaspoon) enters the body with food.

The daily requirement of an adult is 3mcg of iodine per 1kg of body weight.

For information: 1 g of iodized contains approximately 14 micrograms of the trace element. The daily rate is covered not only by the inclusion of iodine-containing products in the diet.

Products quickly lose the trace element due to its volatility, which is accelerated by boiling.

Therefore, iodized salt is added to ready-made dishes, stored in a sealed container. It retains the ability to eliminate iodine deficiency for 3-4 months.

With a lack of iodine content, take. Peeled from the shell quickly lose their beneficial properties.

Apple seeds are useful for the thyroid gland - one contains the daily allowance. But provided that the apples are imported, grown in soil rich in trace elements.

Soy, flaxseed, white cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts prevent the elimination of iodine deficiency - these products contain substances that neutralize the microelement.

For example, replacing meat with soy exacerbates iodine deficiency.

Table 2. Products containing iodine
Product (100g)Iodine content (mcg)
Squid (meat)300
Sea cabbage (kelp)300
Blue whiting135
Far Eastern shrimp (meat)110
Sea bass (sea bass)60
Pink salmon50
Baltic sprat50
Atlantic salmon (salmon)50
mackerel atlantic45
Atlantic herring40
oceanic sardine35
Black currant1
red sweet pepper3
Beets (tops)2
Peas green1,3
Wheat groats10
Barley (grains)8,9
Rye bread5,6
bird, egg
Chicken egg20
Partridge meat7
Chicken breast (fillet)6
goose meat4
duck liver4
Meat, liver
beef liver6,3

Harm and contraindications

Useful product - - rich in iodine. When it enters with food, the thyroid gland produces hormones, the cells of the body intensively absorb oxygen. What can be harmful in the case of malignant tumors.

With caution, take products containing iodine, with inflammatory processes in the kidneys, a tendency to bleeding.

To get the daily allowance, it is enough to chew and swallow 5 apple seeds well. But they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is especially harmful if it is exceeded.

Modified: 06/26/2019

If you think that iodine is just a medicinal solution that can be used to treat a bruise or wound, then it turns out that you don’t know anything about it at all, as an essential element that has a huge impact on your body.

It is iodine that is responsible for ensuring that all organs and systems fully and properly function. But its most important task is to ensure that your thyroid gland.

The body itself cannot produce iodine, so it needs to be replenished from the outside, that is, from the foods that you eat. In order not to experience iodine deficiency, you just need to know what it contains.

The functions and importance of iodine for the body

This element is present in inorganic and organic compounds, but it is believed that it is able to stay in the air and in a free state, getting into water or soil through precipitation. You can also get small amounts of iodine through the air you breathe or through your skin. Often, with a diagnosed lack of iodine, doctors advise to go to the sea, because it is sea ​​air is the most saturated with this element.

Among the most important beneficial properties of iodine you can note:

  • without it, the immune system cannot work normally, because you will feel cheerful, full of strength, vigorous and energetic only with enough of it;
  • a sufficient amount of iodine in the body is very important for healthy nails, hair, skin and teeth;
  • it helps to improve fat metabolism, helps to reduce (eliminate) cellulite, burn fat during a diet;
  • iodine has a positive effect on mental development. Without it, the brain cannot function normally;
  • it helps to maintain an excellent state of memory until old age;
  • during pregnancy, the expectant mother must necessarily receive a sufficient amount of iodine so that the child can form and develop correctly;
  • in the prevention of people suffering from atherosclerosis, cholesterol levels decrease;
  • used in the treatment of various diseases (colds, infections, dysentery, gastric poisoning, hematomas, rheumatism, rickets, gout and others).

As mentioned above, iodine is an essential element involved in the processes hormone synthesis, which are necessary for the thyroid gland to fully and properly function. Any failure in its work immediately affects the state of your health.

The environment may contain a very negligible amount of iodine, because not everyone lives on the coast. That is why you must control and regulate your diet yourself so as not to experience a lack of an element. So, introduce into your diet the required amount of products with a high content of iodine. Such a diet, with the right approach, can be very diverse and tasty, because to decide iodine deficiency problem capable of many utility.

Foods high in iodine

One of the sources of this element is water. Even with ordinary drinking water you get up to 15 micrograms of iodine per liter, and what can we say about the sea.

Some people mistakenly believe that iodized salt will help replenish the reserves in the body. But even if you completely exclude ordinary table salt from your consumption, replacing it with iodized salt, it still cannot eliminate the problem of element deficiency.

Please also note that after a two-month period, an opened package will lose most of the useful substance.

Consider the main groups rich in iodine in more detail.

Vegetable and animal oils

All are a rich natural source of vitamins and minerals. But most of them are not able to significantly replenish the iodine stores in your body. Its largest amount is found only in cedar oil, a little in. If we talk about animal fats, then the most preferred are fatty fish varieties(do not forget about fish oil) and. They are considered the richest in iodine. Treat yourself to flounder, salmon, hake, cod, sea bass, pink salmon, haddock or herring. Delicacies in the form of squid, oysters, shrimp are also excellent sources of iodine. Meat products, of course, are inferior to them, because the animals had to receive a large amount of iodine with food (iodine saturation of the soil, pasture plants, etc.).

Very high iodine content in vegetable: , cucumber, as well as some fruit. Pay special attention to red and orange juices. Just before carefully study the recommended rules for the preparation and use of fresh juices.

Walnut and are considered the richest sources of the element.

Among vegetable sources of iodine are beets, carrots, rhubarb, green and red beans, asparagus, spinach.

Record holders for the content of the element can be called seaweed and seaweed. Only one portion of them is able to fill your daily need of the body in a microelement.

Fruits and dried fruits

Some also contain iodine. The leader among them is persimmon, also apples, grapes, melon, strawberries, pineapples. Among the richest in iodine are prunes.

Milk and dairy products

In order for (milk, cottage cheese, yoghurts, kefir, cheese) and eggs to contain a sufficient supply of the element, it is necessary that animals grow, live and eat in appropriate conditions, as is the case with meat.

Adhering to proper nutrition, you will not experience a lack of vitamins and minerals. But remember that iodine will volatilize at high temperatures, so it is best to consume raw, stewed or boiled foods, avoiding fried ones.

Product Iodine content in 100 g of product, mg
Fish fat700
Cod liver370
Sea bass145
Herring (salted)77
Pink salmon50
Milk (low fat/whole)15
hard cheese11
Wheat flour10
Sour cream7
Rye and white7
, unfortunately, are not really rich in this element.

Remember also about heat treatment when cooking, so as not to lose the main amount of vitamins and useful elements.

Since the lack of iodine in the body is one of the causes of excess weight, it is often advised to eat foods with a high or high content of this element for weight loss. There are even many specially designed diets that are based specifically on the restoration of iodine reserves. One of the most popular is iodine-rice diet, because rice will help the element to be well absorbed in the body and give a feeling of fullness. Just remember that everything should be in moderation, and approach the issue of losing weight reasonably so as not to harm yourself.

Lack and excess of iodine in the body: symptoms and consequences

An adult should receive about 100-150 micrograms of an element per day in order not to experience symptoms of its deficiency and avoid unpleasant consequences. Signs of iodine deficiency in organism:

  • development of endemic goiter;
  • backwardness of physical and mental development in children;
  • problems with the menstrual cycle (for women) and sexual desire (for men);
  • the appearance of apathy, drowsiness, headaches;
  • bouts of fatigue, depression, irritability and aggressiveness;
  • problems with skin, hair, nails;
  • “extra” kilograms may appear;
  • increased swelling, sudden jumps in pressure, development of arrhythmias and memory impairment.
Remember that the daily requirement for iodine during pregnancy or during lactation increases to 200-300 mcg. The same applies to people who work with substances that can depress thyroid function.

Elemental iodine is very toxic. They can be poisoned or provoke various diseases (tachycardia, Graves' disease). Excess iodine in the body is manifested in symptoms such as swelling of the mucous membranes, allergic reactions (rash, runny nose), vomiting, abdominal pain, excessive sweating, diarrhea, and others. This may be caused by a violation of the regulation of iodine metabolism or an excessive intake of the element into the body.

Do not take any medications on your own without consulting your doctor, because depending on the amount, iodine can bring both benefit and harm for your body!

The problem of iodine deficiency is very common. If you have come across it, please share it in the comments, and also tell us how you plan your diet so that it contains enough iodine-rich foods, do you welcome iodine prophylaxis with drugs?

Irina Kamshilina

Cooking for someone is much more pleasant than for yourself))


Lack of iodine in the body leads not only to temporary violations of its basic functions, but also causes a wide range of diseases. To correct the situation, products containing iodine and adherence to healthy eating standards will help. The first signs of a violation of the normal state are chronic headaches, lack of appetite, frequent tingling of the joints, constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness, a tendency to colds, as well as prolonged depression.

Foods high in iodine

The main function of iodine is the normalization of the work of the human body. This substance is necessary for the full functioning of thyroid hormones, which ensure the stable functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and other systems. Through the thyroid gland, the component enters the blood, vessels, tissues and bone skeleton. With a lack of a useful substance, the vital activity of the whole organism and metabolism after eating food are disrupted.

The record holders for the content of useful elements are marine products. In this case, we are talking not only about fish and seafood, but also algae (kelp, seaweed). If such products rarely supplement your regular diet, then you can replenish the supply of a vital vitamin for the body with the help of regular consumption of fish oil. Such formulations are commercially available and are available in liquid form, as well as in the form of tablets and capsules.

The most useful inhabitants of the deep sea include:

  • mussels;
  • squids;
  • oysters;
  • shrimps;
  • mackerel;
  • salmon;
  • salmon;
  • herring;
  • flounder.

Among vegetables, fruits and berries, there are also fruits that are high in iodine. Before their use or pre-treatment, one should not forget that heat exposure eliminates most types of vitamins. Iodine in this case is no exception. Fresh fruits in a short period of time are able to make up for the deficiency of nutrients in a depleted body.

The maximum amount of iodine contains fruits - vegetables and fruits, berries:

  • cabbage;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • garlic;
  • bananas;
  • feijoa;
  • persimmon;
  • strawberry;
  • plums;
  • cranberry;
  • grape;
  • chokeberry;
  • lemon.

Some legumes (peas, beans) and cereals (rye, wheat, oats) are distinguished by a high content of iodine. Listing useful products, it is impossible not to mention buckwheat. This type of cereal combines a huge amount of vitamins and is a source of useful elements. Regular consumption of it in food normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland, digestive organs and normalizes cholesterol.

A smaller amount of useful substance contains dairy products and eggs. These products are also recommended to be eaten more often to ensure the daily intake of iodine. The ideal option is to diversify their daily diet.

List of foods during pregnancy that deliver a lot of iodine to the body

During pregnancy, a woman's body needs more vitamins. The problem of replenishing the supply of iodine arises due to characteristic changes in appetite. Separate food products are absolutely not accepted by the digestive organs in the presence of individual characteristics or toxicosis. Preparations with a high content of iodine and iron come to the rescue. Check out .


Before visiting pharmacies, you need to understand the main nuance: it is better to use drugs only as a last resort. The fetus during pregnancy eats those products that enter the woman's body, because the development of the child is completely dependent on the mother's diet. Natural ingredients will bring more benefits, and you can find the best options among a wide list of iodine-containing ingredients under any circumstances:

  • sea ​​fish and cod liver;
  • seaweed;
  • seafood;
  • milk, kefir, sour cream;
  • fresh vegetables, fruits, berries;
  • nuts.

A separate category of products containing iodine are ingredients used to prepare everyday meals - chicken cubes, salt, some types of seasonings or spices. On the packaging of such products, manufacturers make appropriate marks about the increased content of individual components.

A separate line of products appeared in the food industry - a wide range of bakery products containing iodine began to appear on the shelves. If you are trying to replenish your body's supply of nutrients, do not try to do it at an excessively accelerated pace. Limiting the diet to only foods containing iodine will lead to new problems. Thanks to a special table that displays the amount of a useful component in different ingredients, it will be much easier to control your nutrition.

Given some of the nuances, you can provide the body with an approximate daily allowance of iodine-containing components.

Table of iodine-containing foods

Product name

The amount of micrograms of iodine per 100 g

Cod liver

sea ​​kale


Sea bass