How to live with a sissy: expert advice. Who is a sissy How to distinguish a sissy from a mother

How to live with a sissy: expert advice.  Who is a sissy How to distinguish a sissy from a mother
How to live with a sissy: expert advice. Who is a sissy How to distinguish a sissy from a mother

Unfortunately, our life is characterized by the presence of many complexities that cause problems associated with all aspects of social relations. As a result, we are increasingly faced with problems in everyday life that are impossible to put up with and that are very difficult to solve.

It is not uncommon to hear from a friend or just an acquaintance that her boyfriend or husband is a "sissy", and it is very difficult to deal with him. Who are sissy, what to do if you are trying to build a relationship with such a person?

Despite the seeming ludicrousness of defining such a thing as "sissy" in the form of a full-fledged psychotype, experts talk about this phenomenon. There is no consensus on the reasons for the formation of this type of personality, however, there are several basic theories that will help you better navigate the way of thinking of such a man.

Incomplete family

The most important is the incomplete family, in which there is no male influence on the child during upbringing. When a boy is brought up only by his mother and grandmother, this has a negative impact on social attitudes and stereotypes of behavior. He sees how women act, trying to copy such actions everywhere, getting the wrong direction of psychological development.

Many will object that there are other men in the environment of the child who are represented by relatives or random playmates - the same children.

A single mother, especially a single mother, usually seeks to protect her son from bad things, without understanding what is bad. As a result, children spend months and years walking along the usual route “home-school-home”, unable to break out of the vicious circle.

In an educational institution, the "sissy" behaves very quietly, often not understanding the problems that his peers face.

Sometimes it happens that the father is present in the family, but his influence on the child is minimal. He can be a real earner, bringing money from 2-3 jobs, or, conversely, have a subordinate position, without having the right to vote. The result in the second case is much worse - the sissy sees that dad cannot do anything without the permission of the mother, and prepares himself for such a life in advance.

A father can be removed from education under the pretext that this is a woman's business, and he will ruin everything with his actions. Resigned, he also forms the wrong line of behavior for the child.

Overprotective mother

Another option does not depend on the composition of the family - the boy is affected only by the psychological trait of the mother's character. As a child, the "sissy" is usually subjected to the following forms of psychological pressure:

  • overprotection;
  • blackmail;
  • aggression.

With the first, everything is clear - excessive care relaxes a person who leaves his mother to solve all the problems that exist in life for him.

If we talk about blackmail, then it is represented by the imaginary illnesses of the mother, her statements that her son will quickly send her to the grave by his behavior - such pressure quickly teaches the sissy to be quiet, inconspicuous and inactive.

It is also possible not to say much about aggression - rudeness, screams, physical violence cause real injuries to the young consciousness, which are much more difficult to cure than physical ones.

There are many options and conditions under which the "sissy" develops, but the result is the same. A man enters adult life who is socially inactive - he does not know how to properly conduct relationships, cannot properly organize his activities, and often finds solace in the small world of his hobbies.

When problems arise, he seeks to provide their solution to his mother, and tries to be closer to her. In relationships with women, the "sissy" always compares them with the person who has such a great influence on him, which often causes a lot of conflict and disagreement.

How to recognize such a character?

Despite the apparent difficulty in determining the psychotype of a person, it is quite simple to see a “sissy” in advance if you use indirect signs.

The first, and most important, is his conversation. Watch who he is talking about and in what context - such men are usually appropriate and do not mention their mother very much - especially when they give examples from their own lives. In fact, the mother is a kind of standard that they use for comparison. You can try to keep the conversation going about mom by directing the topic in this direction - a real “sissy” will immediately lay out a thousand details, not forgetting to colorfully describe her virtues.

If you are in a close relationship, look at his housing. He may not live with his parents, but the presence of the mother will always be felt. The most important parameter is the wardrobe - look at what is in a man's closet, and then offer to look at a fashion catalog or show a stylish clothing website. If a person’s taste preferences do not coincide with his current appearance, then it is likely that his mother buys new clothes for him, and he does not dare to deviate from the course set by her.

A refrigerator will give a lot of information - a large number of homemade dishes, the fullness of the space will allow you to say with confidence that you have a “sissy” in front of you, who copies the home line of behavior or simply eats dishes prepared by his mother.

While in society, put him in front of a serious choice, ask him to do a deliberately unpleasant thing - for example, in a cafe, ask the waiter to replace the dish under the pretext that he did not like it.

A man who grew up in an environment of total control or overprotection is very likely to refuse to do this, having found a thousand excuses. If put before the need, he will mumble or pretend that he has complied with your request, and will convey an invented refusal.

"Mama's sons" quite often behave capriciously, demanding a lot of attention to themselves, and also tries to bind the woman they like to themselves.

Remember that at the stage of courtship and romantic meetings, no one has obligations to another person - an adult, confident, accomplished man will calmly relate to your independent pastime, and will not throw tantrums about going to a bar with his girlfriends.

What are the prospects?

The worst thing that can happen is that you get an adult child, which is actually a "sissy". He will not become a full-fledged head of the family, and will not play the role of a male breadwinner. You will have to accept that you will have to perform most of the functions that are usually assigned to both spouses and independently engage in raising children.

You may encounter the fact that a man will be completely antisocial - he will not want to go on a trip, he will not take you to a restaurant or a nightclub, he will not go to a friendly party. It is the "mama's sons" who are most likely to get a painful addiction, which can be alcohol, gambling or computer games.

Sometimes a change of scenery has a positive effect on people of this type of character - having fallen under the influence of another woman, less strict and demanding than their mother, they become liberated and change their social role. An early age will contribute to the most simplified adaptation - at 20 years old everything will go much faster and more efficiently than at 30.

However, it is not necessary to expect that the change will be complete and comprehensive - the "sissy" will not become a protector capable of completely relieving his wife of the need to solve life's problems. In the best case, you will have to do everything on an equal footing.

There is another problem that will concern the continuation of the relationship between the sissy and the mother. You will have to endure daily telephone conversations, which can drag on for half an hour, and touch upon such problems as the nutrition of your beloved child, the work of his body.

Mom, if she lives nearby, can visit to make sure that her son is not in danger. If she finds a reason for a scandal, then you cannot avoid a long-term war in which men will also be involved. The main question will remain which side the man will take, and what he will try to do to resolve the conflict.

If open confrontation can be avoided, another difficulty will have to be solved - the “sissy” will consult with his mother, receiving absolutely clear instructions, which, most likely, will not take into account your interests.

It remains to start a conflict on your own, which can be used by your mother as an argument against you, or come to terms with such an inferior position. This can apply to all aspects of life together - from nutrition to the decision to have a child.

What to do?

Here you will have to solve two main questions at once - how important a person is to you, and how much he can change. If you feel that relationships will eventually wear you out and only lead to an accumulation of problems and nervous breakdowns, then it’s worth considering - do you really need them? When you decide to pursue your goal to the end, you need to act gently and carefully.

"Mama's boy" does not want to solve real life problems? You need to create a situation where he will be forced to do this. Entrust him with solving cases regarding housing, utilities, and other things - a man will gradually socialize, forming stereotypes of behavior when performing certain work.

Specify the conditions of your life together - an adult must understand that if you are strong and independent, then he will not be able to lie on the couch, using your merits. The vital needs of the family should be addressed by allocating money from the general budget, and everyone should earn money for wishes.

The main thing that you have to do is to improve relations with your mother. A man should see that she approves of you, and is not against the relationship - he will transfer part of the control functions from his mother to his life partner, and this share will gradually grow. When the power of the mother over the son remains the dominant factor in determining his behavior, try to establish a three-way dialogue.

You have to let the sissy understand that he is not a little boy who cannot make decisions on his own, but his mother about the need to lead an independent life without psychological pressure.

Like "mama's boy". And recently, there are more and more individuals of the stronger sex falling under this classification. No one can really explain why this happens, but the fact that his mother is to blame for the infantilism of his own offspring is an indisputable fact. Especially gentle "copies" of sons are nurtured by mothers who do not have a husband. So they "shift" all their love and excessive care to the child.

These women rush about with their offspring like hens with an egg:

Feed, drink, iron a shirt, wash underpants with socks, put them to bed and sing a lullaby. And all this is mixed with lisping, despite the fact that the child has long since passed the age of five and has become a fully mature, independent man. But is it really so independent if mommy controls him everywhere and everywhere? “Don’t go there, don’t be friends with that, don’t do this ...” It often comes to the point that the mother decides where her son to study and whom to marry. And whether to marry at all ...

Even if the sissy decides to start his own family, the parent will not give him peace anyway. Especially if he, contrary to her instructions, did not marry the girl she chose for him. After all, how is it? She raised her boy, raised, cherished and cherished, did not sleep at night, and then some kind of “flip-tail” came and took away the treasure. But what about a glass of water in old age? And a hidden (and sometimes open) war begins against the daughter-in-law, who washes the dishes the wrong way, irons the shirts the wrong way and, in general, does not love her son. Because only a mother can truly love. And she systematically begins to set up her overage baby against his wife.

A man, of course, can resist at first, but soon he suddenly discovers how right his mother was, and comparisons

his own wife and parent will not take long to wait. A woman whose husband is a sissy will either have to take her will into a fist and become better than her mother-in-law (which, in principle, is impossible from the point of view of her husband), or

The second, alas, happens much more often, because what sane woman wants to take care of and nurse an adult man all her life who is not even able to find food in the refrigerator, not to mention help with the housework?

Therefore, if you don’t want to connect your life with a man for whom the mother’s word is the ultimate truth, you should learn to identify it even before a serious relationship begins. This can be done sometimes immediately, sometimes after some time, because now they know how to disguise themselves as reliable and self-confident. So, if your new acquaintance is a sissy, he will have the following signs:

Raising a real man from a son is a responsible and difficult task. Mothers need to find that "golden mean" in the educational process so that a sissy does not grow out of a boy.

A man feels humiliated if he is called by such a nickname. It indicates excessive attachment to the mother, the inability to make responsible decisions on her own, without her participation. And women who have chosen a man of this psychotype as their life partner have a very hard time in family life.

Who do we call sissy?

Who are these sissies? How are they different from ordinary men? Whoever encountered such a person in his life, he saw from his own experience the distinctive features of his behavior and character. The rest of the women will not be out of place to familiarize themselves with some definitions and signs of a “sissy”. This is a guy, a man who:

Being already an adult, still completely dependent on the opinion or advice of his mother;

Does not object to maternal control over major aspects of his life, including family life;

Not only allows you to solve your problems, but also encourages the mother to such actions;

It is mandatory to visit your parent every day. Constantly calls her on the phone;

He does not know how to make a choice on his own, he is afraid to make a decision without consulting his mother;

In conflict situations, he always takes the side of the one who gave birth to him;

Compares the entire beautiful half of society with the most important woman in his life.

At first, it is not easy to recognize such a man. Especially if a woman is in love and idealizes her chosen one. But if you take a closer look at who you spend time with, then you will surely see the above “symptoms”.

Why do boys grow up to be "mama's boys"?

Why do boys grow up to be sissies? There is no single answer to this question. Psychologists identify several of the most likely theories that help to understand how such men think:

1. The most important reason is the upbringing of a son in a family where there is no father. The boy does not have the opportunity to identify himself with the stronger sex. He lacks an example of male behavior. Sons copy the actions and deeds of mothers and grandmothers. All this distorts the psychological development of the child. It is good if any other man is present in the family: grandfather, uncle, older brother. A single mother does her best to protect her son from everything negative, thereby raising a sissy.

2. The wrong position of the father in the upbringing of his son. It happens that the father is present in the family, but his participation in the boy's life is minimal. Sometimes fathers are removed from the educational process, arguing that this is not a male occupation.

Such tactics negatively affect the formation of the personality of the future man.

3. Psychological aspects of maternal character also affects boys. And this does not depend on the completeness of the family. It can be hyperprotection, aggression, blackmail. Guardianship beyond measure makes a person relaxed, he does not seek to solve problems that arise, placing this fate on the mother. As for blackmail, this refers to illnesses invented by the mother, statements that the son, by his behavior and attitude towards her, will send the mother to the next world ahead of time. Such manipulations cause the son to become quiet and submissive. Aggressive behavior, including physical violence, irreparably injure the child's psyche.

There are other reasons that contribute to the formation of the "mama's boy" psychotype. As a result, having matured, a man will turn out to be socially apathetic, unable to build relationships, organize his activities, and find no consolation in any hobbies and hobbies. The main meaning of life, he will consider the care and gratitude of his mother for the fact that she gave birth and raised him.

How to form a psychological bond with the mother in boys?

At first, the baby is connected with the mother through the umbilical cord, that is, physically, and then psychologically. This connection between a son and a woman is necessary and important. The problem with all mothers is that they don't want to make it thinner as the child grows up. If attachment is not reduced, then the child in adulthood will be called "sissy."

There is no need to be afraid to let go of your son, because he will forever remain your child.

Wise women should prepare for this from the boy's early age. He must go through all the age-related crises, fill himself with "bumps". No need to overprotect and protect him. The child should know that life consists not only of pleasant things and events. Trust your son, let him go through his life on his own, with his mistakes and victories.

How to recognize a "mama's boy" in a man?

It is problematic to determine that such a guy or a man is in front of you. They will help to find out whether the psychological type of a person belongs to the concept of "sissy", important signs of secondary importance.

1. Conversation. It is the most important indicator. Listen to what the man says. If, unnecessarily, he “weaves” his mother into the conversation, gives examples from her personal life, then this indicates a close connection between them. It turns out that the mother for him is the standard with which he compares everything and everyone. Try to provoke a conversation about the mother. "Mama's boy" will give himself away by tirelessly telling all kinds of stories with a colorful description of the virtues of the parent.

2. Housing and clothing style. Even if a man lives separately from his mother, the presence of a woman's hand will be felt in his apartment. Try to find out what style of clothing your chosen one prefers. If his descriptions are the opposite of what he actually wears, then this means only one thing - all the clothes were bought by his beloved mother. And the son will not dare to deviate from the “norm”.

3. Refusal to solve a sudden problem. For example, if the wrong dish was brought to a cafe, a man will not argue with the staff and demand that the order be completed correctly. In his defense, he will babble something inaudible or pretend that he does not see any problem in this.

"Mama's sons" often behave like capricious young ladies. They require constant attention to their person. Women should remember that in the period of courtship, a self-sufficient and self-confident man will never control the chosen one and make scandals about her communication with her friends.

How to behave with a "mama's boy"?

I would like to say - divorce and be happy. And if a woman loves this man, what to do? Not everyone will agree to share a loved one with his mother, and such women can be understood. The main thing in such a situation is that a woman should not forget about herself and her interests. Psychologists advise several tricks on how to avoid parting with your husband:

1. Never discuss your family life with your mother-in-law. She should not hear from you any complaints about her son. Even if things are too bad, this should be the last person you pour your heart out to. The strength of the marriage with the "sissy" depends on this directly.

2. Try to take an example from your mother-in-law. Become like her, adopt manners, words, deeds.

3. Try to change your place of residence, settle as far as possible from your mother-in-law. The ideal option is to move to another locality. The man next to you will mature much faster.

4. Show your displeasure. Don't hold back your emotions. The husband should know that you are not satisfied with his actions. When arguing, avoid criticizing his mother. Express only your feelings.

If you suspect that a man is expressing the point of view of his parent, and not his own, then do not be silent. Ask him for explanations and arguments.

What are the prospects for living together with a man of this psychotype?

Having decided to connect her life with a “sissy”, a woman risks getting an adult child. Do not expect from such a husband that he will become the head of the family, take on the responsibility of providing for you and the children. You will have to perform a large share of the functions yourself, including raising a son or daughter.

Another problem that the fair sex can expect is the asocial attitude of a man. He will not agree if you offer to go on a trip, he will not invite you to restaurants and cafes, he is not interested in friendly gatherings and parties. It is these psychological natures that are more likely to be addicted to alcohol and gambling.

There are times when a change of scenery has a beneficial effect on the character of the "sissy". If a man meets a woman who is less strict and demanding than his mother, then he will be liberated and take on the role of a real husband. The younger a man is, the easier he adapts to a new psychological environment for him. However, do not expect drastic changes. The lion's share of character traits will remain the same.

Plus, a woman will have to endure endless telephone conversations between her son and mother, often see her at home, get used to the fact that in disputes her husband will be on the side of her mother.

If you are not happy with such prospects, and your man and his mother do not perceive you in any way, do not respond to your desires and requirements, then this is a reason to think. Does a self-sufficient and self-confident woman need such a companion in life? After all, by and large, you will not be able to radically re-educate the “sissy boy”.

Deep down, every woman wants a strong man next to her, who will become that very reliable shoulder and support.

It would seem that here he is: sensitive, economic, kind ... Moreover, he solves all the troubles with one call. Only this call is to mom ...

After the wedding, it suddenly turns out that you did not get married, but adopted the child of your mother-in-law.

How to live with a sissy? Does such a relationship have a chance? Is it possible to be happy with such a man? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's be honest: strong men like Amur tigers are an endangered species.

And where can truly masculine qualities come from, if a huge number of children are brought up by "same-sex couples" - mothers and grandmothers, and the role of the father is minimized.

But scientists have long proved that if the father is not involved in raising his son, the boy grows up with a huge number of internal problems and complexes.

What we have as a result: mother is an undeniable authority, son (he is your husband) is in complete submission to her, you are somewhere in the background.

Who is a sissy?

Psychology does not know such a term as "sissy", it was invented by women to show the total dependence of the son on the mother.

Yes, yes, it happens that the son is two meters tall, and gray hair breaks through his temples, but he will not take a step without the approval of his mother.

How else, if he was taught from childhood to be an “obedient and good boy”? Meet: an adult boy, 31 years old, loves his mother very much.

A sissy is not a diagnosis or a disease. This is an adult who does not have his own opinion and lives by someone else's rules.

He is guided by a sense of duty and gratitude to the woman who gave birth to and raised him. If you married a sissy, a kind of love triangle is forming in your family!

After all, his mother will not withdraw herself and will not resign. It's amazing how she even let you out of her sight and let her take her blood?

Mother's sons are of two types.

1. Absolute. He does not control the situation and does not make any independent decisions. Never! This is an axiom.

What pants to wear, what circle to go to and what girls to meet - his mother decided for him all his life.

Such a child grows into an infantile and notorious man. When the question of creating a family arises, the dandelion man will choose his wife with the consent of his mother.

2. Partial. In such men, the Oedipus complex works 100%! In their chosen one, they are looking for the features of the mother - external resemblance, character, household skills.

Such men are afraid of change, and have found a simple way out of the situation: a wife comes to replace the mother.

So do not be surprised if you get not a macho, as it seemed at first, but just a grown-up child.

Is it possible to recognize a sissy when you meet?

This is a task with an asterisk, because outwardly such men are no different from hundreds of others.

This is not necessarily a nerd in glasses and a ridiculous tie with deer, presented by his mother for the New Year. There are no markings “the territory is protected by mother” either.

Alarming signs can be noticed if you communicate more closely with your mother's beloved boy.

Housing. As a rule, such men, even having matured, continue to live with their parents.

They do not strive for ostentatious independence, and will not leave their home, where it smells like mom's pies, to a hostel with bedbugs, just to live separately.

They are quite satisfied with the fact that after school or a hard day, mom always meets with a plate of borscht, all things are washed and ironed, and if something goes wrong in life, they will always take a liking and regret it.

Mom's mention. Such subjects answer questions about the family willingly and verbosely.

Yes, many men love and respect their mother, but not everyone depends on her opinion. If your interlocutor, as they say, “found free ears” and selflessly broadcasts about how great his mother cooks, and what a good relationship they have, this is an alarm signal.

Job. It is difficult to call such men careerists. Mom will make sure that her son does not overwork.

Perhaps even a suitable position will suit him. During the conversation, he quotes his mother's words, her opinion is considered authoritative for him, other experts nervously smoke on the sidelines;

Plans. Your relationship with your mother always comes first. If he cancels the meeting under the pretext that his mother is unwell or rushes on her first call, this should alert.

If your potential mother-in-law is not a seriously ill person, then she is simply manipulating her son's feelings!

Themes. Such men can keep up the conversation even on women's topics. No wonder, because at home they regularly listen to complaints about poor health and prices in the market.

If your interlocutor is well versed in the ups and downs of the Turkish series and knows the types of depilation, he is either comprehensively developed, or his mother kindly enlightened him.

An interesting fact is that the character of a sissy is not always angelic. Psychologists explain this by the fact that a person is constantly under pressure.

Constant servility, unwillingness to upset mommy, suppression of one's own feelings and emotions is stress.

It's like playing in a minefield: step into dangerous territory and an explosion will follow. Conflict for such a person is an opportunity to relieve tension.

Is it possible to build a family with a sissy?

The boy becomes dependent on his mother if she is an authority. This most often occurs in single-parent families or in couples in which the father constantly agrees with his wife.

In a child, individuality is suppressed, they are not given the opportunity to make decisions. Over time, the boy realizes that it is easier to live this way.

Why fuss and look for housing, because there is a mother who will not kick you out of the house! Whom I want to become? - Yes, where my mother says, I will do there. Sounds funny, but this is the reality of life.

The boy becomes inactive and helpless. Even if mom is gone at some point, he will look for a replacement for her.

He is simply not used to solving his problems on his own.

This does not mean that marriage with such a person will be unhappy. A sissy is an ideal option for women who have a heightened maternal instinct.

Such ladies will raise both children and an uninitiated husband, not seeing anything wrong with that.

Strong women also open the hunt for complaisant men. They are used to subordinating to their will and giving instructions, and this is all that a sissy needs.

No war of characters - peace and quiet in the house. In defense of the “good boy”, it can be noted that he will be a caring owner and family man.

True, you periodically need to praise and cheer him up. This is the best motivation for a child, albeit an adult.

Such men are courteous, educated, gallant. In a relationship, the main thing for them is stability and comfort.

Mom raised the "little gentleman" for herself and developed the qualities that she would like to see as a woman.

What if the husband is a sissy?

You can say: “I didn’t marry such a man”, “He wasn’t like that!”.

Admit at least to yourself: there were alarm bells, only you didn’t pay attention to them or went down the aisle with the thought: “Well, I’ll re-educate him!”.

But you didn’t know before that creating a family with a sissy is a serious test. A mother could raise a good son, but he is not suitable for the role of husband, father and head of the family.

Relationship with mother-in-law. Let's be honest: relations with the husband's mother will have to be improved. She has been and will be an authority for your man all her life.

As they say, if the process cannot be stopped, it must be led! Otherwise, regular showdowns will ruin your life, and your husband will rush between two fires, choosing a side.

Do not openly turn a man against his mother, be wiser. Get out of the city on weekends (just the two of you!), travel more often, meet friends, arrange romantic evenings!

If you are a family, you need to do everything together, without involving an expert in the form of a mother-in-law. And one more thing: insist on living separately. Otherwise, it will be extremely difficult to leave later.

Responsibility. Because of the domineering mother, the man simply did not have the opportunity to show character and make commitments.

If you immediately load him up like an ox and make him do everything, the big child will simply run back to his mother.

Accustom him to life gradually. Praise, encourage, so that the husband knows that being the head of the family is not a headache, but pleasant chores.

Every man has pride and self-esteem. It's just that for those who have lived under the wing of their mother for a long time, it is buried deeper.

Your task is to reach out to his male "I". Learned lessons with children? Well done! Did you fix the faucet in the bathroom? A real man! You will achieve more with praise than with reproaches and shouting.

Be feminine. If you want your husband to show masculine qualities, awaken the woman in you. Beautiful, sexy, understanding, gentle ...

A man must want to come home. And there he should be waiting not for a “saw fish”, but for a loving wife.

Look for common interests. Sign up together for dance or yoga, culinary school or extreme driving courses!

The same technique works as with a child: if a man is passionate about something, he will put his interests first. And you will take a stronger place in his heart.

be patient. The male-boy is very sensitive to criticism and reproaches. After all, he was used to a different demeanor of his mother.

Learn to express your dissatisfaction in a calm tone, explain what the man did wrong.

Do not repeat the mistake of many women: do not turn the arrows on his mother and the flaws in his upbringing. A sissy will not forgive such an insult.

Do not be silent. Do you know why a man leaves your borscht half-eaten and rushes to his mother on demand? Because this woman has set her requirements, and you have not.

If you did not even raise this topic and did not express your dissatisfaction, then how will a man know that this is unpleasant for you?

He's not a telepath. He is just a boy who has lived according to his mother's system since childhood.

Discuss the rules of family life "on the beach." Your companion should know that a wife requires no less attention and respect than a mother.

The needs of the family must come first. So if your husband left you with the children in the country, because your mother urgently needed to go to the market to buy vegetables, draw conclusions.

Either a man is fully aware that following the prescribed rules is the key to a happy relationship, or you continue to put up with his oddities until you get bored.

Yes, it is more difficult to re-educate an adult man, but it is possible! The main thing is your mutual desire to be together and create a strong family!

If you tried everything, but it didn’t work out to tear the man from your mother’s chest: think about it, do you need such a life partner?

Mama's boy A spoiled, pampered boy or young man. Old men from the reserve garrisons have already appeared in the ranks of the Germans ... and wet-lipped boys - sissies, recruited in haste(N. Tikhonov. Unified combat camp).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


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    SISSY- who is a spineless, indecisive, insecure man. This means that a male person (X) does not make independent decisions, is not adapted to life. Spoken with disapproval or contempt; about 2 ml. with a touch of familiarity... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

    Sissy- mother's (mother's) son spoiled by female education Cf. He was a sissy, he studied a little in the corps, from there she took him back due to poor health, then he lived with her all in the village ... Pisemsky. Forties people. 4, 17.… …

    Sissy- a spoiled child, a pampered boy or a young man. In family education, most likely, such a child was a favorite, everything here revolved around him, his needs and interests. They pleased him, served him, they did hard work for him. ... ... Fundamentals of spiritual culture (encyclopedic dictionary of a teacher)

    Sissy- Razg. Unapproved Spoiled, spoiled child. FSRYA, 468; BTS, 518; SPP 2001, 73 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    Sissy- mother / Menka's daughter 1) Son or daughter, very similar to the mother. 2) Spoiled, pampered boy, young man; spoiled, pampered girl, girl ... Dictionary of many expressions

    mother's (mother's) son- spoiled by female education Cf. He was a sissy, he studied a little in the corps, from there she took him back due to poor health, then he lived with her all in the village ... Pisemsky. Forties people. 4, 17. Cf. Well, Mitrofanushka! you I … Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary

    grandma's heir and mama's son- There are many roads to merit and honor, Grandmother's heir and mother's son, Not in words alone, be a gentleman by the very deed of B.F. Voeikov, to Speransky. Wed The dishonor of the forefathers! I see one thing, That you are a fool, a scoundrel, a noble idler, From the root ... ... Michelson's Big Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary


  • Mama's Boy (DVD), Julie Delpy. The film tells about the workaholic Violetta from the world of fashion, who unexpectedly falls in love with Jean-Rene, a computer scientist. However, Violetta's 19-year-old son, Lolo, is not thrilled about their relationship. Lolo...