How to make money on binary options without risk? Strategies for binary options with low risks. Best Forex and Binary Options Brokers

How to make money on binary options without risk?  Strategies for binary options with low risks.  Best Forex and Binary Options Brokers
How to make money on binary options without risk? Strategies for binary options with low risks. Best Forex and Binary Options Brokers

Binary options are a relatively new type of income in the financial markets. It appeared in 2008, but has already attracted many traders due to its advantages. In fact, binary options are a forecast of events in the financial markets.

For example, if you think that the euro-dollar will rise in the next half hour, you can make money on it.

How to make money on binary options without risk

The first question novice traders ask is something like this: where and from whom to buy binary options?

There are special brokers, with their help, traders buy. The broker plays the role of an exchange for its clients, it is similar to the acquisition of futures, where traders buy contracts or other financial assets from each other through the exchange itself or brokers.

  • Let's take a simple example, how do brokers and traders make money on binary optionswhere do the high interest and money for it come from.

Two traders invest in contracts CALL and PUT (UP and DOWN). Their total investment is 200% . The yield on the contract is, say, 75%. One trader is making money on a contract while another is losing money. As a result, one trader receives 175% (100% is his investment and 75% profit), and 25% takes the broker. A trader whose forecast turned out to be incorrect does not receive nothing.

Of course, this is the ideal situation. In reality, there may be other ratios, including those not in favor of the broker. The fact is that all regulated companies are required to have insurance capital to cover such situations. In addition, often, binary options brokers, like Forex dealers, have their own liquidity providers.

What conclusions can be drawn from all of the above?

First of all, before making money on binary options, you should find only a reliable and licensed broker that will allow you to withdraw profits without any problems. Such a broker uses not only its own capital, but also works with liquidity providers.

If the broker is not regulated by anyone, most often he works at his own peril and risk.

In addition, it is very difficult to call such a broker reliable. Most likely, in any difficult situation, such a company will prefer to engage in fraud. There are a lot of cases when unregulated brokers deceived their clients. Therefore, if you do not want to become a victim of another rogue, carefully choose a company.

How to make money on binary options for a beginner?

See interesting and visual video how to make money in the binary options market:

If you are interested in binary options, one of the main things you pay attention to is how to earn. Immediately, we note that this requires a systematic approach. Without it, getting a stable profit in the financial markets will not work.

What does it mean by consistency? First, it is about the trading strategy. It is needed in order to receive signals from the market and act on them. Strategies are different - simple and complex, indicator andnon-indicator, fundamental and technical. It makes no sense to dwell on them in detail in this article, since there are a lot of strategies, all of them are described in a separate section. And yet, we will tell you something about strategies.

  • In fact, a strategy is a specific sequence of actions that you just have to constantly repeat, for example, if the indicators enter the overbought zone at the same time, you buy an option with a decline forecast (DOWN).

How to make money on binary options without a strategy? Of course, you can earn without a strategy one or two times, maybe three or even four. But that's not the point.

Making money doesn't mean making money.

And this is not a simple exercise in linguistics. Earn means to have a stable surplus of your trading account. This is not possible without a strategy.

How to determine where the price will go?

The only thing to do is to make money with binary options- to determine whether the price will rise or fall at the time of the completion of the transaction. In order to do this, you need to asset analysis. You can use a ready-made strategy, for example, indicators or even just, but you can also analyze the asset according to other criteria.

  • In the column on the right of the site there are companies. On the day of the release of the report, you can read it and immediately understand how the stock will behave in the market.

For example, a company Amazon published a report that talks about sales growth, stable dividend payments and growth plans for the next six months. HowDo you think stocks will rise after such publications? Of course. On the day the report is published, you can safely buy an option with a forecast of an increase in the share price.

In addition, there is another factor on which we earn constantly - this is launch of a new product companies.

Often this was with the release of new iPhone and macbook, or for example, a new model. If we take Apple as an example, then on the day of the start of sales of the new iPhone, people stand in huge queues, in the world it is always a very desired and expected product, on this day the company collects huge revenue, and do you think the value of the company is growing on this day? Of course!

When Tesla first presented its new model, it received pre-orders for 7 years in advance and its current factories could not cope with the orders received, as there were many of them. Of course the stock started to rise.

Events like this are all over the news and provide a huge opportunity for those who are looking to how to make money with binary options.

Risk management so as not to lose money

What else is needed for a stable profit? In addition to the strategy, you should take care of minimizing risks and competent money management. In fact, it sounds quite menacing and seems complicated, but in practice this is not entirely true.

Imagine that you received a salary and you have to live on it for a month. What will you do right away? That's right - distribute it in such a way that your family budget is not in deficit, and you would not have to take out loans in order to "make ends meet." This is money management.

In trading in the financial markets, everything is about the same.

  • Your budget is the amount of the deposit.
  • Your expenses is the amount of funds invested in transactions.

You need to calculate how much money you have and correlate the amount with the number of transactions that you can open. This is the easiest way. If you have, for example, $500 , and the broker offers a minimum investment of $25, then you can open 20 deals and it's better if you invest $100 and can open everything 5 deals.

Of course, this does not mean that they need to be opened at the same time, but this is an indicator of your security, if your trade turns out to be unprofitable, you will still have a large margin in order to get a plus without reducing trading volumes.

Please note that the dynamics of the deposit will be constant. Therefore, you need to recalculate.

The main secret is in you

And finally, we must not forget about psychology. What, you ask. The fact is that a trader is constantly accompanied by various emotions in his work. These are fear and greed, emotions that will force you to open a deal, being 95% sure, not 100%, or emotions that will force you to open a deal with a large amount, which will increase the risks ... There is also fatigue, which can also have a negative impact on results.

It's strange, but many people ask this question - how to make money without investments. Alas, this is a financial market and without money you simply cannot get here. To make a profit, you need to invest something. Binary options are not a virtual market, but a real one, and in financial markets, money is made not out of thin air, but out of money.

Binary options trading example

After we did a little analysis of the assets, at the moment we have allocated shares Facebook which, in our opinion, should grow up in price. To buy an option, we recommend only reliable and regulated brokers. We work with just such a broker -. A lot of problems with delays, delays and so on can be avoided here.

So, choose an asset:

We then indicated trade closing time at 21:35 — after 10 minutes. It remains to enter the amount and click the button UPshare price growth forecast:

If at the time of closing the option, the stock price is higher than at the time of purchase, we will receive 70% of the profit.

10 minutes flew by quickly:

As you can see from the graph, Facebook continued its growth on the stock exchange, with an investment of $40 we returned $68, of which $28 is net income:

The key to the well-being of any trader is a simple but effective formula for how to make money on binary options, where:

Success = a quality broker + having a strategy + the ability to manage risks and capital - emotions.

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There is an opinion that there are no options without risk. And yes, it's true. Even the most advanced and precise strategy does not give a 100% guarantee of success. And if someone says otherwise, the person is clearly not in the know or just wants to deceive you. This is due to the fact that even the most “fashionable” indicators in their forecasts rely on what has already happened. Well, they don’t know how to predict the future, that’s such a misfortune ...

Another thing is that it is possible to significantly reduce risks, to minimize them. This can be done both with the help of a special trading strategy, and banal self-control. Let's take a look at both methods in this article.

How to make money on options without risk?

It is not difficult to make money, but you need to determine for yourself what the trade will be based on. The easiest and most accessible option for everyone is trading on the news. But without analysis, which is inaccessible to beginners, but purely due to statistics.

The essence of trading is very simple:

  1. We register on the website of the innovative IT company Olymp Trade using the form on the right.
  2. We go to the trading platform.
  3. Open the "Analytics" section.
  4. We go to the item "Economic calendar".
  5. See when the next news comes out.
  6. 15 minutes before the exit, we open two contracts for the same amount for an increase and a decrease for a period of 1 hour.
  7. We are waiting for the release of the news.
  8. After the exit, we wait 15 minutes until the market calms down.
  9. We close a clearly unprofitable transaction, losing about 50% of investments.
  10. We are waiting for the end of the contract.
  11. We get profit. The difference between it and the lost 50% will be net income.

You need to work only and exclusively with those assets, the profitability of which will be above 50%. It is best not to trade those that have a profitability of less than 80%. And it is very important that they are somehow connected with the news. For example, if there is an EU icon next to the news, then you need to focus on the euro and so on.

Let's take a simple example. Suppose you have invested $2,000 in options. This will allow you to open trades in the amount of $200 each. On average, about 4 news are released per day (sometimes 1, sometimes more than 5, as shown in the screenshot). Since we are waiting for about half the duration of the transaction, we lose about 50% of the amount. It's 100$. But at the same time, we earn about 80% on the asset. And this is already $160. Net profit will be 160-100=60$ per news. On average, there are 4 of them, which means that the income per day will be equal to 60*4=240$.

Such a system does not completely eliminate the risk, because the chart can fall or rise sharply in an hour, but the probability of such events is so insignificant that it can not even be taken into account.

How to minimize risks?

How else can you make money on options without risk or with a minimum of risk?

  • We open contracts only when we are sure of these indicators.
  • We work exclusively with long-term transactions, since in short-term transactions, market noise is of great importance, which cannot be predicted in principle.
  • We trade only on the platforms of trusted companies, such as Olymp Trade.
  • We control our own money. We do not open deals for more than 10% of the deposit amount.
  • We put a limit on the number of contracts per day. For example, 4 pieces. And we no longer trade, no matter how much we would like to.
  • If you are not sure about at least some trifle, we wait, but we do not trade. You may miss a profitable contract, but with the same degree of probability you will not lose money due to a mistake. As you gain experience, you will be able to independently predict how the chart will behave in the future.


There is always an opportunity to reduce the risk of losing money, you just need to follow the rules and take into account the tips above. If everything is done correctly, then losing yours will be very difficult.

Let's say right away that earning decent sums of money on binary options without risk traders fail. After all, the BO market, like Forex, involves high risks, which can lose invested funds if the wrong approach is taken.

In this article, we will give a simple risk free binary options strategy or, to be precise, to minimize these very risks.

You should not think that professional binary market players constantly increase their deposits without losing. We emphasize once again that trading on BO is associated with high risks of losing cash injections. But in this article, we will introduce one profitable trading system. If you do not violate its rules, the speculator can daily increase the size of his depot. So, be sure to read this material to the end, it will be interesting.

Main Rules of Capital Control

Insuring transactions against losses is the same reality as buying an insurance policy for your car, real estate or insuring your life.

In the language of traders, this safety option for transactions is called hedging. And to do this is quite easy, the main thing is not to violate certain rules for the safety of investments.

Few beginners know what money management is. Translated from English, this is money management. This is a universal trading system that allows you to answer the question: ? Naturally, it is impossible to make money without risks. They will definitely be, unless, of course, we are talking about trading binary options on.

Indeed, on virtual accounts you can earn not real dollars, rubles or euros, but virtual conventional units, without risking a single cent. This makes sense if you are testing a trading strategy or want to conduct a high-quality technical analysis and make several transactions on BO.

How to make money on binary options without risk: a step by step guide

We emphasize that this is a small set of measures that involves acting according to such a plan:

  1. We assess the situation.
  2. We diversify risks.
  3. The golden mean in terms of the number of transactions.
  4. Unwavering money management.
  5. Failure protection.

Below we briefly review each item. This will allow you to trade binary options without risk or reduce them to minimum values.

Assessing the situation

It is necessary to consider the opening of certain positions only after a technical analysis of the financial asset that is being considered. Based on the results of the technical analysis, high-quality trading signals should be formed.

Thus, the trader has the right to conclude transactions on those assets on which clear trading signals were received. Otherwise, the probability of getting losing trades increases in the event of an unexpected trend reversal.

We diversify risks

We all know the adage “don't put all your eggs in one basket”. This rule is known to experienced binaries who are aware how to make money on binary options without risk.

Interpreting this into trading language, it is better to make 5 trades of $2 each than 1 trade of $10. By the way, this is how much the minimum deposit with a broker is. This is what risk diversification is all about.

The golden mean in terms of the number of transactions

The more open trades according to an effective trading strategy, the more potential income a trader can receive. Beginners with this approach will be able to quickly develop the skills of a real speculator. Experienced traders have been trading according to this scheme for a long time. What exactly we want to say, read below.

It is best to make deals with short-term expiration on different currency pairs. At the same time, it is recommended not to tempt fate and open no more than a dozen trading contracts.

If everything is done correctly, then the trader will definitely make a profit, since according to statistics, approximately 60% of transactions will be profitable, and the remaining 40% will be unprofitable.

Unwavering money management

Remember, you should not invest half of your deposit in one transaction. Any risk free binary options strategy involves an investment of no more than 2-3% of the deposit. For example, the initial deposit of a trader is $1000, then he can use 20-30 US dollars in one transaction.

Working on such tactics for anyone, their own risks will always be under control.

Failure Protection

You can activate protection against unsuccessful trading positions in several ways:

  • through early closing of transactions;
  • using the Martingale system.

In the first case, when the brokerage house makes it possible to cancel the option early, the trader loses some part of the investment (50-70% on average).

In the second case, when a trader correctly uses the Martingale rules, it is possible not only to level the losses on previous transactions, but also to earn a little on top.

We are sure that if you remember to apply these recommendations, then there will be no need to search for answers to the question: how to make money on binary options without risk? After all, by applying the hedging rules, any trader will be able to increase the number of profitable contracts to at least 60 percent.

At the same time, remember that binary options trading is not only a gain, but also a loss that will interfere with an adequate assessment of the market situation. But any losses can be minimized. This is where the skill of the speculator lies.

Strategy ladder for binary options without risk

It's time to move from theory to practice. Below we will give you a profitable trading strategy "Ladder" for binary options without risk. We emphasize again that it will not be used at all without risk. It will be there as a surprise factor. After all, many factors influence the currency. But most of them are foreseeable, perhaps thereby reducing this percentage of surprise.

Important: the "Ladder" strategy on BO will be used in conjunction with the Martingale system as part of the broker's trading platform.

If you do not rush and do everything according to the rules, taking into account all the recommendations for hedging trading positions, in particular “Martin”, you will be able to strategies "Ladder" for binary options without risk earn consistently.

But most experienced speculators will think that the Martingale will not lead to anything good. After all, sooner or later he will merge any deposit. We hasten to reassure you, this is not the case if you use it on the “Ladder” trading strategy.

The essence of the trading system

Most importantly, we ignore flat price areas. After all, the essence of this trading strategy is to conclude transactions in the direction of closing the signal candle.

There are various subspecies of the TS “Ladder”. We will tell you about the most profitable version in our opinion.

In the case when we observe the closing of the current candle for a fall, and the next candle has pierced its minimum price, in this case it is recommended to immediately open a PUT (“Down”) transaction. The expiration time is 5 minutes or one temporary candle with the M5 timeframe used.

If there is a closing of a bullish (growing) candle, then we watch the next candle. In the event that it breaks the maximum of the previous candle, you can buy a CALL contract (“Higher”).

In the trading platform, it looks like this:

Note that we did not have time to conclude the “Above” deal in time. However, the contract turned out to be a winning one.

Optimization of the Staircase Strategy

It is clear that there will be unprofitable contracts. This is experienced by absolutely any binary speculator. This particular strategy binary options without risk afraid of flat areas. You can track them through certain indicators. Therefore, we advise you to set the MACD with standard settings. When the lines are very close to zero, we refrain from trading.

This TS will work perfectly on any highly volatile currency pairs, including the CRYPTO IDX asset. Trading hours: 10:00 to 20:00 from Monday to Friday. Although even weekends, the broker provides a unique opportunity to earn on cryptocurrency fluctuations.


Above we have tried to explain how to make money on binary options without risk? As part of a real account, this is unrealistic. However, with the correct use of money management rules and the step-by-step instructions given above, you can earn a lot of money on BO using the “Ladder” strategy.

The main rule: do not be greedy! Decide for yourself: how many profitable contracts per day you will conclude. We recommend no more than 5 pieces. Try to analyze the market using trading signals of the consolidated technical analysis on the Investing service. Track only important signals (“Actively sell / buy”) on at least three time charts, and enter into transactions only in their direction.

Practice for a few days on a broker's demo account and start earning real money.

Binomo company - the main list of services and conditions of the broker

  • Website:
  • Trading license– CROFR
  • State of incorporation of the company- Republic of Cyprus
  • Initial bet volume– 1USD
  • Starting account amount— 10USD
  • Trading terminal broker a - a specialized proprietary platform
  • Binary options training– free systematic approach
  • financial analytics- there is
  • Trading assets– 80 positions
  • Expiration- minutes to days
  • Profitability of rates– up to 90%
  • Bonuses– 100% for account replenishment, tournaments, promotions
  • Payment services– VISA, Sberbank-online, Neteller, QIWI, MasterCard, Union Pay, Alfa-click, WebMoney, YandexMoney.

Big profits for you!

Options are a kind of financial instrument that allows you to bring an excellent profit to a stock player. However, it is worth remembering that stock trading can be as profitable as it is unprofitable. Often companies are interested in doing everything to make a trader crash during trading. That is why we will help you figure out how to make money without financial risks.

What is "risk" for you?

We often hear the saying "He who does not take risks does not drink champagne." For professionals in the stock market, this saying is ridiculous. The thing is that options trading must calculate all the risks, the trading methodology must clearly follow the conditions for managing a trading account. An exchange player should not exceed the risk by more than 2% of the size of his depot in any of the transactions he concludes.

Why such strict rules? Moreover, asset quotes tend to move in unpredictable directions. Despite the fact that you can get 10 profitable trades in a row, you can also easily get 5 trading positions in a row at a loss (regardless of the choice of trading tactics). If you overestimate

the amount of the bet, then you can go at a loss or, at best, give away everything that you have earned earlier.

Therefore b Inary options without risk need to comply with the conditions of risk management: do not exceed the rate by more than 2% of the amount of your trading account. Violate this condition - you will lose profit and incur losses! There is no other choice!

Earnings on binary options without risk as a result of choosing a company for trading

After we have analyzed the main condition of risk management: “the size of a trading position should not exceed more than 2% of the amount of your deposit”, let's move on to choosing the right company. It is worth noting that many companies allow trading with a minimum transaction of $20-$25. Therefore, the trading account of the exchange player must be at the same time 2000 dollars, according to the basic rule of deposit management. Agree that not everyone, especially a novice trader, can have such an amount on his account? It often happens that a stock player bets at least $200 with a risk of 10%, and naturally receives losses.

How to make money on binary options without risk? This can be done by choosing a reliable company! As an example, we suggest you consider the Binomo trading platform. Binomo has the following 2 main advantages:

  1. the minimum bet is $1
  2. the transaction size does not exceed 2% of the deposit size

After all, it would be more efficient to put $50 into your account and start making a profit on binary options, according to the basic conditions of risk management, rather than investing larger amounts in trading and losing? There is no doubt about it! Only if you follow the rules of account management, you can get a good profit. This is what traders who want to discover binary options without risk do.

In addition to all of the above, an important factor for choosing a company is the choice of a trading terminal. Binomo has one of the most high-tech terminals on the exchange market, surpassing many competing brokers in terms of its parameters. Its advantages are the following:

  1. instant speed of conclusion of trading positions
  2. no slippage
  3. informative quotes window

Is it important to choose the right trading terminal? If we take into account that in 30-35% of concluded transactions the result of trading depends on the choice of the terminal for trading, then the conclusion from here is in its favor. Choosing an efficient terminal is the way to a good profit. Is it possible to earn money without risk on binary options? The answer is similar to the previous one - choose a trading company with a high-tech terminal! However, please note that since options are financial instruments, it is not possible to completely avoid risks. But it is possible to significantly reduce financial risks with the right choice of a trading terminal and the company providing it.

Studying the question how to make money with binary options for a beginner without risk, you can give an unequivocal answer - no way! Managers and intrusive advertising will argue that trading is a trifling matter and everyone who replenishes the deposit will start rowing money with a shovel. You can regularly get a stable profit when trading binary options, but it is available only to professionals who have thoroughly studied the market. Of course, this is a chance, but there are only a few successful traders, as in any other business. Having lowered the degree of expectations, we will analyze the issue in detail and dot the “i”.

The principle of trading binary options is to compile a short-term or medium-term analysis of the price movement within the limits of the expiration time. The trader is given a price chart, a variety of trading instruments and the ability to buy up and down options.

Having opened an online chart for any currency pair, having analyzed the situation on the market, the trader makes a bet on the direction of price movement for the next quarter of an hour. If the forecast is justified, then the profit from the transaction can reach 90%, and if not, the broker will write off the investment amount from the account. To regularly be in the black when trading binary options, you need to methodically make a profit day after day for many months.

Open an online chart and carefully study it, having studied useful information and watching video reviews that talk about the available tools and the specifics of binary trading. The trader who will correctly predict the movement of stock prices, raw materials and currency pairs will be able to win regularly. By choosing any instrument, start predicting where the price will move within 30 minutes. To buy binary options, you need to use a pair of “up” and “down” buttons, along the way choosing the expiration time, which determines the period of transaction activity. Brokers allow you to limit risks by independently determining the amount of funds returned to the user's deposit in case of an unsuccessful forecast.

Attention! If a trader uses this option, he will reduce the percentage of profitability on the transaction, so you need to think about how relevant this is in a particular case.

You can win regularly and consistently by trading according to a proven system that allows you to make a profit in at least 60% of cases. You will need to use indicators effectively, be extremely disciplined and resist panic attacks that occur when closing trades unsuccessfully. It is important to understand that this is a job, not a game in a casino, and excitement has no place here. The result in binary options trading brings technical analysis and iron endurance, and not a blind chance or a lucky coincidence. To understand how to learn how to make money on binary without risk, you will have to master a new profession and take the matter seriously.

Taking the first steps in the world of trading

When discovering the world of stock speculation, pay attention to the following key aspects:

  • passing the registration procedure with a trusted broker;
  • study of online graphics tools;
  • study of a simple and accessible strategy, previously tested on a demo account;
  • make your first trade using the real money chart and make a profit.

Choosing a broker

Before you start trading, you need to register with the broker on the official website, where a personal account is located, a trading platform with a live chart, personal data uploaded during the verification procedure. The market has been overheated for a long time, but beginners from the whole variety of brokers need to choose an office that has passed the licensing procedure and allows trading with minimal investment.

The most popular in the trading environment are the following brokers, which allow you to start trading with a deposit of $10 or less:

Brokerage Min. deposit Min. bid Bonus Demo Account License
Binomo 10$ 1$ Up to 100% Yes CROFR
FinMax 100$ 5$ Up to 150% Yes CROFR
Migesco 5$ 1$ Up to 110% Yes CROFR
Binarium 9$ 1$ Up to 60% Yes CROFR
24option 200$ 24$ Up to 100% Yes IFSC

Having studied the rating of brokers, you can understand which one is better and proceed to the registration procedure. If you plan to really receive money, and not just have fun, then feel free to indicate real personal data. Write your real last name with your first name, phone number and bank card details, otherwise the broker will not transfer money to you.

After completing the registration procedure, deposit the amount of funds using an electronic payment system or an international bank card. Replenishment of the account is possible in dollar or ruble equivalent, in addition, some brokers allow you to choose the account currency, offering, in addition to the announced options, to trade in euros. Some brokers offer no deposit bonuses that make it possible to make money on binary without investments and unnecessary risks with your own money.

Important! You will receive money in the same way that you replenished your account and nothing else.

Confident users are invited to get a VIP status, which allows them to count on a large bonus, withdrawal of funds in the shortest possible time, personal training and the help of a personal manager and risk-free transactions. Initially, beginners should not deposit large amounts. It is enough to limit yourself to a deposit of $ 100, which is enough for trading, in compliance with money management (MM) with minimizing risks.

According to the basic postulate of MM, it is impossible to open positions in the amount of more than 5% of the existing deposit when trading binary options. Only people with at least $100 in their account can open trades with a volume of $5. Having replenished your account with a broker, do not rush to act, because you need to work according to the methodology, and for this you need to set up a chart and apply indicators. Trading will be conducted on weekdays, and on weekends some brokers offer over-the-counter trading - OTC, conducted without access to the interbank market.

Setting up charts and using indicators

Not all binary options brokers provide convenient trading platforms with the necessary tools. Therefore, it is recommended to use independent live charts or the Meta Trader 4 terminal, which has unlimited possibilities for market analysis. It is on this chart that the main work will be carried out, while positions are only being opened on the brokerage platform. You need to open several tabs with trading instruments on the chart.

Here, indicators are superimposed on the chart, the time frame and the type of price display are set:

  • zone chart;
  • line chart;
  • candle chart;
  • bars.

You can keep both charts open on the PC screen or periodically switch them to open positions.

A simple strategy for beginners "guru"

Schemes that allow you to trade options profitably are the basis that determines the success of the entire enterprise. The Internet is full of strategies promising effective trading, but professionals develop their own methods. Novice users are far from such peaks, but they want money right now, so we will use the simplest indicator that allows us to analyze the market. The simplest method of trading binary options is to find the instrument where the price movement on the chart is at the peak or has reached the bottom.

It will be possible to win by catching a reversal and opening a deal for a correction, due to a number of objective factors associated with closing unprofitable positions, fixing profits in the Forex market. The Ultimate Oscillator indicator, installed on the chart and determining whether the market is oversold or overbought, will help with this. The indicator consists of a pair of moving average lines, signaling the moment when it's time to open a position. The crossing of the 80% level by the lines in the indicator window indicates overbought, so it is worth buying a binary option "down". When the lines go beyond the 20% mark, the market is oversold, and you need to buy an up option. Such a step-by-step instruction gives a primitive idea of ​​the market situation, and it will be possible to increase profitability only by applying technical analysis with the installation of support and resistance lines.

It is not enough just to determine the direction of the correction, it is necessary to indicate in what period of time the price will fall or rise. Indeed, after the completion of the corrective movement, the trend on the chart will resume, and this is fraught with unpleasant consequences. Beginners are advised to trade with an expiration time of 15 - 60 minutes when the signals are stable and there is no market noise. There is no need to rush to switch to trading turbo options with an execution time of 60 seconds.

Opening the first deal

The mechanism for entering a position when working with binary options at a broker is extremely simple and consists in pressing one of the buttons - “up” or “down”. External simplicity and the ability to win with one click leads to the loss of money for most users. Just one click can give a profit of 80%, but there are many pitfalls and when opening a position, you need to think not only about how much money you can get, but also what are the risks.


Assessing the thesis about whether it is realistic to work in plus from scratch, we can summarize that this is quite achievable, but extremely difficult to achieve and only a few will achieve such a result. The main problem for beginners is high expectations and misplaced priorities. It is necessary to tune in to long-term training by studying the fundamental works of trading gurus that describe classical technical analysis, wave theory and its application on charts, and candlestick configurations. There are fundamental factors associated with the publication of economic statistics and political events that affect exchange rates, the cost of raw materials and shares. Successfully trading and regularly making money on the charts will be possible for people with iron restraint and who have compiled the correct algorithm of actions, which must be transferred to paper.

The final summary of working on binary options is in the following aspects:

  • reliable broker - check the availability of a European and Russian certificate, make sure the platform and charts are convenient, the availability of account replenishment and withdrawal of funds;
  • an effective strategy - profit in at least 60 out of 100 transactions, will allow you to slowly but surely move forward. Initially test it on a demo account for a few weeks.
  • money management - an attempt to get a large amount of funds at once will lead to the loss of a large part of the deposit, open positions systematically.

The transition from binary trading on demo accounts to the risk of real money is associated with psychological pressure. Expecting $1,000,000 in the first week of trading will result in the loss of your deposit in 99% of cases. A sober assessment of the situation will help you earn consistently, provided that you complete full training and gain practical skills in binary options trading. Choose the tactics of small steps and be sure to succeed.

Answers to popular questions

It is logical that earnings on binary options raises many questions. I want to know if this is reality or myth. Consider the most pressing questions and real answers to them.

Real examples of how much traders earn

Everyone wants to know how much to really get on binary trading, but there is no definite answer. Everything directly depends on you. If you want to become a successful trader, there is no cap on your income. Just keep in mind that you will need to work hard to start earning. Decide which strategy you will trade with. Familiarize yourself with all the indicators and understand which ones are best to combine. This point depends on the psychology of the trader. Determine the best time to trade, suitable expiration dates and more.

How much do traders actually earn? Successful bidders have large profits. Well, the losers just drain the deposit and go into the sunset. Brokers offer benefits of up to 90% on a single option.

But remember that you should not indulge in large deposits and bets. Those traders who have a platinum account can afford it. It is easier to calculate your strategy in relation to binary options in advance. If you gain experience, you can get a good salary increase in a couple of minutes. And some even go to work from home.

You already know that many brokers offer a very high entry threshold. And this is absolutely normal. For example, in Forex there are brokers who offer cooperation if you have $20,000. Options are the best solution for you. You should pay attention to those brokers who offer to start cooperation from $1.

Real account or demo account

Even during the registration process, you can decide which account you want to open: demo or real. Of course, it is desirable to immediately start binary trading from a real account at minimum rates. Are you wondering why? And the fact is that in binary options psychology is 80% of success. Know that indicators, charts and various strategies will not help as much as psychology.

The demo account only allows you to get acquainted with the interface. But remember that to get to know the interface, you can just look at screenshots or videos. And it is unlikely that you will be able to get confused in two buttons.

In general, keep in mind that many very, very successful traders work with only one indicator or even without them on a regular chart. Of course, it took them a couple of years to achieve this. We can safely say that everything depends on you. Practice shows that many beginners make good money on a demo account (up to 20 thousand per day). But as soon as they start trading for real money, they immediately drain all the funds.

I just want to know what's the matter? And the thing is that it is impossible to learn how to trade on a demo account. And when trading with real money, you will know that you can lose them, so you will trade carefully. You will carefully open trades and will not open them at any convenient (in your opinion) case. On a real account you can learn how to trade, but on a demo account you will not learn anything.

Divorce and scam?

In our country, the phrase is very popular: divorce or not. Binary trading is betting on price up or down. If we talk about cheating, then it lies in the fact that brokers do not warn beginners that they need to study a lot before making a deposit. Beginners, not having basic knowledge, technical analysis and otherwise, climb into trading and drain the entire deposit.

Then they want to find the guilty ones. This is the most interesting, because someone else is always to blame, but not the beginner himself. And that's where the bad reviews begin:

  • blaming brokers;
  • dollar charge;
  • foreign exchange charges.

It turns out that everyone is to blame, but not the trader himself. These are the losers then move to the casino. They start playing and believe that they will win. But only they forget that binary options are trading, not a game.

You need to study a lot in order to achieve a high result. And understand that it is not scary if you lose the entire first deposit. After that, you can not give up, you need to put twice as much effort.

But many, having drained the deposit, begin to accuse the broker of being to blame for all the troubles. And this broker has many successful traders who regularly earn decent amounts of money. They withdraw these funds without any problems. And all the losers do is keep whining.

Loss of the entire deposit - what to do if this happens

It is impossible to immediately start trading in plus on binary options, while leaving the main job. Some merge the entire deposit several times. Please note that you should not put $5,000 into a real account and immediately put it on an option. You can lose everything at once, so it is better to start with small amounts. And so and so, you will still lose your money at first. Everyone drains deposits at the beginning, this cannot be avoided. So start with small bets. You need to develop a strategy that will generate income - this is your first goal.

This is the main difference between a successful trader gaining experience and a half-educated trader jumping back and forth. In the first case, a person works calmly, having no idea about excitement. And in the second case, everything ends with a leak and angry comments about BO.

You need to learn to be patient and accept defeat normally. You need to analyze failures, then you will not have to deal with such experiences often. Tell yourself honestly, will something irreparable happen to you if you lose 10-15$? Not? Then you can safely start your way forward by trading on a real account. If you don't give up, everything will be fine. After all, the success of transactions reaches 80%. And whiners will always remain whiners, they will complain about everyone, but they will not be in the black.

Will the broker return the earned money?

There are brokers who honestly fulfill their obligations. But there are many scammers in this area. You can check out the blacklist to be on the safe side. Choose only reliable companies. Such companies have a good reputation and have been active in the market for many years. Forget about ads that entice you to try something new. This is a scam and nothing more. Keep in mind that reputable companies do not need advertising.

Withdrawing funds is a standard procedure for any broker. Only for its implementation will need your passport data.

Don't worry about it. It's just that a broker cannot transfer funds left and right. Yes, and having such data, no one will be able to issue a loan for you. Don't worry! Now you know the answers to important questions. Draw the right conclusions. It all depends on you and on your desire - develop and do not stand still.

Best Forex and Binary Options Brokers

Broker Founded Regulator Min. deposit
Alpari (Forex) 1998 CySEC, CBR, FinaCom 1 USD
24Option (Forex, CFDs) 2010 IFSC 200 USD
Migesco (Binary Options) 2012 CROFR 5 USD
InstaForex (Forex) 2007 CySEC, CBR 1 USD
Binarium (Binary options) 2014 CROFR, CySEC 9USD
FxPro (Forex) 2006 FCA, CySEC 1 USD
Binomo (Binary Options) 2014 CROFR 10 USD
Forex Club (Forex) 1999 CySEC, CBR 1 USD
FinMax (Binary Options) 2016 CROFR 100 USD
Grand Capital (Forex) 2007 FinaCom 10 USD