How to tell children about space: pictures, cartoons and descriptions. How to draw space: finalists of the competition and a step-by-step master class Children's drawings on a space theme

How to tell children about space: pictures, cartoons and descriptions.  How to draw space: finalists of the competition and a step-by-step master class Children's drawings on a space theme
How to tell children about space: pictures, cartoons and descriptions. How to draw space: finalists of the competition and a step-by-step master class Children's drawings on a space theme

Many thanks to them for that! Well, I just have to repost their notes))

Original taken from shatlburan in How children see space

Today the whole world is celebrating the anniversary of the beginning of human exploration of a fundamentally new essence - the Cosmos! On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight for the first time in history and thus opened a new era of mankind.

An exhibition of children's drawings on a space theme has opened in Rostov today: We are descendants of Gagarin. Space relay-Rostov.

It was interesting to see how children imagine space, how they see the space future, what they expect from it and whether they dream of becoming astronauts.

There are many photos from the exhibition under the cut.

Figures can be conditionally divided into several categories. Some were distinguished by the detailing of the technical part of the spacecraft:

(this one is generally done in pastel)

Others reflected the story:

Still others imagined everyday scenes of the cosmic future:

Space trains, railway station, spacecraft parking. The shutters on the windows of the train are great!

And here we can see orbital stores: plants and flowers, household appliances, honey. laboratory. I would venture to suggest that small buildings are fast food outlets: shawarma, tasty food, "coffee to go", etc.

Of course, it was not without aliens:

The title of the picture is "Hello friend!" It's nice that the children are in a peaceful mood. The culture of aggression has not yet ruined them. The theme of friendship and peaceful coexistence with aliens runs through all the drawings. There are no battle scenes anywhere.

Subtle humor and good imagination. Everything is perfect here!

Catching the stars

Attractions attached to the rings of Saturn.

Flying saucer with wheels!

Only NEVZ launched its space electric locomotive :)

Nebulae and landscapes:

And some just liked:

The ship and one spacesuit are made of foil.

A total of 152 drawings from 15 educational institutions of Rostov and the region are at the exhibition. There are many interesting works. The exhibition will be held from 12 to 20 April at the Rostov House of Creativity for Children and Youth (former Palace of Pioneers, Sadovaya, 53-55). Free admission.

The exhibition is important in that it actualizes the theme of space as such. Children fantasize and draw interesting stories. But it's sad that they stopped dreaming about space - to the question "who do you want to become?" none of the authors of the drawings answered "cosmonaut". Football player, lawyer, businessman ... Meanwhile, man and Humanity have a much higher purpose than business and football. It is necessary by all means to kindle the thirst for the expansion of space, to convey the value of this path. And the more active the space theme will sound on the agenda, the more chances we, earthlings, will have to return to the path of development and achieve outstanding results on a universal scale!

Happy Cosmonautics Day everyone!

Original taken from kopninantonbuf in Space dreams of Don schoolchildren

An exhibition of children's drawings dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned flight into space has opened today in Rostov-on-Don at the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth.

Children drew drawings, wrote stories within the framework of the All-Russian competition "We are descendants of Gagarin - the space relay race", which is conducted by the public organization for the protection of the family "Parent All-Russian Resistance" in conjunction with the public movement "The Essence of Time".

The exhibition presents more than 150 works made by students from 20 educational institutions of Rostov-on-Don, Shakht, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Novocherkassk, as well as eleven stories (they can be read in the VK group dedicated to the exhibition.

| Space. Drawing classes, space drawings

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Library of images "MAAM-pictures"

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Purpose: To consolidate the initial understanding of children about space. Repeat words: space, planets, stars, rocket, astronaut, sun. Material: Illustrations: planets, the starry sky, an astronaut, gouache (yellow, white, red, album sheets, brushes, Luntik's toy. Course of the lesson: ...

Cosmonautics Day and the anniversary of the first manned flight into outer space are an excellent reason to draw a bright and colorful thematic drawing with pencils or paints together with the guys. An alluring ink-blue distance, fiery comets, multi-colored planets and placers of shining stars ... All this can usually be depicted with a brush with watercolors. And then, decorate a school exhibition or a children's corner in the house with fantastic illustrations. For more information on how to draw a simple or complex drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, see our step-by-step master classes.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages - a master class for the little ones

The first orbital flight of a spacecraft with a man (Yuri Gagarin) on board was completed half a century ago. Since then, a triumphant march of astronautics and aviation began, a series of successful launches of lunar rovers, satellites, rockets, stations and vehicles. Do not forget to tell the little ones about this, drawing a collectively simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in our master class.

Necessary materials for creating a children's pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day

  • album sheet
  • soft pencil
  • eraser
  • colored pencils or markers

Step-by-step instructions for the smallest children on creating a drawing for Cosmonautics Day

Phased drawing "Cosmonaut" for children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) for the Day of Cosmonautics

Celebrating the Day of Cosmonautics, humanity not only rejoices at the acceleration of technical progress, but also honors the memory of all who worked and are working on complex theory and "transcendental" practice. The step-by-step drawing "Cosmonaut" for Cosmonautics Day will help children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 to more clearly understand what kind of heroes they are, conquering space.

Necessary materials for the step-by-step drawing "Cosmonaut" for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

  • sheet of white landscape paper
  • soft-tip pencil
  • leaf

Step-by-step instructions for creating a drawing "Cosmonaut" for children for the Day of Cosmonautics

Beautiful drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

Space has always attracted the attention of children. Its blue depth, thousands of bright lights, myriads of stars and dangerous comets with fiery tails seem to boys and girls something magical, fabulous, incredible. Taking this opportunity, teach schoolchildren to paint space with a brush with paints for the Day of Cosmonautics. Surely they will like such an occupation.

Necessary materials for a bright drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush and paints

  • half of whatman paper
  • pencil
  • eraser
  • thin and thick brushes
  • watercolor paints
  • a glass of water
  • Toothbrush
  • gouache white

Master class on creating a beautiful drawing with paints and a brush for Cosmonautics Day

The space theme is extremely entertaining for children. Since preschool age, children have been trying to draw bright rockets, comets, planets and so on with a pencil and paints. Sometimes they are happy with the result, but more often they are saddened by the failure. Don't stay out of the way. Teach children (grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7) to draw a drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages using our step-by-step instructions.

Every year in early April, schoolchildren are introduced to such a Russian holiday as Cosmonautics Day. This date is famous for the first manned flight into space. To make it more interesting for children to study this topic, contests for the best drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics are usually held. " What to draw by April 12? " - this question interests many parents and their children.

I have collected for you a bunch of interesting and modern ideas for drawings that children of different ages, from elementary grades to seniors, can repeat. Some ideas are accompanied by step-by-step tutorials. Hope you find for yourself

What can you draw for Cosmonautics Day?


How to draw an astronaut in four different versions you will find in.


There are a great many lessons on drawing space on the Internet, there are both step-by-step photo tutorials and videos. Most often, when drawing space, watercolor is used, because it is translucent and easy to mix.

I like the videos on the channel TILLITH... She has a whole playlist of how to draw space.

Here is one of her videos:

There is also a step by step on my site.


In a recent tutorial, I showed:


I found how to draw an artificial satellite with colored pencils on the website


It's easy to draw a planet, but it always looks epic, especially if it is beautifully painted.

Below is a step by step tutorial how to draw a planet like Saturn.

Step 1

First, draw a nice and large circle to illustrate the volume of the planet. Leave some space on each side to draw the rings later.

Step 2

Now for the rings: draw a long and thin oval shape in the center of the circle. You can tilt this shape (almost at a 45 degree angle) to make the planet look more attractive.

Step 3

Now transform the oval shape into a nice and sharp ring. Gently erase the excess lines.

Step 4

Then add some lines on the planet to create different streaks of gas. You can also add a couple more rings.

Step 5

Use several shades of orange and yellow. The combination of these colors will make the planet look more realistic.

Step 6

The last step is to add shadows: one on the right side, one below the ring, and one behind the planet on the right side of the rings.

A beautiful, colorful and voluminous planet drawn in just six simple steps is ready!

Orbital station

You will find a lesson on drawing a station.

The galaxy

Space doodles

This direction in drawing arose not so long ago and now it is megapopular. Verbatim doodle- these are dashes, scribbles, meaningless drawings that are created mechanically, thinking about something else. Drawing space objects in doodle style looks very welcome. Here are some examples that you can easily repeat with a black helium pen. And if you then color the drawing, then you have every chance to take first place in the competition for the best drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics!

Images taken from


Moon with starry sky

I hope that you have found an interesting drawing idea for the Cosmonautics Day. Connect your imagination and you will succeed!

It is much easier for children of all classes to get acquainted with Cosmonautics Day with interesting stories and entertaining creativity. Therefore, students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 should be offered to draw a rocket, an alien saucer or a real astronaut. Cool and beautiful images will help children to invent their own space stories. You can create a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with pencils, paints, brushes. It is important that the child is comfortable working with the materials, and the subject itself is really interesting to him. In these photo and video master classes, you can find detailed descriptions that children will understand.

A simple pencil drawing for Cosmonautics Day in stages - for children of grades 3, 4, 5

Children who are in elementary school or just starting high school find it easier to draw unusual characters with smoothed lines. Such a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children will be within their power and will not cause difficulties when transferring from an example. In addition, they can color it at their own discretion, which does not limit the flight of thoughts and fantasies of schoolchildren. An easy and very interesting drawing for Cosmonautics Day can be drawn with a pencil even by those children who find it difficult to depict people.

Materials for creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for students in grades 3, 4, 5

  • regular pencil of medium soft;
  • eraser;
  • A4 sheet of paper.

Step-by-step master class on creating a simple drawing for Cosmonautics Day for children

Cool drawing with a brush and paints for Cosmonautics Day - for children of grades 5, 6, 7

A cheerful astronaut is more suitable for the image of a toddler, high school children will more like drawing for Astronautics Day with paints in the form of a rocket. They will be able to color the aircraft itself, the fire, and the surrounding space in different ways. If you wish, you can supplement the picture with remote silhouettes of planets. It is not difficult to paint such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with a brush, but it is better to use watercolor: it lays down softer and with its help it is easier to achieve smooth color transitions for space.

Materials for creating a cool drawing with paints for Cosmonautics Day for children of grades 5, 6, 7

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil, eraser;
  • set of watercolor paints.

Step-by-step master class on creating a drawing with paints for the Day of Cosmonautics for schoolchildren

Universal drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

The cool rocket will appeal to all students, but there is another drawing that will surely delight the children. A beautiful UFO saucer will be portrayed by children with no less interest and admiration. Such a drawing for Cosmonautics Day in grade 4 will amuse students, but students in grades 6-7 will force them to show their maximum imagination to get a non-standard picture. For example, they can add eye-catching new elements to the Cosmonautics Day drawing step by step. A UFO can carry a cow away or an alien can look out of it. There are many options for finalizing the image, you just need to come up with your own story.

Materials for creating a universal drawing by schoolchildren

  • a sheet of A4 watercolor paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser;
  • a set of paints or crayons for drawing.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a universal drawing for children of grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Video master class on creating a colorful drawing for the Day of Cosmonautics

A cool plate can be depicted in a slightly different way. In the attached video, she also presents an idea for creating a picture with a UFO:

A colorful image on the theme of space will be the best decoration of the office at the school for the Day of Cosmonautics. You can give such a task to children of secondary or elementary school. A similar idea can be used to conduct an image competition among students in grades 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. You can depict a drawing for Cosmonautics Day with paints, brushes, and pencils. Among the proposed photo and video master classes, the most attractive and original ideas are presented, which will be simple for step-by-step execution by all schoolchildren.