How to attract money to the house. Effective methods of attracting wealth

How to attract money to the house.  Effective methods of attracting wealth
How to attract money to the house. Effective methods of attracting wealth

20 most effective and working ways on how to attract money. Checked out, money will start coming from a variety of sources!

How to attract money and have everything you want?

To get started, just imagine ...

Imagine that you managed to attract money, completely retire, provide for yourself and your family for the rest of your life. Now you can only do what you love and not go to work ...

You have a lot of time free for meditation, for loved ones, for relaxation, creativity, pleasant activities. Moreover, you can make the life of your loved ones better and more comfortable. How nice it is to give gifts to people and see their happy faces!

Want to?

Money is the energy of prosperity that everyone needs. But people often complain about the lack of funds.

What does it mean?

And, first of all, this suggests that there is a serious problem in working with the energy of prosperity - such people always have black holes that are present in the aura¹. The energy of wealth flows through these holes.

The energy of money is alive, conscious, and you need to learn how to handle it correctly.

The British say: "If you have little money, throw a spider in your wallet, the spider will make a web that will help you get money very quickly."

Money must be treated with respect!

Money should lie very flat in the wallet, side to side, and should not be wrinkled. From personal experience, I can say that it works and helps to become richer.

How to attract money?

Since ancient times, people have noticed the laws of money² and the ways to attract them. Studying folk wisdom and money signs, you can find many tips on how to quickly attract money into your life. This ancient experience is based on unshakable energy laws.

20 old ways to attract money!

These signs are time-tested for money. They will help you conserve money energy and quickly attract money into your life.

1 money sign:

It is better to take banknotes and coins with the left hand, and give it with the right.

2 money signs:

Do not borrow money on Monday and Sunday, otherwise the borrower will not repay the debt.

3 money signs:

The best day to repay borrowed money is Monday.

4 money sign:

You can pay taxes only in the morning, because if you did it in the evening, you will be left penniless.

5 money sign:

Debt must be repaid first. Try not to borrow money or take out loans - debt destroys the energy of prosperity.

6 money sign:

Never give anything to anyone across the door, especially in the evening or at night.

7 money sign:

Do house cleaning only during the day, otherwise you will be left without money.

8 money sign:

If money falls out of the wallet, you can only take it with your right hand.

9 money sign:

Before entering a new house, throw a coin in front of you, a silver coin is better.

10 money sign:

Always keep a few bills in your home (desk drawer or elsewhere).

11 money sign:

When you give the money, mentally repeat: "Come back to me in a thousandfold size."

12 money sign:

When giving money to someone, do not look the person receiving it in the face.

13 money sign:

Keep a piggy bank or vase in the house and throw in all the metal coins that come to you. Do not count their number. This is your money magnet.

14 money sign:

Don't pick up lost money on the street.

15 money sign:

Buy a money tree.

16 money sign:

Do not bring real estate items to the southwest side of the house.

17 money sign:

If you keep your money at home, keep it in an envelope, wallet or box, preferably red or gold.

18 money signs:

Don't keep empty wallets in your home. Throw at least one coin at them.

19 money signs:

The money that you won in the lottery or casino, try to spend it faster, because it attracts poverty. If you can believe that you deserve wealth, money will find you.

20 money signs:

Psychologists are sure that all people can independently program themselves to attract money. Therefore, if there is no money, then you should not blame anyone other than yourself for this.

And the most important secret on how to attract money!

To tune your mind for a better life - do not complain, do not say that the rich live well and the poor live badly. Repeat to yourself that you are rich in the wealth of the universe.

Avoid any talk about lack of money!

This is the main reason for their lack. Stop listening to bad news. Tell yourself that your material well-being will improve tomorrow, and believe it! Then everything will definitely work out!

2 guaranteed ways to attract money!

In addition to following monetary signs and monetary laws, you need to act.

There are 3 options.

  • You can go to work and get paid.
  • You can open your own business, not depend on anyone and get constant profit.
  • You can make successful bets in lotteries and win 15,000 or more per week.

We will not consider the 1st option, you yourself understand why. Option 2 requires knowledge and investment, but the third ...

By guessing just 3-4 out of 5 numbers, you can regularly receive 15,000 - 50,000 additional income per week!

Alexander Kling

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc. (Wikipedia).

² You will find all the laws of money

Many spend 12 hours a day at work trying to earn more money to support their families. It is not always possible to increase your budget. You can attract luck and money with the help of folk signs passed down from generation to generation.

Money can be raised with the help of popular conspiracies

The knowledge of our ancestors to achieve wealth came to us in the form of rituals and conspiracies. With the help of them, you can interrupt your failure and acquire the long-awaited wealth and well-being.

Thinking about their lack of money and failure, people go through all possible options for a quick way to achieve financial well-being. The power of thought can guide you on the right path. If all attempts are unsuccessful, you can use the recommendations for attracting money and good luck:

  1. Money must be respected.
  2. Believe in the power of the methods used to raise money.
  3. Set the correct goals for the universe. It is important to choose one thing: luck, love, wealth, or others. The work to attract finance requires certainty.

Having decided to ask for help from the Higher Forces, it is important to double your desires. Often, people who have tried their hand at rituals, conspiracies or omens consider them ineffective. There are people who believe that finances and luck will come to the extent that a person really needs them.

Money should be treated with respect

Attraction by feng shui

Feng Shui is a mysterious science that studies the unknown forces of the objects around us. In order for them to bring good luck, you need to monitor their energy. Be guided by the location of the sources of such energy not only in the living room, but also in the closet with clothes or in the bathroom.

To get rich quick, it's best to use strong Feng Shui techniques. You need to create a wealth zone in your home:

  1. You should take a compass and mark the southeast direction in your home. That corner or wall is a zone of wealth.
  2. For it to work and bring good luck, you should purchase a money tree and put it there.
  3. The area of ​​wealth should be supplemented with wooden decorative elements (a toad with a coin in its mouth, etc.).
  4. Water is a symbol of wealth. The best addition to the money zone would be a fish tank.

Everyone can test several oriental signs for themselves. Most of them do not require special expenses. You can buy a talisman in the form of a coin or a pendant with a yin and yang symbol, or you can surround yourself with blue or red things. These colors symbolize success and wealth. Some of them have come down to us since ancient times, which indicates their effectiveness.

Folk omens

Attracting money and good luck depends not only on earnings, but also on the state of personal belongings, as well as on the arrangement of your own home.

  1. You cannot sweep crumbs off the table with your hand.
  2. A hole in a pocket or a torn button leads to poverty.
  3. To get richer, you need to recalculate your savings more often.
  4. You cannot lend on Mondays.

Everyone can use one of the simple tips to make their life more successful.

When money is bypassed, despite the efforts, thoughts of bad luck may arise. Sorcerers are sure that the reason for lack of money often lies in negative energy. Rituals to raise funds will help fix this.

Since ancient times, rituals have been one of the most effective ways to raise funds. Several rituals remain popular in modern society.

Rituals for attracting money were still in ancient times

For luck

You can attract good luck with the help of magic. The most popular way is to use the pin ritual. To carry it out you will need:

  • pin (better new);
  • saucer;
  • salt;
  • sugar;

The ritual is held on the night before a responsible business or an important meeting. Before going to bed, you should prepare all the magic accessories and perform the ritual:

  1. Pour 3 tablespoons of salt, sugar and rice into a saucer.
  2. Unfasten the safety pin and insert it into the pile of salt, sugar and rice, head up.
  3. It is necessary to go to bed with the thought of well-being and good luck in tomorrow's event.

When you wake up, you need to fasten a pin to your clothes, in which a person will go towards his luck. It is not difficult to check the effectiveness of this method. If an important event is held in the best possible way, then the magic method has worked.

For money

If the money goes away quickly, despite the diligence at work, you can use a strong ritual for money. Anyone can do it, regardless of age. The main thing is to believe in the magical power of the action. To carry out the ritual, you will need 7 coins. A magical action is carried out for a young month:

  1. Prepared coins must be clamped in the fist of the right hand.
  2. You should raise your hand and show the coin to the month.
  3. When the palm is open, you need to think about your desire to become rich.
  4. Go home and go to bed with coins under your pillow.

Coins must spend 3 nights in bed, then you need to go to church, buy one candle, which should be completely burned, thinking about wealth.


Some try to raise money through conspiracies. Everyone can attract money luck in such ways. It is necessary to follow the magic instructions in detail in order for it to bring the desired effect. To attract money luck, you should believe in the power of the conspiracy and not tell anyone about your intentions to turn to magic. Wealth will be bypassed if the method of achieving it is made public.

For wealth with rice

The conspiracies of the famous seer Vanga are especially popular. The most popular in magical practice is the conspiracy for money using rice.

Despite its simplicity, this method is one of the most powerful. To find good luck and get the long-awaited wealth, you need to pick up one spoonful of cereal and say the words:

"As God ate porridge, if he did not live in poverty, so I will eat it and from now on I will not live in poverty."

This ceremony can be performed several times. The first changes in financial terms can be felt within a week.

To increase money

Such a conspiracy is often used in order to gain good luck in business. You need to collect all the money together and read the conspiracy over them during the new moon (pronounce three times):

“The little money was lying around - they were tired of lying. They began to call their own. One of their own, two of their own, and on the third day, three of their own came. Yes, more and more each time. Amen".

If everything was done correctly, the person will get what they want in a few weeks.

Money loves order

The people believe that funds are found where it is always clean. Money loves order, so it's important to organize it. If there are many unnecessary things in the rooms, you should get rid of them. It will be possible to attract funds to your home if there is order in every room.

Having decided to beckon money, cleaning should be done only during daylight hours. At night, such exercises will not be effective. The energy of wealth is present only in those houses and apartments where more light comes from the windows. Do not hang blackout curtains or blinds near windows.

To attract money to your home, it is best to buy large mirrors. They not only visually expand the space of rooms, but also help to get rich.

Cleaning should be done during daylight hours

In the hall

Among all the rooms, the hallway furnishings are especially important. There is also a list of things that attract money to the house. These include:

  • mirror;
  • rug;
  • coin.

Some nuances should also be taken into account:

  1. The mirror must always be clean.
  2. The rug in the hallway should be bright and always clean.
  3. A coin should be kept under the mat.

It is important that shoes are not stored on the floor; a special shelf or wardrobe complements the correct image of the hallway, in which the shoes of all family members will be stored.

On the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is important to arrange the furniture correctly. This is especially true for small rooms. The refrigerator must not be placed in front of the door. Products as a symbol of wealth leave the house with this arrangement.

In the bedroom

All attention is focused on the bed, it should be placed away from mirrors and the front door. Sunlight is able to return luck and money in any amount, so the light in the room should come from the south or east side.

The bedroom should be clean and bright

Keeping money right

To attract money and good luck to your home, it is important not only to be able to earn and spend money correctly, but also to store them. Funds will appear more often in a person's pocket if he does not spend his salary to the last penny. Even a small amount set aside will serve as a magnet for additional income. The main rule of wealth is keeping money in a wallet, casket or envelope stored in the southeastern part of the dwelling.

The location chosen should not be temporary. Money must be there all the time. You can take money, but at the first opportunity it should be returned to its place so as not to disturb the energy charge for well-being and prosperity.

You can attract money and luck to your house by saving money in another way: it is better to use one bill in large denomination, it should be placed in a prominent place, and a money tree should be placed next to it. The longer the bill is intact, the stronger the financial situation in the house will be.


Everyone wants to become rich. Even those who live in abundance want to increase their capital. Sometimes painstaking work with your own mind or hands does not guarantee people will attract what they want. The energy of money bypasses such people.

There are many ways to attract luck and finances of a magical nature. You can turn to folk signs, as well as rituals and conspiracies for help.

Are your pockets thick and empty? Do you work a lot, but you cannot achieve a stable income and look enviously towards your neighbors who do not particularly strain and do not need money at the same time? Do not be jealous: perhaps they just know how to attract money into their lives using magic. Today the site will reveal some of these secrets, although some you may already know.

How to attract money?

Think about how you feel about money? Of course, everyone is happy when they float into their hands. But if the coveted bills in the wallet are less and less, or even the wallet is completely lost? Or did you get much less for a job than you bargained for? What are the most common words? "Damn it, this money!"

Few people think that with such statements we simply offend money. After all, money, like any other energy-informational substance, feels our attitude towards them. They demand love and attention, not curses or indifference. Even if there is not enough money, be grateful to them for the fact that they are generally present in your life, in any quantity. Before attracting money using magic, you need to change your own attitude towards them. Without this, any efforts will be in vain: even the attracted money will tend to leave your hands.

To improve your relationship with money, it is useful to perform such a ritual. Prepare some kind of bill for him (it is desirable that it be newer and as much dignity as possible). Sit down and try to achieve maximum relaxation, a state of "empty head", when you do not think about anything, and you only feel a ringing silence. This will be easy for those who are meditating. Take a bill in your hands and examine it carefully, memorizing with your eyes and fingers the smallest details, roughnesses, trying to "understand" it and the laws of the world by which money lives. Try to merge with the banknote into a single whole and imagine where you are - there is necessarily money and vice versa, because you and money are inseparable. It is advisable to carry out this ritual daily, until the image "I = money" is completely rooted in your consciousness and you feel that you have begun to treat money favorably in any situation.

It is also worth knowing that the amount of money in your life is directly related to the amount of your personal energy. If your energy potential is small, then you should not count on millions - you simply cannot cope with them. This is precisely the reason for the cases when people win large sums and either drain them very quickly or even simply lose. They are not able to "hold" the money. And vice versa, if the energy potential of a person is great, then even small money in his hands will gradually turn into big money.

As you know, the energy of the body depends on the correctly and fully functioning chakras. First of all, money is influenced by manipura - the chakra, which is responsible for the main qualities in making money: - persistence, perseverance and activity. People with a well-developed manipura are able to make money out of nothing. Another chakra - muladhara - is responsible for patience, in particular, in financial matters. This developed chakra is usually distinguished by millionaires who methodically built their business year after year. Other important chakras in financial matters are: ajna (helps in managing money), anahata (manages the "ethics" of receiving money), svadhisthana (is responsible for spending and, accordingly, savings).

So, if you are chronically unlucky with money, perhaps you have partially or completely blocked the above chakras. To remove blockages and adjust the flow of energy, it is better to contact a specialist, although you can study the related practices yourself.

Keep your money ...

Where do you keep your money (besides the bank, of course)? How many, in the wardrobe or under the mattress? Don't do this! Those who keep money in the kitchen, in the refrigerator, do the right thing. There is simply no better place to attract money than the area of ​​the front door and kitchen! Therefore, it is worth, after carefully scrapping the floor, put coins of small denomination under the rug by the door eagle upwards. Put them in the refrigerator, in the pantry next to the food jars, "so as not to starve." Just be sure to make sure that the money is not covered with mold, otherwise their effect will weaken. Replace coins with new ones regularly.

Also create "deposits" of coins in any places hidden from the eyes (except bedrooms and bathrooms - there money will "sleep" or "wash away"). If you are an opponent of such "stash", remember how many animals act: they prepare supplies for the winter for future use and are very happy if something is saved. Who knows, maybe a coin found in the inner pocket of your jacket will please you too?

When creating a "treasure" say: "Water to the banks, and money to money!" Do not forget to sometimes review the hidden coins, sort them out so that they ring, and at the same time say: "Money to money."

the site also recommends putting a pot or plate in the hallway and adding a couple of coins to it every day. All of these tips are based on the principle that money attracts money. The more "voluminous" the hidden wealth will be (even if it is a pretty penny), the greater the egregor of money they will create in your home.

Let's talk now about the money in your wallet. Never put crumpled bills in your wallet, in the same compartment as coins. This offends them. Get in the habit of straightening and putting bills of the same denomination next to each other, and "copper" in a separate pocket. Also, don't mix money from different countries. If possible, always place the wallet so that the front (portraits or other images) is facing you.

And of course, never leave your wallet empty! In any case, at least one coin should constantly remain in it, preferably a happy one, which was given by a good person or which remained from earnings that brought sincere joy. And even better if it is a large denomination of green - the color that brings wealth.

When paying for purchases, do not stretch out unfolded bills, thereby you are missing the energy of money. Banknotes must be folded and delivered only with the folded end forward.

How to attract and not lose money?

The first, "golden" rule of preserving and attracting money - do not spend a penny from the received salary on the first day, because it is the joy of feeling money that ends with their squandering and the question: "Where did they go?" Calm down first, take the money for granted, and then allow yourself to spend it.

When shopping, do not take money from the hands of the seller. Let him put them on a saucer, and you will take them from there. By doing this, you insure yourself against contact with people with a bad perception of money, which you can accidentally intercept. If you accidentally scattered a small change, then you can pick it up only with your right hand, and be sure to leave one coin, saying "I leave one, I get the rest!" If this coin is picked up before you are out of sight, count on your financial luck. However, try not to pick up a trifle on the street, especially at intersections, as it may be coins that have brought illness or damage. As a last resort, lift them with a handkerchief or glove, and at home for three days put them in a bowl of salt water. Salt absorbs negative energy well. You can also not pick up money found in the morning on an empty stomach.

There are many rules related to how to borrow and lend money. First of all, try to borrow more often by others, and less often to take. Because by lending money, you are as if asking them to return back and in larger quantities. An exception is this method of attracting money: borrow any amount of money for a young month, and return it for an old one, and with money of little value. However, do not borrow money on Tuesday - "you will be in debt all your life", and do not lend yourself on Monday and do not pay for large purchases. You should not borrow or give money in the evening, otherwise they will simply cease to be found with you. And when you give money, you should do it only with your right hand, and borrow with your left hand.

As for folk signs and monetary rituals, as you probably know, you cannot whistle in the house, as well as sweep crumbs from the table with your hand. It is undesirable to lend salt and bread, for example, when your neighbor on the floor asks you - the money will almost certainly leave the house. Also, you cannot keep empty bottles on the table, sit on the table, put keys and hats on the table. These actions also portend a decline in welfare.

There is a belief that in order to lure money into the house, you need to tidy up your nails only on certain days (Tuesday and Friday). Leave the broom with the handle down, and never clean the house with two brooms at the same time. At dawn, when you hear a cuckoo, jingle money in your pocket, "so they can be found." If you notice bubbles on the surface of the tea, then try to catch them and drink - this is to receive money or, as they used to say, "to gifts." You can also make an amulet out of three slotted coins by pulling a red silk ribbon through them and carry it in your wallet.

The best ways to raise money

It is worth sacrificing at least small sums of money to the church and the beggars on the porch at Christmas. Before doing this, say: "To whom the church is not a mother, to that I am not a father"... There is a lot of evidence that after this ritual money came to people from nowhere and in ways that they did not expect.

Make it a rule to observe the movement of the moon. On the night of the full moon, as well as the night before and after the full moon, leave your empty wallet open on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by the moon. And, conversely, after the appearance of a young month, for three nights in a row, keep your wallet on the windowsill, but already with money.

You can also drag on a fraction of someone else's monetary luck. When visiting wealthy acquaintances, break off a branch of a plant that propagates by shoots. At home, with the words: "You brought wealth to such and such, and bring me wealth", - put it in water. And when the time comes to transplant the shoot, then tell him: "Develop and grow, bring me, such and such, good luck!" When the plant is accepted, your financial well-being will begin to improve.

However, this is considered the most effective way to attract money.

Take a clay pot and put it in a secluded spot without telling anyone about it. For seven days in a row, put one yellow coin in it, saying: "What's in the pot is in the wallet"... On the evening of the seventh day, place a thick green candle on the table and place the coins from the pot around it. Light a candle and for 15 minutes carefully imagine that green light flows from coins to the flame and back, which forms a seven-sided pyramid, the top of which concentrates the energy of money. After 16 minutes, leave the room and let the candle burn out alone. Then collect the coins, wrap them in green silk and store them where no one will know about them. This ritual, like no other, helps to attract money.

How to attract money? We use a wallet

We use our wallet and our bank account correctly.

How to attract money into your life using the magic of money? We use the advice of magicians.

Not knowing the amount of money attracts them.

You do not need to know exactly how much money you have available and in your bank current account - in this case, they will attract other money and encourage you to take even more active steps to earn them.

A wallet is a repository of money, a wallet attracts money.

Change your wallet in exceptional cases - when it is completely worn out and not suitable for performing its functions. But even in this case it is not thrown away, but solemnly, with "honors" (for example, to give a short speech about the merits to your family in accumulating money and spending it wisely) is buried anywhere, but you can also leave it as a family heirloom.

Buying a wallet.

They buy a wallet on a growing moon (the best day is a full moon) with a certain celebration, deliberately overpaying for it. The first money is placed in it with the words: "Keep and multiply!"... This will attract even more money.

It is better not to put money into a donated wallet - it is still unknown for what purpose it was presented to you ... Therefore, put it away from sin in a secluded place, or transfer it over time to the one who gave it to you.

How to attract money! Magic rituals to attract money

Recently, a lot of information has appeared on how to get rich, how to raise money in the shortest possible time: such offers can be found in occult books, there are enough "talismans of wealth" in any esoteric store, and advertisements from magicians entering the "money channel ", Also in abundance.

But, as a rule, having thoroughly studied the literature, having weighed ourselves with all kinds of talismans and amulets, the long-awaited wealth has to wait for a very long time. Indeed, in order for these magical rituals to work, you need to know and strictly follow certain rules:

Work aimed at welfare and monetary profit should be carried out only on the growing moon.

A prerequisite for attracting money is perfect cleanliness in the house and in those places (workplace, summer cottage) where you are. Therefore, before starting this or that magic ritual, you need to cleanse the house of all kinds of rubbish, get rid of broken or cracked dishes, mirrors, spoiled clothes, disassemble the accumulations of papers, records - everything should be in order. Energies should pass freely, and such "deposits" of garbage put them a clear barrier, in particular the attraction of monetary energy.

It is necessary to observe the correct days: for men - men (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday), for women, respectively - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

Before the magical ritual, it will not be superfluous to observe a three-day fast - to refrain from modesty, tune in to positive emotions, suppress for this time (if you cannot completely eradicate in yourself) negative thoughts, anger, envy.

You should not start work if you are unwell, depressed mood depressing, doubts arise about the ritual itself, your inner attitude is one of the main conditions for success, so there should be no doubts.

Before you get started with your money rituals, start with the simplest: your wallet. They are different - leather, made of transparent polyethylene or soft suede, of any color and shape, but they have the same purpose - to keep money in themselves.

Let's start with the wallet itself. If the old one is already fed up and you are looking for a new one - take your time, think carefully before buying the first one that comes along. First, don't buy really cheap wallets. Cheap by itself carries the energy of poverty, and large bills have almost no chance of being in it. Let your wallet be not super expensive, but decent, let it have compartments for both small and large bills. If you still spend a decent amount on your wallet, you can be sure that this money will quickly return to you and, moreover, will increase.

Consider coloring. There are not so many colors that attract wealth - these are all the colors of earth and metal, that is, brown and black, the entire range of yellow (including orange), as well as gold.

Here you need to take into account that a purse and a wallet are not the same thing at all. Credit cards, passport, driver's license, various documents are kept in the wallet. All this has nothing to do with money, these are documents, so you can store with them photos of our loved ones and loved ones. And it is not worth storing a photo in a wallet, this is a place for money, since photographs "interrupt" the cash flows of energy, and secondly, the energies of the wallet and the money itself can influence your loved ones through photographs.

A piece of horseradish put in a wallet works effectively to attract money. This plant is capable of collecting material energies in very large quantities, horseradish can be bought, but it would be best to dig it up yourself, rinse and dry it, put a small piece of root in a wallet so that it is not lost. Instead of horseradish, you can store a sprig of heather or cinnamon in your wallet - these tools have been tested for centuries and always help.

The bills in the wallet are folded so that they lie "face" in one direction and are turned towards you.


On the first Friday of the lunar month, you need to buy without bargaining and without taking change a new deck of paper cards (54 sheets), remove the joker (red, if they are different there) from it and put it in your wallet, and the second joker (black) should be burned on the street away from home. Leave the deck at home in an inconspicuous place. This deck can no longer be used for playing or fortune telling; it must be kept in your house wrapped in a piece of light linen. If the first joker disappears somewhere, the deck must be burned at midnight on the new moon. This card of luck will attract money and financial luck to you like a magnet.


On Tuesday at sunrise (from 3 to 6 lunar days), pour 3 teaspoons of salt into a paper bag and put it in your money purse. Then go to the window, hold the wallet between your palms and read 7 times: “Our business, servants of God, will begin, our business will come together, our business will turn into money, and may this money not run out from now on and forever! To my words - deed! " Store the bag for a month, then charge a new one.


Spend only on Sunday waxing moon or full moon. To do this, you will need: an astrological candle (you can check the table of coincidences of astrological signs and colors), green, brown, yellow ritual candles, a green altar candle, an incense stick with the smell of cinnamon, jasmine oil, a small sheet of brown paper. In the first minutes of sunset, light the altar candle and incense stick. Rub a brown candle with jasmine oil from top to bottom, scribble on it with a white knife the amount of money you need (you should not indicate a larger amount than you really need), on a piece of brown paper again write the amount indicated on the candle. Place a brown candle in the center of the altar. Rub the other candles with oil from top to bottom. Place the astrological candle behind the brown one. To the left of the astrological, put a green candle, to the right - a yellow one, light all the candles. Say the following conspiracy nine times: “The money goes into my hands. Give me luck, give me freedom, give me the opportunity. I thank fate for the help. As these candles burn out, my problem burns out. Amen"... Burn the leaf with the written amount in the flame of a brown candle, collect the ashes and develop (you can from the window or from the balcony). Leave the candles to burn out.

Many of us would like to know how to attract luck and money using simple means and simple rituals. Magic rituals and folk signs help to create the correct psychological mood, which is an important condition for a successful coincidence of circumstances and the embodiment of positive life changes. Therefore, these means should not be neglected even by those people who do not believe in magic too much, preferring to rely on their own strengths.

Let's look at how to attract luck and money into your life using the principles of feng shui, magic rituals and folk recommendations.

According to feng shui

To attract money, luck and all kinds of well-being to your home, it must be cleansed of negative energy. The home should be clean, light and well ventilated. Garbage, unnecessary things, broken appliances and broken dishes must be thrown away immediately so that negative energy does not interfere with the arrival of good luck and money. Disorder in the house, bad smells, quarrels, unwanted guests are unacceptable. All clothing should be washed and folded neatly, dust wiped off and dishes washed.

To attract money, pay special attention to everything related to water - the taps in the house must be closed carefully, otherwise your cash flow risks "leaking into the pipe", just like water from the taps. Wires from a computer, TV and other devices should not be exposed - hide or disguise them (they also symbolize money outflow channels).

In the southeast of the dwelling, you can equip a small aquarium or a fountain, put up a "money tree" and place special talismans to attract money (Chinese coins, wind chime, money frog, etc.). Keep this area well lit and tidy and clean. Read the Feng Shui resources or watch the related video to learn how to equip your wealth zone in detail.

Wealth rituals

A simple yet quick and effective ritual can be performed using seven coins of varying value. Wait for the young month and at night squeeze the coins in the fist of your right hand, and then open your palm and stretch the coins to the moon. Concentrate on your desire to get richer and let it go. Put coins under your pillow for three nights and then buy a candle with them. Light it and think about your desire again until the candle burns out.

To attract money to your home and improve the financial condition of the family, psychics and numerologists recommend making a money "magnet" by saving money in a special way. You need to choose any month of the year, consisting of thirty days and start the ritual on the first day. The first one must be put aside in an envelope one ruble, the next day - two, on the third - three, and so on until the very end of the month. The entire amount collected cannot be spent within a year - it will serve to attract wealth and prosperity to the family.

Good luck rituals

You can attract good luck before a responsible business in the following way. You will need a saucer, pin, and spoon, as well as salt, sugar, and rice. Buy a new pin the day before, and wash the saucer and spoon thoroughly in the evening. Pour salt, sugar and rice in a saucer in turn - three tablespoons each, without stirring. Stick the unbuttoned pin into the resulting "slide" (head up) and leave it overnight, and in the morning fasten the pin to your clothes and boldly go towards your luck.

To attract good luck into your life and the life of your family, you can use candles and an incense stick (it is better to take a stick with a light aroma, since you will need to burn it to the end). Light three candles and a stick, take the last one and slowly walk around the room with it in the clockwise direction. At each step, it is necessary to pronounce the words of the conspiracy aloud:

"I let luck into the house - I attract wealth and happiness."

Then leave the stick in the center of the room, letting it burn to the end.

  1. Folk magic considers the kitchen to be the focus of the energy of well-being, therefore it is advised to place several talismans here, and put a banknote on the refrigerator. So that wealth enters your life and does not leave it, always keep an eye on what is going on in the refrigerator itself. Inside and out, it must be clean and tidy, spoiled food and unnecessary dishes in it - no place.
  2. Never brush crumbs off the table with your hand, but only with a special cloth. In addition, do not leave crumbs and leftovers overnight - because of them "black" energy enters the house, which serves chaos and confuses your money affairs.
  3. Your clothes should not have torn buttons, ripped seams and, of course, holes in your pockets. Avoid stained clothing, prefer light colors and wear white more often.
  4. Folk magic advises against lending on Mondays and does not recommend transferring money across the threshold.
  5. Put a coin under the rug on the threshold (better - a silver one) and every time you enter the apartment, say to yourself the simple words of the conspiracy: "I come home and the money follows me."
  6. The easiest way to perform a ritual that attracts wealth is to wait for the new moon and show the banknote to the moon. At the same time, tell the conspiracy: "As the moon is born - so the money is fruitful."
  7. To attract wealth, folk magic recommends recounting your savings more often. However, this does not apply to the money in the piggy bank - you should not look into it until the moment when you decide to finally withdraw the contents.
  8. If you urgently need luck in money matters, and there is no time or opportunity to do rituals, draw three fehu runes on a piece of paper. Put the piece of paper in a purse or pocket, close to your body. Alternatively, these symbols, which bring new opportunities for earning money, can be depicted simply on the hand.

Money house

Many reviews prove that a person can improve their material condition without resorting to black or white magic, but simply by changing their wallet. To attract and maintain welfare, the "money house" must meet certain requirements, otherwise it is worth thinking about replacing it. A purse should be expensive and spacious (in the size of a bill), have at least three compartments and, at the same time, be securely closed. The best color scheme for a wallet is red-brown, but not too bright colors.

MORNING WORDS FOR ATTRACTING MONEY / Money conspiracies / HOW TO ATTRACT LUCK / Wealth conspiracy

To charge your wallet

If you were presented with an empty wallet, the easiest way is to fill it tightly with bills and put it in a secluded place for a week. In addition, the wallet can be charged with gold and silver jewelry: put them in the wallet and tell the conspiracy

"From now on, let gold and silver come to my wallet for good."

Better yet, choose a week with a waxing moon and put your wallet on the windowsill at night under the moonbeams. At the end of the week, the wallet can be used, but do not forget to keep it in order and once a month "show" the new moon.

And there is nothing strange in this, since no one will refuse to live in abundance.


  • If you receive any money, then remember to always thank the source of your income. Even if this is a very small amount, but it went to you.
  • Constantly think that you have money, not that you don't. This moment is very important, as the Universe reacts to your thoughts and gives what you think about. That is, if you are talking about having money, then you will have it. Thoughts about the lack of money will only lead to the fact that they really will not be. This is the operation of the law of attraction. You should focus on the fact that funds are only added and multiplied.
  • Be inspired. When the goal is set correctly, meditation is carried out (this is when you imagined money) and negative thoughts disappeared, then you just need to start noticing the signs that attract money. Just trust your feelings. If suddenly there is a desire to do something, then it must be done without fail. The universe itself will tell you what actions you need to perform.
  • Don't borrow money from anyone. The point is that advice on how to attract money to yourself asserts that borrowing is a kind of image of poverty and poverty. This image arises in your subconscious, although you may not notice it. And according to the law of attraction, the means will only push them away.

What contributes to attracting money

Money does not tolerate careless handling, and does not like to "stand" in one place. Therefore, do not try to accumulate them in the closet. Funds must move constantly. If you decide to save, then it is better to do it in the bank. There are also a few more rules that will help those who do not know how to attract money to themselves:

  • The bills in the wallet must be laid out in accordance with the denomination.
  • Do not allow funds to be found in pockets or bags.
  • Buy a special wallet that attracts money. On these, hieroglyphs can be drawn, which symbolize prosperity and wealth.

And the main rule: in order to have money, you need to do at least something. They themselves will not come to you. I wish you success, prosperity and prosperity!