How to accept a friend to the region. How to private territory in Minecraft

How to accept a friend to the region.  How to private territory in Minecraft
How to accept a friend to the region. How to private territory in Minecraft

    In order to add your friend or girlfriend to your already created and ready-made region in the Minecraft game (Minecrfat), you need to register the following command: / region addmember region name friend's nickname (without quotes, respectively). If you want to add several of your friends, enter the following: / region addmember region name friend's nickname 1 nickname of a friend 2.

    in the chat you write / region addowner the name of the region and the name of the friend

    Adding a friend in the popular and well-known Minecraft game (Minecrfat) is very easy.

    To do this, you need to do the following:

    In the chat, you need to write / region addowner and enter the name of the region and the name of the friend, while the name of the friend must be real, that is, it must exist in the game, then the system will recognize it and add the friend to your area.

    Your friends can also do this procedure, with the addition of you, the main thing is to write and register everything correctly.

    To add a friend to a region in the Minecraft game, you need to have your own region (territory). To do this, using an ax, you must mark the area diagonally, go to the menu and write: / region claim REGION NAME. After that, you can add a friend to this region. Turn on the console and write: / region addmember REGION NAME FRIEND NAME. This command will add your friend in Minecraft to the region.

    If you decide to add a friend or several friends to your own region in the Minecraft game (Minecrfat), you need to do a number of simple actions, namely go to the Minecraft game chat and type the following command there: / region addmember the name of the region and of course the name of the friend, it is important that this is the name of the friend was real, it must exist in the game, only then the system will recognize it and add a friend to your area.

    To add a friend to a region in Minecraft, you need to first select the territory. To do this, in the chat you need to enter the command // wand, take the resulting wooden ax from your inventory and cut down a cube with it diagonally. To do this, click the left mouse button first on one point, then on another. After that, we name the region with the command / region claim (region_name).

    That's all, you can add friends. Add friend to region in Minecraft using the / region addmember (region_name) (player_name) command. The region name and nickname are written without brackets. If you need to add several friends to the region, we enter their nicknames into the command one after the other through a space.

    In order to add a friend to your region in the game Minecraft, you need to register the following command:

    • / region addmember xxxx ssss

    But this command gives a friend the same rights as the creator of the region. To add a common resident, you need to register:

    • / region addowner xxxx ssss(where xxxx is the name of the region, sssc is the name of the player).
  • In order for you to be able to add a friend in a toy like Minecraft, you need to first shift your attention to the chat and write there

    In this case, do not forget that the real name of a friend in this game is indicated. so that the system can find and recognize it.

    After creating a region and giving it a name, you can add a friend to the region with certain rights using one of the commands.

    / region addowner the name of the region is written the name of the player.

    This command gives the friend all the rights as the creator of the region.

    / region addmember write the name of the region write the name of the player

    The command allows you to add a new resident of the region.

    / region addowner write the name of the region write the name of the first player write the name of the second player. Do not write parentheses in commands.

    On command, several players are added to the region at once. Play with your friends as much as you want.

    Most of the commands that deal with managing a region start with / region. You will need this code to add and to remove a friend, user from your region.

    To add a user to a region, write the following command:

    And to remove this:

    And if you want to add a player to private, use this command (although it may differ on different servers).

The safety of the player and his property inside Minecraft is quite an important issue. Many players are deciding how to seize territory in Minecraft. Most often, they will privatize the territory to protect themselves from griefing.

About grief and private

Unreliable players are found everywhere, Minecraft is no exception in this matter. For those who like to profit from the misfortune of other players and their insults and humiliation, even a special term has been assigned - griefing.

If you can refrain from moral harm by simply ignoring the chat, then it is much more important to protect yourself from material harm. This is where the opportunity to hide and protect your territory and possessions from the eyes of scoundrels comes to the rescue.

As practice shows, in unprotected areas, doors to a house break and all things are taken away.

How to privatize territory in Minecraft on the server

Protect your territory.

Everyone can make their own region in the region, when the need arises. Usually this function is used to protect your home and surrounding area.

  1. Open a chat and enter the command: // wand.
  2. After that, an ax appears in the inventory, with which you can select and highlight the protected area cube by cube.
  3. Next, you can set a name for the new region with the command: / region claim *, where the name of the region is written instead of *.

The resulting ax cannot be wielded to perform other actions.

Thanks to this, the region will be completely protected from the actions of other players. None of the outsiders will be able to build or destroy anything on this territory, unless the owner himself adds another player to private in Minecraft.

How to add a friend to private

You can add another player or friend to the private territory in Maine using various commands. For example, / region addmember *, where * is the name of the region, nickname of the player. To remove access, use the removemember codeword.

  1. Those who want to see all their guests in private should write the code word info.
  2. If the owner of the private wants to delete his region, he prescribes delete.

In addition to code commands, you can use special flags using the flag word, each of which has its own purpose.

Three main purposes:

  • default settings (none);
  • prohibitions (allow);
  • permission (deny).


Video: How to remove from private in Minecraft.

Welcome to private property crafters! Even in a communist society, with all the fact that everything around is almost in common, it is somehow not customary to do without locks. Probably, so that the common thing that is yours does not suddenly become common for everyone. What can we say for the capitalist structure of society. Private property there is placed on the throne and made an object of worship. And great. The prospect of owning your land, your home, your belongings is a powerful motivator. Do you think there is capitalism in Minecraft or maybe communism after all? The question, I must admit, is the stupidest one. The game, in which there is such a wonderful opportunity to become the owner of private property, to make the territory private, has all the soul-pleasing signs of capitalism.

In general, it is very good to have your own piece of land. The same can be said about the territory in Minecraft. You privatize it, protect it from outsiders. Thus, you solve the urgent problem of personal safety and, ultimately, peace of mind. No one will break into your possessions, nothing will be lost. Fine. But, if in our gray real world, having divided the rights of ownership and giving loved ones the opportunity to use this territory, you just need to distribute the keys to the castle, then in Minecraft everything is a little more tricky. But, on the other hand, everything is easier. To add someone to the list of those who have the right to use your territory, you need, as in the case of the private region (things, houses), to register certain commands. To remove those who have become objectionable to you, you also need to command. In addition, those you trust are divided into two types: co-owners and just, say, users. Now everything, we will describe all the commands in detail, do not worry.

6 "capitalist" teams

  • Command number times. / rg addmember [property name here] [friend's nickname here]. We hope everything is clear here. Copy and paste this command in the Minecraft chat, write down the name of the region you own and the name of your friend. Do not write parentheses, they are here to make it clearer for you. This is how you can add to private a person who will be your guest, but not a co-owner.
  • Directive number two. / rg removemember [property name here] [friend's nickname here]... With this written order, you can remove guests who have fallen into disfavor from private. Everything happens, and friends sometimes disappoint, therefore such a team must necessarily be in the arsenal of any hospitable person. And hang a sign on the door or fence with this directive, let those you let on the doorstep know what threatens them inappropriate behavior in Minecraft.

  • Third instruction. / rg addowner [property name here] [friend's nickname here]... But by prescribing this, you are showing great confidence in the person. From that moment on, the crafter, whose nickname follows the name of the region, is the co-owner of your site in Minecraft. This means that now he can do with your territory everything that you can do. And this is already extremely serious. You can give such gifts only to those in whom you are really three hundred percent confident. So don't rush to add crafters. There will be time to add more, but to remove ...
  • The last instruction concerning the territory. / rg removeowner [property name here] [friend's nickname here]... But with such an inscription, you can just remove in Minecraft a loved one who has become no longer close. But ... You can, if you can. He has the same rights, so who else will.

All of these directives dealt with how to add and remove someone from a private territory. The following instructions will help you enable your friends to use your property.

This feature in Minecraft provides the player with great opportunities. You can take away territories, houses, things in the game, protecting them in this way from dangers. But for this it is important to know how to add a friend to private in Minecraft using chat commands. By the way, the user's property, which the player has seized, becomes his personal space, to which only a select few have access.

It is impossible to enter it without special permission, and it is also impossible to steal something. She is completely protected from griefers who want to harm, and foreign players who can steal something. Therefore, by locking the object, the owner can sleep peacefully.

The player can remain the only owner of the territory, or he can share the right to access it with other players. In order to enable your friends to use the property, it is not enough to give them the keys, as in real life. In Minecraft, everything is completely different.

In order for another player to gain access to the territory, the owner must know the special commands. In the same way, ownership can be taken away. It is advisable to trust your possessions only to those players whom you really trust, and let strangers stay on the sidelines. As they access private, players become co-owners and regular users. Co-owners have much more rights than users. Therefore, this fact must be taken into account before empowering crafters.

How to add a friend to private Minecraft?

As previously reported, first of all, you need to determine how close the other player is to the owner, and how much he trusts him. If this is an ordinary acquaintance, then it is better to add him to the list of ordinary users. Well, if this is a person with whom the user constantly plays and does not doubt his adequacy, as well as a competent approach to managing the property, this can be added to co-owners.

The list of commands that are used to add players to private (all commands should be inserted into the Minecraft chat):

In Minecraft, the owner can give the right to other players not only to have access to his territory, but also to allow them to use his property. To do this, again, you need to write special commands:

  • / cmodify (user nickname) - with the help of this command the player will gain access to the owner's things and will be able to use them in his craft.
  • / cmodify (-character name) - a command that contains a minus in front of the username, takes away the right to use the owner's property.


We will be very glad if our advice helped you. We hope that you have received complete information on how to add a friend to your private in the Minecraft game. If the article turned out to be useful to you, leave your comments and share it with your friends so that they also know the necessary commands! Thanks!


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The game "Minecraft" has a wide variety of entertainment. For example, you can build a large house and furnish it however you like. However, after you have built a house, you definitely need to protect it, since unscrupulous players can harm your structure.


Securing a building in the game is called "private". Many users are aware of this. But if the question arises of how to add your friends and loved ones to private in Minecraft, difficulties begin, since not everyone has had to deal with this. Surely you know that the game is multiplayer, and accordingly, everyone can give all the necessary rights to friends. Naturally, if you add several friends to private, the process will become much more interesting. You can also do more damage to your opponents who want to get into your domain.

So let's move on to solving the question of whether in Minecraft. As a rule, the game contains a large number of a wide variety of teams that, in general, are associated with this function, and today we decided to talk about them.


With the code "/ region addowner [Region name] [Player name]" you can add one new user, or rather your friend, to the region. Remember that the specified friend will have the same rights as you, and accordingly, he will be able to make any changes to your buildings, etc. There is also the command "/ region addmember [Region name] [Player name]", with its help you can add a new inhabitant to one of your regions. The function also makes it possible to add several players at once, and for this it will be enough to enter their nicknames separated by commas.


As you can see, the question of how to add a friend to private in Minecraft is simple. The most important thing is that you should correctly indicate the teams, regions, as well as the logins of your friends, then problems should not arise.