How to correctly draw up a 24-hour work schedule for THREE stokers without recycling. About round-the-clock shifts

How to correctly draw up a 24-hour work schedule for THREE stokers without recycling.  About round-the-clock shifts
How to correctly draw up a 24-hour work schedule for THREE stokers without recycling. About round-the-clock shifts

E. Dirkova, auditor

Many companies have a production need to organize round-the-clock duty. The constant presence of personnel can be ensured on our own. More often than not, the attendants work according to the schedule "after three days." Consider the features of accounting and payment of their labor.

To service a continuously operating post (center of responsibility), the administration forms a group of workers. The general fund of working time (24 hours a day at one workplace) is distributed among the employees of this group in accordance with the requirements of labor legislation, the terms of collective and labor agreements.

Shift schedule is required

The employment contract determines the duration of the daily work (shift). Labor law does not prohibit the use of a 24 hour shift. Article 94 of the Labor Code clarifies that certain categories of workers cannot be recruited under such conditions. For example, an employee under the age of 18 cannot be sent on daily duty. Pregnant women are not allowed to work at night (Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). A number of fundamental requirements are also contained in Article 103 of the Labor Code:

  • the work of the attendants should be built in accordance with the shift schedule;
  • the shift schedule is brought to the attention of employees no later than one month before it is put into effect. This means that the employee must be familiarized with the duty schedule for December before November;
  • work for two shifts in a row is prohibited. If the duty lasts a day, then it is unacceptable to involve an employee on two shifts in a row.

The absence of a shift schedule or the departure of an employee in two shifts in a row are qualified by labor inspectorates as administrative offenses. Responsibility for all types of violations of labor and labor protection legislation entails the imposition of an administrative fine under Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code:

  • on officials - in the amount of from five to fifty times the minimum wage;
  • for persons engaged in entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity - from five to fifty times the minimum wage or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days;
  • for legal entities - from three hundred to five hundred times the minimum wage or administrative suspension of activities for up to 90 days.

But if an official was previously subjected to administrative punishment under this article, then he faces disqualification for a period of one to three years.

How to make a shift schedule

It is convenient to draw up a shift schedule according to the form provided for the timesheet. For this purpose, columns 1 - 6 are used in the unified form of table number T-13. But they are not enough - an additional column must be provided for the signature of each employee, certifying (indicating the date) that he is familiar with this document.

In case of shift work, the working time regime provides for a working week with the provision of days off on a sliding schedule. This wording is enshrined in article 100 of the Labor Code. The legislation does not clarify the length of such a working week in days. Therefore, a conditional average indicator is fixed in the employee's employment contract - the duration of the working week in hours. But how do you define it?

The legislation does not clarify the concept of "normal working hours" either. However, within the meaning of Article 91 of the Labor Code, this is the time allotted for the performance of labor duties and agreed upon by the employment contract. This article introduces a weekly limit of 40 hours for normal working hours. Therefore, when using a sliding schedule, the employer is forced to set the employee a certain length of the working week also in hours. This inherently average annual rate cannot exceed 40 hours.

The regulation of working hours is carried out by the decision of the employer, taking into account the opinion of the elected trade union body or on the basis of a collective agreement (Articles 159, 160 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In this case, the duration of the hours worked for the selected accounting period should not exceed the normal number of working hours. Therefore, during the accounting period, the employer maintains the summarized *. And the established duration of the working week is used when calculating vacation pay (clause 13 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 11, 2003 No. 213).

Example 1

The employer will have to set the working week of the person on duty. Weekly working time fund - 168 hours (24 hours a day) 7 days). If we distribute this load to five attendants, then each of them will have an average of 33.6 hours (168/5). But with four on duty, one employee will have an average of 42 hours per week (168/4).

Normal working hours

The concept of the normal number of working hours is explained by the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of December 29, 1992 No. 65 (hereinafter - Resolution No. 65). The rate should be calculated on the basis of the estimated schedule of a five-day working week (clause 2 of Resolution No. 65). For the practical application of the rule contained in it, it is required to set the duration of the employee's working week - 40 hours or less:

The new, supplemented version of Article 104 of the Labor Code, which entered into force on October 6, 2006, did not essentially change this provision. Its wording does not contradict the explanations of the Ministry of Labor (Resolution No. 65). It cannot be argued that the normal number of hours worked now coincides with the weekly working hours set by a particular employer. It is still tied to the standard "five-day". This principle is used to determine the number of staff required to ensure round-the-clock duty.

The need of the enterprise for shifts should be reflected in the staffing table. In this primary document, it is required to indicate not only the name of the position of the duty officer (watchman, security guard, etc.), but also the required number of such staff units.

When planning the number of staff on duty, it is necessary to remember about the possibility of temporary disability, about social guarantees. Each employee is entitled to annual leave of 28 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And, in addition, additional vacations can be assigned to certain categories of workers or established by a collective agreement.

Example 2

There are two options for calculating the number of staff per job with a round-the-clock operating mode, depending on the length of the working week. Here it is taken into account that on pre-holiday days, the length of the working day should be reduced by one hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And besides, you can check that the number of overtime during the year does not exceed 120 hours (Art. 99 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Using this algorithm, it is easy to calculate that for the staffing level - 4 people with the maximum allowable "average" working time - 40 hours per week, the employee's overtime will amount to 370 hours per year. In other words, it will entail a violation of labor laws.

How to choose an accounting period

The summarized accounting is based on the fact that the employer has the right to increase the "control", that is, the accounting period, from one week up to a year (Article 104 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The accounting period is determined by the specifics of production. There are industries in which the workload is seasonal. For example, for boiler room attendants, the main peak of employment falls on the heating season, and for security guards at an educational institution - from September 1 to June 30. In such cases, vacations are planned for the duration of the production "lull". And the accounting period is chosen so that its duration obviously exceeds the period of intensive work. In our examples, this accounting period would be a year. The meaning of a long accounting period is to minimize overtime within it, to smooth out the seasonal overload of the employee. You can set a customary accounting period for these workers - a month. After all, work schedules will have to be drawn up at once for the entire accounting period (clause 3 of Resolution No. 65). And planning the employment of specific employees for the long term is a thankless task.

Attention should be paid to one more detail: for the enterprise as a whole, only the duration of the accounting period and the date of its introduction are established. And for each newly hired employee, the accounting period will be counted from the moment of his hiring. Accordingly, he will have to determine the normal number of working hours on an individual basis.

Features of pay for duty

Wages based on a monthly salary for those on duty with a cumulative record of working hours is not quite suitable. It unnecessarily complicates the work of the accounting department and does not fully take into account the economic interests of employees. It is much more practical to apply a rate per shift, especially in situations of tight schedule to replace an absent worker. The rate applies to the shift as a whole. The daily shift is not divided into day and night parts. You will not have to pay an increased amount for work at night. In addition, there are no problems with paying for an incomplete month worked.

Overtime is a cost

Overtime can only be identified at the end of the accounting period. They are paid in an increased amount: for the first two hours - not less than one and a half amount, for the next hours - not less than double (Article 152 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Overtime hours are recorded in the employee's personal account - according to columns 26 and 27 of the unified form No. T-54. A long billing period will be disadvantageous to the employer if a large amount of overtime is accumulated for the double rate. This consideration would be an argument in favor of a short-term monthly reference period.

The question arises: is it possible to include overtime in labor costs for tax purposes? The Ministry of Finance in a letter dated February 2, 2006 No. 03-03-04 / 4/22 gives a positive answer to it. But the employer has the right to take into account such expenses, including those outside 120 hours, only if the obligation to work overtime is provided for by the employment contract.

Line no. Indicators Calculation procedure If 40 hours a week If 36 hours a week
1 2 3
1 Established weekly working hours, hours Management decision 40 36
2 Annual fund of working time for one post (center of responsibility), hours 24 hours x 365 days 8760 8760
3 Working time per employee per year, hours according to the production calendar of a 5-day week 1980 1781,6
4 The need for workers, people page 2 / page 3 4,4 4,9
5 Duration of the employee's annual paid leave, hours 28 days / 7 days x page 1 160 144
6 The employee's working time per year, taking into account vacation, hours page 3. - page 5 1820 1637,6
7 The need for workers, taking into account the planned vacations, people page 2 / page 6 4,8 5,3
8 Staff number, units rounding to whole units page 7 5 5
9 Annual resource of working time of regular personnel, hours page 8 x page 6 9100 8188
10 Overtime for the year for all staff, hours p. 2 - p. 9 340 572
11 Overtime per year per one full-time employee (on average), hours p. 10 / p. 8 No 114,4

it is important

The standard working time for certain periods is calculated according to the estimated schedule of a five-day working week with two days off on Saturday and Sunday, based on the following duration of daily work (shift):

  • with a 40-hour work week - 8 hours,
  • if the working week is less than 40 hours - the number of hours obtained by dividing the established working week by five days (clause 2 of Resolution No. 65).

it is important

The regulation on the transfer of weekends that coincide with holidays does not apply to a round-the-clock operating unit (Resolution No. 65). But if the shift falls on a non-working holiday, then it is paid at a double rate (Article 153 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

* For some problems of summarized accounting, read PB No. 9, 2006.

You will need

  • - the resolution of the trade union;
  • - labor contract;
  • - internal regulations;
  • - chart form;
  • - a pen.


Schedule the work of the watchmen for each reporting period. Consider one month of work as the reporting period. Consider the views of the union committee and the employee when scheduling.

When drawing up a schedule, consider Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if your salary is made by the summarized accounting of working hours for the reporting period, then you have the right to draw up any schedule. For example, each watchman can work for 24 hours, but after the work shift there must be at least 48 hours of rest. For continuous protection of the enterprise, you will have to take on 3 guards.

If you have set a work schedule of 24 hours of work and 72 hours of rest, then you will have to hire 4 watchmen.

Having established a schedule of 8 hours, that is, a three-shift working order, 3 guards will guard the enterprise per day of work. According to labor law, each watchman can work no more than 6 days a week, that is, you will have to hire 1 or 2 more shift workers.

You can set a 12 hour work shift. According to the Labor Code, with a 12-hour working day, the working time cannot exceed 40 hours per week. That is, the legislator allows the employer to apply any work schedule, the main thing is to alternate with the prescribed rest, the duration of which cannot be less than 42 hours per week (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Installed schedule The break for rest and eating should be from half an hour to two hours in duration. Calculate the standard number of working hours per month in accordance with the Production calendar for the current year. In the event that the actual number exceeds the norm, consider overtime hours as overtime at the end of the working period.

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Helpful advice

Article 103, part 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes mandatory coordination of the developed shift schedule with the representative body of employees. Usually, this is a committee of trade unions. If your company does not have one, then it is necessary to create such a body - the Workers' Council.


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In some enterprises of a continuous production cycle or those whose activities are related to the round-the-clock provision of services, there is a need for personnel to work on shifts... This is allowed and regulated by Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the law, shift work of personnel can only be carried out in accordance with schedule shifts agreed with the representative body of employees.


If you have a need to change the operating mode of the enterprise and transfer it to a shift, then everything must be formalized legally competently, since this is due to a change in working conditions. In this case, changes are made to the employment contract, this is done with the agreement of the parties. This is that it is necessary to agree on changes with the committee of trade unions or any other representative body of employees.

According to Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of daily shifts can be set 2, 3 or 4. Accordingly, their duration can be 12, 8 or 6 hours. Shifts lasting 24 hours contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the specifics of the technological processes at your enterprise, determine which shift duration will be optimal for you. Immediately set the accounting period, at the end of which the balance of working hours and the calculation of working hours will be ensured - week, quarter, year.

When drawing up a schedule, it is necessary to take into account several mandatory parameters, the effect of which is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, the duration of the weekly continuous rest of the employee must be at least 42 hours, and the duration of rest between two consecutive ones must be at least twice the duration of the shift.

Please note that except for the cases stipulated in Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration is set 1 hour less. On pre-holiday days, this rule also applies, but if the production technology does not allow for such a reduction, the employee is entitled to additional rest time or a surcharge for overtime.

Schedule the duration of the break and lunch break for each shift. Determine, taking into account its number of actual accounts for each employee per month. Calculate the working time in accordance with the production calendar for the current year. If there is a fact of overtime, then all overtime hours must be recorded at the end of the accounting period and paid as overtime.


  • shift work schedule sample

Tip 5: How to create a shift work schedule in 2019

Make up replaceable schedule required at the enterprise where the production process is not limited to the average length of the daily working day established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Working in several shifts may be due to the need for efficient use of machines and equipment, an increase in the volume of products or services provided to the population. The labor process at such an enterprise is carried out in accordance with schedule ohm shifts.


Shift work belongs to special regimes and its conditions should be separately stipulated in the employment contract. In the event that such a need arose for the first time, agree on the possibility of changing the conditions with the representative body of workers or a committee of trade unions. If an agreement is reached between the parties, then changes are made to the collective agreement. Coordination with the trade union is not required if the introduction of a shift is due to a change in organizational or technological working conditions and is confirmed by a separate order.

When drawing up a replacement schedule and the introduction of the summarized accounting of the worker is allowed, since it is not always possible to comply with the maximum duration of working hours of 40 hours per week. The established rate of hours must be observed on average for the accounting period. Think about which accounting period you should choose to ensure the balance of working hours: quarter or year. The accounting period should coincide with the production cycle that operates in your enterprise, it cannot be more than a year.

Set the duration of rest between shifts, in accordance with Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it cannot be less than twice the duration of a shift. Please note that the law sets the total time for a weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.

Provide in schedule e the order of delivery / acceptance of the shift. Set time allotted for lunch breaks and rest breaks, their duration should not be more or less than 30. Describe the procedure for the employee to act if his replacement does not appear.

The schedule should provide for the duration of the shift in the event work at night and on holidays. Night time is considered to be from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning. In accordance with Art. 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for an increased payment for each hour work in this period.

When drawing up schedule but note that overtime and overtime are not included in it. Determine the standard amount of working time for each month by production for the current year. If the number of hours worked actually exceeds the norm, then consider them as overtime and calculate at the end of the reference period.

Shift schedule work approve with the head of the enterprise and agree with the representative body of workers or the committee of trade unions, bring it to the attention of the workers no later than 1 month before the entry into force.

Have employees each individual firm or organization has its own work... It is individual for each company, regardless of the products it produces. However, there are some general standard requirements that, as a rule, apply to the preparation of such a document as schedule work.


A watchman is a hired employee whose profession belongs to the general classifier and has nothing to do with security guards who work with a license that allows them to carry out armed guards at an enterprise. For the watchman, you can set any work schedule, it depends on the conditions specified in the employment contract, and pay according to tariff categories 016-94.

You will need

  • - calculator or 1C program;
  • - schedule.


Indicate the salary of the watchman when registering an employment contract. In accordance with the resolution of the State Committee for Labor 58 / 3-102 and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation 15A, you can set a salary or a tariff rate for the watchman.

You can set the watchman's work schedule as 24-hour, 12-hour or 8-hour. Calculate wages in accordance with the general rules, based on the total number of hours worked per month.

If she works on night shifts, which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, start at 10 pm and end at 6 am, then add 20% to the total earnings, unless otherwise specified in the internal legal acts of the enterprise.

For work on all-Russian holidays, make double payment, regardless of the watchman's work schedule. If an employee expressed a written desire to receive an additional day instead of double payment, then pay for labor on holidays in a single amount.

For example, if the watchman has an hourly wage rate of 100 rubles per hour of work, then calculate separately all working hours during night shifts, multiply by 100 and by 20%. Calculate the payment for day shifts separately. If the summarized calculation of working hours exceeded the general rate in the working month, based on the number of working days in this month, multiplied by 8, then multiply all overtime hours by 200 rubles.

The work schedule (shift) is a local normative act that determines the work schedule in a particular organization (Article 194 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter referred to as the TC). The working time is determined by the internal labor schedule (IHR) or the work schedule (shift). working hours are determined by the shift schedule (Article 125 of the Labor Code). In Article 123 of the Labor Code, the working hours are defined as the procedure for distributing the norms of daily and weekly working hours and rest time by the employer throughout the day, week, month and other calendar periods. working time determines the time of the beginning and end of the working day (shift), the time of lunch and other breaks, the sequence of alternation of workers in shifts, working days and days off. in it the duration of the shifts, and not only their sequence.

The estimated rate of working time is used in planning and recording the working time of workers with shift work and in the summarized recording of working hours. When drawing up work (shift) schedules, the number of work hours for the accounting period, planned by the work (shift) schedule, must be equal to the estimated working time for this period.

Article 123. Working hours

Working time regime - the procedure for the distribution by the employer of the norms of daily and weekly working hours and rest time established by this Code for employees throughout the day, week, month and other calendar periods.

The working time regime determines the time of the beginning and end of the working day (shift), the time of lunch and other breaks, the sequence of alternating workers by shifts, working days and days off.

The working hours of employees are developed based on the working hours used by the employer.

Working hours are determined by the internal labor regulations or the work schedule (shift).

The work schedule (shift) is approved by the employer in agreement with the trade union.

The established working time regime is brought to the knowledge of the workers no later than one month before it is put into effect.

Article 125. Shift work and working hours in case of shift work

Working two or more shifts is considered shift work. Shift work is introduced in cases where the duration of the production process (work) exceeds the established duration of daily work, as well as in order to more efficiently use the equipment, increase the volume of production (work, services).

Working hours for shift work are determined by the shift schedule in accordance with Article 123 of this Code. In this case, the duration of the shift cannot exceed 12 hours. Other duration of a shift for certain categories of employees may be established by the Government of the Republic of Belarus. Employees rotate evenly in shifts. Work for two shifts in a row is prohibited.

The minimum duration of daily rest between shifts (from the end of one to the beginning of the next) should be, together with the break time for rest and meals, at least twice the duration of the work time in the shift preceding the rest.

If the duration of a scheduled shift is more than eight hours, the decrease in daily rest between shifts is offset by an increase in weekly uninterrupted rest.


to the decree

Council of Ministers

The Republic of Belarus

25.01.2008 N 104



1. Workers and employees:

paramilitary guards, paramilitary gas rescue squads;

ensuring fire safety and (or) protection of facilities;

healthcare and social service organizations, sanatorium-resort organizations, separate (structural) subdivisions of these organizations, with round-the-clock work, providing and carrying out a continuous process of providing medical care, as well as round-the-clock care for patients and (or) citizens living in social service organizations ;

receiving and processing special communications items of all categories of secrecy and value; delivery of all types of special communications items, parcels of special importance, top secret and highly valuable when servicing interstate and interregional routes;

working at the points of customs clearance and (or) checkpoints; operational duty departments (services) of customs;

carrying out and ensuring the performance of emergency repair (recovery, rescue) work;

working at roadside service facilities with round-the-clock operation;

structural divisions, including separate ones, with round-the-clock operation of organizations carrying out hydrometeorological activities and environmental monitoring.

2. Workers providing the work of boiler houses in organizations.

A shift schedule is a fairly common phenomenon. It is used in a variety of industries, most often in companies with a continuous round-the-clock production cycle - the need for its use here is due to the fact that equipment downtime is unacceptable, because they lead to system failures and considerable financial losses. But a regular, timely change of personnel leads to an increase in the volume of products, an improvement in labor productivity and, as a result, greater profits.

Also, a shift schedule is common in other areas, for example, in medical institutions, security structures, firefighters, gas services, in rail and transport, air traffic, etc.

The number of shifts and workers in them

The number of shifts depends on the characteristics of the organization. It can be two, three or even four shifts a day. Each shift works for a certain period of time - from three to four hours to twelve.

Individually and the number of employees in one shift. It can be one person or even several dozen (the upper threshold is not limited).

Why do you need a shift schedule

The shift schedule is one of the most important internal documents of the company.

On the basis of the schedule, the employees' working hours are recorded and subsequently their wages are calculated.

Thus, it refers not only to the methods of organizing labor at the enterprise, but is also a serious registration form.

Do not forget that if the company provides for work in shift mode, then the availability of a schedule is mandatory checked by state supervisory structures (for example, the labor inspection and the tax service). The absence of this document may serve as a reason for imposing an administrative penalty on the enterprise and its management in the form of a fairly large fine.

Legislative regulation, mandatory conditions

The shift schedule is regulated by law, namely Art. 372 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (part 3 of article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). When introducing it in an organization, it is required to strictly comply with the rules and conditions of the above section of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

The rules for working in this mode are spelled out here quite thoroughly and clearly. It makes no sense to list them in this article, but you just need to focus on some of them:

  1. weekly working hours in the sum of all shifts should not be more than forty hours;
  2. every shift people should be given a lunch break (its duration is determined individually - from 30 minutes to 2 hours);
  3. employees must be provided with 42 hours of uninterrupted rest each week;
  4. the employer is obliged to indicate to employees the inadmissibility of performing their duties in two shifts in a row (except in emergency cases) - and strictly monitor this.

If an organization has a need to apply a shift schedule for different categories (positions) of employees, then for each of them the duration of the shift can be determined separately (such situations occur in transport companies - one mode of operation is used for drivers, another for dispatchers, and for service personnel - third).

When forming the schedule, one more important point should be taken into account - if most of it falls at night, then the shift should automatically be reduced by an hour.

All other working conditions must also comply with the law, including in those matters that relate to the payment of wages, sick leave, vacation, etc.

What is not considered a shift schedule

Some personnel officers mistakenly believe that the work schedule a day after two / three, two days after two, etc., refers to shift work. If you carefully read the labor legislation of the Russian Federation, it turns out that this is not the case. A group of workers performing their job duties within one day, and changing the next day by others, works in a regime fixed within the enterprise, however, there is no clear procedure for developing such a regime, its coordination and approval.

Some points regarding payment

The calculation of remuneration for a shift schedule is somewhat different from the standard. The specificity here lies in the fact that the number of working hours according to the regime established at the enterprise may differ from the norm established by law, both upward and downward (the so-called planned overwork or underworking).

In order to avoid errors in salary calculations, at the end of the accounting period, the following parameters should be reconciled: the number of working hours in accordance with the norm and their number, based on real indicators. If, when comparing, the second indicator is greater than the first, you will need to calculate and pay extra to the employee for the processed time.

If an employee's shift falls on a day off, then it is paid as usual (this is justified by the peculiarities of the conditions of the shift regime). If he is forced to work on a public holiday (public holidays are specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), then he should be paid at the appropriate standard rate, i.e. in double size.

Securing the order of work

If the management of the enterprise decides to apply a shift work schedule, it is obliged to fix this norm in the accounting policy, more precisely, in the Internal Regulations.

If the company operates a trade union cell, these Rules, including in terms of shift work, must be approved by its representative. A five-day period is allotted for interaction with the trade union - during this period, trade unionists must either approve the Rules presented to them, or challenge them with evidence.

It is also allowed to establish the use of a shift schedule in a collective agreement.

In addition to the Internal Regulations and the collective agreement, the clause on shift work should be spelled out in the sections of individual labor contracts with employees, indicating the number of hours per shift and other parameters.

Shift schedule formation process

The first practical step in bringing the shift schedule to life is the order on its creation, issued on behalf of the director of the organization. It prescribes an instruction to create a shift schedule, period, person in charge and other necessary information.

Sample order for approval of the shift schedule

The schedule is formed in advance - at least thirty days before the shift.

Each employee mentioned in the document must be familiarized with it against signature. Thus, he indicates that he agrees with this mode of operation.

After development, agreement and final approval, the schedule will be binding on both the management of the enterprise and the employees who are designated in it.

For what period is the form drawn up

The shift work schedule can be formed for any period of time. As a rule, the period for which this document is drawn up is indicated in the company's regulations. Most often, schedules are drawn up for one month. Each time a new schedule must be approved in accordance with the established procedure.

Is it possible to change information in it

It is allowed to make changes to the approved shift schedule, but only as a last resort and in compliance with some rules.

Firstly, if the changes occur on the initiative of the employer, he must inform his subordinates in advance and obtain their written consent - without them, it will be problematic to make changes in a legal way.

If any of the employees asks to change the shift schedule, he must draw up a special statement addressed to the manager. The application must indicate the reasons for the request (it must be necessarily respectful with the appropriate written justification), then the consent of the rest of the employees who are affected by the document must be obtained. If colleagues and management have managed to reach a compromise, a new order is formed, on the basis of which the necessary adjustments are made to the schedule.

Is it possible to change shifts without making changes to the shift schedule

Sometimes at enterprises there are situations when workers change shifts without prior notification of their superiors. This is absolutely unacceptable.

For such a replacement, the management has the right to impose a disciplinary sanction on subordinates.

And in the case of not a single violation of labor discipline (namely, these misconducts belong to this category), even dismiss the guilty ones.

Who draws up the document

The immediate task of scheduling the shift can be assigned either to a specialist in the personnel department, or to the head of a structural unit, or to the secretary of the organization. The main condition that the contractor must comply with is to take into account the norms of legislation, the interests of the enterprise and employees.

In this case, after formation, the document must be submitted for signature to the head of the department and the director.

How to coordinate with employees

The shift schedule must be agreed with employees in advance, as mentioned above - no later than thirty days before the first shift on it.

Consent signatures can be put directly in the schedule itself, or you can make a separate sheet for this.

If the second option is chosen, then in the approval sheet you need to make a table, enter all employees there and collect their autographs (with the date of their setting). This document will be the official appendix to the shift schedule.

Features of the formation of the shift schedule, general information

If you are instructed to make a shift schedule, and you have no idea how exactly it is formed, read our recommendations - they will give you an accurate idea of ​​this document. Also, check out the example of filling out - based on it, you will easily be able to draw up your own form.

Before proceeding to a detailed description of the schedule, here is some general information about the document. Let's start with the fact that there is no unified chart form. This means that you can write it in free form or according to the model approved in the accounting policy of the organization. In this case, the method of forming the form must be reflected in the regulatory acts of the company.

Regardless of which scheduling method is chosen, it is necessary that the document contains a number of mandatory data:

  • Company details;
  • information about the place and time of compilation;
  • the schedule itself.

The form must be certified by several persons. Firstly, by those employees in relation to whom it was formed, secondly, by the head of the structural unit and, thirdly, by the director of the company.

It is not necessary to certify the form with a seal - it is necessary to do this only when such a condition is in the local documentation of the company.

The schedule is allowed to be drawn up on a simple blank sheet of paper (preferably A4 format) or on the letterhead of the organization (if such a requirement is established by management). You can write it manually or on a computer (with mandatory subsequent printing).

How to take into account the shift schedule

All schedules developed at the enterprise are subject to mandatory registration in the relevant accounting journal. After carrying out all the necessary procedures with them (development, coordination, approval, familiarization), they are transferred to the personnel department of the company for storage. Here they are filed in a separate folder with other similar documents. Access to the place of their detention for strangers should be limited.

The duration of their storage is indicated either in the local acts of the organization, or is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (but not less than five years). After the expiration of this period, the schedules can be disposed of in compliance with the procedure established by law.

Sample shift schedule

Before you start filling out the form, you should conditionally divide it into three main sequential parts.

The first is the beginning, or, as it is also called, the “hat”. This includes:

  • document's name;
  • date, place of its formation;
  • number (according to the internal document flow of the enterprise);
  • the period for which the schedule is drawn up (week, month, year, etc.).

You can enter this data both in the middle of the document, and on the left or right - it does not matter. The only thing that should be taken into account is that, right there, at the top, several lines are allotted for the approval of the schedule by the head of the organization (here you need to enter his position and full name).

Below is the main block. Usually it is drawn up in the form of a table. Step by step fit into it:

  • Full name of the employee;
  • date;
  • the number of the shift in which he will go to work;
  • information about the days off.

You can supplement the table with other columns (for example, about the employee's personnel number, etc.). Under the table, it is imperative to give a decryption of the information entered into the schedule, including the number of shifts, the number of workers involved in them, the duration of each shift (in hours), as well as about the symbols included in the schedule.

Next, you should put a mark that the opinion of the employees included in the document has been taken into account and collect their signatures. If the signatures are put on the approval sheet, then in the shift schedule it is necessary to indicate its presence, designating it as an attachment to the main document.

The shift schedule is developed in accordance with Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Upon employment, the employee is introduced to the work schedule, it is indicated in the internal legal acts of the enterprise and is entered as a separate clause in the employment contract. At any time, the head of the enterprise can change the shift schedule, but the employee must be warned one month in advance. An additional agreement is drawn up to the employment contract.

You will need

  • - the resolution of the trade union;
  • - labor contract;
  • - internal regulations;
  • - chart form;
  • - a pen.


1. Schedule the work of the watchmen for each reporting period. Consider one month of work as the reporting period. Consider the judgment of the union committee and the worker in scheduling.

2. When drawing up a schedule, consider article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if in your organization the calculation of salaries is made by the summarized accounting of working hours for the reporting period, then you have the right to draw up any schedule. For example, the entire watchman can work for 24 hours, but at the same time after the work shift there must be at least 48 hours of rest. For permanent protection of the enterprise, you will have to employ 3 guards.

3. If you have set a work schedule of 24 hours of work and 72 hours of rest, then you will have to hire 4 watchmen.

4. Having established a schedule of 8 hours, that is, a three-shift working order, 3 guards will guard the enterprise per day of work. According to labor law, any watchman can work no more than 6 days a week, that is, you will have to hire 1 or 2 more shift workers.

5. You can set a 12 hour work shift. According to the Labor Code, with a 12-hour working day, the working time cannot exceed 40 hours per week. That is, the legislator allows the employer to use any work schedule, the main thing so that the work alternates with the prescribed rest, the duration of which cannot be less than 42 hours per week (Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

6. Also consider that the night shift should be 1 hour shorter (article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Consequently, if it lasts the usual number of time, then in addition to the payment for work on the night of a 20% allowance, you must pay double the amount of one worked hour.

7. Before non-working solemn days, reduce the working time by 1 hour (Article 95 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). If it is unrealistic to do this, then the unnecessary hour is subject to double payment.

8. Do not set a schedule that will indicate two shifts in a row for one employee without the prescribed hours of rest (Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). This means that if the schedule is 24 hours, then the next day must be a day of rest. If the schedule is 8 or 12 hours, then only in exceptional cases it is allowed to extend the shift. For example, if there is no one to replace the watchman, if there are emergency situations at the enterprise or man-made accidents.

9. If you have established three-shift work, then every week you must alternate shifts.

The profession of a watchman is a job that belongs to the general Russian classifier of professions and to the OK 016-94 wage categories. This category of workers is paid according to the monthly salary, regulated by the Resolution of the State Committee for Labor No. 58 / 3-102 and the Ministry of Labor 15A. Employment is carried out in a general manner.

You will need

  • - employment history;
  • - statement;
  • - TIN, insurance pension certificate;
  • - employment contract (fixed-term or unlimited);
  • - order of the T-1 form;
  • - job description.


1. In duties watchmen includes duty at the checkpoint or checking the entrusted object for safety and notification in case of a threat to the relevant authorities by phone or using the panic button. In accordance with applicable law, the watchman is not obliged to be a responsible person and to carry out security using special equipment. This can only be done by licensed security guards (art. 2487-1 on security activities). Also, the watchman does not have the right to make the protection and protection of life or health of people, to guard special objects, to carry out unconstrained access control of special zones. All this can only be produced by licensed experts.

2. Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation allows the owner to decide for himself who will protect his property - a licensed guard or a watchman. Consequently, if the owner of the property opted for a watchman, he has no right to demand from him special functions to ensure safety. TC allows to demand from watchmen only ensuring timely notification of permissible damage to property or the danger of its theft.

3. In accordance with labor law, the watchman must present a work book, TIN, pension insurance certificate, write a statement upon employment. No other types of TC documents are provided if the watchman does not have access to the places of production or storage of products. In this case, you will additionally need a sanitary book.

4. An employment contract is allowed to issue an urgent one, for no more than two months, or an unlimited one. The employment contract must contain all these jobs watchmen... In particular: working hours, wages, social guarantees, duties, etc. Actions are indicated on a separate line in the document watchmen if the property is threatened by the threat of damage or theft.

5. After signing the employment contract, the employer issues an order of the unified form T-1. The entry is made in the work book and the employee's personal card.

6. The watchmen are introduced to job descriptions and entrusted property.

Removable schedule or schedule shifts are needed for those enterprises in which the daily production process lasts longer than the possible length of the daily working day established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The introduction of shift work can also be caused by the need for more effective use of machines and equipment, an increase in the volume of products or services provided. The work of such enterprises is carried out on the basis of schedule but shift.


1. Shift work is considered a special working regime, therefore, its data must certainly be specified in the employment contract. If this regime is introduced for the first time in accordance with production needs, then new labor data are established by agreement of the parties. An agreement is not required only if the entry of a shift schedule but is associated with a change in organizational or technological working conditions, confirmed by a separate order. In this case, employees are notified of the entry of the shift schedule and for two months and on receipt.

2. When drawing up schedule and shifts, set an accounting period, one that will ensure the balance of working time for the production cycle, the one that exists in your enterprise: a week, a month, a quarter or a year. Think about the optimal duration of one shift. Describe the procedure for transferring a shift and the actions of workers in case the shift is delayed or does not show up for work.

3. Number of shifts installed schedule ohm, maybe 2, 3 and 4. Accordingly, their duration is 12, 8 or 6 hours. It is forbidden to set the duration of shifts by 24 hours. In accordance with this, set the duration of the inter-shift rest, it should be at least double the duration of the shift. According to article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, please note that weekly uninterrupted rest must be at least 42 hours long.

4. Please note that, in addition to the cases specified in Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of night shifts should be 1 hour shorter. In addition, they can be reduced by 1 hour when working on pre-holiday days. In the event that such a reduction is technologically unrealistic, instead, provide for additional time for rest or pay similar to overtime work.

5. Installed schedule A break for rest and eating should last from half an hour to 2 hours. Calculate the standard number of working hours per month in accordance with the Production calendar for the current year. In the event that the actual number exceeds the norm, consider overtime hours as overtime at the end of the working period.

6. Approve schedule shift work at the enterprise, taking into account the judgment of the representative body of workers.

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Article 103, part 3 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes the indispensable coordination of the developed shift schedule with the representative body of workers. Traditionally, this is a committee of trade unions. If your enterprise does not have it, then you need to make such a body - the Council of workers.

At some enterprises of a continuous production cycle or those whose operation is associated with round-the-clock provision of services, there is a need for personnel to work on shifts... This is allowed and regulated by Article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. According to the law, shift work of personnel may only be carried out in accordance with schedule shifts agreed with the representative body of workers.


1. If you have a need for a metamorphosis of the operating mode of an enterprise and its transfer to shift work, then you need to formalize everything legally competently, because it is associated with a change in working conditions. In this case, metamorphoses are introduced into the employment contract, this is done with the agreement of the parties. This means that it is necessary to agree on changes with the trade union committee or any other representative body of employees.

2. According to article 103 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of daily work shifts can be set 2, 3 or 4. Accordingly, their duration can be 12, 8 or 6 hours. Shifts lasting 24 hours contradict the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with the specifics of the technological processes at your enterprise, determine which shift duration will be optimal for you. Immediately set an accounting period, at the end of which the balance of working hours and the calculation of working hours will be ensured - week, month, quarter, year.

3. In the schedule, strictly envisage the order of actions of employees at the end and beginning of the shift, the procedure for its transfer and the actions of the employee in case of absence or delay of his shift.

4. When drawing up a schedule, you need to take into account several indispensable parameters, the action of which is enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. So, the duration of the weekly constant rest of the employee must be at least 42 hours, and the duration of rest between two consecutive workers shifts and should be at least double the duration of the shift.

5. Please note that in addition to the cases specified in Article 96 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the duration of the night shift is set 1 hour less. On pre-holiday days, this rule also applies, but if the special technology of production does not allow such a reduction, the employee has the right to additional rest time or an additional payment as for overtime work.

6. Schedule the duration of the break and lunch break for each shift. Determine, taking into account his number of actual working hours brought to each employee per month. Calculate the working time in accordance with the production calendar for the current year. If there is a fact of overtime, then all overtime must be recorded at the end of the accounting period and paid as overtime.

7. Sign the prepared schedule by the head of the enterprise, the chief accountant, the head of the personnel department and strictly coordinate it with the representative body of employees.

Make up replaceable schedule required at an enterprise where the production process is not limited to the average length of the daily working day established by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Work in several shifts may be due to the need for the effective use of machines and equipment, an increase in the volume of products or services provided to the population. The labor process at such an enterprise is carried out in accordance with schedule ohm shifts.


1. Shift work belongs to special work modes and its data should be separately specified in the employment contract. In the event that such a need arose for the first time, coordinate the likelihood of a metamorphosis of working conditions with the representative body of workers or a committee of trade unions. If an agreement is reached between the parties, then the metamorphoses are included in the collective agreement. Coordination with the trade union is not required if the entry of a shift work due to a change in organizational or technological working conditions and is confirmed by a separate order.

2. When drawing up a replacement schedule and the entry of the summarized accounting of working hours is allowed, from the fact that it is not invariably permissible to observe the maximum duration of working hours of 40 hours per week. The established rate of hours must be observed on average for the accounting period. Think about which accounting period you would prefer to ensure the balance of working hours: month, quarter or year. The accounting period must coincide with the production cycle, the one that operates in your enterprise, it cannot be more than a year.

3. Set the duration of rest between shifts, in accordance with Article 110 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, it cannot be less than the dual duration of the shift. Consider also the fact that the law establishes a universal time for a weekly uninterrupted rest of at least 42 hours.

4. Provide in schedule e the order of delivery / acceptance of the shift. Set your lunch and rest breaks to no more than 2 hours and less than 30 minutes. Describe the procedure for the employee to act in the event that his shift does not appear for work.

5. The schedule should provide for a reduction in the duration of the shift in the event work at night and on holidays. Night time is considered to be from 22 o'clock to 6 o'clock in the morning. In accordance with Art. 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for an increased payment for the entire hour work during this period.

6. When drawing up schedule but note that overtime and overtime are not included in it. Determine the standard number of working hours for the entire month according to the production calendar for the current year. If the number of hours actually worked exceeds the norm, then consider them as overtime and calculate at the end of the accounting period.

7. Shift schedule work approve it with the head of the enterprise and agree with the representative body of workers or a committee of trade unions, bring it to the data of workers no later than 1 month before the entry into force.

Have employees every single company or organization has its own personal schedule work. It is individual for every company, regardless of the products it produces. However, there are some general standard requirements that, as usual, are imposed on the preparation of such a document as schedule work.


1. In order to correctly and correctly compose schedule work, first of all, you need to take into account the duration of the working time in this company. For example, if her work is carried out only in one shift, then schedule work in it should be close to the classic eight-hour workday, one that will include a lunch break of one hour.

2. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the very specifics of the work of a certain company, the daily number of visitors (customers), as well as the nuances and features of their service. All of these aspects must be rigorously analyzed, and schedule work, in turn, must be drawn up based on the requirements of certain legal norms that govern this type of activity.

3. There are several methods for positive compilation schedule and works, all of which have not only their obvious advantages, but also clear flaws. Moreover, the choice is what schedule to implement in production or in a trading company is the prerogative of the company's management.

4. Thus, replaceable schedule labor is recommended to be compiled for social catering enterprises, as well as various industries with round-the-clock work. Such schedule provides for a shift exit employees to work, as a result of which the continuity of production processes is ensured.

5. Sliding schedule more huge than each is suitable for firms and companies in which workers at work often go on long business trips, as well as work on weekends. In this case, colleagues are likely to independently make decisions at what time or in what mode they will be able to work.

6. With a weekly schedule e colleagues are required to work a certain number of hours per week, that is, on an individual basis, employees agree on a personal schedule work with your superiors.

7. Schedule employees every enterprise must be drawn up by labor experts. Also, the heads of the company themselves must be directly involved in this process. It should be understood that a positively composed schedule work will help determine the pace, as well as the genre of the company for several years to come. It is precisely the investigative approach to this matter in all specific cases that you need to do with hefty big responsibility.

A watchman is an employee whose profession belongs to the general classifier and has nothing to do with security guards who work with a license that allows them to manufacture armed security guards for an enterprise. For the watchman, it is allowed to establish any work schedule, it depends on the conditions specified in the employment contract, and to make payment in accordance with tariff categories 016-94.

You will need

  • - calculator or 1C program;
  • - schedule.


1. Indicate the salary of the watchman when registering an employment contract. In accordance with the decree of the State Committee for Labor 58 / 3-102 and the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation 15A, you can set a salary for the watchman or an hourly wage rate.

2. You can set the watchman's work schedule as 24-hour, 12-hour or 8-hour. Payroll is calculated in accordance with general rules, based on the total number of hours worked in a month.

3. If the watchman works night shifts, which, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, start at 22:00 and end at 6:00, then add 20% to the total earnings, unless otherwise specified in the internal legal acts of the enterprise.

4. For work on all-Russian solemn days, you make double pay independently from the watchman's work schedule. If a colleague has expressed a written desire to receive an additional day off in return for the double payment, then the payment for work on solemn days is made in a single amount.

5. Double pay for processing. Consider the number of hours worked based on the total number of hours worked in a month.

6. For example, if the watchman receives an hourly wage rate of 100 rubles for one hour of work, then calculate separately all working hours on night shifts, multiply by 100 and 20%. Calculate the payment for day shifts separately. If the summed up calculation of working hours has exceeded the general rate in the working month, based on the number of working days in a given month, multiplied by 8, then multiply all working hours by 200 rubles.

7. To the amount received, add the remuneration or remuneration specified in the legal acts of the company, subtract 13% income tax. The remaining amount will be payment for the work of the watchman for one month.

8. Do not forget that the watchman has no right to use weapons and other special equipment for protection. Consequently, if your company requires armed security, then hire licensed security guards (article 2487-1 on security activities), whose salaries are much higher than that of a simple hired guard.

Many employers set a shift work schedule at their enterprise and draw up a shift schedule. Traditionally, it is an appendix to the organization's local normative act on the shiftable nature of work.

You will need

  • - documents of employees;
  • - Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • - seal of the organization;
  • - documents of the enterprise.


1. Draw up a local act, one that characterizes the changeable nature of work in your organization, assure it with the seal of the enterprise and the signature of the director of the company.

2. Indicate the name of the document, give it a number and date of preparation. Write the name of the structural unit for which the shift schedule is being drawn up. Enter the name of the month and year for the one that is being prepared for this document.

3. In accordance with article 91 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the number of hours of work of an entire employee per week should not exceed 40 hours. The changeable nature of work at the enterprise is established in connection with the production need for the continuity of the production process or to increase the volume of products. Divide the workers of the structural unit into teams. Set start and end dates for each team. Depending on the work schedule of the organization, the heads of structural divisions determine the number of shifts. If the company works non-stop during the day, then there will be four shifts, if within twelve hours - two.

4. In accordance with labor law, all shift workers must work 528 hours per quarter. If a colleague has overworked on any day, then the number of hours of overwork is compensated for by those shifts when he did not finish, or the expert is given a day off on another day.

5. Indicate the composition of all of the brigades, entering their surnames, names, patronymics, positions they hold. Write the names, initials of the foremen.

6. The head of the structural unit has the right to sign the shift schedule with an indication of his position, surname, initials.

7. Familiarize the entire employee with the shift schedule. Write their last names, first names, patronymics, positions held. The entire expert must personally sign and date the document. The shift schedule should be submitted to employees for signing one month before the entry into force of this document.

8. The director of the enterprise declares the shift schedule, affixing a resolution with the date and signature.

In the process of financial and economic activities of the enterprise, the chiefs are obliged to control worker time, that is, to record the hours worked by every employee. For this, the law has developed a form of forms, which is called "Report Card accounting working time "(form No. T-12 and No. T-13).


1. Fill out the report card every day, that is, record all the attendance and absenteeism. In the event that the employee did not appear at the workplace, do not write off putting "NN", that is, failure to appear for unclear reasons. Wait for it to occur, for example, he will provide you with a certificate of incapacity for work.

2. If you conduct control using form No. T-12, then in it record not only the attendance and absenteeism, but also calculate the wages.

3. Start filling out the form with the header. Write the name of your company and structural unit. Indicate the serial number of the document, the date of preparation and the reporting period.

5. Indicate the record number, full name. employee and his position. In the next column, write the personnel number, the one that was assigned to him when he was hired.

6. You will see columns that will be split by the number of days in a month, each cell will be split in half. This is done so that, in addition to the number of hours worked, you indicate a code, for example, if the employee worked on a daily day, the code "01" is indicated in the column; on a business trip - "06"; when working overtime - "04", etc.

7. At the end of the month, draw a conclusion, that is, count the number of hours worked per month, overtime, night, solemn. Also indicate the number of absenteeism, write about the reasons.

8. After completing the first section, sign it with your boss, a personnel worker and put the number.

9. Proceed to filling out section 2. To do this, fill in the information for the entire employee: personnel number, tariff rate, number of hours worked or days, type of payment. Calculate the total salary.

10. In the following table, you must summarize the result for each employee. Enter the number here; Count metrics such as man-days, man-hours, man-downtime. Next, write down the total number of attendances and absenteeism, enter the reasons for the absenteeism and indicate the number of employees in total. Sign the form and give it to your boss for signature.