How to celebrate Airborne Forces Day. Airborne Forces Day: history and traditions of the holiday

How to celebrate Airborne Forces Day.  Airborne Forces Day: history and traditions of the holiday
How to celebrate Airborne Forces Day. Airborne Forces Day: history and traditions of the holiday

At the end of summer, one of the most courageous holidays is celebrated - the Day of the Russian Airborne Forces. Almost a hundred years ago, on August 2, 1930, a parachute landing was carried out for the first time by an airborne unit of 12 people. The glorious history of the Russian landing force began with this exercise of the Moscow Military District, and since 1991 the landing force has become an independent branch of the Russian Armed Forces.

How is Airborne Forces Day celebrated?

For all professional military personnel, active or already in reserve, August 2 is a real professional holiday. Celebrations are taking place throughout Russia, veterans honor the memory of the dead, flowers are laid at the monuments of the dead.

On this day of strong men, demonstration performances by paratroopers are organized in hand-to-hand combat, practicing techniques with and without edged weapons. Strength competitions are especially popular, in which everyone can demonstrate their agility, endurance and athletic training.

Of course, in the capital of our country the celebration is solemn. Only those units that have an excellent track record and many awards for valiant military service deserve the right to march along Red Square. However, it is in Ryazan, which is considered the capital for all airborne troops, that the celebration is most widespread and relaxed.

According to the Orthodox calendar, the celebration coincides with the date of memory of the Holy Prophet Elijah, the patron saint of the Russian air forces. On this day, according to ancient traditions, it was forbidden to swim in reservoirs. It was believed that Ilya threw a piece of ice into the water, which is why from that day on the water became cold and mermaids returned to the reservoirs, mermaids who could drag swimmers to the bottom. And although owners of blue berets are famous for swimming in fountains and bets, this should not be done. We know how to celebrate Russian Airborne Forces Day to make it fun and interesting and we will share creative ideas!

What to give for Airborne Forces Day

For tough men who have literally gone through fire, water and copper pipes, meetings with fellow soldiers are an indispensable component of the holiday. To make it memorable for everyone present not only for the noisy feast, we offer interesting ideas on how to celebrate Airborne Forces Day. And then, in addition to memories of military service, jokes and funny stories, each of those present will be able to take with them original gifts for Airborne Forces Day and a good mood!

Our tips will help you quickly and inexpensively design a meeting place for friends who served together, especially if it becomes a surprise for your husband or loved one:

If you want to give something memorable to your man or are thinking about gifts for his friends, then it is worth remembering that gifts for paratroopers must correspond to a truly masculine character:

Wishes to the military

There are many beautiful and truthful words to congratulate on Airborne Forces Day and wishes to the military. Spoken in prose or in poetic lines, they will help you express your attitude towards these brave and strong people.

  1. Happy Airborne Forces Day! I wish courageous and courageous, courageous and strong military personnel - great love of life, caution, strong nerves, a resilient body, iron health, perseverance, faith in their calling, development, determination, peace and prosperity! Happy holiday, guys!
  2. Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day and I sincerely wish you to fly on the clouds of dreams and glory and land on the platform of success and good luck. May your heroic deeds beautify you, may happiness and love inspire you, may any of your deeds justify your goals and hopes.
  3. Not everyone dares to jump with a parachute, but you have made the sky your second home, so may God give you wings that can not only elevate you above others, but also help you achieve complex, sometimes simply impossible tasks. Let these wings serve as your protection and at the hour when danger approaches close, let them help you fly away from trouble.
  4. Airborne Forces Day is the day of a human hero. Happy holiday, paratrooper! Let the canopy of the parachute become your protection from life’s adversities, let the lines of health be strong and reliable, and let only white stripes be present on the vest of life.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day

Poems for the holiday “Russian Airborne Forces Day”, dedicated to dear and brave people, can be recited among friends and from the stands of official celebrations. Sincere words and wishes will touch these stern boys who have been through and seen a lot.

1. The second day rushes through the summer

Merry August, like a horseman,

Takes it out of the sky on one side

Having dressed, he shouts: Hello, paratrooper!

Let the adrenaline go wild

From the thrill of life!

Good luck is driven by the wind,

Having revealed your dream, jump into happiness!

2. For the Airborne Forces, for courage, for courage

We will unanimously shout three times “Hurray!”

For those who once took an oath in the army,

That he will be faithful to his homeland forever.

DUSHANBE, August 2 – Sputnik. Airborne Forces Day is traditionally celebrated throughout Russia on August 2, and the sweltering heat of over 30 degrees this year did not stop the paratroopers from coming to one of the main places of celebration - Gorky Park.

Read about why it is an invariable meeting place for paratroopers, what the tradition of “blue berets” to swim in city fountains is connected with, and how many drunken “winged guards” they met on the street in the RIA Novosti material.

Meeting point - fountain in Gorky Park

© Sputnik / Grigory Sysoev

Electronic thermometers on buildings in the center of Moscow are flashing “hot” numbers - showing a mark of 31 degrees. But, despite the sweltering heat, dozens of paratroopers are walking along the Crimean Bridge to Gorky Park with flags “For the Airborne Forces!”, and all in vests and blue berets.

"Hello! The meeting place is the same - in the center of Gorky, near the fountain!" — one of them booms into the phone.

Gorky Park is one of the places in Moscow that has become iconic for paratroopers. Here they meet on August 2nd, consistently for about 30 years. This year, two field kitchens were set up on the embankment for park guests - paratroopers are treated to buckwheat porridge with stewed meat and tea.

A musical program is also provided for them - at one o'clock in the afternoon a concert began in the park, at which the concert ensemble of the Russian Airborne Forces "Blue Berets" performed, delighting the paratroopers with their main hits - "Sineva", "Let's sit and be silent, guys" and "Glory to the Airborne Forces".

Last year, the Russian military leadership took the initiative to move the main venue for the Airborne Forces Day celebrations to Patriot Park in Kubinka, near Moscow. However, the majority of those surveyed on Wednesday agreed that the celebration of Airborne Forces Day will not move there from the center of Moscow. They named the main reason that it takes a long time to get to the Patriot.

“Gorky Park is very convenient for meetings because it is located in the center of Moscow. My colleagues and I meet here every year and we are not going to change this place. The rest, apparently, too,” the interlocutor pointed with a broad gesture at the paratroopers passing by.

Fountains, paratroopers and watermelons

© Sputnik / Vitaly Ankov

"Airborne Forces Day without swimming in the fountain is not an Airborne Forces Day!" - came from the central fountain in Gorky Park.

Indeed, swimming in the city fountains is one of the traditions of the “blue berets”, without which August 2 is not complete.

When asked where this tradition came from, the paratroopers gave different answers, from the obvious “we swim because it’s hot” to the well-known “today is the day of Elijah the Prophet - we are closing the swimming season!” However, one of the interlocutors connects this tradition with the indomitable character of the “winged guards”.

“Here, in Gorky Park, in the 80s on Airborne Forces Day there was a cordon around the fountain. It was forbidden not only to swim in it, but also to come close. But we are the Airborne Forces! There are no prohibitions for us - and the guys climbed into the fountain ", said the paratrooper.

The Blue Berets have another unchanging tradition - eating watermelons on Airborne Forces Day.

“This story is connected with the commander of the Airborne Forces, our “Uncle Vasya” - Vasily Margelov. One day he was hospitalized - it was the end of July-early August - and his colleagues brought him a watermelon. Since then, for a real paratrooper, tasting watermelon on Airborne Forces Day is a sacred thing !" — an Airborne Forces veteran told a RIA Novosti correspondent.

Among other, no less revered, traditions, he highlighted the meeting of paratroopers at the grave of the Airborne Forces commander, Army General, Hero of the Soviet Union Vasily Margelov at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow and the celebration of the first parachute jump.

Airborne Forces for a healthy lifestyle

© Sputnik / Alexey Malgavko

The correspondent did not meet a single drunken paratrooper in Gorky Park. I didn’t see any drinking groups either. The "Blue Berets" rested quietly and culturally - with mineral water in their hands and ice cream.

“The Airborne Forces are the elite of the army. It’s simply not nice to come to the park on such a holiday and openly drink beer - there are children and women here. We are for a healthy lifestyle,” said a group of young paratroopers who were drinking juice on the side of the fountain.

“Every year I come here on August 2. And I can say that the paratroopers have begun to behave noticeably more civilized. Look, everyone is sitting on benches, no one is shouting drunken songs, everything is quiet and calm. My heart rejoices for such guys,” he shared his impressions Airborne veteran.

Airborne Forces Day is celebrated on August 2 on the basis of the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” as a memorable day designed to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions, increasing the prestige of military service and established in recognition of the merits of military specialists in solving the problems of ensuring the defense and security of the state.

Airborne Forces Day is a memorable date established in May 2006 by decree of the President of Russia - the holiday is intended to contribute to the revival and development of domestic military traditions.

Paratroopers, also called “winged infantry”, “blue berets” and so on, are a symbol of courage, reliability and strength. The principle of the airborne troops: “Nobody but us!”

History of airborne troops

The birthday of the Airborne Forces is considered to be August 2, 1930. On this day, the first parachute landing was carried out in the USSR. Only 12 Red Army soldiers took part in the landing, which took place during the exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh.

The experiment was considered successful and in 1933 special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Moscow, Ukrainian, Belarusian and Volga military districts. Subsequently, modern Airborne Forces grew out of them.

© photo: Sputnik / Nikolai Khizhnyak

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, five Airborne Corps were fully formed in the USSR - each numbering up to ten thousand people. From the first days of the war, they fought defensive battles in the Baltic states, Belarus and Ukraine in cooperation with other ground forces.

The famous Prokhorovka near Kursk was defended for more than a day by the 9th Guards Airborne Division - in this battle the paratroopers destroyed about 500 Nazi soldiers.

The “winged infantry” fought in Moldova, on the Karelian Front, in Hungary, and they liberated Vienna, the capital of Austria.

It was thanks to the airborne forces that landed in Port Arthur, Harbin, Mukden, Pyongyang and South Sakhalin that Japan’s actions in the Far East were completely paralyzed.

The feat of the paratroopers, who fought with unparalleled courage and heroism, is reflected in Soviet military prose, poetry, and cinema. Bulat Okudzhava’s favorite song, “We need one victory,” is dedicated to the airborne troops.

The song “Our Tenth Airborne Battalion” was first heard in Andrei Smirnov’s film “Belorussky Station” and unconditionally entered our lives.

Airborne units continued to perform feats in the post-war period. The famous 9th company in January 1988, despite the tenfold numerical superiority of the enemy, was able to hold height 3234, repelling more than 12 Mujahideen attacks before the arrival of the reconnaissance platoon. At that time, the 9th company had only five people left in the ranks.

Since 2005, airborne units, according to their specialization, have been divided into airborne, air assault and mountain - the 98th and 106th Guards Airborne Divisions are part of the former.

The second includes the 76th Guards Air Assault Division of two regiments and the 31st Guards Separate Air Assault Brigade of three battalions, and the 7th Guards Air Assault Division (Mountain) belongs to the third.

Uncle Vasya's troops

The abbreviation VDV, as everyone knows, means Airborne Troops. The paratroopers themselves decipher the Airborne Forces as Uncle Vasya's Troops. This is how they lovingly call the famous commander of the Airborne Forces Vasily Margelov - he headed this branch of the military from 1954 to 1959 and from 1961 to 1979.

The airborne troops acquired blue berets and vests thanks to “Uncle Vasya.” Before this, airborne troops wore crimson berets. The landing of people directly in combat vehicles also began thanks to “Uncle Vasya”.

This historical fact happened on January 5, 1973 - Margelov put his son in the first BMD, which was supposed to be thrown out of the plane, and personally closed the hatch behind him.

© photo: Sputnik / Lev Polikashen

With paratroopers inside, the military equipment, when lowered, could immediately go into battle without waiting for the crews to descend with their parachutes. So the Airborne Forces acquired their irresistible mobility under “Uncle Vasya”.

Margelov was able to create in the airborne troops that special spirit, thanks to which service in the Airborne Forces began to be considered especially prestigious.

Airborne Forces Day

The Day of the Airborne Forces is celebrated by soldiers of the Airborne Forces of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries. Current and former airborne troops will gather, according to tradition, in different cities of Russia, remembering the years of their service.

Festive and commemorative events take place on Airborne Forces Day throughout Russia - demonstrations of paratroopers and paratroopers are organized, demonstrations of military equipment that are in service with the airborne troops, and so on.

On this day, Airborne Forces veterans are honored - charity events and festive concerts are held. On the holiday, they don’t forget the fallen heroes - on Airborne Forces Day they lay flowers at the monument to paratroopers and their burial places, and also hold funeral services.

Airborne troops are never former - they remain them for life, so a huge army of paratroopers on Airborne Forces Day takes to the streets of Russian cities and celebrates their professional holiday on a grand scale, from the heart, like no other.

© photo: Sputnik / Ilya Pitalev

At the same time, the “blue berets” will selflessly and heroically defend their homeland, since they are always where it is most dangerous - in the thick of it.

The airborne troops have their own patron - the prophet Elijah, whose memorial day the Orthodox Church also celebrates on August 2.

The material was prepared based on open sources

It's August already,
Airborne Forces Day has arrived.
Take the blue beret
Raise a toast with your friends.

Accept congratulations,
Celebrate the holiday well.
May they always be with you
Friendship, loyalty and love.

May your health be good,
And success will not be rare.
So that your passion does not fade away,
Remember: “Who else but us?”

Happy Airborne Forces Day, blue berets!
Peaceful sky above your head.
It’s not for nothing that you’re dressed in vests -
You are friends with heights, with blue.

We wish you good luck at any moment,
There were no dead ends anywhere.
May parachutes always be reliable,
And the sky is gentle, and the lines are strong.

You have a lot: strength, courage, figure.
I wish you health, happiness, good luck in your destiny.
Relax today. Go for a walk, landing party!
Happy holiday everyone! Honor and praise to the Airborne Forces.

Congratulations on Airborne Forces Day. Let every day in life be a high successful flight. I wish you to bravely overcome any distances and obstacles on the way to your goal, I wish you to open the parachute of your luck in time, I wish you to firmly believe in yourself, I wish you to boldly land on the platform of happy love and true friendship.

There are no former paratroopers!
We hasten to congratulate you
And on this important day we wish:
Be healthy, cheerful and loved!

Look at life with a happy look,
Let there be no troubles and no separations.
We are calm, because next to us
There is a faithful and reliable friend!

Today is a holiday
Paratroopers of all ages:
Those who served and those who serve.
And everyone is ready for the holiday!

It’s not a sin to congratulate such men.
And, of course, wish
Health, happiness, longevity,
Stay in shape, don’t lose your form.

Airborne Forces Day is your glorious holiday!
I hasten to sincerely congratulate you.
Fearless, valiant paratrooper,
I treat you with respect.

I wish you happiness and success,
And also peace on Earth.
Let nothing be a hindrance
In your lucky destiny.

On a worthy, proud holiday
I'll tell you on occasion:
Happy Airborne Forces Day, paratrooper.
I wish you only the best!

I wish I had more health
And a lot of pleasure
So that life is love,
Warmth and abundance.

" For the airborne forces!" - the guys shout,
Diving headlong into the fountain.
They are not at all to blame
This is their custom.

Bottles are breaking, but what can you do?
You can't change traditions.
And in general, it’s a holy thing -
Celebrate the holiday on a grand scale.

Well, I congratulate you,
I will say simple words:
I still wish you
I wish my head was stronger.

My dear friend, paratrooper,
May you be lucky everywhere.
I hasten to congratulate you
Happy wonderful Airborne Forces Day.

You are determined and brave.
With a bright flame in his eyes.
And you are not intimidated
No jumps, no skies.

You won't find anyone like you:
Strong, brave, lively.
May you always be healthy
Brave, bright, young.

Pieces of heaven on earth
Warmed by the scorching August,
On your strong-willed brow
You adjust your berets.

Brave, loyal, strong,
Passing the test in life,
You are like the eagles of heaven,
Keep the peace of the country from above.

"Hurray" today in your honor:
For strength, valor and talents;
Because the country has you;
For the day of airborne assault!

May you conquer the sky easily and boldly!
Brave spirit! You are the pride (elite) of our days.
Health and success to you in this difficult task!
Airborne troops, “blue berets”...
A risky move by desperate guys.
How much have you been through, dear ones?!
You are not afraid of any danger!
Courage, valor and loyal friends to you!
"Winged Infantry" - the guys are just great!
Risky ones, your motto is: “No one but us!”
Good luck, dears! We love you very much!

On Friday, August 2, Russia traditionally celebrates Airborne Forces Day. the site tells what kind of holiday it is and what traditions it has.

What are airborne troops?

Airborne troops (Airborne Forces) are a highly mobile branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces), designed to reach the enemy by air and conduct combat operations in his rear. The Airborne Forces report directly to the Airborne Forces commander and consist of airborne divisions, brigades, individual units and institutions.

When did the Airborne Forces appear?

The first mentions of the Airborne Forces date back to the times of the USSR. On December 11, 1932, the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR decided to deploy a brigade on the basis of the airborne detachment of the Leningrad Military District, entrusting it with training instructors in airborne training and working out operational-tactical standards.

Already at the beginning of 1933, special-purpose aviation battalions were formed in the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Moscow and Volga military districts. And by the summer of 1941, the manning of five airborne corps, each numbering 10 thousand people, had ended. With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, five airborne corps took part in battles with invaders on the territory of Latvia, Belarus, and Ukraine.

In 1994-1996 and 1999-2004, all formations and military units of the Airborne Forces took part in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic; in August 2008, military units of the Airborne Forces took part in the operation to force Georgia to peace, operating in the Ossetian and Abkhazian directions.

Why is Airborne Forces Day celebrated on August 2?

On this day, in 1930, during exercises of the Air Force of the Moscow Military District near Voronezh, for the first time, an airborne unit of 12 people was parachuted from a TB-3 bomber. This experiment allowed military theorists to see the prospects and advantages of parachute units and their ability to quickly reach the enemy by air.

Holiday traditions

Many people know about the tradition of the “winged landing” to put on their blue berets and vests on August 2 and meet with comrades in city parks. In addition, on August 2, Airborne Forces travel around their cities in cars with symbols and flags of the Airborne Forces.

It is also customary to swim in fountains on Airborne Forces Day. It is unknown where the love for swimming in fountains came from. There are many versions. According to the “blue berets” themselves, in this way they want to be closer to the sky, the reflection of which they see in the water of the fountains.

On August 2, the main heroes of the occasion often stage demonstrations and demonstrate the weapons and equipment in their arsenal. In addition, on August 2, festive concerts, master classes in hand-to-hand combat and parades are organized.

We remind you that in Tikhvin at the Kirovets stadium there will be an annual tournament in memory of private security officers who died in the line of duty.