Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces. Armed Forces Logistics Day August 1 holiday Armed Forces Logistics Day

Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces.  Armed Forces Logistics Day August 1 holiday Armed Forces Logistics Day
Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces. Armed Forces Logistics Day August 1 holiday Armed Forces Logistics Day

Holidays are constant companions of people's life. Holidays for us are an opportunity to bring joy to loved ones! And of course, a holiday is not a calendar concept, it happens where it is felt, where it is expected. A lot has changed in our lives in recent years, but people's craving for holidays remains an important phenomenon for any person.

On August 1, military personnel and logistics workers celebrate their professional holiday - Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, which was established by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 1998.

History of the rear of the Armed Forces

The holiday of August 1 - Home Front Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - is an excellent occasion to remember history.

The formation of the rear organs is directly related to the formation of the Russian regular army, at the origins of which was Peter I. In 1700, the Provision Order (to supply the army with bread, cereals, grain fodder) and the Military Order were created, which made allocations, among other primary needs, for supplying troops with uniforms .

Over the centuries, units, formations and institutions of the Home Front have gone through a difficult path of development. The rear was reorganized many times, its status changed.

August 1, 1941 Supreme Commander-in-Chief I.V. Stalin signed the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR No. 0257 “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army...”, which united the headquarters of the Chief of Logistics, the VOSO Directorate, the Road Administration and the Inspectorate of the Chief of Logistics of the Red Army. The position of Chief of Logistics of the Red Army was introduced, to whom, in addition to the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army, “in all respects,” the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates were also subordinated. The position of chief of logistics was also introduced in fronts and armies.

Deputy People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR, Lieutenant General of the Quartermaster Service A.V., was appointed head of the rear of the Red Army. Khrulev, his chief of staff was Major General of the Quartermaster Service P.V. Utkin. Bringing together the entire set of supply, medical and transport structures under one umbrella made it possible to establish the complex process of logistics support for the active army.

The logistics structures of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation provide everything necessary not only for military personnel, but also for military equipment; provide life support to military garrisons and carry out a number of other activities in accordance with the assigned tasks.

With their work, the Logistics Structures have earned their holiday, Logistics Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

“Taking into account the importance of logistics support for the army and navy, noting the military services of veterans and personnel of the Armed Forces Logistics to the Fatherland and in connection with its 300th anniversary,” on July 29, 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree “On the 300th anniversary of the Armed Forces Logistics ", according to which on August 1, 2000, a memorable day was established and solemnly celebrated - the 300th anniversary of the Logistics of the Armed Forces.

More than three hundred years have passed since the establishment in Russia of structures responsible for centralized logistics support for troops. During this time, the supply bodies of the army and navy, developing as the means and methods of armed struggle improved, became a reliable structure in maintaining the combat readiness of the Armed Forces at the proper level.

A multifaceted page in the history of the Logistics of the Armed Forces is a worthy contribution of its specialists to the victory of our people in the Great Patriotic War. Under the leadership of the central logistics agencies of the Red Army, created in 1941, the logistics soldiers with their labor were able to quickly make up for the losses of the first days of the war, establish a clear system of comprehensive supply of troops and naval forces, which contributed to the conduct of dozens of strategic and more than a thousand army operations.

For exemplary performance of command assignments, personal courage and initiative, many Armed Forces Logistics specialists were awarded high state awards. More than a hundred of them were awarded the high title of Hero of the Soviet Union and Hero of Socialist Labor.

Today, the Rear Services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is one of the most important components of the Armed Forces, which is responsible for ensuring the daily life of the troops in peacetime and war. This includes food and clothing supplies for military personnel, medical, commercial and consumer services, sanitary services for personnel and provision of troops with fuel and lubricants. This includes meeting the transport needs of troops, engineering and airfield and airfield technical support for aviation, carrying out fire-fighting and environmental measures, and much more. It includes the logistics headquarters, 9 main and central directorates, 3 services, as well as command and control bodies, troops and organizations of central subordination, logistics structures of the branches and branches of the Armed Forces, military districts and fleets, associations, formations and military units.

President of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2006 "On the establishment of professional holidays and memorable days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation."

The rear of the Russian army received its organizational beginning in the first quarter of the 18th century with the creation of regular troops and navy by Peter I, who demanded the organization of their constant state support from government warehouses. The orders (Provisions, Military, Artillery) became the central supply authorities.

The creation of provisions bodies in the Russian army began with the decree of Peter I of March 1 (February 18, old style) 1700, establishing the position of general provisions in the military department. This decree commanded the General Provisioner “... to manage all the grain reserves for the dacha of the military people, as well as their collection and dacha, in Moscow and in other cities...”. Thus, a new order was established, which, in accordance with the title of its chief, became known as the Proviantsky order, and the beginning of a centralized supply of food to the troops was laid.

On the same day, by royal decree, a “Special Order” was formed (later called the Military Order (sometimes called the Commissariat Order), which was entrusted with supplying the troops with uniforms, equipment and salaries, as well as weapons and horses.

The Artillery Order was created in 1701 on the basis of the Pushkar Order, which existed since the 16th century and was in charge of the manufacture, distribution and accounting of artillery and ammunition.

In 1711, by decree of Peter I, supply bodies became part of the active army. A commissariat was created in its field department, which was in charge of all types of supplies. In divisions, the organization of supply was entrusted to chief commissars and chief provisions masters, and in regiments, respectively, to commissars and provision masters. Moreover, the regiments acquired their own military facilities.

The structure of government bodies that took shape at the beginning of the 18th century and the experience gained during the Northern War in supplying the army in the field were enshrined in the Military Regulations of 1716. Responsibility for providing the troops was assigned to the army commander (Field Marshal), and direct leadership to the General Kriegs Commissar, whose responsibilities, in particular, included supplying the troops with money, clothing, provisions, weapons and horses. Medical support was provided in the army by a doctor under senior generals, in divisions by a doctor and a staff doctor, in regiments by a doctor, and in a company by a barber (paramedic).

Subsequently, the logistics support system of the Russian army was improved taking into account the experience of wars. Supply transport was developed, a system for echeloning supplies was developed, and a unified quartermaster service was created. During the First World War, front-line and army supply bases were formed, front-line distribution stations began to function, ensuring the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country, as well as corps unloading stations.

In the Red Army, the Central Supply Directorate was formed in 1918; In associations and formations, positions of supply chiefs were established, to whom units, institutions and logistics services were subordinate.

With the end of the Civil War, the Central Supply Administration was reformed into the Supply Administration, which was soon liquidated. Food and clothing supply services were combined into one Military Economic Directorate. The same thing happened with other supply and maintenance services. In addition, they were all subordinate directly to the People's Commissar of Defense. The term "rear" as a system of comprehensive support for troops (forces) was excluded from use. In 1935, instead of the Military Economic Directorate, the Food, Clothing and Transport Supply Departments were created, also subordinate to the People's Commissar of Defense. Management of logistics, medical and other types of support was concentrated in combined arms headquarters. The chiefs of staff of the front, army and division had full-time rear deputies, and in the regiment there was a rear assistant. In 1939, the Office of the Chief of Supply of the Red Army was established. In 1940, it was transformed into the Main Quartermaster Directorate, which included the departments of food, clothing, baggage and household supplies and housing allowances.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces; bases and warehouses with stocks of material resources; railway, automobile, road, repair, engineering and airfield, aviation and technical, medical, veterinary and other rear units and units of central subordination. Their management in a special respect was carried out through the corresponding main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The general management of the Main Quartermaster, Sanitary, Veterinary Directorates and the Material Funds Department was entrusted to the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. The existing rear structure did not meet the requirements of the war.

The army and front-line rear services were absent, since their maintenance in peacetime was not provided for by the states.

In the context of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, on August 1, 1941, the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army...” was signed, which united the headquarters of the Chief of Logistics, the Directorate of Military Communications (VOSO), the Highway Department and the Inspectorate of the Chief of Logistics of the Red Army. Army. The position of Chief of Logistics of the Red Army was introduced, to whom, in addition to the Main Logistics Directorate, the Main Quartermaster Directorate, Fuel Supply Directorate, Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates were also subordinated. The position of chief of logistics was also introduced in fronts and armies.

By May 1942, the positions of logistics chiefs in corps and divisions were introduced. As a result of these measures, a well-organized and technically equipped rear of the Armed Forces emerged, which successfully coped with a large volume of tasks related to logistics support for troops.

In the post-war years, as the country's economy developed, changes in the organizational structure and technical equipment of the armed forces, and the development of military science, the rear was further improved.

With the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in May 1992, their rear was also formed, the basis for which was the corresponding organs and elements of the rear infrastructure of the USSR Armed Forces.

As part of the structural reforms carried out in the army and navy, since 2010, to create a unified structure for the logistics of the Armed Forces (MTO of the Armed Forces) - the unification of the rear of the Armed Forces and weapons agencies.

The created logistics system is a vertically built management structure from the central apparatus to the military level. As a result, under a single leadership there are structures designed to provide the Armed Forces with all types of materiel, organize the operation, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment, carry out military transportation by all types of transport and maintain transport communications and facilities.

The scope of activities of logistics services of the RF Armed Forces also includes maintaining the good condition of barracks, buildings, structures located on the territory of military camps, their cleaning, and provision of utilities; veterinary and sanitary control of food, measures to protect the environment and fire protection at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Logistics support is organized and carried out in all types of daily and combat activities in order to maintain troops and forces in constant readiness to perform tasks as intended.

Management of the logistics system is structured in accordance with the types of support: basic (general) - in the interests of all Armed Forces and special - in the interests of individual types and branches of the military.

Management of general types of support is entrusted to the central bodies of military command, subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov.

Management of logistics in the branches and branches of the military is carried out by deputy commanders-in-chief (commanders) for logistics through their subordinate command and control bodies, departments and services.


An effectively working, well-functioning mechanism that connects the national economy with the troops, as consumers of manufactured products, is what the logistics support service of the Russian Armed Forces looks like today. More than 300 years ago, in 1700, Peter I established a body responsible for the centralized supply of provisions to the army, the so-called Provision Order. And on August 1, 1941, logistics supply was actually defined as an independent branch of the military; the position of chief of logistics was introduced, supervising the supply of food and fuel to the active army, as well as sanitary and veterinary control. On August 1, 2006, by Decree of the President of Russia, the official holiday was established as Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces as a tribute to the services of logistics workers in their actions to ensure the functioning of the country's Armed Forces.

The army has infantry,
Tanks, fleet and planes,
And - dear to any heart -
There is also a toothy rear.
He serves the country just fine,
He will cope with any adversity,
And therefore, friends,
It’s impossible without the rear!
Happy holiday!

Glory and praise to the rear people,
After all, the armies are diligently helping.
And may your work be hard,
But they consider you indispensable!

We wish you a long and prosperous life,
So that bonuses are paid regularly.
Value work and team,
May we be grateful for your service!

Swim in the sea, relax in the summer.
So that everything is as it should be in your personal life.
So that you never experience war in your life,
Peace on earth is a worthy reward!

On Home Front Day of the Russian Armed Forces, I wish you health and good luck. May the supply of moral and physical strength be replenished every day, may the character remain strong and strong-willed, may luck and courage accompany everything, may the rear of the Russian armed forces be famous for its bravery and courage!

The army is strong in its rear,
Everyone knows it
And today the home front service
We all congratulate you.

Shoe and dress the army,
Feed the soldier
Complete combat kit
It is necessary to provide.

We wish that in the service
You didn't know the problems
So that on time and to everyone
The army was supplied.

While there is order and plenty in the rear,
The army and the whole country are calm,
And the fighting spirit is not lost,
And no trouble is scary.

Let’s wish this to all rear workers
Stability, calm and peace,
Be sure to be sure
That they can stand up for the honor of their uniform!

On the day of the rear of the Russian armed forces,
I wish you peace and goodness,
For support to surround you,
May the trouble pass by.

So that there is prosperity and patience,
Let the house be hospitable,
So that there is happiness, mood,
Leave your problems for later.

I also wish for unity,
So that the soul is in harmony,
Fortune will not be superfluous here,
Never know pain!

This holiday is not easy - everyone knows that
The combat routine is not violated by the rear.
From head to toe he will dress you according to your certificate,
He will deliver cabbage soup and porridge to you, to spite the adversary.
The rear of the army will not fail - the army will go forward;
He will overcome the crossing, and will build bridges for everyone!

A reliable rear is a guarantee of victory.
Today, everyone should have a reliable rear.
In the past, our grandfathers experienced
How much is a pound, and when success awaited us...

After all, the logistics service of the Ministry of Defense,
Always and on time must deliver to the regiment -
And cabbage soup, and porridge, and newspapers and cartridges,
And only then will this service be of any use.

Today our service celebrates the holiday,
So let's wish her every success...
Let revenue and friendship help in the service,
In military affairs there are no trifles!

Our rear is always a support for the troops,
Ammunition and provisions -
Will deliver to the front line soon
Showing considerable talent.

Congratulations to those who will provide
The combat effectiveness of our forces,
Who clothes, feeds, treats -
Our reliable combat rear!

I want to congratulate all the rear workers,
You deserve these congratulations!
I wish you only successful days,
May you serve with ease day after day!

I wish you sun, blue sky,
Peace in the whole world and in hearts,
Courage, health of steel
And a lot of strength in both souls and bodies!

Congratulations to all the rear workers,
We wish you successful service,
Work efficiently for you - always.
Service worthy of respect
After all, our army's supply is
Requires a lot of work.
On the day of the rear of the glorious troops of Russia
Channel your knowledge and strength
To strengthen the defense.
When the rear of the troops is reliable -
You can serve and live in peace,
Such an army cannot be defeated!

Congratulations: 45 in verse, 7 in prose.

Date in 2019: August 1st, Thursday.

The supply troops have been providing for the needs of the Russian armed forces at sea and on land for more than 300 years. A special structure was formed immediately after the creation of the regular army back in 1700. Adjustments were made to the work of the service, which contributed to a more effective implementation of the tasks assigned to it. The last large-scale reorganization took place in 2010 - rear personnel were included in the logistics and logistics of the Russian Armed Forces. Since 1998, Home Front Day has been celebrated on August 1st.

August 1 is celebrated as Logistics Day of the Russian Armed Forces. The holiday was established in 1998 by order of the Russian Minister of Defense. Since then, Logistics Day has been celebrated annually.

When, how and who celebrates this day

Figure 1. Food supply to law enforcement agencies is the main task of the unit

August is rich in holidays for security forces. August 1 opens this festive galaxy with the Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. In 2019, the date falls on Thursday. The holiday has not been declared an official holiday.

The history of the formation of this unit of the RF Armed Forces is rooted in the distant past and is associated with the name of Peter I. However, the date of the formation of the structure began to be solemnly celebrated relatively recently, only 20 years ago. It is customary to congratulate all employees related to the activities of the unit: military personnel and civilian personnel.

The following ceremonial events are held on this day:

  • award badges of honor to the best employees;
  • assign new titles;
  • hold ceremonial formations;
  • organize concert events.

The task of the rear guards is to provide the Russian army with all the necessary food: fuel, household supplies, shoes and clothing, ammunition and much more. Very often this has to be done in an extreme situation in a short period of time.

News story from the Zvezda TV channel.

Significant event associated with the holiday

On August 1, 1941, Stalin signed the order “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army.” The war had already begun, and it became clear that the existing structure of the unit was not capable of supporting the army in wartime conditions.

Two large-scale innovations were made:

  • the Main Directorate included the chief's headquarters, military communications authorities, the highway department, and the inspection of the chief of logistics of the Red Army;
  • in the armies, at the fronts, corps and divisions, a position was established - chief of logistics.

The measures taken have improved the work of the management. Reorganization measures helped cope with the colossal loads in 1941-45. The holiday in honor of the rear structures is dedicated to this significant event.

Interesting! The Day of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus is celebrated annually on March 28. The date coincides with the events of 1918. On March 28, an economic committee was formed in the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. The holiday was officially established by the country's Minister of Defense in 2003.

The history of the holiday

Figure 2. For more than 300 years, the unit has been responsible for uniforming the Russian army

In the 18th century, Peter I created a regular army and navy. They were kept in the government account. It became clear that it was necessary to create a permanent organization that would monitor the maintenance and contents of the formed security forces.

In 1700, Peter I introduced a new military position - general of provisions and signed a decree on the formation of the “Special Order”. Later it was called Military or Commissariat. The order was responsible for uniforms, equipment, salaries of the army, as well as horses and weapons.

11 years after its formation, the supply body became part of the active army. In 1716, the charter of the special order was approved.

The structure and system of the unit changed and improved with each new military conflict in which the country participated.

Today, the Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is part of the Logistics and Technical Support System of the Russian Armed Forces. The combat effectiveness of the Russian army is directly related to the efficiency of the rear.

Interesting! In 2010, Putin signed a decree “On the 300th anniversary of the Logistics of the Armed Forces.” The President emphasized the importance of the unit in meeting the needs of the army and navy.

“Military program” by A. Sladky.

Famous representatives of the profession

Figure 3. Dmitry Bulgakov served as head of the department before the reorganization of the service in 2010

Before the reorganization measures in 2010, the military structure was headed by the following chiefs:

  1. Colonel General Ivan Fuzhenko - held the position for a very short period of time - from 1991 to 1992.
  2. Colonel General Vladimir Churanov - took the post in 1992 and left it in 1997 due to retirement.
  3. Army General Vladimir Isakov - headed the Home Front until 2008. Isakov wrote several scientific works and textbooks on organizing the work of the Home Front. He was dismissed 2 years before the due date. The alleged reason for his dismissal is disagreement with the reorganization of the Russian Armed Forces.
  4. Army General Dmitry Bulgakov - held the position until the reorganization of supply structures. He has many state awards and distinctions, and is the author of scientific works on military topics.
  5. Vladimir Trishunkin is the current Chief of the Logistics and Technical Support Staff of the country's Armed Forces. In 2010, as a result of military reforms, Rear became part of the Headquarters system.


Congratulations on your professional holiday to everyone involved in supplying the Russian army and navy. Thanks to the effective work of civilian and military personnel, our army is always in combat readiness and guarding the borders of our vast Motherland.

Thank you for your work, for working in difficult, sometimes impossible circumstances. We wish you professional success, happiness in your personal life, and that everything goes well!


While there is order and plenty in the rear,
The army and the whole country are calm,
And the fighting spirit is not lost,
And no trouble is scary.

Larisa, October 2, 2016.

Peter I on March 1 (February 18, old style) 1700, establishing the position of general provisions in the military department, to which the okolnichy Semyon Yazykov was appointed. This decree commanded the General Provisioner “... to manage all the grain reserves for the dacha of the military people, as well as their collection and dacha, in Moscow and in other cities...”. Thus, a new order was established, which, in accordance with the title of its chief, became known as the Proviantsky order, and the beginning of a centralized supply of food to the troops was laid.

On the same day, by royal decree, a “Special Order” was formed (later called the Military Order (sometimes called the Commissariat Order), which was entrusted with supplying the troops with uniforms, equipment and salaries, as well as weapons and horses.

The Artillery Order was created in 1701 on the basis of the Pushkar Order, which existed since the 16th century and was in charge of the manufacture, distribution and accounting of artillery and ammunition.

In 1711, by decree of Peter I, supply bodies became part of the active army. A commissariat was created in its field department, which was in charge of all types of supplies. In divisions, the organization of supply was entrusted to chief commissars and chief provisions masters, and in regiments, respectively, to commissars and provision masters. Moreover, the regiments acquired their own military facilities.

The structure of government bodies that took shape at the beginning of the 18th century and the experience gained during the Northern War in supplying the army in the field were enshrined in the Military Regulations of 1716. Responsibility for providing the troops was assigned to the army commander (Field Marshal), and direct leadership to the General Kriegs Commissar, whose responsibilities, in particular, included supplying the troops with money, clothing, provisions, weapons and horses. Medical support was provided in the army by a doctor under senior generals, in divisions by a doctor and a staff doctor, in regiments by a doctor, and in a company by a barber (paramedic).

Subsequently, the logistics support system of the Russian army was improved taking into account the experience of wars. Supply transport was developed, a system for echeloning supplies was developed, and a unified quartermaster service was created. During the First World War, front-line and army supply bases were formed, front-line distribution stations began to function, ensuring the reception of railway transport from the rear of the country, as well as corps unloading stations.

In the Red Army, the Central Supply Directorate was formed in 1918; In associations and formations, positions of supply chiefs were established, to whom units, institutions and logistics services were subordinate.

With the end of the Civil War, the Central Supply Directorate was reformed into the Supply Directorate, which was soon liquidated. Food and clothing supply services were combined into one Military Economic Directorate. The same thing happened with other supply and maintenance services. In addition, they were all subordinate directly to the People's Commissar of Defense. The term "rear" as a system of comprehensive support for troops (forces) was excluded from use. In 1935, instead of the Military Economic Directorate, food, clothing and baggage supply departments were created, also subordinate to the People's Commissar of Defense. Management of logistics, medical and other types of support was concentrated in combined arms headquarters. The chiefs of staff of the front, army and division had full-time rear deputies, and in the regiment there was a rear assistant. In 1939, the Office of the Chief of Supply of the Red Army was established. In 1940, it was transformed into the Main Quartermaster Directorate as part of the departments of food, clothing, baggage and household supplies and housing allowances.

By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the rear of the Armed Forces of the USSR included: rear units, units and institutions that were part of military units, formations and associations of all types of the Armed Forces; bases and warehouses with stocks of material resources; railway, automobile, road, repair, engineering and airfield, aviation and technical, medical, veterinary and other rear units and units of central subordination. Their management in a special respect was carried out through the corresponding main and central departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense. The general management of the Main Quartermaster, Sanitary, Veterinary Directorates and the Material Funds Department was entrusted to the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense. The existing rear structure did not meet the requirements of the war. The army and front-line rear services were absent, since their maintenance in peacetime was not provided for by the states.

In the context of the outbreak of the Great Patriotic War, on August 1, 1941, the order of the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR “On the organization of the Main Logistics Directorate of the Red Army...” was signed, which united the headquarters of the Chief of Logistics, the Directorate of Military Communications (VOSO), the Highway Department and the Inspectorate of the Chief of Logistics of the Red Army. Army. The position of Chief of Logistics of the Red Army was introduced, who, in addition to

The Main Directorate of Logistics was also subordinated to the Main Quartermaster Directorate, the Fuel Supply Directorate, the Sanitary and Veterinary Directorates. The position of chief of logistics was also introduced in fronts and armies.

By May 1942, the positions of logistics chiefs in corps and divisions were introduced. As a result of these measures, a well-organized and technically equipped rear of the Armed Forces emerged, which successfully coped with a large volume of tasks related to logistics support for troops.

In the post-war years, as the country's economy developed, changes in the organizational structure and technical equipment of the armed forces, and the development of military science, the rear was further improved.

With the creation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in May 1992, their rear was also formed, the basis for which was the corresponding organs and elements of the rear infrastructure of the USSR Armed Forces.

As part of the structural reforms carried out in the army and navy, since 2010, measures have been taken to create a unified structure for the logistics of the Armed Forces (MTO of the Armed Forces) - the unification of the rear of the Armed Forces and weapons agencies.

The created logistics system is a vertically built management structure from the central apparatus to the military level. As a result, under a single leadership there are structures designed to provide the Armed Forces with all types of materiel, organize the operation, maintenance and repair of weapons and military equipment, carry out military transportation by all types of transport and maintain transport communications and facilities.

The scope of activities of logistics services of the RF Armed Forces also includes maintaining the good condition of barracks, buildings, structures located on the territory of military camps, their cleaning, and provision of utilities; veterinary and sanitary control of food, measures to protect the environment and fire protection at the facilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

At the current stage of development of the Armed Forces, the structure of the central apparatus of the MTO includes: the headquarters of logistics of the RF Armed Forces; Department of Transport Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Department of Operational Maintenance and Provision of Public Utilities to Military Units and Organizations of the RF Ministry of Defense; Food Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation; Main Armored Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry; Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Russian Defense Ministry; Main Directorate of the Chief of Railway Troops; Department of Metrology of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Management of general types of support is entrusted to the central bodies of military command, subordinate to the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Dmitry Bulgakov.
