How to open a gun shop: Consider a gun shop as a full-fledged business. Business from scratch: gun shop

How to open a gun shop: Consider a gun shop as a full-fledged business. Business from scratch: gun shop

To develop the direction of the arms business, you need to be a passionate lover of weapons. It is also advisable to get involved in hunting and fishing, have an extra 100 thousand dollars and, at least, be a former employee of internal organs, with a rank of at least a major. But this ideal conditions for opening a gun shop. And we do not live in a perfect world.

It is quite difficult to open your own weapons store, but it is definitely worth it, since according to experts the profitability of the arms business exceeds the threshold of 50%, and the market is growing by 5% annually. So there is something to fight for, especially since the bulk of the owners are gun shops, passionate fans of their goods, so this type of business will bring you not only a decent income, but also a lot of pleasure.

How to open a gun store: requirements and licensing

In order to open your own weapons store, you will need to pay a lot of attention to three main areas - licensing, security and assortment. Our gun shop business plan will pay maximum attention to these points.

Licenses and other documentation.

So, the first thing you will have to face when opening a gun store is obtaining a license to trade in firearms. The list of documents for obtaining an arms trade license is given below:

  • application of the established form;
  • certified copies of constituent documents and certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • lease agreements for premises, buildings, warehouses used for storing or placing weapons and ammunition, or documents confirming the ownership of these premises;
  • acts of commission examinations of premises intended for storing and placing weapons and ammunition by employees of the licensing and permitting work of the internal affairs bodies with the involvement of representatives of the state sanitary and epidemiological, fire and architectural supervision;
  • an act drawn up by a non-departmental security unit under the internal affairs body at the location of the object on the compliance of the equipment of storage facilities for weapons and ammunition, trade in them (closed showcases of exhibition halls) with the requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;
  • copies of orders of the head of the legal entity on the appointment of a person responsible for the safety of weapons and ammunition, and employees admitted to the sale, storage, issue and conduct of permitted types of work with weapons and ammunition.

Not the last thing will be the presence of useful acquaintances in the internal organs, in order to reduce the financial and time costs for obtaining permits for the sale of weapons, since all stores of such a plan are under the vigilant and vigilant control of our valiant police.

How to open an arms store: premises and a trading floor.

Due to the risks associated with the sale of any weapon, the requirements for the premises in which the weapons stores are located and for the sales areas, in which the sale process itself takes place, is invariably high, especially from the point of view of security. The area of ​​the store must be at least 100 m / kV... In this case, you will be able to present your assortment in a quality manner by dividing the sales areas by types of goods. Those. a hall for hunters, a hall for pneumatic weapons, gas, cold, etc.

Armory room

Pay maximum attention to the equipment of the weapon room. This is a separate room in which there should be no window openings. The minimum wall and ceiling thickness for the weapons room should be 360 ​​mm. A one-piece welded structure similar to a safe can be used. The doorway must be closed by double doors with reinforced locks. The weapon room should open only 2 times a day - when you open the store to receive weapons and when you close it. The rest of the openings, windows, doors and ventilation hatches of your gun store should also be protected from possible penetration as much as possible. Windows, preferably of armored glass, should be covered with bars. Vents too. All doors and windows must be alarmed. The same goes for the display cases and the armory room.

Your store should be equipped with a portable generator so that in the event of a power outage, the alarm system does not turn off.

Weapon shop: hall interior

When designing and manufacturing commercial equipment, you should remember that your main task is not only to present the product with high quality, but also to limit as much as possible the possibility of independent access of curious buyers to your product. Therefore, all showcases must be made of impact-resistant, or even better - bullet-proof glass and equipped with locks. For a high-quality presentation of your product in the sales area, it is best to combine open and closed racks. Open shelves are placed in the behind-the-counter area, behind the seller's back, with each product being placed on special brackets and equipped with a lock.

Counters and glass pyramids, which are located right in the trading floor, will help you save money, since they are covered with glass and one common lock is enough for them. But despite all this, an alarm should also be connected to your windows, because an unloaded gun fires once a year, and you have a whole store of them ...

The image of the gun shop. Staff

Nothing is as important in the arms business as image. He is in second place after security. Therefore, your task is to give your gun store an appropriate design. It should be chic, because at all times the weapon was an expensive pleasure. If earlier in the arms stores, which specialized (mainly) in goods for hunting and fishing, stuffed animals of the trophies obtained by the owner were hung out, now this is no longer in vogue.

The ideal option would be green or red cloth, natural wood, embossed leather and metal parts without excess shine. Your store should resemble a prestigious casino. There should be chic and style everywhere. Your customers deserve it. Also, do not forget about the backlight. Correctly selected lighting will allow you to correctly focus on the product and hide possible flaws.

Your staff should be characterized by one word - professionals ... Sellers should know everything about the product, have a pleasant appearance and competently delivered speech, be able to present their product, and, most importantly, know how any model of weapon is disassembled and assembled in your store. Weapons instructors should also be prepared as much as possible for any surprises from the buyers.

Marketing in the arms business?

For the arms business, the only correct marketing solution would be to place information in specialized publications. Sponsoring programs for hunting and shooting competitions and other specialized events will also favorably emphasize your image. An eternal marketing ploy will be the recommendation of buyers who have become satisfied owners of small arms and other weapons thanks to your store.

An additional plus for you will be the presence of a shooting gallery or shooting range next to the weapons store, where the buyer can immediately try out the purchased product. And just fans of shooting will also start visiting your shooting range, and later, most likely, your store. Taking into account that one shot from a firearm costs on average 60 rubles, and those who like to shoot for hours number in the tens, then soon income from shooting gallery can be equal to income from gun shop ... True, there is a nuance in this issue, it is almost impossible to obtain permission to open a shooting range within the city. Therefore, you need to either open a store on the periphery, which, by the way, will not affect the customer flow in any way, because the acquisition of a gun can hardly be called an impulse purchase, or, opening a store in the city center, organize a shooting range separately. And customers who bought goods from you, for example, give a coupon for 3 hours of free shooting.

Don't forget the nice little things for your customers. Such as assistance in preparing documents for obtaining a license, fitting weapons, minor repairs, advice on use and maintenance. And if your store has a distinct hunting theme, then you can organize a hunter's club on the basis of the store, or assist in acquiring hunting permits.

Weapon shop: assortment.

Now for the third important component of your arms business. A well-chosen assortment is 50% of the success of your business. The minimum assortment for a self-respecting gun store is given below:

  1. Smooth-bore hunting weapon. Plus the appropriate ammunition.
  2. Rifled hunting weapons: rifles and carbines.
  3. Sports weapon.
  4. Self-defense weapons: traumatic and smooth-bore, gas.
  5. Self-defense equipment: stun guns, gas canisters, noise weapons.
  6. Edged weapons: collection, hunting, gift.
  7. Airguns. 8. Hunting and sports equipment.
  8. Safes for storing firearms.
  9. Ammunition for hunting, sports and self-defense weapons.
  10. Every little thing for the care and operation of all the above types of weapons.

The depth of the assortment depends only on your financial capabilities. In any case, you should not import unlimited premium guns at the initial stage. Purchases of this kind happen once a year at best. Listen to the wishes of your customers and you will always win. According to statistics, the bulk of the turnover falls on the sale of ammunition, equipment and self-defense equipment, so try to ensure their 100% availability, because this product is purchased 3-4 times more often than guns.

The financial aspect of the arms business

  • Rent and repair of premises - from 1.5 million rubles.
  • Purchase of goods - from 1.5 to 2 million rubles
  • Purchase of commercial equipment and protective equipment - 400 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses - 200-300 thousand rubles.
  • Staff salaries - up to 1.2 million rubles per year.

In total, the pleasure of owning your own gun shop will cost you 5.5 million rubles at the initial stage... Good news - business profitability is at the level of 50-60%, and the payback, with proper organization and management, is a little more than 2 years , which under the current market conditions is an almost ideal result. We hope our gun shop business plan will help you to establish your profitable business and success to you!

Do you collect weapons and dream of making a real business out of your hobby? Or did you hear from friends how profitable it is to have a gun shop now? To carry out this business, first of all, it is necessary to create a competent business plan.

According to statistics, the demand for weapons is growing from year to year, and the user base is expanding. Despite the originality of the goods, buyers of the future store can be not only hunters or representatives of private security organizations (PSCs). The nature of the target audience has changed due to the adoption in 1997 of the "Law on Weapons". Now, any citizen of Russia can purchase such a product for self-defense, with a special permit.

Market analysis

Opening a gun shop is no easier than buying one. There are certain difficulties here, both with the acquisition of the product itself, and with obtaining documents, and most importantly, the corresponding license. It is because of this that starting this business is much more difficult than opening a regular grocery store.

So, the gun shop is a unique, promising and profitable idea on the market that requires resilience from an entrepreneur, a clear strategy and three million rubles of initial capital for renting, arranging premises and purchasing weapons.

Business registration

The first mandatory item in a business plan is to work with documentation. You need to start collecting the necessary papers even before choosing a room or purchasing goods, because without the required documents, a business that has not yet opened will fall at the first check. Required package of documents for obtaining a license:

  • the corresponding application for registration of the weapons store;
  • lease agreement or title deeds for all used premises;
  • constituent documents certified by a notary;
  • certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
  • conclusions of the fire inspectorate, SES, ATS and the architectural supervision service that the existing premises are suitable for use as a weapons store;
  • an act of non-departmental security of the Department of Internal Affairs, which proves that the equipment in warehouses and sales areas complies with the standards of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • copies of the orders of the head on the appointment of employees responsible for the issuance of ammunition and weapons, as well as their sale, storage.

Requirements for the premises

Along with the collection of documents, the organizer should take care of the selection and arrangement of the premises. The first thing to do here is to pay attention to the following criteria.

Room sizeThe store must have an area of ​​at least 120 square meters, which will allow to correctly place the entire range of goods, while attracting buyers and giving them the opportunity to familiarize themselves with all the products.
SignalingThe mandatory presence of fire and burglar alarms is required, with access to the central monitoring station of the outside security department of the ATS. Also, it should work from an autonomous electric current generator, which will allow the locks, alarms and cameras to continue working when the power is turned off.
SecurityAll entrances and exits (doors, openings, windows, ventilation shafts) must be protected with steel bars to prevent illegal entry into the store. The thickness of the ceiling, walls and floor in the weapons store must be more than 36 cm. If this value cannot be achieved, additional steel gratings are also installed.
The presence of a weapons roomThe location in the store of a special room-warehouse of the sold weapons has several serious requirements:
-the absence of any openings other than the door
-presence of a solid double door with a complex lock
- the material from which the door should be made: the first is metal, the second is in the form of a large steel lattice.

For a good presentation of the goods to the buyer, it is recommended to divide the store into several rooms, according to the types of goods and the needs of the staff. The armory room - the most secure room in the store should be used twice a day: at the beginning of the working day - for taking weapons to the trading floor and at the end - for sending products back to storage. Otherwise, there are no clear requirements for the number, location of weapons and design of the premises.

List of halls in the weapons store:

  1. Hall for hunters.
  2. Room for pneumatic weapons.
  3. Hall for edged weapons.
  4. Specialized premises for employees.

The design of the premises is far from the last place in the organization of the store. It must match the same style. Weapons are expensive, which means that their delivery to the client must be done with dignity.

For this, the use of natural wood species, expensive leather materials, red and green cloth is suitable. To highlight some collectible items, the use of metal parts and a variety of lighting options is encouraged. The visiting guest should get into the atmosphere of a casino or a poker club. The use of hunting and fishing as the main topic is no longer relevant, which means it is not profitable.

Basically, you can distribute goods on glass display cases and open shelves located behind the seller at the counter.

Racks are the safest way to store goods, however, the ability to remove and immediately show the model of the weapon of interest to the buyer attracts customers more.

In any case, in the store, these two types of arrangement should be combined.

Gunshop assortment

The assortment of any store is always focused on the target audience of buyers. If you plan to choose hunting as the main direction, then you need the predominance of various hunting weapons, ammunition and other accessories, special clothing, and devices. For the sale of weapons for the purpose of means of self-defense of citizens, the assortment of the store should consist of pneumatic and cold weapons, spray cans, stun guns.

Every little thing for the care and operation of weapons, safes for storing firearms, equipment, gift models will always be useful on sale. With the development of the store, the assortment can change, based on customer demand.

Professional staff training

The profitability and quality of a store largely depends on the work of the staff, that is, the usual human factor. It is impossible to develop the arms business without employees of the following specialties:

  1. Sales consultants are people who know everything about the product being sold, who can communicate with customers, present the product favorably, assemble and disassemble any model of the weapon provided by the store.
  2. Administrator - an employee who provides control over the store, is responsible for the work of the staff and the solution of all organizational issues.
  3. Security guard - an employee responsible for the security of the enterprise, must have a license to carry a weapon, excellent physical fitness, be able to quickly respond and solve problems.
  4. Marketer is an employee engaged in advertising activities, store promotion.
  5. Cleaning woman.

Advertising campaign and its significance

As stated earlier, it is best to have a professional marketer to promote your store. This is necessary because the product being sold is quite specific, which means that its advertising is different from the whole other mass of marketing tricks. Placement of banners, advertisements on television and radio is not suitable here.

According to the experience of other businessmen, the most correct way of posting information about the store in specialized publications or creating your own brochure containing useful information about the range, promotions, customer assistance and their reviews is recognized as the most correct. For the same purpose, it is worth creating an official website and a group with social networks.

To attract customers, you can organize a shooting range next to the store, in which each customer for a small price can try the gun before buying it, or shoot for free after a deal with the store.

So that the number of buyers increases, and not decreases, you can offer them such services as assistance in preparing documents for obtaining a license, fitting weapons, minor repairs, advice on use and maintenance.

The financial component of the business

At the first stage of creating a business, the main expenses will go to the rental and arrangement of premises, the purchase of weapons, equipment and protective equipment. To further maintain the store, it will be necessary to pay salaries to staff, taxes, allocate money for the development of advertising and maintenance of equipment.

However, all costs can be recouped within two years, since the profitability of the arms business is estimated by experts at 50%. If the store becomes competitive, gains regular customers and gains popularity in the city, then prices may rise, that is, an even greater increase in profits.

Today, the arms trade is very profitable. In this connection, more and more entrepreneurs are thinking about the question of how to open an arms store. It must be remembered that this field of activity is only half legal, where the rate of return is 30-40%.

Before opening your own weapons store, you need to study all applicable laws in this regard, study the competitive environment and resolve sales issues. Since this is a relatively new industry for our country, you will encounter many inconsistencies and contradictions along the way. For example, the legislation allows the sale of pneumatic weapons, but the ban on hunting applies to them. The same is the case with domestic-made gas pistols, which seem to be the means allowed for defense, but at the same time they are assembled on the production lines of military weapons, as bringing additional profit.

Entry into the arms market is associated with certain difficulties associated with obtaining an appropriate license to gaining competitiveness among existing organizations, among which the market is usually already distributed. Often, the owners of weapons shops are already experienced entrepreneurs or former law enforcement officers.

The initial investment is at least $ 100,000. The main expenses will be spent on finding the premises and their equipment that meet the technical requirements, on the purchase of goods and their appropriate display.

Asking the question of how to open an arms store, you must first of all think about a room suitable for these purposes, the area of ​​which should be 120-200 square meters. m. On such a territory, you can organize halls: for models of hunting weapons, for combat, for cold.

Presentation of goods in a gun shop

  1. Weapons are placed behind the seller behind the counter on open stands, or in glass cases in the trading floor itself and on counters. It is best to make "pyramids" - weapon racks, because they provide the best view for viewing at maximum placement of the quantity of goods.
  2. It is necessary to purchase special brackets, where each weapon, when placed on an open stand, is fixed with its own lock.

For your information, do not forget to equip the room with an alarm system when opening your gun store.

Technical requirements

  1. A fire-fighting system is required.
  2. The presence of a security and fire alarm system, the connection of which is connected with the central monitoring panel of the private security guard of the Department of Internal Affairs.
  3. Add. power supply for unexpected mains outages.
  4. It is necessary to allocate space for a special room without windows with powerful door locks, the so-called. "Weapons room".
  5. Provide steel grilles for vents and windows.

How to decorate an interior for a gun store

Since the very specifics of opening an arms store implies the presence of an expensive product, it is necessary to bring the interior of the store into full compliance with expensive models of goods and respectable customers. So, in the design it is very appropriate to use green or red cloth, embossed leather, suede, natural wood, details made of not particularly shiny metal. It is also necessary to make a backlight.

In addition, it is important to very competently select the range of products for your weapons store. The greatest demand today is for hunting rifles, which are designed for self-defense. Customers are also very willing to buy gas cartridges, stun guns, since their sale is not complicated by licensing. Models of rifled weapons and batons are in less demand.

Gunshop advertising and profits

The main income of gun shops comes from sales of self-defense equipment and ammunition. More expensive hunting weapons are rarely sold, but it is they that represent an image component for any gun store.

As for the marketing campaign, in this case it cannot be built according to standard schemes - they will not work. It is best to post information about the opening of your weapons store in specialized publications on this topic. Also, the system of bonuses for clients will not be superfluous, including: minor repairs, assistance both in choosing the weapon itself, and in preparing the package of documents required for a license. It will be nice to establish contact with tourist centers and organize hunting trips.

Hunting enthusiasts and citizens concerned about self-defense will become your main client base.

The cost of a weapon should vary depending on its type. It is impossible to set the upper price threshold, but the lower one should be occupied by gas cartridges ($ 6-10), hunting knives (about $ 10), as well as stun guns (about $ 50). As for the cost of hunting rifles, their lower price threshold should be in the range of $ 300-400.

The profitability of the arms business is constantly growing and this trend will continue for a long time. Take a close look at the demand in your city and familiarize yourself with the work of competitors. Considerable financial investments will not pay off immediately, but the prospects are encouraging.

Taking into account the current trends in the development of the market, owning a gun store looks like a rather tempting business that attracts more and more entrepreneurs. According to recent estimates, the profitability of a business of this kind does not exceed 40 percent, but every year this figure is increasing by about 5 percent.

The structure of the arms market in many large cities shows that it presupposes the presence of retailers with an excellent reputation, so it is not easy to get into such a business today.

Usually, those who previously worked in such a store go to the arms business, have many contacts and potential suppliers, and also thoroughly understand the intricacies of managing such a business.

In addition, often the owners of the gun shop are former law enforcement officers who will have no difficulty in obtaining a license to carry out such activities.

In order to open a gun shop in any Russian region, just a permit from the local department of the Internal Affairs Directorate is enough; in the capital, you also need a special permit from the city authorities.

When planning to open an arms store, one should take into account the opinion of experts, who are sure that it will cost about 100 thousand dollars. After all, you need not only to purchase a variety of weapons and related products, but also to competently prepare the premises, arrange it in full compliance with the basic technical requirements set by the licensing authorities. It is also important to have a decent display of the weapon for sale.

To organize a weapons store, you need a special room, the area of ​​which is on average 150-170 square meters, although sometimes 120 "squares" is enough. All goods should be placed comfortably for both buyers and sellers of the store.

When an entrepreneur has a large area, for example, 200 square meters, then several sales areas can be organized at once. In one of them, weapons for hunting will be sold, in the other - dummies of military weapons, in the third - pneumatic weapons, weapon accessories, and so on. Many gun shops offer the iron safes needed for keeping guns at home.

Currently, the entrepreneurs who run gun shops use two of the most popular options for displaying guns. The first of them involves exhibiting weapons on open stands. At the same time, there must be a seller behind the counter, who shows the goods to the buyer. In the second version, the weapon is located in glass display cases.

Today, pyramid racks are becoming increasingly popular, where weapons are fixed at different levels. Thus, the buyer can examine it very carefully and in detail. Choosing the second option for placing weapons in glass display cases, the entrepreneur will incur additional expenses for the purchase of display cases, and then for ensuring their safety. Any glass showcase must necessarily be equipped with an alarm, and sometimes bullet-proof and impact-resistant glasses.

Weapon shops are very popular with their rich interiors that attract attention. A store that will inspire confidence in customers should be decorated with natural wood, suede, leather, and metal parts. Refreshing the sales area should be discreet.

To increase the profit and popularity of the gun store, many entrepreneurs take an unusual marketing ploy - to place a shooting gallery near the store. Here, shoppers can immediately try their purchase in action. Sometimes people come to the shooting gallery who were not previously fond of shooting, and if this activity engages them, they will certainly go to the store to choose a weapon. This is how often the number of customers of the gun store is replenished.

Another way to increase the customers of the gun store is to create a hunting club at the store. Members of this club regularly replenish their arsenal, and therefore can bring profit to the store.

In our country, the requirements for a modern weapons store are strictly regulated. The retail space must be equipped with fire extinguishing equipment in strict accordance with the established standards. A fire alarm in a store must have a high alarm threshold.

For the stable operation of the store, an additional power source should be installed, which will work in case of an emergency and disconnection of the main network. All windows, both ordinary and ventilation ones, must be provided with steel gratings.

Particular attention should be paid to the formation of the assortment of the weapons store. Most of the profits here are generated by high turnovers thanks to the trade in self-defense equipment and ammunition. No less important, the image component of the work of a gun shop is the sale of expensive hunting rifles.

Shotguns and rifles are the main source of purchase for gun shop owners, which are in great demand among consumers. Imported weapons are usually more expensive, and there are practically no differences in quality. Of course, several models of weapons presented for sale may belong to the number of samples of the elite class, but you should not fill all the shelves with such weapons.

This will significantly increase the size of the initial investment, and will lead to a decrease in the return on investment of the store. The wider the range of weapons for self-defense, the higher the profit level of the gun store will be. Usually, a significant part of the profit is generated from the sale of stun guns, gas cans, rifled dummies and other means of self-defense.

The payback period for a gun store is on average one and a half to two years. With a competent organization of the business in the shortest possible time, it will become profitable and.

Arms trade is known to be one of the most profitable businesses. It is also known that this field of activity is illegal. However, it should be noted that there is also a perfectly legitimate niche for the arms business. Of course, it is not so profitable, nevertheless, and here the level of profitability reaches from 30 to 40%.

To start working in this area of ​​activity, you should carefully study the market, the competitors operating on it, as well as all the norms, requirements and nuances of the current legislation that directly or indirectly relate to the arms business and search for your niche. It should be noted that the domestic arms market is at an early stage of development. For this reason, there are many contradictions and inconsistencies in the sector. For example, some time ago a new generation of pneumatics appeared on the market - high-power pneumatic guns. In accordance with current legislation, you can buy such a weapon, but hunting with it is prohibited. An equally ambiguous situation has developed with Russian-made gas pistols. On the one hand, they are an acceptable and permissible means of self-defense, on the other hand, they are assembled on the same production lines on which military weapons are produced and from practically the same materials. The problem with this is that any craftsman, if desired, can easily make the gas pistol start firing live ammunition, which can become a source of extremely negative consequences.

It should be noted that entering the arms market is a rather difficult task. As a rule, in most large cities it is divided among several large retail companies. Moreover, weapons stores are usually opened by former employees of commercial organizations that have been operating for some time with the relevant knowledge, connections and practical work experience, or by former law enforcement officials, for whom obtaining a license to trade in arms is not a big problem.

To open an arms store, you need start-up capital in the amount of at least 100 thousand dollars... This amount is needed for the purchase of goods, the organization of their worthy exhibiting, bringing the store premises in line with the current technical requirements of the licensing authorities.

The area required to house a weapons store is not less than 120 square meters. A room with an area of ​​about 200 square meters is ideal. It is such a room that is most comfortable for both buyers and sellers, and also allows you to correctly place and present the goods. Moreover, such an area allows you to create several trading rooms, in each of which you can place a certain type of weapon and related products, for example, a room for models of military weapons, a room for hunting weapons, a room for cold weapons and various accessories.

It should be noted that there are two most popular and successful options for presenting goods in a gun store. Firstly, weapons can be placed behind the counter behind the seller on open stands, and secondly, in glass display cases, both in the trading floor and on counters. Weapon racks - "pyramids" look best. Their convenience lies in the fact that fastening in them at different levels of different models makes it possible to examine the goods as best as possible for a potential buyer, and also place the maximum number of units of goods on the minimum area.

The second option is more expensive. This is due to the fact that special brackets are required for its application. However, it should be noted that today domestic masters have learned quite well how to copy them from foreign counterparts. The indisputable advantage of the second option is the possibility of saving on protective equipment. This savings is achieved by requiring fewer locks. If the showcases are closed with one lock, then when placing the weapon on an open stand, each of its units must be fixed with a separate lock. What these two options have in common is that both open stands and showcases must be equipped with alarms.

The following technical requirements are imposed on weapons stores:

1. Mandatory availability of means for extinguishing fires.

2. Availability of connection to the security and fire alarm system connected to the central monitoring station of the outside security department of the Internal Affairs Directorate.

3. The presence of an additional power source, which is necessary for cases when the main network is disconnected for one reason or another.

4. The presence of a weapons room, which should be a special room without windows and be equipped with especially powerful locks.

5. The presence of steel bars on the windows and ventilation openings.

Concerning interior decoration of a gun shop, then this issue should also be approached with special care and paid special attention to. It should be borne in mind that the acquisition of such a specific product as a weapon is a special and unusual event for most people. After all, this type of product is not bought every day in any of the nearest stalls. Moreover, it should also be borne in mind that quite often weapons are purchased to be presented as gifts to real connoisseurs of weapons. And, given that the maximum price limit for weapons, as well as, for example, for jewelry simply does not exist and some of its varieties can be very expensive, then the interior of the store must fully correspond to expensive models of goods and its reputable buyers and be directly sense of the word rich. In fact, a properly and well-designed gun store is somewhat similar to a casino. In the design, red or green cloth, suede, embossed leather, natural wood, as well as various metal parts that do not have an excessive shine are often and correctly used. In addition, as a rule, in gun shops they create accented illumination on the one hand, and restrained illumination on the other.

To achieve success in this type of business, it is necessary to analyze the demand for the product and competently form the range of products presented in the weapons store... It should be noted that the most popular among buyers is civilian weapons, in other words, hunting rifles designed for self-defense. In addition, people quite often acquire stun guns and gas cartridges that do not need any permits and are allowed for free sale without licenses, the popularity of which has recently declined due to the fact that they are quite dangerous to use, and to a greater extent. degrees for their owners than for intruders. Models of rifled weapons and batons are even less popular among citizens.

The main profit of gun shops due to high turnover is formed as a result of sales of ammunition and self-defense equipment... At the same time, expensive weapons intended for hunting are not sold so often, but at the same time they are an important image component of any weapons store. At the same time, the basis of the assortment consists of rifles and shotguns produced by domestic manufacturers, which today are significantly ahead of their foreign competitors in terms of price-quality ratio.

All these points must be taken into account when forming the range of products presented for sale in an arms store.

Concerning advertising and product promotion, then it is worth noting that, due to its specificity, standard methods do not work here. As an advertisement, it will not be superfluous to place information about the weapons store in various specialized publications. To stimulate sales in the gun shop, it makes sense to develop a system of bonuses for buyers. Such bonuses, for example, can be assistance in choosing a weapon, preparing all the documents necessary for obtaining a license, as well as providing services related to fitting the stock and minor repairs. In addition, it can be a very effective method to create a hunting club at the gun store. Another option is to organize hunting trips together with tourist centers, which, in fact, is quite often used by many weapon shops in practice.

The price of a weapon can be very different and primarily depends on the type of weapon. Moreover, as already noted, there is no upper price limit for this type of product. The lower price level is occupied by gas cartridges, their cost ranges from 6 to 10 dollars, hunting knives, which cost about 10 dollars and stun guns, the price of which reaches 50 dollars. The lower price cap for hunting rifles is $ 300 to $ 400.

In addition to the funds initially invested in organizing and opening an arms store, the operation of the business will require constant monthly expenses in the amount of about 6.5 thousand dollars. These funds are necessary to pay rent for a room in the amount of about 4 thousand dollars, pay salaries to a specialist in small arms and an instructor-practitioner in the amount of 1.5 thousand dollars, pay for advertisements placed in specialized publications, cover the costs associated with organization and financing of the club, which will cost another $ 500, as well as payment of security in the amount of about $ 500.

The average monthly revenue of a gun store is between $ 25,000 and $ 30,000. Taking into account an average profitability of 35% and monthly expenses in the amount of 6.5 thousand dollars, net profit will be about 4.5 thousand dollars per month... Taking into account the funds in the amount of $ 100 thousand, which must be spent as start-up capital to open an arms store, investments in this type of business can fully pay off in two years.