How to open a security agency (PSC) from scratch. How to open a private security company? Security company business plan

How to open a security agency (PSC) from scratch.  How to open a private security company?  Security company business plan
How to open a security agency (PSC) from scratch. How to open a private security company? Security company business plan

The market for security services is very competitive because the entry threshold is low. The minimum authorized capital is only 100 thousand rubles. However, in order to gain the trust of customers and receive large objects, you need to have a good reputation and understand the nuances of the case. Ildus Yanyshev, an experienced entrepreneur, also gave his advice to aspiring entrepreneurs for the BIBOSS portal.

Where to begin?

The hero of our article, Ildus Yanyshev, is the head of the oldest security company in Russia. The Kontr group of companies, of which he is a shareholder, celebrated its 25th anniversary this year. Based on his rich experience, he says that it is important for a person who has decided to create his own security company to have a certain set of qualities. First, he must have entrepreneurial skills, which, according to statistics, occurs in 5% of the population. Moreover, this ability does not always depend on education - history knows successful entrepreneurs who did not show high academic performance even in school.

Secondly, only an internally strong and organized person can provide security services. This work is associated with strong stress, you have to get into force majeure, face real threats to people's lives, so you must be able to quickly mobilize a large number of people, as well as train and control them.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

The security business is a complex of serious relationships with a client, where there are rights and obligations, and the established agreements must be able to translate to the level of their deputies, heads of departments, security officers, detectives. The security business is about working with people, so communication skills are needed. It is also important to be a decent, law-abiding person. An asocial person, dismissive of the norms of society, cannot be the head of a security company. Therefore, initially people from the defense system, the FSB, the Ministry of Emergency Situations went into this profession, where the listed qualities were brought up in them for years. As the market developed, when the need for technical security systems arose, managers began to come into this business. But they must have the same set of qualities.

How to assess the potential market, demand? As noted by Ildus Yanyshev, the market is highly competitive, since the threshold for entering it is low. The minimum authorized capital is 100 thousand rubles. In Tatarstan alone, there are 400 private security companies employing 12,000 employees. In other cities with a population of over one million, the statistics are about the same. It is clear that most of them exist only on paper or are limited to 10-12 employees guarding 1-2 objects. In addition, among them there are also enterprises that are created under the guise of private, but in fact they serve the interests of certain large enterprises of the founders and are “pocket” private security companies. However, the rest are real market fighters who are in a competitive environment and participate in the process of public procurement and other tenders. There are, for example, about a hundred of them in Tatarstan. As a rule, their names are well known. There are only about 25 thousand private security companies in the Russian Federation, and about 600 thousand people work for them.

It is necessary to emphasize one point: a simplified taxation system is applied to private security companies, where there is a restriction that more than 100 people cannot work at the enterprise. Therefore, entrepreneurs are forced to create a group of companies, uniting several enterprises that have one owner or a group of owners. They may have different names and legal addresses, but they are managed by one center and operate under a single brand, that is, they have internal unity with all the external diversity.

The hero of our article says that starting a security business from scratch means that a newbie has no chance of surviving. As a rule, new enterprises on the market appear due to the fact that the employees of security companies leave and create their own company.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

"Kontr" launched about ten heads of new enterprises in Tatarstan. This does not upset us. We even invite initiative young people to work with us, and we are ready to conclude contracts with them in order to train them, and then let them go free sailing. We are ready to share experience, technology in exchange for his creative energy, connections and resources. The “my business should be mine only” approach is outdated. The experience of Europe shows that large holdings are created through consolidation. To be stronger in the market, there are merging processes. Such models are more competitive and sustainable. And they are highly trusted. When a work model is tied to one person, it is unstable. Therefore, our company was originally created as a joint stock company, it has several founders who, even after retirement, receive dividends from security activities. We were born in the USSR in 1991. And our model has shown its viability. Therefore, I would advise young entrepreneurs to create alliances - with legal entities or individuals. Create synergistic business models, because especially today this industry requires an integrated approach. We need both audits and employees who would investigate cases of violation of intellectual and property rights, we need specialists in technical security systems.

The target audience of the private security company is vast - from kindergartens and schools to large industrial enterprises. This is any object on which there are prerequisites for the theft of material property. The main thing is to establish relationships with the security service of enterprises. Cooperation with government agencies takes place through tenders and public procurement. When choosing a provider of security services, private companies pay attention, first of all, to the price.

This year, a new niche has appeared on the market - controllers-distributors. The police are downsizing their staff, and today they no longer inspect visitors to sports events at the entrance, so private enterprises are engaged in this.

Investment size

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

When we started in 1991, the market was empty and customers were lining up to us. There was no Internet, there was a different economic situation, there were cases of non-payments when we paid salaries to our employees with canned food, watches, and dishes. But one thing I understood for sure: the main tool for promoting the company has always been, is and will be the personality of the head of the private security company. This is of particular importance in our activities. Because our product is a relationship. The reputation of the company and the period of its existence on the market are important. Therefore, it will be almost impossible for young people to get a serious contract, except for those cases when the leader is a large security officer, behind whom he has 25 years of service in the internal affairs bodies. Such a person can be entrusted with large objects.

Where to look for funds to launch? Business is high-risk, so don't expect to get a bank loan. Leasing and collateral payments do not apply here. Therefore, rely only on your own personal funds. You can also find investors. But keep in mind that there is a strict restriction for the founder - he must be licensed and engage only in this type of business.

The main cost item in the security business is salary, it accounts for 85-90% of the budget. It is necessary to pay for the labor of the service unit - lawyers, accountants, office managers, financial services, as well as inspectors who are directly involved in the service. Also consider monthly rent and operating costs, communications, gas, and security for security guards.

It is also necessary to provide for the possibility of accounts receivable when the customer, for example, went bankrupt or for some other reason could not pay you. In this case, the founders still have to issue salaries to the employees. And for this, the company must have an insurance reserve.

Step-by-step instruction

In your business, you will have to deal with a number of suppliers. Build relationships with factories that sew uniforms, suppliers of special equipment (handcuffs, etc.). You will also need to purchase and establish maintenance of vehicles for service.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

Our supplier relationships last for many years. Although we are ready to cooperate with new market participants, we constantly monitor the market. If we are contacted, we order a test batch. We work with several suppliers at once. There are times when one supplier fails on terms or quality, then we can attract others.

Now let's talk about employees. Search, as a rule, is carried out through employment centers, ads are submitted to newspapers, social networks, work sites, TV channels. As a rule, former employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the armed forces, former employees of law enforcement agencies are recruited into security companies.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

In "Counter" for them a condition is mandatory - the presence of a certificate of at least 4 categories. For some time they undergo an internship at the facility, and then they are officially employed.

A person must be stress-resistant, since he must be on duty for 24 hours. Decent, with good reviews from the previous place of work. We attract employees to our company by complying with all the conditions that we discuss during the interview. First of all, it is salary stability. Even if there is no possibility, even if there is debts receivable, we still pay on time. It is important that we take into account the proximity of the object of protection to the place of residence of the employee.

How to organize the work of the enterprise? It is necessary to draw up a service schedule in advance. The expert of the article talks about the importance of using a special system that allows you to quickly receive information from the object. The head of the department can see online that the employee has taken up the post. This is how employees are monitored.

Ildus Yanyshev

Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the group of security companies "Kontr"

Of course, if you are new to the market, then you can start without an office at all. Work "out of the car". So you can serve small objects - car parks, parking lots, minimarkets, kindergartens. Within 3-5 years, you will be able to grow and afford to rent a decent office.

There are no special requirements for the premises. True, if you use firearms, then there are requirements for the weapons room. Its creation will require considerable investments - at least 500 thousand rubles.

Recently, aspiring entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking about how to open a security agency.

This type of activity is becoming more and more popular. This can be explained by the fact that the demand for security services is only growing and a small start-up capital is needed to open a private security company. With a properly drawn up business plan and subsequent competent management, this business will bring its owner a good income.

Step-by-step instructions for opening a security agency

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Registration of all necessary documents for opening an agency

First of all, you will need to register the agency with the tax office. Since it is necessary to obtain a license to carry out security activities in our country, it is better to register a private security company as an LLC. To do this, you will need to provide the following set of documents to the tax office:

    application form 11001 for state registration of LLC;

    LLC charter;

    if there is only one founder, then the decision to establish an LLC. If there are several founders, then a protocol on the creation of a legal entity is provided;

    paid receipt of state duty (4 thousand rubles);

    notarized photocopies of passports of all founders;

    if the accounting will be conducted according to the simplified taxation system, then it is necessary to write an application for the transition to the simplified taxation system according to the form No. 26.2-1.

The term for consideration of the application in the tax authority is a week.

In case of a positive response to the application, the tax office issues the following documents:

    certificate of state registration of LLC;

    registered charter of LLC;

    certificate in the form 1-3-Accounting for registration;

    extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities;

    notification of registration with the Pension Fund of Russia (PF);

    certificate of registration with TFOMS;

    certificate of issuance of statistics codes from Rosstat.

It will take a few more days to register with the Pension Fund, FSS and Rosstat. It will take two days to make the seal of the organization. It takes an average of three days to open a bank account. The authorized capital of an LLC must be at least 10 thousand rubles.

OKVED code - 74.60, which stands for "Investigation and Security."

The cost of registering a private security company will be 8 thousand rubles.

After registering the legal form of the organization, it will be necessary to obtain a license for private security activities. It is issued by a special department in the GUVD.

To obtain a license, you will need to provide the following set of documents:

    certified copies of the organization's charter, TIN and PSRN;

    a photocopy of the agreement on establishment;

    decision (protocol) on the establishment of the organization;

    OKVED codes;

    the head of the private security company must have a completed higher education, therefore, you will need to take a copy of the diploma from the insert to it and certify all this with a notary;

    a copy of the passports of the head of the private security company and all founders, certified by a notary;

    a photocopy of the work book of the head of the organization;

    the head of the security agency must pass a qualifying exam, after successfully passing he will be given a certificate, a copy of which will also be needed;

    a copy of the certificate of a private security guard (new sample).

The application is considered for 2 months. The license is valid for five years. After the expiration of the term, it can be extended. The cost of obtaining a license will amount to 13 thousand rubles. The law that regulates the activities of the security agency is called "The Law on Private Security and Detective Activities in the Russian Federation" No. 379-FZ dated December 27, 2009.

A private security company can be engaged in both simple object security and control room, physical, cargo escorting, etc.

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Rent of premises for the office of the company

The offices of security agencies are slightly different from the usual ones. In addition to the usual offices where candidates for the post of a private security company will be interviewed, and rooms where they will negotiate with clients, there is a specially equipped weapons room and a room for rapid response teams. Equipping a weapons room will cost 85 thousand rubles. It will be necessary to obtain the consent of the licensing and permitting department, SES, private security, fire organization and put it on control panel protection. It will cost another 20 thousand rubles.

For offices, 10-15 sq. m., for an armory room of 10 sq. m., for the room of the rapid response group 20 sq.m. Plus, you will need a room for the duty shift and for all the remaining employees of the enterprise. How much rented space is needed for this will depend on the number of people working in the private security company.

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Employees of the enterprise

Usually the employees of the private security company work according to the schedule one day after two or one day after three. Therefore, one post will need from 3 to 6 guards. The law requires every security officer to have a license. Of course, it is possible to train security guards at the company's expense. But in this business the staff turnover is quite large. Therefore, it will be advisable if the candidate receives a certificate at his own expense or at the expense of his future salary. Of course, there is an option to take applicants without a certificate. They can be put as trainees to guard the facility in tandem with an employee who has a certificate. The law does not prohibit such an action. The companies also have operational duty officers. Their job is to check how the objects are performing.

An intern's salary without a license is from 1 thousand rubles per shift. Guards with a certificate from 1300 rubles. From the operational officer on duty from 1800 rubles. Rapid response team employees receive 1,500 rubles. The law requires that the life and health of the guards be insured by the company. This will cost approximately 1,000 rubles per person per year.

A uniform is needed for the guards. Usually these are trousers and a jacket with the logo of the company. Cost from 1500 rubles per set. If the post is located in the open air, then the insulated uniform will cost 7 thousand rubles. The form is changed every two years.

Not all employees of the enterprise need weapons. Usually it is used in the protection of material assets, in warehouses, etc. It is believed that arm guards should only be done as a last resort. In the event of any unforeseen situations, it is better to call the task force. Four guards are legally allowed to have one firearm. With a reduction in the number of staff, surplus weapons are surrendered.

The law of the Russian Federation determines the list of security services. It allows you to protect the health and life of citizens of the country, protect property, create projects, provide services for the installation and maintenance of security and fire alarms. Conduct consultations with clients regarding security issues, as well as maintain order in crowded places.

The state exercises very tight control over the security business. To register a security business, you must obtain a license issued by the department for licensing and permitting work and control over private detective and security activities of the Main Internal Affairs Directorate. But the divisions of the ATS of the districts monitor the activities of individual security agencies.

The package of documents for the issuance of a license is considered within two months. It includes:

  • statement,
  • an explanatory note, where all services should be described, the territory in which the private security company will operate, the approximate number of personnel, the list and for what purpose certain specialized means and weapons will be used,
  • list of founders, all information about them and constituent documents,
  • certificate that this organization is registered with the tax office,
  • a receipt that the license boron was paid in full (300 rubles for consideration of the application and one thousand rubles for granting a license),

A private security company, like any private enterprise, must have its own authorized capital. In this case, its minimum amount is 10 thousand rubles.

The head of a private security company must have a diploma of complete higher education and an identity card of a private security guard. Such certificates must be owned by at least three more employees of the agency. Such documents can not be obtained by everyone, but only by those who have undergone special training or those who have at least three years of work experience in the police department or security agencies. The licensing and permitting department is in charge of issuing such documents.

Obtaining a weapon permit

Not all security agencies work with weapons. Its presence is not always necessary, but it can be useful in a number of situations:

  • for the protection of large material values;
  • in warehouses of large industries;
  • for the protection of the gas pipeline.

In cases where guards are hired to monitor schools, hostels, shops, etc., no weapons are required.

One firearm is for four guards. It is necessary to have a special equipped room for storing weapons. It is necessary to meet all the requirements that are put forward for the equipment of this room. It costs about one hundred thousand rubles. The presence and arrangement of this premises is agreed with a number of organizations:

  • licensing and permitting department;
  • private security;
  • Fire inspection;

Installation of the OBO console security, which will cost another 10-30 thousand rubles.

There are also a number of special equipment:

  1. stun guns;
  2. handcuffs;
  3. gas cartridges;
  4. rubber sticks

They also need to obtain permission from the licensing and permitting department and register each special equipment for a certain security guard. Their cost: rubber sticks - 150-320 rubles per piece, handcuffs - 200-300 rubles per set. Their presence is mandatory for every guard.

Office rent

The main work of a security agency takes place outside the office, but meetings with clients and potential employees need to be held somewhere. An office is rented for these purposes. In addition to the meeting room, the office will equip a room for storing weapons and special equipment and a room for a rapid response team (if the agency has such a service). A weapon storage room is a room with a total area of ​​about ten square meters. The rapid response team is positioned so that it can respond to the call as quickly as possible. It is better if it will be located close to the protected objects. Usually, for this they rent two rooms with a total area of ​​about 20 square meters, where the duty officer and the rest of the guards are located.

For those who are just starting a security business, a room of about 10 square meters will do, in the absence of a room for storing weapons. Such a room will be enough to organize a workplace for one person. Its rent will cost 6-7 thousand rubles a month.


The list of the basic set of equipment for private security companies includes telephones and walkie-talkies. Telephones are used to communicate with the management and with the person on duty, these can be both landline and mobile phones. Radios are used for operational communication with duty officers and for communication between posts. Radio communication is very fast, but the signal is received at a short distance. The costs of mobile communications are not that high, but they are notable. On average, about 2 thousand rubles a month comes out. The walkie-talkie does not require monthly expenses and, having bought it once, you will not have to pay any more. One walkie-talkie costs 1,5-2 thousand rubles.

A prerequisite for guards is a uniform. One set, intended for indoor use, consists of trousers and a jacket with the logo of the company. Such clothes cost 800 rubles. The posts that work on the street need shoes and outerwear. The most ordinary ankle boots (shortened boots) will cost 1,500 rubles per pair. In addition, you will need winter clothes: a warm sweater - 800 rubles, a warm jacket, warm pants and a hat - 2-2.5 thousand rubles. The form requires replacement every two years.

Recruiting personnel for a security agency

As already mentioned, the law requires every employee of the security agency to have a security guard card. Employees pay for any types of training on their own against their salaries. Of course, a company can cover the costs of training a candidate, but who can guarantee that having trained at your expense, he will not change jobs.

You can hire security guards without a certificate, but they can only work in tandem with an experienced security guard and are listed as trainees. Their salary, as well as their powers, differs from the salary of the guards and amounts to 600 rubles per shift. While guards with certificates receive about 1000 rubles for a daily shift. The salary of an operational duty officer can reach 1.5 thousand rubles per day shift. The rapid response team receives no more than 1,200 rubles per shift per person. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the company is obliged to insure the life and health of its employees during service at its own expense.

The standard mode of work at the post implies three employees who will work every day after two. Almost all security agencies in the country work on this principle.

Many metropolitan agencies employ staff from smaller surrounding towns. They do not require high salaries, which is undoubtedly the main plus. They work most often on a rotational basis, i.e. the recruitment of employees changes every month. But they need to be provided with housing, for example, a hostel. In order not to pay for their accommodation, you can offer the hostel management a deal: in exchange for the accommodation of employees, the agency can provide security for the hostel.

Experts advise that when expanding the client base (more than 5 guarded objects), the director should think about hiring a deputy for himself who would deal with negotiations with potential clients and keep in touch with existing ones, could quickly respond and quickly resolve issues that arise at the facilities , resolve issues with licensing authorities. The salary of a deputy should be approximately 20 thousand rubles a month.

In addition to a deputy, a HR manager may also be required. He is hired when the staff exceeds 50 people. An accountant is also needed, but the private security company submits reports according to a simplified scheme, so an accountant can be hired on a part-time basis and paid for his work in 3-5 thousand rubles.

Hire people who have experience in the field. It is much easier to start a business with them.

Customer base

It is worth worrying about the first clients in advance, even before the opening of the agency. Statistics show that friends and close acquaintances often become the first clients. You can also independently bypass nearby institutions such as kindergartens, hostels, schools, shops or recently opened businesses. We must not forget about advertising. Standard advertisements in newspapers and in the running line on television will cost about 1.5 thousand rubles. Agencies with a large budget can afford billboard advertising. It costs more, but much more effective than newspaper ads.

An agreement is concluded between the client and the private security company, according to which all material responsibility for the protected values ​​is assigned to the security agency. It is also necessary to make a passport of the protected object, draw up instructions according to which the guards must act in a given situation, and also all the requirements that the customer puts forward to the guards must be spelled out.

Among large corporations and budget organizations, tenders are often announced, where several security agencies are fighting for the right to cooperate with this organization. If you are planning to expand your business, then you cannot skip such contests. Although they pay less for such work, they are one of the largest orders for the private security company. Tender announcements are posted in newspapers and on company websites.

Consider the approximate cost of opening a private security company in an ordinary regional center of Russia. This is the average between costs in cities such as Moscow and in smaller cities.

To get the required package of documents, you will have to spend about 10 thousand rubles. Next, you need to obtain a license, which will cost 1,300 rubles or 12 thousand rubles if you want to contact a law firm. Renting a room is 10 thousand rubles. On average, you will need 15 square meters and per month you will need exactly this amount to rent a room with such an area. The overalls must be provided by the company, therefore, to dress three guards, you will need about 10 thousand rubles. Office equipment will cost 30 thousand rubles. You will need non-specialized means of protection, and this is another 10 thousand rubles. The company is obliged to insure the life and health of its employees + 10 thousand rubles. And finally, the average salary of three security guards in your agency should be 30 thousand rubles. In total, it turns out that you must immediately have at least 100 thousand rubles in order to open a security agency in a city such as Tver, Vladivostok, etc.

The largest cities in the country are expensive. But the demand for the services of security guards there is much higher, which means that the agency brings a lot of income. The biggest costs in Moscow and St. Petersburg are rent and wages.

All calculations are approximate and do not include additional features. If the agency will hire more staff and work with firearms, these costs will increase. According to the law of the Russian Federation, security agencies can take into use such types of weapons as: the IZH-71 pistol and the Saiga long-barreled gun. The average price of a pistol is 5 thousand rubles, it is constantly with the owner and should not be noticeable. The gun is used when transporting valuable goods, and it costs about 8 thousand rubles.

In addition to military weapons, each agency should be armed with pistols with rubber bullets and special equipment: gas canisters, rubber sticks, handcuffs.

As already stated, weapons must be kept in a dedicated weapons room. Such a room must be equipped in accordance with all safety requirements and standards. A grill should be embedded in the walls, ceiling, floor and door, which will prevent outsiders from entering the room, even if the walls or ceiling are completely destroyed. The room should have a special place where the walls would have a bullet-proof coating. This place is for reloading weapons. The walls here should be multi-layered with sand, wood and iron layers. The room should not only be constantly guarded, but also be under an alarm. The work of three guards for the weapons room is 15 thousand rubles, the average cost of an alarm is 20 thousand rubles.

Serious costs are required for such a service as console security. Installation of the console security system will cost 26 million rubles. In addition, it is necessary to fully equip and provide everything necessary for the rapid response team. They will need:

  • a car;
  • telephone and radio;
  • overalls;
  • first aid kit;
  • body armor;
  • handcuffs;
  • weapon.

Such equipment will result in 500 thousand rubles. It is not worth starting a business with this service. The development of the agency cannot be predicted, and the money spent cannot be returned.

For normal operation, a private security company must have less than 15-20 working objects, the initial figure is 4-5 objects. On average, from one customer, a private security company has from 50 to 100 thousand rubles a month. From this it turns out that a novice security agency can earn up to 300 thousand rubles a month.

Such a business pays off relatively quickly and begins to generate income after 6 months.

Calculate in advance the amount you need to start a business and always have money for unforeseen expenses.

Features of the security business

Despite the fact that the security business is gaining momentum, it is still not so transparent. Security agencies must constantly cooperate with law enforcement agencies.

In this area, very often there is an opportunity to get "easy" money. This implies the provision of services to people who are not so clean before the law. After all, many of them cover up their "dark" affairs, using the services of security agencies.

Nowadays, the work of a security guard is not very popular. But modern society is creating a new type of guard. If earlier, in order to become a security guard, you only needed to have a good athletic body and great strength, now they add dexterity, ingenuity, knowledge of technology, possession of weapons and martial arts.

Only cooperate with law-abiding citizens.

As you can see, the state does not prohibit private firms from protecting various enterprises. But it puts forward many demands on them. And it is right. People who are trusted with property and someone's life should be professionals in their field. Nor can you trust a weapon to those who have never held it in their hands.

If you follow all the laws and conduct an honest business, then the success of your company is guaranteed. All costs are paid off quickly, the business is developing well. All this is possible only with the correct organization of the enterprise.

Having your own security agency is one of the most highly profitable types of business. Its opening requires minimal financial investment, but is accompanied by a number of difficulties, which are difficult to cope with if there is only one.

Features of the security business

Opening a security agency is one of the most promising business ideas. This area is profitable and simple. The demand for security services is associated with a high level of threat to which someone else's business, property or life is exposed. Companies and businesses use the services of private security agencies for several reasons:

  • safety of own property and assets;
  • increasing the level of trust among customers and buyers;
  • maintaining a prestigious image.

Security activities are accompanied by a group of risks, so this business is recommended for people with experience in a similar field. Security agencies are often set up by former military or police officers.

The implementation of a business idea is carried out according to the following plan:

  • preparation of the necessary documents and registration;
  • office space rental;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • employment of employees;
  • development of a software program.

Preliminary acquaintance with local authorities and law enforcement agencies will avoid possible problems in the future.

Initial capital, expenses for the organization

The minimum start-up capital for opening a security agency is 200 thousand rubles. Of this amount, you will need to allocate:

  • 10 thousand rubles - for the approval of documents and registration of the organization;
  • 2.5 thousand rubles - to obtain a legal form;
  • 15 thousand rubles - to pay for the rent of an office space;
  • 10 thousand rubles - for the purchase of office equipment;
  • from 30 thousand rubles - for the purchase of equipment for personnel;
  • 10 thousand rubles - for sewing uniforms for employees;
  • 15 thousand rubles - for training a security guard (if necessary).

You will also need to set aside some of the amount as insurance capital in case additional costs arise.

The amount of monthly costs is from 100 thousand rubles or more. The bulk of the money goes to employees' salaries. Another 15 thousand rubles are allocated to pay for the rent of office space and utilities.

A security agency is one of the few businesses in which the monthly costs exceed the opening costs.

Registration, obtaining permission to conduct security activities

According to the changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation, adopted in 2010, it is possible to carry out security activities only if there is a legal status (Limited Liability Organization).

Business is registered:

  • tax inspectorate;
  • The Pension Fund;
  • MHIF (Federal Mandatory Health Insurance Fund);
  • FSS RF (Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation).

A private security company (PSC) does not have the right to operate independently. The activities of the organization are controlled by the above structures. Security services can only be provided by licensed agencies. It is issued to people with special education or training. Employees must meet a number of criteria, without which they will not be able to provide security.

PSC registration is carried out on the basis of availability:

  • copies of the memorandum of association with a notarized identification number;
  • (Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
  • copies of the charter;
  • copies of passport and diploma;
  • work book;
  • copies of personnel passports.

After the submission of the listed documents, an authenticity check is performed. The process can take up to two months. If there were no problems during the check, a license is issued. A business permit is issued by officers of the ROVD (District Department of Internal Affairs).

You can increase the chances of obtaining a license in a shorter period by opening a bank account in the amount of 100 to 250 thousand rubles. This is necessary in order to convince state authorities of the availability of funds for the implementation of activities.

Some people who have served in the army, law enforcement or other services are interested in how to create a PSC. In this article, you can learn about the specifics of organizing such a business.

What is a private security company and what functions does it perform?

So, before opening a private security company, you need to figure out what kind of organization it is, and why it is actually needed. This organization is not state-owned and provides its security services privately for a fee. However, a private security company is a legal entity, so the formation must necessarily obey the laws of the country.

It should be noted that the organizations represented have recently been created more and more often. Among the services of the enterprise are the following:

Protection of life and health of a private person;

Ensuring the safety of property;

Security of apartments, offices, enterprises, warehouses and other premises;

Ensuring law and order during mass gatherings;

Safe transportation of valuable goods;

Installation and debugging of fire extinguishing and alarm systems;

Advising on self-defense in the event of a real threat;

Accompanying individuals or legal entities.

How to register a company correctly?

As with any other business, it is necessary to collect certain documents for organizing a private security company. Be sure to prepare the provided list of papers:

  1. Certificate of registration of a legal entity, as well as registration of the company with tax authorities.
  2. Business license.
  3. Permission to carry and use weapons.
  4. The lease agreement for the premises in which your base will be located.
  5. Articles of association.
  6. Receipt for payment of the state fee.
  7. Copies of passports of all founders, and they must be certified by a notary.

After reviewing all the papers, the tax office will give you the following documents for organizing a private security company:

Certificate of registration with government agencies, as well as a certified charter;

Notice from the Pension Fund, extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

In addition, you will receive two more certificates: on registration with TFOMS and on the issuance of statistics codes. Now you know what documents are needed to open a private security company. Please note that the head of the organization must have a certificate that confirms his qualifications.

How to choose the right premises and equipment for the base?

So, for staff work, receiving clients and other purposes, you will need your own office. In principle, a large room is not required at all. However, there should be room for a weapons room, as well as for an observation point, which has a computer, telephone and other means of communication (if necessary).

Access to the premises must be free. If you assume the presence of cars, then it is desirable that there is a garage not far from the base. Its dimensions depend on the number of cars. The rented premises must necessarily meet all safety requirements: sanitary and epidemiological, fire and others. Please note that the weapons room must be protected from unauthorized access and be under the control panel.

As for the area of ​​the premises, then 45 sq. m. for everything. As for the equipment, at the initial stage you only need a few computers, a multi-channel telephone line, and a control panel.

Features of recruiting

Before organizing a PSC, think carefully about the selection criteria for employees. For example, security guards must have special training (service in the army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special services). Naturally, the qualifications of personnel should be periodically improved. In addition, each employee must have a special certificate that confirms his position.

For a small company, 10-15 employees are enough. Over time, you can expand your staff. Please note that the people you have chosen will probably deal with firearms, so they must have a stable psyche, high moral qualities and the ability to behave correctly in dangerous situations. It is important that each employee undergoes a medical (especially psychiatric and narcological) examination.

In addition to security guards, you may also need a recruiting manager as well as an accountant to handle the financial side. Since work in a private security company is quite dangerous, it is advisable to insure the life of all employees.

In addition to security guards, you need operational attendants and a dispatcher who will be able to receive calls in the event of a threat to protected objects.

What weapons can the employees of the private security company use?

Today, the law restricts the use of items that can harm health or kill a person. However, the following list of weapons is allowed for a private security company:

Traumatic and firearms with a limited scope, as well as smooth-bore and short-barreled devices (1 piece for 2 employees);

Revolver and gas pistol (for each guard);

Electric shock and spark gap (1 piece per person);

Batons, tear gas, stun and smoke grenades.

Naturally, a permit must be obtained for the storage and use of such weapons. It is drawn up in the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Each employee who will work in an enterprise organized by you must be registered with law enforcement agencies. Unofficial weapons are prohibited.

Registration of a permit has certain nuances. For example, government agencies very often change the list of permitted weapons or the order in which they are used. Therefore, the head must always be aware of events and monitor the updating of the legislative framework.

How to gain a foothold in the security business market?

Before opening a private security company, be sure to carefully analyze the security services market. Weigh all the pros and cons, calculate all your basic and regular spending. Decide on the list of services. Now start slowly building up your clientele.