How to apply for a social scholarship at a university. How to apply for a social scholarship: documents, requirements and reviews

How to apply for a social scholarship at a university.  How to apply for a social scholarship: documents, requirements and reviews
How to apply for a social scholarship at a university. How to apply for a social scholarship: documents, requirements and reviews

An acquaintance of the author of the article, studying far from being a grade at one of the St. Petersburg universities, still receives a high scholarship - 16 485 rubles. How does she do it? Do not forget that along with the usual, incentive, there are a number of other scholarships. Including - a social scholarship for students, which can be applied for on the basis of a certificate from the social security authorities.

The essence of the social scholarship

The size: from 2227 rubles.
Payout frequency: monthly
Innings: on the basis of Article 36 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", which describes the conditions for obtaining all scholarships. Including social.
"Chip": it is possible to receive a scholarship for students 2018, even studying for triplets!
So, it is not necessary to be good to ask the state for this material assistance.

Who is eligible for the scholarship

The following categories of students can count on it:

  1. Orphans;
  2. Disabled people of any group, or victims of radiation accidents;
  3. Veterans;
  4. Contract military servicemen;
  5. Students with income below the minimum income.

How to apply for a social scholarship

To apply for payments, it is enough to contact the district department of social protection or the nearest MFC.

Suppose a low-income university student wishes to apply for a scholarship - these bodies will consider the income and living standards of the appellant, after which they will make a decision within 10 days. Positive - in the form of a certificate for the university. By the way, if a student draws up an application on the website of state services (for example, in St. Petersburg it is, then the application will come in electronic form.

Is it so easy to prove that you lack the means to live?

In fact, every student living in a dormitory and officially earning only one income (academic scholarship of 1,484 rubles) can be recognized as poor.

These low-income students living “alone” (ie not married) will be asked by social workers a simple question. Namely, does the student receive material support from the family, and if so, how much. The advantage is that you can only answer in words, no papers need to be presented and no one will check.

List of documents required for submission

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  2. Certificate form No. 9 on registration, or certificate of registration in a hostel or at the place of stay (form No. 3);
  3. Certificate from the university that the student is actually studying in such and such a course and in such and such a profile;
  4. If there is property owned by the student, you must indicate it in a separate certificate;
  5. Any documents confirming the right to benefit benefits: death certificate of guardians or parents, certificate of disability, etc .;
  6. Certificate of income, if it is only a scholarship - an account statement.

Terms of receiving the scholarship

If successful, the student will be awarded a social scholarship for one year from the date of registration and only during school hours (June-August pause). After that, the entire registration process will have to be repeated.
To find out more precisely about the terms and rules for obtaining a social scholarship, a student should go to the dean's office and ask there. And also read the content of the Federal Law "On State Material Aid".

How to get an increased social scholarship for students

The size: not less than the amount missing to the subsistence level.
Payout frequency: monthly, throughout the year.
Innings: at the beginning of each semester.

"Chip": only 1-2 year students can apply, subject to receiving a social scholarship. Also, to get it, you need to study at "good" or "excellent".

Who will determine the amount of the increased scholarship

University, relying on the student's income statement. As for the size of the living wage, it is established by the state. At the same time, the indicator is taken for the IV quarter of the year before the formation of the scholarship payment fund, for students in 2018 this will be the fourth quarter of 2017 and the indicator is 9,786 rubles. That is, if a student receives a social stipend of 2,227 rubles, the usual 1,484 rubles, this income is deducted from the minimum subsistence level and a potential "increase" of 6,075 rubles is received.

Is it possible to receive financial assistance for the scholarship

Yes, the student has the right to request material assistance from the university budget in the amount of a multiple of up to 12 social scholarships. At the same time, it will be paid once a month, but for 1 semester, after which you need to submit an application again. You can find out about the deadlines for submission at the dean's office of your university.

Requirements for applying for financial aid

The requirements here are higher than for applying for a regular social scholarship. Since we are talking about accrual from the budget of the university, then the amount of material assistance can vary. For example, depending on how many students receive it.

In what situations can you request material assistance to a student

  1. Single parents;
  2. Students from single-parent families;
  3. With the loss of a breadwinner;
  4. Students from a large family;
  5. If you lose your parents while studying;
  6. Victims of disasters, natural disasters and accidents;
  7. In case of a serious illness, when there is not enough money for medicines (you need to present receipts for medicines);
  8. At the birth of a child (you must provide a birth certificate).

Some universities add their own items to this list. For example, SPbSU can pay for nonresident students to travel home, while SPbSUE pays a sum of money to students at a wedding.

Five-plus scholarship

The size: 3500 rubles.
Payout frequency: monthly throughout the year.
Innings: in summer, from July 10 and possible until September 10.
"Chip": the scholarship from the Sozidanie charitable foundation is intended only for students under the age of 21.

However, it is necessary to provide a certificate that the student has an income below the subsistence level or otherwise prove that he is from the poor. The submission should include a letter describing yourself, your family and your interests.
The rest of the documents for applying for the student scholarship 2019 "Five-plus":

As you can see, in order for a poor student from a poor family to be able to live, you need to be bothered. It is not advised to combine study with work in the initial courses. But still, the state provides several options for social scholarships, and if you apply for several within a clearly specified time frame, one option will definitely work out. Good luck on this challenging battle with the system!

First-year students know by themselves how hard it is in the first years of study, when there is still no strength to look for a part-time job. In order to partially solve the financial issue, you can get a scholarship. To do this, several conditions must be met. They depend on the type of incentive payment you are applying for.

It is quite difficult for applicants and first-year students to understand the variety of types of scholarships. Therefore, it is important to attend to this issue immediately after enrollment, and collect all the necessary documents, if required.

Main types of scholarships

Almost every student can apply for state aid. He is able to achieve this right on his own - with the help of good academic performance and participation in competitions and olympiads, and a number of students receive support because of their social status.

  1. The first type of scholarship can be automatically assigned to you if you perform well at school - academic. After the first semester, you need to completely close the session and study without triples in order for it to be extended. Also, the Academic Council has the right to pay you for active social work or other achievements. You can find out about additional charges directly at the educational institution.
  2. If you do well, you get the minimum pay. If all exams and tests are passed perfectly the first time, then an increased payment is assigned for your success.
  3. If, in addition to positive marks, in the course of your studies you manage to win prizes in olympiads and competitions, you conduct scientific activities and show your talents in every possible way, then you may be nominated for a presidential scholarship.
  4. Regardless of the study, a social stipend is paid. It is worth talking about it separately. It is a little more difficult to issue this type of allowance, but the investment of time will more than pay off.

To find out what payment you are entitled to, you need to clarify the rules of operation of your university, college or technical school, and also know your rights.

Who is eligible for the social scholarship

In 2018-2019, state support is provided to a fairly wide range of people receiving secondary specialized and higher education. Special charges are made to those who belong to the unprotected segments of the population:

  • children with disabilities (groups 1 and 2);
  • orphans and children from single-parent families (there is an age limit - only up to 23 years old);
  • the poor, if the amount of income for each family member is below the subsistence level;
  • victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • those who received disabilities during hostilities, as well as veterans of various wars;
  • children from large families;
  • if the parents are disabled of 2 or 3 groups;
  • students who have created their own family and are raising a child in it.

However, the list of students who can qualify for payments may be reduced by the federal authorities in your area. In order to find out if it is possible to receive funds, you need to contact social protection.

On what grounds is the social scholarship calculated?

You do not need to carry the package of documents directly to the educational institution (sometimes this is very inconvenient, since it may be located in another city). If you are eligible to receive this payment, then you will have to contact the Multifunctional Center or the district social protection at your place of residence. There you need to submit documents that confirm your right.

Usually you need to collect a small number of certificates:

  • on the composition of the family (extract from the house book);
  • about enrollment;
  • about the income of all family members.

You can and have the right to demand additional documents. For example, if you want a social scholarship to be awarded to you in connection with a disability, then be prepared to present medical documents.

After verification, you will be issued a certificate, which in turn must be submitted to the dean's office. This can be done at the very beginning of your studies, in September. Then already this month you will be credited with the first funds.

Social scholarship: what determines its size

The minimum amount of this payment is set by the state, and now it is about 1,650 rubles for universities, about 700 - for colleges and technical schools. But each educational institution sets its own scholarship amount. Most often it depends on the prestige of the establishment. If you are getting higher education at an academy or university of a federal scale, then you should count on a fairly good supply. How much you will be charged monthly, you can find out when submitting a certificate.

The government annually discusses the issue of increasing student grants. It is planned to bring them as close as possible to the subsistence level, but so far this remains at the level of draft laws. At the moment, it is planned that in the new academic year the increase will be 20%. Also, the deputies are solving the problem of students receiving secondary vocational education. State-funded places in universities are now being cut, and many are simply forced to first enter technical schools, since families simply cannot pay for their education. In addition, for correspondence, evening and paid education, this type of financial support is not paid.

Is social scholarship accrued in summer

If you want to receive money all year long, then you need to be responsible for your studies. A scholarship is assigned only to those who turn in all assignments on time and have no debts after the sessions. If you fail a test or exam, payment will be suspended until the debt is paid off. For example, in June you had to pass one of the core subjects, but you did not cope with the examiner's tasks. In this case, the management of the educational institution has the right to suspend or completely cancel the accrual of the summer scholarship. If you correct your mistake during the re-examination, you may be re-assigned to receive a grant, and refunded for the months you missed.

We explain what a social scholarship is and how the conditions for receiving it have changed.

A social scholarship is a cash payment in addition to the main academic scholarship intended for financially vulnerable categories of students. Back in 2016, many Kirov students studying at the expense of the state in full-time education in universities and colleges could count on receiving it. But now the number of recipients has been severely limited, and the procedure for processing this payment has become more complicated.

Who is eligible for a social stipend?

The following students can count on a social scholarship:

  • disabled people of groups I and II,
  • orphans,
  • students exposed to radiation,
  • students with disabilities due to military injury or illness,
  • students who have completed at least three years of contract service or in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In addition to the above categories, students whose parents receive low wages previously could apply for a social scholarship. This option was the most common reason for the appointment of this payment. Provided that the average per capita income in the family is less than the subsistence level, the student could collect the necessary documents and apply to the dean's office.

How much is the social stipend?

The size of the social stipend is determined by the educational institution, but for universities it cannot be less than 2010 rubles. Unlike an academic one, a social scholarship does not depend on the student's grades, its payment stops only if the student has arrears in any subject or practice, as well as in connection with the expiration of the certificate from social protection.

Recall that the usual academic scholarship in a higher educational institution is just over 2 thousand rubles, a student will receive this amount every month, provided that he studies with grades "good" and "excellent". If there are “satisfactory” marks on the student's record, then the granting of the academic scholarship will cease until the next session. Thus, previously, a student receiving both of these scholarships could count on an amount of about five thousand rubles a month.

What is the current procedure for receiving a social scholarship?

Previously, for the appointment of the so-called "social sphere" it was required to take certificates about the composition of the family, about the income of all family members, about the fact that a person is a student of an educational institution, and also that he was assigned an academic scholarship. On the basis of these certificates, a certificate from social protection was issued on the recognition of the family as poor, it was she who made the university staff understand that the student needed additional material assistance.

The validity of this certificate is now limited to one year, that is, in order to extend the payment, you need to re-submit a certificate from the social protection authority at the place of registration to the university.

But since January 1, 2017, the procedure for obtaining a social scholarship has changed. Now, in order to issue or extend the payment of social stipends, students, as before, need their family to be recognized as poor (the total income divided by all family members should not exceed the subsistence level, today this amount is 9503 rubles). But at the same time, in accordance with one more condition for the appointment of state social scholarships to students, there is now a document confirming the appointment of state social assistance. This means that now, in order to qualify for a social scholarship, a student must already receive some kind of subsidy or allowance from the state. This is not a problem for orphans and disabled children, but it makes life difficult for students whose parents have a low income, but officially do not receive any social benefits. After all, there are much more students who need social stipends than students who are already receiving material assistance from the state.

What options are there?

For state students from low-income families, one of the options would be to issue a subsidy for utility bills. It is assigned to citizens whose utility bills exceed 22% of the average family income. We already know how to get it and what documents are needed for this. After that, you will need to take in the social security all the same certificate that will be required to apply for a social scholarship at the university.

If the subsidy cannot be obtained or your family does not fit into the category of the poor, a state student can apply for financial assistance due to a difficult financial situation. To do this, you need to contact the dean's office of your educational institution. This payment is provided once a year, usually it is calculated before the onset of the winter holidays, its size cannot exceed three times the size of the state social stipend. In the application for material assistance, you must indicate the reason why you need to receive it. For example, “I ask you to provide me with material assistance, since I am a nonresident (I don’t live in a dormitory) and rent a house” or “I ask you to provide me with material assistance, since the income of the family in which I am brought up is below the subsistence level”. A copy of the passport (page with photo and registration) and a copy of the TIN must be attached to the application. Practice shows that in some universities it is much more realistic and easier to get material aid, and it will not take as much time as applying for a social scholarship.


Quite often, students think about how to get a social scholarship. This question is of interest to many. After all, all payments are peculiar from the state. Students will find it very useful. However, not everyone has the opportunity to apply for a social type scholarship. Who can get it? And in what order? Sorting out all this is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to know the basic nuances of the process.

What is this payment

How to apply for a social scholarship? To understand this issue, you need to understand what kind of payment we are talking about. It has already been said that not all categories of students are entitled to such financial support.

A social stipend is a monthly payment of a fixed amount that is issued to certain university students. For this, the student must be enrolled in full-time education. Direction, specialty do not play a role. She is assigned only when training on a "budget". The suspension of payments is possible only when a certain status is withdrawn or after graduation from the university.

But how to get a social scholarship? This is not as difficult as it seems. But you have to worry about the availability of certain documents in advance. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

Who is eligible

It has already been emphasized that not everyone is entitled to a social stipend. Which students have this privilege? To date, the following categories of persons can apply for the scholarship under study in Russia:

  1. Children without care. That is, orphans, as well as those who do not have guardians. Thus, if a student's parents are restricted in their rights, he / she has the right to receive the studied payment until the age of 23.
  2. Disabled students. People with Either children with disabilities can think about how to get a social scholarship at a university.
  3. Radiation-affected people at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other accidents.
  4. Citizens who served for 3 years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs or the armed forces of the country, who received disability or serious injury during this period.
  5. Poor students. The most common category of citizens who register social payments in universities.

Now it is clear what kind of people can receive a social type scholarship. The question is - how exactly is it drawn up? What does that require? Each case is individual, but there is a general list of papers provided to a particular organization for the purpose of payments.

Where to contact

Interested in a social scholarship? Where to issue it in this or that case? At the moment, citizens should only apply to 2 institutions to bring the idea to life. Of course, if you have a complete list of documents.

Where exactly should I go?


  • social services;
  • the dean's office of the university in which the student is listed.

The corresponding payment is not issued anywhere else. First, with a certain package of papers, a citizen comes to the social protection authorities, then to the university. The last authority assigns the student payment. But this will require meeting some conditions.


What do you need to get a social scholarship? If a citizen belongs to one of the categories of recipients, then you will have to check compliance with the rest of the requirements. Some have already been mentioned.

The point is that it is possible to receive a scholarship of a social type only if the following requirements are met:

  • full-time education on a budgetary basis;
  • belonging to one of the categories of recipients;
  • age limit - usually up to 23 years old.

There are no more significant restrictions. If all the requirements are met, then you can think about how to issue a social scholarship. It does not matter whether it is a nonresident student or not. The principle remains the same. What documents are required most often?

Family Composition Statement

So, the first step is to pay a visit to the social protection authorities at the place of registration (or temporary registration). There, upon providing a certain list of papers, the employees will give the student a certificate, which will be needed at the university for the appointment of a scholarship, about belonging to a particular category of recipients. Accordingly, this point needs to be given special attention.

What documents are needed to apply for a social scholarship? The first paper is a certificate of the composition of the family. It is taken in the housing office or the Criminal Code at the place of registration. You can get this certificate from the passport office. It lists all residents of the apartment. The document is valid for 10 days. This fact must be taken into account when collecting other papers. Otherwise, you will have to re-take a certificate on the composition of the family at the passport office.


What do you need to get a social scholarship? The next document that is requested from the social service is an income statement. Required from all family members who live with the student. How long does it take to bring the relevant papers?

The period for which income should be reflected is 3 months. That is, you will have to present certificates of family income for the last 90 days from the date of contacting the social service. Not only earnings are taken into account, but also scholarships, pensions and other benefits. You need to take income certificates either from the social service (for benefits), or from the pension fund, or at work.

Important: sometimes the student's parents are registered at different addresses. How to get a social scholarship in this situation? Proofs of income will be required from both parents. This is important to remember. Otherwise, you can forget about the possibility of receiving social payments at the university.

Training reference

What's next? How to apply for a social scholarship? In order for a citizen to be issued an appropriate permit in the social service, it is imperative to order the so-called student certificate at the university. It proves that a citizen really studies at a higher educational institution. In addition, the course of study, the age of the citizen and his date of birth will be spelled out in it. For social protection, only 2 points are important: belonging to a particular university, as well as the age of the student.

The student's certificate is ordered from the dean's office of the university. Or, in some cases, you can take it from the accounting department or the contract department. It all depends on what rules are in force at the university. It is advisable to take with you the license and accreditation of the educational institution. Suitable Only student's certificate must be in original.


How can you get a social scholarship? In order to obtain the appropriate certificate from the social protection authorities, citizens must attach a copy to the previously listed document as well. A temporary passport (or rather, a certificate of the corresponding type) will also work. But, as a rule, the social protection authorities require a passport from the student. How to get a social scholarship for a student?

There is nothing difficult about that. If a citizen has a certificate of a member of a large or low-income family, then these documents must be attached when applying for a certificate from social protection.


But that is not all! How can you get a social scholarship? Additionally, a citizen may be asked (especially if a person changed personal data or got married / divorced during training) some papers. These include:

  • birth certificates of children;
  • documents indicating marriage / divorce;
  • birth certificate of a citizen who is applying for a scholarship;
  • applicant;
  • disability documents;
  • extracts on the passage of contract service or work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • medical reports on the state of health of a citizen.

This is a legal requirement. Especially if it is planned to be recognized. Now it is clear what documents are needed to apply for a social scholarship. Failure to provide these papers can cause a lot of trouble. Indeed, in social protection they can refuse to issue a certificate of belonging to candidates for a scholarship of a social type due to insufficient information about a particular family.

At the university

When can I apply for a social scholarship? After all the previously listed list of papers has been referred to the social service, you can wait for the issuance of a certificate from this body. In it, as already mentioned, it will be written about the citizen's belonging to one or another category of recipients of monthly payments.

As soon as the relevant certificate is in hand, it is necessary to write an application of the established form to the university and attach to it:

  • identification;
  • a certificate from social protection;
  • documents that were previously submitted to social protection (optional, but desirable).

Additionally, they may be required to attach account details for calculating the scholarship. Nothing else is needed. The application will be considered for some time. Nonresidents will have to obligatorily attach certificates indicating the citizen's residence outside a particular locality.

A social stipend is issued, as a rule, before the end of September of the year in which the payment will be appointed. Therefore, after entering the university, it is recommended to start the paperwork as soon as possible. There is nothing difficult about that. From now on, it is clear how to issue a social scholarship to a student.

The scholarship is awarded to full-time students studying at the expense of the federal budget.

Academic scholarship
The academic scholarship is awarded twice a year based on the results of the examination session from the first day of the month following the examination session.

Academic scholarships are awarded only to those students who passed the exam session with "good" and "excellent". When awarding a scholarship, along with the marks obtained in exams, marks on tests, practice and coursework are also taken into account.

As for the size of the scholarship, at the moment minimum the amount of the academic scholarship is 1300 rubles... And it is received by those students who passed the session only as "good". For the rest there is increased scholarships, namely:

    students who passed the session only with excellent marks in the amount of 200% of the minimum academic scholarship (2,400 rubles);

    students who passed the session as "good" and "excellent" in the amount of 150% of the minimum academic scholarship (1800 rubles).

Nominal scholarship of the Moscow City Hall
The Moscow Mayor's personal scholarship was established in accordance with the Order of the Mayor of Moscow "On the establishment of the Moscow Mayor's personal scholarships for students of higher educational institutions" to reward students for excellent studies. Applicants for this scholarship are selected on a competitive basis according to the following criteria:

  • 3-5 year students
  • Excellent study
  • Scientific activity
  • Accommodation in Moscow

The scholarship is assigned for one academic semester in addition to the main scholarship. At the moment, its size is 1200 rubles per month.

Nominal scholarship of the Academic Council of MADI
A scholarship from the Academic Council can be received by a student who, firstly, is an excellent student, and secondly, is actively involved in the scientific and social life of the university. This scholarship is also awarded for one academic semester. Currently, the scholarship of the Academic Council of MADI is 3300 rubles.

Scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation
Scholarships of the President of the Russian Federation and special grants of the Government of the Russian Federation are awarded to students who have achieved outstanding success in educational and scientific activities.

Students of universities who have become the authors of discoveries, two or more inventions, scientific articles in central Russian publications and abroad can apply for a scholarship. The success of applicants for the Presidential scholarship must be confirmed by diplomas or other documents of the winners of All-Russian and international Olympiads, creative competitions, festivals. Such scholarships are awarded to students for one year. Currently, this scholarship is 2200 rubles.

Social scholarship
A social stipend is paid to students in need of social assistance. Currently the size of the state social stipend is 3600 rubles.

Social scholarship is compulsory assigned to the following students:

    from among orphans left without parental care;

    recognized in the established manner as invalids of I and II groups;

    victims of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant and other radiation disasters;

    disabled and combat veterans

To apply for a state social scholarship, these students need to contact the dean's office of the faculty by submitting a supporting document.

Also social scholarship paid students from low-income families... To apply for a social scholarship, a student must contact the social protection authority at his permanent place of residence with the following documents:

    a certificate from the house management at the place of permanent residence on the composition of the family (children and parents with whom the student is registered)

    certificate of salary of parents (or other relatives with whom the student is registered) for the last 3 months.

    a certificate from the university (a certificate is issued in the student personnel department stating that the student is studying full-time).

If there are grounds, the specified authority issues a certificate of a certain sample. This certificate must contain the following data:

    surname, name, patronymic of the student;

    place of residence;

    the size of the family's average per capita income;

    the amount of the living wage in effect on the day of receipt of the certificate;

    a phrase that the student belongs to the category of poor citizens and is entitled to receive a state social scholarship;

    stamp and round seal of the social protection authority.

The student must submit the received certificate to the dean's office of the faculty, after which an order will be issued on his appointment to a social scholarship. This procedure must be done every year.