How to draw a symmetrical lotus pattern. How to draw a lotus: a beginner's guide

How to draw a symmetrical lotus pattern.  How to draw a lotus: a beginner's guide
How to draw a symmetrical lotus pattern. How to draw a lotus: a beginner's guide

The task is more difficult, but also more interesting. We will master composition, construction, interconnection of objects, complex shapes. We will make mistakes, analyze and correct. Here is a short announcement. Now the lotus:

Let me remind you. The lesson is aimed at people who "cannot draw"
We need watercolor pencils, watercolor paper and a lotus comp:

1. We outline the main characters of our story. According to the law of the golden section, this law of harmony in everything. Much has been written about him.
So, we mark up:

Building a lotus.

I outline the volume with these ellipses. To see the "spot" occupied by the flower. There are different ways to do this.
2. Divide the volume into petals (in an amicable way, you just need to roughly cut it smaller, but it will take too long. In principle, you can start drawing the outline of the flower right away. At least that's exactly what I did when Olezhka asked me to draw a flower for him. took less than a minute, then I'll show you. So choose what is more convenient)

soooo ...

top construction lines can be removed

something wrong...

Aha! The proportions are violated. Do not wonder. Of course, it was necessary to build in an amicable way, not quickly. But nothing, as one of my colleagues said, who did not lose heart, even if a disk with a month's work suddenly formatted, SECOND TIME FASTER. So, we take the lower part and move it down. Yes, it happens, we learn from mistakes

Perfectly! We draw the middle, stamens

So, there is one

3. the rest of the participants.
We look at the picture and draw leaves

now the right side

Please note that the curved edge

it turned out, well and good. Complex compositions consist of such simple actions.
We outline the bud.

and a leaf at the top left

mark its middle

Center top

remember that the lotus petals themselves have their own shape, with wrapped edges.

4. Colored outline.
Yes, this is more difficult than an apple, here we will make a "knight's move". Let's remove the pencil. Rather, let's make all the pencil outlines colored. Why is this needed? This is a watercolor, friends. She can't stand dirt. And a smeared pencil is a sad sight. So get ready to paint again SECOND TIME FASTER. It's simple - we erase the pencil carefully, not completely, until it turns pale. And we outline this contour (which is clearly visible) with a suitable color.
We erased the stamens and partially the petals. From light - watercolor rule. We are already starting up the color.

like this approximately. You see, we don’t have to completely erase it, we just gradually replace it. Completely without a simple pencil, it is difficult to immediately use a colored pencil, erasing it is much more problematic than a simple one, but if you are confident in yourself - go for a colored one right away!

i keep on replacing

yellow stamens can be hatched immediately

pink flower. Yes! Don't forget to sketch out the reflection!

We take on the bottom left sheet. Erase the pencil

we replace it with green (the color of the outline is the lightest of the shades of the outlined object, we will always have time to darken and put accents in the last place, now the light green outline)

5. We paint!
I changed the color rendition. I wish I didn't

We shade the petals. Pink

we look from which one falls on which shadow. Squinting, do not forget - we define darker and lighter

take colder and darker, lilac, add shadows

like this

warm scarlet in the center

yeah, not only in the center

the darkish middle came out, but it's fixable. The eraser is our friend.

The extreme petals lent green

we start the leaves with a light one. Almost yellow

Bud. Light

oh, I just got a flower, which I drew immediately with a colored pencil without any construction, in 15 seconds, tk. Olezhka had to urgently. See, maybe it will be easier for you too

continue to fill with color

I took green, a darker, basic one

the leaf is not even, it has a wavy surface, we emphasize this with color / light

the right one is more complicated, there, besides its own, there is also a falling shadow

falling is always thicker and colder

but these shadows make a living surface and objects

I saw that the upper leaves have a warm shade (you may have a different vision)

Let's go through the reflections. In fact, reflections of a colder shade (!) But I have warm ones here.

shadow on top sheets

We begin to hatch the water.
This is a crucial moment. Because the water in the picture is very much darker than the lotus. And pencils are such a material that will not allow us to achieve such a contrast. Therefore, in general, we are moving towards decorativeness. And we are aware of this (these are graphics, not painting, such a genre)

here, we walked in azure blue

let's take purple

make the water as dark as possible

a thin dark stripe separates the bud from the reflection

perhaps something blue / purple will appear on the leaves

and on the petals. All items share colors. Not always explicit, but we'll show it explicitly

the stamens worked. With an eraser, we walked through the brightest places (squint and look where everything is where the shadow is). The picture is complete.

Actually, you can leave it straight like this. Colored pencils were quite successful. But since we took watercolors ... we begin the transformation (here nothing depends on us)
The final stage.
We start from bright places

the flower was filled with water. Now the leaves. From light

Water. This is exciting again. After all, it occupies the largest spot, it has the greatest weight. I do not advise you to get carried away with a black pencil. With other colors and especially watercolor, it gives dirt. Better to make the water blue, dark blue. Lying, that is, inventing, is very much encouraged in drawing!

now water fills the leaf. And we already see all the decorativeness of the picture

So that is all....
The lotus is ready. The lesson is over.
Long time, huh? But at once a great exercise. The line-up is very helpful. The same rules apply in photography for example.

If you take pastels and dark blue paper, you get a completely different lotus. Much closer to the picture by the light spot. Well, if oil / acrylic ... a copy can happen. In my opinion pencils are also very entertaining.
I, just like you, do not know until the very end what will turn out. And will it work out. Especially when you touch with water and you can no longer turn back.

Successful work to all!

How to draw a lotus. There are two varieties of real lotuses - pink and yellow. The lotuses of other colors are no longer lotuses, but water lilies, we will draw them next time. Now we are learning to draw a sacred Buddhist lotus.

If we look closely at the lotus flower, we see that there are a lot of petals and they are arranged in a very specific mathematically accurate pattern. And everything would be great, but we are not considering the flower "top view", but, so to speak, in three quarters, and here we face such difficulties as petals in foreshortening and obscuration. But, enough talk.

Let's draw a lotus in stages

The stem is long, towering high above the water. At its end there is a reverse conical receptacle surrounded by petals arranged in concentric circles. We start by sketching with a pencil.

Petals are oval, concave with a boat:

The receptacle is fleshy and in it fruits -nuts will subsequently ripen. It is surrounded by a thick fringe of stamens:

Now let's draw the inner circle of petals:

Add the outer circle:

We looked inside the lotus, now let's learn how to draw a lotus flower - side view.

How to draw a lotus - lesson 2

Let's outline the general outline with a pencil:

Now we distribute the petals very carefully:

And we clarify in stages:

In the figure, I will highlight the petals of the outer circle with a brighter color:

Outside the window, the sun is shining brightly and the first flowers will soon bloom, let's not waste time and today we will learn how to draw a lotus flower with a pencil in stages. You can also in our other lessons. So, take a pencil and paper.

Drawing a lotus flower we will draw from the middle to the edges, since round-shaped flowers are usually easier to draw, starting from the middle. This will help to more correctly and realistically depict the shape and structure of the flower.

Be sure to look at the color example in the picture so that it is clear what you should get in the end, as well as to see what the finished drawing should look like.

Also be aware that the principles of step-by-step drawing of a lotus flower that you will learn in this lesson can be applied to the image of almost any flower, not just the lotus.

Step 1. Pestle. The middle of the flower where the seeds grow is called the pistil. This part of the flower is similar to the geometric shape of a cylinder. Draw an oval first, and then add two curved lines extending from each side of the oval as shown in the picture.

Step 2. Flower petals. It will be easier to draw the lotus flower if the petals are drawn in 2 stages. Try to think of the petals as the front petals and the back ones.

The front petals appear in front of the pistil you drew in the first step. Take a look at the example image at the top of the page and notice the lines that form the outer edges of the petals. It should be borne in mind that the petals are not completely flat - they are slightly rounded, and that's why an additional line was added to the petals on the left and right sides of the image for this step to show this roundness, and then they immediately become more voluminous and livelier.

There is nothing complicated in the image of these petals, the main thing is to closely and carefully examine the reference image and try to draw as similar as possible.

And remember that all the lotus petals should be held together in the middle of the flower where the pistil is.

Step 3. Draw the back petals and the base of the lotus flower. Begin this step by drawing the back petals. The petals are easy to depict with simply curved lines, the shape of which is pointed towards the top. Try to first depict the petals that are in front of others and which are more visible. Then the petals that peek out from behind the first. Remember to paint lightly so that you can easily erase if you make a mistake.

To draw the stem of the lotus, simply extend 2 curved lines that extend downward from the front petals that were drawn in the second step.
Now that you've drawn this, you are done with the main structure of the lotus flower pattern. If you do it with the help of our tips, then it is not so difficult, right? In the next step, you will complete the drawing by adding some details to the petals and pistil.

Step 4. Final details. Start again in the middle of the flower and add some small circles to the top of the pistil. Then add some bean shapes to the middle of the pistil as shown to complete it.

If you look at the picture of the lotus, you will see that the petals are colored differently at the tips. Follow the example image for this step. To complete your drawing of the lotus flower, add lines to the tips of the petals where the color changes. The last thing you can do is add some shadows to your flower.

As a result, this is the drawing of a lotus.

Finally, watch a video tutorial that shows how you can draw a lotus flower with a pencil.

Do not forget to unsubscribe in the comments about your successes in this lesson.

People have a strange tradition of calling things not quite by their proper names. For example, give names to people after plants, animals, or days of the week. Some went further and began to call oil gold, people homosapiens and Medvedev the president. Nevertheless, the countries of the Far East have succeeded in this much more abruptly. Thanks to them, we will learn how to draw a lotus. Lotus is a beautiful flower that mainly grows in water areas. The flower itself was of little value until fanatical Buddhists decided that it was sitting in the lotus position. Either the Buddha revealed the secret to them, or the flower itself complained, nevertheless, the similarity of the posture with the flower is observed only from a great distance, and if you do not think about it. The flower itself quite adequately refers to such exploitation of its name, because it can no longer promote itself in any way.

Not too much can be learned from it, but still:

  • Look at the root, the root of the flower is considered a delicacy;
  • The rosary is made from lotus seeds, and this is perhaps the only quality product from the far east;
  • The lotus position is very comfortable for sitting without a chair, and the Buddha was clearly aware of this;
  • Chuck Norris sat in the lotus position even earlier than Buddha.

And you can also draw it:

How to draw a lotus with a pencil step by step

Step one. First, sketch out the main lines. Let's draw two circles.
Step two. In one of them, display a flower by drawing several smaller circles.
Step three. Draw the petals and core inside the flower, and draw the rest of the circles with a bolder line.
Step four. Delete the auxiliary lines with an eraser, correct the contours.
Step five. It remains to add shadows.
Would you like to draw more beautiful flowers? We have many more drawing lessons on this topic, see:

  1. - our version of the female name;

Any artist at least once in his work had to depict plants, flowers and leaves. If at the beginning of the creative path the question arose about how to draw a lotus, it is best to familiarize yourself with the step-by-step guide before starting work. For example, this article provides detailed instructions and practical advice. This approach will help to avoid many mistakes and shortcomings in the drawing process.

Features of the structure of the lotus: flower and leaves

Before drawing a lotus, you should carefully consider it and get acquainted with the structure of its flower. Lotus is an aquatic plant that grows mainly in hot countries. In many cultures, it is considered sacred, symbolizing purity and spirituality.

In its structure, the lotus is similar to a lily. Its petals are arranged in a circle and superimposed on each other in several layers. Leaves, as a rule, have a large area and are located on the surface of the water. The stems of the plant go under the water, so they are most often invisible in the drawings.

Where to start drawing

Starting to solve the problem of how to draw a lotus, you need to decide on the size of the future drawing and materials. If you have very little artistic experience, it is better to opt for a simple pencil with an eraser and a piece of Whatman paper. In the future, having filled your hand, you can immediately draw with colored materials.

Instructions on how to draw a lotus

By following this guide step by step, you will make the drawing the first time.

  1. We start by marking the proportions of the flower.
  2. Mark the middle and draw the central (middle) petal.
  3. Add two petals to the first center one (one on each side).
  4. We finish drawing one more petal on each side to get 5 elements in total. This is the outer layer of the petals.
  5. Continuing to add petals, draw them so that they are symmetrically arranged in three rows and form a kind of hat. The uppermost (inner) petals have a volume - they show the outer and lateral parts, they surround the middle of the flower.
  6. Add three sepals (green leaves located at the base of the flower).
  7. If desired, you can add the stem and leaves at the end.

So, now even a novice artist understands how to draw a lotus with a pencil. A contour made with a simple pencil can be shaded, giving volume, - you get a full-fledged graphic work. If desired, the sketch can be colored with watercolors or colored pencils.

How to finish the work and how to complement the flower

When the flower itself is drawn, sometimes it becomes necessary to supplement the artwork with details. In such a case, the following options may be appropriate:

  • Lotus leaves and buds.
  • Ducks, swans and other waterfowl.
  • Frog sitting on a lotus leaf.
  • Abstract patterns.
  • Appropriate decorative elements.
  • Symbols from the culture of Buddhism.

Having decided on the choice of details and background, you need to carefully complement the main image. When the pencil sketch is completely ready, you can start coloring. It is important to keep in mind that lotus flowers come in different shades:

  • pale pink;
  • snow-white;
  • cream;
  • light yellow;
  • vanilla;
  • bright pink.

The leaves of this plant are usually light or rich green shades. Water is usually depicted in blue or blue. All other elements are made in the color that best suits the overall color scheme of the artwork.

Thus, we have analyzed in detail how to draw a lotus quickly and beautifully. The finished work can be framed and presented to a loved one. Gifts made with your own hands with a soul are especially expensive and valuable.