How to draw yourself in anime style? Detailed lesson. How to draw an anime face with a pencil Cute anime face

How to draw yourself in anime style?  Detailed lesson.  How to draw an anime face with a pencil Cute anime face
How to draw yourself in anime style? Detailed lesson. How to draw an anime face with a pencil Cute anime face

The face is the most important aspect drawing anime and manga... If you are great at drawing backgrounds and clothes but getting the wrong faces, it will be difficult for you to get your art approved by anime and manga fans.

Fortunately, anime-style face painting is well within the reach of even the most inexperienced artist, if you're ready to start with a few basic guidelines.

Some artists paint photographic faces, while others paint characters with eyes the size of dinner plates. In this tutorial, you will learn how to draw the structure of a face somewhere in between these two extremes.

The emphasis is on the correct shape of the head and the placement of the eyes, nose and mouth in the appropriate places.

How to draw an anime girl's face "front view"

Step 1: draw a circle

Draw a rough circle, separated by vertical and horizontal lines. The vertical line is there to help you position your nose. A horizontal line will help place the eyebrows and eyes.

To distribute the three lines evenly, first draw a middle line, dividing the space in half. Then draw two other lines, dividing the space into quarters.

Divide the bottom half of the circle into four equal parts with three lines. The first line will be for the eyebrows. The second will be the upper lash line. On the third, we will be guided when drawing irises.

Step 3: chin lines

Add the jaw lines. Focus on the corners of each line and the shape created between them and the circle. The distance between the bottom of the circle and the chin is about a quarter of the circle's diameter.

Step 4: add basic facial features

The upper lash lines touch the edge of the circle on each side. Keep about one eye width between the eyes. This white space is as important as the shape of the eyes.

The nose rests on the bottom of the circle. Place it exactly in the center. The mouth is midway between the circle and the tip of the jaw.

Step 5: draw the ears and eyes

The top of the ear is about as high as the middle of each eye. The bottom of the ear is close to the mouth line.

The line above each eye indicates the crease of the upper eyelid. Many artists place these lines over the inner corners of each eye without stretching them along their entire length, as in real life.

Add lines for the hair, neck and shoulders. The upper hairline is at a decent distance above the circumference, the hairy part occupies almost a quarter of the entire diameter. The head in anime and manga is usually drawn with three-dimensional at the top, which adds youth to the character.

Step 7: shadows

Draw a shadow under the chin and add details to the hair. The hair lines are curved to match the shape of the head.

Step 8: the final stage

Trace with a black gel pen or liner any lines you want to keep, and erase the pencil lines once the ink is completely dry. The finished drawing can be diluted with gray tones or added colors.

How to draw an anime girl's face in a three-quarter position

If you want to draw manga, then it is more important for you learn to draw anime face in the "three-quarter" position. In the real story of a manga, it rarely happens that a character speaks directly to the reader. Most often, a character is talking to another character within the story and will be slightly turned to one side.

Luckily, it’s not that hard, with a little practice, you’ll draw like a pro!

Step 1: draw a circle

Divide it with a horizontal line.

Step 2: mark the feature lines

Divide the bottom half of the circle into four equal parts by adding three more lines.

Step 3: chin lines

Add a slightly curved vertical line that starts at the chin and tilts slightly to one side. The line should end at the brow line - second from the top.

Step 4: facial features

Draw the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. All four facial features touch a curved line at different heights.

Be careful when placing your left eye. The spaces around it are just as important as the eye itself.

Note that in the three-quarter view, the right eyebrow is not directly above the eye, but slightly to the side.

Step 5: draw the ears and eyes

Create a highlight at the top and a curved shape at the bottom of the iris. Also add short, curved lines just above the inner corner of each eye.

Step 6: shape your hair and neck

Draw the neck so that it crosses the ear and cheek on one side and the tip of the chin on the other.

Start drawing the hair.

Step 7: shadows

Shape the hair with additional lines. Loose strands of hair and two ponytails on the sides will create a natural look.

The shadow under the chin will make the image look three-dimensional.

Step 8: the final stage

We're almost done! Take a gel pen or liner and draw around all the lines of the drawing.

Let the ink dry and then erase the pencil lines for a finished, professional drawing.

Of course, it is not necessary for your character to have the same hairstyle that you see here. Additional hairstyle ideas will appear in later tutorials. Do not miss!

In the previous tutorials on drawing anime, we learned how to depict eyes and hair. Now we will try to draw the face completely. But in order for us to be able to correctly draw the face completely, first we will consider how the nose and mouth are depicted in this style. Only after that we will have an idea of ​​how to draw the face of our anime hero.

So, it’s worth saying right away that I didn’t pay nose and mouth a hotel lesson, because their image is quite simple, although it contains some peculiarities. In the following illustration, you can see that the nose and mouth can be drawn with just a few strokes. The nose is a concave or straight stick or wedge; in girls it is sometimes completely absent, indicated by a small dash or shading. The mouth is depicted using a line at the confluence of two lips, which, depending on the emotion, can be slightly curved in arbitrary shapes and a small line that indicates the presence of the lower lip. Do not forget to outline the main axis so that you have a clear idea of ​​exactly where the lips and other parts of the face should be located, and place them correctly in the drawing. Everything is very simple. But this applies to the face and half-turn of the head.

The situation is a little more complicated when the head of the anime character is turned in profile. A few lines cannot be dispensed with here, since the profile should clearly indicate the shapes. It is worth remembering right away that most anime and manga characters, especially anime guys, have all angular shapes, which gives them the characteristic features of this Japanese style.

The nose in profile looks mostly concave in the middle and sharp at the tip.

The upper lip hangs slightly over the lower lip. Both lips have rather sharp bevels and corners.

Now that we know how to draw eyes, hair, nose and mouth, let's try to draw the face of our anime hero. Let's take a girl's face as an example. The main focus should be on the shape of the head. As mentioned, anime shapes are always slightly convex or concave and have angular shapes. Girls should have a sharp chin and sharp transitions to the cheekbones, which are very pronounced. In fact, it is a pentagon with a sharp end at the bottom and a roundness at the top, where hair is subsequently added. The girl's eyes should be large and take up almost a third of her face. The nose, which for girls is depicted with only one hint, is drawn with the help of a line or dots approximately at the level of the cheekbones, under it is the line of the mouth. In principle, this is all easy, you just need to practice a little.

How to draw an anime girl face:

First, draw a circle. It will help us shape the next stages of drawing. It is worth saying that anime faces rarely have the correct proportions so that they can be calculated using markup, like an ordinary person, so everything is mostly done by eye. However, in order to do something by eye, you need to know the correct structure and therefore here we will be guided by various standards.

In the next step, we will divide the circle with two axial lines - horizontal and vertical. This will help us build anime girl face right, without any bevels and distortions.

The third step is the chin. Anime chins are generally very cartoonish. In this example, we can see that the chin is unrealistically sharp.

We outline the sizes of the eyes. Usually, the upper edge of the eye is drawn directly below the centerline horizontal line, but sometimes there are exceptions to this rule. In the guy example, we will see that the eyes can be drawn almost in the middle of the line. The bottom of the eyes is approximately halfway between the horizontal centerline and the bottom of the circle. Also, do not forget about the width of the eyes and the distance between them. Here we will adhere to the usual proportions for a human face, i.e. the distance between the eyes is equal to the width of one eye.

In the next step, draw the nose and lips. As we saw above, the nose and mouth can only be depicted with a couple of strokes, although I will further complicate the mouth a little for the sake of aesthetics. The mouth is usually drawn either at the level of the bottom of the circle or slightly below. The nose, respectively, is slightly higher.

The next step for us is the eyes. If you forgot how to draw anime eyes correctly, then read one of my previous tutorials, which is completely devoted to anime eyes:. It is also worth warning right away that during the final drawing you do not forget to erase the center lines, since after the final work it will be very difficult to do this and it will not do without blots.

Draw the hair and erase the excess. The curls in this figure lay in such a way that they had to almost completely remove the ears and wipe the eyebrow.

At the last stage, let's draw our girl a little. Here I added a shadow from the hair on the back of the head, neck, shoulders, some of the frills of the dress. I also added some shadows on the face itself so that it does not look flat.

How to draw an anime guy's face in stages:

First, draw a circle. Divide the circle vertically and horizontally. The eyes will be located at the level of the horizontal line.

After that, mark the top and bottom of the head. In this case, it is necessary to make sure that the upper level is spaced from the edge of the circle twice as much as the lower one.

Draw the chin to our circle, as shown in the figure. Let's also outline the upper part. Do not be confused by the fact that in the first stages, the sketch has an egg-headed appearance. The whole circle will also include hair.

Now we draw the general features of the face. As you can see, the eyes are at the level of the horizontal centerline. Mouth on the bottom line of the circumference. The nose is located between the eyes and the mouth. The upper edge of the ears is adjacent to the horizontal centerline.

We erase all the center lines and construction lines that we no longer need. You can also see that I have drawn the outline of the pupils.

After that we draw the hair. First you need to outline the outline of the hair.

We continue to draw the hair. We make shadows.

Putting the finishing touches on the anime guy's portrait. Add shadows from the hair and natural shadows on the face, which will make the face voluminous, shadows on the forehead, on the cheeks, under the nose, on the lips, chin, and ears. Let's draw the neck.

These are two ways how to quickly and easily learn how to draw an anime face.

This concludes the anime face drawing tutorial. Subscribe to site updates to keep abreast of the next lessons.

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They are becoming more and more popular. It is enough to look at a few of these pictures to understand the secret of such success. There is something magical about the mesmerizing beauty of the drawings. Pictures attract with the saturation of emotions conveyed in rather mean ways.

What are anime drawings?

Anime is a specific technique for making Japanese drawings using pencils. The difference from other genre directions is how to draw anime faces and eyes. Anime art is divided into different types, for example, comics or manga. Comics originally appeared in Japan and spread throughout the world. Most often, "manga" is done in black and white, which speeds up the process of creating pictures.

From the "manga" came the development of the "anime" style related to the animation genre. Japanese cartoons stand out for their oriental style of drawing cartoon characters. But in comparison with the usual "manga" the characters are brighter and more colorful.

Despite the seeming complexity of the process of creating anime pictures, anyone can learn to draw. It is enough to correctly plan the stages of the character image. There are entire tutorials that teach step-by-step anime techniques for beginner manga artists.

Drawing Anime Faces

The technical side of the anime face is not particularly difficult. The main stages of how to draw anime faces can be noted:

  • depict a circle;
  • divide it into four identical shares with perpendicular lines;
  • from the point of intersection of the drawn lines, draw a straight line downward, the length of which from the circle line is slightly less than the radius in the drawn circle;
  • the resulting centerline consists of three roughly equal parts. Divide the lower one in half, and draw two straight lines from the central sides of the circle (up to the resulting dividing line), which will become the image of the cheekbones;
  • from the lines of the cheekbones, sketch the lines to the bottom of the central line, so the chin and jaw will be outlined;
  • give roundness to the drawn elements;
  • depict eyes at the central intersection of the circle;
  • place the mouth at the intersection of the center line of the face and the lower edge of the circle;
  • the nose is placed on a line crossing the lower limit of the circle and the central facial line;
  • the auricles are in line with the nose, equal to its length.

These are the basic principles of drawing anime faces. By changing the proportions of the picture, you can depict different characters with a wide variety of facial expressions.

Drawing the face of a girl in anime style

There is no particular difficulty in how to draw a face. To depict a female image, you can apply the above method, supplementing it with the necessary details. How to draw the faces of anime cartoon female characters? Their distinctive feature is the shape of the chin, which is usually sharp to the point of unreality. Although sometimes the outlines of the chin can also have an oval, round or almost square configuration, depending on the artist's intention.

The eyes of girls are outlined so that the upper edge of the eye is located under the horizontal centerline. The lower border of the eye is located approximately in the middle of the lower part of the circle and the axial horizontal line of separation. The distance from one eye to the other equals the width of one eye.

Ears are depicted at eye level, and their height is usually equal to the length of one eye. A mouth is drawn approximately at the level of the lower part of the circle, and a little

At the end of the process of drawing the face, all auxiliary lines are erased and line sketches of the main curls of the hairstyle are made. Then all the lines of the face, hair are clearly drawn, if necessary, parts of the eyebrows or ears, covered with strands, are wiped.

To complete the look, you can add the girl's neck, shoulders and dress ruffles. To prevent the face from looking flat, you should add some shadows on the face itself and draw the shadow from the hair on the right side of the head.

Features of anime-style faces

The anime face is uniquely characteristic of it with large expressive eyes. Glare in them is worked out especially carefully. But the eyes in the closed position are depicted with just a few lines. Cheekbones, mouth and nose are not so significant and are depicted using fine lines (and at the same time quite small).

When depicting hair, do not draw them in small areas. The contours of the hairstyle are outlined in one mass, and only then strands and curls are highlighted.

If we talk about how to draw the faces of anime characters, then you can give them a kind of unrealism. Hair can be dyed in the most unpredictable colors, ears have the most unrealistic shape, and others are also portrayed as rather unusual.

Drawing faces in anime style with a pencil

Pencils are mainly used to draw anime pictures, but paints and gouache are also used. The main thing is that the pictures are contrasting and catchy. Characters in anime drawings always have colorful, bright clothes. The main nuance is color saturation. You can draw anime with a pencil, even in this case, the faces must be made as expressive and contrasting as possible, practically without using penumbra. For sketching, apply and for shading, a softer one.

Drawing a guy's face in anime style

The process of drawing anime faces for guys is not very different from writing female anime characters. The eyes are drawn a little differently. They are depicted at an angle, slightly beveled towards the center of the face. The top line of the ears is at the level of the top of the eyes. When depicting a mouth, you can draw a slight grinning smile, which will make the face more masculine. The shadows drawn in the hair will give it depth and movement. Since they are more rough, then the face of the anime guy should have clear lines. For greater expressiveness, mimic wrinkles should be clearly distinguished.

At the beginning of learning the technique of drawing anime, some difficulties may arise, most often due to incorrect proportions. However, as you improve, the pictures will become more attractive. In the future, to search for types, you can use photographs of real people, noticing the various nuances of their facial expressions.

Today we will be discussing how to draw an anime face without making any effort. If you do not have drawing skills, but you really want to learn, then you should definitely start drawing with us and listen to our step-by-step instructions and recommendations.

Well, let's start. Initially, when the question arises: how to draw an anime face, you should understand that you should draw the basics of the future anime face. To do this, draw a circle, two horizontal lines and one vertical. Based on these lines, in the future, the final full-fledged anime face will be displayed.

At the second stage, we will draw the eyes within the horizontal lines. They must be symmetrical and parallel to each other at an appropriate distance. The eyes will initially look like two semicircular lines above and below the horizontal outline. Slightly lower in the middle, a nose will be drawn and the basics of the mouth will be neatly traced under it. In addition, we begin to draw the chin. It should be triangular in shape. The lines should be clear and sharp.

At the third stage, how to draw an anime face with a pencil, we will detail the eyes, draw out the eyebrow area, and also designate the pupils. We add beautiful small eyelashes and also pay attention to the chin. We draw a line slightly less than the size of the mouth right below the mouth. At the same time, we erase all unnecessary lines so that our face takes on a more realistic look. Do not forget to draw the outline of the neck, as our head must be supported by something.

It looks like this.

At the penultimate stage, how to draw a face in stages, we sketch the eyes from the inside, we draw the outline of the hair. We make straight hair and sharp bangs. Curls should look as natural as possible. Try to display them in such a way that they visually develop slightly in the wind and have a three-dimensional appearance.

The girl's eyes look to the right, but you can draw the pupils wherever you want. Remember only the sequence of actions. All further points you can experiment as you like. Develop your imagination and push back from your inner feelings. In the end, you should end up with an anime girl with a rather puzzled face.

Now we will consider the already final version of the anime girl, so that you understand that everything worked out perfectly for you. And so, almost everything is already ready for you, it remains only to finish everything in such a way that you are satisfied with yourself. Add a ponytail to the girl on the left side. And we finish the gum in the form of a lily flower to complete the image. Draw beautiful lines from the inside of the hair, repeating the shape of the entire head of hair, so that the curls look more realistic. Also, draw the eyes from the top with a thicker outline so that it looks like a classic aesthetic eyeliner.

This article is a free and easy to understand tutorial explaining how to draw an anime girl face. A face with an angelic expression is drawn in 4 steps and used for this quite

a simple and well-known method:

  • in order to depict the face and head, you must first draw a circle;
  • and to draw the neck, you will need to leave a non-bold auxiliary line.

After that, the woman's face will begin to acquire clearer lines, the chin will be drawn, the presence of the lower jaw will become noticeable. The next step is to sketch the hair, which consists of light, careless lines. After that we deal with the girl's face. Let's start working on the contour of the eyes and eyebrows. The final stage will be the final drawing of the eyes, nose and the creation of the correct shape of the mouth.

In addition to this way of creating a drawing, there are other techniques that clearly demonstrate how to draw an anime face.

In the picture shown, you see a face turned 3/4. To achieve this head position, you need to draw a circle, then a slightly smaller oval. This will help give your face the shape you want. Vertical direction lines will determine the correct proportions, facial features. This will help draw realistic eyes, nose and mouth.

Already in this picture, you will notice what the correct distance between the eyes will be. The ear should be of such size that its beginning is at eye level and the end is at the level of the nose.

The first step in this style, as in the previous one, is to draw a circle and an oval.

Then pay attention to the contour of the chin and cheeks.

After that, take care of the neck, make outlines in the form of a sketch.

The ears are located between the top edge of the eyes and the bottom edge of the nose.

The location of the ear is also influenced by where the girl is looking:

  • if up, it will be lower;
  • if down, then higher.

In this picture, the girl is looking down, which means that the ear is located higher.

After that, we take up the nose. This element can be with or without the bridge of the nose. You can depict the nose in different ways, it all depends on the chosen style. There are also such works in which, instead of a nose, a shadow or a contour.

Then we draw the eyes. They can be slanted, ordinary, round, perky, sad.

The next step will help give your face the right mood. Depending on how the eyebrows and lips are positioned, you can create a joyful grimace, sad or angry.

Having completed the work with the face, we proceed to create the hairstyle. It should be voluminous, which means we draw a raised outline.

Do not forget about the bangs and the drawing of individual strands.

That's it, the drawing is ready.