Why dream of dandruff on your head? Why dream of dandruff on the head: interpretation from various dream books.

Why dream of dandruff on your head?  Why dream of dandruff on the head: interpretation from various dream books.
Why dream of dandruff on your head? Why dream of dandruff on the head: interpretation from various dream books.

Dandruff causes discomfort and ruins the appearance of hair. Unpleasant white scales cause disgust in others and can greatly reduce self-esteem. What does it mean to see dandruff in a dream? The answer to the riddle must be sought in the dream book.

Total value

Dandruff is considered an auspicious sign. It is very good for the dreamer if he saw her on his head. Such a dream promises good luck, profit and fun. There is another interpretation - renewal, change of life for the better. Scales are treated like money. The more there are, the greater the profit in reality. Another meaning of scales is abundance in the joy of the sleeping person.

Value depending on the circumstances of the dream

For women:

  • A lot of dandruff, as if snow drifts - for a girl means the fulfillment of a desire or an early marriage. The marriage will be successful, and the husband will be wealthy.
  • For a woman - a pleasant surprise from loved ones or an improvement in the financial situation of the family.

For men:

  • For men, such a dream portends career growth or a good deal. Another meaning is to marry a rich bride.

What dandruff looked like:

  • Flakes - for profit or luck in personal relationships. Small ones - random profit, large ones - tangible stable income. The larger, the easier the path to wealth.
  • Corky - for an unexpected gift or good news.
  • She flew in the air - soon the dreamer will have a carefree life and fun.
  • Falling from head to body - one should remember about abandoned affairs.

How much dandruff was:

  • Few - you need to make an important decision.
  • A lot - for purchases, gifts and pleasant surprises. The more dandruff dreamed of, the more favorable the interpretation of sleep.

Dandruff can be seen not only in the dreamer:

  • On the comb - to a pleasant surprise.
  • On furniture - there is an intruder or an envious person in the immediate environment, caution should be exercised.
  • To see it in your hair - in reality you will be able to conclude a profitable deal or start a long-planned business.
  • From a relative - to receive financial assistance from him.
  • A close friend - for a walk together.
  • For the second half - for a romantic adventure or date.
  • On the head of a stranger - in difficult times, the sleeper will receive care, support and financial assistance from loved ones. Another meaning is that a rich patron with great opportunities will appear in the dreamer's life.
  • With a friend - you should think about and analyze the relationship with him.
  • On the head of an elderly person - soon the sleeping person will need to check the knowledge and experience gained in business.
  • On the child's head - to help from an unexpected side. Someone will take responsibility for the dreamer's actions or pay his debts. Another meaning is joy. If this is the dreamer's child - for a holiday in the house, if a stranger - for pleasant new acquaintances. Also, a dream indicates that troubles have passed by.
  • From the deceased - it is possible to receive an inheritance.
  • With a dog - to a meeting with an old friend and a frank conversation.
  • In a cat - to the intrigues of envious people.
  • On the clothes of another person - unexpectedly make a profit.

Treatment by the condition and color of hair with dandruff:

  • Healthy people are a good sign.
  • If hair falls out or there is discomfort, sleep warns of health problems. You should listen to the signals of the body and visit a doctor.
  • On a bald head - to financial problems. You should be more careful.
  • In dark or black hair - you need to concentrate before an important event: an interview for a profitable position, a difficult exam, or the execution of a responsible business.
  • In blond hair - the sleeper is busy with what he loves and is happy with it.
  • In redheads, a period of carelessness and fun will soon come.
  • In gray-haired - the dreamer needs the advice of a wise and experienced person.

Various sleep situations:

  • The head is itchy due to dandruff - good news. The sleeper expects a promotion, salary increase or winning the lottery. Another meaning is to climb the career ladder.
  • Deciding to get rid of - to sadness, doubt and mental anguish. The dreamer probably needs a short break to rest and put his thoughts in order.
  • To see in the mirror - there is a joint work on the project for mutual benefit.
  • To comb it out, while it pours on clothes - to a monetary profit and a life in abundance.
  • Shaking off clothes is a pleasant chore.
  • Listening to the comments and ridicule of others - soon the sleeper will be immensely popular. If the hair is dirty and greasy, then wealth will be added to the popularity.
  • To receive an anti-dandruff shampoo as a gift - someone has romantic feelings for the dreamer, but is afraid to admit it.

Interpretation of sleep from dream books

  • By Tsvetkov's dream book dandruff on the head is a good sign. She dreams of unexpected profits, a valuable gift, or receiving a generous reward. Lying on clothes promises monetary troubles and troubles due to material losses or deception.
  • By Miller's dream book dandruff means business success, a good acquaintance, or a good deal.
  • By Wangi's dream book dandruff symbolizes wealth and dreams of accidentally finding a treasure or receiving an inheritance in the form of a significant amount of money. Part of what you received should be given to the needy, otherwise you can lose everything that came.
  • By Loff's dream book dandruff in the dreamer symbolizes bad intentions, backbiting and bad thoughts. Scales in someone else's hair mean that you should not pay attention to someone else's opinion and follow advice. This path will lead to loss and frustration.
  • By Hasse's dream book dandruff in the sleeper's hair portends unexpected profits or a very pleasant valuable gift.

Most commentators consider dandruff in a dreamer to be an extremely favorable sign. Common interpretations: there comes a time of success in business, a rich life and unexpected profits.

You can interpret the dandruff dream in different ways, taking into account the emotions of the sleeper and all the circumstances of the dream. But most often he dreams of good events associated with receiving benefits and good news. You should not be upset if you had such a dream. We must remember that dandruff is a dream of good, and then look into the dream book and find an explanation.

In life, dandruff can literally drive you crazy: external manifestations, itching, discomfort, etc. In real life, they try to get rid of this fungal disease in all possible ways.

But what if she was just dreaming? What can the dreamer expect? We propose to consider this issue in detail and in various variations.

Dreamed of dandruff in a dream, what is it for

On the issue of dreams in which dandruff on the head is dreamed, dream books agree - this is a symbol of money, wealth and fun. In detail, interpretation may vary.

  • For example, Miller's dream book believes that she is dreaming of imminent business success, concluding a successful deal or a profitable acquaintance.
  • Dream interpretation of Wangi explains such a dream with a serious money addition in the form of an inheritance, but this is not a literal meaning, perhaps a person will find money in a different way.

The details that accompany the dream outline the complete picture and give the necessary clues. Therefore, try to remember every little thing - it will help in the final definition of the dream for each dream book.

Why dream of dandruff on your head

If you dream of dandruff on your head, and in your dream you decided to get rid of her - this is a sad event, the dreamer will be full of doubts and mental anguish.

If your head itches a lot and the cause is dandruff on your hair / scalp- wait for good news: promotion at work (in a position or just for a salary), winning the lottery, etc.

It is also important to remember the features:

  • its amount in the hair;
  • condition (large flakes or single signs);
  • where exactly it was found (on one's own hair or on the head of other people, on items of clothing, dreams on the shoulder, etc.);
  • shake off or see how it flies off the head;
  • in the hair of a child;
  • actions (comb, look, etc.);
  • in the fur of a dog or other animals;
  • in the hair of a stranger or a friend, etc.

Each of these positions interprets the future in its own way. Therefore, it is important not to miss even small details, and then the interpretation of the dream book will be more accurate.

Dandruff with flakes in a dream what does it mean

One more nuance: if you dream of dandruff on your head in flakes - this is a material profit or success in love. By the number in which she dreams, one can judge the scope of upcoming events.

If a girl dreams of a lot of fungus in her hair, as in the period of snowfall - she will have a profitable marriage for love or the fulfillment of a cherished desire. If a woman dreams, this means an improvement in the well-being of her family or a pleasant surprise from loved ones or her husband. For a man, this is a sure sign of a good deal or promotion at work. Each dream book indicates that the order of actions is also important:

  • if you have a dream where a person tries to comb it out of his head, in the process, it falls on clothes - if you dreamed about it in such a variation, expect serious monetary profit and prosperity;
  • see a lot of fungus on your hair in the mirror- I dreamed in this version, expect profitable cooperation, which will definitely give tangible results;
  • shake off one's clothes- if you dreamed in such a dream, expect pleasant chores that will increase self-esteem and give wonderful emotions;
  • if the dreamer in a dream due to dandruff is rewarded with censure and ridicule from the side others - incredible popularity awaits him, if at the same time his hair is dirty and greasy - to quick wealth;
  • if she dreamed, covered with a rough crust that causes severe pain upon contact - a pleasant surprise is being prepared for you.

Dandruff on someone else's head why dream

  • If you dream of dandruff on someone else's head- dream books are unified in their interpretation, such a dream predicts the dreamer financial assistance, care and support of loved ones.
  • If you dreamed of dandruff on your child's head- such help will come from an unexpected side, perhaps someone outsider will take responsibility for the dreamer or for his obligations. Dream books also assure that such a dream promises sincere joy and lingering fun.
  • If she dreamed on the head of a completely gray-haired person- it's time to apply your knowledge and experience. Efforts and efforts will bear fruit, and soon a person will achieve his goal.

A lot of dandruff why dream

The more dandruff the dreamer dreamed on his hair, the more pleasant surprises he will receive.

If a person tries to get rid of her- such a dream, according to the dream book, portends sadness and frustration to the dreamer. This may be due to the emotional state of the person, perhaps he is simply tired of the endless race and needs a short break to put his thoughts in order, he needs fresh ideas.

Dream Interpretations say - if she dreams in her hair - this is a sign of change, renewal and life change for the better.

Unpleasant dandruff is only a problem in real life.

In a dream she most often dreams of money, although different dream books interpret the manifestations of seborrhea in different ways.

Why dream of dandruff in a family dream book

So, family dream book of Smurova states: if you dreamed of dandruff on your hair, expect trouble. At the very least, you will have to worry, and these will be unpleasant moments.

There is another interpretation of the dandruff dream. If she dreamed in her hair, this is a harbinger of great danger, illness, injury. After such a dream, you need to behave extremely carefully, not to get involved in adventures, to postpone dangerous or long journeys.

Why does dandruff dream according to Freud's dream book

The psychoanalyst's dream book connects dreams with sexual behavior and human health. Like a dream about white flakes in your own hair, it warns of the consequences of neglecting intimate hygiene. It is necessary to pay more attention to it in order to prevent diseases of the genital organs. Although, perhaps, it's all about recent intimacy, after which the dreamer did not take a shower.

Why dream of dandruff in another person's hair? A dream means that this person has a strong sexual attraction towards the dreamer.

See dandruff-strewn clothing- means to need personal loneliness.

A person needs a break in the relationship to sort out their feelings, desires and intentions. A period of loneliness will help you not only orient yourself in the future of the relationship, but also make the right decision regarding your future life.

Why does dandruff dream according to Miller's dream book

For a woman, a dream about dandruff, which she looks at in a man's hair, means an imminent marriage. The marriage will be successful, and the spouse will not have problems with money. A similar dream that a man dreamed foreshadows a marriage to a rich bride. The spouse's parents will be respected, wealthy or eminent people, and this will affect the status of the newly-made husband.

Seeing dandruff on a stranger's clothing or bald head- good dream. He predicts an unexpected profit that will come in handy.

Why dream of dandruff in your own hair? To the conclusion of a profitable deal, a successful start of the planned business. Perhaps it will be possible to profitably invest finances, start some kind of profitable business. Moreover, you won't have to make any special efforts to make a profit: money will literally stick to your hands.

If the dreamer sees how dandruff flies in the air, then in the near future a cheerful, carefree life, joyful events, fun awaits him. The happy period will last for a long time and will be remembered for a lifetime. Together with the dreamer, relatives and friends will share it, which will fill their lives with optimism for many months.

Why dream of dandruff according to Vanga's dream book

If the dreamer saw snow-white scales in his own head, it is a sign of rare luck. After this dream, you should not doubt your own strengths: what was planned will come true, what was planned will come true.

Dandruff according to Vanga's dream book - wealth symbol. And the more the dreamer sees unpleasant flakes, the larger they turn out to be, the greater the financial success will be. After dreaming about dandruff, you should expect an almost instant return. The very next day or in the near future, wealth itself will fall into the hands, and its source will be pretty surprising. This can be an accidentally found treasure or an unexpected inheritance from a relative, which the dreamer did not know or have long forgotten.

However, the Bulgarian clairvoyant warns: part of the wealth obtained in this way must necessarily be spent on charitable purposes, given without any doubt to those in need. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing more than came into the wallet.

This is the peculiarity of all random money that is not earned by blood.

Why dream of dandruff according to Loff's dream book

According to the interpretation of this dream book, dandruff on the clothes or hair of the dreamer- This is a symbol of mental filth, that is, bad intentions, evil thoughts, backbiting. You need to get rid of this as soon as possible, otherwise life will not work out.

The dream book also explains why dream of dandruff in someone else's hair. Having woken up from an unpleasant dream, you should not attach importance to someone else's opinion, and even more so follow diligently imposed advice. They will turn out to be useless at best, and at worst, they will lead to losses, troubles, and disappointment.

Why does dandruff dream according to Hasse's dream book

A dream about dandruff on a stranger's hair can be interpreted in different ways, depending on the date. The dream predicts both receiving a monetary reward and quick spending.

But to the question of why dandruff dreams on one's own hair, the interpreter answered unequivocally: to receive unexpected profits. Maybe the dreamer will receive a valuable and very pleasant gift.

Another interpretation of sleep for young girls is a date with their future husband. A joint life with this person will be happy, filled with mutual understanding, spiritual comfort and material benefits, especially if the dreamer saw dandruff not only on her hair, but also on her dress.

Why dream of dandruff according to Tsvetkov's dream book

If you have dandruff on your hair or scalp- this is an auspicious sign. The dreamer will receive an unexpected profit, a generous reward, a valuable gift.

See white flakes on clothing or other items means trouble. They will be associated with financial losses, monetary troubles, deception. After waking up, you should not trust the word of people on whom the dreamer's financial well-being depends for several months.

Why does dandruff dream according to a modern dream book

According to the interpretation of the modern dream book, dandruff in the hair dreams before meeting with the future spouse. If there is already a loved one in the dreamer's life, then the relationship will strengthen. Dreams have the same meaning for a married couple, especially if the spouses are in a quarrel. In reality, they will be able to restore and strengthen the relationship.

If dandruff appears after the dreamer scratches his head, then he will receive an increase in his position and salary. The bosses will recognize the merits, and the colleagues will not doubt the fairness of the promotion.

Seeing dandruff on your reflection in the mirror is a sign of imminent changes. They will definitely be good. After such a dream, some confusing and very unpleasant situation will be resolved, the financial sphere of life will normalize, unpromising projects and affairs will budge.

Why dream of dandruff in the hair of a stranger? Sleep is interpreted in two ways, depending on the accompanying details, but in any case, positively. The dreamer will receive timely financial assistance from a relative or loved one. According to another interpretation, he will be able to successfully avoid the intrigues of malevolent people or outright enemies.

If in a dream, a person is trying to shake off dandruff, but unsuccessfully, then in reality a sudden deafening success awaits him. The longer the series of failures and failures lasted, the stronger the financial and social upsurge will be. A dream has a similar meaning in which the dreamer combs out white flakes from his own hair using a comb or his own fingers.

Looking at dandruff remedies or trying to use them is a bad dream. In real life, a person is too fixated on money. If this continues, then finances will suddenly run out, and profits will never appear.

Large-sized dandruff flakes are a symbol of large monetary profit, unprecedented wealth. In reality, after a prophetic dream, the shaky financial situation is normalized, and the state will increase.

Why dream of dandruff, evenly covering the shoulders dreamer? To a pleasant surprise in all respects. Another interpretation of sleep is the approximation of illness.

Shake scales off your shoulders with your hands- to the fulfillment of a cherished desire. If the dreamer is trying to shake off dandruff from another person, then they will have a joint trip or a pleasant adventure.

Seeing a friend who is trying to get rid of dandruff in the same way warns: in the near future, this person will need help and will receive it from the dreamer. Subsequently, a noble deed will be rewarded double.

The dreamer's head, strewn with large white scales, dreams of pleasant chores or a delightful love adventure. However, if the layer of dandruff is too thick and hides the hair, then in reality a person will face some unpleasant chores.

Dandruff in real life brings a lot of inconvenience and only unpleasant things are associated with it. Interestingly, in dreams such symbols, on the contrary, are positive and they portend success and good luck in any sphere of life. To get accurate information when decoding, consider other details of the plot.

Why is dandruff dreaming?

A dream where you scratch your head and find that dandruff is pouring in is a positive symbol that predicts various surprises, perhaps you will receive an offer for a new position or your salary will be raised. Looking in the mirror and seeing dandruff on your hair is a harbinger of positive changes that will occur in the near future. The dream interpretation, why dandruff on the head of another person is dreamed of, is interpreted as an auspicious sign indicating that you can cope with all the traps of enemies. Still such a dream predicts the receipt of material assistance from a loved one. If you can't get rid of dandruff, then you should expect a resounding success, even though you will make many mistakes.

In one of the dream books there is information according to which a dream about dandruff indicates a desire to retire from the outside world. If you dream of dandruff in your hair that you want to comb out, then you can soon expect significant profits. A dream in which someone laughs at you because of dandruff promises a fun time with close friends. In the coming period, you will be at the peak of your popularity. Trying to get rid of dandruff is an indication that money means a lot to you, and this can cause serious problems. For a girl, a dream where she is experiencing dandruff predicts spending time with good people. A dream in which you see a doctor to get rid of dandruff indicates that that soon you will feel sad.

Why dream of dandruff flakes?

Large dandruff is a symbol of wealth. To see how dandruff flies in flakes means that you can count on the fulfillment of your cherished desire. A dream in which you see dandruff flakes on your shoulders is a symbol of receiving surprises.

Why dream of a lot of dandruff?

If in a dream the whole head is covered with dandruff, it means that serious trouble awaits you in the near future. According to another dream book, such a dream promises a new love relationship.


The dandruff dream can be interpreted in different ways, a lot depends on the details. On the one hand, such a plot symbolizes fatigue from communication, a desire to be alone. On the other hand, it portends significant success in many areas of activity.

Where did you see dandruff in your dream? What dandruff did you dream about? How much dandruff did you dream about?

Where did you see dandruff in your dream?

Dandruff on the head Dandruff in the hair

What dandruff did you dream about?

Dreamed of large dandruff

Seeing large dandruff in a dream is an omen of unexpected cash flow. The likelihood of a large prize is high, and a generous gift or inheritance is also not excluded. Perhaps the dreamer will want to return the old debt with interest.

How much dandruff did you dream about?

A lot of dandruff in a dream

When you dream of a lot of dandruff, financial stability is ahead. The sleeper can expect a career advancement or a lucrative position in another company. There will be an opportunity to pay off all debts: hurry up to do this, then your soul will become easier.


Dream interpretation dandruff in hair

Why dream of Dandruff in hair in a dream according to a dream book?

If you dreamed about dandruff hidden in your hair, there are concerns, minor chores ahead. However, it is possible that this fuss will even bring joy to the dreamer. You, for sure, will be able to find positive aspects everywhere. Moreover, the result of the work will delight the sleeper.

According to another version, the dandruff that showered the hair personifies the thirst for privacy, fatigue from constant communication, stress. Try to set aside a few days for relaxation, spend time alone with yourself, and do relaxing activities.


Dream interpretation dandruff on the head

Why dream of dandruff on the Head in a dream according to a dream book?

Dandruff on the head - do everything possible to be with your loved one, distances are not an obstacle for you on the way to a happy joint future.


A lot of dandruff on the head

Dream interpretation A lot of dandruff on the head dreamed why in a dream a lot of dandruff on the head? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a lot of dandruff on your head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - dandruff on the head

Find great wealth

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dandruff - You mean money. Someone - someone will help you with money or give you the opportunity to make a profit. Be attentive to suggestions. Getting rid of dandruff - there are too many thoughts about money in your head. Excessive commercialism can lead you to a psychiatric hospital.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dream interpretation - Head

Seeing an enlarged head in a dream in yourself or someone else portends success and fame, if you are engaged in intellectual work in real life. A small head in a dream portends poverty, painstaking and thankless work.

A shaggy head in a dream - fortunately, bald - is a warning against bad deeds. A severed head - to chagrin. A head with fluffy hair is for love, a shaved head is unfortunately. A broken and bleeding head - to work exhausting, but money. Permed head - trust your buddies to divulge your secret. A head in a hat - to hardship and misfortune.

A talking head without a body portends an important meeting with influential people who have the power and the ability to provide you with the support you need.

Seeing your head in a dream is a disease. If in a dream you see two heads in yourself, this is an opportunity to make a quick career and get rich. A child's head without hair means future family happiness and well-being in the house.

The head of the animal warns: be choosy in your choice of friends and profession. There is a pig's head in a dream - go on the road, a lamb - make a profit, a lion's head - to loss. Seeing dark and blonde hair on your head at the same time portends great doubts about the upcoming choice, in which you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake. All blond hair on the head is a sign of complaisance and kindness, dark hair is a love trap. A red head is a fake, a change in relations. A golden head is a sign of the dignity and courage of your chosen one. A chestnut head - to failures at work, neatly combed - attachment to the hearth, scorched - avoid trouble, a burning head - to profit, lice - to poverty, a dandruff head - to suddenly find great wealth.

A head with big ears will give you a high honor, with long hair - suffer a loss, with short - to well-being. To massage the head is to experience happiness. To chop off someone's head is to win. Seeing a tiara on your head is a sign of disagreement on some issues.

Feeling a severe headache in a dream - you will be overcome by many worries. If you dream that splashes of water are falling on your head, this means a passionate awakening of love, which will end happily.

Washing your head in a dream is an omen of your prudent and effective decisions. Seeing someone washing their hair with shampoo means that soon, secretly from others, make a trip, taking part in unworthy scams.


Dandruff crust on the head

Dream interpretation dandruff crust on the head dreamed why the dandruff crust on the head is dreaming in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a dandruff crust on your head in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - dandruff on the head

Find great wealth

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing that your hair is full of dandruff, which crumbles onto your shoulders - a dream suggests that annoying little things interfere with your work. Combing out dandruff - you have to do an unpleasant business that requires a lot of concentration.

Imagine getting rid of dandruff with a special shampoo.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Like any other dirt in the hair, dandruff is a sign of bad and harmful thoughts, "garbage" in the head.

If in your dream you find dandruff in your own hair: such a dream warns you against carrying out any dubious ideas, which in the end can lead you to big trouble, problems and even shame.

Seeing someone else's dandruff: means that outside advice may be harmful to you.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dandruff - You mean money. Someone - someone will help you with money or give you the opportunity to make a profit. Be attentive to suggestions. Getting rid of dandruff - there are too many thoughts about money in your head. Excessive commercialism can lead you to a psychiatric hospital.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dandruff - You mean money. Someone - someone will help you with money or give you the opportunity to make a profit. Be attentive to suggestions. Getting rid of dandruff - there are too many thoughts about money in your head. Excessive commercialism can lead you to a psychiatric hospital.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Head covered with dandruff - you need to take successful steps in love, find great wealth.

Dandruff from someone - successfully wriggle out of the trap into which they wanted to lure you with the help of deception and pretense.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

If you dream that you have dandruff in your hair, then expect excitement and trouble. See interpretation: hair.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing dandruff on your head in a dream is a headache.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing dandruff in a dream is a sign of hair problems.

Dream interpretation - Corky

Gnawing bread crusts in a dream - for a plentiful feast.


Large dandruff

Dream interpretation Large dandruff dreamed of why in a dream Large dandruff? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Large dandruff in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing that your hair is full of dandruff, which crumbles onto your shoulders - a dream suggests that annoying little things interfere with your work. Combing out dandruff - you have to do an unpleasant business that requires a lot of concentration.

Imagine getting rid of dandruff with a special shampoo.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Like any other dirt in the hair, dandruff is a sign of bad and harmful thoughts, "garbage" in the head.

If in your dream you find dandruff in your own hair: such a dream warns you against carrying out any dubious ideas, which in the end can lead you to big trouble, problems and even shame.

Seeing someone else's dandruff: means that outside advice may be harmful to you.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dandruff - You mean money. Someone - someone will help you with money or give you the opportunity to make a profit. Be attentive to suggestions. Getting rid of dandruff - there are too many thoughts about money in your head. Excessive commercialism can lead you to a psychiatric hospital.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Dandruff - You mean money. Someone - someone will help you with money or give you the opportunity to make a profit. Be attentive to suggestions. Getting rid of dandruff - there are too many thoughts about money in your head. Excessive commercialism can lead you to a psychiatric hospital.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Head covered with dandruff - you need to take successful steps in love, find great wealth.

Dandruff from someone - successfully wriggle out of the trap into which they wanted to lure you with the help of deception and pretense.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

If you dream that you have dandruff in your hair, then expect excitement and trouble. See interpretation: hair.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing dandruff on your head in a dream is a headache.

Dream interpretation - dandruff

Seeing dandruff in a dream is a sign of hair problems.

Did you find dandruff in your hair in a dream? The main interpretation of sleep is twofold: it will bring unexpected wealth, or you will start thinking about something bad. The dream interpretation will competently decipher the image and determine what exactly he is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Dirt and dandruff in your hair conveys thoughts that will certainly lead you to major everyday troubles and even shame.

Do not hurry!

Why dream of dandruff in your curls? The dream book does not advise you to embody a dubious plan, because it will lead you into the abyss of problems.

Did it happen in a dream to see white scraps in your hair? Get lucky in love or get rich decently. Sometimes "snow" in its strands predicts similar problems in reality, a headache.

Think ...

Dreamed of dirty, tangled curls from which white flakes were falling? In a similar way, developmental stagnation, forced delay, painful anticipation are manifested.

Did you get an appointment with a beautician in a dream so that he cured dandruff in your hair? Prepare for a fairly long period of failure, conscious loneliness, and sad reflections.

Seeing dandruff in another character's hair means it's time to stop measuring everything with money. The dream book claims: constant thoughts of prosperity will bring you to a nervous breakdown.


Dreamed of very large dandruff in your hair? Expect promotions, monetary rewards, and a pleasant surprise. Large scales also signify a surprisingly successful acquisition.

You can dream of your own long curls in the "snow" in a dream before a very unusual adventure, travel.

Why do you dream of a lot of small scales on your head? The dream interpretation is sure: the upcoming changes will increase self-esteem and improve living conditions.

What have you done?

Had a dream about how an unpleasant disease "got" and you decided to get rid of it? It is worth remembering what you decided to do for this.

  • To comb out with a comb - it is necessary to put in order thoughts, deeds.
  • Shampooing is a concern, dubious scams.
  • To get a haircut is a need or, on the contrary, wealth.
  • Burn - voluntary rejection of success, profit.

Take action!

Why dream if you tried to get rid of an ugly phenomenon on your own? A situation that has been weighing on you for a long time will go away after you put in enough effort.

Had a dream that the dandruff in your hair disappeared by itself? In reality, a temporary parting with a loved one is coming.

In a dream, were you given a medicated shampoo? The dream interpretation believes that there is a person nearby who admires you, but does not know how to admit it.


Have you ever seen how ugly flakes remain on the comb? The dream book believes that you are in danger of spending a lot or you will not receive the money you really hoped for.