Ivan aleksandrovich goncharov summary. Goncharov I.A.

Ivan aleksandrovich goncharov summary.  Goncharov I.A.
Ivan aleksandrovich goncharov summary. Goncharov I.A.

] the family of a wealthy merchant Alexander Ivanovich Goncharov. Mother, Avdotya Matveevna, after the death of her husband raised the children alone (Goncharov had an older brother and two younger sisters).

1820–1822 - studies in a private boarding school "for local nobles".

1822–1830 - studies at the Moscow Commercial School.

1830 , July - leaves the Commercial School, "without completing the course, at the request of his parent." Preparing for admission to Moscow State University.

1831–1834 - student of the department of literature at Moscow University.
Having received his diploma, he goes to his native Simbirsk and gets a job there as the secretary of the office of the Simbirsk governor A. M. Zagryazhsky, a year later he leaves and comes to St. Petersburg, where he finds a job as an interpreter in the Ministry of Finance. Here Goncharov served until the early fifties.

1832 , - The first literary work of Goncharov - translation of 2 chapters from the novel "Atar Gul" by Yevgeny Syu, was published in No. 15 of the Teleskop magazine, published by the professor of Moscow University NI Nadezhdin.
November 27 (December 9) - Pushkin's visit to Moscow University.

1834 , June (July) - graduation from Moscow University. Departure home to Simbirsk.
Autumn - Goncharov joined the office of the Simbirsk governor.

1835 , May - departure to St. Petersburg.
May 30 (June 11) - Goncharov was appointed to the position of clerical officer (translator) of the Foreign Trade Department of the Ministry of Finance.
Summer - meets the family of the St. Petersburg painter N.A.Maikov and receives an invitation to teach his sons Apollo and Valerian Maykov the Latin language, Russian literature, and aesthetics. In the Maykovs' manuscript almanac "Snowdrop" he placed four of his romantic poems under the initials I. G.

1838 - in the handwritten anthology "Snowdrop" there is a humorous story by Goncharov "Dashing sick".

1839 - in the Maykovs' manuscript almanac "Moonlit Nights" he published his story "A Happy Error". In this story, as in the previous one, there is a conscious desire to follow the traditions of Pushkin's prose.

1842 - wrote "a humorous sketch of mores from the bureaucratic circle" "Ivan Savich Podzhabrin". In this essay, Goncharov assimilates and reinterprets Gogol's experience: a free appeal to the reader, a direct narration, as if reproducing oral speech, an abundance of lyrical and humorous digressions.

1844 - began writing the novel "An Ordinary History". The businesslike and active administrative-industrial Petersburg in the novel opposes the village frozen in feudal immobility.

1846 - reads his novel in the Maykovs' literary salon. Then he reads the novel in the circle of V.G. Belinsky and meets the great critic.

1847 - The first novel by Goncharov, "An Ordinary History", was published in # 3 and # 4 of the Sovremennik magazine. I conceived and began to write a new novel - Oblomov.

1848 - in the January and February issues of Sovremennik, an article by VG Belinsky "A Look at Russian Literature of 1847" was published, in which the "Ordinary History" was assessed as one of the remarkable works of Russian realistic literature.

1849 - In Nekrasov's Literary Collection (under the Sovremennik magazine), Oblomov's Dream (an excerpt from the first part of Oblomov's novel) was published. Summer Goncharov stayed at home in Simbirsk, where he worked on "Oblomov" and where he conceived the idea of ​​a third novel - "The Break".

1852 , 7 (19) October - Goncharov sets off on a round-the-world voyage on the frigate "Pallada" as secretary to Vice-Admiral Putyatin. Begins to write "travel letters" and notes.
November - Visits London.

1853 , 6 (18) January - the frigate "Pallada" sailed from Portsmouth to the Atlantic Ocean.
March - upon arrival at the Cape of Good Hope, Goncharov makes a trip to the depths of the colony.
May 24 (June 6) - July 2 (14) - Goncharov is in Singapore.
August - arrival in Japan. Goncharov takes an active part in Putyatin's negotiations with the Japanese government.
On November 11 (23) the frigate departed for Shanghai, where Goncharov makes a number of excursions, gets acquainted with the culture and life of the Chinese in the city and in nearby villages.

1854 , May - the frigate "Pallada" arrived at the mouth of the Amur, to the place of its last stop.
August - Goncharov leaves the frigate Pallada.
September - in Yakutsk.
End of December - Goncharov arrives in Irkutsk, where he meets with the exiled Decembrists: Volkonsky, Trubetskoy, Yakushin and others who lived outside the city. On January 14 (26), 1855 Goncharov left Irkutsk.

1855 February 13 (25) - having traveled through Siberia about ten thousand kilometers, he returned to Petersburg, where he again became close to the circle of leading Russian writers: Turgenev, Nekrasov, L. Tolstoy, Grigorovich and others.
Autumn - at the Maykovs' Goncharov's meeting with Elizaveta Vasilievna Tolstaya, whom he had known back in the early forties. Goncharov's letters to E. V. Tolstoy are evidence of his strong, passionate, but unrequited love for her.

1856 ... January - appointed to the position of censor of Russian literature.

1857 , July – August - was undergoing medical treatment abroad (in Marienbad), where he wrote the novel “Oblomov” and finished it roughly.
end of August - arrives in Paris, where he reads "Oblomov" to A. A. Fet, V. P. Botkin and Turgenev.

1858 September 22 (October 4) - at home, with friends, he reads Oblomov to the editor of Otechestvennye zapiski AA Kraevsky, who bought the novel for his magazine.
A separate edition of "Travel Sketches" - "Frigate" Pallada "by Goncharov, was published in part earlier in a number of magazines and collections:" Sea Collection "(1855, books V, VI, IX-X; 1856, books VIII and IX ), "Notes of the Fatherland" (1855, books. 4, 5, 10; 1856, book. 3), "Contemporary" (1855, book. 10; 1856, book. 2), "Library for reading", "Journal of military - educational institutions ".

1859 - in the journal "Otechestvennye zapiski" (books 1, 2, 3 and 4) published the novel "Oblomov".
May - The Sovremennik (No. 5) published an article by N. A. Dobrolyubov "What is Oblomovism?"
Summer - Goncharov leaves for Marienbad, where he works on his third novel - "The Break".

1860 , February 1 (13) - by order of the Ministry of Public Education, according to Goncharov's request, he was dismissed from service. "Sovremennik" (No. 2) contains an excerpt from the first part of "The Break" - "Sofia Nikolaevna Belovodova".
Early May - Goncharov went abroad for treatment (Dresden, Marienbad, Boulogne), where he continues to work on "The Cliff".

1861 - in "Notes of the Fatherland" (No. 1) there was an excerpt from "The Break" - "Grandmother", in No. 2 - "Portrait".

1862 , summer - lives in Simbirsk, which gives him new material for further work on "The Cliff". Appointed editor-in-chief of the official newspaper of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Severnaya Pochta.

1863 June - Released from editing the Severnaya Pochta newspaper, appointed a member of the Press Council.

1867 , December 29 (January 10, 1868) - retires, "according to his petition, because of his upset health."

1868 , March – April - reads the first three parts of "The Break" to AK Tolstoy and the editor of the journal "Vestnik Evropy" MM Stasyulevich, who acquired the right to publish the novel from the writer.
Autumn - finished writing "Break".

1869 - in the January-May issues of the "Vestnik Evropy" magazine, "Break" was published.
November - writes "Preface" to a separate edition of the novel "Break".

1870 - a separate edition of the novel "Break" is released. - finished writing "An Unusual History" (published in 1924).

1879 - in the magazine "Russian speech" (No. 6)) Goncharov's article "Better late than never" was published.

1881 - The collection of articles by Goncharov "Four Sketches" is published, in which his "Notes on the Personality of Belinsky" were first published. Goncharov donated his rich personal library to his hometown of Simbirsk.

1881–1884 - the first collected works of Goncharov is published.

1886–1887 - in the "Vestnik Evropy" (No. 4) published an essay by Goncharov "From university memoirs". In 1889, the author included in the IX, additional, volume of Collected Works ("Memoirs", "At the University"). The second lifetime Collected Works of Goncharov was published.

1891 , September 15 (27) - the death of the writer. He was buried on September 19 (October 1) in St. Petersburg at the Nikolskoye cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Ivan Goncharov is a Russian writer, prose writer, publicist and literary critic. Corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in the category of Russian language and literature, actual state councilor.

It was from under his pen that the famous novel "Oblomov" came out, as a result of which the common noun phrase "Oblomovism" later arose.


After graduating from college, Ivan Goncharov studied for 3 years at Moscow University. During this period, an important turning point took place in his biography. He seriously thought about the meaning of life, about people in general and about his future in particular.

An interesting fact is that Stankevich also studied at Moscow University at the same time as Goncharov.

When Goncharov was 22 years old, he returned back to Simbirsk, where he got a job as a secretary. But since this profession was very boring and monotonous, in less than a year he decides to leave for.

Arriving in the capital, he began to work as a translator of foreign correspondence. Ivan liked the service, since it did not burden him in any way.

In addition, he had enough free time for. It was during this period that an important event took place in Goncharov's biography: he decided to try himself as a writer.

Later he met the family of the artist Nikolai Maikov and soon began teaching his children Latin and Russian literature.

Various famous people constantly gathered in the painter's house, who loved to talk on interesting topics.

Creativity Goncharov

At the end of the 30s, Ivan Goncharov began to write his first works. Soon he met the famous critic Belinsky (see), who repeatedly came to visit the Maikovs.

When an aspiring writer read his "Ordinary Story" to him, he heard a lot of praise in his address. In 1847 this work was published in Sovremennik.

Goncharov was grateful to Belinsky for the advice he had heard from him. Later he would write Notes on the Personality of Belinsky, where he would describe in detail his role in his biography.

In 1852, Ivan Alexandrovich went on a ship as secretary to the admiral. This journey lasted over 2 years and was interrupted by the outbreak of the Eastern War.

During the expedition, Goncharov kept a diary in which he wrote down all the events that happened to him during these years of his biography.

As a result, this material was used as the basis for Goncharov's book "Frigate" Pallada ".

The work immediately gained great popularity, since readers were able to hear for the first time about a distant country and learn many interesting facts about it and its inhabitants.

Arriving home, Goncharov began working as a censor in the publication "Severnaya Pochta".

In 1859, the most famous novel in Goncharov's biography, Oblomov, was published. Ivan Alexandrovich described the life and character of the protagonist so excellently that soon the expression “Oblomovism” appeared among the people, meaning personal stagnation, routine, apathy and, in particular, laziness.

Illustration for the novel by Ivan Goncharov "Oblomov"

In 1862, Goncharov was appointed head of the "Northern Post", and then he became a member of the Press Council.

After 5 years, the writer retired with the rank of general. From that moment on, he had more time for writing.

In 1869 he presented the novel "The Break", on which he worked for about 20 years.

Personal life

Ivan Goncharov's successes on the personal front were not as bright as in the literary field. He never managed to find a second half for himself, although he always dreamed of starting a family.

From time to time he fell in love with different girls, but they did not reciprocate.

At one time Goncharov was friends with Turgenev (see), but when he read lines from his "Break" in his work, a serious quarrel occurred between the writers over copyright.

Ivan Alexandrovich even wanted to shoot Turgenev in a duel, but friends dissuaded him from this idea.


At the end of his life, Ivan Goncharov was in a depressed state, feeling forgotten and helpless. He stopped writing and only occasionally published reviews of various books.

It seemed that in his biography there was that inevitable ending that befalls all lonely people.

A few days before his death, the classic caught a serious cold.

Initially, he was buried at the Novy Nikolskoye cemetery, but in 1956 his remains were reburied at the Volkovskoye cemetery.

Portrait of the writer Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, 1874

The name of Ivan Goncharov has forever entered the history of Russian literature as an outstanding master of literary literature.

Goncharov Photos

At the end, we will present a few photos of Ivan Goncharov. An interesting fact is that until old age he was recognizable. Almost all his life Goncharov wore a beard, and only a few times shaved it off completely.

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Ivan A. Goncharov(June 6 (), Simbirsk, now Ulyanovsk - September 15 (), St. Petersburg) - Russian writer, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences ().


House of the Goncharovs. Simbirsk 1890

The flowering of creativity

Addresses in St. Petersburg

  • 06.1837 - 10.1852 - Shamshev's tenement house - 52 Liteiny prospect;
  • end 02.1855 - 1856 - Kozhevnikov's house - Nevsky prospect, 51;
  • 1857 - 09/15/1891 - courtyard wing of M. M. Ustinov's mansion - Mokhovaya street, 3.


  • Kotelnikov V.A.Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov. M., 1993
  • Krasnoshchekova E. Goncharov // World of creativity. St. Petersburg., Publishing house "Pushkin Fund", 1997
  • Mashinsky S. I. A. Goncharov. Collected works in six volumes. M.: True, 1972
  • Khozieva S. Russian writers and poets. A Brief Biographical Dictionary. M.: Ripol Classic, 2002.
  • Zeitlin A.G. Goncharov // Literary encyclopedia. M., 1929.T. 2. Art. 616-626.

Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov (1812-1891) - the great Russian writer and publicist. He was a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and held the rank of Full State Councilor.

This is a well-known figure in Russian literature, an outstanding personality.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Goncharov was born in 1812 in the city of Simbirsk into a merchant's family. He spent his childhood in the same place, in the big estate of his father in the center of the city. As you know, this is the birthplace of Lenin and Karamzin. Impressions about his father's house, garden and courtyard, about the lordly life in many ways contributed to the writing of his works and the autobiographical story "At Home".

As a seven-year-old child, Goncharov lost his father and began to be raised by his mother and godfather, a retired sailor. In fact, he replaced his father for the future writer, gave him an education and formed a worldview.

When the boy was 10 years old, his mother insisted on studying him in a commercial school in Moscow. Studying was of little interest to him and was given very hard. Therefore, after 8 years, Goncharov asks his mother to apply for expulsion, and in 1831 he entered the Faculty of Literature at Moscow University. Simultaneously with Goncharovys, Belinsky, Herzen and Turgenev were educated at this university. Studying there is an important start in his work. He successfully gets an education, meets interesting people.

Life after university: the beginning of the creative path

After graduating from university in 1834, Goncharov went home. What he saw really struck and upset him, since nothing had changed in the village. The writer got used to life in the capital, she attracted and inspired him. The sleepy city and its inhabitants did not give any prospects, but Goncharov remained in Simbirsk, accepting an offer to work as a local governor. Ivan Alexandrovich remains at home as a secretary. The work was boring and unfavorable, but the acquired skills and knowledge of the bureaucratic system will greatly help the writer in the future.

After working in Simbirsk for about a year, Goncharov decided to move to St. Petersburg, where he got a job as a translator at the Ministry of Finance. In the capital, the writer rebuilds his life, independently and diligently. The new position did not burden him, it was highly paid and not difficult. Later, Goncharov met the Maikovs, where he was hired as a language and Latin repeater for the eldest sons.

Acquaintance with Maikov is rightfully considered the beginning of Goncharov's career. It was at this time that he met Belinsky, often visits him and at the house of Literators. One of the first works of Goncharov was "Million of Torments", written in the style of romanticism, and received high praise from the famous critic. Belinsky admired the technique and style of writing, word usage and the talent of the young writer in general.

In 1847, in the Sovremennik magazine, Goncharov published his next story, An Ordinary History.

In 1855, another work saw the light - "Frigate Pallas", written under the impression of a trip around the world with Vice Admiral Putyatin.

Working in the Ministry of Finance as a censor, Goncharov's writing and creative activities were perceived ambiguously by progressive strata of society. And the constant lack of time did not allow the writer to finish his work "Oblomov". Therefore, Ivan Alexandrovich leaves the ministry and completely devotes himself to creativity.

The flourishing of creative activity and the last years of the life of the writer

In 1859, Goncharov still finishes writing the novel Oblomov, which brought him special fame and respect. The writer made an artistic discovery, revealing the fate of man not only as a social object, but also giving it a philosophical character.

Goncharov was not chasing fame, so he immediately began work on a new novel called "The Cliff", he raised this brainchild for almost 20 years. And this is his last major work.

The last years of the writer's life were accompanied by illness and mental depression. Having finished work on "The Cliff", life became even harder for Goncharov. He did not write new novels, only small essays ("Across Eastern Siberia", "A Trip on the Volga", "Literary Evening", etc.).

In 1891, I. A. Goncharov died of pneumonia, all alone, he was buried at the Nikolskoye cemetery, and almost immediately published an obituary in the "Bulletin of Europe", where Goncharov was called the leading literary writer. A well-known figure in Russian literature, an outstanding personality. An interesting fact is that the date of birth of the writer coincides with the date of birth of Pushkin and the entry of Napoleon's troops into the territory of Russia.

Ivan Goncharov is a Russian writer, censor, translator and writer. He penned the work "Oblomov" and other masterpieces.

Ivan Goncharov is an example of a writer who managed to delicately express the peculiarities of Russian society, moral values ​​and hopes.

Ivan Goncharov is familiar to many lovers of literature; he is an original Russian nugget, a worthy citizen of his era. He also proved himself as a literary critic, an expert in literature, in addition, he was in the civil service, being in the rank of state councilor.

He was born in 1812 in the city of Ulyanovsk, which at that time was called Simbirsk. He belonged to the merchant class, spent his childhood in the city, in the family nest-estate.

The early years of the writer

The first years had a significant impact on all subsequent creativity, worldview. He compared a large house and farm with a whole village, since the improvised warehouses contained flour, millet, and other provisions, there were cellars and barns, glaciers - this was necessary to ensure the normal life of the family, courtyard peasants. Subsequently, he gladly described the life of Russian life.

At the age of 7, his father died, and upbringing fully fell on the shoulders of his mother and godfather Nikolai Tregubov. He was distinguished by his open-mindedness, and the boy subsequently spoke very warmly about his human qualities, which also largely allowed him to form as a person. The godfather helped not only in word, but also in deed, subsequently their two estates united, thus life became even more eventful and interesting.

At the age of 10, the boy was considered old enough to undergo further education in Moscow, and he studied at the Commercial School for 8 years.

It cannot be said that this was the best time in his biography; later the writer will describe this stage of his life as boring, uninteresting. However, this period helped him to expand his intellect, he joined the domestic literature, got acquainted with the works of Derzhavin, with other prominent figures.

The first idol can be called, Goncharov with undisguised admiration described the impressions of his poem and admired the human qualities of the writer. Goncharov realized how flexible and expressive the Russian word can be, it touches to the depths of the soul. It was Pushkin's highest standards that he took as a model for literature, so it is not surprising that Goncharov's literary creations themselves can also be characterized as a model, a classic.

University years

The writer finally understood that the Commercial School is absolutely not his path, which, rather, destroys the soul, rather than fills it with knowledge. He sent a reverent letter to Matter, asking her to write a petition for exclusion from the number of students, which was done. However, this did not mean at all that the young man was disappointed in education. On the contrary, he took the bar that was even higher.

In 1831 he entered the famous Moscow University at the Faculty of Words. The university is still considered the best in the country, as it was in those years, and together with Goncharov's students there were such future literary luminaries as Belinsky, Herzen, Ogarev.

After graduating from university in 1834, he wanted to stay in Moscow, coming to St. Petersburg. These two cities seemed to him the most advanced, they concentrated in themselves all the best, the most educated part of the population. Actually, until now, Moscow and St. Petersburg attract talented youth.

Goncharov was unpleasantly surprised by the changes in his hometown, or rather, their complete absence. For all the time that he stayed in the capital, the city never came out of hibernation, nothing has changed in it, progress has not been felt at all. This depressed the writer, he wanted to go back, but stayed in Simbirsk, where his mother and sisters lived.

The creative path of the writer

However, the fame of a talented young man with an ardent mind has already begun to spread, including in Simbirsk. Goncharov received an offer from the governor himself, who wanted the young talent to work for him as a secretary. Yes, the decision was not easy, because Goncharov had a presentiment that the work, although honorable, was in many ways monotonous and routine. However, this experience can be called invaluable, because the writer understood how the cogs of the bureaucratic mechanism function. This later came in handy in his literary works.

After 11 months, he nevertheless decides to return to St. Petersburg, where he was so eager to start a full-fledged life, filled with events, useful for society. Almost immediately after his arrival, he managed to get a very good, highly paid position as an interpreter at the Ministry of Finance. He made friends with the Maikovs, famous people of St. Petersburg, taught their children Latin and Russian literature.

Until now, the famous house of the Maykovs has survived in St. society. These people seemed to have a presentiment of the imminent change in the social formation.

The basis of creativity

One of the first and most popular works was the composition "Million of Torments", this creation is filled with acute irony, apt observations of the life of the creative intelligentsia of that time.

While writing, Goncharov met Belinsky, who, like Pushkin, replenished his spiritual and moral treasury, enriched with new ideas. Belinsky also spoke well of Goncharov's work, recognizing his talents.

This was followed by the writing of "An Ordinary History", this is the first novel of the famous trilogy: "An Ordinary History", "Oblomov", "Break". In the novel, the writer clearly shows the conflicts of Russian society, fragmentation, the obvious alienation of romanticism and realism.

Traveling around the world

We can say that Goncharov is a happy person and in some ways a darling of fate. Thanks to his charm, inquisitive mind, excellent education and fame in literary circles, he had the opportunity not only to provide himself financially, but also to see the world.

In 1852, he was hired as a secretary to Vice Admiral Putyanin. Putyatin was sent to the North American continent, since at that time Alaska belonged to Russia. In addition, the vice admiral had to travel to the other side of the world to Japan. Until now, long journeys excite the minds, and at that time such an opportunity was an unheard of success.

Ivan Goncharov set off on a round-the-world trip with his boss, he returned to St. Petersburg in 1855 with amazing impressions, which he fully reflected in the next literary masterpiece "Frigate Pallas".

In the Ministry of Finance, he worked not only as a translator, but also as a censor, which gave his position the Neva ambiguity. Pre-revolutionary ideas were actively emerging in Russian society, which at that time did not have a pronounced revolutionary character, but were expressed in a clear awareness of the need for change. Therefore, many representatives of the intellectual elite of society disliked censors, because their task was to prevent the spread of ideas that could shake the established foundations. Many people perceived Goncharov as a class enemy and did not trust him. At that time he was creating the second novel of his famous trilogy - Oblomov.

The writer could not polish his literary diamond in any way, since official affairs took too much time. It also affected the fact that his position causes mistrust among the creative intelligentsia. Therefore, they decided to leave the service in order to devote themselves entirely to literary activity.

The fully finished novel was published in 1859 and was also successful. Oblomov is a collective character, a whole philosophical understanding, a social phenomenon that showed the inertia of Russian society. Great fame fell on the writer, but Ivan Alexandrovich always remained a modest person. Actually, he was indifferent to recognition, he was extremely interested in literature.

The last work in his life

The last work of the famous trilogy is "The Break". It was not easy, because the writer himself said that he writes slowly, does not always have time to track the changing social phenomena of life. It took him a lot of physical strength to write. Plus, he was in correspondence with representatives of the creative intelligentsia, which also took up a lot of his time. The writer also actively created essays devoted to trips to Eastern Siberia and the Volga. Despite the fact that creativity was given to him hard, because he worked with full dedication, during his life he created many works. Some of them came out after his death.

The writer died in 1891. His health declined, so a common cold eventually became a fatal illness for him. The writer was buried at the Nikolskoye cemetery at the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

The news of the death quickly spread throughout Moscow and St. Petersburg, throughout Russia, and the obituary was published in the Vestnik Evropy.

Many people who are interested in the biography of Ivan Goncharov want to know more about his personal life. It so happened that Ivan Goncharov was not married, he has no children. He did not hide the fact that for a long time he was unrequitedly in love with Yu.D. Efremova, but she married another. The writer focused on literary creativity, he no longer hoped to fall in love again. In 1855, however, he was again visited by a bright feeling for Elizaveta Vasilyevna Tolstoy, whom he literally raved about, loved passionately and hopelessly. Unfortunately, this union also did not take place, since Elizaveta Vasilievna married an archaeographer, historian, Russian statesman A.I. Musin-Pushkin.

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