History of Samsung Electronics. Samsung's history: technology from Korea

History of Samsung Electronics.  Samsung's history: technology from Korea
History of Samsung Electronics. Samsung's history: technology from Korea

Most users are interested in which country Samsung is made in. The main highlight of the method, which will be described in detail below, is that any user can check the country of origin of any Android smartphone, not just the Android Samsung smartphone.

Samsung began its first production in India, opening its first plant in Noida, Uttar Pradesh, near New Delhi, in 1997. This state-of-the-art complex is today the home base of the electronics giant. It manufactures mobile phones, refrigerators and LED TVs. The Noida facility is considered a leader among all Samsung subsidiaries in terms of maximum productivity.

To help make its products better and faster in the southern part of the country, Samsung opened a second manufacturing facility in Chennai, Tamil Nadu in November 2007. Today, the Sriperumbudur facility manufactures LED TVs, washing machines, refrigerators and split air conditioners.

Displaying IMEI on the screen

To determine the manufacturer, first we need to figure out how to display the IMEI number of your smartphone. This is a unique identifier for any gadget that cannot be tampered with or faked.

To display these numbers on the screen, you need to dial the combination * # 06 #. Next, one or two IMEI numbers will appear in front of you, depending on how many SIM card slots are installed in the smartphone. In addition, the unique serial number of the Samsung smartphone will be displayed.

Also, the IMEI number and serial number can be viewed if your phone model is equipped with a removable battery. To do this, turn off the device, remove the battery, and there will be a sticker with this Samsung data in its compartment.

Which country is the manufacturer of this or that smartphone? This issue is of concern to a large number of users. And not surprising. After all, many may not even know that the country of origin of Samsung may be different. So, it was previously believed that all smartphones of this brand are assembled in China, but this is not true.

What do the IMEI symbols mean

After you have displayed the IMEI information on the screen, you need to figure out what it means. On the smartphone screen, the information will look something like this: Samsung ww70k62108wd ua. The country of origin is not displayed in the open form.

By the way, Samsung's management claims that the quality of their products is consistently high, regardless of which country produces it.

Returning to the decoding of IMEI, the user will be interested in his 7th and 8th character. It is they that contain information about the country of origin of this particular Galaxy smartphone.

Decoding by country

Below are all the available codes that explain in which country a particular gadget was produced:

  • The numbers 05 or 50 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone is manufactured in Brazil or the United States.
  • The number 08 or 80 means your Galaxy was made in Germany.
  • The numbers 00 indicate that it was made in the country where it was purchased.
  • The numbers 01 or 10 mean that the Galaxy is manufactured in Finland.
  • Numbers 02 or 20 indicate that it is assembled in the UAE or India.
  • The numbers 03 or 30 means your phone is made in China.
  • The numbers 04 or 40 also indicate that the gadget is assembled in the Middle Kingdom.
  • The numbers 06 or 60 indicate that the Galaxy smartphone was manufactured in Hong Kong, China or Mexico.
  • The number 13 indicates that it was produced in Azerbaijan.

Again, the country of origin Samsung does not affect the quality of a particular device. Rather, it is the personal preference of the users. But, according to numerous surveys, it becomes obvious that users still prefer to search for smartphones made in India.

If in the IMEI line in place of the 6th and 7th characters there are numbers not from the list above, then the smartphone was produced in Vietnam at a partner plant. This, alas, is not the best choice, as the device may use some components from a partner plant, not Samsung.

Alternative method

If you do not want to find out the country of manufacture of Samsung by the IMEI code, then this can be done using third-party software. For example, you can install the Phone Info Samsung app on your smartphone. It will display information about which country is the manufacturer of Samsung on the home screen.

The named application has a very simple interface. It simply displays all the information it can retrieve from the device. This includes how to find out the country of origin of your Samsung phone. At the top of this list is a General Information section, which contains information about the country of origin of the device, the date of manufacture, and the status of the Knox meter.


Tagline: Turn on the future

Industry: diversified industrial concern (chaebol)

Products and services: electronics, shipbuilding, finance, chemistry, entertainment, aircraft

Owner company: Samsung Group

Year of foundation: 1938

Headquarters: Seoul, South Korea

Performance indicators

Samsung Group is a huge concern of several dozen companies. His interests lie in a wide range of industries.

Almost half of the group's turnover comes from the electronics industry. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., the largest company in this sector, is part of the Samsung Group.

Financial performance of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd

Gross profit

Operating profit

Amount of assets


Number of employees

Operating Profit

Thousand. human

2017 239,575 110,284 53,645 301,752 214,491 321
2017 1141 1342
2018 1121 1309

Brand value Samsung Group according to the following companies:

Brandz (Millword brown)

Under the Samsung brand, Russians primarily associate the products of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. In addition, passenger cars are quite well known in our country, which are produced in Korea at the Renault Samsung Motor plant and sold under the brands Nissan and Renault - Renault Koleos (Samsung QM5) and Nissan Almera Classic (Samsung SM3). By the way, in the homeland of the brand, in South Korea, in addition to the umbrella brand Samsung, there are many sub-brands, but in Russia the umbrella is promoted much more actively.

Samsung's electronics industry is growing in eight areas:

Mobile devices;

Telecommunication systems;

Household electronic devices;

IT solutions;

Digital photographic equipment;


LCD monitors.

In addition to the electronics industry, the Samsung Group also operates in a number of other industries.

Chemical industry. Its share in Samsung's turnover is small - about 5%, but this gives an impressive amount (in 2006 it was $ 6.11). The largest company of the concern engaged in the chemical industry is Samsung Total Petrochemicals. The petrochemical complex consists of 15 plants located in Daesan (South Korea). They produce household chemicals, chemicals for general consumption.

Finance and insurance brings Samsung Group about $ 42 billion a year. At the same time, the companies of the concern operating in this sector (the largest of them is Samsung Life Insurance) are mainly engaged in financial services for the concern itself and operate in South Korea.

Heavy industry. The divisions of the concern (the largest of them is Samsung Heavy Industries) generate about 10% of the profits. They work mainly for the domestic market of South Korea. In addition, part of the export goes to the USA and China. The main activities include the construction of oil and gas pipelines and the production of tankers.

history of the company

In the 1930s in Korea, entrepreneur Lee Byung Chol opens his own rice flour business. A small warehouse in Daegu city marks the beginning of a long history for Samsung. At this time, Korea was a colony of Japan, and it was quite difficult to engage in private business in the country. However, as early as 1938, Li managed to create the first independent export channel from Korea to China and Manchuria.

The active development of the supply of food products such as rice, sugar and dried fish made it possible to officially register the Samsung Trading Company trademark. The foreign (for Korea) origin of the name was a consequence of the far-reaching, ambitious plans of the Korean entrepreneur: by the end of the 1950s, Lee Byung was going to establish trade with the countries of the American continent. And after the landing of US troops on the Korean Peninsula, the products of the plant for the production of rice vodka and beer began to be sold to representatives of the allied forces. The Korean War ended this business. Warehouses were looted and burned, as were the company's main factories.

There is a legend that on the ruins of a burnt house, Lee Byung found a hidden box with money, which he invested in his new business. It was a textile factory, a sugar factory, and later an insurance business. Lee Byung grew richer quickly, even though the average per capita income in Korea in the 1960s did not exceed $ 80. It is worth noting that at that time, even in the capital, Seoul, there was no permanent electricity, electricity was supplied for several hours a day, and there was no centralized water supply. Not surprisingly, an imminent military coup overthrew Lee Seung Man, president and close friend of Lee Byung, who, as a wealthy businessman, was a member of the disgraced ruler's inner circle. Lee Byung Chol himself was jailed for bribery and close acquaintance with the ousted president.

The new president of South Korea, General Park Chung Hee, began industrial and economic reforms. A program for the development of the industrial sector of the economy was developed, an increased focus on export was supported by close relations with the United States, it was supposed to take foreign loans, acquire raw materials and modern technologies, and re-use the profit obtained for the purchase of raw materials and equipment. Korean reformers concluded that a stable economy should be based on large concerns, but they needed to be created as soon as possible, so government loans and loans were provided to the most prominent businessmen in Korea. They were backed by government orders, while certain legal and tax breaks made it possible for small businesses to grow into large conglomerates. Lee Byung Chol was one of the successful entrepreneurs.

Thus, 30 large companies were created (chaebols - "money families"). Among them, in addition to Samsung, were Daewoo, Hyundai, Goldstar (LG), etc. Each "money family" had its own direction: Daewoo - car production, Goldstar - household appliances, Samsung - electronics, Hyundai - construction, etc. etc.

South Korea's economy has grown at a rapid pace of 6 to 14% per year. The increase in exports during this period was 30%. So in 1969, when Samsung, after merging with Sanyo, began producing black and white TVs, in Korea itself, only 2% of the population had them.

The merger of Sanyo and Samsung marked the beginning of one of the largest sectors of the Samsung Group - Samsung Electronics. The company managed, albeit with heavy losses, to weather the economic crisis of the 1980s. The price of the crisis is a few non-core divisions, a sharp reduction in the number of subsidiaries. With the coming to the board of Lee Gong Hee, a whole range of reforms was proposed, which involved not only a complete restructuring of the company, but also a change in the very foundations of management: the company had to fully comply with the conditions of the free trade law. The proposals to change the policy towards external investors were supposed to increase the company's attractiveness for subsidies, as the conglomerate lost financial support from the state.

Until the 1980s, the shares of the companies included in the concern were traded only in South Korea, while they were in rather low demand from investors. The reason is traditionally Asian governance based on the principles of Confucianism: only representatives of the Li family were at the head of the government. External investors had no levers of influence on decision-making in the field of company management. In addition, traditional management meant life-long employment and career advancement over the years of service.

When developing a new emblem, oriental philosophy was not without. According to the company's representatives, "the elliptical shape of the logo symbolizes movement in the world space, expressing the idea of ​​renewal and improvement." These changes continued until the 1990s.

In 1983, the production of personal computers was opened.

In 1991-1992, the development of the first production of personal mobile devices and mobile telephony was completed.

In 2010 Samsung Corporation and Panasonic began selling 3D TVs in the United States. At the same time, Samsung Electronics had already managed to sell the first product model the day before. The 3D TV cost the buyer $ 3,000. In the kit he received two pairs of glasses for viewing 3D images and a Blu-ray player.

In September 2015, Samsung launched its own payment system in the United States, Samsung Pay. It allows you to make cashless payments using your smartphone. To implement this possibility, NFC technologies are simultaneously used (to make a payment, you need to bring your smartphone very close to the terminal) and MST, which allows you to use your smartphone as a regular plastic card with a magnetic stripe. For this, the device provides an innovative induction technology capable of generating a magnetic field similar to a bank card. The terminal recognizes the field as a regular card and executes the transaction.

In April 2018, Samsung introduced to the home market a new model Galaxy J2 Pro - a "smartphone", which does not have modules to support 2G or 3G, and also lacks the ability to connect to Wi-Fi networks. The target audience of “smartphones” is local students who are trying to avoid the scattering of attention due to the Internet.

At the moment, the companies belonging to the Samsung Group concern electronics and microelectronics, the chemical industry, construction, automotive, heavy industry, finance and loans, and insurance. The structure of the concern includes a full cycle of electronics production, from the extraction of resources, their processing and ending with finished products. Most of the conglomerate's divisions perform subordinate functions in relation to companies engaged directly in the manufacture of finished electronic products, and work exclusively for the concern or only within South Korea. This feature is clearly visible from the distribution of profits by divisions, thus, the main income of the concern comes from the electronics industry.

Brand history

Logo of the Samsung Byeolpyo pasta company (1938-1958)

It is easy to see that it bears little resemblance to the modern image. However, the first step towards it was made in 1969.

Samsung Group logo (1969-1979)

The successful development of Samsung Electronics has given impetus to a new change. This is the well-known "umbrella" logo of the Samsung Group "Three Stars" for the entire concern (late 80s - 1992).

At the same time, the "electronic division" used its own logo.

And in 1993 they "merged", a single logo began to be used, moreover, the "electronic" version was clearly taken as a basis. Apparently. even then, the top management of the concern was focused on the global market. And the logo had to be understood by everyone.

The name Samsung in Korean means “three stars”. Perhaps it was the personification of the three sons of the founder of the company, Lee Byung Chol.

Until 2008, Samsung was run by the founder's youngest son. This went against all traditions of inheritance in Asian families.

Lee Byung Chol made very big plans for conquering the market, because as soon as he more or less established activities, he gave the company a name unusual for Korea - Samsung Trading Company with an eye to conquering Western markets.

But everything was not so smooth - Lee even managed to go to jail, when the time came for changes in the Korean economy and 30 concerns were created to support it, thanks to Lee's energy, Samsung began to flourish. Each company was entrusted with its own industry, Samsung went into electronics.

In 2012, a large-scale patent dispute between Samsung and Apple entered an acute phase, which was originally initiated by an American corporation, which in the spring of 2011 filed claims against the South Korean concern regarding copying the design of the iPhone smartphone and iPad tablet. One of the key issues in this conflict was the US patent litigation. In August 2012, a US court found Samsung guilty of copying the design and technology of iPhone and iPad mobile devices and ordered them to pay compensation to their manufacturer Apple in the amount of $ 1.051 billion. Throughout the year, the courts were held in different countries of the world. Samsung won in the UK and Japan. And in the homeland of the brand - in South Korea - the court issued a sensational decision in the case of mutual claims between Apple and Samsung: they were found guilty of illegal use of each other's patents.

In October 2013, Samsung began selling the Samsung Galaxy Round, the world's first smartphone with a glass concave screen. The rest of the characteristics are typical for smartphones of the Galaxy line of 2013: a screen of almost 6 inches and a Full HD resolution, a quad-core processor, a main camera of 13 megapixels, an operating system Android 4.3. The price for a new product in Korea will be $ 1000. In a year, Korean companies promise to release devices that can be rolled up into a tube.

Sources: ru.wikipedia.org, 7faktov.ru, samsung.com

Love stories

My poor Samsung phone has already fallen to the floor dozens of times, on the asphalt and everywhere, but it continues to serve me faithfully.

Samsung is a really cool brand! There are many stories, I will tell you one: how I won a box of cognac)). This happened in the early 90s, the country is a mess, anarchy and devastation. In the village, in order to watch TV, my aunt had to buy the most powerful stabilizers that increase the voltage, the voltage in the network is 160-170 volts at best, a 100-watt bulb shone like a 40-watt one. Another TV set burned down at my aunt's (2-3 years is the usual life of our TV sets at this voltage), and I went to Kazan to buy a new one. I accidentally met a friend who advised me to buy Samsung. The main thing that surprised me was the ability to work from 110 volts. I will not expand on the brightness, richness of color and clarity of the image, this is a separate song)) I brought it to the village, of course the neighbors came in, how can we live without it, we don't live in the city. The neighbor dragged his cool stabilizer and tries to connect the TV. I tell him, they say, this gizmo is not needed for Samsung, word for word they switched to a dispute: how can this TV work without a step-up voltage stabilizer, if the lamp barely shines! We argued for a box of cognac, a neighbor had already invited half of the village to drink the winnings. I insert the plug directly into the socket, turn on the TV set from the remote control (the remote control is also a wonder) and a miracle! shows my Samsung! And how it shows! In general, I did not offend the guests invited by the neighbor, and we all washed the purchase together. For many more years, friends and acquaintances came to marvel at a miracle real for those years - a Samsung TV. It is clear that if there is a TV in the whole village, then only the Samsung brand. How many years have passed, and the smoking-room is still alive! True, it turns on after 3-5 minutes and the colors faded, but it works! flawlessly and honestly!

SAMSUNG is my favorite brand all my life. Almost all the equipment that we have in our house. I often recommend it to my friends. But I am constantly haunted by failures with her. It so happened that my friends had to give me a present a few days before my birthday. I was presented with a samsung digital camera - joy knew no bounds. I am fond of photography, so the gift was very valuable to me. It rained heavily on my birthday, but it did not stop me. But in vain ... As soon as I went out into the street, a passing car poured water over me from head to toe. Out of surprise, I dropped my camera and it crashed. And two weeks ago I bought myself a brand new SAMSUNG DUOS. I thought about how great it would be for me in St. Petersburg with two SIM cards - I won't miss a single call! 3 days ago, he fell out of his pocket on the seat of a car. When I realized this, the car was already far away ... But I will definitely try to buy myself the same one soon!

My favorite brand is undoubtedly Samsung. All equipment (even the new LED TV) is Samsung. A lot connects us - quality and responsibility, design and functionality, guarantee and information content.

Completed an internship from the College of Communications No. 54 at the Samsung plant (in the Kaluga region). I was impressed by the high level of the plant's work and personnel training. Also at this plant we had a competition / exam, for the victory in which I received a tablet, and at the end of the evening of the exam we had a banquet with the national cuisine of Korea. It was cool!

Ever since childhood, my parents preferred Samsung equipment. There was a case when my father came to the store and was going to buy a TV from this company. Having bought it, he was offered to take part in the drawing of a special prize, he naturally agreed. I filled out the questionnaire and gave it to the consultant. After some time, the start of the lottery was announced, and he ended up in the top three, finishing in second place! He was awarded a VCR prize and several films! When dad came home, he told us about it, mom was delighted. At that time I was about 7 years old, as you understand, I did not understand what kind of thing Dad won. One fine evening I was left alone and climbed to understand the VCR, inserted my toys into it, picked it, tried to insert cassettes too, but it was turned off, and nothing worked for me! In the end, I broke it, and my dad punished me.

On the day of my wedding, in a traditional place for the newlyweds, an advertising presentation of digital technology was held. And as a gift we were presented with several pictures taken on it. The technique was Samsung

There was once such a story: I bought a TV and VCR in the nineties, in a company store. When checking the goods, they found a malfunction, changed it, and in the new technology, flaws and poor quality of assembly and installation of equipment were also revealed. Grieved, I took the money and did not buy anything in this store. A day later, I went to the Samsung brand store. There I bought everything I wanted - checked, the quality is good. I bought it and I still don’t regret it. And now everything works and functions like new, never broke down and did not give reasons for frustration in the quality of work and functionality. Now, of course, everything has been purchased from me, but of the same brand, which I do not regret at all! A Samsung cell phone fell out of my pocket when I was building a summer cottage, and from 8 meters it crashed on the cement floor in the basement. I discovered this only when I heard a call ringing ... and did not even crack

The history of the Samsung Industrial Group began in 1938 in Korea, when a rice trading company was founded, which successfully developed, covering all new areas of activity, and 10 years later became known as Samsung Trading Co, which means "three stars" in Korean.

In 1969, the firm made a breakthrough in the cutting-edge electronics industry from scratch. Samsung Electronics Company “SEC” was created together with Sanyo, specializing in the production of semiconductors, and soon a workshop for the assembly of black and white Japanese TVs was opened. By 1973, a large-scale production of various household appliances was established in the city of Suwon, and the joint venture became Samsung Electronics Corporation. Adopting Sanyo technology, and engaged in the production of semiconductors, the corporation has grown over time into one of the largest manufacturers of electronics.

In 1973, the headquarters of the corporation moved to Suwon (South Korea), and in December the construction of a consumer electronics plant was completed. The Korean company Semiconductor Co. later joined Samsung Electronics, marking the beginning of the mass production of refrigerators and washing machines.
In 1979, production of the first consumer video recorders began, in 1983 - of personal computers, and the following year, a VCR plant in the United States and a microwave oven plant began operations.

By 1998, the corporation became the owner of the main market share of LCD monitors and began mass production of digital TVs and DVD players, where special technologies allow viewing NTSC discs on PAL and SECAM TVs.

Samsung Electronics is a recognized leader in digital convergence technology and semiconductor and telecommunications equipment manufacturing. The most profitable for the concern was the production of semiconductors. Samsung launched the production of microprocessors for digital image and sound processing in televisions, camcorders and video recorders.

Today, it is impossible to find an industry in which Samsung units do not work. Literally everything is produced under this brand: from digital cameras and stereos to microwaves and toasters, from cars to planes and ocean vessels. Domestically, Samsung Group forms more than 50% of the country's total budget. The corporation has nearly 500,000 employees worldwide, and the city of Suwon, where Samsung Electronics is headquartered, is called Samsung City. By 2020, the company is going to enter the five largest global brands.

In Russia, Samsung has become a popular brand. In September 2008, a plant for the production of household appliances was opened on the territory of the Vorsino industrial park in the Kaluga region. Today, the plant produces all TVs and monitors sold in Russia. The range of manufactured products includes LCD, LED and plasma TVs, LCD monitors, Blu-ray players and home theaters. In the spring of 2010, the production of 3D LED TVs began at the Samsung plant. Samsung-manufactured hardware
in the Kaluga region, also supplied to Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

Service work on the repair of Samsung equipment is carried out by a network of ASCs throughout the country. Non-warranty repair of Samsung TVs, urgent repair of Samsung DVD, inexpensive repair of Samsung monitors, high-quality repair of Samsung home theaters and other electronic and household appliances from this manufacturer are offered by our service center.

In hardware and electronics stores, you can find a wide variety of phones. The Samsung brand is popular. The manufacturer of this company is South Korea. The company produces many useful things for the home that make life easier for people. Therefore, among the firms selling household appliances, this manufacturer has earned the trust. Samsung Galaxy is also produced by this company.

About company

Samsung Electronics is a world leader in the sale of electronics, home appliances, and mobile phones. The company also produces semiconductors, telecommunications systems, and memory chips. The company is considered a subsidiary of the Samsung Group. It employs more than 300 thousand people.

You can find many products manufactured by Samsung. The manufacturer is known for the production of household appliances, electronics, televisions, vacuum cleaners, washing machines. The range also includes smartphones, digital cameras and headphones.

Release of electronics and household appliances

In 1969, Samsung founded a semiconductor company with Sanyo. Later, these institutions were merged. This is how Samsung Electronics was founded, which in a short period of time became a leader in the field of technology production.

Since 1972, black and white televisions have been produced. Later, refrigerators and washing machines began to be produced, as well as color televisions. In 1980, Samsung computers began to be produced. The manufacturer focuses on consumer demand, so it has launched the production of laptops, smartphones, and tablets. Since the 1990s, the manufacture of phones has become popular, which is still in demand today.

The firm began producing digital cameras as they were more in demand than film cameras. To date, 124 offices have been opened in 56 countries. The company operates on the basis of information technology, telecommunications, digital media technologies.

Producing countries

Now in stores you can find a large number of Samsung products. The manufacturer of this brand is South Korea. But depending on the type of product, the country of assembly may differ:

  • Two-compartment refrigerators are assembled in Poland.
  • Hoods, hobs and dishwashers - in China.
  • Washing machines, TVs and music centers - in Russia.
  • Microwave ovens, split systems - in Malaysia.
  • Vacuum cleaners, tablets, smartphones - in Vietnam.
  • Ovens are in Thailand.

Therefore, the manufacturer of the Samsung TV is, for example, South Korea, but the assembly can be carried out in Russia. You need to purchase goods in specialized stores. The products are provided with a manufacturer's warranty, according to which repairs are carried out in the event of a breakdown of equipment.

"Samsung Galaxy"

The manufacturer of the Samsung phone is South Korea. There are many models of this technique, differing in function and appearance. But each gadget has a modern design, the necessary services and is easy to use.

Phones have high-quality sound, both from headphones and from speakers. It is enough to charge the battery once to provide enough energy for a long period. The phones work quickly and comfortably. Many devices have slots for 2 SIM cards, which makes the equipment multifunctional.

The required applications are running by default. The picture quality is excellent too. Moreover, the prices for phones are quite affordable compared to many other brands. Nowadays, many consumers choose just such phones, as they have been popular for many years due to their reliability.

Samsung equipment has long been in demand among buyers. The company is constantly improving, releasing new devices. Electronics and household appliances are quite affordable and also have stable performance. Many users are happy with this technique.

Samsung is a group of companies founded in 1938 in South Korea. It is known in the world market as a manufacturer of household appliances, electronics and components. Samsung's businesses include electronics, shipbuilding, finance, chemistry, entertainment, and even aircraft.

Samsung's history began in the early 1930s. Entrepreneur Lee Byung Chol started his own rice flour business, and it is from his first warehouse in Daegu that the company's history begins. With all the difficulties of private enterprise in Korea, which at that time was a Japanese colony, Lee Ben Chol was able by 1938 to establish his own sales channel from Korea to China and Manchuria. The active development of the supply of food products such as rice, sugar and dried fish made it possible to officially register the Samsung Trading Company.

After the Korean War, due to the growth of the Korean economy, the structure of Samsung has changed. The merger of Sanyo and Samsung marked the beginning of one of the largest sectors of the Samsung Group - Samsung Electronics. Approaches to marketing were changed, the mission of the company was revised and its symbol was changed. The first two logos of the company featured three red stars. Samsung executives considered the former logo inappropriate to the image of an international corporation. Then the modern emblem appeared, which is the well-known dynamically inclined blue ellipse with the name written inside.

In 1983, the production of personal computers was opened.

In 1991-1992, the development of the first line of mobile phones was completed.

In 1999, Samsung Electronics was awarded the Forbes Global Consumer Electronics Award.

Today Samsung Group includes many divisions that are responsible for various areas of activity. More than 70% of the group's sales are in electronics. Companies in this division include: Samsung SDI, Samsung SDS, Samsung Electro-Mechanics, Samsung Networks, Samsung Electronics.

The structure of the chemical industry division includes five enterprises: Samsung Total Petrochemicals, Samsung Petrochemicals, Samsung Fine Chemicals, Samsung BP Chemicals. The industry brings the concern about $ 5 million a year due to the production of polyethylene, polypropylene, styrene monomer, paraxylene, as well as fuel.

There are only two divisions of the company operating in the heavy industry: Samsung Heavy Industries and Samsung Techwin. Only one company of the concern is engaged in construction: Samsung Engineering. The division builds offices and factories for the Samsung Group around the world and rarely outsourced orders. The non-core activity of the company is the automotive industry, while all assembled cars are used only for the domestic market.

The financial sector of the conglomerate includes as many as six companies: Samsung Life Insurance Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance, Samsung Card Samsung, Samsung Securities, Investment Trust Management, Samsung Venture Investment.
Founded in 1973, Cheil Communications is responsible for the marketing support of the concern.

The entertainment and leisure industry is represented in the conglomerate by two companies: Samsung Everland and The Shilla Hotels & Resorts, which has been operating since 1979.

The company's turnover in 2011 amounted to $ 143.1 billion. The net profit in 2010 is $ 21.2 billion. The number of employees is about 222 thousand.