Research work "the problem of human moral quest in Russian literature." Literature is the conscience of society (Moral problems of modern literature) Social and moral problems in Russian literature

Research work "the problem of human moral quest in Russian literature." Literature is the conscience of society (Moral problems of modern literature) Social and moral problems in Russian literature

Karnaukhova Anna

We are already living in the 21st century .. in difficult and interesting times. It is in recent decades that perhaps the most significant changes in history, in the way of life of mankind, have taken place. Man is always faced with a choice. As far as he understands the importance of moral values, morality in life, so he feels responsible for his actions. I was interested in what our young people now think about this, how modern and ancient literature reflects the problems of mankind, the Russian people.

Therefore, the purpose of the research work is to trace how the problem of moral quest, the problem of honor, dignity, and national pride of the Russian person is revealed in Russian literature.




The problem of human moral quest in Russian literature

Completed: student 11 "A" class

MOU of secondary general education

School number 12 in Nizhneudinsk

Karnaukhova Anna Vladimirovna

Supervisor: Russian teacher

Language and Literature

Selezneva Olga Konstantinovna.

  1. Introduction ... Relevance of the topic. Purpose, tasks.
  2. Main part. The problem of human moral quest in Russian literature.
  1. The theme of honor and national pride in Russian folklore
  2. The problem of moral choice

A) in Old Russian literature (Galicia-Volyn Chronicle)

B) in the literature of the 19th century ("The Captain's Daughter")

C) in the literature about the Great Patriotic War.

3. My contemporary. Who is he?

III. Conclusion. Bottom line. Analysis of the work done.


We live in the 21st century ... in difficult and interesting times. It is over the past decades that perhaps the most significant changes in history have occurred, in the way of life of mankind. Right now, in an era of changes, the understanding of honor, pride and dignity is important for the formation of the younger generation. The recent jubilee dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory, the war in Chechnya and Iraq - all of this is directly linked by one link - a person. A person everywhere faces a choice, it depends on him how he will behave in extreme situations. As far as he understands the importance of moral values, morality in life, so he feels responsible for his actions. This is what interested me. What does our youth now think about this, how modern and ancient literature reflect the problems of mankind, the Russian people. This was the object of this work.

The purpose of the research work:

To trace how the problem of moral searches is revealed in Russian literature,

The problem of honor, dignity, national pride of the Russian people.

Common tasks in the work have also come to light:

  1. To deepen knowledge of ancient Russian literature, literature of the war years, modern literature.
  2. Compare how the attitude to moral values ​​is shown in the ancient Russian literature and the literature of our days.
  3. Analyze how the role of a person in society at critical moments is reflected in Russian literature of different years.
  4. Find out how the heroes of modern literature perceive the priorities of our ancestors.
  5. To trace how the Russian national character is revealed in Russian literature of different years.

The main method is literary research.

The work was carried out during the year.

The problem of man's moral quest is rooted in ancient Russian literature and folklore. It is associated with the concepts of honor and dignity, patriotism and valor. Let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary. Honor and dignity - professional duty and moral standards of business communication; moral qualities worthy of respect and pride, human principles; personal non-property and inalienable benefits protected by law, meaning a person's awareness of his social significance. 1

Since ancient times, all these qualities have been valued by man. They helped him in difficult life situations of choice.

To this day, we know the following proverbs: "In whom is honor, in that is truth", "Without a root and a blade of grass does not grow", "A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song", "Take care of honor from a young age, and a dress for a dream." The most interesting sources on which modern literature is based are fairy tales and epics. But their heroes are heroes and fellows who embody the strength, patriotism, and nobility of the Russian people. These are Ilya Muromets, and Alyosha Popovich, and Ivan Bykovich, and Nikita Kozhemyaka, who defended their Motherland and honor, risking their lives. And although the epic heroes are fictional heroes, their images are based on the lives of real people. In ancient Russian literature, their exploits are, of course, fantastic, and the heroes themselves are idealized, but this shows what a Russian person is capable of, if the honor, dignity and future of his land are on the map.

The approach to the problem of moral choice in ancient Russian literature is ambiguous. The Galicia-Volyn Chronicle ... It is considered one of the most interesting monuments of Old Russian book culture, dating back to the period of the struggle of the Russian principalities with foreign invaders. A very interesting fragment of the Old Russian text concerning the trip of Prince Daniel Galitsky to bow to Batu in the Horde. The prince had to either rebel against Batu and die, or accept the faith of the Tatars and humiliation. Daniel goes to Batu and feels trouble: "in great sorrow", "seeing the trouble is terrible and terrible." Then it becomes clear why the prince grieves in his soul: "I will not give my half-fatherland, but I am going to Batu myself ..." He goes to Batu to drink mare's kumis, that is, to take the oath of service to the khan.

Was it worth it to Daniel, was it treason? The prince could not drink and show that he did not submit and die with honor. But he does not do this, realizing that if Batu does not give him a label to manage the principality, this will lead to the inevitable death of his people. Daniel sacrifices his honor to save the Motherland.

Fatherly concern, honor and pride make Daniel drink the "black milk" of humiliation in order to ward off trouble from his native land. The Galicia-Volyn Chronicle warns against a limited and narrow view of the problem of moral choice, the understanding of honor and dignity.

Russian literature reflects the complex world of the human soul, tossing between honor and dishonor. Self-esteem, the desire to remain a Human in any situations can rightfully be put on one of the first places among the historically formed traits of the Russian character.

The problem of moral quest has always been fundamental in Russian literature. It was closely related to other deeper questions: how to live in history? what to hold on to? what should be guided by? Such a test for A.S. Pushkin was


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Decembrist uprising. The tsar asked a direct question: would the poet himself have taken part in the uprising if he had been in St. Petersburg. To which he received the same direct answer: "Surely, sir, all my friends were in a conspiracy, and I could not help but participate in it ..."

And in "The Captain's Daughter" nowhere does honor contradict conscience. Following the ancient Russian scribes, AS Pushkin exclaims: "Take care of your dress again, but honor from your youth."

His hero, Pyotr Grinev, is placed in the same conditions as Prince Daniel. Peter must choose: to kiss the hand of the false emperor and stay to live, benefiting the Motherland, or to be hanged. More than once Grinev resorted to the help of the traitor Pugachev: rescue from the gallows, and a ticket issued by Pugachev for free travel through the rebellious lands, and the help of an impostor in rescuing Masha Mironova from Shvabrin's "arrest". But Grinev will never betray his Motherland: "Kiss your hand, kiss your hand!" - they were talking about me. But I would prefer the most cruel execution to such a dastardly humiliation, ”Grinev says to himself during his oath to the false emperor.

Others faced the same difficult choice. Ivan Kuzmich, Vasilisa Yegorovna, Ivan Ignatyevich ... They could not swear allegiance to Pugachev, for them it was a great sin, because they had already sworn allegiance to the sovereign, and the second time is impossible. And these people did not see another fate for themselves, they could not even imagine that there is one, the other, after another oath: "To die like this: it is a service job," says Ivan Kuzmich, rushing into the attack on the rioters. And they died, not wanting another life, with the words: "You are not my sovereign, you are a thief and an impostor, do you hear!"

But Pugachev was also a Russian man. Many times he saves Peter's life just because he once did not let him freeze by presenting a hare sheepskin coat from his shoulder. Here is the comparison: a hare's sheepskin coat and human life. The honor and conscience of the Russian Pugachev did not let him forget about a trifling, but important service for him: “Ah! I was, and forgot to thank you for the horse and for the sheepskin coat. Without you, I would not have reached the city and would freeze on the road ... Debt payment is red ... "

But it also happens that human dignity and honor are the only weapons in the face of the cruel laws of existence on this earth. This helps to understand the small work of the Soviet writer of the 20th century M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", which opens the topic of fascist captivity, which is forbidden in Soviet literature. The work raises important questions about national dignity and pride, about the responsibility of a person for his moral choice.

On the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, there were many obstacles, but he proudly carried his "cross". The character of Andrei Sokolov manifests itself in the conditions of fascist captivity. Here is both patriotism and the pride of the Russian people. A challenge to the commandant of a concentration camp is a difficult test for the hero, but he comes out of this situation as a winner. Going to the commandant, the hero mentally says goodbye to life, knowing that he will not ask the enemy for mercy, and then one thing remains - death: they saw [...] that it is still difficult for me to part with life ... "

Andrei does not lose pride in front of the commandant himself. He refuses to drink schnapps for the victory of German weapons, and then he could not think about the glory of the enemy, pride in his people helped him: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink for the victory of German weapons ?! Is there something you don't want, Herr Commandant? Damn it, I have to die, so you failed with your vodka. " Having drunk then to his death, Andrei takes a bite of a piece of bread, half of which he leaves whole: “I wanted them, the damned ones, to show that although I’m disappearing from hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own Russian dignity and pride and that they didn’t turn me into cattle, no matter how hard they tried, ”says the primordially Russian soul of the hero. A challenge to the fascists. A moral victory has been won.

Despite his thirst, Andrei refuses to drink "for the victory of German weapons", does not drink the "black milk" of humiliation and keeps his honor unblemished in this unequal battle, evoking the respect of the enemy: "... You are a real Russian soldier, You are a brave soldier," says Andrey the commandant, admiring him. Our hero is a bearer of national character traits - patriotism, humanity, fortitude, fortitude and courage. There were many such heroes during the war years, and each of them performed his duty, which means a feat of life.

The words of the great Russian writer are true: “The Russian people in their history have selected, preserved, elevated to the degree of respect such human qualities that cannot be revised: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness ... We know how to live. Remember this. Be human". 1

The same human qualities are shown in the work of Kondratyev "Sashka". In this story, the events, as in "The Fate of a Man," take place in wartime. The main character, the soldier Sashka, is indeed a hero. Not the last qualities for him are mercy, kindness, courage. Sashka understands that in battle a German is an enemy and very dangerous, but in captivity he is a man, an unarmed man, an ordinary soldier. The hero deeply sympathizes with the prisoner, wants to help him: "If it weren't for the shelling, they would turn the German on his back, maybe the blood would stop ..." Sasha is very proud of his Russian character, believes that this is what a soldier, a man should do. He opposes himself to the fascists, rejoices for his homeland and the Russian people: “We are not you. We do not shoot prisoners. " He is sure that a person is a person everywhere, he should always remain one: "... Russian people do not scoff at prisoners." Sasha cannot understand how one person can be free over the fate of another, how one can dispose of someone else's life. He knows that no one has the Human Right to do this, that he will not allow himself to do this. Invaluable in Sasha is his great sense of responsibility, even for what he should not be responsible for. Feeling that strange feeling of power over others, of the right to decide whether to live or die, the hero involuntarily shudders: "Sasha even somehow felt uncomfortable ... he is not the kind to scoff at prisoners and unarmed."

There, in the war, he understood the meaning of the word "must". “We must, Sasha. You see, it is necessary, "the company commander told him," before ordering anything, and Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should. " The hero is attractive in that he does more than is necessary: ​​something ineradicable in him makes him do it. He does not kill a prisoner by order; wounded, he returns to surrender the machine gun and say goodbye to the soldier brothers; he himself escorts the orderlies to the seriously wounded, in order to know that that person is alive and well. Sasha feels this need in himself. Or is it the command of your conscience? But a different conscience may not command - and confidently prove that it is pure. But there are no two consciences, "conscience" and "other conscience": conscience either exists or it does not exist, just as there are no two "patriotisms". Sashka believed that a Man, and especially he, a Russian, should preserve his honor and dignity in any situation, which means that he must remain a merciful man, honest to himself, just, true to his word. He lives according to the law: he was born a man, so be real inside, and not an outer shell, under which darkness and emptiness ...

More than half a century has passed since then ... Not so much. But what happened to

modern man ?! Did he get lost in the hustle and bustle, forgot who he was, stopped

to believe that throughout the entire existence of mankind was his gift, power?


1.- V.M. Shukshin. / "Literature at school" No. 6, 2003

The hero of the story “Young Russia” by V. Rasputin observes young people flying in an airplane: “Almost everything is in a“ package ”: leather, jeans, sneakers, imprinted negligence on their faces, sharp movements, eyes with quick aiming glances. A strange resemblance was noticed in women: glossy faces with eyes in a black rim of paint, well-fed tall bodies, no more than two styles of equipment - everything dressed up, uniform. " These people simply forgot about their purpose. The purpose of their existence is well-being during life. This is "enjoying life." Then you begin to understand why old people often have such an attitude towards young people. Because they have forgotten everything. Everything! What they could have lost, left as unnecessary. The main thing is to live well financially, there is no more incentive for them. The author exclaims: "Lord! .. After all, it is they, our breadwinners, the saviors of the Fatherland ..." How much you understand just from this one phrase.

Rasputin is struck by the licentiousness, swagger of modern society. No morality, no values. Next to the hero on the plane, they play cards, parade discussing unimportant problems. There is swearing everywhere ... and it becomes scary: "Everything is thrown overboard - both" no smoking "and" no drinking. " They also forgot about honor, dignity, about Russia ... Among these people there is no brotherhood, no feelings, no faith in their land ... and why do they need it ?! When there is so much fun and new around, bringing joy and without any debts and moral values. This is clearly seen when, during the break between flights, young people started a game: The winner was the one who spat into the bottleneck ... And the eyes close, and the hands drop ... And everyone is happy, laughing! There is no Russia here, just as there is none for the two passengers traveling home from their son: "There is nowhere to seek refuge by blood relationship !!"

In pursuit of novelty and fashion, this youth completely forgot about those values ​​that from ancient times were considered honorable, important, indestructible. “Anyone who does not remember his past is condemned to relive it,” said J. Santayana. In due time these people will face misunderstanding, ignorance, learn the price of the happiness they have lost ... After all, this is where wars, fears, and broken destinies come from!

Modern man seemed to have moved away from history, torn away from the past: "The holiday of will has come, an unheard-of triumph of everything that had previously been under the protection of moral rules burst out - and immediately the porcupine hidden in man has openly declared itself the leader of life ..." 1

When a person lives without meaning, without a goal, forgetting about moral values, caring only about his own well-being, he comes to that place where there is only sand. And when a storm rises in this desert, chaos sets in, the end and edge of which is not visible: “There is a tailoring of any human organization, be it a nation state or an interethnic settlement somewhere in Siberia or in the Balkans, created for moral purposes. As soon as the target is neglected, the seams come apart ... " 2

This idea is clearly revealed in the work "Senya Rides" by V. Rasputin. In this short story, the same problem of morality and education of young people is raised. The disbanded society is already "attacking from all fronts," so to speak, from television in particular. Again, morality has been forgotten, the younger generation is being "infected". No one pity, no one needs ... The main character stands up to defend his country, because it is unbearable to see how it is crumbling from the inside, crumbling with our hands!


1. 2. - V. Rasputin. Roman newspaper №17 (1263) -1995

We see that in the modern world completely different "values" are sung than in the past, instead of honor and pride came vulgar openness, instead of a sense of duty and conscience - the wild customs of primitive contemporaries. As if there was no past, all "superfluous" was cut off, left in old dusty books. Where will all this lead the country? .. What kind of Russia will be from twelve-year-old mothers and their children, what will become of everyone ?! How can you live? And is it people who destroy themselves: “And what kind of people are they? But where, then, are yours? Where are they? Why, like the Serpent-Gorynych, shamelessly give and give away their little daughters? " - exclaims Senya. The finale of the work is meaningful and optimistic. The Russian man will finally wake up. After all, he knows the value of happiness, and most importantly, he understands who he is and why he lives. He will "come" ...

In the new story "Ivan's Daughter, Ivan's Mother" V. Rasputin has collected all the scattered motives of prayers, despair, pain, and a grain of hope related to our younger generation. This work both gives us a look at ourselves from the outside, and shows that we are alive at the same time.

Ivan, one of the main characters of the story, is ready “not to surrender to the mercy of an alienated life ...” In his face, Rasputin shows the youth who, with their strong shoulders, will raise the country and keep it from new moral falls. Ivan leads an ordinary life, which all his teenage friends lead, but in many respects he differs from them: "some kind of solid core, which had grown into bone, was felt in him." “Cool down first, then decide on sweeping actions,” the guy taught himself.

This work shows us that Ivan is “the main, hopeful escape of the entire family tree,” that he is the Russian person who was in wartime and much earlier. His connection with the previous generation is visible: he is Ivan, named after his grandfather Ivan, named after his Russian name. And when he goes to finish building the church in his native place

mother and grandfather, Ivan Savelich says: “Well, you cheered me up, boy! I will go today to give an announcement to my estate, ... that I have changed my mind to give up, ... I have decided to live, as long as my legs are holding. "

The past of our country was for the old Ivan, the future for the young.

Ivan Savelich, once telling a story to his children, showed us exactly how firm and strong the people used to be, "when a peasant was bent into a ram's horn." This is a story about one immigrant who, despite general poverty, built and grew richer, lived and survived in spite of everyone, no matter how many rumors went about him, that in the midst of emptiness he can create everything, endure everything, overcome everything! And from the words of the same Ivan Savelich, we learn about our, today's generation of people. How did it break away from its native roots, while the proverb says: "Without a root, a blade of grass does not grow", which means that a generation does not grow and does not move? “Why is it that our people have such a silent blood ... so sluggish in relation to kinship ... There is a serious overwhelming going on inside us and inside us: who will win,” says a man who in his life managed to see both grief and joy, as if choosing words to explain our strength and our weakness. Indeed, modern man is faced with a choice between his own "I" and "I" imposed from the outside. When Ivan watched the drama played out in the Pioner cinema, he pondered for a long time who could consider himself right, necessary: ​​skinheads who came to smash the cinema with a den for drug addicts, or those drug addicts who were ruthlessly attacked and beaten by skinheads. and kill them, the degraded people. Ivan justifies the activity of the skinheads, which the state should have carried out, but not the violence that they committed: “And someone should shake out this dirt and take upon himself the curses that are pouring in from all sides? Maybe this is the only thing and it is better to take a closer look at skinheads, and not go aside with convenient excuses? " - the hero thinks. It can be seen how he is looking for answers to questions that haunt his soul, but does not find here what interested him, since he did not want to be a skinhead, although he partially approved of them, but about that “pioneer” choking on drugs and losing her human image, ”I didn’t even think. Therefore, Ivan goes to the market - "the kingdom of Chinese abundance" And here again a sick society in need of help. People who are alien to the laws of morality gather here. There are people of different ages and nationalities, their goal is the thirst for profit and "quick" happiness: all kinds of non-human people who deceive, cheat, corrupt and "kill" the people. Ivan gets involved in a fight between the warring Caucasians and the Cossacks, not referring himself to any side. He got involved, “because he bit, sore inside with pain from inaction and lack of will ...” He felt that he could not forgive himself for what was happening around him, he sincerely wants to change this, so he leaves the city to be alone, to think ...

From an early age, Ivan was independent, knew how to insist on his own, which is quite important in life. Perhaps the deepest hopes and new insights were placed by Rasputin on Ivan. He, the hero, thinks about the future of society, sees that he needs help, only until he imagines and thinks of himself as one of

"Saviors". “For some reason he kept up, unknown to him, some new sensual streams were breaking through in him,” says Rasputin, when Ivan continues his searches and finds them in his dacha, on Lake Baikal. The hero understands how painful modern society is and does not want to be like this: "How much is there in it, the dumb and the deaf, forgotten into unknown corners, needs to be awakened!" Ivan gets acquainted with the Old Russian, Church Slavonic language and learns the very old and lasting that sits in it: “No, this cannot be left on the background, it seems that the strength of the Russian man is rooted in this. Without this, like two or two, he is capable of getting lost and losing himself. " Ivan will feel his strength after serving in the army and leaving to build a church. It will lay the foundation for a new generation that will "cure" Russia from a progressive and terrible disease. The moral values ​​that were sung in ancient Russian literature will regain their strength.


Valor, pride, mercy in a person have been revered since ancient times. And since then, the elders have passed on their instructions to the young, warned against mistakes and dire consequences. Yes, how much time has passed since then, and moral values ​​do not become obsolete, they live in every person. Ever since that time, a person was considered a Human if he could educate himself and possessed such qualities: pride, honor, good nature, firmness. “Do not kill either the right or the guilty, and do not command to kill him,” Vladimir Monomakh teaches us. The main thing is that a person should be worthy of his life before him. Only then will he be able to change something in his country, around him. Many misfortunes and troubles can happen, but ancient literature teaches us to be strong and to observe "our word, for, breaking the oath, destroy your soul" 1 , teaches us not to forget about our brothers, to love them like family, to respect each other. And the main thing is to remember that you are a Russian person, that you have the strength of heroes, mothers-nurses, the strength of Russia. Andrei Sokolov did not forget about this in captivity, did not turn either himself or his homeland into a laughing stock, did not want to give up his Russia, his children Senya from the story of Rasputin for desecration.

We see what a person, a son and a defender should be like, by the example of Prince Daniel, he gave everything so that his Motherland, country, people would not perish, survive. He also agreed to the condemnations that awaited him after accepting the Tatars' faith, he fulfilled his duty, and it is not for us to judge him.

Ivan, the hero of V. Rasputin's story, also has a difficult life ahead, but he has already found a path to it. And each of us has our own road, on which we must by all means go out, and everyone goes out on it, only someone too late realizes that he is going along it in the other direction ...


Honor, dignity, conscience, pride - these are the moral qualities that have helped the Russian people at all times to defend their land from enemies. Centuries pass, life in society, society changes, and the person also changes. And now our modern literature is sounding the alarm: the generation is hurt, hurt by unbelief, godlessness ... But Russia exists! This means that there is a Russian person. There are those among today's youth who will revive faith, return moral values ​​to their generation. And our past will be a support and help in all situations, it is on it that you need to learn, moving towards the future.

I didn’t want the work to be an essay, read and forgotten. I set the following condition: if after reading my reflections and "discoveries", at least someone thinks (really thinks!) About the meaning of this work, about the purpose of my actions, about questions and appeals to us - to modern society - then they tried not in vain, it means that this creativity will not become a "dead" weight, it will not gather dust around somewhere in a folder on a shelf. It is in the thoughts, in the mind. Research work is, first of all, your attitude to everything, and only you can develop it and give impetus to further transformations, first in yourself, and then, possibly, in others. I gave this impetus, now it's up to each of us.

Valentin Rasputin in his story raises perhaps the most important problem of modern society - the problem of morality. The title of the book "Live and Remember", like any title, carries a semantic load, moreover, the main idea of ​​the work.

However, these words contain not just the idea of ​​the work, but also the border that separates any moral, moral life, full of love, pity, justice, from the world of baseness and betrayal, cruelty and violence. The words "live and remember" are like a guardian of human


The events described in the story take place in the winter of 1945, in the last year of the war, in the village of Atamanovka, which used to be called even more terrifyingly - Razboinikovo, since the ancestors of the villagers once “sinned” with such a profitable craft. However, by the time of the events taking place in the story, the inhabitants of the village had long been quiet, harmless and at the same time absolutely devastated and indifferent to everything. After all, it is in their eyes that the tragedy of the human soul is taking place.

The protagonist of the story is Andrei Guskov, “a quick and gallant guy who married Nastena early and lived with her until

The war is not good, not bad for four years. " Andrei Guskov was not a hero, but he fought honestly almost until the very end of the war, was wounded in 1944 and ended up in the hospital. He believed that a severe wound would help him return to his native village, to his wife, without waiting for the end of the war. While still in the hospital, he planned his future life. Nevertheless, the hope for demobilization did not materialize.

The turning point of his entire fate was the news of his sending to the front. The hero lacks the moral strength to rise above his misfortune, to put the people's misfortune in the foreground; the awareness of the need for further struggle cannot in his soul cope with dreams of personal happiness and peace. And from that moment on, the disintegration of the human personality takes place. He decides to desert. A person who has abandoned a positive moral choice then goes with the flow. In the text of the story, moral decay is emphasized by the description of an uncomfortable atmosphere, as it were, enveloping the heroes.

Andrey's meeting with Nastena takes place not in the house, but in a cold, unheated bathhouse (a bathhouse, as you know, in Russian folklore symbolizes a gathering place for all "evil spirits"). Andrey gradually, the further, the more, his soul hardens, becomes cruel. On the example of how Andrei pounces on a calf and "bully" him, it is clear that he has lost his human image. When he shot a roe deer, he did not finish it off, but stood and watched attentively how the unfortunate animal was tormented. “Just before the very end, he lifted her up and looked into her eyes - they widened in response ...

He was waiting for the last, final movement in order to remember how it will be reflected in the eyes. " It comes to the point that the hero has learned to howl like a wolf (as if turning from a man into a werewolf). Andrey is moving more and more away from people and even from his wife. “If you tell someone, I will kill you. I have nothing to lose, ”he tells her.

For Nastena, the news that her husband Andrei Guskov is a traitor was also a turning point in her life. “... Where were you, man, what toys did you play when your destiny was appointed? Why did you agree with her? Why, without hesitation, cut off his wings, just when they are most needed, when it is necessary not to crawl, but in summer to run away from trouble? " - the heroine reflects. Not every person is given to survive such grief and shame.

Nastya loves and regrets Andrei, but when shame for her husband's act overwhelmed her soul, she commits suicide (while killing her unborn child as well). She dies in the depths of the Angara River between two banks: the coast of her traitorous husband and the coast of the people.

Andrew thought that the birth of a child is the finger of God, indicating a return to normal human life, and he was mistaken. The death of loved ones is a payback and a lesson!

Questions of morality, the struggle between good and evil are eternal. In any literature, we will find works in which they are touched in one way or another. Even after decades and centuries, we again and again turn to the images of Don Quixote, Hamlet, Faust and other heroes of world literature.

The problems of morality and spirituality, good and evil, worried Russian writers as well. You had to be a very brave person to speak like the unknown author of The Lay of Igor's Campaign did; as did one of the first Russian preachers, the Kiev-Pechersk abbot Theodosius, for which he incurred the prince's wrath. In subsequent times, progressive Russian writers continued to recognize themselves as independent of the will of princes and tsars. They understood their responsibility to the people and national history, felt themselves higher in their vocation than the mighty of this world. It is worth remembering Radishchev, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol, Lev Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and many other names of Russian writers of modern times.

At the present time, when we have just entered the 21st century, when in everyday life literally at every step we have to face immorality and lack of spirituality, we need to turn to the lessons of morality more responsibly than ever before.

In the books of the remarkable writer Ch. Aitmatov, heroes are always looking for their place in life. They are able to "ascend from day to day to the radiant perfection of the spirit." For example, in the novel "Ploha" the writer tried to "reflect all the complexity of the world, so that the reader together with him would go through spiritual spaces and rise to a higher level."

The main character of the work is the son of the priest Avdiy Kallistratov. According to the spiritual mentors of the seminary, he is a heretic. Obadiah strives to bring kindness and justice to a world full of cruelty and equal-mindedness. He believes that he can influence the young people who collect marijuana, cleanse their souls of callousness and indifference to themselves and those who are next to them. Obadiah strives for love and truth and has no idea what an abyss of immorality, cruelty and hatred will open before him.

The meeting of the hero with the gatherers of marijuana becomes a kind of test of strength and capabilities. Obadiah tries his best to convey to them the bright ideas of justice. But these ideas cannot be understood either by the leader of the "Anashists" Grishan, nor by his partners. They collect cannabis for money, and the rest is not important to them. They consider Obadiah a crazy "pop-pop", a stranger in their circle.

Obadiah naively believes that the word is the main weapon in the struggle for human souls, for morality in relations between people. But it is gradually becoming clear that the "Anashists" and the Ober-Kandalovites speak different languages ​​to him. As a result, the anashists throw him out of the train carriage, and the Ober-Kandalovites crucify him on saxau-le. With a naive faith in the possibility of cleansing the world from evil and immorality with a sincere spiritual word, Obadiah ascended his chopping block.

What makes a person turn off the right path? What are the reasons for the changes taking place with him? Unfortunately, the literature cannot give an unambiguous answer to such questions. A literary work only represents typical manifestations of the moral diseases of the time. The main choice remains with us - real people living in real time. Material from the site

Moral problems are a kind of the second turn of the key in V. Bykov's stories, which opens the door to the work, which at the "first turn" is an insignificant military episode. Most of all, the writer is interested in the circumstances in which a person should be guided not by a direct order, but solely by his own moral principles. Ivanovsky ("Until Dawn"), Moroz ("Obelisk"), Sotnikov ("Sotnikov"), Stepanida and Petrok ("Sign of Trouble") - this is not a complete list of V. Bykov's heroes who find themselves in a situation of moral choice and come out of it with honor. Ales Moroz dies. But before his death, he "did more than if he killed a hundred Germans." The death of Sotnikov turns out to be more honorable than the life bought by Ryba-Kom. Stepanida and Petrok die, defending their personal moral principles until the last minute of their lives.

“The true indicator of civilization is not the level of wealth and education, not the size of cities, not the abundance of crops, but the appearance of a person,” said R. Emerson. When we improve ourselves, we thereby improve the world around us. And it seems to me that only through moral development can human society reach the heights of perfection.

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On this page material on topics:

  • essay. problems of contemporary authors of literature
  • literature of the 20th-early 21st century
  • essay hero and problems of modern literature
  • the true indicator of civilization is not the level of wealth and education essays
  • moral problems in 20th century literature

I was, I lived.
For everything in the world
I answer with my head.
A. Tvardovsky
Problems Man and Earth, Good and Evil are some of the most ancient and eternal problems in literature. From the first poetic experiments of primitive man to modern philosophical and sophisticated poetry, there is a strong and stable thread of man's artistic knowledge of the world around him and his place in it. Literature has always adequately expressed its lofty mission to be at the forefront of the struggle for the hearts and minds of people, contributed to the formation of civic activity, the assertion of high moral ideals and norms, feelings of patriotism and internationalism. The problems are innumerable, but the main one is one: concern for the formation of the human soul.
The writers who constantly solve these problems include V. Rasputin, S. Zalygin, V. Astafiev, G. Troepolsky, V. Belov, V. Shukshin and many others.
In V. Rasputin's story "Farewell to Matera" we see the collision of life and death. The death of Matera - the work of human hands - makes us think about the eternal, but today with a special acuteness of problems: the moral right of man to dispose of nature. Matera was preparing for its end, and at the same time "the island continued to live its usual and routine life: bread and herbs were rising, roots were stretching out in the ground and leaves were growing on trees, there was a smell of faded bird cherry and the damp heat of greenery ..." And in this In a painful contradiction, a person is looking for answers to the main questions of life: "Daria is trying and cannot raise a difficult, overwhelming thought: maybe this is how it should be?" "Will not the rest of the earth be baked looking at Matera?" "Will one (ancestors) ask me?" They will ask: "How did she allow such impudence, where did she look?" In Daria, Rasputin reveals a strong character full of dignity and greatness. And Daria sees her last duty in "seeing Matera in her own way, in her own way." Unforgettable are the pages about how she cleaned and whitewashed her hut, decorated it with fir branches, dressed it before her death, and in the morning she said to the arsonists: “That's it. Light it up. But that in the hut not a foot ... "" Whoever has no memory, he has no life, "- thinks Daria. We see Daria not only in her farewell to Matera, her life, which is leaving with Matera, but also in intense reflections on the past and the future, on the meaning of life and the purpose of man. In such moments that Daria is experiencing, a human soul is born and filled with beauty and kindness! The writer makes us take a closer look at the spiritual values ​​of such wise people as Daria. Daria's heart is filled with anxiety, the pain of separation. But she finds strength in herself and does not allow her to accept help. Daria is an amazing person. She constantly thinks about what we live for, about the Motherland, about the meaning of human life.
The story of the human soul and the soul of the people with special tension, I think, also sounds in the story "Live and Remember". The main heroine of the story, Nastena, must endure not only the common suffering - the war, but also her terrible secret: the deserter husband is hiding not far from his native Atamanovka. Nastena sincerely believes that since her husband has committed such a shameful act, it means that she was poorly mentally protecting him, which means that her care was not enough. She is ready to endure any punishment of people, but not that endlessly lasting deception that destroys both Andrei and her. Rasputin shows how the suffering in Nastya's soul is growing, how unbearable it becomes on Victory Day, when great joy unites people as much as yesterday it was united by great sorrow.
The more Andrei runs wild, becomes furious, the closer the birth of a child, so awaited and so impossible now, the stronger is Nastya's despair. Nastena goes into the waves of Angara with her unborn child, seeking in death not just oblivion and the end of suffering, but cleansing before people, before the eternal truth of life. Nastena's character is strong, ready for self-sacrifice and responsibility.
Showing the terrible evil of betrayal, the evil that destroys, like radiation, everything around him, the writer bypassed Andrey's end in silence. He is not worthy of death that evokes sympathy or at least somehow reconciles with him; he finds himself outside of life, outside the memory of people. Leaving Guskov alive, the author brands him with a terrible spell: "Live and remember." And it is no coincidence that V. Astafiev said: “Live and remember, man: in trouble, in ruin, in the most difficult days of trials, your place is next to your people; any apostasy caused by your weakness, whether it is unreasonable, turns into even greater grief for your homeland and people, and therefore for you. "

Krasova A.A. 1

Smarchkova T.V. 1

1 State budgetary general educational institution of the Samara region secondary school p. Pestravka of the Pestravsky municipal district of the Samara region

The text of the work is placed without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work files" tab in PDF format

I. Introduction.

We live in the 21st century ... difficult but interesting times. Perhaps the most significant changes in history, in the way of life of mankind, have taken place in recent decades. It has been historically proven that in an era of change, understanding honor, pride, and dignity is especially important for the formation of the younger generation. The recent jubilee dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory, the war in Chechnya and Iraq - all of this is directly linked by one link - a person. A person is always in his personal life, whether public, he faces a choice, it depends on him what will happen to him in extreme situations. As far as he understands the importance of moral values, morality in life, so he feels responsible for his actions. This is what interested me. What does our youth now think about this, how modern and ancient literature reflect the problems of mankind, the Russian people. These terms were the object of this work.

The purpose of the research work:

To trace how the problem of honor, dignity, national pride of the Russian person is revealed in Russian literature.

Common tasks in the work have also come to light:

To deepen knowledge of Old Russian literature, literature of the 19th century, literature of the war years.

Compare how the attitude towards moral values ​​is shown in ancient Russian literature.

Analyze how the role of a person in society at critical moments is reflected in Russian literature of different years.

To trace how the Russian national character is revealed in Russian literature of different years.

The main method is literary research.

II. The problem of a person's moral choice in Russian literature.

1.The theme of honor and national pride in Russian folklore.

The problem of man's moral quest is rooted in ancient Russian literature and folklore. It is associated with the concepts of honor and dignity, patriotism and valor. Let's take a look at the explanatory dictionary. Honor and dignity - professional duty and moral standards of business communication; moral qualities worthy of respect and pride, human principles; personal non-property and inalienable benefits protected by law, meaning a person's awareness of his social significance.

Since ancient times, all these qualities have been valued by man. They helped him in difficult life situations of choice.

To this day, we know the following proverbs: "In whom there is honor, that is the truth", "Without a root and a blade of grass does not grow", "A man without a homeland is a nightingale without a song", "Take care of honor from a young age, and a dress again" 1. The most interesting sources on which modern literature is based are fairy tales and epics. But their heroes are heroes and fellows who embody the strength, patriotism, and nobility of the Russian people. These are Ilya Muromets, and Alyosha Popovich, and Ivan Bykovich, and Nikita Kozhemyaka, who defended their Motherland and honor, risking their lives. And although the epic heroes are fictional heroes, their images are based on the lives of real people. In ancient Russian literature, their exploits are, of course, fantastic, and the heroes themselves are idealized, but this shows what a Russian person is capable of, if the honor, dignity and future of his land are on the map.

2.1. The problem of moral choice in Old Russian literature.

The approach to the problem of moral choice in ancient Russian literature is ambiguous. The Galicia-Volyn Chronicle of the 13th century ... It is considered one of the most interesting monuments of Old Russian book literature, dating back to the period of the struggle of the Russian principalities with foreign invaders. A very interesting fragment of the Old Russian text concerning the trip of Prince Daniel Galitsky to bow to Batu in the Horde. The prince had to either rebel against Batu and die, or accept the faith of the Tatars and humiliation. Daniel goes to Batu and feels trouble: "in great sorrow", "seeing the trouble is terrible and terrible." Then it becomes clear why the prince grieves in his soul: "I will not give my half-land, but I am going to Batu myself ..." 2. He goes to Batu to drink mare's kumis, that is, to take the oath of office in the service of the khan.

Was it worth it to Daniel, was it treason? The prince could not drink and show that he did not submit and die with honor. But he does not do this, realizing that if Batu does not give him a label to manage the principality, this will lead to the inevitable death of his people. Daniel sacrifices his honor to save the Motherland.

Fatherly concern, honor and pride make Daniel drink the "black milk" of humiliation in order to ward off trouble from his native land. The Galicia-Volyn Chronicle warns against a limited and narrow view of the problem of moral choice, the understanding of honor and dignity.

Russian literature reflects the complex world of the human soul, tossing between honor and dishonor. Self-esteem, the desire to remain a Human in any situations can rightfully be put on one of the first places among the historically formed traits of the Russian character.

The problem of moral quest has always been fundamental in Russian literature. It was closely related to other deeper questions: how to live in history? what to hold on to? what should be guided by?

2.2. The problem of moral choice in the literature of the 19th century (based on the works of I.S.Turgenev).

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev wrote the story "Mumu" 3, reflecting in it his experiences and concerns about the fate of Russia and the future of the country. It is known that Ivan Turgenev, as a true patriot, thought a lot about what awaited the country, and the events in Russia at that time were far from the most joyful for the people.

The image of Gerasim reveals such magnificent qualities that Turgenev would like to see in a Russian person. For example, Gerasim has considerable physical strength, he wants and can work hard, the matter is in his hands. Also Gerasim is neat and clean. He works as a janitor and takes responsibility for his duties, because thanks to him, the master's yard is always clean and tidy. The author shows his somewhat reclusive nature, since Gerasim is unsociable, and even the door of his closet always has a lock. But this formidable look does not correspond to the kindness of his heart and generosity, because Gerasim is open-minded and knows how to sympathize. Therefore, it is clear: you cannot judge the inner qualities of a person by appearance. What else can be seen in the image of Gerasim when analyzing "Mumu"? He was respected by the whole courtyard, which was deserved - Gerasim worked hard, as if following the orders of the hostess, with all this he did not lose his sense of self-respect. The protagonist of the story, Gerasim, did not become happy, because he is a simple village man, and city life is built in a completely different way and flows according to its own laws. The city does not feel at one with nature. So Gerasim, having got into the city, realizes that he is bypassed. Having fallen in love with Tatiana, he is deeply unhappy that she becomes the wife of another.

At a difficult moment in life, when the main character is especially sad and painful in his soul, a ray of light is suddenly seen. Here it is, the hope for happy moments, a little cute puppy. Gerasim rescues the puppy and they become attached to each other. The puppy got the nickname Mumu, and the dog is always with his great friend. At night, Mumu guards, and in the morning he wakes up the owner. It seems that life is filled with meaning and becomes more joyful, but the lady becomes aware of the puppy. Deciding to subdue Mumu, she experiences a strange disappointment - the puppy does not obey her, but the lady is not used to ordering twice. Can love be ordered? But that's another question. The lady, accustomed to seeing how her instructions are executed at the same minute and meekly, cannot bear the disobedience of the little creature, and she orders to remove the dog out of sight. Gerasim, whose image is well revealed here, decides that Mumu can be hidden in his closet, especially since no one goes to him. He does not take into account one thing: he is deaf and dumb from birth, while others hear the barking of a dog. The puppy reveals itself with its barking. Then Gerasim realizes that he has no choice but to resort to drastic measures, and he kills the puppy, who has become his only friend. The gloomy Gerasim cries when he goes to drown his beloved Muma, and after her death he goes on foot to the village where he used to live.

In the image of Gerasim, the author showed an unfortunate serf man. Serfs are "dumb", they cannot claim their rights, they simply submit to the regime, but in the soul of such a person there is a hope that someday his oppression will come to an end.

A new work by I.S. Turgenev's "On the Eve" 4 was a "new word" in Russian literature, causing noisy talk and controversy. The novel was read eagerly. “Its very name,” according to the critic of the “Russian Word,” with its symbolic hint, which can be given a very broad meaning, pointed to the idea of ​​the story, made one guess that the author wanted to say something more than what is contained in his artistic images ". What was the idea, features, novelty of Turgenev's third novel?

If in "Rudin" and "The Noble Nest" Turgenev depicted the past, painted images of people of the 40s, then in "On the Eve" he gave an artistic reproduction of modernity, responded to those cherished thoughts that during the period of social upsurge in the second half of the 50s worried all thinking and progressive people.

Not idealistic dreamers, but new people, positive heroes, devotees of the cause were brought out in the novel "On the Eve". According to Turgenev himself, the basis of the novel was “the idea of ​​the need for consciously heroic natures in order for things to move forward,” that is, we are talking about the problem of choice.

In the center, in the foreground, there was a female image. The whole meaning of the novel concealed in itself a call for "active good" - for social struggle, for a detachment from the personal and the egoistic in the name of the general.

The heroine of the novel, the "amazing girl" Elena Stakhova, was the "new man" of Russian life. Elena is surrounded by gifted youth. But neither Bersenyev, who has just graduated from the university and is preparing to become a professor; nor the talented sculptor Shubin, in whom everything breathes with clever lightness and happy joy of health, who is in love with antiquity and thinks that "there is no salvation outside of Italy"; even less so, the “groom” Kurnatovsky, this “official honesty and efficiency without content” 5, did not awaken Elena's feelings.

She gave her love to Insarov, a foreigner-Bulgarian, a poor man, who had one great goal in life - the liberation of his homeland from Turkish oppression and in whom lived "the concentrated deliberation of a single and long-standing passion." Insarov conquered Elena by responding to her vague but strong desire for freedom, captivating her with the beauty of her feat in the struggle for a "common cause."

The choice made by Elena, as it were, indicated what kind of people Russian life was waiting for and calling. There were no such people among "ours" - and Elena went to the "stranger". She, a Russian girl from a wealthy noble family, became the wife of the poor Bulgarian Insarov, abandoned her home, family, homeland, and after her husband's death she remained in Bulgaria, faithful to the memory and "life's work" of Insarov. She decided not to return to Russia. "Why? What to do in Russia? "

In a wonderful article devoted to the novel “On the Eve”, Dobrolyubov wrote: “There are already such concepts and requirements that we see in Elena; These demands are accepted by society with sympathy; moreover, they strive for active realization. This means that the old social routine is out of date: a few more hesitations, a few more strong words and favorable facts, and figures will appear ... Then the complete, sharply and vividly outlined image of the Russian Insarov will appear in literature. And we will not wait long for him: this is guaranteed by the feverish, painful impatience with which we expect him to appear in life. It is necessary for us, without it our whole life is somehow not counted, and every day does not mean anything in itself, but serves only as the eve of another day. He will finally come this day! " 6

Two years after "On the Eve", Turgenev wrote the novel "Fathers and Sons", and in February 1862 he published it 7. The author tried to show the Russian society the tragic nature of the growing conflicts. The Chita-Tel opens up economic troubles, the impoverishment of the people, the decay of traditional life, the destruction of the peasant's age-old ties with the land. The stupidity and helplessness of all classes threatens to develop into confusion and chaos. Against this background, a dispute is unfolding about the ways of saving Russia, which is being waged by heroes representing the two main parts of the Russian intelligentsia.

Russian literature has always tested the stability and strength of society by family and family relations. Starting the novel with a depiction of a family conflict between the father and son of the Kirsanovs, Turgenev goes further, towards a clash of a public, political nature. The interrelationships of the heroes, the main conflict situations are revealed mainly from the ideological point of view. This is reflected in the peculiarities of the construction of the novel, in which such a large role is played by the arguments of the heroes, their painful reflections, passionate speeches and outpourings, and the decisions they come to. But the author did not turn his heroes into spokesmen for his own ideas. Turgenev's artistic achievement is his ability to organically link the movement of even the most abstract ideas of his heroes and their positions in life.

For the writer, one of the decisive criteria in defining a personality was how this person relates to modernity, to the life around her, to the current events of the day. If you look closely at the “fathers” - Pavel Petrovich and Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, the first thing that catches your eye is that they, in fact, are not very old people, do not understand and do not accept what is going on around them.

It seems to Pavel Petrovich that the principles that he learned in his youth distinguish him favorably from people who listen to modernity. But Turgenev at every step, without much pressure, absolutely unequivocally shows that in this stubborn desire to show his contempt for modernity, Pavel Petrovich is simply comical. He plays a role that is just ridiculous from the outside.

Nikolai Petrovich is not as consistent as his older brother. He even says that he likes young people. But in fact, it turns out that in modern times he understands only that which threatens his peace.

Turgenev brought out in his novel several people who want to hurry with time. These are Kukshina and Sit-nikov. In them, this desire is expressed very clearly and unambiguously. Bazarov speaks to them in his usual dismissive tone. It is more difficult for him with Arkady. He is not as stupid and petty as Sitnikov. In a conversation with his father and uncle, he quite accurately explained to them such a complex concept as a nihilist. He is good already because he does not consider Bazarov "his brother". This brought Bazarov closer to Arkady, forced to treat him gently, more condescendingly than to Kukshina or to Sitnikov. But Arkady still has a desire to grab something in this new phenomenon, somehow get closer to him, and he only grabs at external signs.

And here we come across one of the most important qualities of Turgenev's style. From the first steps of his literary career, he made extensive use of irony. In the novel Fathers and Sons, he awarded this quality to one of his heroes - Bazarov, who uses it in a very diverse way: irony for Bazarov is a means to separate himself from a person he does not respect, or to “correct” a person for whom he hasn't given up yet. Such are his ironic antics with Arkady. Bazarov also possesses one more type of irony - irony aimed at himself. He is ironic about his actions and his behavior. Suffice it to recall the scene of Bazarov's duel with Pavel Petrovich. He is ironic here over Pavel Petrovich, but no less bitter and evil over himself. At such moments, Bazarov appears in all the strength of his charm. No complacency, no self-love.

Turgenev leads Bazarov through the circles of life's trials, and it is they who reveal with real completeness and objectivity the measure of the hero's right and wrong. “Total and merciless denial” is justified as the only serious attempt to change the world by ending contradictions. However, for the author it is also indisputable that the inner logic of nihilism inevitably leads to freedom without obligations, to action without love, to searches without faith. The writer does not find a creative force in nihilism: the changes that the nihilist envisages for really existing people, in fact, is tantamount to the destruction of these people. And Turgenev reveals the contradictions in the very nature of his hero.

Bazarov, who has experienced love and suffering, can no longer be an integral and consistent destroyer, ruthless, unshakably self-confident, breaking others simply by the right of the strong. But Bazarov also cannot accept, subordinating his life to the idea of ​​self-denial, or seek solace in art, in a sense of accomplishment, in selfless love for a woman - for this he is too angry, too proud, too unbridled, wildly free. The only possible solution to this contradiction is death.

Turgenev created a character so complete and internally independent that the artist could only not sin against the internal logic of character development. There is not a single significant scene in the novel in which Bazarov did not participate. Bazarov leaves the life, and the novel ends. In one of his letters, Turgenev admitted that when “he wrote Bazarov, he in the end did not feel dislike for him, but admiration. And when he wrote the scene of Bazarov’s death, he sobbed. These were not tears of pity, these were the tears of an artist , who saw the tragedy of a huge man, in which part of his own ideal was embodied.

"Fathers and Sons" caused fierce controversy throughout the history of Russian literature in the 19th century. And the author himself, with bewilderment and bitterness, stopped before the chaos of conflicting judgments: greetings to enemies and slaps of friends. In a letter to Dostoevsky, he wrote with chagrin: “No one seems to suspect that I tried to present a tragic face in him - and everyone interprets - why is he so bad? or - why is he so good? " eight

Turgenev believed that his novel would serve to unite the social forces of Russia, help many young people make the right, less tragic choice, that Russian society heeded his warnings. But the dream of a united and friendly all-Russian cultural stratum of society did not come true.

3.1. The problem of moral choice in the literature about the Great Patriotic War.

But it also happens that human dignity and honor are the only weapons in the face of the cruel laws of existence on this earth. This helps to understand the small work of the Soviet writer of the 20th century M. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man" 9, which opens the topic of fascist captivity, which is forbidden in Soviet literature. The work raises important questions about national dignity and pride, about the responsibility of a person for his moral choice.

On the life path of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the story, there were many obstacles, but he proudly carried his "cross". The character of Andrei Sokolov manifests itself in the conditions of fascist captivity. Here is both patriotism and the pride of the Russian people. A challenge to the commandant of a concentration camp is a difficult test for the hero, but he comes out of this situation as a winner. Going to the commandant, the hero mentally says goodbye to life, knowing that he will not ask the enemy for mercy, and then one thing remains - death: they saw [...] that it is still difficult for me to part with life ... "10

Andrei does not lose pride in front of the commandant himself. He refuses to drink schnapps for the victory of German weapons, and then he could not think about the glory of the enemy, pride in his people helped him: “So that I, a Russian soldier, would drink for the victory of German weapons ?! Is there something you don't want, Herr Commandant? Damn it, I have to die, so you failed with your vodka. " Having drunk then to his death, Andrei takes a bite of a piece of bread, half of which he leaves whole: “I wanted them, the damned ones, to show that although I’m disappearing from hunger, I’m not going to choke on their handouts, that I have my own Russian dignity and pride and that they didn’t turn me into a cattle, no matter how hard they tried ”11, - this is what the primordially Russian soul of the hero says. A moral choice has been made: a challenge to the fascists. A moral victory has been won.

Despite his thirst, Andrei refuses to drink "for the victory of German weapons", does not drink the "black milk" of humiliation and keeps his honor unblemished in this unequal battle, evoking the respect of the enemy: "... You are a real Russian soldier, You are a brave soldier" 12, - says the commandant to Andrey, admiring him. Our hero is a bearer of national character traits - patriotism, humanity, fortitude, fortitude and courage. There were many such heroes during the war years, and each of them performed his duty, which means a feat of life.

The words of the great Russian writer are true: “The Russian people in their history have selected, preserved, elevated to the degree of respect such human qualities that cannot be revised: honesty, hard work, conscientiousness, kindness ... We know how to live. Remember this. Be human". 1

The same human qualities are shown in the work of Kondratyev "Sashka" 13. In this story, the events, as in "The Fate of a Man," take place in wartime. The main character, the soldier Sashka, is indeed a hero. Not the last qualities for him are mercy, kindness, courage. Sashka understands that in battle a German is an enemy and very dangerous, but in captivity he is a man, an unarmed man, an ordinary soldier. The hero deeply sympathizes with the prisoner, wants to help him: "If it weren't for the shelling, they would turn the German on his back, maybe the blood would stop ..." 14 Sasha is very proud of his Russian character, believes that this is what a soldier should do, Man. He opposes himself to the fascists, rejoices for his homeland and the Russian people: “We are not you. We do not shoot prisoners. " He is sure that a person is a person everywhere, he should always remain one: “... Russian people do not scoff at prisoners” 15. Sasha cannot understand how one person can be free over the fate of another, how one can dispose of someone else's life. He knows that no one has the Human Right to do this, that he will not allow himself to do this. Invaluable in Sasha is his great sense of responsibility, even for what he should not be responsible for. Feeling that strange feeling of power over others, of the right to decide whether to live or die, the hero involuntarily shudders: “Sasha even somehow felt uncomfortable ... he wasn’t the kind to scoff at prisoners and unarmed people” 16.

There, in the war, he understood the meaning of the word "must". “We must, Sasha. You see, it is necessary, ”the company commander told him,“ before ordering anything, and Sashka understood that it was necessary, and did everything that was ordered, as it should ”17. The hero is attractive in that he does more than is necessary: ​​something ineradicable in him makes him do it. He does not kill a prisoner by order; wounded, he returns to surrender the machine gun and say goodbye to the soldier brothers; he himself escorts the orderlies to the seriously wounded, in order to know that that person is alive and well. Sasha feels this need in himself. Or is it the command of your conscience? But a different conscience may not command - and confidently prove that it is pure. But there are no two consciences, "conscience" and "other conscience": conscience either exists or it does not exist, just as there are no two "patriotisms". Sashka believed that a Man, and especially he, a Russian, should preserve his honor and dignity in any situation, which means that he must remain a merciful man, honest to himself, just, true to his word. He lives according to the law: he was born a man, so be real inside, and not an outer shell, under which darkness and emptiness ...

III. Questioning.

I tried to identify important moral values ​​for the 10th grade students. For research, I took questionnaires from the Internet (the author is not known). Conducted a survey in grade 10, 15 students participated in the survey.

Mathematical and statistical processing of results.

1. What is morality?

2. What is moral choice?

3. Do you have to cheat in life?

4. Do you help when asked?

5. Will you come to the rescue at any time?

6. Is it good to be alone?

7. Do you know the origin of your last name?

8. Does your family have photographs?

9. Do you have any family heirlooms?

10. Does the family keep letters, postcards?

The survey I conducted showed that moral values ​​are important for many children.


Valor, pride, mercy in a person have been revered since ancient times. And since then, the elders have passed on their instructions to the young, warned against mistakes and dire consequences. Yes, how much time has passed since then, and moral values ​​do not become obsolete, they live in every person. Ever since that time, a person was considered a Human if he could educate himself and possessed such qualities: pride, honor, good nature, firmness. “Do not kill either the right or the guilty, and do not command to kill him,” 18 - Vladimir Monomakh teaches us. The main thing is that a person should be worthy of his life before him. Only then will he be able to change something in his country, around him. Many misfortunes and troubles can happen, but Russian literature teaches us to be strong and to observe "our word, for breaking the oath, destroy your soul" 1, teaches us not to forget about our brothers, to love them as relatives, to respect each other. And the main thing is to remember that you are a Russian person, that you have the strength of heroes, mothers-nurses, the strength of Russia. Andrei Sokolov did not forget about this in captivity, did not turn either himself or his homeland into a laughing stock, did not want to give up his Russia, his children Senya from the story of Rasputin for desecration.

We see what a person, a son and a defender should be like, by the example of Prince Daniel, he gave everything so that his Motherland, country, people would not perish, survive. He also agreed to the condemnations that awaited him after accepting the Tatars' faith, he fulfilled his duty, and it is not for us to judge him.

Bazarov, the hero of the novel by I.S. Turgenev, also a difficult life ahead. And each of us has our own road, on which we must by all means go out, and everyone goes out on it, only someone too late realizes that he is going along it in the other direction ...


A person always has a moral choice. A moral choice is a consciously made decision by a person, it is an answer to the question "What to do?": To pass by or help, deceive or tell the truth, succumb to temptation or resist. Making a moral choice, a person is guided by morality, his own ideas about life. Honor, dignity, conscience, pride, mutual understanding, mutual assistance - these are the qualities that have helped the Russian people at all times to defend their land from enemies. Centuries pass, life in society, society changes, and the person also changes. And now our modern literature is sounding the alarm: the generation is hurt, hurt by unbelief, godlessness ... But Russia exists! This means that there is a Russian person. There are those among today's youth who will revive faith, return moral values ​​to their generation. And our past will be a support and help in all situations, it is from it that you need to learn, moving towards the future.

I didn’t want the work to be an essay, read and forgotten. If, after reading my reflections and "discoveries", at least someone thinks about the meaning of this work, about the purpose of my actions, about questions and appeals to us - to modern society - then she tried not in vain, then this work will not become a "dead weight" , will not gather dust around somewhere in a folder on a shelf. It is in the thoughts, in the mind. Research work is, first of all, your attitude to everything, and only you can develop it and give impetus to further transformations, first in yourself, and then, possibly, in others. I gave this impetus, now it's up to each of us.

To write such a work is half the battle, but to prove that it is really important and necessary, to make it so that it reaches the minds and amazes like a bolt from the blue, delighted, like a problem solved at an unexpected moment, is to do much more difficult.

V. Literature.

  1. M. Sholokhov, "The Fate of a Man", a story, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, Yaroslavl 1979
  2. V. Kondratiev, "Sashka", story, ed. "Education", 1985, Moscow.
  3. "Stories of Russian Chronicles", ed. center "Vityaz", 1993, Moscow.
  4. IS Turgenev "Mumu", ed. "AST", 1999, Nazran.
  5. IN AND. Dal "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People", ed. "Eksmo", 2009
  6. I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve", ed. "AST", 1999, Nazran
  7. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", ed. "Alpha-M", 2003, Moscow.
  8. V.S. Apalkova "History of the Fatherland", ed. "Alpha-M", 2004, Moscow.
  9. A.V. Century "History of Russia from ancient times to the present day", ed. "Modern writer", 2003, Minsk.
  10. NS. Borisov "History of Russia", ed. ROSMEN-PRESS ", 2004, Moscow.
  11. I.A. Isaev "History of the Fatherland", ed. "Yurist", 2000, Moscow.
  12. IN AND. Dal "Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People", ed. Eksmo, 2009
  13. "Stories of Russian Chronicles", ed. Center "Vityaz", 1993, Moscow.
  14. I.S. Turgenev "Mumu", ed. "AST", 1999, Nazran. The story "Mumu" was written in 1852. First published in the journal Sovremennik in 1854.
  15. I.S. Turgenev "On the Eve", ed. "AST", 1999, Nazran. The novel "On the Eve" was written in 1859. In 1860, the work was published.
  16. I. S. Turgenev "On the Eve", ed. "AST", 1999, Nazran
  17. I. S. Turgenev "Stories, stories, poems in prose, criticism and commentary", ed. "AST", 2010, Syzran
  18. I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons", ed. "Alpha-M", 2003, Moscow. The work "Fathers and Sons" was written in 1961 and published in 1862 in the magazine "Russian Bulletin".
  19. I. S. Turgenev "Stories, stories, poems in prose, criticism and commentaries", ed. "AST", 2010, Syzran.
  20. M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", a story, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, Yaroslavl, 1979.
  21. M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", a story, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, Yaroslavl, 1979.
  22. M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", a story, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, Yaroslavl, 1979.
  23. M.A. Sholokhov "The Fate of a Man", a story, Upper Volga Book Publishing House, Yaroslavl, 1979.
  24. The story was published in 1979 in the Druzhba Narodov magazine.
  25. V.L. Kondratyev "Sashka", story, ed. "Education", 1985, Moscow.
  26. V.L. Kondratyev "Sashka", story, ed. "Education", 1985, Moscow
  27. V.L. Kondratyev "Sashka", story, ed. "Education", 1985, Moscow
  28. V.L. Kondratyev "Sashka", story, ed. "Education", 1985, Moscow
  29. "The Teaching of Vladimir Monomakh" is a literary monument of the 12th century, written by the Grand Duke of Kiev Vladimir Monomakh.