Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space. Life of astronauts at orbital stations

Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space.  Life of astronauts at orbital stations
Interesting facts about the life of astronauts in space. Life of astronauts at orbital stations

How to live when it is not clear where is the top, where is the bottom, and objects- even water fly around if not secured?

In the absence of gravity, the liquid does not flow, but takes the form of a ball - well, how can you wash yourself with flying drops? At first, they used wet wipes. They do not disdain them even now, since this is the cheapest way to keep the body clean. In the 1970s on " Salute 6" and SkyLab shower cabins appeared where water droplets were dispersed by vacuum cleaners - a person had to soar in a mask with a breathing tube. But this waste of water turned out to be impractical - they began to wash by hand. Water droplets adhere to the skin and hair due to surface tension, and so, smearing water in small areas, you can wash and wipe off the moisture with a towel. At the station " Peace There was even a sauna. Now RKK« Energy»Plans to deliver to ISS"Sanitary and hygienic block", because the cosmonauts with napkins murmur.

The first cosmonauts used diapers, because in space it is impossible to wash off waste products. Then they came up with the idea of ​​pumping out unnecessary things from a person using a vacuum method - one such vacuum cleaner costs tens of millions of dollars. Here it is very important not to miss the hose, otherwise, we will remind, in zero gravity everything scatters. Depending on the station, the collected urine is sucked into space, where it solidifies in crystals and sparkles beautifully in the sun, or is split into oxygen and water. Solid waste is returned to Earth. By the way, the current cold snap in Russian-American relations has affected the use of ISS toilets: the staff members do not allow our people to relieve themselves in their part of the station and vice versa.

By the way, if you are wondering whether you will fly forward like a rocket rocket, if you fart in zero gravity, then yes, you will, but for a few millimeters - the thrust is not the same.

Dirty laundry also travels to Earth - they don't wash in orbit, they don't learn. NASA even announced a competition for the best way to defeat the problem of space socks, because delivering a clean one into orbit costs tens of thousands of dollars per kilogram. However, worn underpants can be useful: astronaut Donald Pettit grew tomatoes in them because he could not use the soil. And our best minds generally came up with a way to get oxygen for the needs of the ISS with the help of dirty linen - however, the method turned out to be laborious.

Tubes of pate and borscht in the past, since the 1980s, have been delivering freeze-dried food to orbit, where hot water is added on site. The main problem is crumbling bread: in order not to swallow the sweat of the scattered crumbs, the product is packaged for one bite. Well, spreading something on bread is not difficult. Drink by squeezing the liquid directly into the mouth from the bags.

In order not to bump into surrounding objects in a dream, they fix themselves to the walls with straps. And this design has been refined over the years: Alexey Leonov, the first to go into outer space, lamented that he had to stick his head between the instruments so as not to dangle. And once waking up, he did not recognize his own hands, limply flapping before his eyes. What is nice, in the sleeping compartment of the Russian part of the ISS, the Earth is visible through the window, and the Americans in a tightly battened cabin are deprived of the opportunity to admire the views of their great homeland before going to bed.

However, not everyone likes to sleep exclusively at night - and the question of sex in orbit excites mankind continuously, and cosmonauts of both sexes somehow too unanimously sing about moral principles. Astronaut Mike Mullein argues that on shuttles you can only retire in an airlock, from where one step to absolute zero - but the rest would understand who is there and why. Shy, in general.

They don't like to talk about how astronauts live on board spaceships. Orbital life is rather harsh, plus weightlessness. And this is something that no earthly training will teach you ... People endure weightlessness sometimes very hard. The head hurts, the body aches, the face swells. The first woman-cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova flew practically in a stressful state. She was unable to carry out the program and barely returned. True, she herself denies it

Hateful weightlessness

Weightlessness makes cosmic life unbearable. The astronauts' food is finely packaged. Food - for one bite, so as not to leave crumbs. The fact is that any flying crumb or drop, getting into the respiratory tract of one of the crew members, can cause his death.

Compliance with the usual hygiene rules becomes a problem. In orbit, neither wash nor go to the toilet. At one time, several research institutes worked on the issue of space toilets. Until now, in one of the research institutes, Valentina Tereshkova's "bronze backside", created according to an individual cast, has been preserved. All this was done in order to completely exclude the ingress of urine and other unpleasant things into the cabin. After all, the top and bottom in outer space are equivalent, fly as you want.

The cosmonauts also have cabins. These are niches about half a meter wide and deep. The furnishings in the "apartments" are also not luxurious: a sleeping bag hanging on a hook and a mirror. Many astronauts complain that at first they cannot fall asleep due to the lack of the usual horizontal position and bed.

Nothing is lost

Astronauts are often asked how in orbit with personal hygiene. It turns out not easy. At first, the astronauts used only wet wipes, but as the time spent in orbit lengthened, they brought ... a bathhouse into space. This is a special barrel, which has its own "cosmic" features like non-flowing dirty water. Indeed, in order to wash in zero gravity, just one glass of liquid is enough. It spreads over the body, filling in all the irregularities.

But the ACS (in our opinion - a toilet room) works on the principle of a vacuum cleaner. After "flushing" urine is split into oxygen and water, after which these elements again enter the closed cycle of the station (alas, the water there is reusable) ... Solid residues in special containers are thrown into outer space.

Yes, and also, diapers were not invented by the Americans at all, but by ours, and a long time ago and just for "space" purposes.

Daily regime

So that everyday life does not "bother" the astronauts so much, their working day is scheduled literally by the minute. Well, after the end of the working day, the service module easily turns into a gym (you just have to get a treadmill or a bicycle out of the floor) or a wardroom, where the crew members gather at a space table for joint lunches and dinners. There are a lot of rubber bands on the table for securing food.

Space food is quite diverse (the diet is carefully thought out at the Institute of Medical and Biological Problems), but mostly freeze-dried or canned. Cabbage soup and borscht - in tubes, you can't use plates in space. The bread is packaged in small pieces so that they can be sent whole to your mouth.

The astronauts choose their own food from a special menu. Immediately before the flight, they give a tasting and make a wish list for what they want to eat in space.

National cuisine

Eating food is a very important event in the daily life of an astronaut. Therefore, the peculiarities of the national cuisine are preserved in orbit.

So, when the first Chinese astronaut went into space, he took with him traditional Chinese herbs and 20 specially designed dishes. "Chinese cuisine is for the Chinese astronaut," the Chinese news agency Xinhua reported.

The NASA-approved daily astronaut menu includes American favorites such as meat and mashed potatoes, chicken pie, pancakes, and pumpkin pie. And in keeping with American tradition, astronauts stock up on bags of candy, cookies, and other sweets.

The menu for Russian cosmonauts looks like this:

* First breakfast: biscuit, lemon tea or coffee.

* Second breakfast: pork (beef), juice, bread.

* Lunch: chicken broth, prunes with nuts, juice (or milk soup with vegetables, ice cream and chocolate).

* Dinner: pork with mashed potatoes, biscuits, cheese, milk.


If we talk about equipment, the spacesuits are used only when the station is put into orbit, during docking or undocking, and landing. And the rest of the time the cosmonauts wear more comfortable clothes: overalls with straps (so that the clothes do not lift up in zero gravity), which are individually sewn for astronauts, long T-shirts, shirts. Natural cotton is usually used for sewing clothes. On the work suits of astronauts, you can find many pockets, which are located in precisely calibrated places. For example, slanting breast pockets on overalls appeared as a result of the fact that astronauts constantly tried to shove something in their bosoms so that these things would not fly around the station. Other pockets, wide on the lower part of the lower leg, appeared due to the fact that it is most convenient for a person in zero gravity to be in the fetal position. Also, astronauts never use buttons in their clothes, which can come off and fly around the station.

For objective reasons, washing on board is impossible, so the used items of the astronauts' wardrobe are loaded into a special ship, then it is undocked from the station, and it burns up in the atmosphere.

Astronauts practically do not use footwear in orbit, except for sports, where they wear leather sneakers with a solid instep support. Special socks are used instead of shoes.

"Volyna" for an astronaut

The astronauts also have weapons. True, it is not intended to fight aliens. Since 1986 and until recently, all Soviet and Russian space crews were sent into space with TP-82 three-barreled pistols.

The TP-82 pistol is a non-automatic hunting pistol that has two upper horizontal smooth barrels of 32 hunting caliber and a 5.45 mm rifled barrel located under them. Also TP-82 can be converted into a sapper blade.

In the service instructions, the astronauts were allowed to use a pistol to protect themselves from dangerous animals and criminals, to hunt for food and to send light signals in case of landing in a deserted area.

However, several years ago, the astronauts began to issue ordinary service weapons, and this happened due to the fact that the ammunition sets intended for the TP-82 were so outdated that they became unusable, and new cartridges are no longer produced.

Orbital sores

Contrary to the stereotype that people with good health are sent into space, anything happened. Recently, some anonymous stories of astronauts were published about how serious enough diseases were "hushed up" so that the flight was not interrupted.

All in all, due to illness of the crew members, flights were stopped three times.

So, it was necessary to interrupt the flight of Boris Volynov and Vitaly Zholobov, who began work on the Salyut-5 orbital station in July 1976. After a while, the astronauts smelled a strange smell: there was a suspicion that during the ejection through the airlock of a container with household waste, vapors of poisonous heptyl had penetrated into the living quarters. The well-being of the crew has noticeably deteriorated. And in August, another emergency occurred - the lights turned off, the devices and fans turned off - the station looked like a dead house and lost its orientation. The crew managed to return "Salyut-5" to operating mode, but the strongest stress did not pass without leaving a trace for Vitaly Zholobov: he had the most excruciating headaches, he stopped sleeping, could not work. Then the order came from the Earth: an urgent landing! Instead of 60 days, the flight lasted 49.

Another incident occurred at the Salyut-7 orbital station in 1985. Commander - 33-year-old Air Force Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Vasyutin, flight engineer Viktor Savinykh and cosmonaut-researcher Alexander Volkov were supposed to work in space for six months. But two months later, commander Vasyutin fell seriously ill. Since his state of health was rapidly deteriorating, and it was impossible to reduce the severity of the disease with the help of the drugs on board, it was decided to urgently stop the flight. The crew returned to Earth not after six months, but after 65 days.

Previously, the cosmonaut did not take off his spacesuit throughout the entire flight. Now, in everyday life, he wears a T-shirt with shorts or a jumpsuit. Orbit jerseys in six colors to choose from according to your mood. Instead of buttons - zippers and Velcro: they will not come off. The more pockets the better. Slant chest pads allow you to quickly hide items so that they do not scatter in zero gravity. Wide shin pockets are convenient because astronauts often assume the fetal position. Thick socks are worn instead of shoes.


The first astronauts put on diapers. They are still used now, but only during spacewalk and during takeoff and landing. The development of a waste disposal system began at the dawn of astronautics. The toilet works like a vacuum cleaner. The thin air stream sucks in the waste, while it enters the bag, which is then unfastened and thrown into the container. Another takes its place. Filled containers are sent into outer space - they burn up in the atmosphere. At the Mir station, liquid waste was purified and transformed into drinking water. Wet wipes and towels are used for body hygiene. Although "shower cabins" have also been developed.


Food tubes have become a symbol of the cosmic lifestyle. They began to be made in Estonia in the 1960s. Squeezing out of the tubes, the astronauts ate chicken fillet, beef tongue and even borscht. In the 80s, sublimated products began to be delivered to orbit - up to 98% of water was removed from them, which significantly reduces mass and volume. Hot water is poured into the bag with the dry mixture - and lunch is ready. They eat canned food on the ISS. The bread is packed in small loaves for one bite so that the crumbs do not fly around the compartment: this is fraught with problems. The kitchen counter has holders for containers and cutlery. It also uses a "suitcase" for heating food.


In zero gravity, it doesn't matter where to sleep, the main thing is to securely fix the body. On the ISS, sleeping bags with zippers are attached directly to the walls. By the way, in the cabins of Russian cosmonauts there are windows that allow you to admire the view of the Earth before going to bed. And the Americans have no "windows". The cabin contains personal belongings, photos of relatives, music players. All small objects (tools, pencils, etc.) are either slipped under special rubber bands on the walls, or fastened with Velcro. For this, the walls of the ISS are pasted over with a fleecy material. There are also many handrails at the station.


Vladimir Solovyov, ISS Russian Segment Flight Director:

- The life of astronauts has improved significantly. On board the ISS there is the Internet, the ability to send messages and read news. Communication means allow astronauts to connect with their family and friends over the phone. There are always a lot of products at the station. Moreover, the astronauts choose the menu for themselves.

Borsch, mashed potatoes, pasta can be made from freeze-dried products. The tubes now contain only juice and a small set of food used on the approach to the station.

We also send fresh food with every cargo ship. Astronauts live a fulfilling life. The only thing that gets in the way is the noise of the fans. They work all the time, but you can't live without them.

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Life outside the planet - on a space station - is associated not only with dreams and unprecedented fantasies, but also with real everyday tasks that seem trifling to ordinary people, and astronauts have to spend a lot of effort to overcome them.

site learned all the details of organizing the life of the space crew.

1. Almost at home

4. How to eat?

The well-known food in tubes for astronauts is no longer in vogue, now they eat food, pre-dehydrated, for the preparation of which you just need to add water. The menu is chosen by itself, having previously tested it on Earth, it includes a wide variety of dishes: pork with pepper, beef, chicken soup, juice, and even ice cream and chocolate.

Salt and pepper, by the way, are made in the form of a liquid so that the grains do not interfere with breathing.

5. Shower on board

Instead of a shower, astronauts used to use wet wipes and sponges, now the station is equipped with a special bath or a cover, a device for collecting moisture and attachments for fixing human legs is installed on the lower part. water is refillable.

6. How the toilet works

The organization of hygiene and toilet is a rather complicated process, which the astronauts themselves do not like to talk about. Water, for example, is reusable, and the waste is split into oxygen and water and sent into a closed cycle. As for the personal hygiene device, or, more simply, the toilet, it was first designed for each cosmonaut individually, precisely observed the proportions of the body so that the liquid could not enter the air. Individual toilets are not used now. The station now has only 2 toilets, also working on the principle of a vacuum cleaner, and each costs about $ 19 million.

7. Difficult, but possible

Sex in space is possible, but unsafe, and all because of gravity. Despite this, continuation of the genus in orbit is impossible. Research on breeding offspring with quail chicks showed that they could not eat and did not orient themselves in space, the surviving chicks did not bear the stress during planting.