Installation: what is it. What is a toilet installation and how to choose a suitable model How to draw an installation

Installation: what is it.  What is a toilet installation and how to choose a suitable model How to draw an installation
Installation: what is it. What is a toilet installation and how to choose a suitable model How to draw an installation

Creative experiment

at the lessons of fine arts in the 7th grade.


Installation(English installation - installation, placement, installation) is a form of modern art, which is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (natural objects, industrial and household items, fragments of text and visual information) and is an artistic whole. Entering into various extraordinary combinations, a thing is freed from its practical function, acquiring a symbolic function. Changing contexts creates semantic modifications, a play of meanings. The size of installations varies from extremely small, where you can only look with one eye, to several rooms in large museums. The installation, in contrast to flat paintings and single objects, focuses on creating an interior space.

In the textbook on the fine arts of the Nemensky school for the 7th-8th grade, not a lot of information is devoted to the installation. However, it is enough to provide students with an idea of ​​this modern art form and to generate interest.

I decided to plan a series of lessons as an experiment for 7th grade children on the topic: "Panel - installation", and see:

    What topics will students choose for their work

    What materials will be used

    What emotional load will their panels carry?

    How developed are fantasy and imagination in children

    What direction from life experience will be reflected in the work

    How aesthetically pleasing, neat, harmonious and tasteful they will be.

I also explained to the children that the most interesting works will be considered final for the course of the 7th grade, and will be highly appreciated.

First lesson plan:

Goals: to acquaint children with the installation - a new form of contemporary art;

To give an idea of ​​the variety of installations in the modern art world.

Tasks: to decide on the choice of a topic for future work;

Think over the materials and their location;

Draw up a preliminary sketch.

    Introductory part -3 min

    Watching the video: "Types of installations in contemporary art" -8 min

    Choosing a topic from those suggested by the teacher: 4 min.

    • Electronics



    • Trips

      Countries and peoples



      Machines and mechanisms

      Stones and minerals



    • Sewing business


      Other of your choice

4.Practical work - drawing up a sketch -25 min

5. the final part - a consultation with a teacher, assessment of sketches - 5 min.

Materials: album, simple pencil.

Homework: prepare material for the next lesson according to the planned work.

Second lesson plan:

Goals: to acquaint children with the rules for working with waste material;

Tasks: to teach the ability to distribute material along the plane of the panel according to the sketch;

Use different types of adhesives while following safety precautions.

1. Introductory part -3 min

2.Practical work - performing a panel -40 min

a) Fulfillment of the background of the background -10 min

b) Detailing with foreground objects -30 min

5. The final part - keeping the work dry -2 min.

Materials: sketchbook, waste material: sewing accessories, furniture accessories, dry plants, badges, brooches, beads, boxes, bubbles from nail polish, lipsticks, broken mobile phones and gadgets, medals, coins, mini-toys, fabric, plastic, metal products, old crafts, photographs, illustrations, etc .; glue - Moment, Dragon, Master, PVA, etc.

Homework: To finish the job, sketch out a plan for protecting your job:

    Why did you choose this topic?

    Job title?

    What materials did you use?

    Where can you apply a ready-made panel?

Third lesson plan:

Goals: Orient students to public speaking, to defend their own creative work.

Tasks: to teach children to determine the significance of their work, to logically confirm the choice of a topic and the selection of material, to give a name to their creative work and to determine its further application.

    Introductory part - 1 min

    Work protection - 2 minutes for each work (40 minutes)

    The final part is the assignment of marks, taking into account the opinion of the team of classmates.

Of the best works in the hall of the institution, an exhibition is organized with an educational stand - information about the art of installation.

Conclusions: In the course of a creative experiment, we managed to find out the following:

    Children are interested in the theme of the installation, they were happy to do the job.

    At home, the guys have accumulated a lot of old small unnecessary things that are a pity to throw away, and they can be used to make many interesting installations.

    In the work on the panel, the creative abilities of those children were revealed to whom lessons in painting and graphics are given with difficulty, and there is no particular interest in the subject.

    The girls mainly chose topics: fashion, music, nature, cosmetics, cooking, sewing, family, animals. The boys worked in the following directions: electronics, sports, tourism, cars and mechanisms, travel, friends. There was a series of unexpected topics: a quarrel, the world of dinosaurs, space, grandma's secrets, table setting, baby.

    The guys presented their works with pleasure, but many were ashamed of public speaking, there are guys with speech problems and it was difficult for them to meet the regulations.

    Some guys found it difficult to decide on the name of their work. But everyone decided on the further application: I will give it to mom, dad, grandmother, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, etc.; decorate the kitchen, living room, bedroom, corridor, etc .; parents will decorate the workplace, office, salon, etc.; I will give it to a friend, friend.

And the surrealists. Artists from different directions created installations, among them one can name: Robert Rauschenberg, Jim Dine, Ilya Kabakov, Joseph Beuys, Yannis Kounellis and many others. The main goal of the installation is to create, in a certain amount, a special artistic and semantic space, built on an extraordinary combination of trivial things, revealing in them new semantic meanings and sensual qualities hidden from ordinary perception. The thing, freeing itself from its utilitarianism, acquires a symbolic character, and the transformed environment and the change of contexts give the space a different semantic load and significance. The development of scientific and technological progress, the possibilities of video technology, computer technologies have helped to develop new types of installations, including video installations.

Installation types

  • The installation can be characterized as a self-valuable symbolic decoration created at a certain time under a certain name. It is important that the viewer does not contemplate the installation from the outside, like a painting, but finds himself inside it.
  • Some installations are close to sculpture, but differ from the latter in that they are not sculpted, but assembled from dissimilar materials, often of industrial origin.

Installation Wizards

  • Massimo Taccon
  • Vela, Elisabeth Veshbitska
  • Spencer tunick
  • Barbara kruger
  • Lee bul
  • Junichi Kakizaki
  • Misha kuball
  • Diller + Scofidio
  • Christo et Jeanne-Claude
  • Anish kapoor
  • Wim delvoye
  • Gary hill
  • Vanessa beecroft
  • Wolf vostell
  • Ange leccia
  • Norman dilworth
  • Ruediger john

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See what "Installation (in art)" is in other dictionaries:

    The process of installing a software product on a specific machine, for a specific user. Installation is carried out using a special program supplied by the developer. Installation in art is a spatial composition created by ... ... Business glossary

    AND; f. [from English. installation installation]. 1. Claim. In contemporary art: a work created from various materials, products, objects in the form of what l. composition, organizing the space in a special way. 2. what. Inform. Installation of what l. ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    I w. 1. Installing software on the hard disk of your computer. 2. Connect hardware device or network equipment to your computer. II f. Composition from a simple, short-lived, poor material: natural concrete or ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    In art (English installation - installation), the term for the designation of works of avant-garde art, which is an assemblage or construction, which can consist of several parts and is designed to be placed in a specific ... ... Art encyclopedia

    installation- (1 g), R., D., Pr. installation / s; pl. installations, R. installations (in art) ... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

    installation- and; (from English installation installation); f. 1) claim. In contemporary art: a work created from various materials, products, objects in the form of what l. composition, organizing the space in a special way. 2) what inform. Installation of what l. ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    - (from lat. future) one of the main directions in the art of the avant-garde early. 20th century It was most fully realized in the visual and verbal arts of Italy and Russia. Started with publishing in Paris. to the newspaper "Figaro" 20 Feb. 1909 ... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    This term has other meanings, see PG. Group "PG" is a creative association, formed in 2000. It included and collaborated with many artists, musicians and writers. At the moment the group includes Ilya ... ... Wikipedia

    Group "PG" is a creative association, formed in 2000. It included and collaborated with many artists, musicians and writers. The association published a magazine named after itself, participated in many exhibitions, including well-known ... Wikipedia

    Date of birth: 1977 (1977) Place of birth: Shanghai, China Genre: painting, sculpture ... Wikipedia


  • Color + Shape. Art of the 20-21 centuries. Painting. Sculpture. Installation. Land art. Digital art, Efimov Andrey Vladimirovich, The book of the professor of the Moscow Architectural Institute, Doctor of Architecture Andrey Efimov is devoted to the problem of the interaction of "color and form in the art of the 20th and 21st centuries. A clear systematic approach ... Category: Culturology. Art history Publisher: BuxMart,

Presentation on the topic: "Installation"

Completed by: Shaykhullin Usman

Checked by: Mukhametshina L.G.

Almetyevsk, 2012

Installation is a spatial composition created from various ready-made materials and forms (industrial and household items, natural objects, fragments of text and visual information). Entering into extraordinary combinations, a thing is freed from its utilitarian function, acquiring a symbolic function. Changing contexts creates semantic transformations, a play of meanings. One of the central concepts for the designation of contemporary works of art. Usually refers to spatial compositions built or assembled (mounted) from a wide variety of things and objects, both created by the artist and taken in finished form for utilitarian purposes (household items, industrial machines, devices or structures, ready-made dresses, children's toys, etc.) . NS.)

Geometric installation by Esther Stocker

Esther Stoker did

stunning geometric installation that can be explored by the viewer. It seems that the construction of each piece was done with a strange equation resulting in unusual linear patterns and plans.

Installation with cells in Sydney

An interesting installation can be seen in the center of Sydney "Songs Forgotten"... This project was created in 2009 by artist Michael Thomas Hill and features 110 empty birdcages suspended high in the air, singing the songs of fifty birds that once lived in central Sydney before the urbanization of the area. Sounds change day and night, representing the songs of day and night birds.

Installation Lexus CT Umbra

Lexus teamed up with Los Angeles-based design studio Nondesign to create an installation in the form of the new Lexus CT 200h hybrid. The composition is part of the Darker Side of Green campaign to attract attention and promote the use of advanced environmental technologies. The viewer, walking around the perimeter of this installation, created from two and a half thousand aluminum rods, exactly following the contours of the Lexus CT 200h, can observe how the color of the composition changes from luxurious and luxurious gold to ecological green.

Ana Soler Tennis Balls

Ana Soler- someone like a maximalist in the art scene. Her last job is Causa-Efecto represents 2,000 tennis balls suspended and carefully aligned in the flight path. They seem to bounce in the air. Installation installed in an art gallery Mustang in Alicante, Spain.

Thank you for the attention!


1.Video from Youtube, user chaskorru

2. Information from the sites Wikipedia and

Installation is an art form in which the creator creates a spatial composition from various details, for example, natural elements, household and industrial products, textual information and other materials. Such a composition is a non-standard combination of ordinary things and, often, carries a certain social, rebellious or other symbolic meaning.

The founders of installation art are the Dadaist Marcel Duchamp and the Surrealists. The word "installation" itself comes from the English "to install", which in translation means "to install" or "installation", which means installation, installation. We advise you to read -.

This, in essence, describes the process of creating an installation, which is precisely composed of a set of individual elements, assembled, and not drawn or written.

When creating installations, artists pursue the goal of drawing the viewer's attention to other facets of everyday things, making them find a new meaning in the most familiar, for example, in a fork or doorknob.

And, looking at an ordinary thing from a different angle, the viewer will open the artist's message, the message, with that important information that he longs to convey to people: this may be an attempt to draw attention to an urgent world problem, social needs, tragic events ...

The attitude to this genre of art in the world is ambiguous, and often even contradictory. Other installations simply cannot be characterized as a work of art and, at best, they cause bewilderment, at worst, disgust. People are not always able to discover for themselves the message that the artist put into the creation. But, in fairness, I must say that not every artist leaves this message, some are simply trying to attract attention to themselves in such a non-standard outrageous way.

Some of the installations are really interesting and noteworthy. Such works are capable of evoking a whole storm of emotions, leaving an indelible, enthusiastic impression on the viewer, making them see things as they did not imagine them before.

This effect is also achieved due to the fact that the installation is a three-dimensional object, more familiar to the human eye than the two-dimensional space of a painting. The installation has more materiality, therefore it has a wide range of means of influencing the feelings and emotions of a person.

What is the essence of the installation? Everything is quite simple - you need to find the hidden meaning of each element, each thing. The installation is designed to demonstrate to a person how many-sided the objects that surround him are, how many hidden features are in them, how many unexpected facets are hidden in them.

The adherents of the installation are able to find art in everything, because the installation is not just something flashy, provoking and attracting attention in all ways. A feature of this art is the ability to show that any object in the world is beautiful and unique in its own way, each thing ever created has a special meaning.

The installation principle is a constant search for the essence of things and symbols hidden in them. This art invites the creator and the viewer to become these things, penetrate them, live their life, understand them from the inside, hear their thoughts, understand their character and essence.

This reveals another feature of this genre - each person finds his own meaning in a single thing. For each individual, installations will have their own symbolism. This makes the creations unique in their kind.

Through the shape of the object, its color, volume, texture, you can plunge into its essence. Using ordinary materials, installers give them a new color or a new shape, highlight accents and thereby try to endow the object with the necessary meaning, which the viewer must find and understand.

Nowadays, the installation has a variety of forms. The most popular is sculpture. Individual installations are selected very close to the sculpture, but, unlike the latter, they are not sculpted, but assembled from various materials of industrial or natural origin.

The founders of the installation are considered the surrealists, the most famous of whom is, of course, Salvador Dali. His installations were magnificent, shocking and made an unforgettable impression. The work of the master to this day is an inexhaustible source of inspiration for a great number of installers around the world.

Installations are created from everything in the world: from plasticine, televisions, tree vines, boulders. You can also find installations with antique details. The material is not so much important here as the flight of thought, associativity and richness of the creator's imagination.

Not so long ago, for example, a work by Tracey Emin, an English artist, was sold at Christie’s auction. Her creation is an unkempt spread bed, around which rubbish and all kinds of rubbish are lying around. And in the northern capital of Russia, the city of St. Petersburg, on the Hare Island, there is an installation by the sculptor Florentin Hoffmann - a huge hare resting on the grass.

Many modern installations can be characterized as harmonious and aesthetic, not all works of this genre are provocative.

With the development of modern technologies, such a type of installation as video installation or video art has appeared, which also occupies its own niche in contemporary art. The installation fits well with classical architecture. And she received the most complete expression in the directions of minimalism and postmodernism, so successfully combined with the essence of the genre.

The art of installation can be compared to pizza: everything that is at hand is suitable for it, but it does not necessarily require cheese and tomatoes, it has more freedom than an Italian dish.

Despite the fact that for the last 15-20 years this universal and capacious genre of art has taken its rightful place in our country, the installation does not receive much distribution, since it is of a non-commercial nature. The authors of most of the works presented in this article are Regina and Ildar Arslanovs from Ufa. We advise you to read.

Installations are one of the most expressive types of creativity. Especially, in the modern world, full of bad taste and repetitive pigs, pouring plagiarism. In such an environment, the best thing is to make a selection of wonderful installations according to the version of some art site.

1. Banksy's phone booth.

To make a successful parody of the British authorities' cancellation of the classic red London telephone booths, an unknown British guerrilla designer-installer Banksy(Banksy) decided to punch through this particular booth with an ax. (photo above)

2. Transformer in real life, version of Reymond's.

One of the most famous works of the French artist Guillaume reymond is this series of performances called " TRANSFORMERS", gathered in itself many different vehicles, setting them on the road according to its own, surprisingly accurate choreographic outline, and creating the illusion of a living heavenly huge transforming robot.

3. Working with branches and twigs from Dougherty "s.

Painter Patrick dougherty(Patrick Dougherty) creates fantastic sculptures, huts and all sorts of other interesting things from branches, twigs and stumps. The one above in the photo is called the Na Hale 'o waiai, which translated from Hawaiian means "Wild dwellings and creatures built from strawberry guava."

4. Tunnel House Havel "s.

Dan havel(Dan Havel) and Dean Ruck(Dean Ruck), artists from Houston created something from the tunnels that they called "Inversion"... Using planks from the outside of the house, they created a funnel-shaped tunnel between the two houses, opening a small hole into the adjoining backyard. It is likely that this is a very successful example of a self-beloved test of passing through a black hole without the final effect of dissolving oneself to quantum insignificance.

5. Ice sculptures of melting people from Azevedo "s.

Brazilian artist Nele azevedo(Nele Azevedo) created hundreds of seated human figures out of ice. The installation lasted until the last man melted in the heat of the day.

6. Mortimer's public prayer booth.

Combining a phone booth with a prayer booth, Dylan mortimer(Dylan Mortimer), an artist from Kansas City created an installation called "Public Prayer Booth"... If you ever walk by, you can kneel down and just pray.

7. Drunk art from Broecker "s.

Drinking in the name of art ... It's better not to think of an excuse! With this "interactive installation" by Hannes broecker(Hanne Broker), the museum that hosted the exhibition and presentation of the installation, invites visitors to walk up to the containers of booze and take a sip or two.

8. The building is entirely made of Salcedo "s.

This stunning creation was created by a Colombian sculptor Doris salcedo(Doris Salsedo) for the International Exhibition of the Biennale in Istanbul in 2003. She used more than 1,550 chairs crammed into the empty space between the two buildings.

9. Verdonck's Giant Nest.

Belgian artist Benjamin verdonck(Benjamin Verdonk) created a huge nest on the tower Rotterdam Weena, which did not even last long there as an installation called "The Great Swallow"("Great Swallow").

10. Panels of streaming traffic Lerner "s.

This is an interactive art installation in Munich by authorship Markus Lerner(Markus Lerner) for Osram, Germany. Interactive panels respond to streaming traffic on a nearby highway. It is interesting to see how the flows of traffic that inspired the author have poured into such an installation, but the reaction of motorists-users of the track along which these panels are installed does not seem to react very much to the beauty nearby. You can see the installation in action in this video: