Ivan's name day, Ivan's angel's day. Ivan's birthday, congratulations to Ivan

Ivan's name day, Ivan's angel's day.  Ivan's birthday, congratulations to Ivan
Ivan's name day, Ivan's angel's day. Ivan's birthday, congratulations to Ivan

When, according to the church calendar, Ivan's name day: May 21, October 9 - John the Theologian, apostle from 12, evangelist; January 13, July 11 John of Alexandria, martyr; February 9, September 27 - John Chrysostom, Constantinople, Ecumenical teacher; January 20, July 7, September 11 - John the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord

Characteristics of the birthday boy Ivan:

From the Hebrew language - "the grace of God." The borrowed name, both in Russian and in other European languages, unusually took root and, having acquired a different sound appearance, went very far from the original source. It has become one of the most beloved everywhere, has turned from Jokanaan (Hebrew), John (Ancient Greek) into a typically Russian Ivan, a typically French Jean, a typically English John. It is curious that in many countries the bearer of this name has become a characteristic folk type: Ivanushka and "Russian Ivan" - in the mouths of foreigners.

Ivan has a powerful energy that follows this name for many centuries. So, the evangelist John, the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ, along with Peter, occupies a central place among the twelve apostles. John the Baptist - the last in a series of prophets, heralds of the coming of the messiah, the immediate predecessor of Jesus Christ

Ivan has a broad nature, a good disposition and a bright, intelligent head. Among the Ivans you can meet excellent workers, scientists or ... loafers and drunkards. Ivan is always open and responsive, loves wide feasts, treats people simply and trustingly. However, he can be stubborn when it comes to his vested interests. Ivan values ​​​​his family, but he will not miss a single pretty “skirt”. Ivan is not greedy, he loves his children. They just love him

Congratulations on Ivan's birthday:

Do not forget to celebrate Ivan's name day and congratulate Ivan on the day of the angel.

I wish you prosperity

inspiration, success, love

On the name day today I, Vanya,

And most importantly, keep happiness!

He is very versatile

And inquisitive beyond measure.

Ivan, who wants to be,

He can handle everything skillfully.

Oh yes, like our Ivan

Celebrates a name day today.

I called everyone to the table,

Walk around will be enviable.

He is so different

He's terribly changeable.

But I love you, I won't change

Best in the world Vanya!

Your Angel is given to you by God,

To protect you, Ivan.

And he keeps you all his life

From stupid quarrels and from insults.

He helps to live lightly,

Gives good luck and warmth.

And on the brightest name day

Confess to him that you love him.

Put a candle under the image

And look into his eyes

Try and understand

The one who is called to protect.

When your angel, your saint

This day celebrates with you

We are glad to congratulate you

I love both so much!

Today, many traditions have been revived that seemed lost forever during the years of Soviet power with its attitude to religion. Among them is the custom of congratulating each other on name days. The only trouble is that today we do not always know what days it is appropriate to do this. In this article we will try to figure out when to congratulate everyone who bears the name Ivan, whose angel's day (name day) is found in the Orthodox calendar more than a hundred times.

Russian name born in Palestine

According to researchers, the name Ivan, so common among us and always considered primordially Russian, is actually borrowed from Hebrew, where it sounds like Yohanan (יוחנן), which is usually translated by the expression: “Yahweh (God) had mercy” or “Yahweh took pity.”

Appearing in the Middle East, this name has gained extraordinary popularity among the Slavic and a number of other peoples. In particular, in its main form - Ivan - it is widespread among Croats, Gagauz, Serbs, Macedonians, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Slovenes, Bulgarians and, of course, Russians.

The name that stepped into the world

In the second half of the 20th century, due to the establishment of closer international contacts, the fashion for the name Ivan spread to many English-speaking, Portuguese-speaking and Spanish-speaking countries, among which the main place is occupied by the states of Latin America. In them, it acquired a characteristic sound for each nation, for example, Ivan or Evan.

It is known that often the most common name in a particular people is used to refer to an entire nation. For example, during the Second World War, the Germans called all Russians Ivan, regardless of the real name. At the same time, our compatriots themselves called them Fritz - from the common name Fritz in Germany. In literature, and especially in non-fiction, you can find the name Tommy to refer to the English.

Broken Tradition

Well, when is Ivan's name day celebrated according to the Orthodox calendar, when to congratulate the owners of this most popular name in Russia? To answer this question, everyone should know one important thing - name days are celebrated on the day when the church celebrates the memory of the saint whose name he bears. But a new question immediately arises - since this name has always been common, there have been a lot of saints who have worn it throughout the history of the church, and there are more than a hundred days of their commemoration in the church calendar - which one to choose? When, for example, should Ivan celebrate his name day?

Orthodox name days in former times coincided with a birthday, and this happened for the following reason. It was customary, when giving a name to a newborn, first of all to look into the calendar and find out which saints are commemorated on the day he was born. The child was named after one of them, and this saint was considered his guardian angel. Thus, birthdays and name days were always celebrated on the same day.

During the years of Soviet godlessness, this custom was forgotten, and the names of newborns were given according to the imagination of the parents and the vagaries of changeable fashion. Thus, in our days, Ivan's name day according to the church calendar and the birthdays of the owners of this name, as a rule, do not coincide. How to be?


In order to somehow streamline the situation and not leave its flock without angelic protection, the Church offered us the only possible option - to celebrate name days on the feast of the saint closest to the birthday, whose name we bear.

As an exception: if a person wishes to have as a guardian angel any other saint of the same name, whose day is not the closest on the calendar, then for this he is recommended to ask for a blessing from his parish priest, of course, if he attends church.

As mentioned above, Ivan's name days are celebrated more than a hundred times a year, so the choice is very wide. Since the scope of this article does not allow us to talk in detail about all the saints of God who bear this name, we will dwell in more detail only on some of them.

Holy Forerunner of the Savior

Undoubtedly, the most famous and prominent representative of the host of saints bearing this name is John the Baptist, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, who predicted the imminent coming of the Messiah. An inhabitant of the desert, whose youth passed in an atmosphere of the strictest asceticism, he called the Jews to repentance in the name of the coming Kingdom of Heaven.

Immersing them in the waters of the Jordan River, St. John performed sacred ablutions, symbolizing cleansing from sins. He also performed this rite on the Savior who appeared to the world. No wonder Ivan's name day, associated with the days of veneration of this saint, can be celebrated seven times a year: January 20, March 9, June 7, July 7, September 11, October 6 and October 25.

Beloved Disciple of Jesus

Another New Testament owner of this name is the closest disciple of Christ, the youngest of his associates and, apparently, the most beloved - the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. He wrote not only one of the four canonical (recognized by the church) Gospels, but also the famous book "The Revelation of John the Theologian", also known as the "Apocalypse", and two apostolic letters included in the New Testament.

Being in the days of Christ's earthly life next to his Teacher, after his ascension to heaven, he went a long way, preaching the word of God to the pagans, and the only one of the twelve apostles was honored to die a non-violent death. The modern owners of this name, who have chosen the holy evangelist as their heavenly patron, celebrate Ivan's name day on one of the following days: May 21, July 13 and October 9. In the Catholic Church, December 27 is added to the dates listed.

Author of the Divine Liturgy

They are also celebrated on the days when the Orthodox world celebrates the memory of one of the three ecumenical saints and teachers of the church - St. John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople. His name is on a par with such pillars of the church as Basil the Great and Gregory the Theologian. Being an outstanding preacher and theologian, he left behind many works that are studied today in all theological schools.

His most famous creation is the Divine Liturgy of the Eastern, or as it is called, the Byzantine rite. According to tradition, it is divided into two parts, called the Liturgy of the Catechumens and the Liturgy of the Faithful. People who are churched or at least periodically attend church are well acquainted with it, since it is performed almost daily. The Russian Orthodox Church celebrates his memory three times a year: on February 9 and 12, and also on November 26.

Righteous from the Baltic Shores

And, finally, it is impossible not to remember our Russian saint of God, beloved and revered by the people - the holy righteous John of Kronstadt, whose memory is celebrated on January 2 and July 14. During the days of his earthly life, he gained fame as an outstanding preacher, spiritual writer, church and public, and also a social figure who adhered to extreme monarchist views, for which he was extremely negatively evaluated by Soviet propaganda.

As rector of St. Andrew's Naval Cathedral in Kronstadt, Father John was an honorary member of the Imperial Palestinian Society and personal confessor of Tsar Alexander III. It is undeniable that by the beginning of the 20th century he had become the most famous and authoritative figure in the Russian Orthodox Church.

Meanwhile, in life, the priest was always a non-possessor and an ascetic. Huge amounts of money received by him from wealthy donors, he invariably used for the needs of the diocese. The monument to the holy righteous man is the Ioannovsky Convent erected at his expense in St. Petersburg. Resurrected after decades of Bolshevik desecration, it once again became one of the spiritual centers of Russia.


As mentioned above, Ivan's name day can be celebrated on a variety of days of the year, and it is not difficult to obtain detailed information about them by looking at the church calendar. The main thing is not to forget about them and congratulate your relatives and friends in time, thus showing them a warm and attentive attitude.

Ivan - one of the most common male names among many peoples, the day of the angel can be celebrated on one of the days indicated in the list. There are several of them every month, so there are no difficulties with choosing a name day.

The main days of memory of the following saints are considered:

  • January 20, September 11, July 7 - John the Baptist (Prophet, Baptist).
  • 09.02., 12.02., 27.09. - John Chrysostom.
  • 21.05., 03.07., 09.10. - John the Evangelist.

In addition to those indicated, many Christian figures canonized by the church are represented.

Full church uniform

Ivan is a word from Hebrew. roots, means Jokanaan the mercy of God. Today it sounds completely different from the original. John - this is the church form, that was the name of one of the evangelists who were among the favorite disciples of the Lord. Of the 12 apostles, it occupies one of the central places. It is considered the forerunner, forerunner of Jesus Christ.

There are many modern synonyms:

  • Jean (France).
  • Ivan (Russia, Ukraine, Belarus).
  • John (England).

Characteristics of a man named Ivan

The owner has a wide soul, a cheerful nature. Not stupid, kind, sociable. He is characterized by openness, excessive gullibility. Can be stubborn if vested interests are affected. Good family man. Loving, very loving dad. Never skimp. She values ​​marriage, but is not averse to sometimes turning aside.
It is believed that such a man is difficult to figure out. Not predictable. It is capable of coexisting with several opposite qualities at once. Friends are always around. If busy with business, then immediately not one. Any job is suitable, as long as it is to your liking.
He does not forgive jokes on himself, he can cross out many years of communication with the unsuccessful wit of the interlocutor. He chooses his wife carefully. Not jealous, he trusts his wife, although he considers himself free in many respects. Children are usually more than one.

History of the saints

John Chrysostom

  • 09.02.
  • 27.09.
  • 26.11.

Born in Antioch in the 4th century. Orphaned early, raised only by a young mother. From a young age he studied the Holy Scriptures. After the death of his mother, he accepted monasticism. Began to write. He owns many written works. Lived in a cave, was silent for 2 years. Upon his return, he was ordained a deacon. He continued to work on theological books. Having become a presbyter, he showed brilliant oratory skills, for which he was nicknamed Chrysostom.

In the capital, as a patriarch, he perfected the spiritual priesthood. He gave the money he received to hospitals, to support pilgrims.

Defending the offended, he fell into disfavor with the empress. He was tried for insulting him, they wanted to execute him, but they expelled him from the country. At this moment, the only heir to the throne dies, and an earthquake occurs in the city. John Chrysostom is returned back. A couple of months later they are driven out of the country again. The patient, insulting, humiliating, is sent to Abkhazia, where he gets 3 months. In Komany 14.09. he passed away. Before his death, he said: Thank God for everything! Was buried there.

After 31 years, the relics were transferred to the capital. During the ceremony, people shouted: Take your throne, father! The imperishable mouth from the tomb answered: Peace to all! In 1204, they were transported to Rome, and in 2004 they were returned to Istanbul, where they are to this day in the Cathedral of St. George in Phanar.

John the Evangelist

  • 21.05.
  • 03.07.
  • 09.10.

John the Theologian - grandson of St. Joseph the Betrothed, brother of St. James, nephew of Christ. Saint John is a witness of the miracles of the Lord during his lifetime. The question of betrayal at the Last Supper belongs to the saint. He did not leave the cross with the crucified Christ, he was next to the Mother of God, taking care of Her until the Dormition of the Most Pure One.
While traveling to Asia Minor by sea, he survived a shipwreck, but miraculously escaped. Upon arrival, he was attacked by local residents, it all ended with the fact that they also became Christians. In order to attract the pagans to faith, he prayed to the Lord for an earthquake. They were baptized. The enraged Emperor Domitian sentenced the Theologian to death. The apostle drank poison, but did not get poisoned, did not cook in boiling oil. The ruler, considering him immortal, sends John into exile to Fr. Patmos.

  1. Miracles were seen along the way.
  2. Rescued fallen into the water.
  3. The seriously ill man was healed.
  4. The ship's crew received fresh fresh water.

The guards of the apostle received holy Baptism.

Through the efforts of John the Theologian, most of the inhabitants of the island became Christians, having seen numerous miracles, the new ruler Nerva, who ascended the throne, had nothing against the activities of the apostle, and released him. As a keepsake, the former exile left one of the two Gospels, which he dictated to his assistant Prokhor. His Revelation is still considered one of the most mysterious works.

Upon his return, he lived in Ephesus, but often traveled, carrying the word of God. At the age of 95, the Lord announced that he would soon leave the earth. John and his disciples went into the field, where they prepared a cruciform grave. The old man lay there. He was covered with earth up to his neck, and his head was covered with a light veil. The holy apostle ordered everyone to leave. The next day, the residents came to say goodbye to the deceased, but he was not in the pit. For many years this place was fragrant with peace. Those who visited were healed spiritually and physically.
John the Theologian is considered the patron of those who earn their daily bread by writing, everything that is connected with a book, a word.

Happy holiday, Ivan!
Joy to you, success.
Be you above all praise.
I'll give you a few tips:

Be cheerful and happy
Never be discouraged.
All the good things in life
Take it for yourself.

May good luck and health
They never fail.
May adversity and sorrow
Run away forever.

For Ivan congratulations
I'll put it together
I wish you were
Everyone in the world is cooler.

Proudly called a man
Didn't bend my knees
And health so that I can
Boast excellent.

Up for your business
And incomes grew
your happy days
Built up over the years.

I wish you new goals
I strive for you
So that in your life
You have always been able to achieve.

Vanechka! Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts, and we wish you never stop halfway. Always go to the end and achieve your goals. We wish that only all the best, love, true friendship, vivid experiences, successes and victories are present in your life. Let your wide and kind nature always find pleasure and interesting adventures for itself!

Our dear, dear Vanya,
You are lucky and smart.
The work will stop without you
You are agile and strong.

You can and do everything
Your affairs are arguing.
Take care of family and children -
Let them bathe in love.

We wish you happiness
Don't lose your friends
And in a promotion career,
New and big ideas!

Accept congratulations, Ivan!
Always stay positive
Let boredom dispel the fog
Be confident, brave, beautiful!

Conquer a hundred adversities, a hundred roads,
Conquer a hundred peaks without being shy,
To sum it up easily:
I am like that! I can! I can!

I wish with all my heart, Ivan,
So that your life is bright
To put money in your pocket
And so that fate leads to dreams!

Love, be close, love
Appreciate the beautiful moments
Because every moment is unique
Take pleasure from life!

Be a real man
Lie down on the sofa
And turn on the football, drink beer.
In general, Happy Holidays, Ivan!

I want without stress
Hammering nails into the wall
And socks are creative
Scatter around the apartment.

You are a treasure trove of goodness and strength,
You are a volcano of optimism
Creative Waterfall,
In general, you are cool, Ivan.

Be only a darling of fate
And a magnet for good luck
Be lucky in life
Solve problems with ease.

In the right place I wish
Show up at the right time
To catch fortune by the tail
And don't let go.

A lot of girls got
Into your most dangerous trap.
Smart and enterprising
Nice guy our Ivan.

I wish to be healthy
Be friends with a sense of humor.
Never lose heart
Live with positivity in your heart.

There is a reason for joy
After all, we celebrate your holiday,
I wish you happiness, Vanya,
And in life to control fate.

What, right, pleasure,
Congratulate you today
Ivan, let all the bad luck
You will win in no time.

Let love warm the soul, Vanya,
And sadness will fly away without a trace,
I wish you good health
Don't let anything hurt anywhere.

Vanechka, Vanyusha
I send my congratulations
Let it hurry to you
Good luck on all fronts.

Bird of happiness in hand
Let it be given to you
From your smile
Trouble will run into a corner.

I wish you hard
Stand on your feet
Consonant with the name
God's grace.

Let it be happy
Ivan, your destiny
Rich in friends
And generous with love.

The name Ivan is a common form of the name John in the Russian-speaking environment. This name came into the Russian language with the adoption of Christianity in Russia in the 10th century AD. Of course, the name Ivan did not appear immediately, and the transformation from John to Ivan took a lot of time. In its usual form, the name Ivan appears in the 14th century. As you understand, the name John and the name Ivan are completely identical in their meaning. The name John (יוחנן) is translated as "Yahweh is merciful", where Yahweh is the name of God in the Old Testament. It turns out that the name Ivan means "God is merciful" or literally "Yahweh is merciful".

From the name of John came a lot of other names. In Russian, the name Ivan is not the only name that has such an origin. Names such as Ivan, Ivanna, Yan, Yana, Zhanna and Yanina have a similar origin.

The meaning of the name Ivan for a boy

Little Vanya is characterized by a great dependence on external evaluation. The boy constantly needs a positive assessment of his actions, and criticism has a depressing effect on him. The boy is especially attached to his mother. Still stand out such features of little Ivan as responsiveness and kindness. He is a sincere boy and loves to help those in need. Vanya is a model of "correct" behavior, although his motivation is far from compassion and sympathy. Rather, he is pleased with the praise for such behavior.

Ivan does not have much success in his studies, but his sports talent can be noted. Vanya rarely achieves great success at school, but he can keep at a very decent level. It is easier for him to give exact disciplines, but it is difficult for him to cope with the humanitarian direction. If Vanya enrolls in the sports section, then he will be happy to go there. Of course, you first need to find "your" sport. This will take some time, but then positive results will not keep you waiting.

Ivan's health is often very good. He grows up as a strong boy and rarely gets sick. Vanya is a strong and hardy child. There are no obvious weaknesses in his health.

Short name Ivan

Ivasik, Ivasya, Ivasha, Vanya, Vanka, Vanyukha, Vanyok, Vanechek.

Diminutive names

Ivanushka, Ivashka, Ivanka, Vanechka, Vanyushka, Vanyusha.

Patronymic of children

Ivanovich and Ivanovna. There are also common colloquial forms: Ivanych and Ivanna.

Name Ivan in English

In English, the name Ivan is written as Ivan.

Name Ivan for passport- IVAN.

Translation of the name Ivan into other languages

in Belarusian - Ivan
in Ukrainian - Ivan

Church name Ivan(in the Orthodox faith) - John. It is this name that Ivan uses in church sacraments, unless, of course, at baptism he was given a name different from the secular one.

Characteristics of the name Ivan

Adult Ivan is characterized by such features as sluggishness, calmness and integrity. Ivan is unhurried and has a very negative attitude towards haste. His slowness is both harmful and beneficial. It can be noted that for the most part it is Ivan's slowness and balance that bring him the maximum dividends. Ivan is hard to piss off. His calmness can only be envied. He is in no hurry to condemn, which means that negative emotions are rare for him. Vanya is a sincere friend and reliable comrade.

Ivan's work is as unhurried as he is. Vanya loves to work with his hands, but he can also succeed in mental work. These guys make great engineers and technologists. Their serious attitude to work earns the respect of colleagues and management. If Ivan will work with his head, then it is advisable for him to visit the gym in his spare time. This will allow his vitality to remain at a high level.

In family relationships, Ivan is an exemplary husband and a wonderful father. Behind such men, a woman feels "like behind a stone wall." Not everyone is able to live with such a man nearby, but Vanya will not marry everyone either. He carefully approaches the choice of his beloved, so do not even try to manipulate him. Ivan is an ideal father, although sometimes he overindulges children.

The secret of the name Ivan

Ivan's secret can be called his vulnerability. He has a hard time enduring reproaches from people close to him. That is why he is ready to look long and hard for such a woman who will not reproach him for trifles. It can be easy to mope from one unsuccessfully spoken word, so Ivan's relatives should remember this.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Sagittarius.

totem animal- Horse.

Name color- White.

Wood- Birch.

Plant- Chamomile.

Stone- Diamond.